January 2024
Mary Ann Young Center 9150 Central Avenue NE Blaine, MN 55434
Contact MAYC Staff 763-786-9375 Monday - Friday, 8:30AM to 4PM
Mission Statement To enrich the lives of older adults by providing educational, recreation, nutritional, social, informational, and volunteer opportunities in a relaxed, friendly environment.
Stay Connected Are you on our email and phone list? Call 763-786-9375 to make sure MAYC staff have your most recent contact information. Follow or like BlaineParksMN on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Pictured above: 500 Cards Players Left to Right Mardy Carlson, Kathie Barto, Mary Barrus, Sue Lashinski
Winter Wonderland Week of Fun Prize/Nickel Bingo Monday, January 22, 1pm Good neighbor rules apply, win a prize the first time you get a bingo, thereafter, prize passes to the person on your right. Win the nickels in the pot each time you get a bingo, or split the pot when there are multiple winners.
500 Card Tournament Tuesday, January 23, 1pm, $2/person Cash prizes awarded at end of play, along with a delicious ice cream treat. This is progressive play, so no partner needed. Register by January 18.
Cribbage Tournament Thursday, January 25, 1pm, $2/person Must register with a partner. Cash prizes at end of play, along with an ice cream treat. Register by January 18. For more information and to register, call 763-786-9375 or visit
Meet the MAYC Pool Sharks Phil Slotvig and Curt Wallace Phil started going to Biff’s about 20 years ago with a group of guys. They taught him how to play pool and at the age of 85, Phil is proud and thankful to still be playing. He stops in at the MAYC on Fridays to play pool around 9AM and has enjoyed doing so over the last four years.
Address Service Requested
Mary Ann Young Center 9150 Central Avenue NE Blaine MN 55434
Curt has been playing pool since the age of 16. He began playing at a pool hall in Princeton and has been joining Phil on Fridays for the past year. Both Phil and Curt have a great sense of humor and say they are “looking for a couple of people who want to come over and try to beat them at a good game of pool”. They especially want to note that they play “just for fun”. If you are looking to play a relaxed game of pool, call the MAYC at 763786-9375 to see if the table is open. Plans are in the making to have the table recovered, so it will soon have a brand new look!
Pictured: Phil Slotvig and Curt Wallace