GoldenInformer AUGUST 2021
l a u n n A t s 1
n e d l o G Arts e n i F l a v i t s e F CELEBRATE the Golden Community SUMMER MOVIES & MUSIC LINEUP
2021 Golden City Council
Laura Weinberg Mayor
JJ Trout District One
Rob Reed Ward One
Paul Haseman Ward Two
Casey Brown Mayor Pro Tem District Two
Jim Dale Ward Three
Bill Fisher Ward Four
303-384-8179 E-mail: lweinberg
720-880-5084 E-mail: jtrout
303-431-9891 E-mail: rreed
303-513-2310 E-mail: phaseman
303-900-2003 E-mail: cbrown
303-916-0810 E-mail: jdale
303-588-3389 E-mail: bfisher
To contact the entire City Council, e-mail
IN T H IS ISS U E The Golden Informer is produced and published monthly by the Golden City Manager’s Office and mailed as a source of news and information to all residences and businesses inside the City limits. Comments on The Informer are welcome. Please write to: City of Golden 911 10th St. Golden, CO 80401 or e-mail
Cover: file photo
3 C elebrate Golden 12 C heck Out What's New at the Fronch Porch 5 R un for City Council 13 Carl's Point Dedicated 5 O pen House & Panel Presentation 14 Golden Community Calendar 6 Zoning Code Update 16 Fine Arts Festival on Aug. 21 & 22 6 Building Moratorium 7 US 6 & Heritage Interchange Design 15 9 G et Your Western On! 10 Join a Citizens' Academy 10 Check Out the New Mural in Town 11 New Waste & Recycling Provider City of Golden Department Managers
Jason Slowinski City Manager
Carly Lorentz Deputy City Manager
Dan Hartman Public Works
Rick Muriby Monica Mendoza Interim Comm. City Clerk & Econ. Dev.
Rod Tarullo Parks and Recreation
Bill Kilpatrick Police
Jerry Stricker Interim Fire Chief
Jeff Hansen Finance
Kristen Meier Human Resources
Emily Gedeon Communications
Jiles McCoy Innovation and Technology
303-384-8012 303-384-8098 303-384-8063 303-384-8150 303-384-8014 303-384-8120 303-384-8033 303-384-8093 303-384-8020 303-384-8017 303-384-8132 303-384-8010 clorentz@ rmuriby@ jmccoy@ egedeon@ dhartman@ mmendoza@ rtarullo@ bkilpatrick@ jstricker@ jhansen@ kmeier@ jslowinski@
2 | August 2021
HEADS UP: Important Upcoming Items Celebration of Golden: A Commemoration of Resilience Saturday, Aug. 28 • 12 to 2 p.m. Kafadar Commons (Mines Quads), 15th and Illinois Streets Several local community organizations have come together to bring a celebration of the spirit and resilience of the Golden community to life. The event will provide a chance for the community to collectively reflect on the experiences of the past year of the pandemic and commemorate all those who have supported the community through a difficult time. The free event is being organized by Golden United, the Colorado School of Mines, Act Locally Golden, Home in Golden, and local businesses. There will be music by local band Alibi, food from local restaurants, drinks, art projects, featured speakers and a kids’ activity booth. Take a ride on the new Mines-Golden automated and driverless shuttle cars. Featured speakers will include Mayor Laura Weinberg and Councilor Bill Fisher among others. Register at Questions or more info:
Golden City Council's Monthly Calendar
Meetings are held on TUESDAY Nights at 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers City Hall, 911 10th St. For more information, visit www.cityofgolden. net/agendas. __________________________
August 10
Passport Services Thinking about that trip abroad you have been putting off? Did you know you can apply for or renew your passport at City Hall? The City of Golden is a designated Passport Acceptance Facility under the auspices of the U.S. Department of State. The Passport Office is open by appointment only, Tuesday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Make an appointment by calling 303-215-8860. Once you are scheduled, make sure to fill out the U.S. Department of State forms before arriving for your appointment. For an explanation of which forms you will need and the form to download, visit travel/en/passports.html. Please be aware that routine service can take up to 18 weeks and expedited service (additional $60) can take up to 12 weeks. Processing times begin when the passport office receives your application, not the day you mail it. You will be required to bring proof of identity and the appropriate fee. Minors (those under 16) may need additional documentation. If your travel plans are urgent and within two weeks or less, you will need to schedule an appointment at one of the Regional Passport Agencies via the automated appointment line at 1-877-487-2788. The City has recently added photos to our passport services. Visit for complete information about how to get your passport renewed and how to schedule your appointment, and you’ll be on your way!
Hosting a Get-Together at a Park Pavilion Four different pavilions are located in three different parks and are available for rent from May through September. At other times of the year, the pavilions are first come first served. The parks that offer pavilions — Golden Heights, Lions Park and Tony Grampsas park — are geographically diverse, and each accommodates different size parties. Pavilion rental information and online reservations can be found at
Regular Business Meeting
August 24 Regular Business Meeting
__________________________ Council’s upcoming agendas, packets and meeting minutes are available online under the City Council link at agendas. Public comment is welcome on the agenda at all regular business meetings. If you want to send your comments to the City Council directly, you can email them councilcomments@ August 2021 | 3
Laura Weinberg
Expanding Opportunities for Community Engagement
recently participated in a robust conversation about the difference between hearing and listening. This was during a board meeting while updating the organization’s engagement strategy which used to be called the communications strategy. While I might want to roll my eyes debating different terms with similar meanings, words are important and setting the right intentions for how an organization communicates is critical to its success. Whether it’s called communications or engagement, two-way dialog or outreach, at the end of the day I am interested in how each of us shares and receives information about our city. The city’s communication channels have expanded and been improved over the years. This Informer print publication has been updated, the website upgraded, weekly email newsletter expanded, social media, in its many forms, adopted, and a new community engagement site launched. The monthly coffee with a councilor started by Councilor Charis-Graves transitioned to new councilors, and next year, I hope to bring back the annual State of the City event. City projects and planning efforts have continued using traditional channels such as neighborhood meetings. These are now supported by the Guiding Golden website to centralize information and ask questions or provide feedback. Having this site set up made a big difference when we moved to virtual meetings last year. In some ways, moving online meant it was harder to connect because the informal, chance conversations didn’t occur. In other ways, it meant more communication opportunities as more people emailed comments and I attended more meetings then would have been possible in person. I tried new forms of information sharing such as weekly livestreams as well as new regional meetings convened with related groups. Beyond formal meetings and official communications, as a new mayor I wanted to create space for conversation and casual connection. I was interested in new ways to be available and accessible to the community. I considered possibilities and reached out to other cities for ideas. I have learned about monthly brown bag lunches, a table at the farmer’s market, a monthly radio program, weekly office hours, “mornings with the mayor” live streams, and “move with the mayor” events. I hit pause last year and am now looking forward to working with our new communications director, Emily Gedeon, to try something new for the remainder of my term. Here’s my ask of you, how would you like to connect with me? How would you like to share and receive information about our city? I am open to your ideas and suggestions. I continue to be available by email or phone and am happy to again be able to get together for a cup of coffee or a walk around town. I look forward to being invited to meetings with your groups whether it’s a nonprofit board, book club, or HOA. Listening to each other, sharing information, and exchanging ideas is how we can work together for the future of Golden. I can’t wait to hear from you.
4 | August 2021
Have You Ever Thought About Running for City Council?
olden voters will be electing Councilors for Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4. The City of Golden General Municipal Election is on Nov. 2. The requirements to run for office per the City of Golden Charter, Section 3.4 state that candidates must: • Be an elector (registered voter) of the City of Golden • Be a citizen of the United States for at least five years • Have resided in the city for at least one year immediately preceding the election • B e a resident of the designated district to run for those seats If you are interested, pick up a nomination petition from the City Clerk’s office in City Hall (911 10th Street) beginning Tuesday, Aug. 3. The petitions may be taken out and circulated from Aug. 3 through Aug. 23 and are due back to the City Clerk by 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 23. Candidates must obtain signatures from 25 registered electors in the Ward for which the candidate is running but it is recommended to obtain more signatures than the 25 required. You must also file a Candidate Affidavit per Golden Municipal Code Chapter 1.05 Campaign Finance within 10 days of announcing your intent to become a candidate or getting
your first signature on your nomination petition. The General Municipal Election will be an all mail ballot election. Jefferson County will mail out the ballots in accordance with the schedule set by statute. The deadline to vote is Monday, Oct. 25. You may register to vote through the mail, at a voter registration agency, at your local driver's license examination facility, online, at the Jefferson County Election Department, or at the Golden City Clerk's office. You may register by appearing in person at the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder’s office at any time during which registration is permitted at the office, including on Election Day. For more information and registration forms, visit Jefferson County’s website at You may also register online through Monday, Oct. 25 at the State of Colorado Online registration site at Contact City Clerk Monica Mendoza at MMendoza@ or the Golden City Clerk’s Office at clerks@, or call 303-384-8014 or 303-384-8015 for Golden Election information. Information can also be found on the City of Golden website at
Open House - Come Join Us! Followed by Houselessness Panel TUESDAY, AUG. 3 • CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 5 -7:30 P.M. 5-6 p.m. Open House LODGING TAX AND RETAIL MARIJUANA INFORMATION City Council is considering placing two ballot measures on the ballot for the November 2021 election. One is regarding the authorization of a tax on overnight commercial lodging to our community in hotels, motels, campgrounds, and short-term rentals. The second item City Council is considering is a measure that would adopt new regulations permitting retail sales of recreational marijuana to adults within the parameters of Amendment 64 and to impose an excise tax on the commercial sales. The open house is an opportunity to learn more about these issues and provide input on what you support including parameters or funding scenarios.
6-7:30 p.m. HOUSELESSNESS PANEL The City is hosting a panel presentation on Houselessness in Council Chambers and online. The panel will discuss what is happening regionally and locally in terms of the unhoused population. The panel will end with information about how the city is addressing houselessness and discussing some of the challenges. For more Information, visit homelessness-conversation.
August 2021 | 5
Zone in to Mapping
he City of Golden Zoning Code Rewrite is entering a new phase for public outreach. Starting this fall, meetings will be scheduled with individual neighborhoods to discuss the proposed code’s mapping. We plan to meet with the north neighborhoods, central neighborhoods, and mixed-use neighborhoods beginning in September. Be sure to check Guiding Golden for updates about when these engagements will occur. In addition, City Council and Planning Commission met with staff in late July to discuss the second draft of the Zoning Code Rewrite. The presentation from that meeting is also available on Guiding Golden. For more information, visit
Driverless Shuttle System in Golden
n July 13, City Council approved a revised Ordinance 2165, which establishes a temporary (180 day) moratorium that impacts the R1, R1A, R2 and R3 residential zone districts and took effect on July 20. Please note that this does not impact any applicant who has already submitted their building permit, just new applications for building permits or site plan reviews in these zone districts. Please contact or 303-384-8097 if you have questions about your zoning and whether or not your property is impacted by this temporary measure. The purpose behind the moratorium is to allow the City to finalize the zoning code rewrite and conduct the public process that leads to formal adoption by City Council, which is targeted to occur by the end of 2021. The zoning code rewrite is intended to address the scale of development and better ensure that structures are appropriately sized for the neighborhood context. While in place, the moratorium prevents any new dwelling unit structures or the expansion of existing dwelling unit structures. It also impacts home additions and covers the following housing types: single family, accessory dwelling units, duplex and multifamily structures. The moratorium does not impact non-household structures such as sheds, detached garages, fences, pergolas, decks and similar structures. Remodels of existing structures are not impacted either, even those that include new dwelling units within existing square footage (e.g. basement finishes), as such projects take place within existing square footage.
Golden will be the first community in Colorado to launch a driverless shuttle system, serving as a test market for the future of transit. This project is a partnership between the City of Golden, Colorado School of Mines, EasyMile and the Colorado Smart Cities Alliance. The vehicles and the technology they contain have been licensed by both the state and federal government to operate on public streets, just like any transit vehicle, based on their safety record. This one-year pilot project features a fleet of nine driverless, zero-emission EZ10 shuttles from technology-provider EasyMile, to connect Colorado School of Mines’ central campus, athletics complex, student housing and downtown Golden. The low-speed (12 mph) shuttle service in Golden is designed to operate in normal traffic and is named The Mines Rover. It is free of charge and available to the public. Each shuttle can hold six seated passengers, and each shuttle will also have an onboard customer service ambassador — a trained Mines student — who will engage with riders and take over manual control of the shuttle if necessary. The shuttle will operate along three fixed routes with designated shuttle stops and will arrive every 5-10 minutes along the routes. While vehicle testing has occurred along the routes throughout the month of July, the shuttle system will officially launch on August 10th, with a kick-off event on the Mines campus. For more information on the shuttle technology, operations, and the chosen routes, please visit
Below is a rough timeline for the code rewrite process and the end of the moratorium. • A ugust/September - final draft and legal review of Title 17 and 18 code changes • S eptember - neighborhood open house meeting to finalize zoning code map • October through December - zoning code adoption process (Planning Commission and City Council)
6 | August 2021
Design Project for US 6 and Jefferson Pkwy/Heritage Intersection T
he City of Golden, in cooperation with Jefferson County and the Colorado Department of Transportation, has held a number of public input meetings for the US 6 and Jefferson Pkwy/Heritage intersection. We have had great participation and input from the public. Below are the preferred options for traffic and for multimodal solutions to the interchange.
The preferred traffic alternative is a dual roundabout. This alternative will have standard roundabouts at each side of the bridge over a lowered US 6 with Heritage Rd. with Jefferson Parkway staying at about current elevations. Over 90% of the people at public meetings preferred the dual roundabout alternative. The preferred multimodal alternative has a separate lid for pedestrians and bikes that goes under Jefferson Parkway and the US 6 ramps. This alternative features improved natural landscaping similar to the US 6 and 19th interchange with berming to remove the US 6 traffic from the crossing experience and wide bright tunnels to enhance openness and safety. There was more than majority support for this design for multimodal connections.
The final design features combined traffic and multimodal preferred alternatives. It includes double roundabouts to accommodate traffic and separate offset multimodal lid for pedestrians, bikes and other uses. A complete summary of the alternatives considered and a summary of the public meetings can be found on Guiding Golden at August 2021 | 7
Clear, Visible Fire Hydrants and House Numbers Can Make All the Difference
n an emergency, every second counts and emergency vehicles • Numbers should be placed on, above, or at the side of the need to be able to find your house and a fire hydrant quickly. main entrance easily visible from the street. • Avoid placing numbers in unusual spots (e.g. decor on KEEP FIRE HYDRANTS CLEAR AND VISIBLE porch) or above your garage door. In Golden there are just over 1200 fire hydrants in a 9 square • If the entrance is more than 50 feet from the street, or mile response area made up of mostly City owned and not visible from the street, place a second set of numbers maintained hydrants. These hydrants are found every 300on the mailbox or a post at the street or end of the drive. 500 feet throughout the City and our non-private hydrants are maintained by our City of Golden Water Department. There are • Fire trucks, ambulances and police cars may come from any direction, so be sure to mark BOTH sides of your also private fire hydrant systems which are maintained on the mailbox or mark your house number so that it is visible same schedule by their respective companies, with testing and from all directions. maintenance records given to our Fire Department for review. When the GFD responds to a house fire, they carry • Keep the numbers visible by trimming away branches or weeds that obstruct their visibility. At night, these enough water to make an initial fire attack, but soon need branches can cast shadows making it harder to see the a continuous water supply from a fire hydrant to extinguish address posted. some fires. Finding and connecting to a fire hydrant is one of the firefighters’ first priorities. GPS mapping technology on You can be a part of our community risk reduction team by fire engines has improved firefighters’ ability to find hydrant having a clear house number and clearing a path approximately locations more quickly but getting to them when they are three feet around any hydrants near your home of brush and shrouded in shrubs and other vegetation can be a challenge. debris, as well as clear a path from the street or roadway up to
MAKE SURE YOUR ADDRESS IS VISIBLE • House numbers should be at least 3 inches high. • Numbers should be a contrasting color to the background.
the fire hydrant so that the hydrant is visible and accessible. If you see an issue or have any questions, please contact our Fire & Life Safety team at 303-215-8886.
Your active participation is helping to shape the future of Golden at The City is Beginning the Racial Racial Equity Plan The City received 12 proposals from firms interested in working with Golden on creating a racial equity plan. After narrowing the field and interviewing the six finalists, the JEDI (Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion) Subcommittee presented their final recommendation to Council during their June 8 meeting that the City hire MIG to consult on Golden's racial equity plan. The JEDI Subcommittee preferred MIG for its community-focused approach and wide scope. Their work is broken into Phase 1: Listening and Learning: Key Issues, Opportunities, and Priorities, which is taking place now and should last through November. Phase 2: Taking Action: Developing the Racial Equity Plan will take place early 2022. Look for opportunities to participate.
Lodging Tax Ballot Measure City Council is planning to place a ballot measure on
8 | August 2021
the November 2021 election regarding the authorization of a tax on overnight commercial lodging to our community in hotels, motels, campgrounds and short term rentals. If supported by the community, the Lodging Tax proceeds will be a dedicated funding source to address visitor impacts and to fund quality-oflife projects to make improvements for Golden residents. Most communities have lodging taxes, but to date, Golden has never had such a tax. Learn more and share your feedback on
Retail Marijuana City Council is considering placing a ballot measure on the November 2021 election regarding allowing a limited expansion from the one medical marijuana dispensary business in Golden today to allow retail sales of marijuana at that location and a small number of additional locations. Please share your feedback on the topic and take a short survey at
Howdy Folks! Get Your Western on in this Golden Day Trip…
hink the Old West is gone from Colorado? Not a chance! You can re-live it with this easy day trip itinerary in Golden. As the famous Welcome Arch says, this is still “Where the West Lives.” Fuel up for your western adventure at the Windy Saddle, Golden’s western themed café. Then, in the words of Horace Greeley, “Go West!” and take I-70 west to Exit 254 for the first stop, the Buffalo Herd Overlook. Denver Mountain Park maintains a herd of 40 American Bison with spectacular mountain views as a backdrop. Interpretive signs tell the history of bison in the West, and you can stroll the fenced enclosure to marvel at these beautiful animals that can weigh up to 2,000 pounds! Then, pick up the Lariat Loop Trail, one of the most scenic drives in Colorado, and head to Buffalo Bill’s Grave & Museum. The West’s most popular scout and showman is buried on top of Lookout Mountain with views of snowcapped peaks in one direction and the plains in the other. From here, the Lariat Loop Trail earns its name, with hairpin turns down Lookout Mountain that lead back to Golden, and the next stop, the free museum at the Colorado School of Mines. Learn the fine art of gold panning and see the gems and minerals that led to the Pikes Peak or Bust Gold Rush of 1859. Next stop, the Colorado Railroad Museum is where you can see the steam locomotives that pulled the trains across the Rocky Mountains during the gold rush years. Kids can
climb aboard a caboose, ring a steam engine’s bell, watch both indoor and outdoor model trains, and on weekends, even ride aboard a Galloping Goose, a crazy contraption that used to carry mail and passengers over Lizard Head Pass. On weekends, the museum fires up real steam locomotives that pull passengers around a half mile circle of track. Lunchtime! Head back to Washington Avenue, Golden’s historic main street, where a number of restaurants still serve an Old West meal – buffalo burgers! Get a table at the historic Buffalo Rose, the Bridgewater Grill overlooking Clear Creek or The Old Capitol Grille & Smokehouse, located in the building that was Colorado’s first state capitol. D’Deli even serves a sandwich of buffalo or elk that you can eat at a picnic table overlooking Clear Creek. While at the creek, check out the Golden History Park, an entire homestead from the 1880s with farmhouse, schoolhouse and a working blacksmith shop. Bring some quarters to feed the heritage chickens in the authentic chicken coop and pop into the Golden History Museum, which offers free admission. Finish with a walk through Golden’s charming downtown, with its touches of the Old West everywhere, including a gorgeous mural of Picasso and the wild Mustang Stallion of Colorado’s Sand Wash Basin. This day trip will give you that Golden feeling, even if Golden is in your backyard!! See you on the Trail!
August 2021 | 9
Aug. 25 Annual Public Works Citizens’ Academy
ome find out how our crews are keeping Golden’s streets clear, the water flowing, and the city beautiful! This year’s participants can expect equipment demonstrations, presentations by Public Works staff, and tours of City facilities including a field trip to the popular Guanella reservoir near Empire.
Check out what past participants have said about the academy: • “ The instructors were so knowledgeable and confident. It made me proud to be from Golden.” • “ It went far beyond what I could have ever imagined.” • “ I’ve encouraged others to do it next year because it was so interesting and well done.” • “ Staff members were eager to give us the benefit of their knowledge and experience.”
Members of the 2017 Public Works Citizens’ Academy on their visit to Guanella Reservoir.
Starting Aug. 25, this free 20-hour program will continue Wednesday nights and two Saturdays throughout September. This Academy is designed for adults and can be particularly helpful to residents who occupy spots on Golden boards and commissions. For the full
syllabus and to sign up, visit the City of Golden website at PWCitizensAcademy. If you have specific questions about the program, please contact Shauna Paulson at 303-384-8152 or
f you have driven through town lately, you’ll notice bright splashes of color where before there was just a blank wall. The newest addition to Golden’s public art collection is the beautiful and bold 151-foot-long mural painted at the corner of 19th Street and Washington Avenue. The mural is titled “Colorado Wildflowers” and is the creation of artist Charlotte Bassin, who was chosen from among 15 different artists’ submissions in response to an RFP by the Golden Public Art Commission. The PAC chose the mural for its bright, bold colors. Bassin, a Boston native, said she was inspired by the wildflowers that she sees while hiking around her home, west of Golden. Funding for the mural was provided by the Downtown Development Authority and the Foothills Art Center. Walk by, drive by or bike by and check it out – you can now enjoy Colorado wildflowers all year long, even in the dead of winter!
10 | August 2021
Social, Economic & Environmental Issues
Changes to City’s Waste & Recycling Collection Program
n June, City Council selected a new trash and recycling service provider. Republic Services was chosen for their ability to provide a high standard of services required by the Golden community and will serve 4,500 households in the City’s Waste & Recycling collection program for the next five years. City Council also chose to expand the program by including compost service for all customers and adding curbside bulky item pickup service. These changes align with the City’s sustainability goals to: • Reduce total landfill contribution by 40% by 2030. • Recycle 80% of recyclables by 2030. • Compost 80% of compostables by 2030. A direct mailer from Republic Services will be sent to customers this month; it will include new service days, new pricing and more information about changes to the program.
TRASH & RECYCLING FAQS Q: Will the days of my service change? A: Yes, Republic Services proposed a 3-day service plan for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Q: Will the pricing change? A: Yes, due to the inclusion of compost service for all customers, prices are expected to increase for most customers. Customers who participated in the voluntary compost program should expect their bill to decrease. Q: Will I have to get new carts? A: No, the City owns the trash and recycling carts in the program, so please continue to use them. All customers will be issued new compost carts in their chosen size as soon as they become available. Q: Who do I contact for changes to my trash service? A: Please continue to use the Golden specific phone line for service changes at 303-277-8727.
he Community Sustainability Advisory Board is pleased to announce their 2021 grant program is currently accepting applications! Applications are open to any educational group based within the city limits and all projects will be evaluated by the Board before a competitive selection process. Projects should propose to achieve tangible environmental benefits and provide educational opportunities or materials for the community. Eligible projects would address issues from renewable energy, water conservation, energy efficiency, or waste diversion. To apply, please complete the online application at CityofGolden. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the school year. For questions, email goldensustainability@
LAUNDRY TO LANDSCAPE Did you know the City of Golden designed the first laundry to landscape graywater system permitting program in the state of Colorado? These systems allow water from laundry machines to be reused as plant irrigation and are an exciting step in achieving Golden’s goal to reduce water usage by 15% by 2030. The Laundry to Landscape program is available to all single family residences. For more information on installing these systems and to apply for a graywater system permit, please visit August 2021 | 11
Golden Community Center activities calendar For more information and to register, visit
F T W Month: August 2021 Monday
7-9am Pickleball*
8am-2pm Front Porch
7-9am Pickleball*
8am-2pm Front Porch
7-9am Pickleball*
Friends 8am-2pm Front Porch
8am-2pm Front Porch 9am SilverSneakers
Classic* 11am-1:30pm Hands &
9-11am Senior Women's 10am-12pm Ladies
Hearts (1st & 3rd Tuesday
1-2:30pm Golden
of the month)
12-4:00pm Chicago Style Bridge
Classic* 8am Tai Chi*
11am All Levels Yoga* 12-4:00pm Pinochle
8am-2pm Front Porch 8:30am SilverSneakers
Billiards 11am All Levels Yoga* 10am All Levels Yoga*
12pm-4pm Mah Jongg
1-4pm Bridge - Beginners
12-4pm Dominoes 11am SilverSneakers 12-4pm Bridge -
Circuit* *Classes or activities held in Gymnasium or South Table Mountain oom. Drop-ins *elcome for Pickleball and Senior Women's Basketball. Advance egistration re"uired for in-person group e+ercise classes. Group +ercise Classes also available for free streaming online at home. Not all classes listed. For a complete group e+ercise schedule, visit
All Front Porch activities end promptly at 4pm to allo* for daily disinfection of high touch surfaces
Beginners 12-4pm Mah Jongg 12-4pm Dominoes
Front Porch
Adult Ballet
Kids Bop
The Front Porch at the Golden Community Center reopened June 1 and we are excited to see so many of our friends visiting us again! We have a full schedule of games, activities, classes and programs. We hope to see you soon!
Age: 18+ years Ballet for adults. Looking for a ballet workout with other adults to build strength, endurance, flexibility and balance? Come have fun with us!! Click on the calendar and pick and choose your dates.
Age: varies Fun music and moves that is similar to jazz and hip hop with a little funk and gives kids the ability to make it their groove.
DANCE READY TO DANCE?! Sign up now for FALL Dance!!! Starts Sept. 7 - Dec. 17 Min/Max: 4/12 (classes that drop below four during the year will be discontinued)
Pre-Point Ballet Age: 9 - 18 years Pre-point is preparing those ready to join point ballet shoes and participate in point dances. Strengthening their muscles appropriately and having fun doing so.
12 | August 2021
Ballet & Tap Combo Age: varies This class introduces the young child to dance in a structured class setting while introducing ballet positions and basic dance terminology. Tap and some tumbling are used to further develop the child's body awareness and promote muscle and motor skills. Fun routines encourage the students to practice and prepare them for performances. Please make sure to sign up for the appropriate age group.
TYKES Registration is OPEN for Fall JumpBunch®! JumpBunch® Intro to Sports-Parent-Tot Enjoy hands-on interaction with your toddler as they explore their bodies while also expanding their minds, skills and abilities! JumpBunch® encourages development of the whole child through play, exploration, and movement. Your little one will feel inspired to try new things as they develop the confidence to believe in themselves, starting them on the path to living a happy, healthy and active life.
Saving South Table Mountain “By preserving the land, we pass on its history for generations to come.” — Carl F. Eiberger
re you thankful that South Table Mountain is protected and preserved, and not a quarry? You can thank Attorney Carl F. Eiberger and a team of dedicated volunteers for working hard to protect and preserve this iconic Jefferson County landmark, our “Gateway to the Rockies.” On June 6, 2021, Carl’s Point, a scenic vista on the northeast part of South Table Mountain, was dedicated by Jeffco Open Space. A Colorado native and an Applewood resident since 1958, Eiberger gave over 23 years of pro bono work between 1975 and 1998 to save South Table Mountain. He did much more than just save a landmark, however. Eiberger ran a successful law firm and practiced several areas of corporate litigation, including labor law. Even with his demanding practice, he still found time to contribute pro bono work as Pleasant View’s attorney for 33 years and Prospect Park’s attorney for 25 years. He built 11 parks around Golden and founded Applewood Park and the Applewood Athletic Club. In addition to being a father of four, Carl somehow found time to continue contributing to all that was important to him. For example, in addition to fighting for South Table Mountain, he loved the Denver Symphony, and when they were hurting financially, he contributed eight
Above Left: Carl F. Eiberger. Above Right: Carl's Point on South Table Mountain. Right: Carl's Point sign looking toward Denver. Golden History Museum, City of Golden Collection.
years of pro bono work, which at that time was valued at $900,000. Eiberger’s daughter Mary says, “I was seven years old when the South Table Mountain battle began. I was too young then to understand the impact of all that dad was doing. So, I inherited 17 boxes of legal work, but these boxes have led me to understand how one person can make a difference! How one person can rally an entire community to make a difference.” In 1974, a quarry was proposed for the top of South Table Mountain. It was estimated to have enough material to operate for at least 75 years. Leo Bradley and Adolph Coors Company owned the land and wanted the basalt volcanic aggregate rock which is suitable for building roads. The mining
would have made much of the mountain unusable for outdoor recreation at least through 2050, and possibly even longer, permanently changing the landscape. The quarry was going to be a mile long by a mile wide and 200 feet deep. A conveyor belt would have carried the rock down from the top of the mountain to 32nd St., destroying the mountain and the view. Fortunately, Eiberger and his team prevailed. Next time you are out at South Table Mountain think of them! Know of another legendary person whose story belongs in the museum? Let me know at Mark Dodge, Curator
Golden History Museum & Park • 923 10th St. • 303-278-3557 Check for hours of operation, calendar of programs, and special event details. August 2021 | 13
GOLDEN COMMUNITY CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . August 2021 Through Aug. 7 Miner’s Alley Playhouse Presents “The Treasurer” A non-stop darkly funny and sharply intimate story that explores family and a guilty conscience. By Max Posner at Miners Alley Playhouse, 1224 Washington Ave. For showtimes, tickets and info call 303-935-3044 or visit
Through Oct. 2 Golden Farmers Market Presented by the Golden Chamber of Commerce. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays at 10th & Illinois Streets. For details, visit or call 303-279-3113
Through Oct. 2 Golden Farmers Market
Aug. 7 Coffee with a Councilor Chat with your District One and District Two City Councilors, either in person or virtually — join in whichever manner you are most comfortable. For the meeting link, please check the City of Golden Community Calendar webpage at or get details by contacting Casey Brown at 303-279-7529, In person at the Front Porch, Golden Community Center. 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Aug. 21 & 22
Aug. 13, 20 & 27 Movies and Music in the Park Three family-friendly, free movie nights in Parfet Park presented by the City of Golden. Starts at 7 p.m. with live music followed by a movie at dusk (approximately 8:30 p.m.). See page 15 for movies and complete details.
Aug. 21 Golden Visitors Center
Aug. 21 & 22 Golden Fine Arts Festival Presented by the Golden Chamber of Commerce. The 31st Annual Golden Fine Arts Festival is a juried art show that offers the opportunity to buy unique art and jewelry from over 100 vendors and artists working in many different media. Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., on 11th Street from Arapahoe to Maple Streets.
Aug. 29 Golden Arch
Aug. 21 Jefferson Symphony Orchestra Musicians from the JSO will be performing in small ensembles on the patio of the Golden Visitors Center following the Golden Fine Arts Festival. 5 to 7:30 p.m. This is free and open to the public. Golden Visitors Center, 1010 Washington Avenue.
Aug. 29 Golden Gran Fondo Cyclists have the option to register for rides of different skill levels, all starting in downtown Golden and featuring Rocky Mountain climbs and descents. The ride starts under the arch at 8 a.m. and ends in a festival in Parfet Park. For more information or to register visit
Aug. 31 Golden Bicycle Cruise Presented by the Golden Community Commons group. A night of music, beer, food, and a costume-themed bicycle cruise around Golden. The family-friendly event starts at 6 p.m., ride begins at 7 p.m. in Celebration Plaza, next to Calvary Episcopal Church at 13th & Arapahoe. The theme for August is “Disco/80’s” with music by Dorado.
14 | August 2021
Golden Rotary Peach Sale Have you ordered your juicy Colorado peaches yet? Time is running out! The Golden Rotary’s “Peaches for a Purpose” sale is coming to a close. Order online at peaches. Peaches that you order will need to be picked up on Saturday, Aug. 21 between 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Golden High School, 701 24th Street.
Three FREE Family-Friendly Friday Nights Parfet Park
Parfet Park (10th & Washington)
10th St. and Washington Ave.
oin us in Parfet Park for three free, fun-filled family evenings listening to music and watching movies under the stars. Pack a picnic dinner or purchase food from some of our local food trucks including Basic Kneads Pizza, Hotel Eddy BBQ & Shakes, SurMesa Taqueria and EM’s Ice Cream. In keeping with our family friendly theme, alcohol will not be available for purchase and is not allowed in the park. We’ll be sure to leave plenty of room in front of the stage for dancing because you won’t be able to sit still for the bands we have scheduled!
Aug. 13 Toy Story 4 with LAPOMPE LAPOMPE is a swinging Denver-based band with deep roots in Parisian, 'HotClub' jazz, upbeat American Jazz standards and gypsy folk-tunes. . Toy Story 4 follows the continued adventures of old friends Woody and Buzz and new friends Bonnie and Forky. Special treat tonight! Save room for dessert because the Golden Fire Department will be serving up root beer floats. We’ll also have the Jefferson County Public Health pop-up vaccine clinic on site for those wishing to get vaccinated in a convenient location.
Music begins at 7 p.m. Movies start at Dusk. (around 8:30 p.m.)
Food and treats available for sale or bring your own picnics.
AUG.13 Music by:
Aug. 20 Raiders of the Lost Ark with iZCALLi Get ready to rock to iZCALLi, a Denver based band that “makes the kind of music you leave home to: melancholy folk phrases lashed to driving beats that pin the pedal to the floor.” iZCALLi is named for the birthplace of two of the members of the band and the Nahuatl word for rebirth. Don’t miss the chance to see one of the hottest Latin bands perform in Golden. Raiders of the Lost Ark, the classic action-adventure film, won our “Pick the Movie” contest on social media back in May and is one of our all-time favorites!
Aug. 27 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with Los Cheesies Los Cheesies features totally danceable crazy rock fusion that integrates both Latin and American style rhythms. As the 42 year motion picture saga comes to an end, we close our Movies and Music in the Park series with the last in the original Star Wars franchise, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Members from the Star Wars 501st Legion, the Rebel Legion and the Mandalorian Mercs will be on hand, dressed in their Star Wars regalia for a fun-filled experience.
AUG.20 Music by:
AUG. 27 Music by:
Los Cheesies Produced by the City of Golden Movies&Music August 2021 | 15
31st Annual
Presented by the Golden Chamber of Commerce Presented by the Golden Chamber of Commerce
Saturday, Aug. 21 & Sunday, Aug. 22 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Historic Downtown Golden Learn more online at: Learn more online at Learn more online at
Golden Fine Arts Festival sponsored by: Golden Fine Arts Festival sponsored by:
Golden Coin-Op
Laundry & Dry Cleaners
Golden Coin-Op
Laundry & Dry Cleaners