Golden Informer - January & February 2022

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GoldenInformer JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022

Make a Difference

in the Golden Community in 2022


2022 Golden City Council

Laura Weinberg Mayor

JJ Trout District One

Rob Reed Ward One

Paul Haseman Ward Two

Casey Brown Mayor Pro Tem District Two

Don Cameron Ward Three

Bill Fisher Ward Four

303-384-8179 E-mail: lweinberg

720-880-5084 E-mail: jtrout

303-431-9891 E-mail: rreed

303-513-2310 E-mail: phaseman

303-900-2003 E-mail: cbrown

720-295-4370 E-mail: dcameron

303-588-3389 E-mail: bfisher

To contact the entire City Council, e-mail

IN T H IS ISS U E The Golden Informer is produced and published monthly by the Golden City Manager’s Office and mailed as a source of news and information to all residences and businesses inside the city limits. Comments on The Informer are welcome. Please write to:

Cover photo: Courtesy of Andrew Terrill (

3 S erve Your Community 3 N EW Councilor Coffee Format 5 Message from the City Manager 5 The Latest on Guiding Golden 6 C ommunity Assistance and


Housing Navigation

City of Golden 911 10th St. Golden, CO 80401 or e-mail

7 Honoring Police "Officers of the Year" 8 L eave Your Legacy in Golden 10 Nominate Sustainability Champions 10 H elp Golden Achieve Community Energy Reduction Goals

13 Senior Sales Tax Claim Form 14 E thics in Business Nominations

14 " Goldens in Golden" 15 Poetic Cowboys 15 C olorado Environmental Film Festival

16 G olden is Hiring!

City of Golden Department Managers

Jason Slowinski City Manager

Carly Lorentz Deputy City Manager

Anne Beierle Public Works

Rick Muriby Community & Economic Dev.

Monica Mendoza City Clerk

Rod Tarullo Parks and Recreation

Bill Kilpatrick Police

Jerry Stricker Fire Chief

Jeff Hansen Finance

Kristen Meier Human Resources

Emily Gedeon Communications

Jiles McCoy Innovation and Technology

303-384-8012 303-384-8098 303-384-8063 303-384-8153 303-384-8014 303-384-8120 303-384-8033 303-384-8093 303-384-8020 303-384-8017 303-384-8132 303-384-8010 clorentz@ rmuriby@ jmccoy@ egedeon@ abeierle@ mmendoza@ rtarullo@ bkilpatrick@ jstricker@ jhansen@ kmeier@ jslowinski@

2 | January/February 2022

HEADS UP: Important Upcoming Items Serve Your Community on One of the City’s Boards and Commissions Golden City Council is recruiting applicants to fill expiring appointments to: • Community Sustainability Advisory Board (CSAB) • Downtown Development Authority (DDA) • Golden Urban Renewal Authority (GURA) • Historic Preservation Board (HPB) • Mobility and Transportation Board (MTAB) • Planning Commission (PC) • Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) • Visit Golden To find out more about the board and commission application process, visit If you are interested in applying, the application form will go live on February 4 at You may be considered for up to three different boards on one application; be sure to rank your preference on the application. After completing the online application, click the button to submit. The deadline for applications will be Friday, March 4 at 5 p.m. and interviews will be held the evening of Tuesday, April 5 with City Council. If you have questions, contact the City Clerk's Office at 303-384-8014, 303-384-8015 or

New Trash & Recycling Calendar For residents on the City’s Pay-as-YouThrow trash, recycling, and compost program through Republic Services, you will find the 2022 calendar inserted into this edition of the Informer between pages 4 and 5. Feel free to pull it out and put it on your fridge or bulletin board to ensure you have the correct schedule throughout the year. A helpful list of the items that are recyclable is also included. For more information, please contact Republic Services at 303-277-8727 or

New Format in 2022 for Coffee with City Councilors Trout and Brown Coffee with Councilors Trout and Brown will start up again in February 2022, and each month this year, the discussion will center on a value from the Golden Vision 2030 document. We want to know how you see the City of Golden putting those values into practice, and how we can do better to reach our vision. In February, Coffee with Councilors will focus on this stated Golden value: We value being a community which is walkable, bikeable, and accessible to all. Keep an eye out for our prompts on social media and bring your ideas to our next coffee date!

City Holiday Hours The City of Golden’s administrative offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 17 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The administrative offices will also be closed on Monday, Feb. 21 in observance of Presidents Day.

Golden City Council's Monthly Calendar

Meetings are held on TUESDAY Nights at 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers City Hall, 911 10th St. For more information, visit www.cityofgolden. net/agendas. __________________________

January 11

Regular Business Meeting

January 18

Study Session

January 25

Regular Business Meeting

February 8

Regular Business Meeting

February 22

Regular Business Meeting

__________________________ Council’s upcoming agendas, packets and meeting minutes are available online under the City Council link at agendas. Public comment is welcome on the agenda at all regular business meetings. If you want to send your comments to the City Council directly, you can email them councilcomments@

January/February 2022 | 3


Laura Weinberg

Taking Stock of Progress in Golden


t’s the start of a new year, and time for a moment of reflection. This January marks the mid-point of my four-year term as mayor. In some ways, it feels as if I have been in this role for a very long time and in others, it feels like I just got started. The two-year pandemic has certainly changed what I thought would take precedence when I took office in January 2020. While the pandemic isn’t over, this midpoint is a good time to take stock on how things are going in Golden. Golden continues to be the best place to live, work, and play as evidenced by the continued high demand for housing, new business openings, and a lot of new tourists. Community involvement has been strong with many of our cultural and service non-profits having record-breaking fundraising and outpourings of support. These signs of strength occurred against the backdrop of significant social and economic impacts from the pandemic and speak to the character and resilience of Golden. The City finished 2021 in a strong financial position with increasing revenues, managed expenses, and retention of dedicated employees. We have been successful obtaining additional state grant funding and federal funding to help advance our priorities. In November, Golden voters authorized retail marijuana stores and an associated tax and a lodging tax on overnight visitors to help pay for the community impacts of increasing tourism. The city’s financial strength affords us the opportunity to further our Strategic Action Plan goals in 2022. Housing affordability efforts will advance under the guidance of the city’s new Housing Coordinator. The future vision for the Clear Creek corridor will be decided with an adopted plan for the Heart of Golden. A continuing review of fire department operations will determine the future size and structure of our Golden Fire Department. The zoning code rewrite will come to completion with the adoption of new zoning laws. Additional projects around sustainability, transportation, racial equity, diversity and inclusion, open space, parks, and more are reflected in the current Strategic Action Plan to be reviewed and updated by Council in January. There is no shortage of ideas and opportunities for improving and preserving Golden. You can help to work on these efforts and shape our future by applying for an open seat on a board or commission. Bring your enthusiasm, thoughts, and willingness to collaborate with others to a seat at the table. The past two years have been incredibly challenging for many of us as individuals and collectively for the city and community. I continue to feel honored and privileged to be serving as your Mayor and am excited and optimistic for all that we can accomplish together during these next two years. I wish health and happiness for you and your loved ones. Happy New Year.

4 | January/February 2022


Golden's Resilience

s the calendar once again turns to a new year, we still find ourselves in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, now two full years since it first grabbed the attention of our nation. We’ve all grown tired of hearing about the virus, its variants, and vaccines (and necessary boosters). Virtual interactions have grown stale and there is a longing for some semblance of “normalcy” where we can once again greet one another with a smile (instead of a mask) and a handshake (instead of an elbow bump). A few weeks ago, I walked in the annual Candlelight Walk down Washington Avenue and it felt as close to a normal holiday tradition as we’ve had in some time. As participants near me sang the classic “Silver Bells” song, I reflected on potential “silver linings”— the unexpected gift—of the pandemic. As I looked into the windows of downtown businesses along the walk, it occurred to me that as a community, we’ve become

more resilient, in large part due to the ongoing pandemic. We’ve adapted and grown as a community. The pandemic has empowered us to take chances that we otherwise would have overlooked. To try new and different pathways forward that otherwise would have been ignored. Individuals have become more resilient. Businesses have become more adaptable. Government has become

more flexible. And, as a result, we—the GOLDEN community—have grown and become stronger. This growth is at the very heart of what being resilient is all about. As we look to the year ahead, we’ll need to employ that resilience as we continue to push through this pandemic. It will also come in handy as we look to address complex issues in our community, such as housing affordability, homelessness, and community development. We will work to strike the right balance between the value that visitors bring to our merchants and the impacts often created in our community. Being resilient is a requisite in dealing with change and at its core, is maturity, growth, and courage. As always, it is a privilege to serve as Golden City Manager and I extend my best wishes to you for a happy and healthy new year.

Your active participation is helping to shape the future of Golden at GOLDEN’S OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN


Goldenites may be familiar with using Jefferson County Open Space, but many may not know we’ve got open space right here within city limits. Golden is home to worldclass resources and natural areas, but doesn’t have a comprehensive open space master plan like many other cities in the Denver metro area. The City of Golden’s Parks and Recreation Department will be looking to community members and nature lovers to help shape this plan.

The City of Golden purchased 7.27 acres of land east of Ford Street along the Clear Creek Corridor, which now gives the Golden community the opportunity to enhance civic and cultural community activities, realize the potential of the creek corridor, and improve municipal facilities and service delivery. After receiving initial community input in 2020, there will be more opportunities to contribute in early 2022.

January/February 2022 | 5


City Bolsters Community Assistance with New Staff

olden, like many communities across Denver’s Front Range, is facing the challenge of an increasing number of people experiencing homelessness and housing instability. The root causes of these crises are complex and require a thoughtful approach to best support all community members. With the recent hires of a Community Assistance and Housing Navigator, Bodhi Horton, Co-Responder, Elizabeth Gallagher and Affordable Housing Policy Coordinator, Janet Maccubbin, the City of Golden is doubling down on creating the best support to address the needs of the Golden community. The new city staff are providing targeted assistance with mental health and substance abuse issues as well as housing for people

Source: United Way

6 | January/February 2022

Navigation Assistance within the housing continuum. “Housing continuum” means the range of types of housing within a community. Bodhi, Elizabeth, and Janet bring a breadth of expertise and knowledge about policy, programs and services that can help people with both immediate needs and long-term housing needs. While law enforcement in the City of Golden and Jefferson County have historically worked directly with people experiencing homelessness, the new city staff bring added expertise in mental health support, navigation of resources

and other comprehensive assistance to people in our community. Making the City of Golden a welcoming, safe place for all to live, work and play is a top priority. If you need assistance, or if you have questions about the City’s programs, please reach out to Bodhi Horton at or 303-621-5744 or Janet Maccubbin at or 303597-5221. Elizabeth Gallagher will start full time with the City of Golden at the beginning of 2022.


Golden Officers Honored For Service Through COVID-19 Pandemic

ongratulations to the 41 Golden Police Officers – and one K-9 – who were honored for their service as “Officers of the Year” in 2021 by Police Chief Bill Kilpatrick. The award nominations are submitted by employees and final selection by the Chief of Police. Typically, the award honors one exemplary law enforcement officer, however this year Chief Kilpatrick chose to honor all law enforcement officers who served through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to these Golden Police Officers for their service to the community!

Officer Frank Barr

Detective Ryan Beale

Sergeant Austin Beck

Officer Nate Brown

Corporal John Bulman

Sergeant Ryan Custer

Sergeant Mark Donohue

Corporal Nicco Fanelli-Poole

Corporal Christen Farris

Code Officer Justin Ferrero

Officer Jodene Fowler

Officer Justin Garcia

Corporal Guy Garner

Officer Steve Gurule

Officer Derek Hall

Officer Thad Hall

Officer Shawn Henslee

Officer Sean Horne

Officer Dan Hyde

Officer Merritt Johnson

Officer Aden Jones

Corporal Adam Lanning

Officer McKenzie Hammernik

Officer Parker Moody

Sergeant Phil Morgan

Corporal Trevor Novak

Corporal Anne Pike

Officer Matt Porter

Officer Brian Radulovich

Parking Officer Chris Reichert

Sergeant Ben Salentine

Officer Shams Sayed

Sergeant Cody Schroeder

Code Supv Jamie Segal

Sergeant Stephanie Sipes

Officer Kris Stevenson

Officer Raoul Stoian

Code Officer Alex Vasquez

Officer James Wader

Parking Officer Brian Wilkinson

Sergeant Adam Zutman

K9 Officer Mao

January/February 2022 | 7


The Historic Preservation Board Advises on How to Leave Your Legacy in Golden

s the City wraps up the code re-write, owners of historic properties can take the next step in preserving Golden's small-town look, feel, and character. According to the City of Golden’s Historic Preservation Board, if you own a house or building that was built before 1950, your structure is eligible for review and potential designation as a City of Golden Historic Landmark. If your structure is designated as a historic landmark, you: • Qualify for tax credits applied to upgrades constructed on your structure. • Help preserve the overall neighborhood feel, becoming a lasting contributor to the city’s history. • Leave a legacy for future generations. Since the 1980s, the City has conducted more than 700 historic surveys of the structures in Golden. Some of these surveys and surrounding neighborhood information are available to the public on the Golden History Museum’s online database, so you can learn about your structure and your neighborhood. If your survey is not available, we can help locate it for you. If you are interested in this designation or information about your property, please contact Senior City Planner, Lauren Simmons: lsimmons@

BENEFITS • Leaves a legacy for future generations • Tax credits available for renovations • Community recognition

RESTRICTIONS • Limits changes to the front façade and overall size, potentially. • Changes or demolition must come before Historic Preservation Board for approval to receive community support.

Winter Safety Reminders


ut a FREEZE on Winter Fires! Home fires occur more in winter than in any other season. As you stay cozy and warm this winter, be fire smart with these tips: • Half of all home heating fires occur in December, January and February. • 1 in every 7 home fires and 1 in every 5 home fire deaths involves heating equipment. • Keep anything that can burn at least 3 feet from any heat source such as fireplaces, wood stoves, radiators or space heaters. • Keep portable generators outside, away from windows, and as far away from your home as possible. • Install and test carbon monoxide alarms at least once a month.

8 | January/February 2022

• Plug only 1 heat-producing appliance (such as a space heater) into an electrical outlet at a time. • Have a qualified professional clean and inspect your chimney and vents every year. • Store cooled ashes in a tightly covered metal container, and keep it outside at least 10 feet from your home and any nearby buildings. • Only light candles when you are alert and able to watch them, blowing them out whenever you intend to leave the room. • When you’re ready to get rid of your holiday tree, please do not burn it in the fireplace or wood stove. The rapid burning and excessive heat can damage the fireplace and chimney

and create a serious fire hazard. • Be ready in case the power goes out. Have flashlights on hand. Also have battery-powered lighting and fresh batteries. Never use candles. • Stay aware of winter weather. Listen to the television or radio for updates. Watch for bulletins online. • Check on neighbors or others who may need help. • Have an emergency supplies kit with basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. • Make your emergency supply kit easily portable (such as a large tote with a lid) so it can go along with you and your vehicle if you need to evacuate.


Recycle Your Tree

nce the holidays are over, those of you who bought live trees will want to get it (and all the falling needles!) out of your home. The City of Golden has an easy way for you to get rid of your tree, and help give it a second life as mulch. Drop off your trees from Dec. 26 through Jan. 24 at the former Golden Recycle site, just west of Hwy 93 and north of Golden Gate Canyon Road. Please leave trees at the south end of the site; there will be a sign there for tree recycling. Trees must be stripped of all ornaments, hardware, strings of lights and tinsel. The trees will be turned into mulch, which will eventually be available for free at the public pickup site on 11th Street, just west of the Clear Creek History Park. For further details, contact the City of Golden Forestry office at 303-384-8141.

Annual City Tree Sale Coming Soon


ant to spruce up your yard? Check out the City of Golden’s annual tree sale, brought to you by the Golden Parks and Recreation Department. The sale runs from March 1 through April 15 or until we run out of trees. Do not wait! All trees come in seven-gallon pots and are $75 plus tax. This is your opportunity to get trees that are known to adapt and thrive in our area. Our program is offered to City of Golden residents and proof of residency will be required. Quantities are limited and households may order up to three trees. Information on how to purchase your trees will be published prior to March 1. Purchased trees will be distributed at the Golden Cemetery, 755 Ulysses Street, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 16. For details visit Question? Call the Forestry Office at 303-384-8141 or Stacy Turner at 303-384-8191.

Norwegian Sunset Maple

Ohio Buckeye

Choose from the following selection: • Hot Wings Maple • Norwegian Sunset Maple • Ohio Buckeye • Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry • Catalpa • Hackberry • Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn • Kentucky Coffeetree • Bur Oak • Discovery Elm


January/February 2022 | 9

Social, Economic & Environmental Issues Create a Roadmap for Better Buildings and Healthier Homes in Golden by Joining the Energy Code Stakeholder Group


nergy used to heat and cool our buildings and homes is a significant source of carbon pollution in Golden, which is why the Community Sustainability Advisory Board is looking for participants in a new energy code stakeholder group to help Golden achieve our community energy reduction goals. The stakeholder group will identify and recommend performance-based building code standards for new building construction and for remodels within Golden. A wide variety of perspectives are needed to create an equitable process, such as: commercial and residential tenants, owners of commercial properties, multi-family residential landlords, single family homeowners, and property developers. Ideal participants will have experience living or working within the Golden community and participants must be available for three meetings scheduled for If you are willing to share your perspective on pathways to a • February 10 greener built environment, please fill out the short application • March 10 at A member of city staff • April 14 will contact you to discuss details.

Nominate a Sustainability Champion


he Golden Sustainability Awards are an opportunity to recognize the businesses, community groups, individuals and students who inspire us to live more sustainably. Know of a sustainability hero that is leading Golden toward a greener future? Golden’s Community Sustainability Advisory Board (CSAB) is looking for nominations for the following categories: • Student • Individual • Business • Community Group To nominate a person or group for the 2022 Sustainability Awards, fill out and submit the online nomination form at www. by March 17. City Council will present the awards in celebration of Earth Day in April.

10 | January/February 2022

DON’T MISS OUT ON 2022 GARDEN DISCOUNTS Wondering when to get started on this year’s landscaping projects? Do you have a moment right now? The easiest first step to a beautiful, lowwater landscape is signing up for Garden In A Box updates at The City of Golden partners with Resource Central to offer a limited number of $25 discounts on beautiful waterwise garden kits tailor-made for Colorado yards. Golden discounts are first-come, first-serve and will sell out quickly! By signing up for updates, you will have access to early previews and purchasing, seasonal reminders, and occasional special offers directly from Resource Central.

Golden Community Center activities calendar For more information and to register, visit

Golden Community Preschool - Learn Through Play


hat we teach: Kindness, problem solving skills, self-regulation, cooperative play, group fun, independence and what do we do with the BIG feelings. We also focus on basic concepts, empathy, community… and the love of learning! We offer a nine-month full-day and half-day preschool. If you are interested in being a part of our preschool community, registration begins in February. You can find out more at We offer in-person tours for prospective parents and their kiddos from Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Need care in the summer? We also offer preschool and school-age summer camps! Ages 5-12. Please feel free to reach out to Julie Adkins with any questions. Julie can be reached at 303-384-8196 or email at

The Front Porch of the Golden Community Center (GCC) is a space for adults to gather, have coffee, engage in discussion and just enjoy “being”. Located on the upper floor of the Center, just off 8th Street, the Front Porch offers games, clubs, conversation, health programs and special events. For Active Adults at the Golden Community Center New activities are always being added to our calendar, so check in with us often for a complete list of upcoming events.




ACTIVITY: 7-9am Pickleball*

ACTIVITY: 8am-12pm Front Porch Friends

ACTIVITY: 7-9am Pickleball*

8am-12pm Front Porch Friends

8:30am Arthritis Aqua Aerobics*

8am Tai Chi*

8:30 & 10am Arthritis Aqua Aerobics*

9am SilverSneakers Classic*

10am Water Walking* 11am All Levels Yoga* 12-4:00pm Pinochle

9-11am Senior Volleyball* 10am Water Walking* 11am-1:30pm Hands & Hearts (1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month) 12:30pm-4pm Mah Jongg for Beginners (Session starts 1/11) 2-4pm Pickleball*

8am-12pm Front Porch Friends

8:30 & 10am Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program* 10am Water Walking*

Month: January/February

Thursday ACTIVITY: 8am-12pm Front Porch Friends 9am SilverSneakers Classic* 8:30 & 10am Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program* 10am-12pm Ladies Billiards

11am All Levels Yoga*

11am All Levels Yoga*

11am-1pm Water Exercise Social (2nd Wednesday)

11am Adult Ballet*

1-2:30pm Golden Needlecrafters

Friday ACTIVITY: 7-9am Pickleball* 8am-12pm Front Porch Friends 9-11am Senior Women's Basketball* 11am All Levels Yoga*

12:30-4pm Mah Jongg

1pm Great Decisions (Starts 1/28/22 - Advance Registration Required)

1:15-3:15pm Pickleball*

12-4pm Bridge - Beginners

*Classes or activities held in the Gymnasium, South Table Mountain Room or the Pool. Drop-ins welcome for Pickleball and Senior Women's Basketball. Advance Registration required for all Aquatics programs. Group Exercise Classes are offered in person and are also available for free streaming online at home. Not all group exercise classes listed. For a complete group exercise schedule, visit

January/February 2022 | 11


All the World’s a Stage in Golden

ith good reason, Golden was abuzz when the announcement came that Miners Alley Playhouse would purchase the old Meyer Hardware building. This exciting opportunity will allow the playhouse to grow and evolve with the rest of downtown Golden, home of the Playhouse since 2003. Golden’s love for the performing arts dates back to 1859, when Mademoiselle Haydee and her sisters performed musical selections at a local boarding house known as the Jefferson House. This first documented theatrical event set the stage for many more. The City of Golden’s first performing arts center of sorts was the Golden Opera House. Built in 1879, it provided entertainment such as theater, dances, music and other Cast photo for the play Rehearsal for Death, which premiered on Dec. 4-5, 1952 at Guggenheim large gatherings. Hall, the 23rd season of performances by the Golden Thespians. The three-act play starred veteran

GOLDEN’S ORIGINAL COMMUNITY THEATER GROUP Founded in 1929, the Golden Thespians entertained Goldenites for decades. On average, they produced two plays per year, performed in the Colorado School of Mines Guggenheim Hall, and later in Golden City Hall. In 1971, they took over the old site of St. Joseph's Catholic Church on East Street and renovated it into a performance space, fittingly named the Cathedral Playhouse. Their first performance here was a comedy titled, “Send Me No Flowers.” An active community group, they were even referred to, in the 1970s, as Colorado’s oldest continuing amateur

Golden Thespian members Mildred Kidd, Tom Paynter, and Ivan Hebel. Golden History Museum & Park, City of Golden Collection.

theatrical group. A scrapbook from the Golden Thespians was recently “rediscovered” during the on-going Legacy Inventory Project. It covers the years 1942 through 1961, and preserves many playbills, tickets, photographs, and reviews from those plays. There's always more, of course — most notably, theater at Golden High School. The museum would love to talk with members of the Thespians if anyone is out there. If you have stories or memories to share, please reach out to Mark Dodge at

Museum TOURS The ever-popular city museum collection storage tours will return this year. If you’re Interested in joining the waitlist for upcoming behind the scenes tours with the Museum Curator, email Curatorial Assistant Vanya Scott ( to get advance notice.

Golden History Museum & Park • 923 10th St. • 303-278-3557 Check for hours of operation, calendar of programs, and special event details.

12 | January/February 2022

2022 Claim Form for 2021 Sales Tax Refund The sales tax refund is limited to senior, low-income or disabled individuals who have lived within the city limits of Golden for at least 90 consecutive days in 2021 and cannot be claimed as a dependent on any other person’s tax return. The refund amount for 2021 is $50. This will be adjusted for partial year residency in Golden and partial year at age 65. Please email or call 303-384-8028 with questions.

Please check one box only:

q q

Senior Refund (must be 65 years or older) Low Income Refund Proof required. Attach a photocopy of one of the following: • State of Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat Rebate approval notification • Proof of Medicaid benefits • Proof of LEAP eligibility • Proof of eligibility for food stamps


Disabled Refund Proof required. Attach a photocopy of one of the following: • State of Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat Rebate approval notification • Proof of full benefits from Social Security Disability Income, SSI or the Department of Human Services • Proof of total disability from a public or private insurance plan

Please print or type: Name: Mr(s). Age: Name: Mr(s). Age:

Date of Birth: Date of Birth:

Physical Address:

Golden, CO ZIP

Mailing Address:




Phone: How many months did you reside in the city limits of Golden during 2021? Were you claimed as a dependent on any other person’s income tax form? Signature:


q yes

q no


This form must be submitted by no later than April 15, 2022. Refund Donation Option: You have the option to donate your refund to a City of Golden program or department by checking one of the boxes below:

q Golden Volunteer Fire Department q Golden Cemetery q Other City program or department (please identify): Office Use Only: Account #01-3031-61900

STR Vendor #

q Community Grant Program q Golden Senior Front Porch



GOLDEN COMMUNITY CALENDAR . . . . . January/February 2022 Jan. 15 - 16 Colorado Cowboy Poetry Gathering The annual festival of Western music, poetry and story-telling featuring nationally and internationally known performers. Tickets are needed for most performances. American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St. Information and tickets or to volunteer:

Jan. 28 – 30 Ullrgrass Beer & Bluegrass Festival Winter is coming! The three day festival, named for the Norse God of Winter, highlights local talents as well as some well-known bluegrass performers. Get your furry boots and viking hats out, the festival features a costume contest, troubadours and beer from over 30 breweries. Parfet Park, downtown Golden. Info, tickets and band schedule:

Feb. 24 – March 6 Colorado Environmental Film Festival CEFF is back for in person film viewings. An extensive and exciting schedule of world class environmental films from local, young, and international filmmakers. This year will include in-person screenings at the American Mountaineering Center. Can’t make it in person? The Encore Virtual Cinema experience lets you stream many of the films online. Tickets and more info: American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St.

Through March 20 The Moon Over Buffalo Charlotte has grandiose dreams of becoming a Hollywood film star, while George is happy just being a stage actor. When Frank Capra comes calling, this situation comedy takes a fast paced and funny turn. The play, written by Ken Ludwig, originally starred Carol Burnett, and earned many Tony nominations. Miners Alley Playhouse, 1224 Washington Ave.

Through April 16 Quilt Exhibitions The Men’s 16th Biennial Exhibit celebrates quilts made by men and showcases the diversity and talent in their work. In the Northeast Gallery see the vibrant exhibit of quilts by Maynard Westlake, featuring both tradition and inspired quilt works by artistic masterpieces. Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, 200 Violet St.

14 | January/February 2022

ETHICS IN BUSINESS AWARDS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Rotary Club of Golden will conduct its 16th annual Ethics in Business Awards program in 2022. The public is encouraged to nominate an organization (either for-profit or not-for-profit) that displays the highest standards of ethical behavior. Award winners will be chosen by students of an ethics class at Colorado School of Mines, and the awards presented at a luncheon in May. To submit your nomination, visit https:// (Ethics in Business) between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28. Golden Rotary thanks you for your participation in this popular and worthwhile program.

Mark Your Calendar: “Goldens in Golden” on Feb. 5! Golden will once again celebrate Golden Retrievers with the return of the “Goldens in Golden” event on Saturday, Feb. 5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. We a t h e r - p e r m i t t i n g , leashed Goldens and their humans will meet at the Golden Visitors Center and parade down Washington Photo by Holly Strebell. Avenue for a group photo under the arch. The event celebrates these popular pooches with lots of fun, fanfare, fluff and photo ops. Several Golden hotels are offering pet-friendly packages and local businesses are also encouraged to participate. Find out all the details at Please note that the official “National Golden Retrievers Day” is held on Thursday, Feb. 3 but the Goldens in Golden event will take place on Saturday, Feb. 5. Trained, friendly and leashed dogs are invited and owners are kindly requested to please clean up after your dog. Event is weather permitting, so please check the website for more details.

2022 UG Poster 12.09.21with bleedv.2.pdf 1 12/9/2021 3:44:48 PM

Jan. 15-16 American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St.









Tickets and more information:

January/February 2022 | 15



We’re Hiring The City of Golden will be accepting applications for seasonal and part-time positions at the Golden Community Center, the Splash Aquatic Park, Fossil Trace Golf Club, and the Parks department. • Lifeguards • Youth Sports Coach • Day Camp Leader • Day Camp Coordinator • Parks, Forestry, Cemetery Maintenance • Golf Maintenance • Pro-Shop Guest Services at Fossil Trace •C ashiers and Food & Beverage workers at The Splash

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