Sydney Chinese New Year Festival 2018

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16 Feb – 4 Mar 2018

Chinese New Year Festival #cnysyd

Celebrating the Lunar New Year



Contents 目录 04 Welcome Messages 欢迎辞

38 Lunar Eats 农历新年美食

66 Exhibitions 展览

08 Festival Highlights 亮点活动

48 Interview: Reynold Poernomo 专访甜点名厨——雷诺 兹·普尔诺莫

70 8 Tips for Good Luck 开运锦囊

12 Chinatown Celebrations 唐人街庆典 14 Lunar Lanterns 农历花灯会 28 China in Sydney 中国表演在悉尼





30 Famous Dogs of Sydney 悉尼名犬 31 City Dining Reviews 美味推荐

50 Family & Kids 亲子活动 58 Meet the Cover Dog and Designer 封面明星狗

72 Performances 文艺演出 77 Talks 大讲堂 81 Tours 新年游览

60 Workshops 工作坊

84 Map 节庆地图

65 New Year Shopping 新春购物

86 Thank You 鸣谢

16 February – 2 March. Discover more at


Guò Nián Hăo! 过年好! Clover Moore Lord Mayor of Sydney 悉尼市市长克劳馥.摩尔(Clover Moore)

Kung Hei Fat Choy! 恭喜发财! Cr Robert Kok Chair, Chinese New Year Advisory Panel

His Excellency Xiaojie Gu Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China (Ambassadorial Rank)

中国农历新年顾问团主席 郭耀文议员

This is the Year of the Dog, a symbol of loyalty and honesty. People born in the Year of the Dog are said to possess the best traits of human nature. We’ve worked to create a liveable city for our dogs, who adore our parks and open space just like us – I know my dogs Buster and Bessie do! This year, our Lunar Lanterns exhibition features large scale artworks that honour the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. The works have been created by talented AsianAustralian artists who have brought a modern flavour to traditional celebrations. There are a number of distinctive cultures that celebrate the Lunar New Year, and we are holding festivities right across the city to celebrate. There are many events on offer, including art, food, performances, and Dragon Boat Racing on Darling Harbour. Bring the family in for a feast in Chinatown – or ring in the New Year with some shopping in Pitt Street Mall.

今年,是悉尼市政府中国农历新年庆典的第22 年。该庆典已经发展成为亚洲以外,规模最为 庞大,内容最为鲜活的农历新年庆典。 今年是狗年。狗象征着忠诚与正直,人们都 说,属狗的人拥有人类天性中最美好的部分。 我们一直致力为狗狗们打造一座宜居城市,它 们和人类一样,热衷于公园和露天空间。我的 狗巴斯特和贝丝就很喜欢!

This year, we are delighted to welcome an international delegation from Henan province who will be adding to the celebrations. I hope you enjoy our festival, and look forward to celebrating with you.

今年,我们的农历花灯会将为大家呈现十二盏 大型的生肖灯。花灯由才华横溢的澳籍亚裔艺 术家合力创作,将是现代艺术与传统节庆的完 美结合。 很多不同的文化都有庆祝农历新年的习俗,而 我们的庆典将唤醒悉尼的每个角落,带来精彩 纷呈的庆祝活动,包括艺术,美食,演出,以 及达令港的龙舟竞渡。带上家人一起来唐人街 享受节日大餐吧!或者到皮特街购物区尽兴购 物也是不错的选择。

中华人民共和国驻悉尼总领事(大使衔) 顾小杰阁下

As a city, Sydney is filled with dog lovers and our furry friends have become a big part of our community. In celebration of our best friend, the City of Sydney’s Chinese New Year Festival will be playful, joyous, and family oriented. Visit our giant zodiac lanterns illuminating Circular Quay; indulge in a New Year feast; or marvel at the range of exhibitions and performances offered during this special time. I also encourage you to immerse yourself in celebrations in Chinatown, where the festival began 22 years ago. On behalf of the City, we invite you and your family to share culture, food and celebrations as we welcome in the Year of the Dog. Kung Hei Fat Choy!

As we ring in the New Year, I would like to extend my sincere best wishes to our friends from various sectors, as well as all Chinese in Sydney and NSW, on behalf of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney. A New Year is a new beginning. 2018 will bring brand new opportunities to the Sino-Australian relations and collaborations between China and NSW. The City of Sydney’s Chinese New Year Festival has become a fantastic platform for extensive communication, deeper understanding and a closer friendship between our two countries. I wish the 2018 Sydney Chinese New Year Festival every success! May the Year of the Dog bring peace, happiness, prosperity and good fortune to you all.

悉尼,作为一个大都市,充满了爱狗之人,我 们这些“毛茸茸的朋友们”也成为了本土社区的 一大组成部分。为了充分体现人类最亲密的伙 伴 —— 狗的特质,今年的庆典也将以趣味、 欢乐、家庭为主题。节庆期间,欢迎您光临张 灯结彩的环形码头,观赏巨型生肖花灯;享受 新春盛宴的饕餮美味;或流连于丰富多彩的艺 术展览和文艺表演。农历新年庆典起源于唐人 街,如今已有22年历史,因此我也想建议您 融入到唐人街的贺岁活动中,亲身体验喜庆气 氛。我谨代表悉尼市政府诚挚地邀请您和家人 通过文化、美食,同庆新禧,一起迎接狗年的 到来!

值此中国农历新年之际,我谨代表中华人民共和国 驻悉尼总领事馆,向新南威尔士州及悉尼的华侨华 人及各界朋友致以诚挚问候和美好祝愿。 新年新气象。2018年中澳关系发展、中国与新州合 作面临新的机遇。悉尼市政府中国农历新年庆典已 成为中澳两国人民扩大交流、加深了解、增进友谊 的重要平台。衷心祝愿2018年庆典活动圆满成功! 祝大家狗年吉祥、人旺财旺!


我们还有幸邀请到来自河南的表演团体带来精 彩的演出。衷心希望大家能尽情享受这场盛 典,我也非常期待和你们共度佳节。



Welcome 欢迎辞 #cnysyd

This year, we celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the City of Sydney’s Chinese New Year Festival, one of the biggest and most vibrant Lunar New Year celebrations outside Asia.

Festival Curator 庆典策划人

Dale Cleaver Chief Executive Officer, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT

Claudia Chan Shaw City of Sydney Chinese New Year Festival Curator

新南威尔士州/澳大利亚首都直辖区导盲犬协会首席执行官 达尔.克莱夫


The team at Guide Dogs NSW/ACT is very excited to be partnering with the City of Sydney’s Chinese New Year Festival in 2018 – the Year of the Dog. In 2017, Guide Dogs achieved 60 years of providing guide dogs and other services that enable people with sight loss to live the life they have imagined for themselves. But it is the extraordinary relationship between people and our wonderful guide dogs that we are best known for. It is for this reason that we are delighted to again be celebrating the Year of the Dog with the people of Sydney. In our experience, dogs easily symbolise character traits such as loyalty, compatibility and kindness. They are trustworthy and reliable and love human companionship. Eager to become deeply involved in their owner’s lives, dogs can be determined, but are always ready to lend a shoulder to lean on when necessary. Over the past 60 years, we have trained more than 2,000 guide dogs and in so doing, our instructors and puppy raisers have probably walked close to 5 million kilometres, which is the equivalent of travelling more than six times to the moon and back. Since opening our doors, guide dogs NSW/ACT has grown our range of services to include guide dogs, long canes and electronic travel devices such as talking GPS technologies. We are now looking ahead to the next 60 years. Help us to continue making a difference to people with sight loss in NSW and the ACT by voting for your favourite painted model dog collection box at our Model Dog Art Installation (see p9). May the coming year be filled with happiness and great prosperity.

Welcome to the Year of the Dog. Festivities for the Sydney Chinese New Year Festival will be a dazzling mix of culture and inspiring artistic talent. We have literally gone to the dogs – and we’d love you to join us. Dogs love to be part of a group, and the celebrations this Chinese New Year will bring together people of all ages. It’s a time for reunion, friendship and family. Dogs love treats: why not take their lead and eat your way around the festival? Be top dog and compete in the Dragon Boat Races at Darling Harbour, or be a part of the spectacle from the sidelines. 能在2018年狗年与悉尼市政府中国农历新年庆 典结为慈善伙伴让我们的团队感到十分激动和 荣幸。2017年标志着导盲犬协会帮助失明群体 实现理想生活的第60年。出色的导盲犬与人类 在这期间建立的亲密关系,更被传为佳话。也 因此,我们很高兴能与悉尼市民一起庆祝农历 狗年的到来。 在我们人类的经验中,狗是忠诚,包容,善良 等美好品质的象征。他们值得信任,可靠,并 且喜爱人类的陪伴。为了热切表达融入自己主 人生活中的期望,狗充满了决心,但同时也会 在需要时随时准备借予人类一个可以依靠的肩 膀。 在过去的60年中,我们训练了2000多只导盲 犬,训犬师和饲养员的足迹也因此累计达到了 近五百万公里,相当于从地球到月球往返6次。 从创立以来,新南威尔士州/澳大利亚首都直辖 区导盲犬协会的服务范围已经拓展到包括导盲 犬,盲人手杖,以及语音导航系统等电子出行 技术。

欢迎来到狗年!悉尼市政府的中国农历新年庆 典将通过丰富多彩的活动,为您呈现文化和艺 术激荡的火花。我们已经准备好了狗狗们最美 好的品质以庆贺新年,也欢迎您的加入。

The highlight of the festival is the fabulous Lunar Lanterns display. The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac come to life as gigantic, glowing, contemporary lantern installations. Follow the sounds of fire crackers that will lead you to the traditional lion dances in Chinatown, where the festival began 22 years ago.

狗狗喜欢和同伴玩乐,而我们的庆典活动也希 望让所有年龄段的人都欢聚一堂,共同歌颂团 聚,友谊,和家庭。 狗狗们喜欢美食,我们的庆典活动也设计了大 量的美食体验。狗狗热爱力拔头筹,来达令港 参加龙舟竞渡吧,或在现场为比赛摇旗呐喊也 是不错的选择。

And the local community will take to the stage in The Rocks with colourful performances. Come and see fabulous dancers, drummers and martial artists.

本次庆典的亮点是华美的农历花灯展。十二生 肖将化身为大型现代灯光艺术品点亮全城。追 循新年鞭炮的声响,您会来到唐人街欣赏传统 的舞狮表演。22年前,中国农历新年庆典活动 曾在这里开始。

There are more than 80 associated events throughout the festival. Enjoy exhibitions and talks, tai chi and wushu workshops. It’s going to be a wonderful celebration.

在岩石区,本地社团将会登上舞台,带来包括 舞蹈,鼓乐,以及武术表演的精彩演出,不容 错过。

Eat. Drink. Play. Sit. Roll over. Stay. Enjoy. Good dog.

整个庆典有超过80场相关活动,更别错过多场 展览,讲座,太极和武术研讨班——这将是充 满惊喜和期待的一届中国农历新年庆典。

我们展望下一个60年。欢迎您在庆典期间为公 展的导盲犬彩绘募捐箱投上一票,以助我们一 臂之力,提升居住在新南威尔士和澳大利亚首 府直辖区失明群体的生活质量(见第9页)。





Welcome 欢迎辞 #cnysyd

Charity Partner 慈善伙伴

Highlights 亮点活动 Don’t miss the signature events in this year’s festival 众多人气贺岁活动,不容错过!

Opening Night Fireworks

Opening Night Fireworks 庆典开幕式烟火秀 Circular Quay Fri 16 Feb, 8.15pm The opening night of the Sydney Chinese New Year Festival will see fireworks light up the night sky and the Sydney Harbour Bridge bathed in an auspicious red glow. 中国农历新年庆典开幕仪式 当晚,盛大的烟火秀将点 亮夜空,象征着吉祥喜庆的 红色火光也将照亮地标建 筑——悉尼海港大桥。 Sydney 2000. sydneychinesenewyear. com. Free.

Lighting of the Sydney Harbour Bridge 中国红点亮悉尼海港大桥 Circular Quay 16-25 Feb, 8.15pm In celebration of the Lunar New Year, the Sydney Harbour Bridge will be bathed in an auspicious red glow for ten nights, symbolising good fortune. 为庆祝农历狗年新年的到 来,悉尼海港大桥将连续 10天沐浴在象征着吉祥如 意的中国红灯光里,寓意 新年的幸福与快乐。 Sydney 2000. sydneychinesenewyear. com. Free.


Frameshift is an aerial theatre show combining vertical performance and b-boy dancing. It’s a co-production between Australia’s Stalker Theatre, Korean vertical performance group Creative Dandi, and Seoul b-boy group Drifterzcrew. 该剧融合了垂直表演、当 代舞蹈、地板霹雳舞等表 演形式,利用科技诠释肢 体动作,并转化成为画面 呈现在荧幕上。《移》是 由澳大利亚形体戏剧演出 公司Stalker Theatre、韩 国垂直表演组合创意丹迪、 地板霹雳舞团Drifterzcrew 三足鼎立,强强推出的一 部探寻社会和城市主题的 作品。

Those life-size Guide Dog donation boxes have been transformed into a breathtaking art installation of 60 dogs, representing 60 years of service. Vote for your favourite Guide Dog with a gold coin. 60个与真狗一样大小的导 盲犬募捐箱经知名艺术家 和名流人士亲手彩绘,成 为一场令人叹为观止的艺 术展。60个彩绘模型代表 了导盲犬募捐箱为新州慈 善募捐服务的第60个年 头。请为你最喜欢的导盲 犬彩绘模型投一枚金币以 作支持! Alfred St, Circular Quay 2000.

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Graduation Ceremony 新南威尔士州/澳大利亚首 都直辖区导盲犬协会 导盲犬毕业礼 Bligh and Barney Reserve Sat 17 Feb, 5.30pm Watch the latest recruits from Guide Dogs NSW/ ACT walk the red carpet as they graduate from two years of intensive training and receive their harnesses. Watch a puppy preschool and hear firsthand how these amazing dogs transform lives. 这是一场别开生面的毕业 典礼。新南威尔士州/澳 洲首都直辖区导盲犬协会 的“新兵”们经过两年的集 训,这一天将走上红地 毯,被授予导盲牵引带。 观看狗宝宝们的学前班, 一线倾听这些出色的小狗 改变视障人士生命的传奇 故事。 Circular Quay 2000.

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Model Dog Art Installation

31 Alfred St, Sydney 2000. au. Free. Frameshift was made possible by support from Create NSW, Arts Council Korea, Australia Council for the Arts, Centre Stage Korea, Australia Korea Foundation

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Festival Sites 新南威尔士州/澳大利 亚首都直辖区导盲犬 协会面对面 Various venues 16 Feb-4 Mar Visit the Guide Dogs NSW/ACT staff and volunteers at festival sites throughout the Chinese New Year celebrations. Learn about the services on offer; understand what it might be like to be vision impaired; take your photo with a puppy; chat to puppy raisers and clients; and support Guide Dogs NSW/ ACT by buying a Chinese New Year memento. 在节庆期间, 导盲犬 协会展示摊位的工作 人员和志愿者将为您 提供更多该协会的信 息。 了解他们提供的服 务,了解视障人士的 生活障碍,与幼犬合 影,与导盲犬幼犬饲 养员和导盲犬所服务 的客户互动交流,您 还可以购买农历新年 纪念品,支持新南威 尔士州/澳大利亚首都 直辖区导盲犬协会继 续发展。 Free.


Highlights 亮点活动 #cnysyd

Frameshift presented by Art & About Sydney 悉尼公众艺术节隆重出品 年度大剧《移》 Customs House Forecourt 16-18 Feb, 8.30-9.15pm

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Model Dog Art Installation 新南威尔士州/澳大利亚首 都直辖区导盲犬协会 导盲犬彩绘募捐箱艺术展 Scout Place & Customs House 16-25 Feb

Relax with a friendly game of Mahjong at The Star’s Fortune Mahjong Garden. Whether you’re an experienced hand or novice, The Star’s hosts will help you enjoy this ancient game of skill. Just look for the Mahjong Ox Lantern. 到星港城麻将花园打场轻松 友好的麻将吧,高手和新手 都能在星港城的主持人帮 助下享受这个古老游戏的乐 趣。麻将花园位于麻将花牛 生肖灯处。 East Circular Quay (next to the Ox lantern).

Jonesy and Amanda’s Celebrity Dragon Boat Race 乔西与阿曼达明星龙 舟挑战赛

The Star Fortune Mahjong Garden

Lunar New Year at The Star 星港城庆农历新年 The Star 15 Feb-4 Mar Follow the good fortune ribbon to The Star for wishing trees, tunnels of good fortune, inspired menus, lucky envelopes, aerialists, entertainment and loads of surprises. 沿着开运彩带探索星港城的新春许愿树,开运走廊,受中 国新年启发的美食,新年红包,空中飞人表演,以及数之 不尽的新年惊喜。

Join WSFM’s Jonesy and Amanda on Saturday 24 February at midday, as they take to the water to compete in their very own Celebrity Dragon Boat Race. 2月24日(周六)中 午,WSFM广播电台主播 乔西和阿曼达将各组一支 明星队,展开他们自己的 龙舟竞渡赛,角逐冠军。

Dragon Boat Races: Eye Dotting Ceremony

80 Pyrmont St, Pyrmont 2009. Dragon Boat Races 龙舟竞渡 Cockle Bay Sat 24 Feb, 8am-5pm; Sun 25 Feb, 8.30am-3pm

Dragon Boat Races

Dragon Boat Races: Eye Dotting Ceremony 龙舟竞渡:点睛仪式 Cockle Bay Sat 24 Feb, 8.30am

The biggest Dragon Boat Races in the southern hemisphere return to Darling Harbour in 2018. More than 3,000 paddlers will churn up the water as thousands of spectators watch the 12m long Dragon Boats battle it out. 2018年,南半球最大的龙舟赛将重返达 令港! 3000多名赛手将乘船身长达12米 的龙舟,在上千名观众的眼前激桨一决雌 雄。为期两天的盛事共计约有百余场精彩 的专业、商团、慈善类别比赛供观众一饱 眼福。

To ensure a safe weekend of Dragon Boat racing, Taoist monks will perform the blessing of the waters and a unique eye dotting ceremony: dabbing red paint onto the eyes of each boat’s figurehead, which is said to awaken the dragons. Following the ceremony and before the races commence, a lion dance performance will take place. 为了周末龙舟赛事能顺利进行,道教道长们将在赛前 举办祈福和点睛仪式:用红色朱砂为每艘龙舟的龙头 点睛,据说可以借此使龙觉醒。 在点睛仪式结束后,龙舟赛正式开始前,还将有一段 精彩的舞狮表演。

Darling Harbour 2000. 02 9265 9333. Free.

Darling Harbour 2000. 02 9265 9333. Free.



AYAM™ Drink Stall 雄鸡标牌饮品站 Grab a refreshing AYAM™ Coconut Water for $1 at the AYAM™ drinks stall. 龙舟赛期间,雄鸡标牌饮 品站将现场出售雄鸡标 椰子水,仅售1澳元。

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office 香港经济贸易办事处 During the Dragon Boat festival the HKETO fete stall will provide souvenirs with Hong Kong characteristics. 龙舟赛事期间,香港经济 贸易办事处摊位会向公众 派发香港特色纪念品。

Highlights 亮点活动 #cnysyd

The Star Fortune Mahjong Garden 星港城麻将花园 East Circular Quay 16-25 Feb, 5-10pm

Chinatown Celebrations

Dixon Street Chinese Committee Lion Dances 德信街华人委员会舞狮表演 Chinatown 3, 4, 10, 11, 18 & 25 Feb, noon-4pm


The Dixon Street Chinese Committee has presented lion dancing for the past 25 years. Catch their exciting performance on the streets of Chinatown. 在过去的25年里,德信街华人委员会每年 都为民众带来舞狮表演。如果你到了唐人 街,千万不要错过他们的精彩演出。

Haymarket goes off-leash with parades and fireworks

Dixon St and surrounds, Haymarket 2000. 02 9265 9333. Free.

Chinatown Dog Lanterns 旺旺狗生肖灯 Cnr Dixon St & Little Hay St 16 Feb-4 Mar

Sussex Centre Celebrations 莎瑟中心庆祝活动 Chinatown Fri 16 Feb, noon-1pm

Chinatown will be watched by two guardian dogs towering 3.8m above the street. The pattern and colour of the red and blue dogs reflect the opposite qualities of Yin and Yang, as well as the happy, celebratory atmosphere of the Chinese New Year Festival. 两个3.8米高的大型玻璃钢花灯守岁狗将 镇守唐人街。此狗融合东方立体雕刻与西 方波普配色,一红一蓝呼应着“阴”“阳”, 烘托出热闹喜庆的中国新年氛围。

Lion Dances and Chinese Crackers 舞狮爆竹同贺岁 Chinatown 16-18, 23-25 Feb & 2-4 Mar, 6pm & 6.30pm Every Friday through Sunday during the festival, Chinese crackers will be set off in the heart of Chinatown and the Chinese Lion Dancers will bring drumming, flamboyance and a flash of humour. The Lion Dances are brought to you by the City of Sydney. 节日期间,每周五至周日,唐人街熙攘的中心地段都会群狮荟萃、爆竹喧鸣。舞狮者随 锣鼓声起舞,做炫酷的表演,不时给观众带来点小幽默。舞狮表演由悉尼市政府组织。

Start off the Lunar New Year with a fire cracker ceremony on the Sussex Street entrance, followed by a lion dance. The ‘Choi Sun’ will hand out lucky red packets. 让莎瑟街头的爆竹开启精彩新年,这里还 将上演翻滚跳跃、舞技精湛的南狮北舞。 您还有机会遇到派发红包的“财神爷”。

About the artist 艺术家简介

401 Sussex St, Sydney 2000. 02 9281 9133. Free.

Fan Dongwang studied at Shanghai School of Arts and Crafts in the 1970s. In 1990 he migrated to Australia, obtaining a Master of Arts at COFA in 1995, and a Doctor of Creative Art at Wollongong University in 1999. 范东旺上个世纪七十年代毕业于上海工艺美 术学校。九十年代时移民澳洲。1995年获新 南威尔士大学美术学院艺术硕士学位,1999 年获卧龙岗大学创意艺术博士学位。

Chinatown Markets 唐人街夜市 Chinatown Fri 16, 23 Feb & 2 Mar, 4-11pm Explore the market stalls and sample Asian dishes such as yum cha, teppanyaki and bibimbap. 到唐人街的小吃摊逛一逛,享受新年的喜 庆和夜市的喧闹,点心、铁板烧、朝鲜拌饭 等。您可以遍尝亚洲特色美食。 Dixon St, Chinatown 2000. 02 9315 701. Free.

The Chinatown Dog lanterns are presented by

Chinatown, Haymarket 2000. Free.



Chinatown Celebrations 唐人街庆典 #cnysyd


Lunar Lanterns The 12 animals of the lunar zodiac return to Circular Quay as spectacular lanterns 十二生肖巨型花灯华丽回归,悉尼环形码头张灯结彩, 场面壮观。

3 Horse 马

4 Monkey 猴

5 Ox 牛

6 Snake 蛇

7 Sheep 羊

8 Tiger 虎

9 Rabbit 兔

10 Dragon 龙

11 Rooster 鸡

12 Pig 猪





10 9

3 4 8




From 16-25 February, take a stroll around Circular Quay, from the Sydney Opera House to Cadman’s Cottage, and discover 12 larger-than-life animal signs of the lunar zodiac. Bring the whole family and get up close to these magnificent giant artworks. The Lunar Lanterns are a creative, contemporary interpretation of a centuries old tradition. Designed by Asian-Australian artists with Festival Curator Claudia Chan Shaw, the Lunar Lanterns tower up to 13 metres tall. Marvel at modern technology blended with classic Chinese techniques as these magical lanterns light up Sydney’s harbour.


2 Rat 鼠

从2月16日至2月25日,漫步环形码头, 从歌剧院走到卡德曼小屋,沿途您会见 到十二个惟妙惟肖的生肖动物花灯。带 上家人,一起近距离欣赏这些个性鲜明 的巨型艺术品吧。 这组农历生肖花灯是对百年古老传统新 颖而现代的诠释。它们由澳大利亚的亚 裔艺术家们与悉尼中国年庆典策划人克 劳迪娅·陈·肖共同打造。这些夺目绚丽 的花灯有的高达13米,是现代科技与中 国古典技艺的结合,12座花灯照亮了悉 尼海港,场面壮观,令人惊叹。 Download the Sydney Culture Walks app for a fun, easy way to navigate the Lunar Lanterns. 下载应用程序“Sydney Culture Walks”(悉尼文化 漫步),为您欣赏新春花灯进行路线指引及导览, 轻松便捷。


Lunar Lanterns 新春花灯 #cnysyd


1 Dog 狗

The Rat



Lunar Lanterns 新春花灯 #cnysyd

The Dog

Loyal, smart and sociable, Dogs are a friend to many 属狗人忠诚、聪明、富有交际能力,是许多人的好朋友 Lantern designed by: Song Ling Location: Sydney Opera House Western Broadwalk 花灯设计:宋陵 展示地点: 悉尼歌剧院西步行广场 This mysterious dog is painted in bright primary colours. Floating between past, present and future, it casts its bright, inquisitive eyes upon the world, stopping only to hold up things of importance, so that we might be reminded of their spiritual value. 这只带有神秘感的狗形花灯被漆成亮丽的原色。它游移于 过去、现在和未来之间,明亮的双眸将好奇的目光投向世 界,它只为重要之物驻足——由此,我们方能记起它们的 精神价值与意义。


About the artist

Song Ling received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the China National Academy of Fine Arts. In 1988 he came to Australia. He has been a finalist in the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes. 宋陵1984年获中国 美术学院艺术学士学 位,1988年移居澳 洲,曾入围阿奇博奖, 文纳奖和苏曼奖。

Intelligent, adaptable and social, the quick-witted Rat cannot let an opportunity to prosper pass by 属鼠人聪明、适应性强、善交际,反应机敏,绝不会浪费 任何一个好机会 Lantern designed by: Guo Jian Location: East Circular Quay North 花灯设计:郭健 展示地点: 东环形码头以北 The rat lantern is inspired by Guo Jian’s experience of moving to Australia and being embraced and supported by the Sydney LGBTIQ community. 鼠花灯创造灵感来自郭健本人移居澳大利亚后,获悉尼 LGBTIQ社区的支持。鼠花灯五彩缤纷,效果生动,汉字“ 爱”在中国和悉尼之间搭建起了一座桥梁。


About the artist

Guo Jian first arrived in Sydney in 1992. His provocative work has been exhibited and collected in Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, USA, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and China. 郭健于1992年移居悉 尼。他挑战传统、个性 鲜明的作品曾在德国、 法国、比利时、瑞典、 美国、墨西哥、澳大利 亚、新西兰与中国展出 并获收藏。

The Monkey



About the artist

About the artist Adaptable, loyal and courageous, the always-active Horse stands tall in the crowd 属马人适应性强,忠诚、勇气十足、充满活力,总是出类 拔萃、引人注目 Lantern designed by: Qian Jian Hua Location: East Circular Quay South 花灯设计:钱建华 展示地点: 东环形码头以南 Inspired by the famous chariots unearthed alongside the Terracotta Warriors of Xi’an, artist Qian Jian Hua reimagines the horse for a modern Sydney audience. 这件花灯的设计灵感来自西安秦始皇陵随兵马俑一同出土 的著名铜马车。创作者结合当代悉尼文化对这一古老象征 做了艺术加工。这件花灯作品描绘了古代战争中战马拉动 战车的形象,颂扬了中国古老漫长的军事历史。


Qian Jian Hua was born in Nanjing and came to Australia in 1991 as a visiting scholar. He now lives and works in Sydney, and his sculptures have been displayed in many major exhibitions in Australia. 钱建华,生于南京, 1991年作为访问学者 来到澳大利亚,现居悉 尼。他的雕塑作品曾在 澳大利亚众多大型展览 中展出。

Quick-witted, charming and lucky, the adaptable Monkey livens up any occasion 属猴人机智敏捷、富有魅力、天生幸运,在任何场合都能 如鱼得水 Lantern designed by: Laurens Tan Location: East Circular Quay South 花灯设计:谭思考 展示地点: 东环形码头以南 Laurens Tan’s three wise monkeys see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Each monkey stands five metres tall and is made up of more than 1,600 pattern pieces. 谭思考创作的三只猴子分别演绎中国古语“非礼勿视”、“ 非礼勿听”、“非礼勿言”。这组花灯延续了谭思考以风趣 的风格,对中国语言学和象征主义的探索。每只猴子高五 米,由1600多个图案部件组成。


Born in Holland, Laurens Tan moved to Australia in 1962. His other recent projects have been commissioned by MAMA Albury;, Las Vegas; University of Chicago (Beijing Center); and The Opposite House, Beijing. 谭思考是一名澳洲雕塑 家和多领域艺术家。他 出生于荷兰,1962年 移居澳大利亚。他的近 期的作品分别由MAMA Albury艺术博物馆、 拉斯维加斯的Zappos. com、芝加哥大学(北 京中心)和北京瑜舍酒 店委托创作。

Lunar Lanterns 新春花灯 #cnysyd

The Horse

The Snake



About the artist

Loyal, reliable and strong, the determined Ox is always diligent 忠诚、可靠、坚强,坚决,属牛人同时还是勤劳的化身 Lantern designed by: Tianli Zu Location: Opposite Ferry Wharf 2 花灯设计:祖天丽 展示地点: 2号渡轮码头对面 The majestic, ten-metre high ox is made up of hundreds of illuminated Mahjong tiles, projecting an enchanting light and creating a link between heaven and earth. Try playing the game yourself at The Star’s Fortune Mahjong Garden. 这组牛气非凡的牛灯高十米,位于2号渡轮码头对面,由 数百个发光麻将牌组成,迷人的光彩连通天地。您更可以 到星港城开运麻将花园玩一把。


Tianli Zu was born in Beijing and now lives in Sydney. She has exhibited extensively in Australia and China and is the winner of numerous national art prizes. She was an Archibald Prize finalist in 2015. 祖天丽出生于北京,现 居悉尼。她的作品体现 了其自身在不同区域和 文化中生活的经历,她 的作品经常在澳大利亚 和中国展出;她也是众 多国家级艺术奖的得 主,她曾在2015年入 围阿奇博奖总决赛。 The Ox lantern is presented by

About the artists

Private, wise and intuitive, the enigmatic Snake has no qualms about putting itself first 神秘、睿智、富有直觉,高深莫测的属蛇人总是把自己放 在第一位 Lantern designed by: amigo and amigo Location: Opposite Ferry Wharf 2 under Cahill Expressway 花灯设计:amigo and amigo工作室 展示地点: 2号渡轮码头对面,卡希尔高速路下方。 Inspired by the traditional art of Chinese kite making, this golden snake represents prosperity. 蛇形花灯以诱人的身姿弯曲前行,悬浮于卡希尔高速路下 方。设计灵感来源于中国传统风筝制作技艺。这条金色的 蛇凌驾上空,象征着繁荣昌盛。


Co-founded by Simone Chua and Renzo B Larriviere, amigo and amigo is a Sydney-based lighting and design studio that explores the combination of light and sculpture in public spaces. amigo and amigo has exhibited extensively in Australia and in China. amigo and amigo是由 Simone Chua与Renzo B Larriviere在悉尼 创立的照明设计工作 室。amigo and amigo 探索在公共空间中光与 雕塑的融合,以大型互 动作品著称,经常在澳 大利亚和中国参展。

Lunar Lanterns 新春花灯 #cnysyd

The Ox

The Tiger



About the artists

Tasteful, warm and intuitive, the Sheep lives a quiet life of creativity and compassion 雅致、温暖、富有直觉,敏感的羊充满创造力和同情心, 喜爱宁静的生活 Lantern designed by: Alexandra Sommer and Brad Clark Location: Between Ferry Wharf 5 & 6 花灯设计:亚历山德拉·萨墨 和 布莱德·克拉克 展示地点: 5号与6号渡轮码头之间 The Merino ram is an Australian icon, immortalised in the song ‘Waltzing Matilda’ and Tom Roberts’ painting ‘Shearing the Rams’. This majestic, woolly character is kindhearted and noble. 载耀金羊灯是一只巨型美利奴羊,它是澳洲的标志,因著名 民歌《华尔兹玛蒂尔达》和艺术家汤姆.罗伯茨的名画《剪羊 毛》成为不朽的形象。这一威严、毛茸茸的动物善良而高贵。


Alexandra Sommer and Brad Clark have collaborated on seven consecutive Chinese New Year celebrations with the City of Sydney. They have designed parade floats, costumes and delivered such projects as the Dragon Ball at Town Hall in 2012. 亚历山德拉·萨墨 和 布莱德·克拉克连续七 年与悉尼市政府合作, 参与中国农历新年庆典 的设计。他们曾设计了 游行花车、演出服, 并成功协助打造文化 盛事,如2012年在悉 尼市政厅举办的“金龙 舞会”。

About the artist

Enthusiastic, courageous and ambitious, the Tiger is a born leader 热情,充满勇气,雄心勃勃,老虎是天生的领袖 Lantern designed by: Kevin Bathman Location: Ferry Wharf 6 花灯设计:凯文·巴斯曼 展示地点: 6号渡轮码头 In Chinese culture, the tiger represents the greatest earthly power, as well as protection over human life. The sign on this tiger’s forehead spells ‘king’, which is common in most Chinese symbols depicting a tiger. 在传统中国文化里,老虎代表着陆地上最强大的力量, 老虎充满活力,体现了进取精神,也是保卫人类生命的 力量。老虎额头上的花纹呈“王”字,在中文里是描绘 “虎”的常用符号。


Malaysian-born Kevin Bathman is an artist and graphic designer who has worked in Sydney, Auckland and Kuala Lumpur. Among his projects is The Chindian Diaries, a community project exploring stories of the Chinese and Indian communities. 凯文·巴斯曼出生于马 来西亚,是一位艺术家 和平面设计师,曾在 悉尼、奥克兰和吉隆 坡工作。他的作品包 括《中印日记》(The Chindian Diaries)艺术 项目,该项目探索了中 印社区群体之间的连 结、历史和那些被遗忘 的故事。

Lunar Lanterns 新春花灯 #cnysyd

The Sheep

The Dragon



About the artist

Trustworthy, empathetic and friendly, the Rabbit is sociable, relishing the company of others 兔子可靠,善解人意,友好,善于交际,喜欢与他人作伴 Lantern designed by: Claudia Chan Shaw Location: First Fleet Park 花灯设计:克劳迪娅·陈·肖 展示地点: 第一舰队公园 Discover these eight playful rabbits practising Tai Chi. Chinese New Year Festival Curator Claudia Chan Shaw invites you to join the circle and try out rabbit Tai Chi poses, or just wander among these whimsical creatures. 在风景如画的第一舰队公园,能找到这八只正在练习太极 的可爱兔子。您可以加入太极兔队伍,学着它们摆几个太 极招式,或者是在这群活泼可爱的动物雕塑之间穿行,领 悟富有创造力的“兔子精神”。


Claudia Chan Shaw is an artist, author and designer for fashion label Vivian Chan Shaw. Her career encompasses photography, curating and lecturing. She was co-host of the ABC’s popular TV program Collectors. 克劳迪娅·陈·肖 (Claudia Chan Shaw)既是艺术家、 作家也澳洲时尚名牌 Vivien Chan Shaw的 设计师。她的职业生 涯横跨摄影、策展和演 讲。她曾是澳洲ABC电 视台的热播节目《收藏 家》(Collectors)的合 作主持人。

About the artist

The charismatic Dragon is as generous as it is powerful 幸运、灵活而古怪,龙极富魅力,慷慨而强大 Lantern designed by: Guan Wei Location: Museum of Contemporary Art Front Lawn 花灯设计:关伟 展示地点: 悉尼当代艺术馆前院 Loong (Dragon) is a fantastic being of immense power and the emblem of Chinese culture. In this lantern, a little boy retrieves a jewel from Loong’s mouth, enabling Loong to spit water and bring rain to the land. 龙是神奇的化身,有强大的神秘力量,是中华民族的象 征。在这龙形花灯中,一个小男孩从龙嘴里取出宝珠,使 龙为大地带来丰沛的雨水。龙身侧的符号象征中国文化与 澳洲本土文化之间的关系。


Born in Beijing in 1957, Guan Wei came to Australia in 1989 to take up a residency at the Tasmanian School of Art. His art is held in collections including the Australian Embassy in Beijing, Art Gallery of New South Wales and the Museum of Contemporary Art. 关伟1957年生于北 京,1989年来澳,就 职于塔斯马尼亚艺术学 校。他极富象征意涵的 作品主题体现了当前社 会和环境的困境。关伟 曾举办过50次个人画 展,他的艺术作品被澳 大利亚驻北京大使馆、 新南威尔士州美术馆和 当代艺术博物馆收藏。

Lunar Lanterns 新春花灯 #cnysyd

The Rabbit

The Pig



About the artists

Honest, energetic and intelligent, the flamboyant Rooster is confident and is not afraid of hard work 诚实、精力充沛、聪慧,属鸡人自信且不辞辛劳 Lantern designed by: amigo and amigo Location: Overseas Passenger Terminal Forecourt 花灯设计:amigo and amigo工作室 展示地点: 海外旅客航站码头前院 The two roosters are engaged in a dancing fight symbolising strength and courage. To highlight the roosters’ beauty and confidence, vibrant colours feature throughout their feathers. This lantern towers eight metres in height. 两只雄鸡起舞斗争,象征着力量和勇气。为了突出雄鸡的 美丽和自信,艺术家将雄鸡全身的羽毛涂成靓丽缤纷的颜 色,光彩夺目。这座花灯高八米,非常惹眼。


Co-founded by Simone Chua and Renzo B Larriviere, amigo and amigo is a Sydney-based lighting and design studio best known for large-scale interactive works. amigo and amigo是由 Simone Chua与Renzo B Larriviere共同创立 的照明设计工作室, 总部位于悉尼。amigo and amigo探索在公共 空间中光与雕塑的融 合,以大型互动作品著 称,经常在澳大利亚和 中国参展。 The Rooster lantern is presented by

About the artist

Honourable, philanthropic and optimistic, the Pig can be incredibly focused and achieve great things 正直、仁慈和乐观,猪具有非凡的专注力,能成就一番 事业 Lantern designed by: John Deng Location: Cadman’s Cottage 花灯设计:邓忠 展示地点: 卡德曼小屋 In China, the pig is known for having a lucky and happy character and a sense of humour. In the western world, people say ‘pigs might fly’. This artwork explores both eastern and western notions about this lovable animal. 在中国,猪以其幸运、快乐的特质和绝佳的幽默感为人称 道,西方俗语则说“猪都会飞了”(太阳打西边出来了)。 这件花灯融合了东西方文化对于这可爱动物的不同看法。


John Deng studied architecture and interior design at the China Central Fine Arts and Design Institute. He arrived in Australia in 1989 and lives in Goulburn. He has held exhibitions in China and Australia and his work is held in private and corporate collections. 邓忠曾在中央工艺美术 学院学习建筑和室内设 计。1989年来澳,现居 于古尔本,在中国和澳 洲均多次举办个人作品 展。作品被私人和企业 收藏。 The Pig lantern is presented by

Lunar Lanterns 新春花灯 #cnysyd

The Rooster

China in Sydney 中国表演在悉尼

The prestigious Chinese Orchestra of China National Opera and Dance Drama Theatre return to Australia for a one-off concert. 享有盛誉的中国歌剧舞剧院民族交响乐团重访悉尼,将 再次登上悉尼歌剧院舞台,为悉尼观众献上独特的新春 音乐会,仅演一场。 Bennelong Point, Sydney 2000. 02 9250 7777. From $39.

Chinese New Year’s Eve Banquet 除夕年夜饭 Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House Thu 15 Feb, 5.30pm Distinguished chefs will serve a Lunar New Year’s Eve dinner at the Opera House. 一众名厨将在悉尼歌剧院呈献与别不同的年夜饭,以此庆 祝亲人团聚和对新年的美好期许。

Henan Weekend at Bligh and Barney Reserve

Bennelong Point, Sydney 2000. 02 9186 1588. happychinesenewyear. $388

Chinese New Year’s Eve Concert: East Meets West 除夕音乐会: 东方邂逅西方 Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House Thu 15 Feb, 8pm Chinese tenors and Australian sopranos will perform with Chinese and Australian symphony orchestras on the grand stage of the Opera House. 中国男高音和澳洲女高 音表演艺术家,将与 中、澳交响乐团在悉尼 歌剧院同台献艺,与你 同庆农历新年。 Bennelong Point, Sydney 2000. 02 9186 1588. happy chinesenewyear. $48. China in Sydney is presented by

Henan Weekend at Bligh and Barney Reserve 布莱和巴尼公园河南省文化表演 24-25 Feb, 5-5.30pm Be thrilled by the Shaolin Monks’ martial arts performance, traditional dance and music, Henan dialect rap, and Chinese classical dance. 来自少林武僧的武术表演定会让现场尖叫连连。来自中国河南的艺术家还将 为观众呈现河南方言说唱以及古典舞蹈和音乐。


The Rocks 2000. Free.



China in Sydney 中国表演在悉尼 #cnysyd

The Chinese New Year Festival is honoured to welcome a delegation of 22 visiting artists from China’s north-central region of Henan 悉尼市农历新年庆典荣邀中国河南代表团22位艺术家 到访悉尼,为当地观众献上精彩纷呈的文艺表演

Chinese New Year Concert – Treasures of a Nation 新春音乐会《国之瑰宝》 Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House Thu 1 Mar, 8pm

Famous Dogs of Sydney

City Dining Reviews 美味推荐


Time Out’s critics recommend these Asian restaurants as great places to dine over the Lunar New Year – and anytime

In the Year of the Dog, why not get acquainted with some of Sydney’s most conspicuous canines?

Time Out推荐这些亚洲餐厅,感受农历新年气氛,随时前往品尝地道美食

Islay 艾莱 Outside the southern end of the Queen Victoria Building are two bronze statues, one of the royal lady and the other of her beloved Skye terrier, Islay. The dog statue was modelled on an 1842 sketch by the Queen herself. QVB南门外女王铜像身侧是她的爱犬艾莱, 艾莱雕像按女王1842年手绘的形象设计。 Queen Victoria Building, 455 George St, Sydney 2000. Bailey 贝利 Bailey Haggarty is a three-year-old border collie who lives and works at the Maritime Museum. Bailey came to the museum as a rescue; now his main job is to chase the seagulls away. 贝利是3岁的边境牧羊犬,现任海事博物 馆海鸥助理主任,主要工作是驱赶鸟儿。 Australian National Maritime Museum, 2 Murray St, Sydney 2000.


City Dining Reviews 美味推荐 #cnysyd



Guardian Dogs 看护犬雕塑 The Guardian Dogs are a trio of statues perched on poster bollards at Newtown Square, St Peters Station and Enmore Road, created by local artist Richard Byrnes in 2005. 分别位于新镇广场,圣彼特火车站和恩 摩尔路上的三只看护犬雕像为一组,由 本地艺术家理查德.拜恩于2005年创造。 Penelope 佩内洛普 An award-winning 1935 portrait of Suzanne Crookston by Arthur Murch hangs in the AGNSW’s permanent collection. The work shows her sitting with her Manchester terrier, Penelope, about whom there is scandalously little written. 在新州画廊永久收藏的获奖画Suzanne Crookston由阿瑟.莫奇绘于1935年。画 中女孩倚着她的爱犬佩内洛普。 Art Gallery of NSW, 1 Art Gallery Rd, The Domain 2000.

Chefs carve up suckling pig

BBQ King

BBQ King 得记烧腊 Order the signature Peking duck, which costs a lucky $88 for two courses. The restaurant rings out with the sound of cleavers hitting wooden boards as chefs carve up suckling pig, char siu pork and soy sauce chicken. 来得记烧腊必点88澳元两道菜的北京烤鸭。店内响彻厨 师在烧案切着乳猪、烧肉和酱油鸡的声响,热闹喜气扑面 而来。 76-78 Liverpool St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 2433.


31 #cnysyd

China Lane 中式餐厅

Chat Thai 泰式餐厅

You can order spring rolls at just about any Chinese restaurant in Sydney, but it’s unlikely you’ll find them stuffed with chicken, sweetcorn and Gruyère cheese anywhere but here. Elsewhere on the menu are fresh raw dishes like cured snapper with sesame wafer and whipped avocado, as well as wok-fried mains like crispy Wagyu topside with coriander, black fungi and sweet soy. 在悉尼的任何中餐馆你都可以吃到春卷, 但只有在本店,你才能品尝到塞满了鸡 肉、甜玉米和格吕耶尔干酪的春卷。这里 还供应其它新鲜时令菜品,如鲷鱼芝麻薄 饼配牛油果肉,以及豉油快炒鲜嫩和牛等 独家主菜。

As you enter you’ll see chefs toiling over flaming grills and boiling pots in a kitchen so small you wonder how they don’t constantly trip over each other. While the space is small, the flavours are big. Located right in the middle of Thaitown, they do their location justice with bold curries, eye-wateringly spicy salads and desserts full of creamy coconut and sweet sticky rice. Best of all, they’re open until 2am. 这是坐落于泰国城中心位置的名店,店面 不大,却提供让人食欲大增的地道泰式美 食:鲜香咖喱、新鲜沙拉和椰子甜糯米饭 等卖相可人的甜点!这里营业到凌晨2点。

2 Angel Pl, Sydney 2000. 02 9231 3939. Lunch Mon-Fri noon3pm; dinner Mon-Sat 5.30-11pm.

20 Campbell St, Haymarket 2000. 02 9211 1808. Daily 10am-2am.

Long Chim 泰式餐厅 A meal at Long Chim is a symphony of Thai flavours and textures. You’ll find bright, high notes from red curry skate swings and more soothing tones from stir-fried watercress. Many of the dishes are unapologetically fiery, from fish cakes decorated with fried red chilli and ginger ribbons to duck larb. 来这里享受一顿泰式盛宴,感受食材 与口感的奇妙融合。香辣滋味的红咖 喱、口味怡人的炒青菜,从辣椒姜丝 伴鱼饼到香叶炒肉,这里很多菜品都 口味火辣。 Cnr Pitt St & Angel Pl, Sydney 2000. 02 9223 7999. Daily 11.30am-late.

Long Chim


Neptune Palace 凯旋餐厅

Wagaya 日式餐厅

Palace plates up classic Chinese delicacies like Peking duck as well as Australian-inflected dishes like stir-fried kangaroo fillets in XO chilli sauce. It’s also one of the best yum cha spots in the city. 杏园酒家位于市中心,既供应北京烤鸭这类经典中餐,也 提供澳式中菜如XO酱炒袋鼠肉片。这里也是悉尼的饮茶 好去处,每周七天都供应虾饺、椒盐鱿鱼和芒果布丁。

Touch screen menus are just the start of the fun at this buzzy Japanese eatery. Scroll through sushi, grills, noodles and hotpots. Order the Sushi Roulette – six pieces of salmon sushi, one of them jam-packed with wasabi. 这间繁忙而惬意的日式餐 厅有丰富完备的日式美 食,还有一些改良后的创 意菜。试点一份寿司拼 盘,内含6贯三文鱼寿司, 其中一贯可是塞满了芥末 哟。 #cnysyd

Piccadilly Tower, Lvl 1, 133-145 Castlereagh St, Sydney 2000. 02 9283 6288. Lunch Mon-Fri 11am-3pm, Sat, Sun 10.30am-3pm; dinner daily 5pm-late. Neptune Palace specialises in both Chinese and Malaysian cuisine. While they cook halal here, you won’t miss pork at all when there’s chilli mud crab, sambal prawn cutlets and murtabak (curried mince beef wrapped in roti) on offer. You can even order nasi goreng instead of regular fried rice. 凯旋餐厅特色是中餐和 马来餐,来这家清真餐 厅,享用好味的辣椒 蟹、咖喱虾以及牛肉卷 饼,还有马来炒饭,保 证美味。 Gateway Building, Lvl 1, Cnr Pitt & Alfred Sts, Circular Quay 2000. 02 9241 3338. au. Lunch daily noon3pm; dinner daily 5-10.30pm.

1/78 Harbour St, Haymarket 2000. 02 9212 6068. Mon-Sat 5-11pm; Sun 5-10pm.

Palace Chinese Restaurant

Red Lantern 越南餐厅 This Vietnamese restaurant from chef Luke Nguyen has modern takes on familiar dishes, such as rice paper rolls filled with lemon cured salmon and zesty salads laden with warm jackfruit. The classic bánh xèo, a rice flour crepe filled with pork neck, tiger prawns and bean sprouts, is a crisp, crunchy revelation. 由名厨Luke Nguyen打造,是对经典越南菜的现代诠释, 在这里能品尝柠檬腌三文鱼米纸卷,配上树菠萝的新鲜素 菜沙拉,薄面饼卷猪颈肉等美食。 60 Riley St, Darlinghurst 2010. 02 9698 4355. Lunch Fri noon-3pm; dinner TueSun 6pm-late.



Red Lantern

AYAM™ Zodiac Roulette

Xage 越南餐厅 This popular eatery was one of the first places to bring affordable, authentic Vietnamese cuisine to the inner city, plating up fresh rice paper rolls, tangy papaya salads and fragrant beef curries. A signature dish is the slow cooked pork kho – a sweet, melt-in-themouth braise of pork bits topped with fresh chilli. 这间热门餐厅可是第一批在 市区供应地道、亲民越南 美食的餐厅。这里有新鲜 的越南春卷、沁人心脾的 木瓜沙拉以及鲜香的牛肉 咖喱。Xage的招牌菜是这 道入口即化的慢炖猪肉, 佐以新鲜辣椒和豆芽菜, 肉味香浓,不油不腻。 333 Crown St, Surry Hills 2010. 02 9332 3344. Daily 5.30-10pm.


AYAM™ Zodiac Roulette 雄鸡标星座轮盘 Customs House, Alfred St, Sydney 16-17 Feb Dixon Street Mall, Chinatown 18 & 25 Feb Pitt Street Mall, Sydney 24 Feb Visit one of the AYAM™ Zodiac Roulette stands to discover your destiny dish and personalised horoscope prediction for 2018. Receive an authentic AYAM™ Asian ingredient so you can make your destiny dish at home. 转雄鸡标星座轮盘,配 对“命运佳肴”及2018年 星座和中国生肖的运程预 测。参加活动可获雄鸡标 的亚洲调料。

sydneychinese Free.

City Dining Reviews 美味推荐

Palace Chinese Restaurant 杏园酒家

Madang 韩式烧烤 This bustling Korean barbecue is made for good times. Order rounds of garlicky beef ribs, thinly sliced pork belly and chilli marinated squid to cook at the table. 在这里体验韩式烧烤吧,点一些牛肋骨、 五花肉薄片和辣椒腌乌贼,在桌上和同伴 们一起动手烤制,每天的配菜都不尽相 同,韩式辣泡菜供应源源不断。 371A Pitt St, Sydney 2000. 02 9264 7010. Daily 11.30am-2am. #cnysyd


Mr Wong 中餐厅

Lotus at the Galeries 莲中餐厅 Lotus serves clean, refined Shanghainese and Cantonese cuisine: mud crab and pork xiao long bao to rock lobster, snow crab and abalone. 莲打造精致美味的上海菜和粤菜,出品健 康少油,室内装修风格优雅摩登。 Lvl 1, 500 George St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 3699. Lunch daily noon-3pm; dinner Mon-Wed 5.30-10pm; Thu-Sat 5.30-11pm; Sun 5.30-9pm. Lynn Shanghai Cuisine 上海菜餐厅

Mr Wong is cooking polished Cantonese classics with a contemporary edge, with dishes like char siu roasted Glacier 51 toothfish, or a take on mapo tofu where the traditional blocks of tofu are swapped out for steamed soy milk custard. 这里提供丰富多样的中式美食,精致点 心、海鲜和烤鸭;又将经典粤菜与当代烹 饪潮流结合,打造多款优质新派菜。

Celebrate the Lunar New Year with us There is plenty to see and do take a photo with the Dog Lunar Lantern, taste our festival specials from each of our restaurants and bars and discover more on a tour beneath the sails.

3 Bridge Ln, Sydney 2000. 02 9114 7317. Lunch daily noon-3pm; dinner Mon-Wed 5.30-11pm; Thu-Sat 5.30pm-midnight; Sun 5.30-10pm.

Lynn specialises in Shanghainese cuisine, with its stewed, braised and ‘drunken’ dishes, where proteins like chicken are marinated or cooked in rice wine. 隐匿在Castlereagh Club中,Lynn主打上 海菜,以炖煮、红烧及“醉”式特色菜肴闻 名。在这里可以尽尝红烧五花肉、精致小 笼包以及大个生煎包。 199 Castlereagh St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 7780. au. Daily 11am-10pm.

Mr Wong



Lunar Eats 农历新年美食

Through celebration of the festive season, the Australian Chinese Charity Foundation (ACCF) together with the NSW Chinese community will support Lifeline Australia. 在这洋溢着喜庆节日氛围的时节,澳洲华 人公益金和新南威尔士华人社区将合力支 持澳洲生命救助热线。 Lvl 5, 683-689 George St, Haymarket 2000. 0416 180 818. $85pp; $2,000 corporate table of ten.

Golden Century


Chinese New Year Dessert Degustation 春节甜点品鉴 12-Micron 16 Feb-4 Mar, daily noon-late This five-course dessert degustation is offered with optional matching wines, cocktails or whiskey. 店内特制五道甜点庆农历狗年,可选择搭 配红酒、鸡尾酒或威士忌享用。 Tower 1, Lvl 2/100 Barangaroo Ave, Barangaroo 2000. 02 8322 2075. $80 ($120 with matching beverages).


Golden Century Lunar Feasts Food Event 2018 金唐2018农历新年点心宴 Golden Century Seafood Restaurant 16 Feb-4 Mar, daily noon-4am The Chinese New Year Festival set-price banquet offers four kinds of dim sum, steamed barramundi with black olive and black bean sauce, vegetables with conpoy sauce, rice and Chinese tea, finished off with steamed traditional sponge cake. 金唐为农历新年特别打造的点心宴包括四 道美食:榄角豆豉蒸鱼,干贝酱炒菜、米 饭、中国茶与传统的蛋糕。 393-399 Sussex St, Sydney 2000. 02 9212 3901. $118 for two people.


Lunar Eats 农历新年美食 #cnysyd

Try these celebratory feasts, and don’t forget your doggy bag 在这些新春节日宴尽情饕餮,吃不完记得打包带走

ACCF & NSW Chinese Community New Year Celebration Dinner 澳洲华人公益金与新州华人社区新春晚宴 Marigold Citymark Sat 24 Feb, 7-10.30pm

Executive chef Joshua Davidson will be producing a menu inspired by the flavours of China focusing on locally sourced, fresh, seasonal produce. 餐厅行政主厨约书翰将精 选本地新鲜时令食材,匠 心打造中国风味美食。 Lvl 2, 61 Macquarie St, East Circular Quay, Sydney 2000. 02 9256 4000. pullmanquaygrand $15-$35.

Spice Temple

AYAM™’s Malaysian Food Truck 雄鸡标马来西亚小吃车 Opposite Ferry Wharf 2, 16-17 Feb, 5-10pm An AYAM™ food truck at Circular Quay will be serving up a delicious selection of authentic Asian favourites. 一辆雄鸡标小吃车将在环 形码头供应最广受欢迎的 地道亚洲美食。 Jade Temple

Near Ox & Snake lanterns, East Circular Quay 2000. sydneychinese

Chinese New Year Banquet at Jade Temple 新春宴 Jade Temple 16 Feb-4 Mar, Mon-Wed noon-3pm & 6-10.30pm; Thu, Fri noon-3pm & 6-11pm; Sat 5.30-11pm; Sun 6-10pm

Chinese New Year Banquet at Spice Temple 春节盛宴 Spice Temple 16 Feb-4 Mar, Mon-Wed noon-3pm & 6-10.30pm; Thu, Fri noon-3pm & 6 – 11pm; Sat 5.30-11pm; Sun 6-10pm

Neil Perry and head chef Peter Robertson have devised a special Chinese New Year banquet menu. Enjoy 11 dishes for $99pp with the option to add matching wines for an additional $55pp. 名厨尼尔派利和主厨比特 罗伯逊特别为农历新年打 造中式午餐和晚餐菜单。 仅需99澳元每人即可享受 11道菜品,另付55澳元每 人可享用搭配红酒。

Neil Perry and head chef Andy Evans have created a special menu with ingredients that promote prosperity, happiness, wealth and longevity. Nine dishes are $99pp with the option of matching wines for an additional $55pp. 名厨尼尔派利和主厨安迪依 万精选食材,呈献寓意富贵 幸福、健康长寿的美食。99s 澳元每人即可享11道菜,另付 55澳元每人可搭配红酒享。

This is a rare opportunity to enjoy Sydney Fish Market after dark. Dine on seafood and food stall offerings, stock up for your own Chinese New Year feast at home, and enjoy live entertainment. 这是一个可以夜游悉尼鱼 市的难得好机会!在海鲜 店或者小摊点用餐,或者 购买新鲜食材回家亲手制 作家庭晚宴。现场还有娱 乐节目助兴。

11 Bridge St, Sydney 2000. 02 9252 1888. $99-$154pp.

10 Bligh St, Sydney 2000. 02 8078 1888. $99-$154pp.

Bank St, Pyrmont 2000. 02 9004 1100. au/home. Free entry.


Chinese New Year Night Market 悉尼鱼市农历新年夜市 Sydney Fish Market Fri 16 Feb, 4-10pm

High Tea atShangri-La Hotel

Chinese New Year Buffet at Café Mix 餐厅春节自助餐 Shangri-La Hotel Sydney 15-25 Feb, dinner 6-10pm, lunch Sat, Sun noon2.30pm

Chinese New Year High Tea at Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney 香格里拉大酒店新春茶会 Lobby Lounge, ShangriLa Hotel Sydney 16 Feb-4 Mar, daily 1-5pm

Savour a seafood buffet, noodle station, san choi bao station, Beijing duck pancakes, and a dessert station by executive pastry chef Anna Polyviou. 尽情享受海鲜自助餐,有 现场拉面制作、生煎包、 北京烤鸭、冷餐,以及甜 品主厨安娜特制的甜品。

Executive pastry chef Anna Polyviou has created a Chinese fusion high tea, with red bean dumpling, egg custard tart, sesame seed balls and fortune cookies. Anna Polyviou独创中国风 下午茶,在此品尝红豆汤 圆、蛋挞、麻球、茶点和 幸运饼干等中国风甜点。

176 Cumberland St, The Rocks, Sydney 2000. 02 9250 6000. Dinner $85pp (adult); lunch $65pp (adult).


176 Cumberland St, The Rocks 2000. 02 9250 6000. sydney. $55 (adult), $27.50 (child).

Lunar Eats 农历新年美食 #cnysyd

Chinese New Year at Q Dining 餐厅庆春节 Pullman Quay Grand Sydney Harbour 16 Feb-4 Mar, Mon-Sat noon-3pm & 5.30-10pm; Sun noon-2.30pm

To the backdrop of views of Sydney Harbour, taste Chinese-inspired menu items during the Sydney Chinese New Year Festival. 在悉尼港的绝美背景下, 品尝受中式美食启发的高 级晚宴,喜迎新春。 Lvl 3, 61 Macquarie St, East Circular Quay, Sydney 2000. 02 9256 4011. pullmanquaygrand

New Shanghai Banquet Feast 新上海春节宴 New Shanghai Westfield Sydney 14 Feb-2 Mar, 11am-8.30pm The banquet features dishes that will bring fortune in 2018 – wok-fried Shanghai noodles, crispy skin chicken, dumplings, sweet and sour whole fish and sweet rice cake dessert. 新上海特制的春节美食宴 将让您吃出2018年的好 运!饺子、上海炒面、脆 皮鸭、糖醋鱼和烧麦, 每一道菜都寓意着吉祥如 意。 Shop 1017-1020, Westfield Sydney, 188 Pitt St, Sydney 2000. 02 8386 8368. au. $30-$35.

New Shanghai


Kensington Street

Chinese New Year on Kensington Street 肯辛顿街春节活动 Kensington Street Sat 17 Feb, 3-8pm The Chippendale food strip features a Singapore-style hawker market and other eateries. To welcome the Year of the Dog, Kensington Street is holding a family friendly cultural event with bespoke beverage and dining options as well as cultural activities, performances and workshops. 位于辛普顿区的美食街将 举办新加坡风格小吃夜 市,活动适合家庭参加, 现场将提供自制饮料、餐 食以及文化活动、演出和 工作坊。 Chippendale 2008.

with JONESY & AMANDA weekdays from 5.30 am

ETO-2018-year of the dog CNY Ad Dimensions: 148mmW x 106mmH

HAPPY NEW YEAR Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Website: Facebook:


Lunar Eats 农历新年美食 #cnysyd

Chinese New Year at Hacienda Sydney Hacienda Sydney餐厅 好味迎新春 Pullman Quay Grand Sydney Harbour 16 Feb 16-4 Mar, Sun-Thu noon-10.30pm; Fri, Sat: noon-midnight

Lunar New Year Menu at Tokyo Laundry Tokyo Laundry农历新年特别菜单 Tokyo Laundry, Gateway Circular Quay 16 Feb-4 Mar, daily 11am-late

Celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Earth Dog with a delicious 12 course banquet in the heart of Chinatown. 在唐人街中心位置,享用 12道菜的宴席,庆祝中国 农历新年的到来。

For modern Japanese fine dining with a twist, visit Tokyo Laundry where you can enjoy a $88 set menu during the Lunar festivities. 在这里,您可以选一款88澳元的春节特别 套餐,在精致环境中,感受新派日本美食 的魅力。 Lvl 1, Alfred St, Circular Quay 2000. 02 9251 3323.

Lvl 3, Market City, 9-13 Hay St, Sydney 2000. $88-$98. Chinese Tea Ceremony and Yum Cha Degustation 中国茶道与饮茶会 Zensation Tea House 17-18 & 24-25 Feb, noon Experience the ritual of tea in the intimate surrounds of a traditional tea house. Teas will be sampled with matching yum cha dishes, Chinese musicians and a calligraphy demonstration. 在传统的中式茶馆里感受 茶文化。不同的茶饮将搭 配不同的点心供应,现场 还有中国风音乐及书法才 艺展示。 656 Bourke St, Redfern 2016. 02 9319 2788. $55.

Limited Edition Flavour at Messina Messina限定口味冰激淋 Gelato Messina Gateway Sydney 16 Feb-4 Mar, Mon-Thu noon-10.30pm; Fri noon-11.30pm; Sat 11.30am-11.30pm; Sun 11.30am-10pm. Gelato Messina has added a limited edition Chinese New Year flavour to the regular selection of 40 gelato flavours. 春节期间,在原有的40种口味意式冰激淋 的基础上,本店推出新春限定口味,快来 抢鲜品尝一下吧! Ground Fl, Alfred St, Circular Quay 2000.

Lunar Eats 农历新年美食 #cnysyd

Haymarket Chinese New Year Banquet 2018 at the Eight 八乐居2018春节晚宴 The Eight Restaurant Fri 2 Mar, 5.30-9.30pm

Harbourside Shopping Centre

Harbourside Shopping Centre Lunar Feast on Films 情人港购物中心春节甜品 市集 Harbourside Shopping Centre 15-17 Feb, 5-10pm Dine at one of 30 bars and restaurants then explore the pop-up dessert market in the Harbourside Amphitheatre or watch a movie at the outdoor cinema. 在情人港购物中心的30 个酒吧和餐厅中,享用正 餐,精致美食甜点,甚至 欣赏露天电影。 2-10 Darling Dr, Darling Harbour, Sydney 2000. 02 8398 5700.


Lunar New Year Dinner at Atelier Atelier农历新年晚宴 Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour 15-18 Feb, 5.30-10pm Atelier, a contemporary restaurant with views of the city skyline, will offer three interactive food stations and artful Chinese-inspired cuisine. 现代,时尚,在有着城市 天际线风景的Atelier餐厅, 享受三个自助美食站及精 美中餐带来的美妙舌尖体 验。 12 Darling Dr, Sydney 2000. 02 8388 8888. sofitelsydneydarling lunar-new-year. $58-$118.

Gelato Messina

Limited Edition Zodiac Buns at Din Tai Fung 鼎泰丰限定生肖包 Din Tai Fung Gateway Circular Quay 16 Feb-4 Mar, daily 10am-5pm Din Tai Fung is offering a limited edition dog-shaped zodiac bun. 在农历狗年来临之际,鼎泰丰特别推出一款别致的小狗形 状生肖包。 Din Tai Fung

Ground Fl, Alfred St, Sydney 2000. 02 9256 6900.

45 #cnysyd

VisAsia Lunar New Year Dinner Welcoming the Year of the Dog VisAsia迎新晚宴 Art Gallery of New South Wales Fri 23 Feb, 6.30-11pm

AYAMTM Lunar New Year Recipe Steamed Chilli and Lime Fish

Enjoy a Lunar New Year-inspired meal and canapés at Chiswick at the Gallery. Proceeds will be directed to VisAsia – the Australian Institute of Asian Cultural and Visual Arts Limited – to support Asian art exhibitions at the Gallery. 在新州美术馆餐厅内享用别出心裁的两道 菜春节晚宴。此活动所有收入都将捐给 VisAsia澳大利亚亚洲文化和视觉艺术机 构,支持亚洲艺术展览及教育项目。 Art Gallery Rd, The Domain, Sydney 2000. 02 9225 1791. au. $200pp; table of 10 $1,800.

Serves: 2 Prep time: 10 min Cooking time: 20 min Ingredients: 1 whole fish of about 1kg 1 tbsp AYAMTM Black Bean Sauce ½ tsp AYAMTM Sesame Oil 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tsp ginger, grated 2 red chillies, finely chopped 1 lime, sliced

Art Gallery of New South Wales

Chinese New Year at Central Park Mall 中央公园商场新年庆祝活动 Central Park Mall 16-24 Feb, 10am-8pm

Method: • Preheat oven to 200°C. Lay two large sheets of foil on a bench. Top each with a smaller sheet of baking paper. • Cut two slashes on each side of the fish, and place on baking paper. • Combine black bean sauce, sesame oil, garlic, ginger and chilli and spread over each side of the fish. Place lime slices on top. • Bring foil over and enclose the fish. Press foil edges firmly together, leaving a little space. • Place fish in a baking dish and pour in water to about 2.5cm. Bake for 20 min, or until the flesh of the fish turns white. • Serve with steamed white rice.

Enjoy eight days of $8 special offers from select retailers. There will also be traditional lion dance performances on Friday 16 February at 6.30pm and Saturday 24 February at 12.30pm. 商场内不同的零售商家将连续8天提供8元 特惠购。2月16日星期五及2月24日星期六 商场内将有舞狮表演。 28 Broadway, Chippendale 2008. 02 8096 9900.


Reynold Poernomo’s Lunar New Year 雷诺兹·普尔诺莫 甜点名厨的喜乐新年

Credit: Daniel Boud

Koi Dessert Bar, 46 Kensington St, Chippendale 2008. 02 9212 1230.


作为专业甜点厨师,随时有可能在家庭 聚会时被拉出来展示厨艺,尤其是曾在 全国人气节目《顶级厨师》中展示过制 作甜点的过人功力,更是跑不掉。Koi甜 品店老板雷诺兹·普尔诺莫却能享受一个 放松的新年,因为他的家人都喜欢在迎 新之际亲自下厨。 “我家人都是印尼籍华裔。每逢过年过 节,我们都会亲友相聚,亲手烹制一桌 好菜。” 普尔诺莫说,“通常是阿姨们负 责做甜品,我爸爱做印尼中国菜,而我 妈妈是蒸鱼的一把好手,她会用酱油、 姜、葱蒸盲曹。我只负责安心享受美 食,就像度了个小长假。” 除了享受家人为他烹饪的美食,每年春 节,普尔诺莫最爱的环节要属收红包 了。“过年最喜欢的事,就是对每个人说 ‘恭喜发财’,然后美美地收下亲友给的红 包。等大家都走了,我们兄弟几个就会 赶紧数数收了多少压岁钱。我每次都拿 最少,因为我在家中是最小的。” 如今,这位23岁的小伙已经开始给他的 小侄女们发红包了。 在过年的时候,他 还喜欢到城里去逛逛,品尝印尼华人过 年时的各式美食。 如果你想在春节期间品尝地道的印尼 美食,普尔诺莫推荐你去Shalom餐厅 (3/299-305 Sussex St, Sydney 2000), 或者Lestari Resto小馆(93/732 Harris St, Ultimo 2007)。除了琢磨Koi甜品 店的新春甜点,这位年轻的厨师已悄然 开始计划于2018在市区新开另一家新餐 厅。

“My mum makes a killer steamed fish” 49

Reynold Poernomo #cnysyd

The MasterChef contestant and dessert chef becomes a designated eater at Lunar New Year 被誉为甜品神童,他的餐厅已是农历新年的新热点

One of the downsides to being a dessert chef is that you might be called upon to perform sugary magic at any given family feast. The stakes are even higher if you happen to be a former MasterChef contestant with a knack for making physics-defying treats. Luckily for Koi Dessert Bar’s Reynold Poernomo, the pressure is off during Lunar New Year. That’s because his relatives love to roll up their sleeves at their annual pot luck-style feast. “My family is Chinese Indonesian. Usually we get everyone together and have a huge homemade meal,” says Poernomo. “My aunties often take care of the sweets. My dad loves to cook a mix of Indonesian and Chinese dishes, and my Mum makes a killer steamed barramundi with soy, ginger and shallots. I get to sit back – it feels like a mini holiday for me.” If there’s one thing Poernomo loves more than being the designated eater at home, it’s the ritual of getting red packets. “Growing up, the best part of the day is definitely saying ‘Gong Xi Fa Cai’ to everyone and being handed ‘ang pau’ [red envelopes containing money]. My brothers and I would wait until everyone was gone and count how much pocket money we made. I’d always get the least because I’m the youngest.” These days, the 23 year old is a giver of red packets to his young nieces. He also likes to venture into town for the festivities. For an Indonesian spin on the New Year feast, Poernomo recommends trying Shalom (3/299305 Sussex St, Sydney 2000), or Lestari Resto (93/732 Harris St, Ultimo 2007).

Family & Kids Young ones can get in the spirit of the Lunar New Year, learn about Asian culture and have fun with their pooches 小朋友们可在节庆期间亲身体验贺岁的精髓和风俗,了解亚 洲文化,还可以和自己的小狗狗一块儿玩耍

Mardi Gras Fair Day

Mardi Gras Fair Day featuring Doggywood 同性恋狂欢节集市“狗莱坞”盛会 Victoria Park Sun 18 Feb, 10am-8pm Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is proud to celebrate the Chinese Year of the Dog at the 2018 Fair Day. Bring your beloved pooch to strut their stuff at the world-famous Doggywood competition. Fair Day is Mardi Gras' free, familyfriendly carnival of rainbow festivities. 悉尼同性恋狂欢节将在2018的经典集市 上庆祝中国农历狗年的到来。带上你的爱 犬,让它们在举世闻名的“狗莱坞”比赛中 大显身手吧!经典集市活动是同性恋狂欢 节所安排的适合全家参与的免费活动。 1001 City Rd, Camperdown 2050. Free.


Year of the Dog Fair Day 狗年集市 Joynton Park Sat 24 Feb, 10am-2pm Bring your best friend along to a day of dog-related stalls, free microchipping for dog owners residing in the City of Sydney's local area, free engraved pet tags, performances by Chinese community dance groups, food and face painting for kids. 快带上你的爱犬来参加狗年集市吧,如果 你是居住在悉尼市政府管辖区域的犬主, 可以免费获得免费宠物芯片,免费刻制宠 物名牌。在这里还可以欣赏到华人社区舞 团的演出,孩子们还能参加面部彩绘活 动,流行食品摊位还会为食客们奉献垂涎 美味。 Gadigal Ave, Zetland 2017.


Family & Kids 亲子活动

Credit: Nathan Rupert #cnysyd


The three-day celebration includes all your favourite rides and sideshow games, a dumpling station, lion dancing and firecracker displays. Unlimited Rides Pass holders all receive a fortune cookie with lucky prizes inside. 加入月神公园为期三天的 庆祝活动。这里有备受欢 迎的摩天轮、旋转木马等 游戏;饺子摊、传统舞狮 表演和爆竹,都很有节庆 气氛。持通票的游客都将 获得一个幸运签语饼,运 气好的话,能赢取饼干中 的幸运签语大奖。 WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo

Celebrate Lunar New Year at WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo 悉尼野生动物园庆祝农历新年 WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo 12-24 Feb, 9.30am-6pm

Bilingual Storytime and Lion Dancing 双语故事会和舞狮表演 Green Square Library, Mon 19 Feb; Ultimo Library, Tue 20 Feb; Kings Cross Library, Wed 21 Feb, 11-11.45am

The zoo will be serving dim sum and congee at Breakfast with the Koalas (bookings essential). Every Koala Encounter purchase will receive a special Chinese New Year Red Packet. “与考拉共进早餐”时段,动物园将提供 港式点心和米粥(需预订)。在“Koala Encounter”考拉馆的每一次消费,都将会 获得一个特别版春节红包。

Bring your pre-schooler to meet the Chinese lion, hear stories in English and Mandarin, and learn lion dancing. 学龄前的小朋友们可以和家人一道来这里 观看舞狮表演、聆听中英双语的小故事! 小朋友们还可以和澳洲侨青社的哥哥姐姐 们一起,学习几个帅气的舞狮动作。

1-5 Wheat Rd, Darling Harbour 2000. $45-$55.

100 Joynton Ave, Zetland 2017. 40 William Henry St, Ultimo 2007. 50-52 Darlinghurst Rd, Kings Cross 2011. Free.


1 Olympic Park, Milsons Point 2061. 02 9033 7676. $0-$48.

Family & Kids 亲子活动 #cnysyd

Chinese New Year at Luna Park 月神公园新春活动 Luna Park Sydney 16 & 17 Feb, 11am-10pm; Sun 18 Feb, 10am-6pm

Luna Park

Bilingual Storytime 禧市地区双语故事会 Haymarket Library 23 Feb & 2 Mar, 11-11.45am This session of storytelling and craft activities features stories read in Mandarin and English and is suitable for 3-5 year olds. 该活动安排故事会和手工环节,所有普通 话和英语讲述的故事都适合3到5岁的儿 童。 744 George St, Sydney 2000. 02 8019 6477. libraryprograms. Free.


For a limited time this Lunar New Year, party with special guest Nicky Wu. Control the fireworks over Sydney Harbour, get behind the decks and spin a track, and create your very own Lunar New Year inspired 3D gif. 在节庆期间的限定时段内,光临杜莎夫人 蜡像馆,邂逅我们的特别嘉宾吴奇隆吧! 您可以在这里操控悉尼港上空的烟花,或 者到混音台后,DJ一曲时尚乐音,最酷的 是,您可以在这里创造属于自己的3D新年 动图!

Chinese Garden of Friendship

Chinese Garden of Friendship

Aquarium Wharf, 1-5 Wheat Rd, Darling Harbour 2000. au. $29.40-$42.

The Emperor's Quest at the Chinese Garden of Friendship 谊园寻生肖游园会 Chinese Garden of Friendship 16 Feb-4 Mar, 9.30am5.30pm Chinese Garden of Friendship

Opening Ceremony at the Chinese Garden of Friendship 谊园迎新开幕式 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sat 17 Feb, 11am

Madame Tussauds

A traditional lion dance, believed to bring good luck and fortune for the coming year, will officially open the Lunar New Year 2018 celebrations on the forecourt of the Chinese Garden of Friendship. 舞狮仪式能为新年带来好运。翻滚跳跃、 舞技精湛的南狮北舞将在谊园前庭为2018 年的园内迎新活动拉开帷幕。


The 12 animals of the lunar calendar are hidden in the garden. The Emperor’s Quest is an interactive journey into the ancient world of the Chinese zodiac. 谊园的不同角落里隐藏着十 二生肖的踪影。游园会将中 国古老的十二生肖与互动寻 宝活动完美结合,打造出奇 妙的新春寻宝之旅。

Hopes and Dreams for the Year of the Dog 狗年祈愿 Chinese Garden of Friendship 16 Feb-4 Mar, daily 9.30am-5pm What lies ahead for you during the Year of the Dog? Write down your hopes and dreams, then add them to the hanging display in the garden. 充满活力和欢乐的狗年 里,你有什么想要实现的 计划和新年愿望呢? 写下你的新年心愿与梦 想,并将它们挂在谊园 里,期待心愿实现。

Closing Ceremony at the Chinese Garden of Friendship 谊园庆典闭幕仪式 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sun 4 Mar, 3pm A dragon dance will conclude the festivities of Chinese New Year in Darling Harbour for 2018. 伴随着谊园内精彩绝伦的舞 龙表演,2018达令港新春 庆典将圆满闭幕。

Chinese Garden of Friendship Pier St, Darling Harbour, Sydney 2000. 02 9240 8888. whats-on/chinese-new-year-2018/ All these events are free with garden entry.


Family & Kids 亲子活动 #cnysyd

Get into the spirit of Lunar New Year at Madame Tussauds Sydney 悉尼杜莎夫人蜡像馆感受别样中国年 Madame Tussauds 12-24 Feb, daily 10am-9pm

Celebrate Chinese New Year and discover the best views of Sydney. Activities include a wishing wall, "dumplings with a view" and WeChat photo frame to take and share photos from the highest viewpoint of Sydney. 登上悉尼塔眼,欣赏一览无遗 的悉尼美景,迎接农历新年的 到来。塔上的迎新年活动丰富 多彩,包括了许愿墙,“品饺 子,赏美景”,以及微信相框 拍照等,您还可以在悉尼的至 高点,将靓照即时分享给亲朋 好友。

Paper Pup Making

Mandarin Rhymetime 中文儿歌歌咏会 Green Square Library 19 & 26 Feb, 10-10.30am Haymarket Library 23 Feb & 2 Mar, 10-10.30am

Celebrate Chinese New Year Under the Sea 海底庆新年 SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium 12-24 Feb, 9.30am-6pm Explore 13,000 magical creatures in an underwater world, hop aboard the world's first ridethrough Penguin Expedition boat ride, and spot the Weedy Sea Dragons. You can also embark on a WeChat quiz trail adventure. 探索1万3千种奇妙的海底生物,登 上世界第一趟“企鹅探索号”游船, 寻找罕见的草海龙,还有微信趣味 问答等您参与。 1-5 Wheat Rd, Darling Harbour 2000. $23.60-$42.

Paws and Claws! Family Sunday 爪子爪子!家庭趣味日 Australian National Maritime Museum Sun 4 Mar, 11am-4pm Have a pawsome day at the Australian National Maritime Museum with family fun hosted by resident canine Bailey – assistant director of seagulls (for more on Bailey, see p30). Learn animal stories from the museum’s current exhibitions through performances, tours, trails, face painting, dress ups and creative crafts. 举家光临澳大利亚国家海洋博物馆,共度趣味一 日游!海鸥的伙伴助理 —— 驻地犬贝利会带领 大家度过美好时光。您可以通过表演、游览、探 险、脸部彩绘、趣味装扮和创意工艺等精彩活 动,了解博物馆展览的精彩内容,学习有关小动 物的知识和故事。 2 Murray St, Darling Harbour 2000. 02 9298 3777. $6-$8.

100 Market St, Sydney 2000. sydneytowereye. $19-$28 (standard admission).

Paper Pup Making 手工制作纸小狗 Art Gallery of NSW Sun 4 & 18 Feb, 4 Mar, 11am-3.30pm

Join in an animated sing-along session in Mandarin for babies and toddlers. 欢迎带宝宝参加这场专门为婴幼儿准备的“ 大家一起唱“——中文儿歌配动画歌咏会。 100 Joynton Ave, Zetland 2017. 02 9288 5010. 744 George St, Sydney 2000. 02 8019 6477. Free.

Kids and families are invited to drop in and celebrate the Year of the Dog by making playful paper pups. All materials and instructions are provided. 欢迎小朋友们和家人一起参加手工制作 课,通过制作有趣的纸小狗迎接狗年的到 来。现场提供所需材料和制作方法指导。 Art Gallery Rd, The Domain 2000. 1800 679 278. Free.


Paws and Claws! Family Sunday


Family & Kids 亲子活动 #cnysyd

Lunar New Year at the Sydney Tower Eye 在悉尼塔眼迎新春 Sydney Tower Eye 12-24 Feb, daily 9am-10pm (last entry 9pm)

Meet Our Canine Cover Star 封面明星狗 Our cover dog is Joy, a two-year-old miniature schnauzer #cnysyd

我叫乔伊,是两岁大的迷你雪纳瑞犬,热爱美食、喜欢散步。 Joy lives in Caringbah with a lovely lady named Christine, her son Alex, another miniature schnauzer called Chase, and Frankie the canary. Joy shares joy wherever she goes. She brightens people’s days at home, at Christine’s work, at beaches, cafés and parks. Sydney Park is her favourite, because she can run offleash, and there’s always lots of new friends to play with. Adopting a family in the Sutherland Shire was the perfect choice for Joy, who loves swimming and playing on the sand, and also accompanies Christine on her kayak to make sure she’s safe. She even has a little lifejacket. ‘The Bearded Lady’, as Christine calls her, has been a foodie since birth. Her breeder nicknamed her ‘Dishwasher’ because she licked all the bowls clean. She’s a big fan of the raw food movement, snacking on carrot peelings, cauliflower stems, and other healthy treats. But her favourite indulgence is chicken feet, nails attached and all. The doting doggie is very affectionate. She smothers Chase in tender licks, which he accepts but never returns – he likes to play it cool. And her number one place is curled up in Christine’s lap.

乔伊和她的主人克里斯丁还有主人的儿 子阿历克斯,以及另一只名叫蔡司的迷 你雪纳瑞犬和一只叫法兰克的小鹦鹉同 住在悉尼南部地区卡林巴。乔伊无论走 到哪,都能为大家带来欢乐,无论是在 家,还是在克里斯丁的单位、沙滩、咖 啡馆、公园里,乔伊都是人见人爱。她 最爱的地方是悉尼公园,因为在那儿她 可以无拘无束地玩耍,还能结交许多新 朋友。 居住在悉尼临海地区萨瑟兰郡的这个家 庭,生活堪称完美。乔伊爱水,喜欢游 泳和在沙滩上玩耍,她还会在划艇上陪 着克里斯丁,寸步不离地保护她。乔伊 甚至还有自己的专属小救生衣。 克里斯丁叫她“大胡子小姐”,称她是个 天生的美食家。她刚出生时的饲养人还 给她取了个绰号叫“洗碗机”,因为她能 把所有的碗舔得一干二净。 她支持生食运动,拿胡萝卜皮,花菜梗 和其他健康食物当零食,但她最爱的还 是原只鸡爪子。这只可爱的小狗充满热 情,总喜欢温柔地舔舔小鹦鹉蔡司,蔡 司却从不回应这份爱。她最享受蜷缩在 主人克里斯丁的大腿上。


Puppy Love 纯真的爱 The artist behind the City of Sydney’s 2018 Chinese New Year Festival campaign, Danling Xiao, reveals her process 2018悉尼市政府农历新年庆典活动 主题创意艺术家肖丹玲解释狗狗肖像摄影的创作 I was walking on Macleay Street in Potts Point when I had the idea of doing a set of dog portraits. When I used to live on Macleay Street I would sometimes go downstairs just to see the dogs, especially on weekends. It’s a fashion runway for dogs and their owners! The idea of dressing my little models up in Chinese New Year costumes came from my childhood memories. Dogs dressing up is a common thing in China. My parents in China bought the dog costumes for me. I was lucky to work with photographer and master art printer Warren Macris from High Res Digital (www. Warren loves dogs and has a lot of tricks. The dogs’ parents were at the photoshoot, guiding them to look into the camera. We wanted to make them feel comfortable and capture their natural states.

当我在博茨角区麦克雷街上散 步的时候,脑子里萌发了为小 狗拍一组肖像照的灵感。我以 前住在这条街上,会专门下楼 看小狗们跑来跑去,特别是在 周末,这里简直就成了小狗和 主人们的T台!

Danling Xiao is the founder of Mundane Matters, a sustainability driven art and design practice.

肖丹玲是Mundane Matters 艺术与设计实践的发起 人,Mundane Matters倡导可 持续性的艺术和设计理念。网 站


让我的小模特们穿上春节的传 统服装,来自于我对春节的童 年回忆。在中国,给小狗们梳 妆打扮是一件很常见的事。我 的父母就在中国买了给小狗的 这些传统服装。 我十分荣幸能与来自High Res Digital机构 ( au)的摄影师和艺术印刷大师沃 伦·麦克里斯合作。沃伦很喜欢 狗,他有很多拍摄诀窍。狗狗 的主人也会引导它们看镜头。 它们感到自在,才能捕捉到最 自然的状态,我们不会硬要它 们拗造型:更多的时候,是它 们在主导拍摄,如此,照片中 展露的是它们最自然、最纯真 的一面。

Workshops 工作坊

Workshops 工作坊 #cnysyd

Learn new tricks during the Year of the Dog and engage with eastern culture 在中国农历狗年学习新技艺,深入探索东方文化

Calligraphy Demonstration

A Brush with Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法展示 Green Square Library Sat 17 Feb, 2-4pm Customs House Library Tue 20 Feb, noon-2pm Artists from the Australian Chinese Artists’ Society display their skills. 澳洲中国艺术协会的书法大师们,带您了 解中国书法汉字精髓。 100 Joynton Ave, Zetland 2017. 02 9288 5010. 31 Alfred St, Circular Quay 2000. 02 9242 8555. Free.


Traditional Chinese Calligraphy 传统中国书法 Art Gallery of New South Wales Sat 17 Feb, 1-3pm Drop by the gallery to watch experts write auspicious symbols and discover traditional calligraphic techniques. 来画廊欣赏专家演绎古老的文字符号, 了解传统书法的技巧。 Art Gallery Rd, The Domain, Sydney 2000. 02 9225 1700. Free.


Bonsai Environment will run this workshop about how to create your own miniature landscapes through the artistic arrangement of tiny trees. For adults and children aged eight years and up. 由著名盆栽在线市集 Bonsai Environment主办 的这一工作坊,将带领您 在艺术的审美中学习微观 树木布局,并创作独属于 您的微型盆景。该工作坊 适合成年人及8岁以上的 儿童。

The fan dance tells traditional stories and has captivated audiences for two thousand years. The demonstration is presented by Fiona Maiyin Thockloth. 流传两千多年的传统扇子 舞,生动演绎着中华典籍 故事,令世人着迷。菲奥 娜·迈因·德罗斯带来精彩 扇子舞表演,让您近距离 感受中国舞蹈魅力。

Dance Workshop 舞蹈工作坊 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sat 24 Feb, 2-3.30pm

Calligraphy Demonstration 书法秀 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sat 17 & 24 Feb, 3 Mar, 12.30pm; 18 Feb & 4 Mar 10.30am

Traditional Chinese dance has captivated audiences for thousands of years. Learn some of these movements during a 90 minute workshop. 数千年来,人们都深为 中华传统舞蹈着迷。此 次90分钟的工作坊将让 你练习并掌握一些舞蹈动 作,带您感受中华传统舞 蹈的魅力。

Learn about Chinese calligraphy as masters of this art demonstrate their skill. 观赏大师的展示,了解中国 书法文化。 Chinese Brush Painting 中国水墨画 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sun 25 Feb, 10.30am12.30pm Artists from the Australian Chinese Brush Painting Society demonstrate their craft, painting your animal zodiac sign. 来自澳华书画协会的艺术家 们将现场展示他们的高超技 艺, 惟妙惟肖地勾画出属 于你自己的生肖形象。

Tea Ceremonies and Tea Tastings with Topotea 舍予茶院茶道与品茶 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sat 17 & 24 Feb, 3 Mar, 10.30am-2.30pm Experience the unique atmosphere of a traditional Chinese tea ceremony. 在传统中国茶道仪式的 独特氛围中,探寻品茶 艺术的真谛。 Fan Dance Workshop 扇子舞工作坊 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sun 4 Mar, 2.30pm Take a lesson in the beautiful and ancient art of Chinese Fan Dance. 学习和感受妙曼、独特 的中国古典扇子舞!

Lantern Making Workshop 花灯制作工作坊 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sat 24 Feb & Sat 3 Mar, 11am-1pm Decorate a beautiful Chinese lantern to take home. 亲手装饰制作中式灯笼,并把它带回家——高高挂起贺新 年! Credit: Quinn-Dombrowski\ #cnysyd

Fan Dance Demonstration 扇子舞表演 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sun 4 Mar, 12.30pm


Workshops 工作坊

Art of Penjing Workshop 盆景艺术工作坊 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sun 18 & 25 Feb, 12.301.30pm; 2.30-3.30pm

Chinese Garden of Friendship Pier St, Darling Harbour, Sydney 2000. 02 9240 8888. chinese-new-year-2018/. All these events are free with garden entry.


Tai Chi and Meditation Workshops 太极与冥想工作坊 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sun 18 & 25 Feb, 4 Mar, 10-10.40am Learn how Tai Chi can help focus your mind and bring about calm. 感受太极之道,集中精 力,平衡身心。 #cnysyd

New Year Shopping 新春购物

Chinese Youth League Taichi Workshop 澳洲侨青社太极工作坊 CYL Club House Sat 24 Feb, 10am-noon

Chinese Youth League Wushu Workshop 侨青社武术工作坊 CYL Club House Sat 24 Feb, 12.30-2.30pm

Dating back to the 16th century, the martial art of Tai Chi cultivates the mind and body, prevents various chronic diseases and is conducive to good health. Learn some of the basics during this free workshop. 这项源自16世纪的武术拳法有助思维扩 散与心绪提炼,预防慢性病有利健康, 本次太极活动免费。 10 Dixon St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 3166. Free.

Wushu, a Chinese martial art, is based on movements employed in fighting. Wushu helps its practitioners to develop physically and mentally. 武术,中国传统武术运动,以实际运用中 的格斗动作为习练基础。武术练习有助身 心全面发展。 10 Dixon St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 3166. Free.

Buying new items before the new year is an important tradition, symbolising new beginnings 新年添置新衣服和物件是重要传统,象征着辞旧迎新好开端 Chinatown 唐人街 Explore restaurants, discount shops, Asian grocers, specialty stores and Paddy’s Markets. Every Friday night Dixon Street becomes a lively night market. 这里有百余家餐馆、折扣 店、亚洲商品杂货店、品 牌专卖店、以及著名的帕 迪市场。每周五晚,德信 街还有热闹的夜市等你 来。 Surry Hills 莎梨山 Bag vintage bargains at Surry Hills Markets. Stock up on stationery at Paper2. Hit designer shops such as Sark Studio, The Standard Store, Collector Store and Workshopped. 到莎梨山集市淘宝吧,光 临Paper2 采购一些设计独 特的漂亮文具。您还可以在 Sark Studio,The Standard Store,Collector Store and workshop挑选自己所爱。

Tai Chi


Pitt St Mall

Pitt Street Mall 皮特街购物区 Discover a wealth of fashion retailers and arcades. 这条步行街云集了众多时 尚精品店与购物商城。 Potts Point 伯茨角地区 Macleay Street, Potts Point, is a stylish enclave for fashion boutiques, homewares stores and food emporiums. 伯茨角地区的麦克雷大街是 一处等您发掘的时尚宝藏: 这里有独特的时装精品店, 家具店和琳琅满目的美食 商铺。

Sydney’s Villages 悉尼社区“村落” To find out about shopping in Sydney’s inner suburbs visit places-to-go

Glebe 格利伯 Gleebooks is a favourite for books and events. Spend Saturday at Glebe Markets for vintage clothing, food and fashion. 当地Gleebook书店的各类 图书和活动广受好评。找个 周六到格利伯市场淘时尚饰 品,享受美食。 Newtown 新镇 The area has many quirky stores, such as Holy Kitsch and The Floral Decorator. 个性小店这里比比皆是,如 HolyKitsch 和 The Floral Decoratior。



Exhibitions Sculptors and painters love their pooches. Find Australian and Asian art on display during the Sydney Chinese New Year Festival 欢迎到悉尼农历新年艺术展感受澳、亚两地的艺术魅力!

This craft exhibition features guest exhibitors Taerim Claire Jeong, Roy Chandra and Susannah Paterson, and work in Korean silk, ceramics, silver, glass, silk painting, felted wool and weaving. 此次工艺展汇集艺术家Taerim Claire Jeong(韩国丝绸)、劳尔珊德拉 与莎拉 比特逊 (陶瓷)的手做工艺展示,以及银 饰、玻璃制艺、铁艺、绢画、毛毡和编织 品等手工艺制品。 Taking the Lead

104 George St, The Rocks 2000. 02 9241 5825. arts Free. KIIS1065’s Take a Chance Wall KIIS1065广播电台幸运墙 Customs House 16 & 17 Feb, 5-10pm Take a chance and pick an envelope off the wall with KIIS1065. 加入KIIS1065广播电台幸运游戏,抽 个新年大奖。 31 Alfred St, Sydney 2000. Free.

World Square presents Lunar New Year 2018 in Augmented Reality 世界广场祥龙之尾AR扩增实境互动体验 区,红包寻宝游戏 World Square 5 Feb-4 Mar, 24 hours World Square’s signature dragon sculpture will come to life through augmented reality on your smart device. Follow it on a red packet treasure hunt that will reveal exclusive retailer offers and a chance to win weekly prizes when you reach the grand finale. 来见证世界广场最具代表性的祥龙之尾 雕塑在你的智能设备上“复苏”吧。跟随 这条虚拟神龙寻宝新年红包,打开红包 享受商铺独家优惠,更有机会进入决 赛,获每周公布的最终大奖。 664 George St, Sydney 2000. 02 8275 6777. Free.

World Square Augmented Reality



Exhibitions 展览 #sydcny


Taking the Lead Taking the Lead工艺展 Craft NSW 13 Feb-4 Mar, daily 9.30am-5.30pm #cnysyd

The Pleasure of Place – Thinking the Landscape 地点的乐趣:风景的思索 541 Art Space 16 Feb-10 Mar, Mon-Fri 11am-5pm; Sat 11am-3.30pm Chinese Australian artist Jian Ming (Jimmy He) was born in Zhenghai and moved to Tasmania in 1998. An abstract expressionist painter who draws upon the traditions of Chinese brushwork and ink painting as well as the western canon, he portrays the landscapes of Tasmania with a spiritual and environmental approach. 澳大利亚华人艺术家贺鉴铭是一位抽象表 现主义画家, 浙江镇海人,1998年移居塔 斯马尼亚,使用东方水墨和西方油画手法 描绘塔斯马尼亚的绝美自然风貌。 Lvl 1, 541 Kent St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 6858. Free.

The Pleasure of Place

Chindia: Exhibition

Wang Lifeng 王利丰 Vermilion Art 8 Feb-10 Mar, Wed-Sat 11am-7pm

Chindia: Exhibition 中印展览 Gaffa Gallery Feb 15-26, Mon-Fri 10am6pm; Sat 11am-5pm

Year of the Dog 狗年群展 Robin Gibson Gallery 17 Feb-14 Mar, Tue-Sat 11am-6pm

A Mongolian-born painter and sculptor imagines what different periods of Chinese history were like. 这位出生在内蒙古的画家 和雕刻家,通过自身的想 象以及艺术的语言,向观 者展示中国历史不同时期 的不同风貌。

This group exhibition explores migrant identities in Australia, using the perspectives of those with Chinese and Indian heritage as a starting point. 此次群展聚焦来自中国和 印度的移民群体,探讨在 澳移民的身份认知。

An exhibition of all things doggie – dog paintings, dog drawings and dog sculptures. 本次狗年主题群展,集中 展示狗主题作品—油画, 绘画及雕塑等。

5/16 Hickson Rd, Walsh Bay 2000. 02 9241 3323. Free.

281 Clarence St, Sydney 2000. 02 9283 4273. Free.


278 Liverpool St, Darlinghurst 2010. 02 9331 6692. Free.



8 Tips for Good Fortune this Lunar New Year 8大好运秘诀开运锦囊 Put yourself in good stead for the Year of the Dog #cnysyd

在狗年来临之际,践行节日传统习俗,让自己开年大吉,好运连连 1. Dress (in red) for success According to tradition, red clothing repels evil spirits. Pair your outfit with a jade accessory for extra protection.

6. Hold the shears Getting a haircut too close to the Lunar New Year is considered synonymous with stripping away your fortune.

2. House rules Visit Chinatown for spring couplets, lanterns, paper cutouts or paintings in red and gold, and a local nursery for orchids, lucky bamboo and chrysanthemums.

7. Clean the house before it’s too late Do so before the Year of the Dog arrives: sweeping the house after the Lunar New Year is sweeping away your luck.

3. Prepare your menu Include noodles for longevity, sticky rice balls for family unity, and plump dumplings and spring rolls for wealth. Don’t skip dessert: sweet treats will bring a sweet year. 4. Beware the number four In Chinese, the number four is a homophone for the word ‘death’, while eight is favoured as it sounds like the phrase ‘to make a fortune’. 5. Give generously One of the most well-known traditions is the giving of red packets, usually containing money. Why not also donate to Chinese New Year Festival charity partner Guide Dogs NSW/ACT?


8. Bang, bang and begone, misfortune The drums and cymbals of the Lion Dances and setting off of firecrackers will scare away unlucky spirits.


1. 穿红衣,求好运 在中国传统文化中,红色的衣服可以辟 邪, 选择玉器配饰,好运倍增。 2. 为家增添喜气 去唐人街买些春联、灯笼、红色和金色 剪纸或书画和鲜花来装饰墙壁, 或到附 近的苗圃买盆兰花、富贵竹或是菊花, 它们能为你的家招来活力与能量、幸福 和财富。 3. 好运吃出来 新春菜单应有长寿面、寓意团团圆圆的 汤圆和象征富贵的大个饺子、春卷。甜 点会让你在新的一年甜甜蜜蜜。 4. 再见小四,你好小八 慎用数字“4”。汉语中“4”的发音很像“ 死”,而“8”由于与“发财”的“发”谐音,

则格外受青睐。 5. 慷慨解囊 发红包祈愿财运亨通,为求得更好的财 运,可为农历新年庆典的慈善合作伙伴 新南威尔士州/澳大利亚首都直辖区导盲 犬协会慷慨捐赠。 6. 谨慎理发 春节期间理发要慎重。临近春节理发或 洗头,都可能会“理”去财运。 7. 提早打扫房间 在狗年到来之前赶紧做完大扫除,据说 新年过后打扫房间会扫走好运气。 8. 爆竹锣鼓声声,恶灵退散 去唐人街逛逛,那有舞狮表演,锣鼓喧 天,能吓退“恶灵”。


Lunar Spectacular Show participating groups 新春大舞台演出团队

Performances Discover the best in show with concerts and theatrical presentations marking the Year of the Dog 玉狗迎新之际,亲临演出现场, 让丰富多元的演出为您开启一年的精彩

Community Performance Program

Community Performance Program 社区演出活动 Bligh and Barney Reserve 16-18 & 23-25 Feb, 5pm followed by the Lunar Spectacular Show, 7-8pm Performers from a wide range of community groups will take to the outdoor stage in The Rocks with traditional and contemporary performances. From 5pm, see community groups specialising in choir performances, opera, classical music, fashion shows, tai chi and kung fu. From 7pm, the Lunar Spectacular Show is a one-hour curated program that showcases Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai and Indonesian dancing; Korean drumming; Japanese hip hop; the Chinese New Year Festival Dancers; and stilt walking. 来自各民族社区艺术团体的艺术家们将登上岩石区布莱和巴尼 公园的露天舞台,为您献上传统和现代风格兼具的精彩表演。 从下午5点开始,欣赏合唱、京剧、古典音乐、时装表演、太 极拳和武术表演。晚7点开始,是经过精心编排、长达一小时 的 “新春大舞台“演出。节目精彩纷呈,不仅有中国、韩国、日 本、泰国和印尼的传统舞蹈,还有韩国鼓舞、日本嘻哈,更有 知名导演精心特别编排的中国年节日主题舞蹈和踩高跷表演。 The Rocks 2000. Free.



Pre-show participating groups 预热活动参演团队 • Aurora Choralis • Australian Federation of Chinese Organisations (AFCO) • Australia Hubei Association • Australia Metroaward Yellow River • Australia Xinjiang Song & Dance Troupe • Chinese Youth League • Falun Dafa • Sydney Beijing Art Troupe • Sydney Hills Garden Shire Chinese Folk Art Incorporated • Sydney Kangping Dance Group • The Epoch Times • The Petticoat Government • Yangzhao Taiji Australia Association

Performances 演出 #cnysyd


• Australia Oriental Dance Group • Australia International Elite Cultural & Arts Centre • Australian Chinese Community Association • Australian Hokkien Huay Kuan Arts Group • Chinese Folk Song & Dance Sydney Troupe • Chinese Wisteria Dancing of Sydney Inc • Dancekool Crew • Dong-Rak Dance Company • FM Art Group • Nusantara Sydney Dance • Ocean Dream Cultural Art Centre of Australia • Performing Arts Troupe of Australian Yunnan Association Incorporated • Siam Classic Dance Studio • ShangShui Dance Group • Song Min Sun Korean Dance Art Stage • St George Academy of Performing Arts • Sydney Arirang Art Company • Sydney Soran Dancing Troupe • Taiko No Wa • Thai Cultural Centre of Australia • Rite of Mist Dance Group

Club 4A 4A深夜俱乐部 Dynasty Karaoke Fri 24 Feb, 7pm-late

Be enchanted by the meditative music of the ancient Chinese string instrument, the guqin, in the tranquil setting of the Garden’s Water Pavilion. 悠然的旋律令人陶醉,欣赏中国古典弦乐 器古琴在谊园水榭亭边的精彩演奏。

4A Centre for Contemporary Art takes performance art out of the white cube and into the nightclub, with artists including Rainbow Chan, Amrita Hepi and more. 4A亚洲当代艺术中心创造性地将先锋行为 艺术,从严肃的展厅转移至浮光魅影的深 夜俱乐部,由Rainbow Chan, Amrita Hepi 等艺术家带来此次行为艺术表演。

Pier St, Darling Harbour 2000. 02 9240 8888. chinese-new-year-2018/. Free with garden entry.

1/63 Dixon St, Haymarket 2000. 02 9212 0380. $25.

Chindia: Short Films from the Diaspora

Chindia: Short Films from the Diaspora 中印:移民生活短片 UTS Library Mon 19 Feb, 6-8.30pm Part of the Chindia exhibition, this short film event reveals a snapshot of the Chinese and Indian diaspora community in Australia. 作为中印展览的一部分,短片将镜头聚焦 中印侨民的移民社区,展示了这一群体的 生活状态。 Lvl 2, Ultimo Rd & Quay St, Haymarket 2000. 0404 962 992. $0-$10.

Rainbow Chan


Chinese Youth League Cantonese Opera Demonstration and Seminar 侨青社粤剧演出与研讨会 CYL Club House Thu 1 Mar, noon-4pm The CYL Cantonese Opera Group, with Daoping Wu as the head, was formed 27 years ago to promote Cantonese opera and cultivate future stars in the field. 由吴道萍女士领导的侨青社粤剧团,成立 于27年前,该社团致力于发扬粤剧文化, 并培养明日粤剧之星。 10 Dixon St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 3166. Free.

Cantonese Opera


Performances 演出 #cnysyd

Guqin Musical Performance 谊园古琴表演 Chinese Garden of Friendship Sat 17 & 24 Feb, 3 Mar, 1.30pm #cnysyd

Single Asian Female

Single Asian Female 《亚洲单身女性》 Belvoir St Theatre 16 Feb-25 Mar, Tue, Wed 6.30pm; Thu, Fri 8pm; Sat 2pm & 8pm; Sun 5pm Step into a Chinese restaurant on the Sunshine Coast and meet the smart and sassy family of Wong women in a new comedic play about cultural identity by Michelle Law (The Family Law and the ABC's Get Krack!n). 走进阳光海岸的中餐馆,邂逅王家几位聪明风趣的女当家 。这部由剧作家罗旭能(电视剧《罗家庭事》及ABC电视 台的Get Krack!n)打造的最新喜剧,旨在探讨移民身份与 文化认同。 25 Belvoir St, Surry Hills 2010. 02 9699 3444. belvoir. $37-$72. Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony 传统中国茶道仪式 Art Gallery of New South Wales Sun 25 Feb, noon-2pm A tea master will perform a traditional tea ceremony in the Entrance Court. 在新南威尔士州美术馆门厅区域,欣赏茶艺大师们的传统 茶道表演,庆祝农历新年的到来。 Art Gallery Rd, The Domain, Sydney 2000. 02 9225 1700. Free.


SBS PopAsia at Chinese New Year 亚洲流行音乐节目 SBS PopAsia贺岁 活动 Bligh and Barney Reserve Fri 16 Feb, 5pm SBS PopAsia hosts Kevin Kim and Andy Trieu will entertain the crowds with a performance, followed by PopAsia Friday Fan Forum Live. 超人气亚洲流行音乐节 目SBS PopAsia的主持 人凯文·金和安迪·邱将 带来特别演出,随后 将进行PopAsia Friday Fan Forum Live流行亚 洲周五粉丝论坛直播。 Bligh and Barney Reserve, The Rocks 2000. sydneychinese Free.

Talks 大讲堂

Hear fascinating tales delivered by top dogs of Chinese and Asian-Australian culture 聆听中国及澳籍亚裔文化领军人物生动讲述传统文化典故

The Yin and Yang of the Dog 两极-狗性格研讨会 Mitchell Theatre Sat 17 Feb, 2.30pm Chinese Heritage Association of Australia member Marilyn Sue Dooley will consider the Dog's loyal and faithful nature. 在农历狗年之际,澳洲华 人历史文物会成员玛丽莲· 苏·杜利将与到场人士一同 探讨我们人类的朋友—— 狗的忠诚天性。

Chindia: Stories from the Artists 中印展:艺术家们的故事 107 Projects Sat 17 Feb, 2-4.30pm Artists Anindita Banerjee, Anurendra Jegadeva, Guo Jian, Lilian Lai, Lucy Wang (Ru Xi) and TextaQueen share their family stories and inspirations. This talk is a companion event to the Chindia exhibition. 6位艺术家将在活动中分享他们的家庭故事、灵感来源和 创作动力。该活动是中印展览的系列活动。

Festival Curator Claudia Chan Shaw

Talking Lunar Lanterns 农历花灯会座谈会 Customs House Library Thu 22 Feb, 7-8.30pm

Digging up the Past 回溯过去 Mitchell Theatre Sat 24 Feb, 2.30-4pm

Join Chinese New Year 2018 lantern designers Song Ling (the Dog) and Kevin Bathman (the Tiger) in a behind-thescenes conversation with Festival Curator Claudia Chan Shaw. 跟着2018中国农历新年花灯设计师宋陵 (瑞狗迎春灯)与凯文·巴斯曼(虎虎生威 生肖灯),共同对话春节庆典策划人克劳 迪娅·陈·肖,畅谈创意心得。

Historian Vivienne McWaters will present a lecture on the life and times of a 19th century Chinese gold mining settlement as represented by the artefacts she dug up over many years next to her home in Beechworth. 历史学家薇薇安·麦克沃特斯将还原19世纪 中国人前往澳洲淘金时的生活原貌,并展 示她居住在比奇沃思地区时挖掘发现的相 关物件。 Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt St, Sydney 2000. 02 9262 7300. $8-$10.


Chinese Youth League Cultural Folk Dance Seminar 澳洲侨青社民间舞研习班 CYL Club House Sun 25 Feb, 11.30am1.30pm Learn about the different styles of Chinese cultural dance in a presentation by Susanna, a dance teacher who graduated from China's Guangxi Arts Institute. 跟毕业于中国广西艺术学 院的苏珊娜老师,学跳中 国民俗舞,活动欢迎各年 龄段的人士参与!

Credit: IQRemix

31 Alfred St, Circular Quay 2000. 02 9242 8555. au/libraryprograms. Free (bookings recommended).

107 Redfern St, Redfern 2016. 02 9690 1007. $10-$15.

Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt St, Sydney 2000. 02 4861 3078. chineseheritage. $15.

10 Dixon St, Sydney 2000. 02 9267 3166. Free.

Folk Dance


Talks 大讲堂 #cnysyd

Chindia: Stories from the Artists #cnysyd

Celebrating Chinese Australian Women

Celebrating Chinese-Australian Women 为澳洲华裔女性喝彩 Sydney Mechanics School of Arts Sat 17 Feb, noon-3pm Hosted by the Chinese Women's Association of Australia, this presentation by Dr Alanna Kamp will highlight the role of women in the celebration of Chinese New Year and other festivities during the era of the White Australia Policy (1901-73). 此次活动由澳大利亚华人妇女联合会主 办,阿兰娜·坎普博士将在活动中探讨在 白澳政策(1901-1973年)年代,春节及 其他民俗庆典活动中,女性角色的重要 作用。 Lvl 1, 280 Pitt St, Sydney 2000. 0410 582 338. $8-$10 (includes afternoon tea).

History of the Chinese Garden of Friendship 谊园的发展轨迹 Chinese Garden of Friendship 17, 18, 24, 25 Feb, 3 & 4 Mar, 10.30am, 11.45am, 2.30pm This enlightening talk covers the history, horticulture and design of the Chinese Garden of Friendship – built in the style of a Ming dynasty private garden. 活动将探讨谊园这个根据明代私家园林 为建筑标本的东方园林历史、园艺和设 计。 Pier St, Darling Harbour 2000. 02 9240 8888. chinese-new-year-2018/. Free with garden entry.



新年游览 Put your snout to the sidewalk and explore Sydney, Year of the Dog style 将注意力转向路边的风景吧! 金犬贺岁,探索悉尼的迷人风情

Auspicious Symbols Tour 吉祥符号之旅 Art Gallery of New South Wales Sat 17 Feb, 11am-noon (English); Sat Feb 24, 11am-noon (Cantonese and Mandarin) & 1-2pm (Mandarin) Make an auspicious start to the Year of the Dog and discover the words and symbols that will bring good fortune, prosperity, happiness and longevity. 参加这个游览,了解更多 在中国文化中,能带来好 运、财富、幸福与长寿的 文字和符号象征。

Sydney Observatory Mandarin Tour 悉尼天文台普通话导览 MAAS: Sydney Observatory 22,23, 28 Feb & 1 Mar, 8.15pm

The gallery will lead an evening tour of Chinatown that includes a brief history of its public art and regional cuisine, as well as a private tour of the 4A exhibition Equal Area. 4A亚洲当代艺术中心推出唐人街夜游活 动。活动中将介绍当地公共艺术展品和 地方美食,并提供导游观览Equal Area活 动。

An exclusive Mandarin language tour of Sydney Observatory explores the highlights of the southern sky. Learn about Chinese astronomy and see the historic Sydney Observatory's planetarium and telescopes. Tours are held regardless of weather. If viewing through the telescopes is not possible due to weather conditions, other activities will be arranged. 悉尼天文台将举办普通话导览专场,带领大家探索南半球天空的奥秘。在这里了解天文 知识,参观有着悠久历史的悉尼天文台天文馆和天文望远镜。此次游览不受天气影响。 如若天气原因导致无法观星,将有其它活动安排。

181-187 Hay St, Haymarket 2000. 02 9212 0380. $20.

1003 Upper Fort St, Millers Point 2000. 02 9217 0111. $15-$22.

Congee Breakfast Tour 活力粥道早间游 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art Sat 17 Feb, 10am-noon The gallery will lead a morning tour of Chinatown that includes a private tour of 4A's exhibition Equal Area and culminate in a traditional Taiwanese congee breakfast. 4A亚洲当代艺术中心推出早间游唐人街活动,活动中将介 绍当地公共艺术和地方美食,并提供导游观览Equal Area 活动,活动最后可享用传统台湾米粥早餐。 181-187 Hay St, Haymarket 2000. 02 9212 0380. $20.

Tours 游览 #cnysyd

4A Night Walk

4A Night Walk 4A夜游 4A Centre for Contemporary Art Thu 1 Feb, 6-8pm

Karaoke BridgeClimb

Sydney Opera House

Karaoke BridgeClimb (Mandarin) 攀登悉尼海港大桥之巅露天卡拉OK歌厅 (普通话) BridgeClimb Sydney 9 Feb-2 Mar, tours run 10am-6pm

Sydney Opera House Tour 悉尼歌剧院之旅 Sydney Opera House Daily 9am-5pm Step beneath the sails of the world famous venue. Tours depart daily in English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, French, German and Spanish. 走进悉尼歌剧院幕后了解更多历史。导游 活动可提供以下语言游览服务:英语、普 通话、日语、韩语、法语、德语和西班牙 语,接受每日报名。

Sing your favourite karaoke songs on a stage like no other – the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Choose from a selection of popular Chinese and K-pop songs to sing solo or in a group. 登上悉尼海港大桥顶端一展歌喉吧!可以 选择中文或者韩语流行歌,欢迎独唱或者 和大家一起快乐高歌。

Art Gallery Rd, The Domain, Sydney 2000. 02 9225 1700. artgallery. Free. Congee Breakfast Tour


3 Cumberland St, The Rocks 2000. 02 8274 7777. $178-$383.

Bennelong Point, Sydney 2000. 02 9250 7111. Standard tickets from $37 per person.


Festival Map 节庆地图 Plan your visit at



3 1 2

10 6






Lunar Lanterns 农历花灯会



Gateway Circular Quay 悉尼港环形码头Gateway大厦

10 星港城


Bligh and Barney Reserve 布莱和巴尼公园



Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院

12 Place


Cockle Bay, Darling Harbour 情人港海扇湾


Australian National Maritime Museum 澳大利亚国家海洋博物馆


Chinatown 唐人街


Chinese Garden of Friendship 谊园


Art Gallery of NSW 新南威尔士州美术馆 The Star Queen Victoria Building 维多利亚女王大楼 Customs House & Scout 海关博物馆及童子军广场

World Square

13 世界广场

Pitt Street Mall

14 皮特街购物区

Sydney Town Hall

15 悉尼市政厅



7 13


Chinese Garden of Friendship


Thank You 鸣谢 #cnysyd #sydcny

Members of the CNY Advisory Panel 中国农历新年庆典顾问团成员 Councillor Robert Kok Yael Bradbury Simon Chan Xin Janet Ge Dr Tony Goh Phillipp Ivanov Xing Jin Bing Liu Andrea Myles Patricia Quah Festival Assistance 庆典协作单位 Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney 中华人民共和国驻悉尼总领事馆 Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Australia 中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚大使馆

Festival Curator 中国农历新年庆典策划人 Claudia Chan Shaw Creative Team 创意团队 Alexandra Sommer, Lantern and Costume Designer Brad Clark, Lantern and Costume Designer Virginia Ferris, Performance Director Danling Xiao, Hero Artwork Designer Thank you to all of the artists, consultants, contributors and volunteers. 鸣谢所有本次活动的艺术家,顾问,参与 者和志愿者。

Festival Partners 节庆合作伙伴 Associate Partners 合作品牌

Support Partners 合作支持

Media Partners 媒体合作伙伴

All information is correct at the time of printing. Please visit sydneychinesenewyear. com for more information. 所有信息在打印时皆为正确,欲了解更多信息 请访问 Government Partners 政府合作伙伴

International Delegation 国际代表团 Ministry of Culture, People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国文化部 China Culture Centre in Sydney 悉尼中国文化中心 Ausfeng 澳丰文化 Henan Department of Culture 河南省文化厅 Henan Song and Dance Performing Arts Group 河南歌舞演艺集团 Shaolin Warrior Monks 少林寺武僧

Charity Partner 慈善合作伙伴

Print & Digital Publishing Pty Ltd

(ABN 50 125 441 812) is a company owned by Time Out Group Plc. © 2010. Printed by Webstar, Bluestar Group, 83 Derby Street, Silverwater, NSW 2128. Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without the written permission of the publisher and Time Out Group Limited. The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for errors or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily the views of the publishers.

Print & Digital Publishing Pty Ltd This book has been produced by Print & Digital Publishing Ltd’s Custom Guide Division on behalf of the City of Sydney. For publishing enquiries please contact: Tel: +61 2 8239 5900 Online:


Editorial Guide Editor Nick Dent Sub Editor Hazel Ying Guide Designers Robert Polmear, Coral Chum Contributors Candice Chung, Nadine Cohen, Ping Cui, Julia Dungca, Alyx Gorman, Emily Lloyd-Tait, Danling Xiao, Juliana Yu


Photography Warren Macris, Daniel Boud, Anna Kucera, Gilbert Walden Various images courtesy City of Sydney Advertising Sales Director Mark Davies Senior Strategist Charlene Tan

from yum cha to chacha

be COLOUR inspired this Chinese New Year

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