CityConnect November/December 2021
What’s Inside
Water Treatment Plant #4 Now Online Doubles the City’s Capacity to Provide Treated Water Give Feedback on the Future of Northtown..............................................3
The City’s fourth water treatment plant (WTP4) is now online and is capable of treating 6,000 gallons of water every minute. Construction began in 2019 and the plant, located on Lexington Avenue NE next to the water tower, became operational in August 2021. The plant is fed by four municipal drinking water wells. The plant treats and filters water to remove the nautrally present dissolved iron and manganese, which provides water that tastes better and will not stain washing machines, sinks, or clothes. WTP4 will double the City’s water filtering capacity and, in conjunction with the other three water treatment plants, virtually eliminate the need to use the City’s seasonal unfiltered wells during times of peak demand. WTP4 will allow the City to deliver fully treated water to all residents and businesses. With WTP4 online the City will be able to meet water demands well into the future as the City becomes fully built out.
Organics Recycling Program Coming to Blaine .................................5
Celebrate Small Business Saturday...................................................8
WTP4 maximizes groundwater usage efficiency with additional considerations toward an environmentally conscious and sustainable facility and site design. Stakeholder input helped guide a design that promoted sustainability features including: • Maximum water efficiency processes • Reuse of rooftop rainwater for site irrigation • State of the art electrical and control systems • Protection and restoration of existing wetlands • Energy efficient lighting and pumping • Green landscape design including native • Green roofs to reduce stormwater runoff prairie grasses and trees • Ability to add rooftop solar energy panels Blaine is part of a group of communities, businesses, and agriculture in the north and east part of the metropolitan area who rely solely on groundwater for their water supply. This area is known as the North and East Metro Groundwater Management Area. This allows the DNR a more comprehensive and focused approach to ensure groundwater supplies remain adequate to meet human needs while protecting lakes, streams, and wetlands. Blaine WTP4 is providing future value to public works efforts by supplying safe water to the community while protecting natural resources by incorporating the highest water efficiency, and most efficient use of groundwater.
City of Blaine 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine MN 55449
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Momentum Continues for Improvements on Highway 65 In September the Minnesota House Capital Investment Committee visited Blaine to hear a presentation on the need for improvements on Highway 65. This committee is responsible for crafting the House bonding bill in the Minnesota State Legislature. Mayor Sanders, members of the City Council, the Blaine legislative delegation, and city staff were on hand to present the obvious need for infrastructure improvements on Highway 65 through Blaine. The City has submitted a funding request for $18 million towards construction at the 99th Avenue intersection. Anoka County will be submitting a request for the 109th Avenue intersection. The City also has a future request for $25 million in construction funding for the 117th Avenue intersection. Federal grants and funding is also being sought to bring the project to fruition. Aside from these funding requests the City has previously secured enough funding to complete the corridor design and environment review process. Construction could begin as soon as 2022 on a new west side frontage road system with intersection construction beginning in 2024. This project still has a long way to go to be fully funded but the momentum at both the local and state level to invest in the future of Highway 65 has never been higher.
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Upcoming Meetings
Recycling Calendar November
City Council*
Natural Resources Conservation Board* November 16 | December 21 7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Park Board* November 23 | December 28 7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
January s
Blaine City Hall 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700
City Council MAYOR Tim Sanders 763-203-3286
WARD 1 Wes Hovland 763-228-1117 Jason Smith 612-460-0199
WARD 2 Julie Jeppson 763-354-4709 Jess Robertson 763-607-2233
WARD 3 Chris Massoglia 612-524-9447 Richard Paul 763-607-6641
CITY MANAGER Michelle Wolfe 763-785-6120
City Council Workshops November 1 | November 8 | November 15 December 6 | December 13 | December 20 6pm | City Hall Council Chambers
December s
November 1 | November 15 December 6 | December 20 7:30pm | City Hall Council Chambers
s 1
Planning Commission* November 9 | December 14 7pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Traffic Commission* November 2 | December 7 6:30pm | City Hall Council Chambers
Zone A
Zone B
For more information, visit or call 763-780-8464.
City Directory
*Meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16 and 799. A livestream of meetings is available at
Stay Connected
Police & Fire...............................................911 Police (non-emergency) ....... 763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)............ 763-786-4436 Public Works After Hours...... 763-427-1212 City Hall................................... 763-784-6700 Mary Ann Young Center........ 763-786-9375 Public Works........................... 763-785-6165 Building Inspections.............. 763-785-6170 City Cable Channel 16 .......... 763-785-6181 City Clerk ................................ 763-785-6122 City Manager.......................... 763-785-6120 Communications.................... 763-785-6181 Community Standards.......... 763-785-6187 Community Outreach............ 763-717-2713 Economic Development........ 763-785-6180 Engineering............................. 763-785-6172 Finance.................................... 763-717-2677 Fire Inspections ..................... 763-785-6187 Forestry .................................. 763-717-2660 Housing Services ................... 763-785-6146 Human Resources ................. 763-785-6109 Newsletter.............................. 763-785-6181 North Metro TV...................... 763-780-8241 Parks & Recreation ............... 763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ................. 763-785-6180 Recycling & Solid Waste ....... 763-785-6141 Sewer Backup......................... 763-785-6165 Streets .................................... 763-785-6165 Stormwater............................. 763-785-6172 Utility Billing ........................... 763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System ......... 763-785-6165 Web.......................................... 763-717-2638
Receive Emergency Communications
Connect with your community and sign up for topics that interest you CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at
November/December 2021
Page 3
Board and Commission Openings Applications Accepted thru December 31 The Blaine City Council is seeking applicants for several advisory boards and commissions. Board and commission members provide input and guidance on the many different matters that a growing city like Blaine faces. Vacancies are filled by mayoral appointment and confirmed by the Blaine City Council. Blaine’s boards and commissions include Natural Resources Conservation Board, Park Advisory Board, Planning Commission, Traffic Commission, and others. Requirements for these volunteer positions include being a resident of Blaine, attending monthly meetings, and having a community interest. Interested residents can learn more and apply by contacting City Hall at 763-784-6700 or online at
SBM Santa Parade’s 40th Year Monday, December 6 West Blaine Parade Start: 131st Avenue and Jefferson Street
Truth in Taxation Hearing Monday, December 13, Blaine City Council Chambers The annual truth in taxation hearing will be held on Monday, December 13 at 7PM in the Blaine City Council Chambers at Blaine City Hall. City staff will share information regarding the City of Blaine 2022 general fund budget and annual tax levy. The truth in taxation hearing is an opportunity for residents to ask questions and share comments on the 2022 general fund budget and tax levy. Information about the preliminary general fund budget and levy can be found on the city website at
Tuesday, December 7 East Blaine Parade Start: Rice Creek Parkway and Xylite Street Wednesday, December 8 Eldorado Street and 113th Avenue This year’s Santa parade will mark the 40th year of Santa visiting the Blaine community during the holiday season and donating food to local food shelves. To help celebrate this milestone there will be new and improved viewing locations, route changes, and special grand marshals lined up for each night. This year’s parade will make its way through Blaine the evenings of Monday, December 6, Tuesday, December 7, and Wednesday, December 8 beginning at 6:30PM. Viewing locations, route changes, and other announcements will be available on SBM Fire social media pages and the website at To view an interactive map with times and more information, visit
Northtown Area Study Update Community Survey and Meeting The City of Blaine has been working with Damon Farber to create a plan to revitalize an over 200-acre study area in the Northtown area. The area includes Northtown Mall, North Court Commons, the Anoka County Library, Rainbow Village, and Autozone among other retail areas. The study will examine many factors impacting the area including transportation issues, retail market issues, community connectivity, and more. To kick off the study, the team attended WorldFest on September 11 at Tom Ryan Park to engage with community members on what changes they would like to see in the Northtown area. Throughout the months of September and October the team met with surrounding communities, land owners, and key businesses to gather their insight on the Northtown area. The project team along with key stakeholders then held a three day intensive design retreat in late October to start laying out potential future designs for the study area.
Community Survey
Community Meeting
A community survey was launched in mid-October. This survey will remain open until November 10. We want to hear from you.
Come and see some early design concepts and talk with the project team and share your vision for the future of the area.
Take the survey now at
Thursday, December 9, 6-8PM Mary Ann Young Center
For the most up to date information on the study, please visit
Christmas Tree Collection Walters Recycling and Refuse will be collecting Christmas trees during the weeks of January 3 and January 10. This year trees will be collected the day after your regular garbage collection day. The garbage truck driver makes a list of all the trees that are out and on the next day Walters will collect the trees that have been set out. Just set the trees out on your regular service day, and it will be collected the next day.
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Building Inspections Corner
Winter Reminders and Tips Helpful Reminders from Public Works • Fall street sweeping crews are out now. Please keep cars and any obstacles out of the road as much as possible to allow crews to do their job. • Boulevard tree trimming is completed in the winter months as time allows. • After a snowfall do not plow, blow, or shovel snow onto or across any public street. This is against Minnesota state law. • After a snowstorm the city roadways are the first priority. Sidewalks and park trails will be cleared after the roadways. • Any sod damage caused by city plows will be repaired with new dirt and grass seed in the spring.
How to Choose a Licensed Contractor
• Blaine Public Works is responsible for plowing only city streets. MnDOT and Anoka County also have plow crews assigned to their roads in Blaine as well as private contractors on private neighborhood streets. • The City of Blaine routinely posts plow updates on Facebook and Twitter before, during, and after a snowstorm. • Help plow crews locate the curb by marking the edge with a wood stake. Free wood stakes are available at the public works building. See who is responsible for plowing your road at
The City of Blaine recommends hiring a contractor licensed by the State of Minnesota. A license ensures the company has met requirements that include having a principal of the company pass an exam, having liability and property damage insurance, and completing continuing education classes each year.
For more information, visit
Hiring a licensed contractor provides another very important benefit: access to the Contractor Recovery Fund. That fund reimburses consumers who suffer financial losses because of a licensed contractor’s misconduct. Minnesota law exempts some contractors from the license requirement. This includes contractors who earn less than $15,000 per year, specialty contractors who provide only one skill, and homeowners working on their own home. Although these contractors are operating legally without a license, if an unlicensed contractor is hired and a loss is suffered, access to the Contractor Recovery Fund will not be available. The Construction Codes and Licensing Division at the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry administers a Contractor Registration Program that helps enforce state laws related to the classification of workers in the construction industry. Registration is separate from licensing as it provides no level of consumer protection and is primarily required for subcontractors, not general contractors. Registered contractors are issued a registration number that begins with the letters IR. A contractor who gives you a license number that begins with the letters IR is not a licensed contractor and should be reported to the state if they are offering to contract with homeowners to provide services for which a license is required. Verify the status of a contractor’s license at VerifyStateContractorLicense or by calling 651-284-5069 or 1-800-657-3944. You can check if the contractor has a license and also if there are any actions or sanctions on record. For the names of local licensed builders, call your local chapter of the Builders Association of Minnesota.
Pre Snowfall Mailbox Inspection - Fall is a great time to check your mailbox post condition. Can it handle the weight of a snow drift? The City does not assume liability for mailboxes damaged during normal plowing operations, unless it is determined that the damaged mailbox met the installation recommendations.
Winter Salt Alternatives Ways to Reduce Chloride Pollution As snow season draws near, consider this, sodium chloride is the most common form of salt used for deicing roads and walkways. It is used so much that it has become a water pollutant. Here are ways to reduce chloride pollution, have safer walking areas, and maybe save some money. • Remove snow during a snowstorm instead of waiting until the end. Start with the very first snow and keep up the rest of winter, especially shaded walkways. • Think anti-icing. The goal is to break the bond between ice and pavement just where you need it so it can be shoveled or plowed. • Treat before a storm to hep prevent ice buildup so less de-icer is needed. • Use products containing liquid magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium magnesium acetate, or potassium acetate. • Do not apply if the ice has already formed, during rain, sleet, blowing conditions, or if snowfall is more than one inch an hour. • Concrete may require specialized use or product. Salt, chlorides, and urea-based or pet friendly options can cause pitting or spalling of concrete surface. Check product label before concrete use. • After storms use as little de-icer as possible. • The closest salt substitute is potassium acetate, but it is hard to find, ask for it to create consumer demand. • Use sand, it is safe for pets and children, sweep up any excess as needed. For more information, visit Coon
Winter Parking Reminder Regulations in Effect from November 1 thru April 1, 2am-7am •
No parking on any street from 2AM until 7AM. A permit for overnight parking may be obtained from the Blaine Police Department in emergency situations.
No parking after a snowfall of two inches or more until the street is fully plowed from curb to curb.
November/December 2021
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Blaine Recycling Saturdays 8am — noon 3rd Saturday of Each Month
City of Blaine Organics Waste Collection Pilot Program Launches Soon The City of Blaine is currently working with Anoka County to setup an organic waste collection program. The pilot program will include a free drop-off location at City Hall. The plan is to use this first location to test the participation levels and demand. If there is enough demand additional locations will be added.
What are organics? Organics include all food scraps, most non-recyclable and food-soiled paper, and certified compostable products.
Drop-Off Location Green Lights Recycling Enter at 1525 - 99th Lane NE The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month. Participants do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. Please note, no garbage will be accepted. Follow the signs for the entrance and staff directions through the drop off process. The recycling drop-off day is funded by Anoka County and Minnesota SCORE funds (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment).
Why should organics be removed from the trash? Approximately one-third of the waste collected weekly is recyclable, organic material. Removal of organics from your weekly trash reduces the amount of material dumped at the landfill. Once this material reaches the landfill, the collection and reuse of it is no longer feasible.
What happens to the organics? Food scraps and non-recyclable paper products are processed and turned into compost, a nutrient rich resource that improves soil and decreases the need for fertilizers.
What is the cost? This will be a free program for Blaine residents. The City is able to offer this service at no cost through a SCORE (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment) grant.
Why drop-off and not curbside? The goal is to keep the cost and complexity down to start the program. The drop-off model has been successful for other cities in Anoka County. If there is a high demand for the program, the City will evaluate the feasibility of curbside collection.
How do I start? Once the program launches any resident who wants to participate will be able to sign up and will pick up a free starter kit at Blaine City Hall.
When will the program launch? The City is working towards launching the program before the end of 2021. For more information, visit
Garbage & Recycling Cart Placement Do Not Place Them in the Street Garbage, recycling, and yard waste carts may not be placed in the street. This is especially important during the winter months to prevent the snow plows from hitting them and spilling garbage all over the snowbank where it will show up in your yard after the spring thaw. The proper placement is simple but extremely important for efficient operations. Carts should be placed up to two feet behind the curb, in the driveway or an area of the boulevard cleared to allow for their placement. This allows snowplows in the winter and the fall and spring street sweeping crews to clean the streets from curb to curb. The City of Blaine would like to thank all residents in advance for helping to keep the streets clear this season. For more information, visit
Green Lights Recycling 763-785-0456 | Cash or Check Only Mattresses, box springs, carpet, appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires are some of the items collected. Free items include scrap metal and vehicle batteries. See complete list of fees at RecyclingSaturdays Randy’s Environmental Services 763-972-3335 RandysEnvironmental Randy’s offers free paper shredding. Please note, there may be a long wait times for shredding. Four box or bag limit for paper shredding.
Bike Collection for Bikes4Kids will be back in April.
Walters Recycling & Refuse 763-780-8464 Contact Walters to report missed garbage, recycling, or yard waste pickup. City Recycling Information 763-785-6141
Page 6 - CityConnect
RecConnect Fall 2021
Skyhawks Sports Camps
Register for fall programming at The winter/spring program catalog will be available online beginning Dcember 10. Winter/spring registration begins December 13 at Sign up for the RecConnect online at, choose News: BlaineParks.
This fun skill intensive program is designed for the beginning player. Using the curriculum that is built on a progressing, the staff focus on the whole player, teaching respect, teamwork, and responsibility. An active camp involving passing, shooting, dribbling, and defense makes this one of our most popular programs. Participants should bring appropriate clothing, a water bottle, and gym shoes. Held at Centennial Middle School.
This camp offers a wide variety of sports and activities that children can explore in a fun and interactive setting. The full day camp will focus on teaching skills in soccer, basketball, and flag football. The camp will also break things up throughout the day with games like Capture the Flag and Ultimate Frisbee. These camps tend to fill up quickly, so register as soon as possible. Please bring two snacks, a water bottle, and appropriate athletic wear. Max. 15. Held at Centennial Middle School
Saturdays, November 13-December 18 Ages 2-3½: 9-9:30am, $65 Ages 3-5½: 9:40-10:10am, $65 Ages 6-7: 10:20-11:20am, $85 Ages 8-9: 11:30am-12:30pm, $85 Ages 10-12: 12:40-1:40pm, $85
November 8 or 24 Grades K-6: 9am-4pm, $65 Register online at YouthSports.
Tech Academy All Virtual Classes All virtual classes need the following: •
Cookie Decorating Participants will have a great time decorating cookies for the holidays. The City will supply one dozen cookies and all of the toppings. Bring a container to take your cookies home. Dress for the mess. Max 20. Held at Mary Ann Young Center, 9150 Central Avenue NE. $12 res; $13 nr Thursday, December 16 4:30-5:15pm or 5:30-6:15pm Register online at
Stay Connected More information about Parks and Recreation is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online.
• • • • •
PC with Windows XP or later or Mac OSX with at least 2GHz processor and 4GB of RAM (application will not work on Chromebooks, tablets, or phones) Minecraft Java Edition Internet: Broadband internet Webcam Microphone and Speakers Google Meet
Virtual Advanced Minecraft: Command Block Get ready to wire up your Minecraft worlds with command blocks and Redstone. Even if you are a seasoned Minecraft pro, there is plenty for you to learn. From basic traps to powered machines, Redstone offers Minecraft players a completely new range of opportunities to create amazing things. Minecraft’s command block is a pseudoprogramming language that consists of logic and execution written in text. Participants will learn to spawn creatures, teleport all over their world, and make multiplayer games. Ages 8-12 Saturdays, December 4 & 11, 8-10AM $72 res; $85 nr
Virtual Extreme Robotics: Virtual Battlebots Smash into virtual walls to tear down castles or navigate labyrinths maze. In this class, you will code virtual robots, using Vexcode VR. VEXcode VR lets you code a virtual robot using a block-based coding environment powered by Scratch Blocks. VEXcode VR is based on VEXcode. Create robotic mayhem in a virtual playground while igniting a lifelong love of problem solving. Ages 8-11 Saturdays, December 4 & 11, 10:30AM-12:30PM $72 res; $85 nr
Virtual Multiplayer Minecraft: World Builder Unleash your creativity as you work collaboratively. Create a world with others in multiple unique, themed lands. Build different biomes, or base a section on your favorite movie or video game. Meld your quadrants together with bridges, and separate them with moats of water, lava, or even the void. Students will get a copy of the world to continue development at home. Ages 6-11 Saturday, December 18, 9AM-NOON $55 res; $65 nr
Virtual Battle the Ender Dragon Get ready to face the biggest challenge in Minecraft, defeating The Ender Dragon. Work collaboratively with students to brainstorm and develop strategies to defeat this enemy. Learn techniques to create tools, prep equipment, gather resources, brew potions, use enchantments, and construct armor to use in battle. Ages 7-11 Monday, Tuesday, December 27 & 28, 9AM-NOON $110 res; $125 nr
Virtual Video Production For YouTube Learn how to create YouTube content. Shoot videos, edit sound, and create an online presence with YouTube. YouTube is the top destination for online videos. Learn tricks that pro filmmakers use for better shots, lighting, and sounds. Edit video, add transitions, and insert a soundtrack. Then share your finished video with the world. Ages 7-11 Wednesday, Thursday December 29 & 30, 10AM-NOON $72 res; $85 nr Register online at ComputerGamingMediaTechnology.
November/December 2021
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Film Classes with NorthMetro TV 12520 Polk Street Marx Bros: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and Sometimes Zeppo
Rudolph, Snoopy and the Grinch: TV’s Greatest Christmas Specials
Spend a night with the Marx Brothers and North Metro TV Studio Manager and Anoka County Film Historian Eric Houston in this terrific, onehour class. Come find out how the boys got their famous nicknames, how Chico and Harpo learned the piano and the harp, whatever happened to Zeppo, all about Groucho’s tenure as the host of the wild game show You Bet Your Life, and how these Broadway superstars became some of the world’s most beloved movie stars. It is a night of horn honking and word play that you will not want to miss. Class held at North Metro TV Station.
For many, the holiday season is not complete without viewing some favorite television specials. You have seen those dozens of times, but now is your chance to find out how they were made. Come learn which monster movie star provided the voice of a Christmas icon, which special was the first to use actual children as actors, and just what a Bumble really is. Join North Metro TV Studio Manager and Anoka County Film Historian Eric Houston for this trip down memory lane, featuring visions of sugar plumbs and nine tiny reindeer. Class held at North Metro TV Station.
November 16, 6:30-8pm $10/person
December 7, 6:30-8pm $10/person
RecConnect Fall 2021 Coming Soon eSports Leagues
Register online at
Youth QC Dance Classes Held at QC Dance Studio Mini Dance Team
Princess Christmas Ball
Do you have a future Pom Squad dancer in your house? Then this Mini Dance Team camp is just the thing for them. Dancers will combine jazz, hip-hop and drill team styles into a fun and upbeat routine. Dance along to pop hits while learning strong movements. Poms will be provided but dancers are welcome to bring their own. Join for games, crafts, and fun.
Please join us for a royal winter occasion. Dance along to some favorite princess songs, while making a princess inspired craft. Dancers are encouraged to wear their favorite princess dress or ball gown to this special camp.
Saturday, November 20, 10:30am-noon, $30
Saturday, December 11, 10:30am-noon, $30 Register online at
For more details and to register, visit
Skating Rink Hours and Locations Outdoor Lighted Rinks with Staffed Warming Houses Aurelia Park ..............................................................Hockey/General Rink ................... 91st Avenue at Jefferson Street Happy Acres Park ..................................................3 Hockey/General Rink ..................... 119th Avenue and 7th Street Lexington Athletic Complex ............................. Hockey Rink ................................................................. 4286 121st Avenue Ostmans Park .......................................................... Hockey/General Rink .......... 130th Avenue and Buchanan Street Quail Creek Park (Unsupervised) ................... General Rink ................................................ 2206 Quail Creek Parkway
Warming House Hours Aurelia, Ostmans, Happy Acres, and Lexington Athletic Complex Monday - Friday.............................................................................................................................................................................4-9pm Saturday..........................................................................................................................................................................................12-9pm Sunday.............................................................................................................................................................................................12-7pm School Vacation Days ...............................................................................................................................................................12-9pm Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day................................................................12-5PM Quincy Park ..............................................................Small Hockey/General Rink .................................10601 Quincy Blvd Thursday and Friday....................................................................................................................................................................4-9pm Saturday and Sunday ...............................................................................................................................................................12-7pm
Outdoor Unlighted Rinks without Warming Houses or Staff Austin Park................................................................................................................................................................... 4041 85th Lane Carrara East Park ........................................................................................................................................13129 Eldorado Street Deacon’s Park......................................................................................................................................11200 Arnold Palmer Drive Ivy Hills Park ...................................................................................................................................................... 12197 Fergus Street Xylite Park ............................................................................................................................................................... 9033 Xylite Street Tentative opening of the skating rinks is Saturday, December 18. For up to date information about skating rinks, visit
Breakfast with Santa Spend a morning with your family at the North Pole. Do not miss this memorable event. Staff will take a picture of your kids with Santa and email it to you or you can bring your own camera for pictures with Santa. Fee includes a continental breakfast for one child and one adult, crafts for one child, and a visit with Santa. Registration is required and limited to 30 children per time slot. Event held at Mary Ann Young Center, 9150 Central Avenue NE. Some time slots may be full. $15 res; $16 nr Saturday, December 4 9am, 10am, 11am, noon Saturday, December 18 9am, 10am, 11am, noon Register online at
Page 8 - CityConnect
Winter Celebration Sunday, November 28
Celebrate Small Business Saturday in Blaine The last Saturday in November is Small Business Saturday. In Blaine the majority of our businesses are classified as a small business. This year the City wants to help connect residents with Blaine small businesses and help you get some good deals at the same time.
How to Participate as a Business Owner Eligible small businesses are invited to participate in the Blaine Small Business Week, that’s right these great businesses deserve more than just one day. Businesses can participate by offering a special for anyone who mentions the Blaine Small Business Saturday Offer. As each business in our Blaine small business community is unique in how they operate, businesses are invited to provide whatever they think will get people through the door. It could be a five percent discount, a free appetizer, customers entered for a drawing to win Wild tickets. Interested businesses should contact Ruth Tucker at or 763-717-2778.
How to Participate as a Resident Visit and view the list of offers. Then visit one, or many, of the participating businesses from November 27 – December 4 and simply ask for the Blaine Small Business Saturday Offer. Support Blaine small businesses and get some great deals all at the same time.
Celebrate the Season Sunday, November 28 5:30-8PM This event will include many activities for the whole family. All activities are free and will run continuously throughout the evening. The event will feature the lighting of Tom Ryan Park. Enjoy live holiday music, s’mores, hot chocolate and more. Santa and his reindeer will be present; however, there will be no individual pictures or visits.
Go On a Holiday Shopping Spree Children can participate in the secret holiday shopping spree inside city hall. Gifts range from $1-$11 with free giftwrapping! Please register your child for a 15-minute time block between 5:30-7:30pm at
Celebration Schedule 5:45-6:45pm - Costumed Carolers 7-8pm - Red Rock Swing Band 5:30-8pm - Kids Shopping Spree For more information, visit
Veterans Memorial Park
Veterans Day Program
Now Hiring
Thursday, November 11, 2PM
Skating Rink Supervisors
Come to Veterans Memorial Park of Blaine inside Tom Ryan park for a special Veterans Day program.
Thursday, November 11, 2pm Veterans Memorial Park inside Tom Ryan Park The community is invited to come and celebrate and honor all those who have served our country. For more information about Veterans Memorial Park, visit
The City of Blaine is now accepting applications for warming house attendants. Applicants must be 17 or older. For more details about this job, contact Nate Monahan at 763-785-6151 or visit