Environmental Sustainability / 环境与可持续发展

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City of Sydney was the first local council in Australia to be certified as carbon neutral under the National Carbon Offset Standard.


This certification has been maintained since 2008.


偿标准 (National Carbon Offset Standard),悉尼市政府自2008 中和的地方政府,且打算在2030

The City’s targets include reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030. based on 2006 levels

Sydney’s stunning harbour and foreshore. Photo: Destination NSW

As part of its Sustainable Sydney 2030 program, the City of Sydney has developed a suite of master plans and strategies, business and residential programs, and green infrastructure initiatives to help meet ambitious energy, water and waste targets. 悉尼市政府以《可持续发展的悉尼2030》(Sustainable Sydney 2030) 战略计划为发展方 针,制定了一系列总体规划策略、商业和住宅项目、绿色基础设施建设等计划,以达成 消减能耗、用水,以及提升废物回收的艰巨目标。

vision and leadership


Sydney is ranked #1


This is one of the most ambitious targets of any Australian government.

sustainable buildings and streetscapes

大利亚政府所面临最艰巨的任务 之一,同时也是悉尼市政府奋斗 的目标。

Smaller, hybrid vehicles are used by City of Sydney


Better Buildings Partnership (BBP) develops and advocates solutions to key environmental issues facing the commercial building sector.

BBP is a collaboration between the City of Sydney and leading commercial and institutional building owners.

对于本市商业办公建筑界面临的主要环境问题, 建筑改善合作团 (Better Buildings Partnership) 一直在开发相应处理方案,以得以切实解决。

45% reduction in carbon emissions

The program has achieved a

(from baseline of 2005/2006).

建筑改善合作团 (Better Buildings Partnership) 是悉尼市政府、商业办公用地的大业主以及机构投资人三方之间 结成的合作伙伴关系。通过这种协作关系,参与成员已实现45% 的减排目标(以2005/2006年数据为基准) 。

Prince Alfred Park Pool, Surry Hills


Supporting our residents and their property advisors to create a sustainable future through the City’s programs and partnerships.

Smart Green Apartments 智能绿色宜居公寓项目

Smart Blocks


Green Living Centre


通过悉尼市政府多项举措以及合作伙伴 关系的建立,帮助本市居民和物业顾问 共创可持续发展的未来。

Green Villages


Green Villages workshop

Pyrmont Bridge featuring LED lighting

in several key indicators measuring

quality of life sustainability and the natural environment Sydney is the first city in Australia to install energy-efficient LEDs in its 6,448 street and park lights.

demographics and liveability in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ 2014 Cities of Opportunity report Sydney is the only Australian city featured in the report and ranks 9th overall – ahead of Berlin, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Shanghai.

Sydney parklands Photo: Alex Novickov


This will reduce electricity bills and maintenance costs and halve greenhouse gas emissions from reduced energy use.

统计,还是在宜居水平等关键层面,悉尼都高居普 华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers) 公布的2014年最 新《机遇之城》报告 (Cities of Opportunity) 排名榜

悉尼市为6,448处街道和公园 安装了节能LED照明灯,此举 再创全国首例,可有效地节省 能耗、维修所需开支,降低温 室气体排放量。


A retrofit of the City’s major buildings has resulted in:



In 2014 Sydney became co-leader of the C40 Private Buildings Efficiency Network. The City is a founding member of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and is working with this international network to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and respond to climate risks.

The City supports office-based businesses to improve their environmental performance.

Energy use reduction 节能总量


Greenhouse gas emissions reduction


CitySwitch Green Office is a growing network of national business leaders representing a range of sectors, from financial services and architecture firms, to government, legal services and the property industry.


megawatt hours per year

减少温室 气体排放量 Above: Macquarie Bank’s Sydney office at One Shelley Street Photo: Shannon McGrath courtesy of Clive Wilkinson Architects

C40城市气候变化领导小组市长峰会 (C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Mayors Summit) 针对温

Water consumption reduction 节约用水


tonnes of CO2 emissions per year 吨二氧化碳/每年


kilolitres per year 千升/每年

Solar panels on Sydney Town Hall

New solar photovoltaic panels on up to 30 City of Sydney-owned properties will generate up to 985 megawatt hours per year.




节能互助委员会 (C40 Private Buildings Efficiency Network) 的联合领导方。

建立CitySwitch绿色办公服务 (CitySwitch Green Office Program) 以达成扶持办公企业提升环保性能的目的。



targets and progress




Stormwater harvesting schemes in major parks and developments are reducing the amount of mains water use in the city. 雨水收集计划 Schemes for Sydney Park and the new town centre in Green Square will provide up to 500 megalitres per year of recycled water for non-potable use such as irrigation and toilet flushing.


Sydney Park

悉尼市政府在市内主要公园和建筑开发项目中实施 雨水 循环再利用计划,以达到有效节约使用自来水的目的。 现已安装到位的雨水循环系统位于悉尼公园 (Sydney Park) 和绿色广场(Green Square)全新开发的中心地段, 主要用于洗漱间、灌溉等非饮用用途,年均收集、处理 再生水500兆升。

Sydney is using roofs and walls as innovative garden spaces.

The City has reduced its vehicle emissions by 27% since 2009.


自2009年以来,悉尼市政府已减少机动车 排放量27%。

The City of Sydney has adopted the first green roofs and walls policy in Australia, providing many environmental and community benefits.

Sustainable biofuels and electric, hybrid and smaller vehicles are helping reduce our emissions.

Sydney is home to Australia’s tallest green wall, a vertical garden spanning 33 storeys.



Thousands of new trees are absorbing pollution across Sydney, providing shade and beautifying the city.

色幕墙计划的政府机构,本土社区环境因此获益 良多。与此同时,悉尼市内坐落着一面33层楼高


悉尼市内栽种的数以千株植被起到了为整座城 市提供庇荫、吸收空气中的污染物质、美化市 容环境的作用。



Sydney’s Observatory Hill

parks, plants and vehicles

Sydney is one of the world’s most green, global and connected cities. As Australia’s global city and the gateway to Asia, Sydney is the destination of choice for international corporations, business leaders, tourists and students. Sydney provides headquarters for almost 40 per cent of the top 500 Australian corporations. Digital, financial, educational and creative businesses are all thriving in Sydney – supported by our robust economic strategy. Guided by the City of Sydney’s Sustainable Sydney 2030 program, Sydney is recognised internationally for its outstanding environmental performance and major cultural events, and as a future focused and innovative business centre. Sydney is also host to one of the largest Chinese New Year festivals in the world. Discover Sydney – the world’s most beautiful harbour city.

Our aim:


increase in canopy cover in the city by 2030

from 2012 levels. This will reduce temperatures and power bills for residents and businesses.

Sydney’s tallest green wall at Central Park Photo courtesy of Frasers Property Australia & Sekisui House Australia

我们的目标是到2030年,将林冠覆盖率提升50% (根据2012年数据),此举不但可有效降低市内气 温,还能节省民、商能耗资金成本。

悉尼是当今世界最绿色环保、最国际化、最通达便利的都市之一。 作为澳大利亚首屈一指的国际之都和亚洲门户,悉尼是众多跨国企 业、商界领袖、游客和学生的首选之地。 在澳大利亚500强企业中,有近40%选择将总部设在悉尼。借助强 有力的经济战略支持,悉尼的数字、金融、教育和创意产业正在蓬 勃发展。 通过《可持续发展的悉尼 2030》战略规划 (Sustainable Sydney 2030 program),悉尼以出色的环保成就和重大文化活动,以及关 注未来的创新商业中心而享誉四海。 此外,悉尼还是全世界最盛大的中国农历新年庆典活动的举办地之 一。

For more information on the City of Sydney, please contact



+61 2 9265 9333 / strategy@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au

Lord Mayor Clover Moore 悉尼市市长 摩尔


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