Golden Informer - August 2021

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Have You Ever Thought About Running for City Council?

olden voters will be electing Councilors for Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4. The City of Golden General Municipal Election is on Nov. 2. The requirements to run for office per the City of Golden Charter, Section 3.4 state that candidates must: • Be an elector (registered voter) of the City of Golden • Be a citizen of the United States for at least five years • Have resided in the city for at least one year immediately preceding the election • B e a resident of the designated district to run for those seats If you are interested, pick up a nomination petition from the City Clerk’s office in City Hall (911 10th Street) beginning Tuesday, Aug. 3. The petitions may be taken out and circulated from Aug. 3 through Aug. 23 and are due back to the City Clerk by 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 23. Candidates must obtain signatures from 25 registered electors in the Ward for which the candidate is running but it is recommended to obtain more signatures than the 25 required. You must also file a Candidate Affidavit per Golden Municipal Code Chapter 1.05 Campaign Finance within 10 days of announcing your intent to become a candidate or getting

your first signature on your nomination petition. The General Municipal Election will be an all mail ballot election. Jefferson County will mail out the ballots in accordance with the schedule set by statute. The deadline to vote is Monday, Oct. 25. You may register to vote through the mail, at a voter registration agency, at your local driver's license examination facility, online, at the Jefferson County Election Department, or at the Golden City Clerk's office. You may register by appearing in person at the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder’s office at any time during which registration is permitted at the office, including on Election Day. For more information and registration forms, visit Jefferson County’s website at You may also register online through Monday, Oct. 25 at the State of Colorado Online registration site at Contact City Clerk Monica Mendoza at MMendoza@ or the Golden City Clerk’s Office at clerks@, or call 303-384-8014 or 303-384-8015 for Golden Election information. Information can also be found on the City of Golden website at

Open House - Come Join Us! Followed by Houselessness Panel TUESDAY, AUG. 3 • CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 5 -7:30 P.M. 5-6 p.m. Open House LODGING TAX AND RETAIL MARIJUANA INFORMATION City Council is considering placing two ballot measures on the ballot for the November 2021 election. One is regarding the authorization of a tax on overnight commercial lodging to our community in hotels, motels, campgrounds, and short-term rentals. The second item City Council is considering is a measure that would adopt new regulations permitting retail sales of recreational marijuana to adults within the parameters of Amendment 64 and to impose an excise tax on the commercial sales. The open house is an opportunity to learn more about these issues and provide input on what you support including parameters or funding scenarios.

6-7:30 p.m. HOUSELESSNESS PANEL The City is hosting a panel presentation on Houselessness in Council Chambers and online. The panel will discuss what is happening regionally and locally in terms of the unhoused population. The panel will end with information about how the city is addressing houselessness and discussing some of the challenges. For more Information, visit homelessness-conversation.

August 2021 | 5

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