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Summary of Key Construction Works

2. Te Wai Horotiu Station

Once completed, the Te Wai Horotiu Station will include platforms, lifts, escalators, rooms for housing stations and tunnel services equipment, an entrance building at Wellesley Street, two additional entrance buildings at Victoria Street, a Plenum at Kingston Street, services, internal and architectural finishings, structural fittings, utilities services diversions and connections. Given the nature and scale of the Te Wai Horotiu Station construction, works will be undertaken in a staged manner. These Construction Works have been authorised by three separate Outline Plan Packages, with Construction Works expected to continue until the completion of the Project. The Construction Works have been staged as follows:

Table 1: Staging of the Construction Works

Construction Works Description

Stage 1 to 3 (authorised by OPW60345651) Canopy removal, network utility relocation and site establishment works.

Stage 4 and 5 (authorised by OPW60348747)

Main Works (authorised by OPW6035461)

More Canopy removal and utility relocation works. Micro-tunnelling works along Victoria Street. Site establishment works involving tree removal.

Construction of the Te Wai Horotiu Station and associated above ground structures. Tunnel boxes for the rail tracks and structural fitout, and internal and architectural finishings.

Date Approved Status

1 October 2019 Complete –the work was undertaken from October 2019 to March 2020.

6 December 2019

The work commenced in December 2019. Large parts are complete. 8 May 2020 The work commenced in early 2020 and is scheduled to continue through to 2024.

Summary of Key Construction Works

The following outlines key construction activities occurring during the various stages of the Construction Works. A detailed account of the Construction Works is provided in the Construction Environmental Management Plan as relevant to the stage of works. It is noted that the Construction Works (described in Table 1), are concentrated along Albert Street, between Wyndham Street in the North to Mayoral Drive in the South, and includes works within the adjacent Streets of Kingston, Victoria and Wellesley Streets. A key change during this reporting period was the reopening of Wellesley Street West and the closure of Victoria Street and Albert Street intersection in June 2021.

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Te Wai Horotiu Stage 1 – 3

• Canopy removal works along the western side of Albert Street between Victoria Street West and Wellesley Street West. • Approximately 680m of trenching works required to relocate utilities, predominantly within the footpaths along Albert Street including within the northern section of the Albert Street slip lane. • Set up of the Construction Support Area within the Bledisloe House carpark (corner of Mayoral Drive and Wellesley Street).

Te Wai Horotiu Stage 4 and 5

• Additional trenching works along Albert Street to relocate utilities. These works extended into the Albert Street slip lane, preventing southern egress from this lane. • Trenches along both sides of Kingston Street required for utility relocations resulted in Kingston Street being closed. • Micro tunnelling along Victoria Street West. • Canopy removals continued. • Full closure of the Wellesley Street / Albert Street intersection for utility relocations. • Establishment of the Construction Support Area within the Bledisloe House carpark, requiring the removal of trees.

Te Wai Horotiu Main Works

The Te Wai Horotiu Main Works were authorised on 8 May 2020. These works have commenced and will be ongoing until the completion of the Project. The Te Wai Horotiu Main Works involve: • Installation of D-walls along either side of Albert Street from Mayoral Drive to the Victoria Street intersection. • Bored pile installation north of Victoria Street. • ‘Top down’ construction involving construction of the roof structure in stages and allowing portions of the road to be reopened to traffic. • Construction of the Te Wai Horotiu Station including its internal fitout. • Removal of the Bluestone wall and reconstruction of the wall once the station works are complete3 . • Retrieval of the Tunnel Boring Machine following its first and second drive.

3. Annual Report Methodology

City Rail Link designation condition 61.8 requires an annual report to be prepared to report on changes to the SIBD environment, as well as analyse complaints received and how these have been responded to. This condition reads as follows: “The Requiring Authority shall prepare an annual report on the identification, monitoring, evaluation and management of the effects outlined in the Social Impact and Business Disruption DWP together with a summary of matters raised by the community, and how

3 These works will be undertaken in accordance with the Bluestone Wall Management Plan, certified by the Heritage

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