1 minute read

Table 6 Stakeholders in Concord Oval


Minister for Lands and Water Department of Planning and Environment – NSW Crown Lands



Landowner Use of the park according to public purpose Leases over Crown land

City of Canada Bay Landowner Management Asset management Community and stakeholder engagement Community safety Bookings Maintenance Funding Native title provisions including Native Title Manager Advice.

Transport for NSW Temporary landowner

Sydney Water Capital works and maintenance of Sydney Water assets

Sporting groups  West Harbour Rugby Union Club  West Tigers Rugby League Club Meet requirements of use agreements as relevant.

Other lessees/licensees and users Meet requirements of use agreements as relevant.

Local residents Neighbours Users

NSW Police Crime prevention

2.5 Physical characteristics

2.5.1 Landform and soils

The topography of Concord Oval is generally flat. The base of the stormwater channel is the lowest point of the study area.

The eastern section of Concord Oval is Class 2 acid sulfate soil, and the western section of Concord Oval is categorised as Class 5 as shown in Figure 5.

As a requirement of the Concord Oval redevelopment works, a Remediation Action Plan was prepared to govern the management of contaminated materials on site. At the completion of construction, a Site Action Plan (SAP) will be implemented. Any future capital works at the site will need to be managed in accordance with the SAP.

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