Picnic shelters can be rented for groups of up to 150 people. These shelters are perfect for graduation parties, family reunions, team picnics, birthday parties, and more. To reserve a shelter online visit, BlaineParks.com/Register or reserve in person at City Hall. Payments must be made at the time of reservation. See the website for park shelter policies and rules.
Half Day: 9am-2pm or 3pm-8pm Full Day: 9am-10pm
Groups of 150+: Refundable Special Event Deposit Fee of $250 and a Non-Refundable Special Event License Fee of $50
Aquatore Park
9191 Lincoln Street NE
• Two shelters for groups up to 150
• Large playground
• Electrical outlets
• Softball fields
• Open play space
• Large shaded areas
• Renovated in 2021
Fees (sales tax not included)
Half day ....................... $95 res; $140 nr
Full day $150 res; $210 nr
Lakeside Commons Park
3020 Lakes Parkway NE
• Shelter for groups up to 150
• Concessions
• Playground, beach, and splash pad
• Restroom buildings
• Grill and electrical outlets
• Boat rentals
• Fishing dock
• Volleyball court
Fees (sales tax not included)
Half day ....................... $95 res; $140 nr
Full day ...................... $150 res; $210 nr
Daily parking .... free res; $10 nr/car (May 30 - August 27)
Tom Ryan Park
10802 Town Square Drive NE
• Shelter for groups up to 150
• Fountain
• Open play space
• Veterans memorial
• Restrooms in City Hall
Fees (sales tax not included)
Half day ....................... $95 res; $140 nr
Full day ...................... $150 res; $210 nr
3020 Lakes Parkway NE Beach Open May 30 - August 27
Beach and Splash Pad .............................................................................................. 10am-8pm
Boathouse 11am-5pm
Park 5am-9pm
Rentals - Available for rent (18 and older) during boathouse hours.
Kayaks (one, 2 person; two, 1 person) and Canoes ................$7/hour; 2 hour max
Parking Permits - Parking permits are required for all Lakeside Commons Park users during the beach season. Permits are available at the park during open hours.
Blaine residents ..................................................................... free w/proof of residency
Non-residents $10 daily; $30 season pass
9150 Central Avenue NE Open daily, year round from 5am-10pm
Park Amenities
• Fencing
• Separate large and small dog areas
• Shelter with heater/power
• Picnic tables
• Clean bag containers
• Drinking fountains
• Security light
Rules are posted at BlaineParks.com/SwansonDogPark.
11121 Lexington Avenue NE
9-Hole; Open sunrise to sunset
Disc golf is a fun activity for participants of nearly all ages and abilities. Simply throw a disc toward a designated basket and like golf, count one point for each throw. Lowest score wins. Lochness Park’s disc golf course has three different tee boxes suitable for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players. Disc rental is available through the parks and recreation office. Play is on a first come, first serve basis.
For more information, visit BlaineParks.com/DiscGolf or call 763-785-6164
Aurelia Park* 91st Avenue & Jefferson Street Austin Park* 85th Lane & Brant Street
Blaine High School ....................................................................... 12555 University Avenue
Carrara East Park* ..........................................................Eldorado Street & 131st Avenue
Centennial Green Park*............................................................ Austin Street & 99th Lane
For more information, visit BlaineParks.com/ LakesideCommonsPark
*Pickleball Courts - For more information, visit BlaineParks.com/ Facilities or call 763-785-6164.
Friday, October 20 7-8:30pm
Ages 10 and under w/parent/adult
Pumpkins are hiding and waiting to be found at Tom Ryan Park. Children along with their parents, can search the grounds for one pumpkin of their choice, celebrate by dancing under the stars with the family DJ, make a s’more, and play Halloween games. Fee includes a treat bag, one pumpkin, one craft, and refreshments. Come in a costume for the costume contest and bring a flashlight. Registration is required, Max. 150. Registration deadline is October 13 or when spaces fill.
Saturday, November 4 6-8pm
Blaine City Hall, $20 res; $21 nr
Ages 10 and under w/parent/adult
Your little princess or prince can see Cinderella and her friends at the Princess and Prince Party. Come enjoy crafts, photo opportunities, tattoos, games, refreshments, face painting, a DJ, and lots of dancing. Come in your favorite princess or prince costume and do not forget your camera. Event held inside of Blaine City Hall. Max. 185.
Discover the joy of making music together! Sing, laugh, move, and learn along with your baby, toddler, or preschooler for 45-minutes of pure fun each week in these award-winning classes. The goal of Music Together is to make the world a better place by making it more musical. We do this by bringing the highest quality music and movement experiences to children, and involving the grownups who love them in the magical process of development that only music can provide. The little ones love the delightful, engaging classes and the caregivers love helping their children grow into confident, lifelong music makers. Classes are mixed-age so the siblings can be together. Infants under eight months on the first day of the fall session attend free with a paid sibling. All infants are welcome. If not attending with a sibling, they pay full tuition. Participants receive a CD, a code to download the music using our free ‘Hello Everybody’ app, an illustrated songbook, and parent education materials. Try a free demo class to see if this program is a good fit for your family.
The cutoff birth date for infant siblings to be free of charge is those born after January 25, 2023. Visit a free demonstration class before the fall session starts to find out if Music Together is a good fit for your family.
Register at MusicTogetherClasses.org
Sunnyside Park Building
Monday, September 11, 5-5:45pm
Sunnyside Park Building
Mondays, September 25-November 27 5-5:45pm
$195 1st child; $109 each additional child under 8 months free with a registered sibling
Register at MusicTogetherClasses.org or by phone at 651-439-4219
Registration will not be accepted at the Parks and Recreation office.
ages 0 to 2 w/parent/adult
Parents and tots enjoy an exercise/activity class together. Rockin’ tots enjoy playful songs, fun with props and tumbling. Dads are welcome, too! Our instructor will guide parents and children through play and exercise activities. Please wear comfortable attire and clean tennis shoes or ballet slippers. This class is perfect for children not ready to separate from mom or dad. Max 12.
Wednesdays, October 4 - November 8 ................... 5-5:30pm
$50 res; $55 nr
ages 2 to 3
A delightful introduction to the art of dance with ballet basics, creative movement, fun with props, and tumbling, all in a professional dance setting. Please wear a leotard (skirt attached is acceptable if not too long) or exercise/ comfortable stretchy attire and ballet slippers. This class is perfect for the child who is comfortable separating from mom or dad. Max 12.
Wednesdays, October 4 - November 8 ................... 5-5:35pm
$50 res; $55 nr
ages 4 to 5
A delightful introduction to the art of dance with ballet basics, creative movement, fun with props, and tumbling, all in a professional dance setting. Please wear a leotard (skirt attached is acceptable if not too long) or exercise/ comfortable stretchy attire and ballet slippers. This class is perfect for the child who is comfortable separating from mom or dad. Max 12.
Wednesdays, October 4 - November 8 ............. 5:40-6:15pm
$50 res; $55 nr
QC Dance provides quality dance instruction and a variety of fun opportunities to learn and demonstrate dance skills while building self-esteem. They encourage academic excellence as well as other involvements that contribute to the development of a multi-talented, well rounded individual. They offer class choices for all ages that promote a healthy lifestyle. All classes held at QC Dance, 9967 Ulysses Street NE. For more information, visit QCDance.com.
ages 6 to 8
This class is perfect for those wanting to try dance! It includes introductions into multiple styles of dance including ballet, jazz, lyrical, as well as hip hop! Learn technique basics as well as fun combinations each week. Wear comfortable/stretchy clothes and ballet shoes. Max 12.
Wednesdays, October 4 - November 8 ............ 6:20-6:55pm
$50 res; $55 nr
ages 9 to 11
This class is perfect for those wanting to try dance! It includes introductions into multiple styles of dance including ballet, jazz, lyrical, as well as hip hop! Learn technique basics as well as fun combinations each week. Wear comfortable/stretchy clothes and ballet shoes. Max 12.
Wednesdays, October 4 - November 8 ................... 7-7:35pm
$50 res; $55 nr
ages 4 to 8
Come BOO-gie with us in your favorite costume for a Halloween themed dance class! We will crawl like spiders, float like ghosts, and dance like skeletons to fun and spooky Halloween songs. Your child will also make a fun craft. Please wear ballet slippers/non-slip socks. Max 12.
Saturday, October 28 10:30am-noon
$30 res; $33 nr
Home technical requirements for all classes include:
• Computer: PC (Windows XP or later) or Mac (OSX) with at least a 2GHz processor and 4GB of RAM
• Internet: Broadband internet
• Webcam
• Microphone and speakers
• Zoom installed
grades 1 to 6
Unleash your creativity as you work collaboratively! Create a world with others in multiple unique, themed lands. Build different biomes or base a section on your favorite movie or video game! Meld your quadrants together with bridges, and separate them with moats of water, lava, or even the void. Students will get a copy of the world to continue development at home.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Minecraft Java Edition
• Need PC will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones.
Saturdays, September 16 & 23 9am-noon
$90 res; $100 nr
grades 2 to 6
Unleash your creativity as you work collaboratively! Create a world with others in multiple unique, themed escape room adventure maps. Our mission is to race through the end and escape the Ender Dragon. Students will get a copy of the world to continue development at home. We will be using the PC/Java edition of Minecraft.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Minecraft Java Edition
• Need PC will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones.
Saturdays, September 30 & October 7 .............. 10am-noon
$60 res; $70 nr
In this class, we introduce students to programming concepts using Scratch. Scratch is a drag-and-drop creative coding platform developed by MIT. Students will be instructed to make a Mario Kart style game. Then pick custom characters and tracks to customize their games.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Scratch account – Instructions will be emailed
• Need PC will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones.
Saturdays, October 14 & 21 .............................................. 8-10am
$60 res; $70 nr
grades 1 to 5
What’s it like to play Dungeons and Dragon? Dungeons and Dragons, a timeless game of fantastical elements such as magic, mythical creatures, and fairies, offers great opportunities to develop problem-solving skills, teambuilding abilities, and creative thinking that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Start by learning its basics, creating your own character, and embarking on an amazing role playing game.
Saturdays, October 14 & 21 ............................... 10:30am-noon $60 res; $70 nr
grades 2 to 7
Work as a team to create a custom multiplayer adventure map that features monster spawners, hidden armor, and more. Choose to design an in-game dungeon or build a castle to explore. Create tons of mini-games with all your friends! Basic computer skills needed (basic keyboarding and using a mouse).
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Minecraft Java Edition
• Need PC will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones.
Saturday, October 28 ................................................... 9am-noon $45 res; $55 nr
grades 1 to 4
Don’t Just play games create them! All new games and characters. Create and learn to modify our arcade-style games using Scratch. Scratch is a programming language, developed by MIT. Basic computer skills needed (basic keyboarding and using a mouse).
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Need PC will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones.
Saturdays, November 4 & 11 ........................................ 8-9:30am
$60 res; $70 nr
grades 2 to 6
Take you game to the next level by creating your own custom Minecraft mod. This class will teach you how to create new blocks and ores for the Java Edition of Minecraft. Students will need to have Minecraft and mod creation software (free download) installed prior to class. Video instructions will be sent prior to class.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Need PC will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones.
Saturday, November 4 & 11 ..................................... 10am-noon
$60 res; $70 nr
grades 1 to 5
Go on an epic adventure for all ages and experience levels. D&D is a timeless role playing game that helps kids develop math skills, storytelling, and collaboration skills. Work in small groups of 4-7 students to complete this one-shot campaign.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Need PC will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones.
Saturday, November 18 .............................................. 9am-noon
$45 res; $55 nr
grades 3 to 6
Design your own 3D pocket monster using TinkerCAD. This course will give students an introduction to using CAD modeling and design software. Student designed Pokémon will be printed and mailed home.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• TinkerCAD (log in information provided in class)
Saturdays, December 2 & 9 ............................................. 8-10am
$75 res; $85 nr
grades 2 to 6
Learn the art of production video shorts for TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels. Edit the video, add motion graphics, and special effects to your own video short, while practicing storytelling and film production techniques.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Cell phone video camera or external webcam
• Filmora (free version) software
Saturdays, December 2 & 9 .............................. 10:30am-noon
$60 res; $70 nr
grades 2 to 6
Bring your creations to life in this 3D printing class. The ancient craft of jewelry making is brought to the modern world using TinkerCAD. Students will learn to build 3D models on the computer using CAD software. They will design a pair of earrings, and a ring. Students can pick one project to be printed.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• TinkerCAD (log in information provided in class)
Saturday, December 16 .............................................. 9am-noon
$60 res; $70 nr
grades 1 to 5
Join us in this new multiplayer Minecraft class. This class will go over basic, and not so basic building techniques. Then work alone or collaboratively to complete building challenges on our Tech Academy Minecraft server.
Additional Technical Requirements:
• Minecraft Java Edition
Saturday, December 23 .............................................. 9am-noon
$45 res; $55 nr
The progression of camps and programs, led by expert staff, are geared toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport specific skills. Skyhawks Sports has proven to be the leader in youth sports since 1979. Skyhawks goes the extra mile to focus on safety and has a long standing proven safety track record.
Playable on almost any surface, our soccer-themed motor skill classes make it easy for children to find success. Younger age groups focus on developing motor skills and self-confidence; older age groups focus on developing core soccer skills and personal improvement while introducing an element of light competition. Bring a water bottle.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex $85
Tuesdays, September 19 - October 10
ages 5 to 6 ............................................................................ 5:05-5:50pm
ages 7 to 10....................................................................................... 6-7pm
Saturdays, September 23 - October 14
ages 5 to 6 ....................................................................... 10:20-11:05am
ages 7 to 9 .......................................................................
Soccer Tots uses age-appropriate games to engage kids in sports. The goal of this class is to develop kicking, running control, and dribbling. It also teaches listening and following instructions. The class uses a variety of fun games with a lot of physical activity. Bring a water bottle and running shoes.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex.......................................................... $69
Tuesdays, September 19 - October 10
ages 3 to 4 ...................................................................................4:30-5pm
Saturdays, September 23 - October 14
ages 2 to 3 .................................................................................. 9-9:30am
ages 3 to 4 ......................................................................... 9:40-10:10am
Flag football is a great way to introduce young athletes to this popular sport. Players learn the rules as well as strategies of both offense and defense, along with the core skills of catching, passing, and grabbing the flags. Bring a water bottle.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex $85
Thursdays, September 21 - October 12
ages 5 to 7 ............................................................................ 5:55-6:55pm
ages 8 to 10 .........................................................................7:05-8:05pm
Saturdays, October 28 - November 18
ages 5 to 7 ....................................................................... 10:20-11:20am
Learning football has never been this awesome. Kids will play flag football and get to learn the basics like throwing, passing, and handling the ball. This program is especially popular due to its engaging but no-tackle atmosphere.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex.......................................................... $69
Thursdays, September 21 - October 12
ages 2 to 4 ............................................................................. 5:15-5:45pm
Saturdays, October 28 - November 18
ages 2 to 3 .................................................................................. 9-9:30am
ages 3 to 4 ......................................................................... 9:40-10:10am
Designed for beginning and intermediate basketball players, participants learn new skills while building upon the fundamentals of passing, shooting, and dribbling. Bring a water bottle.
Centennial Middle School ......................................................................$85
Saturdays, October 8 - November 5 (no camp October 22)
ages 5 to 7 ............................................................................ 3:30-4:30pm
Blue Heron Elementary $85
Saturdays, November 11 - December 9 (no camp November 25)
ages 6 to 7 ....................................................................... 10:20-11:20am
ages 8 to 10 .............................................................. 11:30am-12:30pm
This fun skill intensive program is designed for the beginning player. Using the curriculum that is built on a progress, our staff focus on the whole player, teaching respect, teamwork, and responsibility. An active camp involving passing, shooting, dribbling, and defense makes this one of our most popular programs. Participants should bring appropriate clothing, water bottle, and gym shoes.
Centennial Elementary School $69
Sundays, October 8 - November 5 (no camp October 22)
ages 2 to 4 ............................................................................. 4:45-5:15pm
Blue Heron Elementary........................................................................... $69
Saturdays, November 11 - December 9 (no camp November 25)
ages 2 to 3 .................................................................................. 9-9:30am
ages 3 to 5 ......................................................................... 9:40-10:10am
America’s #1 growth sport, pickleball, is now available with Skyhawks Sports. The pickleball program introduces young children to the basics of pickleball in a fun way. Campers will learn how to serve, hit groundstrokes, and volley with instruction from our coaches while enjoying a fun atmosphere with exercises and games to help promote the lifelong sport of pickleball. This exciting new sport will create lifelong friends and skills that can translate into other sports as well. Equipment is provided. Please bring a snack, water bottle, and tennis shoes.
Centennial High School
Sundays, October 8 - November 5
(no camp October 22)
The Mini Spikers camp takes the energy and excitement of this great team sport of volleyball and puts it all together into one fun-filled camp. All aspects of the game are taught through drills and games that focus on passing, setting, hitting, and serving. This co-ed program is designed for the beginner player and will incorporate essential life-lessons such as teamwork and sportsmanship. Our volleyball staff will assist each athlete in developing the fundamental skills of the game through gamebased drills and aimed at developing the whole player.
ages 5 to 7 .......................................................................................... 1-2pm
ages 8 to 11 ........................................................................... 2:15-3:15pm
This speed and agility camp is designed for athletes at any skill level looking to improve their current overall athletic performance. Drills and exercises are designed to improve overall quickness, strength, speed, body control, and agility. Increase your speed and improve your agility and overall quickness with your fast paced drills. Bring a water bottle.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex $85
Saturdays, October 28 - November 18
ages 8 to 10 .............................................................. 11:30am-12:30pm
Blue Heron Elementary $85
Saturdays, November 11 - December 9
(no camp November 25)
ages 4 to 6 ..........................................................................
Learn fundamentals through fun games and activities. This camp focuses on passing, setting, hitting, digging, and serving. This program is for all children. Participants should bring knee pads and water bottle.
Blue Heron Elementary............................................................................$85
Saturdays, November 11 - December 9
(no camp November 25
ages 7 to 9 1:50-2:50pm
Fall Submission Dates
November 1-30
Finalists Announced December 8
People’s Choice Voting
December 8-31
Winners Announced January 12, 2024
Winter Submission Dates: February 1-28, 2024
Finalists Announced: March 10, 2024
People’s Choice Voting: March 10-21, 2024
Winners Announced: April 7, 2024
“TPC Sunrise” photo by Tom Stuart Impressions of Blaine, 2022 Photo of the YearTenicity’s Tennis Program is led by former Wimbledon player and United States Tennis Association award winning coach, Harsh Mankad. The program’s coaches are trained by Harsh to develop strong fundamental tennis skills and to positively develop youth via sports. Check out TeniCity.com to learn more about the program. Please contact Harsh at Harsh@TeniCity.com with questions.
ages 5 to 17
Players at the beginner and intermediate skill level will develop their athletic skills and stroke play technique. Participants will learn the rules and scoring through instruction and games during the structured three week session. Each lesson is designed to develop skills progressively and to create fun, positive, and engaging learning experiences.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex $110/session
Mondays & Wednesdays, September 6 - October 2
Session 1
ages 5 to 7 (max 12) .................................................................. 5-6pm
ages 8 to 10 (max 12) ............................................................... 5-6pm
Session 2
ages 8 to 10 (max 10) ............................................................... 6-7pm
ages 11 to 17 (max 14).............................................................. 6-7pm
ages 5 to 12
Learn and enjoy tennis with your children in a fun, positive, and well-structured coaching program created by Tenicity
Centennial High School ..................$110/parent/child pair
Saturdays, September 9 - 30
ages 5 to 8 (min 4 pairs, max 8 pairs) ............................ 9-10am
ages 9 to 12 (min 4 pairs, max 8 pairs) .......................... 9-10am
ages 5 to 17
The training camps will provide players with an immersive training experience to develop their game. Players will make new friends and be part of a positive group training environment. Players are requested to bring a snack. All skill levels welcome. Players will be assessed and placed within a group at their age range and skill level.
Centennial High School ............................................................ $275
Sundays, September 10 - October 1
ages 5 to 10 (max16)
ages 11 to 17 (max 16)
ages 10 to 16
Match play ready players (please see skill description below) are invited to join this new and exciting team tennis match play program. Players will represent one of three teams (see program teams below) and gain experience in varied match play formats. The program will conclude with a fun awards event. Please use the list below to gauge the player’s readiness for this program:
• Has developed full swings on groundstrokes and can rally on the full court length.
• Has developed consistency and placement on the serve and return of serve to begin points.
• Has developed foundation net play (volleys and overheads) technique.
• Knows tennis rules and scoring for singles and doubles play.
For questions regarding match play readiness, please contact Tenicity’s Head Coach Harsh Mankad at harsh@ tenicity.com or at 651-285-7280.
Centennial High School .......................... $141 (4 match plays)
Sundays, September 9-30 ........................................ 10am-noon
ages 10 to 12 ................................................................... 10am-noon
ages 13 to 16 ................................................................... 10am-noon
Join the lifelong game of tennis and develop strong fundamental skills to enjoy the game with family and friends. Max 16.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex .............................................. $80
Mondays, September 4 & October 2 noon-1pm
Join the lifelong game of tennis and develop strong fundamental skills to enjoy the game with family and friends.
Jim Peterson Athletic Complex .............................................. $80
Mondays, September 4 to October 2 ................................ 1-2pm
ages 5 to adult
Tae Kwon Do is a modern martial art based on Korean tradition that incorporates techniques of kicking, punching, and blocking. Learn self-defense and controlled movements through sparring. This is a great class to develop discipline, strength, stamina and flexibility. Join at any time – fee will be prorated. Please wear comfortable clothing. Testing and uniforms are available for an extra fee through the instructor. Max 20 per class. Program held at Sunnyside Park Building. Instructor: Mr. Bill Frauly, 3rd DAN black belt.
Ages 5 to 7 & parent/adult
Mondays, September 11 - December 4
(No class November 20) ............................................
$55 parent/child RES; $65 parent/child NR
Ages 8 to 12 & 13 to adult
Mondays & Wednesdays, September 11 - December 6
(No class November 20 & 22)
Ages 8 to 12 ..........................................................................
Ages 13 & up ......................................................................... 8-9:15pm
$90 RES; $108 NR
ages 11 & up
Learn to be responsible babysitters by examining safety guidelines, child development, finding jobs, rates, and first aid. Hands-on experience with diapers and bottle feeding is included. Participants receive a packet of materials and certificates are awarded to all students who successfully demonstrate the skills during one of the class dates below. Must be age 11 by date of class. Bring a doll, lunch, and beverage. Max 8. Class held at Blaine City Hall Cloverleaf A. Registration deadline is one week prior to class start date. Instructor: Joy Handt.
Wednesday, December 27 9am-3pm .............................................. $80 RES; $88 NR
Officiated men’s basketball League. Players must be at least 18 years old. Games played at Centennial Middle School. Includes 10 games plus playoffs. Two officials per game and scorekeeper. Register by October 23. Game times vary in the evenings. Max teams 8.
Sundays, November 5 - March 10 ............ 6:15-10:15pm
Love to dance? Join the party! This specialty course is designed for those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle or the older active adult. Zumba fitness is for everyone, all shapes and sizes and just about any age. This class allows you to have fun while safely losing pounds and inches. With Zumba, the fun comes first, and the physical benefits follow. Zumba Gold is like a basic Zumba class with lower impact. The class will be a fat burning, body shaping, fun workout. Max 12.
Session 1: Wednesdays, October 4 - November 1
Session 2: Wednesdays, November 15 - December 13
8-8:45pm ................................................................. $40 res; $45 nr
ages 8 to 18, $75
Have you seen curling on TV during the Olympics? Now is your opportunity to give the sport a try! Over seven weeks you will learn how to slide, throw, and sweep the curling stone along with the rules of the game. Beginner and intermediate instruction provided, so this program is a great place to try curling for the first time and then continue the next season if you like it. Curling equipment is provided, but please wear comfortable clothes and socks that are warm enough for 45 degree air temperatures, bring a clean pair of tennis shoes to wear on the ice, and consider thin gloves. Program held at Fogerty Arena, using the Four Seasons Curling Club entrance on the south side of the building.
Sundays, October 1, 8, 15 & 22; November 5,19; December 3, 1-3pm
Non-officiated co-rec volleyball league. There will be one scheduled practice and eight games plus single elimination playoffs. Players must be at least 18 years old. Games held at Roosevelt Middle School. Game times vary in the evening.
Wednesdays, January 10 - Late March .. 6:30-9:30pm
Are you new to fitness or looking for a low-impact form of exercise? Then Tai Chi may be a good fit for you. Tai Chi, often known as meditation in motion, was originally developed for self-defense but has since evolved into a rhythmic form of exercise. Relieving stress, improving cognition, flexibility and balance, and improving strength are just a few of the benefits you can gain from Tai Chi. This program will emphasize the health benefits and mindfulness aspects of Tai Chi. No prior experience is necessary. You will enjoy a moving meditation in the form of a series of gentle exercises that create harmony between the mind and body. Class held at Sunnyside Park Building.
Tuesdays & Thursdays, September 12 - October 5 6-7pm ........................................................................ $80 RES; $90 NR
ages 12 to adult, $40/session
A Learn to Curl clinic is a great way for anyone, age 12 to adult, to get their first exposure to the sport. Each lesson is a two-hour introduction and instructional session that teaches people the basics of curling. Participants learn play, rules, and strategy. We strive for a low instructor-to-student ratio with an emphasis on active participation. Within minutes, you are throwing rocks and sweeping. You finish off the session by playing a mini-game. Learn To Curl sessions are also a great way for small groups to enjoy a new activity at a great price, and guests can all curl together as a group. Please have clean shoes (athletic shoes with rubber sole) and warm clothing (45 degrees at ice level). Held at Four Seasons Curling Club. Max 40.
Session 1: Friday, September 29 ................. 6:30-8:30pm
Session 2: Saturday, October 7 ......................10am-noon
Session 3: Sunday, November 5 ....................10am-noon
All trips depart and return to the Mary Ann Young Center and include motor coach transportation and lunch, unless specified otherwise. Times are approximate.
Chanhassen Dinner Theater
Wednesday, November 1, 9:45am-4:15pm, $99
Jersey Boys follows the fascinating evolution and 40-year friendship of four blue-collar kids from New Jersey who became one of the greatest successes in pop-music history: Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Winner of Best Musical at both the Tony Awards and Olivier Awards. Dessert is on your own. Register by October 3, no refunds thereafter.
Treasure Island Event Center
Thursday, November 9, 10:30am-5pm, $99
The Ozark Jubilee features an all-star cast of Branson entertainers showcasing bluegrass, gospel, country, and traditional Christmas music. This show features vocals, comedy, and instrumentals. World-class fiddler, Doofus Doolittle presents his unique brand of humor and some of the best fiddle and violin music ever. Lunch menu: turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, dessert, and coffee or tea will be served before the show begins. Register by September 27, no refunds thereafter.
Duluth, Minnesota
Tuesday, November 28, 12:15-9:30pm
$88 w/brewery tour and tasting
$68 w/o tour and tasting
America’s largest free walk-through lighting display, Bentleyville invites guests to stroll under the glow of over 5 million lights in a 20-acre park situated on the shores of Lake Superior, while enjoying complimentary hot cocoa, cookies, popcorn, and roasted marshmallows! Start the day with a visit to Hoops Brewing for a BBQ buffet dinner served by OMC Smokehouse which includes pork and brisket with sides. For $20, add a tour with tasting of: 3-5oz tasters of the beer that’s on tap in the brewery and one 10oz beer of your choice from the entire tap list. After lunch walk Bentleyville’s spectacular light displays from 5-6:30PM. Food and toy donations are accepted. Register by November 17, no refunds thereafter.
Ames Center, Burnsville
Thursday, November 30, 10:45am-4:15pm, $94
The Looney Lutherans are back with a brand-new Christmas show, “I’m Dreaming of a Looney Christmas.” Full of lots of family friendly music and comedy, including the smash hit “All I Want for Christmas are Some New False Teeth” and the game show, “What’s in Your Stocking?”. Lunch includes chicken breast, mashed potatoes, corn, coleslaw, cookie, and coffee or lemonade. Register by October 30, no refunds thereafter.
Paramount Theater, St. Cloud
Thursday, January 25, 10:40am-4:45pm, $99
John Mueller’s “Winter Dance Party” is the official live and authentic re-creation of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper’s final tour and the only show endorsed by the Holly, Valens, and Richardson estates. Enjoy two hours of high voltage entertainment featuring 50’s hit songs: That’ll Be the Day, Peggy Sue, Oh Boy, Rave On, La Bamba, Chantilly Lace, and many more! Lunch at Green Mill prior to the 1:30PM show, make selection at time of registration: walleye sandwich, cob salad w/chicken, four cheese bacon burger, fettuccine alfredo, or shrimp pasta with tomato cream sauce. Coffee or pop included. Register by December 21, no refunds thereafter.
Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4pm
9150 Central Avenue NE, Blaine, MN 55434, 763-786-9375
The Mary Ann Young Center (MAYC) is located by Aquatore Park just off Highway 65 and Cloverleaf Parkway. As a focal point for seniors, the center’s staff and volunteers offer a dynamic variety of programs and social events throughout the year. The senior dining program offers noon meals at a suggested donation of $5 for people age 60 and over, and a cost of $8 for those under age 60. Please call four business days in advance to register for the noon meal. Van service is available for residents of Blaine to transport participants to and from the senior center for a cost of just $2 round trip.
For more information, stop by the center during scheduled hours, visit BlaineMN.gov/MAYC or call 763-786-9375 for further information.
Monday-Friday, 5-10pm; Saturday, 8am-midnight; Sunday 8am-8pm
Looking to rent a room for your meeting or event? Rooms at the Mary Ann Young Center may be rented evenings and weekends. Blaine residents receive a discount at the time of rental. A minimum of two hours must be rented for each booking. Deposits are required for parties and for rental of the two larger Tom Ryan rooms. Fees vary based on day of the week, size of the room, and resident vs non-resident. You must book at a minimum of 14 days in advance of the event. Rental space tours are available and need to be confirmed in advance and generally are best between 2:30-3:30PM Monday through Friday.
Book online at BlaineMN.gov/FacilityRental or by calling either 763-786-9375 or 763-785-6164.
Wednesdays, 10:30am-noon, free
Advanced registration required.
Internet Basics – September 6
Learn important terms and definitions for example: the cloud, AI, cookies, and web browsers. Bring your questions about using the internet.
How to Search the Internet - October 4
Learn the best ways to search the internet, how to find reliable resources, and what you can do to find the answers you need. Learn to navigate the world of Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go, and more. Class is designed for beginning Internet users but open to everyone.
Want to learn more about MAYC programming and events? The MAYCConnect newsletter is mailed monthly and jam packed with information about new and ongoing events along with a monthly calendar with activities and meals served at the MAYC. To be added to the monthly newsletter list, contact the MAYC at 763-786-9375 or visit BlaineMN.gov/ MAYCContactInfo
Look Out for Scams - November 1
Scams can appear on your computer and phone so easily these days. Learn ways to avoid scammers and what to do if you get a scam call, email, or text.
In this class, you will learn about some popular email services and how to write your first emails. Class is designed for beginning Internet users but is open to everyone.
Housing Market, Decluttering/Downsizing, Moving Tips
Thursday, September 7, 10-11:30am
This senior housing workshop brings in experts to teach about the selling process and how we help with a seamless transition. You will hear from Renee Miller of Keller Williams Realty Elite, as she touches on understanding home values, timing your move, market statistics in the area including how the pandemic has influenced the market, and how Realtors market your home to get you top dollar. Renee and company will also go over resources and their use of referral partners to help you downsize and declutter in preparation for your move. Registration required.
Thursday, September 7, 1-2:30pm, $1 donation
Dan Fish, leader of the North Country Jamboree, is organizing this jam session event you will not want to miss. Those wishing to perform in this show should be accomplished players and will need to call Dan at 612-804-2389 to discuss and receive details. Musical support provided by Jamboree band members will make for a well-rounded and entertaining event. Register in advance to attend.
Friday, September 8, 10am, $6
GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) is one of the most common digestive disorders in the U.S. Health and Wellness Consultant, Heather Carpentier will discuss symptoms, common underlying causes, potential risks if left untreated, and possible holistic options for treating GERD. Registration required. Minimum class size 5.
Doug Ohman with Pioneer Photography
Friday, September 8, 10am, $3
Go on a visual vacation. Doug has visited all 67 state parks and has photographs, stories, history, and personal adventures to share. This program has two main themes; the history of the oldest state parks, and the incredible recreational opportunities just waiting to be explored. Registration required.
Friday, September 8, 1:30pm, $21
Glo will purchase and bring all the ingredients to prepare a dish for participants to eat on-site or to take home. Classes will be scheduled every few months so participants will help decide what the next entrée will be. A few tall chairs may be provided for those who cannot stand through the entire session. Selected entrée for this class: Italian Tuscan Soup. Registration required. Class size 6-8 participants.
Tuesday, September 12, 1-2:30pm, free Staff with Allina Health/Aetna will teach a fun painting class using fabric. Registration required.
Thursday, September 21, 11am-noon, free Learn some practical strategies you can immediately take home and implement to reduce your risk of falling. This course will be led by Dr. Stephanie LeVasseur who specializes in treating neurological disorders and balance problems.
Monday, September 25, 9-11am
Cub Pharmacy in Blaine will administer regular or high dosage flu shots depending on participant preference, in addition to pneumonia shots for those who are eligible. Registration is recommended, but walk-ins are welcome. Bring your insurance cards.
Thursday, September 28, 5:30pm, $9
Ticket sales began August 1 at 8:30AM at the Mary Ann Young Center. Cash or check (payable to City of Blaine) accepted. A home cooked meal of beef pot roast, carrots, potatoes, rutabagas, bread and dessert served family style to your table. The Resistor Band will strike up the music at 5:45PM. There is a 12 ticket per person limit. Entertainment paid for by the Cliff Jacobson memorial funds.
3rd Tuesday of Month, 1-3pm, free
This informal jam session is open to all levels of musicians. Bring your instrument(s) and favorite sheet music to the jam session. The goal is fun, camaraderie, friendship, and practice of skills. Casual listeners are welcome to attend. Direct any questions to Jam leader Jim at 612-581-2777. Registration required.
Fall Dates:
September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19
Thursday, October 5, 10:30am-noon, free
This presentation introduces Parts A, B, C, and D of Medicare. The enrollment process and options for enrollment in Medicare will be discussed along with the personal costs of the program and eligibility for prescription drug costs. Learn about the Senior LinkAge Line, using the Medicare. gov website, and the Health Care Choices booklet published by the Minnesota Board on Aging.
Tuesday, October 10, 8:30am-5pm
Open to the public! Spread the word, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, sets, and more will all be on display at reasonable prices. Volunteers are needed to help setup for the sale on Monday, October 9 and to work the sale on Tuesday, October 10. Call staff at the MAYC at 763-7869375 to volunteer.
Thursday, October 12, 1-3pm, $1 donation
There will be a variety of talented individuals performing various venues of music during this two-hour production with a short intermission. Performers are volunteering to share their talent and the only request is to have an appreciative audience. Included will be the Jamboree Band, vocal solos with guitar/piano accompaniment, sing-along performers, ukulele group, and more. Dancers welcome as there will be an area cleared for dancing. If you would like to be a performer in the show, please call MAYC staff by October 5.
Specified Thursdays, 8:45am-1pm
A 10 percent discount on car insurance is available when you keep up to date by renewing every three years. Classes are offered at the MAYC on specified Thursdays throughout the year. Advanced registration and payment is required. Current class fee is $25/person. Sponsored by the MN Highway Safety Research Center.
Fall Dates:
September 14, October 12, November 9, December 7
Doug Ohman with Pioneer Photography
Friday, October 13, 10:30am, $3
Take a virtual tour of Minnesota’s most elegant homes. “If the walls could talk” will become reality in this most interesting photo presentation.
Monday, October 16, 1pm Prize/Nickel Bingo
Tuesday, October 17, 1pm, $2/person 500 Card Tournament Register by October 10.
Thursday, October 19, 1pm, $2/person Cribbage Tournament Register with your partner by October 12.
Tuesdays, October 17, 24, 31, 1-3pm, $48
Join Rum River Art Center instructor, MaryLeah for this three day series. Students will learn fun techniques to create beautiful watercolor paintings. A sample painting is available to view at the MAYC. Minimum class size: 5. Register in advance. Payment due at time of registration.
Wednesday, October 18, 10am
Join us at the Mary Ann Young Center to learn about the exciting world of escorted travel. Landmark Tours provides unforgettable travel experiences that are uniquely crafted and fully guided. Information and literature will be available on site. Call for a catalog at 612-230-2040.
Wednesday, October 18, noon, $5
Register by October 11 in person or by calling 763-786-9375 to attend this popular specialty luncheon of homemade liver and onions, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables, bread, and a cookie. Alternate entrée is a beef patty with mushroom gravy, which needs to be ordered at time of registration.
Doug Ohman with Pioneer Photography
Friday, November 3, 10:30am, free
Join Doug as he honors many of the brave Minnesotans who earned this highest military distinction. Hear some of the incredible stories from the Civil War to the Vietnam War as we pay tribute to Veterans Day. This event is paid for by the Cliff Jacobson memorial funds.
Thursday, November 9, 5:30pm, $14.50
Tickets go on sale Tuesday, October 3 for this Scandinavian meal of lutefisk, Swedish meatballs, boiled potatoes, rice pudding, and more. Call the MAYC for further details.
Friday, November 17, 10am, $6
Join Health and Wellness Consultant Heather Carpentier as she shares what a healthy diet looks like, strategies for eating on a healthy budget, and healthy eating guidelines. Registration required. Minimum class size 5.
Friday, December 1, 1:30pm, $21
Glo will purchase and bring all the ingredients to prepare a dish for participants to eat on-site or to take home. Classes will be scheduled every few months so participants will help decide what the next entrée will be. A few tall chairs may be provided for those who cannot stand through the entire session. Registration required by November 24. Class size 6-8 participants.
Monday, December 4, 9:30am
Help decorate the MAYC while listening to holiday music.
Tuesday, December 5, 9am
Bring non-perishable food items to MAYC the week of November 27 through December 4.
Wednesday, November 15, 11am-1pm, $5 donation Register by November 8 to join us for a lovely meal as we give thanks for what we have and for friends we have met. Be sure to arrive early, as special entertainment by the popular Resistor Duo will delight the crowd from 11AMNoon. Please be respectful by keeping conversation to a minimum so all can enjoy the entertainment. The menu for the day is roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, vegetables, pumpkin pie with whipped topping, and dinner roll. Sounds scrumptious! Hope you can attend.
Wednesday, December 6, 11am, $5
The MAYC ukulele class has been practicing holiday songs to share with the crowd. Register in advance to attend this entertainment event that begins at 11AM, along with a tasty lunch served at noon. Menu for the event will be announced in the December MAYCConnect newsletter.
Wednesday, December 13, 11am, $5 donation
The MAYC will be decked out in holiday splendor in plenty of time to enjoy this lovely luncheon. Special entertainment by smooth crooner Monroe Wright III will start out the celebration, along with light party snacks, followed by a delicious meal. Register at least four business days ahead of the event.
Wednesday, December 27, 11am, $5
Wear festive attire, enjoy party snacks, and special live music by CODA, a group well received by other senior centers across the metro. Ring in the New Year with us at noon with non-alcoholic bubbly. Register at least four business days in advance.
The Parks and Recreation Department strives to provide community programs and services where unmet interests and needs exist, and to promote cooperation with schools, athletic and civic organizations, community agencies, and interested individuals in the areas of education, recreation and social and cultural pursuits.
Online Visit the Parks and Recreation homepage at BlaineParks.com and find the online registration link. A username and password are needed to register. Click on create an account to get started. Only credit card payments are accepted online. Online registration is available at no additional fee.
Residents may register in person at the Customer Service Center on the first floor at Blaine City Hall, Monday - Friday, 8AM to 4:30PM.
Residents are defined as individuals living within Blaine city limits. Proof of residency may be required.
Cash, check, and credit card payments are accepted. Specific modes of registration may require a certain type of payment. Fees must be paid at the time of registration.
Some programs and activities may require a minimum number of participants. You will only be notified if the class/activity is full or canceled. You will not receive a confirmation letter or call.
Refunds are given if Blaine Parks and Recreation cancels the program or if registration fails because the activity is full. Participants canceling at least seven days prior to an activity will be charged a cancellation fee as follows: $5 for programs costing $10-$99; $10 for programs costing $100 or more. Refunds will not be given for programs costing less than $10 or for cancellations made less than seven days prior to the program start date. Trip refunds are subject to specific policies on a per-trip basis, based on advanced ticket purchases. Participants must contact the Parks and Recreation Department to request a refund.
All programs listed in this brochure are open to everyone. If you need assistance or inclusion services, please call 763785-6164. Inclusion services must be set up at least three weeks prior to program start.
When inclement weather arises, parents or participants may go to BlaineParks.com for the latest updates about programs and events being canceled, delayed, or rescheduled. Also during normal office hours, Monday - Friday from 8AM until 4:30PM, parents or participants may call the Parks and Recreation office at 763-785-6164.
Photographs of program or park participants are periodically taken. These photos may appear in the local newspapers and/or Parks and Recreation Department digital and print publications. If you do not want your photo used, please tell the photographer.
Please notify park maintenance at 763-785-6165 about damage, vandalism, or equipment cleanliness issues.
The Blaine Police Department and Park Patrol need your help to prevent vandalism and apprehend those who vandalize parks and recreation facilities. Vandals destroy what tax dollars have created. Costs associated with repairing vandalized property takes money away from recreational programs and facilities. Help stop vandalism. Always call 9-1-1 to report a crime in progress, including vandalism. To report a crime that occurred in a park but does not require an immediate police response, call 763-427-1212. Calls are accepted 24 hours a day and you can remain anonymous.
All participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times while participating, watching, or attending any program or activity conducted or sponsored by the City of Blaine Parks and Recreation Department. The following guidelines are designed to provide safe and enjoyable activities for all participants.
• Show respect to all participants and program staff.
• Take direction from program staff/supervisors.
• Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
• Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants or program staff/supervisors.
• Refrain from damaging equipment, supplies, or facilities.
Failure to follow these rules may result in a suspension of participation. The City of Blaine Parks and Recreation Department strives to make your participation fun-filled, rewarding, educational, and safe. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Regular meetings of the Blaine Park Board are conducted on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7PM at Blaine City Hall. All residents are encouraged to attend. Persons wishing to present a discussion topic should contact Parks and Recreation staff in advance. Park Board meetings can also be watched online at BlaineMN.gov/Video. For more information visit BlaineMN.gov/ParkBoard.
Natural Resources Conservation Board Meetings
Regular meetings of the NRCB are conducted on the third Tuesday of each month at 7PM at Blaine City Hall. All residents are encouraged to attend. Persons wishing to present a discussion topic should contact Parks and Recreation staff in advance. For more information visit BlaineMN.gov/NRCB.
Blaine Area Little League
Baseball for youth ages 4-15.
Blaine Youth Basketball
In-house and traveling basketball program for youth in grades 2-8 serving the Blaine High School attendance area.
Blaine Youth Lacrosse
Youth lacrosse.
Blaine Traveling Baseball Association
Baseball ages 9-15.
Blaine Youth Football Association
Serving the Blaine High School attendance area.
Blaine Youth Hockey Association
In-house and traveling program for youth ages 5-15 serving the Blaine High School attendance area.
Blaine Youth Volleyball
JO and recreational volleyball for girls in the Blaine area.
Blaine Wrestling Takedown Club
Wrestling for youth in grades preschool-middle school.
Centennial Lakes Little League
Baseball program for youth ages 5-18 serving the Centennial High School attendance area.
Centennial Soccer Club
In-house and traveling program for serving the Centennial High School attendance area for ages 5-19.
Centennial Basketball Association
In-house and traveling program serving the Centennial High School attendance area for grades 2-8.
Centennial Youth Hockey Association
In-house and traveling programs serving the Centennial High School attendance area for ages 5-15.
Soderville/Blaine Athletic Association
Baseball for youth ages 4-18 and softball for ages 8-18.
Spring Lake Park Baseball Association
Traveling baseball for players ages 9-14 serving SLP schools. Tryouts in August, signup starts in July.
Spring Lake Park Basketball Club
Traveling and rec basketball program for youth grades 2-8 serving the Spring Lake Park High School attendance area.
Spring Lake Park Panther Youth Football Association
Serving the Spring Lake Park High School attendance area.
Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey Association
In-house and traveling program serving the Spring Lake Park High School attendance area for ages 4-15.
Twin Cities Rush
763-717-3888 or TwinCitiesRush.com
In-house and traveling soccer for boys and girls ages 3-19.
noon-6pm 10am-4pm
Ages 10 and under w/parent/adult
Spend a morning with your family at the North Pole! Don’t miss out on this memorable event. Fee includes a continental breakfast for one child and one adult, crafts for one child, and a visit with Santa. Registration is required and limited to 30 children per time slot.
Session 1 (ages 10 & under): Saturday, December 9 – 9am, 10am or 11am
Session 2 (ages 10 & under): Saturday, December 16 – 9am, 10am or 11am
Sensitive Santa provides an opportunity for an important, valued, and unique family experience. Enjoy the holiday experience in a quiet and welcoming environment. Environmental triggers such as lighting, sounds, and uncomfortable social interactions will be limited. The noon time slots are exclusively for a sensory friendly environment.
Session 3 (sensitive Santa up to age 16): Saturdays, December 9 & 16, noon
Sunday, November 26 4-6:30pm
Featuring: Bonfires with S’mores | Santa | Live Reindeer Tree Lighting Ceremony | Winter Wonderland Walk Live Music with Crooner Christmas from 4-6PM
Plus sign-up for the kids shopping event! Are your kids looking for gifts for family members and friends this holiday season?
Personal shoppers will help your child pick out the perfect gift. Gifts range from $1-$15, gift wrapping included.
Registration is required for a 15-minute time slot. No walk-ins will be accepted for the shopping event.
You and your child will have a great time decorating cookies for the holidays. The City will supply one dozen cookies and all of the toppings. Bring a container to take your cookies home. Dress for the mess. Max 20. Program held at Blaine City Hall.
Thursday, December 15
Session 1 (ages 10 & under): 5-5:45pm
Session 2 (ages 10 & under): 6-6:45pm
Session 3 (any age): 7-7:45pm
$15 res; $16 nr