stock exchange
The City of Sydney is the location of the
The ASX is
in terms of float or freely available share capital
Skyscrapers in Martin Place
As Australia’s global city, Sydney is a major financial and business services centre for the Asia-Pacific region and is Australia’s financial and business capital.
finance and business capital
14th largest in the world by market capitalisation
the first major market to open each day
The ASX has the third highest number of listed domestic companies in the Asia Pacific – more than the combined total of the Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges.
悉尼作为澳大利亚的“国际之都”——不仅是全澳的金融重镇和商务之都, 也是整个亚太地区金融、商业服务的枢纽。
澳大利亚证券交易所 (简称: ASX)
Sydney is one of the top 15 financial centres in the world based on the 2014 Xinhua-Dow Jones International Financial Centers Development Index
券交易所是世界范围内每天开盘 时间最早的证券交易所,其流通
and is worth around
40% of Australia’s financial services GDP output
$A50 billion
(as at 2014)
总值约为$500亿澳元 (50,000,000,000),占该行业
全澳生产总值的40% 。
十四。该交易所拥有的境内上市 公司数量超越香港和新加坡两家 Outside of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in Sydney
strong workforce in central Sydney Financial industry employees represent 25% of the city’s total workforce (or about 100,000 people)
The City of Sydney area is the location for more than 20 per cent of Australia’s total employment in the financial and insurance services industry grouping.
Sydney Futures Exchange 悉尼期货交易所 均选择悉尼为其所在地
Reserve Bank of Australia Photo: Reuters
Bank of China 中国银行 Deutsche Bank 德意志银行 HSBC 汇丰银行 ING ING荷兰国际集团 Citigroup 花旗集团 Arab Bank 阿拉伯银行
of international financial institutions in Australia are headquartered in Sydney 在澳大利亚经营的国际金融机构90% 以上将其总部设在悉尼。
China’s top five commercial banks are all headquartered in the City of Sydney area This includes the world’s largest bank by total assets – the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
中国五大商业银行均选择悉尼 市为其总部所在地。其中包括 总资产全球第一的银行——中 国工商银行。
hi na tow n, S ydney
The city’s national financial dominance is reflected in several industry segments including: 悉尼市在金融界的主导地位体现在多个产业部门,包括:
悉尼拥有57%的存储式 金融中介产业
悉尼的金融资产经纪服务 人员总数占全国44%
of the depository financial intermediation industry
Reserve Bank of Australia Australian Stock Exchange
These include 其中包括:
Sydney is home to Despite the global financial crisis, employment in this sector continued to grow in the city in the five years to 2012.
Commercial buildings in Sydney
,C ing uild Bank of China b
Sydney generates
As a leading Asia-Pacific financial centre, a high proportion of global banks and financial institutions with a presence in Australia have headquarters or offices in central Sydney.
Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)
8th largest in the world
finance HQ
of Australia’s total financial asset broking services employment
of the nondepository financing sector
悉尼拥有31% 非存储式金融机构
Photo: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
金融业从业者占悉尼总体就业人口的25% (约100,000人)。 该领域在本市的就业水平并没有受到全球金融危机
financial 28% of asset investing
auxiliary financial 25% of and investment services
基金管理 The sector is worth
Australia’s pool of funds under management is the largest in Asia, and the third largest in the world.
+$A2 trillion (as at June 2013)
9 of Australia’s 10 largest fund managers are headquartered in Sydney 全澳管控的基金总额高居亚洲榜首、位居世界前三强。 据2013年6月统计,数额在2万亿澳元以上。澳大利亚 十大基金管理机构中有9家将总部设于悉尼。
business events city
Sydney will again host Sibos, the world’s largest and most influential financial conference, in 2018. This underscores its position as a global professional hub and destination of choice for international business events.
悉尼将于2018年再度主办规模 最大的金融服务行业标志性年度 国际会议——国际银行营运研讨 会(Sibos) 。这从一个侧面体现了 这座城市作为全球专业人士和 国际商务活动首选之地的地位。
Sydney’s cityscape viewed from The Rocks Photo: Ilya Genkin
funds management
Sydney is one of the world’s most green, global and connected cities. As Australia’s global city and the gateway to Asia, Sydney is the destination of choice for international corporations, business leaders, tourists and students. Sydney provides headquarters for almost 40 per cent of the top 500 Australian corporations. Digital, financial, educational and creative businesses are all thriving in Sydney – supported by our robust economic strategy. Guided by the City of Sydney’s Sustainable Sydney 2030 program, Sydney is recognised internationally for its outstanding environmental performance and major cultural events, and as a future focused and innovative business centre. Sydney is also host to one of the largest Chinese New Year festivals in the world. Discover Sydney – the world’s most beautiful harbour city.
悉尼是当今世界最绿色环保、最国际化、最通达便利的都市之一。 作为澳大利亚首屈一指的国际之都和亚洲门户,悉尼是众多跨国企 业、商界领袖、游客和学生的首选之地。 在澳大利亚500强企业中,有近40%选择将总部设在悉尼。借助强 有力的经济战略支持,悉尼的数字、金融、教育和创意产业正在蓬 勃发展。 通过《可持续发展的悉尼 2030》战略规划 (Sustainable Sydney 2030 program),悉尼以出色的环保成就和重大文化活动,以及关 注未来的创新商业中心而享誉四海。 此外,悉尼还是全世界最盛大的中国农历新年庆典活动的举办地之 一。
For more information on the City of Sydney, please contact
+61 2 9265 9333 /
Lord Mayor Clover Moore 悉尼市市长 摩尔