We lead and strive to minimize risk, increase safety, and improve the quality of life in our community through education, code compliance, and emergency response.
14800ScenicHeightsRd Engine12,Quint11
Personnel:11FTCareer,1Captain, 3Lieutenants,19PTDutyCrew Station2
Personnel:1Captain,3Lieutenants, 19PTDutyCrew
7350EdenPrairieRd Engines31&32
Personnel:1Captain,3Lieutenants, 21PTDutyCrew
17920LinwoodCt. Engine41,Tower41
Personnel:1Captain,3Lieutenants, 21PTDutyCrew
Station1servesasthedepartmentsheadquartersaswell asthemainhub.ItalsoservesastheHennepinEMS paramedicambulanceservicestation.TheStation1service areaisthelargestoftheCity'sfourstationsandresponds tothemostincidents.
Station2isnestledinthebusiest"quadrant"oftheCity whichincludessinglefamilyhomes,multifamily apartments,seniorliving,EdenPrairieCentermalland othercommercialestablishments.
Eden Prairie Fire Department 4
Station3residesacrossfromthepopularRoundLakePark andwithinwalkingdistancetotheCommunityCenter andEdenPrairieHighSchool.Itistheoldestactivestation inEdenPrairie.
Station4isthenewestofthefourStations.Station4is alsohometotheCity'sback-upemergencyoperations center(EOC).
It is my pleasure to share the Eden Prairie Fire Department (EPFD) 2022 Annual Report with you. This past year has been a year of change, challenge and flexibility for the EPFD, and while this report captures many data points and several accomplishments, there is so much more to celebrate and much more is planned for the years ahead.
The EPFD is a combination Fire Department utilizing full-time staff and part-time staff (Duty Crew firefighters) for our service delivery. In 2022 we added 2 new full-time positions and increased the allotted strength of our Duty Crew staff to 99 to help us with our service delivery. The additional full-time staff are an Assistant Chief of Emergency Management and Health/Safety and a full-time Administrative Assistant. The EPFD continues to place great focus on community risk
reduction, including building code inspections, fire and life safety code inspections, fire prevention education, plan review, pre-planning and public relations with our skilled and innovate building inspections and fire inspections teams. The Operations Division continues to focus on effective service delivery. The Operations Division Technical Operations Specialist continues to provide innovative solutions to our communications and security needs throughout the City.
While the contents of the Annual Report focus on details and data from the Fire Department’s programs, projects and performance, it is the people we serve and the people who provide the service who are at the heart of the mission. I can’t say enough thanks to our people! We are very fortunate to have such a supportive community, supportive City staff and elected officials, which allows us to provide exceptional service delivery to our community.
I am proud to serve the City of Eden Prairie and lead the incredible team of dedicated men and women at EPFD. As we reflect on the accomplishments of 2022, we continue to be focused on what is yet to come for the EPFD and the outstanding community we serve. Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and support of the EPFD.
Scott Gerber, Fire Chief Eden Prairie Fire DepartmentThe Eden Prairie Fire Department (EPFD) has existed as a fire department within the State of Minnesota since 1967. The Fire Department is one of six core service areas that comprise Eden Prairie's City government operations. Eden Prairie is located in close proximity to the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area providing a perfect balance of small town feel and big city amenities. The Fire Department has an Insurance Services Office rating of 3.
The population of Eden Prairie is over 65,000 and there are more than 2,800 businesses. Eden Prairie is home to one public school system and three private schools.
The EPFD's service area is approximately 36 square miles and consists of a mix of residential, business and industrial areas.
The primary services provided by the EPFD include: Fire Suppression, First Response Basic Life Support (BLS), Emergency Medical Services, Community Risk Reduction, Fire Prevention and Inspections, Fire Investigations, Training, Hazardous Materials "Operations Level" Response, Special Rescue (Marine and Technical) and Technical Operations.
The purpose of this report is to provide residents, elected and appointed officials, and any other interested parties, a concise summary of what the EPFD has accomplished in 2022.
This annual report contains information about the emergency responses, training, personnel and non-emergency activities undertaken by the EPFD from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2022. The report summarizes these activities using the best available information at the time of the report's compilation.
4 Captains 12 Lieutenants
80 Part-Time Duty Crew Firefighters
Terry Enstad, Building Inspector
Ken Kragness,
John Nelsen, Plan Reviewer
Scott Gerber Fire Chief ngela Dahler Fire Admin Ward Parker Assistant Fire Chief, Operations Kurt Buchanan Assistant Fire Chief, Training & Prevention Rik Berkbigler Assistant Fire Chief, Emergency Management, Health & Safety Steve Kartak Building Official/ Building Inspections Manager Patrick Maynard, Captain 6, Technical Operations de Hoog, EMS Coordinator Wallis, Quartermaster Cross, Tools Coordinator Kim Cox, Captain 5, Training Carrane, Inspector 1 Worthington, Inspector 2 Johnson, Inspector 3 Albers, Inspector 4 Stockwell, Building Inspector Fadden, Building Inspector Uttenhove, Building Inspector Plan Reviewer Morrill, Building Insp Tech II Lundeen, Building Insp Tech IIMarch 16, 1967: The Eden Prairie Village Council votes to establish a volunteer fire department. Ray Mitchell and 20 members made up the initial group.
April 1, 1968: The department places into service its first fire apparatus. The truck was purchased with funds donated from the Eden Prairie Lions Club.
January 23, 1975: The department places into service a tanker truck. This unit allows the department to transport water more effectively to a fire scene.
September 28, 1978: During remodel work at the Mitchell Road Fire Station some building material caught fire, giving the department a new record response time to a fire.
December 21, 1983: After 17 years serving as Chief of department, Ray Mitchell steps down and returns to the rank of Firefighter. Ron Johnson is appointed as his replacement.
October 8, 1988: The newly remodeled Station 3 and the brand new Station 2 are open for business. The former station on Technology and Flying Cloud Drive is decommissioned.
March 13, 1990: Spencer Conrad is voted in as the department's third Fire Chief.
January 11, 1994: While under construction, the Eden Prairie water tower catches fire. According to Asst. Chief Mike Rogers the fire was sparked by a welder's torch.
June 17, 1999: The new (and current) Station 1 is opened. The previous location on Mitchell Road was demolished to make way for the new freeway on-ramp. This station serves as the department headquarters today.
September 5, 2002: George F. Esbensen is appointed as the City's first full-time Fire Chief.
March 3, 2007: Eden Prairie's fourth fire station is opened at Dell Road and Linwood Ct.
October 1, 2012: Duty Crews are established and members of the department are now scheduling their time on duty. Their presence is still needed for larger incidents but the majority of the calls are handled by those at the stations. The first shift began at 0500.
December 3, 2015: Quint 11 is placed into service and responds on its first run (Motor Vehicle Accident). The Quint is a first-of-its-kind apparatus for Eden Prairie and provides more versatility when responding to incidents.
March 16, 2017: The department kicked off its 50 years of service celebration. Current and retired firefighters gathered at Fire Station 1 to celebrate the event.
April 1, 2019: After the retirement of former Chief Esbensen, Chief Scott Gerber was hired as the fifth Fire Chief of Eden Prairie.
Suppression calls include structure fires, car fires, fire alarms, water flow alarms, smoke scares, in-flight emergencies and industrial accidents.
Duty Crew calls are paged to staff on duty at the fire stations. Calls labeled as 'ALL' are paged to the entire department and include calls such as structure fires, and water and aircraft incidents.
The Fire Department provides technical operations with security systems for City buildings, radio tower and microwave maintenance, dispatch console support and maintenance, and mobile and portable radio support for public safety and public service users in the City. Staff members also provide support to other agencies.
In early 2022, a long-time Captain of Technical Operations announced his retirement. Mark Vandenberghe decided it was the right time to hang up his hat and spend more time with his family. Mark will truly be missed, and he left his mark (no pun intended) on the City of Eden Prairie. We wish him well in his retirement.
Patrick Maynard, “AKA, the new Mark,” replaced him in his role and had extremely big shoes to fill. The years of knowledge on the many systems he supported had to be transferred in a short amount of time. Job duties were modified and areas of responsibility were shifted. We managed to get through most with only a few bumps in the road.
On the public safety radio side of things, we were met with a limited supply of batteries and peripherals. We were forced to get creative with our supplies as there was an over nine-month wait on items. By year end, the supply chain returned almost to normal, and stock was replenished. A special thank-you to the Police Department for their patience and flexibility during this time. As the year closed, we were able to complete radio updates and add new common and encrypted talk groups to our radios to allow us to communicate efficiently with our mutual aid partners.
It was also an active year on the security camera front in the City with server and storage replacements on both of the main video systems. This will enable us to meet our capacity demand as new cameras are brought online in future projects. We currently have nearly 450 camera views in 18 City buildings. Camera projects also included additions to the Police Department, Art Center and the completion of the Riley-Jacques Barn. Several more projects were designed and ordered, and will be rolled out in 2023 as supplies become available.
Our dispatch center saw upgrades in computers and monitors to enable them to have more processing power and display real estate to process the growing number of calls being handled. They also saw the addition of several new software tools to aid them in the ever-changing world of communication.
2022 also saw the beginning stages of an expanded Fire Department Data Warehouse. Analysis of our data is the key to future operations of the department. Understanding the trends on our incidents and personnel will help us grow in the future. You will see more of this as 2023 progresses.
Emergency Medical Service calls include medical emergencies, vehicle crashes and other life-threatening conditions. EPFD works collaboratively with the EPPD and Hennepin Healthcare EMS to provide these patients experiencing medical conditions with the best possible care. This call area also includes responses where firefighter(s) provided critical patient care with the paramedics in the ambulance while en route to a hospital.
Emergency Medical Service Response (EMS) is a core component of our service delivery. Our EMS system in the City is a tiered and collaborative response which includes the Eden Prairie Fire and Police Departments, and Hennepin Healthcare EMS. The police and fire personnel provide “first responder” service to ensure timely and effective patient care in a time of need. Fire Department staff are trained as emergency medical responders, emergency medical
technicians or paramedics. The knowledge and skills of the firefighters, police officers and paramedics, along with the state-of-the-art equipment we have at EPFD allow for timely and effective lifesaving procedures to be started quickly and continued while en route to a local healthcare facility. In 2022, the overall healthcare system, including the emergency medical services delivery, has been impacted with staffing and service delivery challenges.
The EPFD provides emergency response and preventive fire and life-safety inspections at the airport in collaboration with the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) staff and business onsite.
EPFD provides first-response capabilities for technical rescue incidents. EPFD works with the State system for technical rescue response, which includes the Edina Fire Department and Task Force 1.
Emergency response to unplanned events at the airport occurs with a unified and collaborative team. Any coordinated team response includes staff from the Police Department, Hennepin Healthcare EMS, MAC and other agencies as needed.
Additionally, the City has a Flying Cloud Airport Advisory Commission which meets quarterly. The Fire Chief serves as the staff liaison for the commission.
EPFD provides first response capabilities for hazardous materials incidents. EPFD works with the State system for hazardous materials response, which includes the Hopkins Fire Department as our Chemical Assessment Team.
EPFD provides first response rescue capabilities for all types of water and icerelated incidents. EPFD uses two boats, specialized technology, ropes and coldwater rescue suits.
The Fire Prevention Division is responsible for conducting fire code inspections of all existing businesses, single-family/multifamily rental properties and hazardous materials occupancies within the City. In addition, the fire inspectors are responsible for building life-safety reviews, fire code evaluations, permit and licensing oversight, and field inspections for all new commercial and rental properties. Kitchen hood and duct grease removal, hood system maintenance and kitchen fire protection system operation are all components of the division's regular, routine fire inspection program. These inspections are conducted during non-business hours in restaurants, schools and corporate cafeterias. There were 4,434 inspections completed by the Fire Inspections Division in 2022.
All members of the Fire Inspections Division are qualified to perform fire investigations and act as primary investigators for all fires that occur in the City. The division also supports the Hennepin County Fire Investigation Team. The Fire Inspections Division investigated 21 fires in 2022.
90% save rate for sprinkled occupancies
88% save rate for unsprinkled occupancies
We expect 2023 will bring an additional 246 rental units to our City. For our fire inspection capabilities to keep up with forecasted rental growth, the Fire Prevention Division remains focused on applying new work processes and electronic technologies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our ongoing inspections program. The paperless inspection process has been successfully implemented. Full implementation of a paperless process for the rental licensing and hazardous materials permitting programs remains a focus of this division.
There are approximately 11,460 inspectable occupancies in Eden Prairie that require fire and life-safety inspections on regular intervals. Looking across the skyline, Eden Prairie residents will notice the continued development of additional housing and commercial space. These additions have and will continue to add to the fire inspections activities of the department.
While code enforcement primarily maintains quality of life standards, it also plays an important role in the early identification of unsafe entry and exit points, maintaining access for emergencies, identifying exterior hazards, reducing public health hazards, and ensuring compliance with the building and fire codes. The EPFD is responsible for enforcing ordinance requirements throughout the City. The Fire Prevention and Building Inspections Divisions collaborate with Community Development and other departments to define solutions that meet the needs of the customer and the overall safety of the community. The community is currently classified as an ISO 3 city, which means your home is less likely to be severely damaged or destroyed by fire and may be cheaper to insure. Communities are scored on how well-equipped the City's Fire Department is to extinguish fires in that community.
The Fire Department believes the best fire is a fire that is prevented. Throughout 2022, the department's Prevention and Inspection Division continued to offer opportunities for the community to learn about fire safety and community risk reduction. Fire Department events such as the Citywide Open House, Night to Unite, Night at The Fire Stations, and life-safety education events for community groups and businesses were again well-attended.
once again was well attended
and a great success. Fire Inspections along with department firefighters remained engaged in youth education during 2022. Our youth fire prevention emphasis continues to build the fire safety culture of the future. The fire prevention education program encompasses all ages, from our seniors to our youngest residents who attend area daycare facilities.
The fire inspection staff members remain engaged with our schools on fire prevention education.
The Building Inspections Division performs public safety functions by ensuring that construction which occurs within the City of Eden Prairie conforms to various state and local and fire codes. The purpose of these codes is to provide safeguards for life, limb, health, property and public welfare by ensuring that buildings are constructed and maintained safely in accordance with these codes.
To better serve our customers and improve efficiency, we continue to implement eServices. Currently we offer ePermits and eScheduling which allows our customers to receive many types of permits and schedule inspections online. We implemented ePlan Review services in 2022.
In Eden Prairie, we strive to minimize any potential negative impacts of the fire code and/or code enforcement by working with contractors and owners to achieve code compliance, not against them. The division’s primary activities (services) include plan review, on-site inspections, approvals for occupancy, permit issuance, collection of fees and providing information to the public.
Training for our new firefighters remains the cornerstone of an effective career. Our recruit firefighters are trained in fire suppression, medical and special rescue skills. The training is conducted through our regional recruit fire academy held at the South Metro Public Safety Training Facility. At the completion of the academy, these firefighters will hold the following certifications: Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Hazardous Materials Operations, and Emergency Medical Technician or Emergency Medical Responder. Recruit training also includes active shooter response and safe emergency vehicle operations. Recruit training requires approximately 10 months to complete. Upon graduation, an Eden Prairie recruit firefighter will have completed over 175 hours of hands-on and in-class training.
2022 was another year of recruit firefighter training and onboarding. Seven firefighters graduated from the Fire Academy in May. An additional nine recruit firefighters started their firefighting journey in August joining the department’s 2022-2023 Fire Academy. All nine remain on track to graduate in May of 2023. Candidates for the 2023-2024 Fire Academy are currently being evaluated.
Our department’s training program provides opportunity and flexibility to meet the ever-changing needs of the organization and its members.
Firefighters are provided opportunities to train weekly as a department, train during their shifts, and pursue additional outside training to increase knowledge and hone their firefighting, medical, hazardous materials and special response skills.
The EPFD takes great pride in its firefighter training programs for recruits to veteran firefighters. Training remains the backbone of the department with a focus on firefighter confidence and competence.
For the specific training exercise below, firefighters practice their skills of deploying a large supply hose and securing water supply to the fire apparatus so that the master stream can be deployed on a defensive fire.
Firefighters received training needed to remain proficient with roadway safety, fire suppression, occupant rescue, hazardous materials management and emergency medical skills. Additionally, firefighters received training on topics that affect the fire service across all
regions and ranks, including firefighter wellness, understanding psychological trauma, nutrition, the value of sleep and cancer awareness. The Training Division ensures that training content aligns with the requirements for our firefighters to retain their Minnesota State Certifications and Licensing.
The City of Eden Prairie operates its own Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), also known as a dispatch center. All 911 calls made in Eden Prairie are sent directly to the dispatch center, allowing for enhanced, personalized customer service.
The Eden Prairie dispatchers answer emergency and nonemergency calls, make sound decisions for successful emergency management, and formulate a line of questioning to effectively prioritize and dispatch resources to the public. They ensure responder safety through accurately documenting information obtained, disseminating relevant facts, and maintaining the status of firefighters and police officers while on call.
In2022theDispatchCentercreated Received
43,363 Calls for Service 911 Calls
(70ofthoseweretext-to-911) Answered
28,977 Administrative
All dispatchers are trained to effectively maneuver through several different systems to perform all facets of the position: utilizing telephone technology, participating in the for Emergency Response (ARMER) and knowledgeably accessing numerous related databases.
Eden Prairie dispatchers also serve as liaisons between the public and the various departments of the City, serving as the primary contact for various departments after hours, on weekends and on holidays.
The City of Eden Prairie has adopted the all-hazard approach to emergency management and crisis response. The Fire Department serves at point for the coordination of the emergency management system. City preparedness as well as overall community preparedness are cornerstones to our system. In 2022, we conducted citywide Emergency Management table top training exercises with all City departments.
The Fire Department and the City are committed to promoting a culture of resilience and to ensuring that everything possible has been done to prevent, mitigate and manage a catastrophic event.
Hired new full-time Assistant Chief to oversee Emergency Management activities
Restarted CERT team training post-COVID with 55 active members
Joint CERT training with Hopkins and St. Louis Park CERT teams
Designed 5-year Emergency Management Exercise Plan schedule
Prepared Special Event Plans for all large-scale City gatherings such as:
Schooner Days
4th of July Hometown
Air Expo
EP High School Football Games
The Fire Chief also serves as the City's Emergency Management Director and is responsible for:
Ensuring the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is functional and ready to be utilized
Defining and updating the City’s hazard mitigation plan combined plan with Hennepin County
Training personnel in the incident command system
Coordinating emergency management efforts with the South Region and Hennepin County
Emergency Management
Outdoor warning sirens are used as part of an overall comprehensive warning and notification system. Eden Prairie has 17 sirens which are placed strategically throughout the community and are tested regularly by City staff for proper operation.
When outdoor warning sirens sound, they are for real emergencies and are designed to warn people who are OUTDOORS to seek immediate shelter. They are not designed to warn people who are indoors.
The siren sound is always the same, regardless of the type of emergency. If the sirens sound, DO NOT call 911 to ask what’s going on. Seek shelter and turn on the TV, radio or other device for information. Testing of outdoor warning sirens takes place on the first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m.
Ten emergency management professionals with the Minnesota All-Hazard Incident Management Team (MN1 - AHIMT), including Chief Gerber, were deployed to DeSoto County in central Florida for three weeks to help with Hurricane Ian response and recovery.
ChiefGerberwastheteamleaderfor thisdeployment.Themissionofthe MN1-AHIMTincludedsupportwiththe EmergencyOperationsCenter,Unified Command,BasecampOperations, Safety,Logisticssupportandsupportto PointsofDistribution(PODS).
The Fire Department works with the Police Department to support a volunteer chaplain program that provides emotional and spiritual care to community members and public safety responders. Chaplains take turns wearing a pager and being on call for the public safety system.
The Eden Prairie Fire Department Auxiliary provides a network of support for Fire Department personnel and their families to offer assistance in times of need or loss, and to recognize times for celebration.
The goal of the Auxiliary is to offer support and encouragement as a unified group regardless of station, tenure or status. The Auxiliary actively avails their services to assist in EPFD events, programs or individual needs as requested.
Community engagement in the emergency management process reinforces resiliency and readiness. One effective method of reinforcing this engagement is by supporting CERT. CERT is a group of highly motivated volunteers who are advocates and resources in the event of an emergency incident. These individuals go through an extensive training program and meet throughout the year to maintain their skills. The Fire Department coordinates the CERT group to secure resources, assist with training and to provide oversight. This program has over 50 members to help increase involvement in neighborhood activities.
Truck committee designed and wrote specifications for our new engines and skeeter trucks
City Council approved 3 new engines and 2 new skeeter trucks
Took delivery of 5 new RAD 57s
Station 1 kitchen remodel
Station 1 new Apparatus Bay Floor installed
The South Metro Recruit Fire Academy content and schedule was evaluated and revised to enhance and streamline our recruit training program. Other area academy programs were leveraged in this evaluation. A full day of scenario training was added to the curriculum to provide our recruits with real-life application of the new skills they have learned.
Fire Officer Development remains a component of our fire officer training curriculum. Monthly Officer Meetings also provide incident command development and leadership.
4,434 Fire Inspections were performed, and there was further advancement of paperless work processes:
MobileEyes, the electronic inspection software has been implemented and is currently the platform for fire inspections
Enhancement to the online payment process were successfully implemented within the ePermit process for Hazardous Materials Storage and use permits.
The e-Licensing platform for rental housing licensing has been developed and is in in its first cycle of implementation for 2023 licensing. Enhanced online payment options are currently being developed.