TOURISM Sydney is home to globally-renowned events attracting visitors from around the world, including Sydney New Year’s Eve, Vivid Sydney and the largest Chinese New Year festival outside Asia. International sports spectaculars also take place in Sydney, including the AFC Asian Football Cup and the ICC Cricket World Cup in 2015.
cruise ships Overseas Passenger Terminal, Circular Quay. Photo: Owen Wilson
Sydney New Year’s Eve celebrations
Sydney is Australia’s global gateway and its face to the world. Our tourism industry promotes Sydney as a great place to visit, work and live. 悉尼是澳大利亚对外的国际门户和标志。这里的旅游业已把悉尼打造成为一座 适宜观光、工作和生活的宝地。
visitor economy
游客经济 Above: Brook Andrew Travelling Colony, part of Sydney Festival - the leading summer arts festival in Australia Photo: Prudence Upton
$6 billion
50% of all visitors to Australia visit Sydney
is spent by overnight visitors to the city annually, including:
$1.2 billion on shopping
44% of international business visitors to Australia visit Sydney
strong ties with Asia
悉尼拥有诸多举世闻名的世界级庆典,如:悉尼跨年 庆典 (Sydney New Year’ s Eve)、悉尼灯光音乐节 (Vivid Sydney),以及亚洲以外全球规模最大的农历新年庆典等。 与此同时,重大体育盛事也选择这里作为主办城市,如:亚 足联亚洲杯 (AFC Asian Football Cup)、2015年板球世 界杯 (ICC Cricket World Cup) 等。 许多一流的本土艺术机构还为悉尼呈现了丰富多彩、老少皆 宜的文化生活。座落于此的杰出机构有悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)、巴格那舞蹈团 (Bangarra Dance Theatre) 、新南威尔士州立美术馆(Art Gallery of New South Wales) 、当代艺术博物馆((The Museum of Contemporary Art), 悉尼舞蹈团(Sydney Dance Company),悉尼音乐学院(The Conservatorium of Music)和悉尼交响乐团 (Sydney Symphony Orchestra)。
280 cruise ships docked in Sydney Harbour in the 2014/15 season Cruise ship arrivals continue to be the fastest growing area in the tourism sector. The City provides a meet and greet service for international cruise ships throughout the October to March cruise season.
Diverse programs for all ages are run by key creative institutions such as Sydney Opera House, Bangarra Dance Theatre, Art Gallery of New South Wales, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney Theatre Company, Sydney Dance Company, Conservatorium of Music and Sydney Symphony Orchestra.
2014/15年巡航旺季期间,共计280艘游轮停泊于悉尼港湾,接待乘游轮前来 观光的游客已连续多年成为本地旅游业增长速度最快的领域。每年10月到来年 3月为悉尼的巡航旺季。在此期间,市政府会为靠港的国际游轮提供以人为本、 细致入微的迎接服务。
fashion and shopping World famous designer and high street fashion retailers such as Gucci, Prada, Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Burberry, Zara and Uniqlo provide an unsurpassed shopping experience in Sydney. The transformation of George Street in the heart of Sydney will create opportunities for more prime and international retailing.
Model Miranda Kerr showcases designs by Sass & Bide at David Jones Fashion Launch
The city also hosts some of the best shopping streets in its villages, showcasing up-and-coming designers in King Street in Newtown, Oxford Street in Paddington and Crown Street in Surry Hills.
$3.2 billion in hospitality
$1.6 billion - other (including transport)
古奇、普拉达、周仰杰、香奈儿、巴宝利、ZARA和优衣库等世界知名设计师品牌和 高档时装零售商均选择悉尼为消费者提供无与伦比的购物体验。悉尼市中心乔治街
(George Street) 的升级改造将为更多高档国际品牌提供商机。
的过夜访客为本市带来的直接利益为$60亿 (6,000,000,000),其中,购物$12亿 (1,200,000,000)、
与此同时,隐藏在周边社区村落的高品质购物街,如悉尼新城 (Newtown) 国王大街
餐饮业$32亿 (3,200,000,000)、交通等其它产业$16亿 (1,600,000,000)。
(King Street)、帕丁顿区 (Paddington) 牛津街 (Oxford Street)、沙利山区 (Surry Hills) 英皇街 (Crown Street) 也将为时尚弄潮儿展现本市新锐风尚魅力。
iconic city
标志性城市 Sydney rates second in the world for brand appeal and image, ahead of Paris, New York and Rome. It is the world’s safest and friendliest city.
food and beverage Sydney Chinese New Year Twilight Parade
2013 Anholt-GfK City Brands Index
In 2014-2015 6 of Australia’s top 10 attractions for international visitors are in Sydney
Sydney’s iconic skyline
Sydney is internationally recognised as the home to many of the nation’s cultural icons. Its harbour vista and skyline is one of the most recognised images of urban Australia.
依据全球性市场研究机构——捷孚凯市场咨询公司 (Anholt-GfK),2013年《城市品牌指数列表》
Sydney hosted
3.1 million
international visitors
came from China
Sydney attracted more than 50% of all business visitors from Korea and China who came to Australia.
with other significant growth from East and South Asia, such as Korea and India.
A high proportion of business visitors from other Asian nations also make Sydney their prime destination to do business.
Sydney is a world-class, multicultural food and beverage destination offering everything from the five-star dining experience featuring highly-acclaimed chefs, to pubs and small bars in historic, stylish and quirky locations.
(2013 Anholt-GfK City Brands Index) 针对全球各大城市的形象统计,悉尼是全世界第二大城市 品牌、形象魅力最受欢迎的胜地,已超越巴黎、纽约和罗马,跃居世界榜首,成为全球最安全、最
2014-15年间,共有310万 (3,100,000) 国际游客选择到悉尼观光游览,其中20%是来自中国的游客,
友善的城市。 悉尼承载着诸多象征澳大利亚文化特征的标志,全澳十大国际名胜中就有6个位于悉
Fine dining, Sydney-style
无论是体验五星级精湛厨 艺,还是万象齐全、历史悠 久的酒馆小吃,悉尼已成为 容纳百川玲珑美味的大熔炉 和品尝美酒的天堂。
world-class events 国际一流庆典活动
QT Sydney, 49 Market Street, Sydney.
Australian hotel overnight stays in Sydney annually
+15 million
In the City of Sydney area, there are about
20,236 hotel rooms (as at December 2012)
年均来澳旅游的观光客有1,500多万人 (15,000,000) 选择入住悉尼酒店。根据2012年12月统计结果, 悉尼市辖区内的酒店房间总数共有20,236间。
information services
The City of Sydney works closely with Destination New South Wales and the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority to deliver information services to welcome visitors to Sydney. We distribute quality information to visitors through information kiosks across the city. A partnership with Business Events Sydney ensures information is also provided to Sydney conference delegates.
BridgeClimb Sydney
our visitors
Sydney is one of the world’s most green, global and connected cities. As Australia’s global city and the gateway to Asia, Sydney is the destination of choice for international corporations, business leaders, tourists and students. Sydney provides headquarters for almost 40 per cent of the top 500 Australian corporations. Digital, financial, educational and creative businesses are all thriving in Sydney – supported by our robust economic strategy. Guided by the City of Sydney’s Sustainable Sydney 2030 program, Sydney is recognised internationally for its outstanding environmental performance and major cultural events, and as a future focused and innovative business centre. Sydney is also host to one of the largest Chinese New Year festivals in the world. Discover Sydney – the world’s most beautiful harbour city.
悉尼市政府积极与新南威尔士州旅游局 (Destination New South Wales) 和悉尼海岸管理局 (Sydney Harbour
Foreshore Authority) 合作开发详尽的悉尼旅游信息。
市辖区设有游客信息服务亭,以便观光客获取高质量的旅游信息。与此同时悉尼市政府还与悉尼会议奖励 旅游局 (Business Events Sydney) 合作,为到本市访问考察的会议代表团成员提供详细的旅游咨询。
业、商界领袖、游客和学生的首选之地。 在澳大利亚500强企业中,有近40%选择将总部设在悉尼。借助强 有力的经济战略支持,悉尼的数字、金融、教育和创意产业正在蓬 勃发展。 通过《可持续发展的悉尼 2030》战略规划 (Sustainable Sydney 2030 program),悉尼以出色的环保成就和重大文化活动,以及关 注未来的创新商业中心而享誉四海。 此外,悉尼还是全世界最盛大的中国农历新年庆典活动的举办地之 一。
For more information on the City of Sydney, please contact
+61 2 9265 9333 /
Lord Mayor Clover Moore 悉尼市市长 摩尔