Avoid/Reduce Alcohol Consumption The Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol have recently been reviewed to reflect the most recent and best available scientific research and evidence on the health effects of alcohol consumption. The draft guideline recommendations are: •
To reduce the risk of harm from alcoholrelated disease or injury for healthy men and women, drink no more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day.
Excessive alcohol use can make it harder for your body to resist disease, increasing your risk of some illnesses.
If you are concerned about your relationship with alcohol or are looking to cut down your alcohol consumption, the Day Break app, by Hello Sunday Morning, and funded by the Australian Government, is a behaviour change program that supports people have a safe relationship with alcohol.
More information, tips on how to quit and support can be found HERE.
The less you choose to drink, the lower your risk of alcohol-related harm. For some people, not drinking at all is the safest option.
City of Newcastle
Alcohol and Other Drugs Support National Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline: 1800 250 015
Other resources
Other 24/7 support services
Alcohol and Drug Foundation: adf.org.au
Counselling Online: counsellingonline.org.au
Positive Choices: positivechoices.org.au
Family Drug Support: 1300 368 186
Head to Health: headtohealth.gov.au
Lifeline: 13 11 14
headspace: headspace.org.au
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
ReachOut: reachout.com
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 MensLine: 1300 789 978
Turning Point: turningpoint.org.au