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Figure 7 Categorisation of Concord Oval

Sportsground Land that is used or proposed to be used primarily for active recreation involving organised sports or the playing of outdoor games.

1 Local Government (General) Regulation 2021


Areas of Concord Oval Area (ha)

Recreation Centre)

Concord Oval 0.8 ha Lot 13 DP 1226181

Use agreements

The requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 regarding leases, licences and other estates are in Section 6.

Figure 7 Categorisation of Concord Oval

3.3.4 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act) establishes the statutory planning framework for environmental and land use planning in NSW through:  State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs).

 Local Environmental Plans (LEPs). The Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013 applies to Concord Oval.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021

The SEPP (Transport and Infrastructure) assists local Councils and communities by simplifying the process for providing essential infrastructure and enabling greater flexibility in the location, development and maintenance of infrastructure and service facilities. It includes specific planning provisions and development controls for a range of infrastructure works or facilities including parks and other public reserves, roads, emergency services, electricity delivery, and telecommunications networks. The clauses relevant to permissible works at Concord Oval are in Section 5 of this plan.

3.4 City of Canada Bay plans

The local planning framework is governed by the Canada Bay Local Strategic Planning Statement, Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Plan and Operational Plan, the Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013, and Development Control Plan.


4.1 Introduction

This section defines the specific roles and objectives for Concord Oval based on community values and management directions of City of Canada Bay and the Department of Planning and Environment-NSW Crown Lands.

4.2 Community values

4.2.1 The local community

The Canada Bay community is growing rapidly, especially due to recent high and medium density residential development in the City.

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment forecast that the City of Canada Bay population will grow by 29% to 113,560 residents in 2031. These figures exclude the additional population increase in and around the Parramatta Road corridor. The most significant increase will be in people over 65 years of age (54% growth representing 18% of the community) and children aged 5-14 years (37% representing 11% of the community).

In the suburbs which straddle Concord Oval population densities in 2036 are expected to be Five Dock with 59.37 people per hectare (41.5% increase) and Concord with 38.08 people per hectare (25.8% increase).

This increase in local government area population and local density will place further strain on existing recreation and social infrastructure in City of Canada Bay.

Additionally, the City of Canada Bay is a robust multi-cultural community with many residents of Asian and Southern European descent.

4.2.2 Community engagement outcomes

Community engagement for the proposed redevelopment of Concord Oval was undertaken during the facility design process in October-November 2018. Through engagement with the community Council identified strong community support for an indoor recreation centre at Concord Oval with a particular focus on the provision of a stadium/sports courts, a health club and a café.

Further community engagement was undertaken as part of the Development Application process.

4.2.3 Values of Concord Oval

The Canada Bay community and site users value various aspects of Concord Oval for different reasons. By understanding the reasons why the community and users value Concord Oval, the role that the community expects Concord Oval to play in the future may be determined.

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