Another year of fun and laughter during our annual Garden Party! Announcer Josh Rockey guided the group through a fun competition of whose minnow was the fastest.
Applications are open for a 2-year term on the Senior Advisory Council. This board contributes to the success of our Senior Center. Please submit your nomination to be one of the 9 individuals who serve on the board. Nominations close in December and the election is held in January into February.
Note from Sue and Josh
There is so much to be thankful for this fall. We want to thank you for all your positive thoughts and messages throughout this year. Your words warm our hearts and motivate us to create all of the wonderful and fun programs at our Senior Center. Please send us any new ideas you have.
Stay in Touch
Sue Bohnsack SBohnsack@edenprairie.org 952-279-8051
Josh Rockey JRockey@edenprairie.org 952-279-8058
BringyourlucktotheSeniorCenter!Youcould winprizesduringthesefunthemedbingo events!Costis$5persession.Registration deadlineoneweekbeforeevent.
Oct.25 BooBingo
Wearyourbestcostume! SponsoredbyElimShoresandLandmarkTours. Code:478209.
Nov.22 GiveBackBingo
BringitemsfordonationtoPROPFoodShelf. SponsoredbyPrairieBluffsSeniorLiving. Code:478210.
Dec.9 HolidayBingo
Wearyourbestholidaysweater-uglyornot. SponsoredbySPARK. Code:478211.
Joinusforfood,fun,friendshipandlive entertainment.Lunchservedat11:30a.m.Includes meatloaf,sidesanddessert.Enjoyjazz,swingand morewithsaxophoneandkeyboardsounds.A portionofthiseventissponsoredbySouthwest Transit,St.CroixHospiceandSholom.Registration deadlineOct.11.
AllarewelcometohonorandcelebrateVeterans Day.Enjoyafullycateredbreakfastservedat9a.m. andlistentoaguestspeaker.SponsoredbySouth WestTransit,SPARK,HomeInstead,Comfort Keepers,Cloud9CarWashandHearToday. RegistrationdeadlineNov.1.
Date Nov.8
Enjoy a meal of turkey with all the fixings and pumpkin pie for dessert served at 11 a.m. The EPHS student choir students sings and we might even have a visit from Santa. Sponsored by Choice Connections, Landmark Tours, Summit Place Senior Campus and Sholom Home.
Registration deadline Dec. 6.
Event is held at St. Andrew Lutheran Church 13600 Technology Drive.
CarFitisafreeprogramdesignedtoimprovesafety forolderdrivers.Trainedvolunteersprovide informationtoensurethesafest"fit"fordriversand theirvehicles-theyrepositionmirrorstominimize blindspots,adjustseatsforproperpositioningand adjustseatbeltstoensureoptimalsafety.
Join Carol Giuliani, owner of Senior Travel Companion Services, as she shares her experience in helping seniors and their families get from one place to another. Registration deadline Dec. 3.
Date Dec.5 Time 10-11:30a.m. Day Th Cost Free Code 468209
JoinusforthisfunSeniorCenterCookieExchange! Participantsbring12individualbaggiesfilledwith 3holidaycookies,foratotalof36cookies.Please labeleachbaggiewiththetypeofcookie,aswell asingredients,forallergenidentificationpurposes. Participantsarenotrequiredtobakethecookies, butareencouragedtobringholidaybakerystyle cookies.Aftertheexchange,everyoneiswelcome tostayandsocialize!Enjoycookiesandcoffeeas youtalkaboutholidaybaking,cooking,funand traditions.RegistrationdeadlineDec.18.
Date Dec.20 Time 12:30–2p.m. Day F Cost Free Code 468203
Joinyour gameshowhostsJoshandSueforthis funinteractivenoonyear’seveoffun!Partyhats, music,horsd’euvres,champagneandallwillring inthenewyearinstyle.RegistrationdeadlineDec. 26.
Date Time Day
Beginnerswelcome;allsuppliesprovided $30perclass.Code466203.
Oct.10 WatercolorCollage
Oct.24 DecorateClayMugs-SpookyFace
Nov.7 ThanksgivingTable-GlassCharms
Nov.21 GlassWinterVillages
Dec.5 FusedGlassOrnaments
Dec.19 NeedleFeltedHolidayDecor
SilverSneakers® Classic Location:SeniorCenterCommunityRoom Cost:FREEforCommunityCentermembers; nonmemberspay$7atthedoor.
Tai Chi & Qigong
Tuesdays, 9:30–10:30 a.m.
SilverSneakers® Yoga
Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m.
Eden Prairie Center by Hallmark
Visitedenprairie.org/Walkforscheduleor call952-279-8050
Toregisterorget moredetails,visit edenprairie.org/Register orscanthisQRcode.
InPerson SeniorCenter 8950EdenPrairieRoad 8:30a.m.–4p.m.,M–F CommunityCenter 16700ValleyViewRoad 5:30a.m.–10p.m.,daily
Questions?CalltheSeniorCenterat 952-279-8050.
For those 55+ this course qualifies you for a 10% discount on your auto insurance premium.
-4p.m. 5:30–9:30p.m. 9a.m.–1p.m.
Wednesday Book Club
SecondWednesdayofthemonth,10–11:30a.m. Oct.9
“EleanorOliphantisCompletelyFine“by GailHoneyman
Learn the truth about what it takes to sell a home as-is in Minnesota and get the real scoop about offers to pay cash for your home. Registration deadline Oct. 1.
“KillersoftheFlowerMoon”by DavidGrann
“TexasRanger”byJamesPatterson “AmericanDirt”byJeanineCummins “PeaceLikeaRiver”byLeifEnger
Gather with others who have eyesight less than 20/20 vision. Knowing what resources are available is key to getting the help you need. Led by Vision Loss Resources. Registration deadline two days before each session.
Date Oct.23,Nov.27 Time 1–2:30p.m.
Get assistance with texting, voicemail, email, photos and more. Home visits are also available. Register by Monday before the session. Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Registration deadline two days before each session.
This program provides an overview of how these plans enhance traditional Medicare coverage. It explains that Medicare Advantage Plans combine hospital (Part A) and medical (Part B) coverage, often with additional benefits like vision and dental. The class emphasizes potential cost savings, prescription drug coverage, and the convenience of having multiple services bundled into one plan. It addresses seniors' questions about network limitations, enrollment periods, and the flexibility to choose plans that best suit their individual healthcare needs. Registration deadline Oct. 3. Date Oct.7
TheSeniorPoliceAcademyisa5-weekcoursethat givestheopportunityforseniorstolearnmore abouttheEPPDandwhattheydo.Thiscourse involvescasestudies,crimestatsforEdenPrairie, presentationsbythedrone,K9,andSWATteams aswellasavarietyofotherpolicefunctions.There isalsoaDWIportion,trafficportion,andsomeQ&A time.Onthefinaldayalunchisprovided,anda certificateisearned.Thiscourseissponsoredby theEdenPrairieCrimePreventionFund.Firstclass meetsattheSeniorCenterthenvariouslocations thereafter.RegistrationdeadlineOct.2.
Medicarecanbecomplicatedandconfusing.Not knowingtheMedicarebasicsandwhentoenroll canleadtoincreasedcostsandmissed opportunities.Joinusforapresentationandlearn thebasicsofwhatyouneedtoknowtoselectthe bestMedicareplanforyou.Registrationdeadline Oct.14.
LearnaboutrecentchangesinMedicarebenefits andcoverage,andhowthesechangesaffectyou. Wecovertheimportanceofreviewingyour MedicareplanduringtheOpenEnrollmentPeriod (Oct.15-Dec.7)andhowtouseMedicare.govto makehealthinsurancecomparisons.Registration deadlineOct.18.
Date Oct.21 Time 3:30-5p.m.
Learnaboutwhatprogramsandbenefitsare availabletoveteransandtheirspouses.Topics includeVAaideandattendance,pensionfor marriedveterans,programofcomprehensive assistanceforfamilycaregivers,andtheapplication processfornewveteranstotheVAtoaccessinhomebenefits.ThereistimeforQ&Awiththe presenter.RegistrationdeadlineNov.1.
Visit with a panel of individuals who are navigating the aging process while embracing independence. Discover practical strategies, community resources and support networks to thrive and enjoy life on your own terms. Registration deadline Nov. 5.
Date Nov.7 Time 10-11:30a.m.
JamesMockovciakandEdenPrairieCityEngineer CarterSchulzeshareaccomplishmentsand highlightsoftheproject.Withmostoftheworkin theEdenPrairie-Hopkinsportionnearlycomplete, learnaboutnextstepsastheyenterthefinalstages ofconstruction.TheMETROGreenLineExtension connectstotheexistingGreenandBluelinesatthe TargetFieldStationinDowntownMinneapolis. Passengerserviceisanticipatedtobeginin2027. RegistrationdeadlineOct.24. Date
Feeltheheat(ofthecoffee)withEdenPrairie's firefighters.Hearanoverviewofhappeningswith theFiredepartment.Thereisahands-on opportunitytouseafireextinguishersimulator. Bringyourquestionstodiscuss.Registration deadlineOct.28.
Date Oct.30 Time 10-11:30a.m.
Bringabeveragetoenjoywhilechallengingyour mindwithsometriviaquestions,videos,and brainteasers.RegistrationdeadlineNov.18.
Date Nov.20 Time 3:30-4:30p.m.
Explore travel opportunities in the U.S. and abroad. Get comfortable with no-stress travel. Landmark’s all inclusive packages featuring roundtrip airfare, quality accommodations, enjoyable meal experiences, admission to all itinerary attractions, and the services of a professional tour manager. Registration deadline Dec. 2.
Date Dec.4 Time 10-11:30
For all trips:
Find full trip information online, or by calling the Senior Center.
Please indicate any special physical needs at time of registration.
New destination ideas welcome!
If past the registration deadline, call us to check availability.
Zip Lining at Sand Creek Adventures
Join Senior Center Supervisor Sue Bohnsack for a fun-filled day in Jordan. Enjoy a guided tour of the town, savor a delicious lunch at Clancy’s and indulge in sweet treats at Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store. Thrill-seekers can pay an additional $44 to zip line on site. See full regulations online. Registration deadline Sept. 27.
EnjoyfallcolorsonyourwaytotheTreasureIsland EventCenterforlunchandshow.Registration deadlineSept.30.
DinneratCiatti’sItalianGrill(FiveLayerLasagnaor ChickenCapellini)beforeadrivingtourthrough RiversidePark’sdisplayof3millionChristmas lights.MeetSanta,reindeer,seea140-foot Christmastree,andhaves’moresbythefire.
ReceiveaguidedtouroftheRamseyCounty CourthouseandSt.PaulCityHall.Enjoyadelicious ItalianlunchatDegidio'sRestaurant,thencapoff thedaywithaguidedtourofthehistoricUnion Depot.Busdepartsat9a.m.Registrationdeadline Oct.13.
Joinusonatouroffestiveholidaylightsinlocal neighborhoods.Firststopisdinneratalocal restaurant(onyourown),thenit'sofftoenjoythe creativityandspectacleofmanydisplays.
Date Dec.11 Dec.17
Withadazzlingscorefeaturingwell-known standardsincluding“BlueSkies,”“ILoveAPiano,” andtheperennialtitlesong,WhiteChristmasisan uplifting,wholesomeandjoy-filledmusical celebration!RegistrationdeadlineDec.10.
EnjoylunchatSt.Cloud’sCoyoteMoonGrillbefore experiencingParamountTheater’sshowbasedon Shakespeare’sTwelfthNight.ListentoElvis’shits asthesoundtracktoawholenewstory.
Bells Will Be Ringin’
Sidekick Theatre’s in Bloomington presents a spirited show of holiday favorites from past to present. Enjoy a roast chicken dinner and concert. Registration deadline Nov. 18. Date
Date Feb.6 Time 9:30a.m.–5:15p.m.
Branson, Missouri
Spend a few days enjoying world-famous live music shows and genuine Ozarks hospitality. Events include a comedian guide for a sightseeing tour of Branson. Shows include “David” at Sight and Sounds Theatre, The Hughes Brothers, “Down Home Country” at Grand Country Music Hall, Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Attraction, guided tour of the Titanic Museum and showboat cruise on the Branson Belle. Cost includes deluxe motor coach transportation, lodging for four nights, attractions, most meals and gratuities. See full detailed itinerary on the Senior Center website or call the Senior Center. Registration deadline Feb. 17. Full payment due March 8.
Dates April28-May2
Registerednursesprovidesupportiveandcaring footcare.Payatyourappointment.
Thursdays,byappointment Call952-204-9406orvisitsparklingfeetrn.com
Happiness Group
First and Third Wednesday of the month, 2 p.m.
Socialize with others and meet new people as we navigate the path of adulthood to elderhood. Group discussions cover topics on choices, courage and curiosities.
Fourth Wednesday, monthly, 12:15 p.m. Champps, 8010 Glen Lane, Eden Prairie
Second Thursday of each month, 1–3 p.m.
Call or e-mail the Senior Center for more information.
Room Rentals
Host your meetings, parties and outings at the Senior Center! Bring your own food and beverages. Call 952-279-8050 to book your private room or get more information.
Third Thursday of each month
Call 800-333-2433 or visit trellisconnects.org to make an appointment.
Third Thursday of each month 3–4:30 p.m.
Call Danielle (612-710-1671) to register.
Second Friday of each month, 9:30 a.m.
Original Pancake House, Eden Prairie Contact Barbara at dollroom@sprynet.com or 952-929-2813 to reserve a spot.
Beautiful hand made cards for sale. Inquire about volunteering to help create cards.
Ourfully-equippedcommunityresourcehas mostshoptoolsandequipment.Fees, trainingandmemberpassrequired.
Monday–Friday, 8:30a.m.–4p.m.
Forafulllistoflocalandstate resourcesforseniors,visit edenprairie.org/SeniorResources,pick upaflyerinourlobbyorscanthisQR code.
City of Eden Prairie Senior Center
8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347
TTY: 952-949-8399
The City of Eden Prairie does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, activities and services.
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