Blaine CityConnect - May/June 2022

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CityConnect May/June 2022

What’s Inside

New Camera Registration Program............................................3

2022 Election Information...................................4

Spring into


City of Blaine 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine MN 55449





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Spring into Summer...............................................8

Blaine City Council Wards See Boundary Changes Redistricting is the process of redrawing the boundaries of election districts to ensure that the people of each district are equally represented. This process begins once the federal census is completed every 10 years. Using data from the 2020 Census, new boundaries were determined that reflect population growth and shifts over the past decade and created new boundaries so each district has approximately the same number of people. The Minnesota State Legislature was responsible for redistricting Minnesota’s congressional districts, Minnesota Senate and House districts, and Metropolitan Council districts while local governments were responsible for redistricting the remaining election districts, such as county commissioners, school boards, and city council wards. Redistricting at the city level was completed by the March 29, 2022, deadline, and new ward and precinct boundaries will be in effect for the state primary election in August. Since Blaine grew since the last census there was a need for two additional precincts and boundary adjustments may have changed where you have voted in the past. Registered voters will receive a postcard outlining where voters should vote on election day. You can also go to to view your polling place, which will be updated in early June. In the meantime you can go to to see where your new polling place will be. The primary election will be held August 9 and the general election on November 8. The 2022 ballot will include several federal and state races, including governor, county and judicial seats, and some school district offices. In addition, Blaine residents will be electing councilmembers to four-year terms from Wards 1, 2 and 3 as well as a two-year council seat for Ward 1 due to a vacancy.

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Upcoming Meetings

Recycling Calendar

City Council*

May s















































June s






























Blaine City Hall 10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-6700

July s

MAYOR Tim Sanders 763-203-3286

WARD 1 Wes Hovland 763-228-1117 TBD

WARD 2 Julie Jeppson 763-354-4709 Jess Robertson 763-607-2233

WARD 3 Chris Massoglia 612-524-9447 Richard Paul 763-607-6641

CITY MANAGER Michelle Wolfe 763-785-6120



City Council Workshops May 2 | May 9 | May16 June 6 | June 13 | June 20 6pm | Cloverleaf Farms Room

Natural Resources Conservation Board* May 17 | June 21 7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Park Board* May 24 | June 28 7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Planning Commission* t





May 10 | June 14 7pm | City Hall Council Chambers















Traffic Commission*















May 3 | June 7 6:30pm | City Hall Council Chambers


City Council


May 2 | May 16 June 6 | June 20 7:30pm | City Hall Council Chambers


Zone A

Zone B

For more information, visit or call 763-780-8464.

City Directory Police & Fire...............................................911

*Meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16 and 799. A livestream of meetings is available at

Stay Connected


Police (non-emergency) ....... 763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency)............ 763-786-4436 Public Works After Hours...... 763-427-1212

Receive Emergency Communications

City Hall................................... 763-784-6700 Mary Ann Young Center........ 763-786-9375 Public Works........................... 763-785-6165


Building Inspections.............. 763-785-6170 City Cable Channel 16 .......... 763-785-6181 City Clerk ................................ 763-785-6122 City Manager.......................... 763-785-6120 Communications.................... 763-785-6181 Community Standards.......... 763-785-6187 Community Outreach............ 763-717-2713 Economic Development........ 763-785-6180 Engineering............................. 763-785-6172 Finance.................................... 763-717-2677 Fire Inspections ..................... 763-785-6187 Forestry .................................. 763-717-2660 Housing Services ................... 763-785-6146 Human Resources ................. 763-785-6109 Newsletter.............................. 763-785-6181 North Metro TV...................... 763-780-8241 Parks & Recreation ............... 763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ................. 763-785-6180 Recycling & Solid Waste ....... 763-785-6141 Sewer Backup......................... 763-785-6165 Streets .................................... 763-785-6165 Stormwater............................. 763-785-6172 Utility Billing ........................... 763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System ......... 763-785-6165 Web.......................................... 763-717-2638

Connect with your community and sign up for topics that interest you

CommunityConnect A Crime Prevention Partnership CommunityConnect

CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at

May/June 2022

Page 3

New Camera Registration Program

Building Inspections Corner

Part of the Community Connect Program How Does it Work? Do you use an external video security system or a doorbell camera such as Ring® at your home or business? If you do, the Community Connect Program through the Blaine Police Department is asking for your help in deterring crime, catching criminals, and promoting public safety. The purpose of the Community Connect Program is to partner with residents and business owners who have video surveillance on the exterior of their home or business. Whether you have a multi-camera system or just a simple doorbell camera, your participation in this program could help in the event a crime occurs in your neighborhood. How Do I Participate? If you choose to participate, registration is quick and easy. Participation is voluntary and you can end your participation at any time. Your information will be kept confidential, secure, and only accessible to police personnel. In registering for this program, you are not granting permission for the Blaine Police Department to access any live or saved footage from any private alarm or camera system. If a crime occurs in your area, officers may reach out to you to determine if your device captured any footage and ask if you are willing to share the footage. Why Should I Participate? The primary goal of this program is to create a partnership between the community and the Blaine Police Department to keep our crime rate low and continue to make Blaine a safe place to live and visit. By registering your camera with us, you are contributing to a database that allows our law enforcement to quickly identify private cameras installed near the scene of a crime. As a part of the Community Connect program, we will provide you with a window sticker that identifies you as a camera registration member. The Blaine Police Department has upgraded the camera registration program. The is a replacement for the old program. Those that created an account in the previous system have been migrated, but if you have made changes to your cameras since signing up, please sign up again. To sign up, visit

Importance of Backflow Devices What is backflow prevention? When the domestic water supply system is connected to any system that has the potential to pollute or contaminate the building or city water supply, backflow protection is required. The type of device installed is determined by the level of hazard and other parameters. Not all residential plumbing systems will have a testable backflow prevention device. Backflow prevention devices will often be found in homes that have a lawn irrigation system or boiler heat. Backflow Prevention Testing

Back Row: Tom Schmolke, Sean Carpenter, Allen Jorgensen. Front Row: Karli Biedermann, Tammy Siemsen, Caleb Hansen, Ben Stream, Dan Hauck, Stan Brouillard, Sean Brown, Jane Gough, Adena Anderson, Rhonda McDonald, Colleen Rybak

Department Spotlight Say Hello to the Building Inspections Staff The Building Inspections team is part of the Community Development Department. The City of Blaine works to ensure the construction of safe buildings and protect community character through zoning and building code regulations. Building Inspections administers these regulations through permits, plan reviews, and inspections. Building and related permits ensure that projects will be constructed according to nationally recognized standards. The standards are designed to protect buildings from collapse and fire, and to ensure the safety of all building occupants. Review of permit applications also ensures that projects meet zoning requirements, such as yard coverage, setbacks, and building height. Over the past five years Blaine building inspectors have performed approximately 118,700 inspections. The combined value of the property inspected is over $1 billion. Also, over the last five years, approximately 1,600 new homes and town home units were built in the City of Blaine. Besides inspectors the team also includes permit technicians who are responsible for the consistent and efficient operation of the front counter and online permit process assisting customers, processing building permits, and supporting the plan review and inspection functions. Permit technicians are also responsible for maintaining building safety records, submitting state required reports, and licensing of contractors. Building Inspections is ready to help homeowners and contractors complete safe and quality projects in Blaine. Learn more at

In recent months, many property owners may have been contacted about testing their backflow prevention devices. In 2015, the State of Minnesota adopted a national plumbing code called the Uniform Plumbing Code, (UPC). Minnesota amendments were created and incorporated into what is now the Minnesota Plumbing Code Chapter 4714, which became effective in 2016. The new code brought significant changes, some of which not only affect plumbers, but also homeowners. While many of these code changes can be discussed as homeowners and plumbers obtain permits, there is also a new requirement for annual testing of testable backflow prevention devices. Individuals performing backflow prevention device testing are required have completed the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) certification and be licensed as a backflow prevention tester, by the State of Minnesota. If the test reveals a need for repair a City of Blaine permit will need to be obtained by an ASSE certified and Minnesota licensed backflow prevention rebuilder with testing to occur again after the repair. For more information, visit BuildingInspections.

Page 4 - CityConnect

Register to Vote You may register to vote in Minnesota if you: •

are a U.S. citizen

will be at least 18 years old on Election Day

are a resident of Minnesota for 20 days

Thank You, Chief Charlie Smith

are finished with all parts of any felony sentence

SBM Fire Chief Retires

You can vote while under guardianship unless a judge specifically has revoked your right to vote. For more information about voter registration visit or contact the Blaine Elections Office at or 763-717-2737.

Charlie Smith has been the fire chief for the Spring Lake Park-Blaine-Mounds View Fire Department since 2016. Chief Smith served in the fire service for over 30 years including 18 years on the street as a firefighter before moving into an administrative role. Prior to serving with SBM, Chief Smith worked for the Duluth Fire Department. Chief Smith also served 22 years in the Minnesota Air National Guard and United States Air Force. Deputy Fire Chief Dan Retka has been named interim chief and a search for the next permanent fire chief is underway.

Highway 65 Town Hall on Facebook Thursday, May 19, 7pm Join us for the second in our series of Facebook town hall meetings on Thursday, May 19 at 7PM. This town hall will focus on the just released designs for the future of Highway 65. Additionally, the event will cover traffic impacts and upcoming local street reconstruction projects. Join us live on the City of Blaine Facebook page to get your questions answered. You can submit your questions now at or by emailing Be sure to follow the City of Blaine on Facebook at

Election Judges Needed Did you know that it takes about 30,000 election judges to hold an election in Minnesota? Serving as an election judge is an excellent way to get involved in your community. You will learn election procedures and help ensure elections are administered in a fair manner. Election judges are paid an hourly wage and are essential to our democracy. Interested in learning more? For more information, visit the City’s website or contact the Blaine Elections Office at or 763-717-2737.

Filing for Office Filing for office is the process by which a candidate’s name gets placed on the ballot. All city office candidates: •

Must be an eligible voter in Blaine

Must have not filed for another office in the upcoming primary or general election

Must be 21 years of age or more upon assuming office

Must have maintained residence in their ward for at least 30 days before the general election, unless filing for an at-large seat

A filing fee of $50 or petition in place of the filing fee is required. City offices for the 2022 general election includes one four-year councilmember seat in each of the three council wards as well as one two-year councilmember seat in Ward 1. Filing begins May 17 and ends at 5PM on May 31. For more information visit the City’s website at or contact the Blaine Elections Office at or 763-717-2737.

May/June 2022

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Spotlight Your Business Celebrate Small Businesses Small businesses are the life-blood of our community. In fact, in 2018 small businesses made up 99.8 percent of all businesses in Anoka County with over 55 percent of businesses having fewer than five employees. More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business and they create nearly two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year. In Blaine there are many ways the City supports small businesses including: assistance programs, business workshops, staff and council business visits, and more. Starting in May the City is starting a new program to put a spotlight on our business community. The new Blaine business profile will highlight small businesses across all industries. The City is seeking businesses and business owners that would like to be highlighted on the City website and social media. By providing the City with some basic information and a few photos your business will be highlighted to the community. Sign up your business today at

Blaine Recycling Saturdays 8am — noon

Hydrant Flushing Scheduled for May 9 thru 20, 7:30am to 3pm The Public Works department will be performing annual fire hydrant flushing May 9-13 and May 16-20. This process removes any sediment that may have settled in watermains over the course of the year, as well as presenting an opportunity to ensure hydrants are in proper working order. Crews will be working citywide from 7:30AM until 3PM to flush all hydrants within those days. Hydrant flushing will create periods of low water pressure, with the disturbance in the watermains potentially causing dark water. Although safe for human consumption, the discolored water may stain clothes. Residents are asked to refrain from washing clothes between the hours of 7:30AM to 4:30PM or until hydrants in the area have been flushed. Please check for water discoloration before washing. If you experience discolored water run cold water for 10 minutes to help clear the lines. For more information, visit

Drinking Water Report 2021 Consumer Confidence Drinking Water Report By law, all community water systems are required to distribute their drinking water report to customers before July 1 of each year. This annual report, known as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), includes results of water monitoring conducted on the City’s drinking water from the previous year, in this case 2021. A paper copy of this report is available upon request. To view the report online, visit For more information, contact Public Works at 763-785-6165 or visit

Lawn Sprinkling Reminder Year-Round, Odd-Even Sprinkling Days, No Sprinkling Between 10AM and 6PM A reminder that the City’s sprinkling restrictions are as follows: •

Year-round, odd-even sprinkling days. Residents with an even numbered address can water on even number days. Residents with an odd numbered address can water on odd number days. From May 15 until September 15, no sprinkling is allowed between 10AM and 6PM. This is the hottest part of the day and most water is lost to evaporation. For more information, visit

3rd Saturday of Each Month Drop-Off Location Recycling Technologies Enter at 1525 - 99th Lane NE The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month. Participants do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. Please note, no garbage will be accepted. Follow the signs for the entrance and staff directions through the drop-off process. The recycling drop-off day is funded by Anoka County and Minnesota SCORE funds (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment). Green Lights Recycling 763-785-0456 | Cash or Check Only Mattresses, box springs, carpet, appliances, fluorescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires are some of the items collected. Free items include scrap metal and vehicle batteries. See a complete list of fees at RecyclingSaturdays Randy’s Environmental Services 763-972-3335 RandysEnvironmental Randy’s offers free paper shredding. Please note, there may be long wait times for shredding. Four box or bag limit for paper shredding.

Bike Collection for Bikes4Kids resumes in April. Drop off any size bicycle. Bikes will be refurbished or have their parts used in refurbishing other bikes. Bikes are then donated to people in need. There is no charge to drop off a bike. Bikes for Kids is part of the Robert & Wilma Burbach Bike Foundation. Bike collection is available from April through October. Walters Recycling & Refuse 763-780-8464 Contact Walters to report missed garbage, recycling, or yard waste pickup. City Recycling Information 763-785-6141

Page 6 - CityConnect

QC Dance Classes held at QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Street NE The mission of QC Dance is to provide quality dance instruction and a variety of fun opportunities to learn and demonstrate dance skills while building self-esteem. To encourage academic excellence as well as other involvements that contribute to the development of a multi-talented, well-rounded individual. To offer class choices for all ages that promote a healthy lifestyle. Classes are designed for ages 0-18! Mommy & Me Dance; Tummy-Time infant Movement; Kidlets: Intro to Dance; Kidance: Intro to Dance; Dancing Kids; Hip Hop; Hippity Hop and much, much more. There is something for everyone. For all classes and information, call 763-785-6164 or visit

RecConnect Summer 2022

The summer program catalog is now online, check out all the great program offerings. Registration for summer programs is now open at, Sign up for the RecConnect online at, choose News: BlaineParks.

Tech Tac Toe Ages 8 to 13 Tech Tac Toe camps are designed to expose children to technology, encourage a supportive atmosphere, facilitate self-paced learning, foster collaboration, spark creativity, and expose kids to the increasingly complex world of technology. Programs held at Tom Ryan Park Shelter. Drone Racing and Rocket Launching Ages 8-12, June 13-16, 9-11:55AM $125 RES; $138 NR Ultimate YouTube Super Star Ages 9 to 13, June 13-16, 1-4PM $130 RES; $143 NR. For program descriptions, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Stem Builders Grades kindergarten to 8th Stem Builders mission is to ignite passion and enthusiasm for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) in every student. STEM Builders provides education by bringing STEM to life in a fun and interactive way. The curriculum is aimed to develop life skills and improve students’ knowledge. Class offerings include Toy Adventures; Creature Craze; City Shapers; Carnival Zone; Minecraft Mania; Into Orbit; Roblox Studio; Wrestle Bots, and 3D Modeling and Printing. All classes are held at Stem Builders Learning Center, 1351 – 113th Avenue NE.

Super Hero Party May 20, 6:30-8pm Kids can dress as their favorite superhero and fly around and try activities which include carnival games, bingo, crafts, tattoos, balloon artist, and more. Everything is in the superhero theme. There will also be a few superheroes walking around for pictures and a photo backdrop for some additional photos. Do not forget your camera. Refreshments available. Held at Tom Ryan Park. $15 res; $16 nr

Stay Connected More information about Parks and Recreation is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online.

For class descriptions, dates, times, and fees, visit

Skyhawks Sports Camps Ages 2 to 12 The progression of camps and programs, led by expert staff, are geared toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport specific skills. Skyhawks goes the extra mile to focus on safety and has a long-standing proven safety track record. Camps offered this summer include MultiSport; Golf; Track and Field; Mini-Hawk; Volleyball; Tennis; Flag Football; Basketball; and Soccer. For specific ages, dates, times, locations, and fees, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Tech Academy Ages 4 to 15 Tech Academy is an exciting learning environment specializing in technology education (STEM) for children and teens ages 4 to 15. Camps are kid friendly and promote hands on learning experiences with time to experiment to foster creativity. All programs are held at the Tom Ryan Park Shelter. Computer Science for Kids with Python Ages 8 to 13, June 21-23, 1-4pm, $108 res; $120 nr Multiplayer Minecraft: World Builder Ages 6 to 10, June 28-30, 1-4pm, $108 res; $120 nr Video Production for YouTube Ages 9 to 13, June 21-23, 9am-12pm, $115 res; $127 nr Ages 10 to 15, July 19-21, 9am-12pm, $115 res; $127 nr Intro to Game Coding Ages 5 to 9, June 28-30, 9AM-12pm, $108 res; $120 nr

Robotic Builders: Marine Explorers Ages 6 to 12, July 19-21, 1-4pm, $108 res; $120 nr

For program descriptions, visit

May/June 2022

Page 7

Youth Sports Sports for of All Sorts for Ages 3 to 10 All our sports programs are co-ed and will begin the week of June 13. Sports included are Sports Sampler; Preschool T-Ball; Evening T-ball; Parent/Child T-ball; Baseball: Coach Pitch; Softball: Coach Pitch; Little Feats Soccer, and Recreational Soccer. For specific ages, dates, times, locations, and fees, call 763-785-6164, or visit

Tenicity Tennis RecConnect

Ages 5 to 17 Beginner group lessons for ages 5 to 17. Learn the lifelong game of tennis in a fun, positive, and well structured coaching program created by Tenicity. Players will develop strong fundamental skills for a higher level of play and be inspired by the learning environment. Both new beginners and those with prior beginner lesson experience are invited to join. Tenicity’s Tennis Program is led by former NCAA National Tennis Champion and top junior development coach, Harsh Mankad. Lessons held at Jim Peterson Athletic Complex.

Summer 2022

mon/wed, $199/session Session 1: June 13-29 Session 2: July 6-25 Session 3: August 1-17

Ages 5 to 7, 5-6:30pm Ages 8 to 10, 5-6:30pm Ages 11-17, 6:40-8pm

Register online at

Zumba at QC Dance Held at QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Street NE Zumba fitness is for everyone, all shapes and sizes and just about any age. This class allows you to have fun while safely losing pounds and inches. The class will be a fat burning, body shaping, fun workout. Session 1: Wednesdays, May 4 - June 1, 7:15-8pm, $30 res; $33 nr Session 2: Wednesdays, July 27 - August 24, 7:15-8pm, $30 res; $33 nr

Paddleboarding Ages 12 and up, $30 res; $33 nr A fun, easy, cool great workout. Picture a beefed-up surfboard that is stable and a long canoe paddle to propel yourself. Class sizes are very small, and the instruction is short and easy, so most of the time will be out on the water. No experience necessary. Participants under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign a waiver before class. Held at Lakeside Commons Park next to the boathouse. Tuesday, June 14 Ages 12-15, 3-4:30pm; Ages 16 & up, 4:30-6pm Thursday, July 21 Ages 12-15, 5-6:30pm; Ages 16 & up, 6:30-8pm Tuesday, August 23 Ages 16 & up, 2-4:30pm

Adult Fall Softball Registration Dates July 5-25 Men’s, women’s and co-rec are offered. Fee includes 12 games, softballs, and umpires. League play begins the week of August 15. Games are played at Airport Park. Men’s D (DH), Mondays - $625 Men’s D (DH, Wednesdays - $625 Women’s (DH), Thursdays - $625 Co-Rec (DH), Tuesdays - $625

Adult Co-Rec Tennis Register by May 1, $20 res; $25 nr This is an informal approach to organized competition using a ladder style format. The league will place players of similar skills together and also allow them to play opponents who are more skilled. Matches will be scheduled by the players at an agreed upon location and time. A weekly ladder will be sent to all of the players to keep them informed of what position they are in. First, second, and third place trophies will be awarded in each league. Register by May 1, although players can be added throughout the season.

Blaine Wetland Sanctuary All Ages Growing Green Hearts and Blaine Wetland Sanctuary presents, Growing Green Leaders. With the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary as a classroom, participants will grow a sense of place, apply science, knowledge, and develop new skills. Heidi Ferris, environmental educator and enviroSTEM expert with Growing Green Hearts, will start each 90 minute session with a hike, then build ecological systems linking connections specifically to Blaine Wetland Sanctuary. We will play with maps and ethnobotany, rocks and wildlife tracking, weather and water chemistry. Sessions include FENtastic Minnesota GeoChemistry; Go Wild with Wetlands, Mushrooms, and Mahnomin; Down Deep…What’s Underwater and Under our Feet; Superheroes & Systemsthinking. For specific information and fees, call 763-785-6164 or visit WetlandSancutuary

Spring into Summer

Page 8 - CityConnect

May 1-31


1 20

N2U Registration Register Your Night to Unite Block Party Online Register Your Block Party at

Super Hero Party Dress Up as Your Favorite Super Hero Friday, 6pm - Tom Ryan Park

24 30

Ask the Gardener MN Master Gardeners at Veterans Memorial Park Tuesday, 5-7PM

Memorial Day Ceremony Veterans Memorial Park, 2pm VeteransMemorialPark Keynote Speaker 2018 Medal of Honor Recipient Britt Slabinski

the Date August

Impressions of Blaine Seasonal Photo Contest Enter your Spring Photos ImpressionsofBlaine




Ask the Gardener MN Master Gardeners at Veterans Memorial Park Tuesday, 5-7PM

Tricia & the Toonies

16 21 23

Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM - Tom Ryan Park

Revved Up Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM - Tom Ryan Park

The Jolly Pups Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM - Tom Ryan Park

Night to Unite Blaine’s Biggest Night in Town Tuesday, 6-8pm Join neighbors across the City of Blaine for the annual Night to Unite celebration. Enjoy a summer evening with neighbors to celebrate your community. Make sure to register your block party online at BlockPartyRegistration.

LP and the 45s Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM - Tom Ryan Park

Blaine Festival


Blaine Festival Celebrating Community Live music Friday, Saturday, and Sunday..

28 30


Ask the Gardener MN Master Gardeners at Veterans Memorial Park Tuesday, 5-7PM

North Suburbans Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM - Tom Ryan Park



WorldFest Blaine’s Celebration of Community Diversity Saturday, 1-4pm - Tom Ryan Park Now accepting applications for food vendors, sponsors, cultural exhibits, and volunteers. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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