In March, residential property owners receive a Hennepin County 2023 Property Tax Statement, based on the 2022 assessment indicating taxes due this year, and a 2023 Notice of Valuation and Classifcation indicating property values used as a basis for taxes due in 2024.
The City’s Assessing Division maintains Eden Prairie property records and adjusts the market values based on actual real estate sales on comparable properties from the past year.
Questions? Call 952-949-8511
The assessed value of all residential and commercial property in the City of Eden Prairie for the past 10 years.
$13,486,061,100* $14,370,000,000*
General recreational fre guidelines in Eden Prairie include:
• Maximum size of 3-by-3 feet
• Must be at least 25 feet from structures such as homes, sheds, decks or fences
• Fires shall be attended while burning
• A means to extinguish the fre must be kept nearby
• Only wood with minimum 1-inch diameter may be burned
• Fires permitted between 7 a.m. and midnight
• Fires allowed when wind is less than 15 miles per hour
• Any fre or police offcer may withdraw permission for recreational fres
A copy of Eden Prairie’s detailed recreational fre guidelines, available online or from the Fire Department, serves as your permit and must be onsite.
Minnesota’s Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 17–21, with a statewide tornado drill at 1:45 and 6:45 p.m. Thursday, April 20. Families, neighborhoods and businesses are encouraged to review and practice emergency plans in preparation for the upcoming severe weather season.
The City uses Smart911 to communicate during emergencies. All landlines in Eden Prairie are automatically included in the system, but residents are encouraged to provide additional contact information to receive emergency alerts via text message, email and/or voice message. Sign up today!
Eden Prairie’s Utility Operations Manager Rick Wahlen recently received multiple awards for his contributions to water quality and safety.
Wahlen, who has led Eden Prairie’s water, wastewater and stormwater utilities since 2006, was honored with three American Water Works Association-MN awards — the George Warren Fuller Award, Andrew Sullivan Leadership Award and John Eaton Excellence in Volunteering Award
“Because of Rick’s service, Eden Prairie’s water supply is safer and more effcient, and the state of Minnesota is better prepared to protect our water resources,” said Public Works Director Robert Ellis. “We could not be more proud to have him on our team.”
Wahlen and the City’s Utilities Division and former Water Resources Coordinator Leslie Stovring were also honored with a chloride reduction leadership award for their work to reduce the harmful effects of salt use in Eden Prairie.
EP See Click Fix is a mobile application for reporting nonemergency issues in the community, such as potholes, public property damage and coyote sightings. Simply download the app on your mobile device and use it as a quick and easy way to help the City address maintenance issues.
hen the snow melts, runoff on your street washes through storm sewers and into local lakes, ponds and rivers, carrying yard waste and other pollutants. Proper disposal of yard waste helps protect the health of local waterways.
Options for managing yard waste include curbside pickup available through most trash haulers, using a local drop-off site or composting in your backyard. The Eden Prairie Yard Waste Site is open April 28–Nov. 19
Get rid of unwanted items you can’t throw in the trash or recycling bin, Saturday, May 6, 8 a.m.–noon at the Eden Prairie Yard Waste Site (9811 Flying Cloud Drive).
Scheduled curbside pickup through Certifed Recycling will also be available in May, along with additional recycling opportunities throughout the year.
Registration for a new season of Parks and Recreation programs is underway! Make it a great summer with fun activities, camps and lessons for all ages.
Rebates are available to Eden Prairie residents who make home improvements that contribute to water conservation and improve water quality in our community. Qualifying projects include wireless-enabled smart irrigation systems, water reuse systems or pollinator gardens, and constructing infltration areas such as rain gardens or shoreline buffers.
You can make your home more climate-friendly by replacing gas-powered appliances with electric options.
Electrify Everything MN offers tips for transitioning to electric water heating, cooking, drying clothes, and home heating and cooling. Get step-bystep guidance along with technical and fnancial resources to consider.
Pet waste left on the ground washes bacteria, viruses and parasites into local lakes and ponds, which can threaten the health of humans and animals. Pet waste also contains nutrients that promote weed and algae growth, turning waterbodies into a mucky, smelly mess. Picking it up helps keep our recreation areas clean, safe and beautiful.
City of Eden Prairie 8080 Mitchell Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-4485
TTY: 952-949-8399
Ron Case 952-949-8593
Council Members
Mark Freiberg 612-581-7504
PG Narayanan 952-393-3100
Kathy Nelson 952-941-6613
Lisa Toomey 952-388-8827
Prairie Pour: Eden Prairie Liquor Spring Wine and Beer Event
6–8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 6 The Garden Room of Eden Prairie
Arbor Day Walk and Green Fair
10 a.m.–1 p.m. Saturday, April 29
Staring Lake Park
On the Cover:
An oriole perches in a tree near Staring Lake.
Park Clean-Up Days
8 a.m.–2 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, April 15–16
City Parks
Art Center Open House for Adults and Teens
5–7 p.m. Saturday, May 20
Art Center
Kathy Nelson Lisa Toomey Ron Case Mark Freiberg PG Narayanan