Golden Informer - September 2022

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GoldenInformer SEPTEMBER 2022 COMMUNITY PRIDE DAYS ARE BACK Help Create Golden's Bike & Pedestrian PlanMORE INFO

Bill Fisher Ward Four @cityofgolden.netE-mail:303-588-3389bfisher

E ach month this year, Coffee with Councilors, hosted by Councilors J.J. Trout and Casey Brown, will center discussion around a value from the Golden Vision 2030 document, which can be found at We want to know how you see the City of Golden putting those values into practice, and how we can do better to reach our vision.

2022 Golden City Council To contact the entire City Council, e-mail:

We also heard from a member of Jefferson County Communities that Care ( about high school students wanting to create and run their own programming for social opportunities. Finally, we discussed the need for more affordable housing, creek management and soccer fields.

Coffee with Councilors Meet WHEN:CouncilorsYour Meetings are held in-person on the first Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. If you'd prefer to join virtually, visit! • Sept. 3 • Oct. 1 • Nov. 5 • Dec. 3 WHERE: Sept. 3 Calvary Episcopal ChurchCelebration Plaza 1320 Arapahoe St., Golden *Meet at the Celebration Plaza, located off Arapahoe St. between 13th & 14th Streets. WHY: Join your discussion.volunteerscouncilors,neighbors,citystaffandforanopen

In September: Coffee with Councilors will focus on this stated Golden value: " We value maintaining friendliness and connections with neighbors and other residents"

Casey Brown District Two @cityofgolden.netE-mail:303-900-2003cbrown

Last month, we heard from neighbors about what makes Golden family friendly. Here’s what we heard:

• "I worked for Jeffco Schools, so I know a good school when I see one. We have great schools."

August Value: "Family- and Kid-Friendly: We value being a familyfriendly, kid-friendly, and kid-supportive community."

In September, we will have guests from Golden United and the Colorado School of Mines community join us to talk about ways to be good neighbors in Golden.

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JJ Trout Mayor Pro Tem District One @cityofgolden.net720-880-5084E-mail:jtrout

Rob Reed Ward One @cityofgolden.net303-503-5945E-mail:rreed

• "One of the reasons I chose Golden was because of the schools and the parks. It is a great place for raising kids and is super family friendly."

Don Cameron Ward Three @cityofgolden.netE-mail:720-295-4370dcameron

• "We have opportunities for children as they age. From the discover park for toddlers to the the skate park for older youth."

Laura Weinberg Mayor @cityofgolden.netE-mail:303-384-8179lweinberg

"My grandchildren love the Golden Library and the views from the lower valley."

Paul Haseman Ward Two @cityofgolden.netE-mail:303-513-2310phaseman

Meetings are held on Tuesday Nights at 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers City Hall, 911 10th St. For more information, September 13 BusinessRegularMeeting September 20 Study Session September 27 BusinessRegularMeeting Council’s upcoming agendas, packets and meeting minutes are available online under the City Council link, CityGoldenCouncil'sMONTHLYCALENDAR Welcoming

September 2022 | 3

W elcome to Golden! We have been proclaiming our welcome from downtown since 1949. The location spanning across Washington Avenue suggests a welcome to visitors, but we also welcome a lot of new residents every year. The numbers are in the thousands and include new Colorado School of Mines students each fall and individuals and families who move here throughout the year for employment or a desire to live in Golden.

– Our New City Manager, Scott Vargo! By

This month the city welcomes someone moving to Golden, our new city manager, Scott Vargo. Welcome Scott! Any new job and new employer require a lot of transition and time to learn the systems and organizational culture. The City Manager job is a unique position in that it also requires a move to a new city. I look forward to welcoming Scott to Golden and to working with him in his new role. Whether it is the city manager, a new neighbor, or a new college student moving to Golden, let’s recommit to making everyone feel welcome since it doesn’t matter if you have been here 6 days or 60 years, we are all a part of this great Golden community. a New Neighbor to Golden Mayor Weinberg


Five years ago, City Council discussed Golden’s value of being a “Welcoming and Inclusive Community” and a 2017 Proclamation reaffirm(ed) Golden’s commitment to building a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable community. In particular, it recognizes and commends our residents, students, business leaders, and civic groups for giving meaning and depth to the long-lasting motto, “WELCOME TOWhatGOLDEN.”does it mean to welcome people or be a welcoming city? I am sure each person has their own ideas and I have been fortunate to have had wonderful experiences of what it means to me. My husband, Mike, and I bought our first home in a historic neighborhood in Denver. As first-time homeowners, only living in Colorado for a couple of years, we didn’t have connections in the area or know anything about the neighborhood. Soon after we moved in, we met our neighbor from two houses over, Alma. Alma had lived in the neighborhood 60+ years in the same home. She knocked on our door with a gift to introduce herself and welcome us to the neighborhood. From that day forward we felt a part of the neighborhood and connected to our new community. When we moved to Golden some years later, we also were welcomed to the neighborhood by a neighbor two houses away with a knock on the door, an introduction, and a welcome gift. There are differences in those experiences since we moved to a neighborhood built only a decade earlier so being an old-timer in the neighborhood didn’t have the same history as Alma. However, the experience reinforced the idea that a welcoming community can happen in large cities and small, historic neighborhoods or new ones, because of the people who live there and the values they have.


4 | September 2022 Connect with the City of Golden Contact Email Phone Main Switchboard 303-384-8000 Non-Emergency Dispatch (Police & Fire) .......................................................... 303-980-7300 24-Hour Water/Sewer Emergency 303-384-8158 Animal Control .............................. ................ 303-980-7300 Police Records 303-384-8035 Code Enforcement .......................... ................ 303-384-8048 Building Department 303-384-8151 Building Permits ............................ .......................... 303-384-8151 Backflow Prevention ........................ ......................... 303-384-8170 Right of Way Permits ........................ .......................... 303-384-8151 City Clerk's Office ........................... ............................ 303-384-8015 Communications............................ ................. 303-384-8000 Museum .................................... .................... 303-278-3557 Finance 303-384-8000 Sales & Use Tax .............................. .......................... 303-384-8024 Fossil Trace Golf Course 303-277-8750 Golden Community Center .................. ............ 303-384-8100 Liquor Licensing 303-384-8015 Municipal Court ............................. ............................. 303-384-8006 Parks Department 303-384-8100 Planning Department ....................... ......................... 303-384-8097 Special Events Permits 303-277-8728 Pavillion Rentals ............................ ................... 303-384-8100 Streets Department ......................... ..................... 303-384-8160 Public Works ................................ ........................ 303-384-8151 Utilities Division. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................... 303-384-8170 Water Bills 303-384-8026 Victim Outreach ............................ ..................... 303-202-2196 Affordable Housing 303-597-5221 Sustainability ............................... ..................... 303-384-8117 Trash & Recycling 303-277-8727 Water Quality ............................... ...................... 303-384-8181 Clear Creek RV Park 303-278-1437 Visit us: Engage with us: Call us: 303-384-8000 Email us:

How would YOU like to light up Golden with energy-saving bulbs?

The Golden Concert Choir, an adult, non-profit, community choir founded in 2000, is recruiting singers to join its welcoming and encouraging group. The choir’s mission is to be a musical resource for the Golden community, and to provide voice training and choral experience for singers of all levels. The choir’s semester begins on Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Calvary Episcopal Church at 1320 Arapahoe St. Masks are highly recommended. Rehearsals will be every Monday from 7-9 p.m. at Calvary. The fall concert is December 3. Dues are $100 per semester; scholarships are available. Find out more by visiting

HEADS UP: Important Upcoming Items Service Layer Credits: © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC BY SA ´ LED Lights Pilot 0 250 1500 25 Feet O O O O O O O O O O LED Light Type O A O B O C O D O E G O L D E N ´ Th s nfor mat on is for g enera p anning pur poses on y The C ity of Golden shall not be liable for damag es of any k nd ar ising out of use of th s product or for any er rors or naccuracies Print Date: 8/10/2022 A B C D E Mondays with Mayor Weinberg – Join us! Did you know that Mayor Laura Weinberg goes live on the City of Golden’s Facebook page every Monday at 12 p.m.? She shares the latest on city events and projects and is open for questions. This is a great chance to connect with the Mayor on a weekly basis! Can’t join the Facebook Live? You can still submit questions via the City’s Facebook page, and watch the recording later.

6 | September 2022

The new light trial for Golden is here! The City of Golden’s Public Works Department is looking to you to help pick your favorite bulb as we level up our city streetlights to LED bulbs. We launched a pilot at the end of August that will last through the end of September with lights along 10th Street before it turns into 44th Avenue—the stretch of road near the Clear Creek Parking Lot. Golden has traditionally used high pressure sodium (HPS) streetlights, which tend to have an amber hue. LEDs can vary in color temperature, typically from warm white to cool/bluish white. LED bulbs offer many benefits—they save energy, they save money, and they help improve visibility. The City of Golden has carefully selected several LED streetlights for consideration in this study. The selected LEDs will mimic the warm glow of HPS lights more closely while retaining the visibility benefits of LED streetlights. If you’re travelling along 10th Street in August and September, keep an eye out for the new LED lights and take our survey online at Guiding Golden (

Join the Chorus! Golden Concert Choir Looking for Singers

WHAT’S NEXT FOR THE SHOP? One of the best things about owning a curiosity shop is I never know what is going to happen next. It really depends on what subject has captured my own curiosity for the week. If I am googling blackholes, there’s a good chance I’ll be adding space-themed products to my store. If I’m reading about European history, keep your eyes out for Roman spears and Viking axes. But one thing is for sure, I am always looking for new interactive displays to keep my customers engaged.

SPOTLIGHT on a Golden Business

T his month in the City of Golden business spotlight we’re highlighting the Golden Curiosity Shop, which opened in July 2021. We spoke to founder Lucas Maas about his unique Golden business – if you’re interested, stop by to visit the Golden Curiosity Shop at 17742 S Golden Road. If you’re a local business owner who is interested in getting access to more information about local economic development or want to be featured in upcoming issues of the Golden Informer, please reach out to the City of Golden’s Economic Development

Every month, we’ll be highlighting a business here in the City of Golden.

Golden Curiosity Shop

September 2022 | 7

Manager Robin Fleischmann at

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE GOLDEN? I am 6th-generation Goldenite. My family moved to Golden in 1867, only 8 years after the town was founded. My family has a lot of history in this town, and the Golden Curiosity Shop is my way of adding my own little chapter to the history books.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS Have you ever wanted to hold a piece of the moon in your hands? Or see a real live glow-in-the-dark axolotl? Or watch your hair stand on end as over 400,000 volts of electricity course safely through your body? Well now is your chance! The Golden Curiosity Shop is guaranteed to capture your imagination with our interactive exhibits and an inventory full of exotic products from all over way to describe The Golden Curiosity Shop is that it's a lot like a free Museum of Nature & Science, but with two important differences. One, you’re invited to touch all of the exhibits with your own hands. And two, you can buy exhibits and bring them home with you! Everything in the shop is ethically and sustainably sourced.

W ith the cooler temperatures and shorter days of fall right around the corner, it's a good time to plan ahead and prepare your grass for the winter. Fertilizing in the early fall promotes healthy root systems and more resilient landscapes.


This spring, as part of the City of Golden’s efforts to ensure safe, high quality drinking water, the City began the process of determining customer-owned service line materials. This is required by revisions to the Safe Drinking Water Act’s Lead and Copper Rule. The project began with the City’s water utility reaching out to residents with homes built before 1940 to start gathering information on their service line material. If you have received a survey by mail from the City of Golden, please complete and return it at your earliest convenience. If your home was built before 1940 and you take steps to identify your service line material, please contact Utilities Superintendent Les Major at or by phone at 303-384-8170 with your service line information. Your assistance will help us develop a complete and accurate service line inventory, an important first step in eliminating lead service lines in our community. Learn at

Often, you can rent core aerators at home improvement stores to get the job done.

Fall is an important time to put a little energy and care into your lawn's health - and next summer, you should see the benefits.

Aeration improves your yard's ability to absorb water and nutrients. Before starting, make sure to mark your sprinkler heads so you avoid running over them and causing damage.

Fall Lawn Care

Lead Service Line Inventory Underway

8 | September 2022

The two most important things to do to your lawn in the fall while it's still green are 1) to aerate and 2) to provide it with some nutrients.

Adding nutrients to your lawn is another simple yet important task. While it’s advised to test your soil first, plant experts from Colorado State University generally recommend a fall application of fertilizer high in Nitrogen (e.g., 25-5-5) for cool-season grasses. Apply this type of fertilizer a few weeks before temperatures are supposed to reach freezing. The main caution is to not add too much, which can result in damaging your grass and polluting local watersheds. Follow directions on the package, and your yard should benefit. Nitrogen application can often be reduced by 1/4 to 1/3 when grass clippings are returned to the lawn during mowing. Nitrogen and other nutrients contained in the clippings are recycled into the lawn as they decompose. Grass clippings do not contribute to thatch accumulation in lawns. If you're wondering whether it might be simpler to just leave fallen leaves on your yard, be warned that too thick of a layer of leaves can be suffocating! However, a thin layer of leaves, particularly if they've been chopped up by a mower, can add nutrients back into your landscape and can be used to mulch around flower beds, shrubs, and trees.


Do you walk or cycle to work? To run errands? To take your kids to school? And if you don’t, are there steps that the City of Golden can take to make that a safer option for you? The City is eager to hear your experiences as it builds a Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan.


There will be opportunities to learn about safety in the home and the community. There will also be drawings for door prizes, and all-youcan-eat popcorn along with an assortment of refreshments. This event is open to EVERYONE, so bring your neighbors and come enjoy the fun. Meet firefighters, paramedics, police officers, dispatchers, nurses, and rangers to ask questions and talk shop at this fun-filled family- and community-oriented event. Hope to see you there!

Let’s Build Golden’s Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan FREE!!! Safety & Preparedness Day September 17th, 2022 Golden9am-1pmFireStation #1 911 10th Street • Free all you can eat popcorn and reFreshments! • F Fun For all ages! • F Free child car seat checks! • t tour Fire trucks police cars and ambulances! • l live Fire demonstrations! • F Face painting! • p prize drawings! • m meet FireFighters, nurses, paramedics, dispatchers, police oFFicers, and sign up For a blood donation! • o open to all guests who would like to attend! Golden Fire Department’s Safety and Preparedness Day 2022 EST. WHERE T H E W EST LIVES GOL DEN FIRE R ESCUE

Visit Guiding Golden ( for project information, a public survey and an interactive GIS tool to share ideas for specific changes. City staff and community members have previously collaborated on multimodal issues through the 2003 Bicycle Master Plan and the 2008 Bicycle and Walkability Task Forces. Many of the project and policy recommendations from these documents have been implemented on streets and trails throughout the city. In 2020, the City adopted the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to guide transportation policy, programs and capital investment. The community came together around a shared set of aspirational transportation values - Safe and Connected, Livable and Resilient and Prudent and Equitable. The TMP recognized the need for additional planning to achieve these values for walking and biking in Golden.

M ark your calendars for Saturday, Sept.17 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. for a FREE, fun-filled fire safety and education event for the entire family.

• Game-based fire and burn education for all ages

This is the Golden Fire Department’s first in-person Safety and Preparedness Day since 2020, and they are bringing it back in style!

• Live fire demonstrations


• Up close and personal fire truck, ambulance, and police car tours

September 2022 | 11

• Face painting


The Golden Fire Department, along with the University of Colorado Hospital Burn Center, Vitalant Blood Donation Center, Golden Police Department, Jeffcom Dispatch, Pleasant View Fire Department, Jeffco Open Space, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State Patrol, and many more will host the annual Safety and Preparedness Day. This event will be held at Golden Fire Station #1, 911 10th St.

Golden is already recognized as a regional cycling destination with access to the foothills. On summer weekends, thousands of residents and visitors enjoy walking through Downtown Golden and along Clear Creek. A bike and pedestrian plan will provide the groundwork to ensure everyone – residents, visitors and commuters – has access to safe and efficient multimodal travel. More than just infrastructure, the Plan will focus on expanding our walking and biking culture through partnerships, programs and policy.

• Free car seat checks

September 2022 | 13

Golden History Museum & Park • 923 10th St. • 303-278-3557 Check for hours of operation, calendar of programs, and special event details. Golden’s Indigenous Connections Golden History Museum’s Ethnography Study Available Online; Learn More and Get Engaged at Public Event in September SCAN CODE for more information Visit to find links to the publication and the survey. Golden History Museum & Park


Situated within the ancestral territory of multiple tribes, the Clear Creek Valley is a place where multiple Indigenous ways of life were practiced. All of the components that make up this area— including viewsheds, night skies, soundscapes, trails, plants, animals, waterways, landforms, archaeological sites, and historical events—have value and significance to contemporary Native American people. Topography and habitats are some of the indicators of a homeland and cultural landscape to Indigenous people, as they provide physical and spiritual sustenance. The Golden area provides an access corridor between the Rocky Mountains and the Plains, and over 180 local plant species have documented Indigenous uses and names. These serve as a foundation for Native American connections to theTribalarea. oral traditions and cultural activities continue to reinforce the long-standing connections tribes have to the region. In the oral histories of the Núuchiu (Ute), the area now called the City of Golden is located within the origin places of the Moghwachi, Tabeguache, and Uncompahgre bands and has been significant since time immemorial.

The Golden community is invited to join the City of Golden’s Historic Preservation Board at a special meeting on Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Golden History Museum to learn more about the ethnographic study. Community members are also invited to respond to a short, four-question survey to help guide our future work and help us prioritize what projects and initiatives the Museum should undertake next in this journey.

ative American history and connections to the Clear Creek Valley and table lands of the central Colorado Front Range extend back more than 12,000 years. Contemporary Native American communities still view this place as an aboriginal homeland. However, today’s typical narrative of the region largely excludes Indigenous people and their values. To address this disparity, the City of Golden formed a partnership between its divisions of Museums and Planning, with the additional support of the Historic Preservation Board, to engage Native American tribes and ethnographic researchers to help tell the story. The study involved cultural advisors from six Native Indian tribes and a review of relevant literature. Together, the oral historical and documentary records provide a robust narrative about Native American connections to Colorado’s Front Range and create a foundation for future collaborative research with tribal communities.

The oral histories and documentary record of the Tsétsėhéstȧhese or Tsistsistas (Cheyenne) and Hinono’ei (Arapaho) reveal a history that began in the eighteenth century in the Front Range of Colorado. Painful tribal histories, including the forced removal of the Utes from a large portion of their ancestral lands, and the removal of the Cheyenne and Arapaho from Colorado following the Massacre at Sand Creek, are historically linked to the development of the City of Golden and are therefore essential components of Native American interpretation of the area. The City of Golden today recognizes that these oral traditions are an integral part of cultural identity and cannot be trivialized.

The brand-new publication Indigenous Connections: Native American Ethnographic Study of Golden, Colorado and the Clear Creek Valley is an educational resource that can be downloaded free from the Museum’s online collection website. This report is the very first step in cultivating strong relationships with local Indigenous communities. We hope that this educational resource will be used widely and that other communities and cultural institutions will embrace and build upon this work for the greater understanding of the Indigenous presence in our region. Together we can share resources, ideas, and networks to work collectively to lift Indigenous voices in our communities.

We’ve got a spooky night planned, with guaranteed supernatural phenomena. Groove to the bluegrass tunes of the Ghost Town Drifters, followed by the latest in the adventures of the paranormal detectives in Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The film features some of the original cast members, including Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd. Bring a picnic dinner or buy from a food truck on site. The event is free and family-friendly. Music starts at 7 p.m. Movie begins at dusk. Info:

Sept. 18 The Golden Gallop

Information is subject to change. Please use contact information to confirm the details of an event. To list a community event happening in Golden, please send your listing by e-mail to communications@cityofgolden. net. Listings should include the date(s), the event name and a brief description of the event, which may include cost, location and contact information. Submissions must be received by the first of the month prior to the issue you would like them printed in (i.e., May 1 for the June issue). Call 303-384-8132 with questions or for more information.

Sept. 17 Golden Fire Safety Day


Sept. 17 Golden Fire Safety Day Join your Golden Firefighters for a day of safety demonstrations, car seat checks and more. Refreshments and prizes. Golden Fire Station #1 at 911 10 Street from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. More info, see page 11.

Sept. 23 - 25 Colorado Mountain Fest

Come see what fall brings to the market. Fresh produce, bakery items, and wellness products are all for sale every Saturday at the Golden Farmers Market, sponsored by the Golden Chamber of Commerce, each Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 10th Street and Illinois.

Don’t miss the last cruise of the year. You know the drill, this month’s theme: ZOMBIES!! This is always the favorite cruise filled with ghouls and other creatures of the night, all on bikes! Music by Weatherbee & the Gnarbillys, beer by New Terrain and Burgers from Bob’s Atomic, raffles and prizes. Meet at the Calvary Church parking garage, 13th & Arapahoe. 5:30 p.m. Info:

Sept. 9 Parfet Park Sept. 18 The Golden Gallop

Sept. 23-25 Colorado Mountain Fest

Sept. 27 Golden Bike Cruise

The 16th Annual Golden Gallop is Golden’s biggest annual race. This year, they are happy to announce that well-behaved dogs can join their people on the 5K or 10K routes through downtown Golden. There is also a kids fun run. If you’re not into the early start times, there is a “Sleepin/Virtual” race option. The Golden Gallop is the annual fundraiser for the Golden Schools Foundation (GSF) which provides educational funding for our seven Golden neighborhood articulation schools. Sign up today and help make Golden schools great! Info: Golden/AnnualGoldenGallop

The Front Range’s premier mountain festival and celebration of all things outdoor recreation! The festival kicks off with a film screening on Friday. Weekend includes opportunities to interact with top gear from outdoor sports brands, vendors, athletes and authors. Bring the kids to the family sports area for play time and enjoy food and drink from local breweries and food trucks. The event is free to attend. For more information and a schedule of events, visit

Sept. 30 Golden High School Homecoming Parade Go Demons!! Cheer on your local Golden High School students as they parade down Washington Avenue before the big game. Parade starts at 5 p.m. and begins at 18th and Washington, and heads north under the Arch.

14 | September 2022 Saturdays in September Golden Farmers Market


Sept. 9 Movies & Music in the Park

The mission of the Golden Safety Academy is to help educate and empower citizens with information and resources that enhance their personal safety and crime prevention. This free academy is held once a month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month at the Golden Fire Department, 911 10th St. Golden Safety Academy participants must be residents of Golden and be over the age of 16. Some of the topics we will discuss are home safety, fire safety and prevention, internet safety, drug familiarization, first aid, victim advocacy, locks and doors, window security, bicycle theft, identify theft, and much more! Scan the QR code to register for the Golden PD’s Safety Academy. For more information, visit and click on PROGRAMS.

September 2022 | 15

Golden Safety Academy

Have you ever wondered if your home is secure enough? Are you interested in protecting your family, property, and self? Would learning skills and techniques in Crime Prevention make you feel safer in your home and community? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, join the Golden Police Department for the Golden Safety Academy!

POSTAL PATRON PRSRTECRWSSSTD U.S. POSTAGE PAID GOLDEN, CO PERMIT #26 C elebrate our locally owned Golden stores during the Golden Sidewalk Sale! Stroll Washington Avenue and the side streets to find treasures ranging from outdoor gear and home decor to unique toys and boutique fashions. The sale is city-wide, so be sure to visit the hidden gems near Golden Ridge Rd., South Golden Rd. and North Golden. Family Entertainment - Roaming Bubble Tower Machine - Free Pumpkin Decorating Activity Kits - Pick-up at the Visitors Center (while supplies last) Get a jump on your holiday shopping, pick up some bargains and support our Golden businesses! For more info: Save even more by signing up for the FREE Golden Saving Pass! Sign up at or scan the QR code below. GOLDEN SIDEWALK SALE Sept. 11 • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Save Big on Your Perfect Golden Shopping Spree! For more info and a list of participating shops: Join us for an exciting one-day sidewalk sale! Golden’s shopping scene has transformed into a hip collection of outdoor gear, one-of-a-kind fashions, jewelry, art, clothing boutiques and more. Come and enjoy great deals, fashion and refreshments in all of Golden’s shopping areas. Fall is the perfect season to browse bargains with friends and family while strolling casually through beautiful Golden. For more info and a list of participating shops visit GOLDEN SIDEWALK SALE Come Find Your Gold! September 9, 2017 Sale Hours: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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