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Amenity, including Air Quality and Light
The complaint register recorded 32 complaints in relation to impacts to access and parking as a result of the Construction Works.
These complaints were predominantly in relation to contractor vehicles occupying loading zones / private parking, inefficient phasing of traffic lights causing congestion, and closing of streets impacting access. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 10 below.
Table 10: Link Alliance response to access and parking complaints.
Nature of complaint
Construction vehicles occupying loading zones.
Traffic layout changes impacting access.
Summary of mitigation methods used
− Contacted stakeholder and apologised for inconvenience caused. − Contractors reminded of their obligations and to not park in business parking and loading zones. − Provided stakeholder with contact information for AT enforcement. − Contacted AT to ensure loading zone enforcement / ticketing illegally parked vehicles. − Visited the impacted stakeholder and explained the reasoning for the traffic layout. − Raised traffic issue with Link Alliance traffic team who resolved the issue. − Advised impacted stakeholder of changes made to resolve issue. − Provided contact details if future problems arise, and information package about future scheduled Construction
The complaint register recorded 25 complaints in relation to amenity and 10 complaints in relation to air quality (dust and odour) impacts from the Construction Works. Amenity impacts included litter and lack of rubbish bins, workers gathering to smoke outside businesses, accumulation of dust and dirt. Air quality impacts were from plant and vehicle emissions and wastewater works, as well as minor dust impacts from Construction Works. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 11.
Table 11: Link Alliance response to complaints about air quality.
Nature of complaint
Litter, dirt and dust accumulating around businesses. Dust from construction activities disrupting businesses.
Summary of mitigation methods used
− Complaint investigated and cleaning arranged if required or cleaning due to occur post works completion. − Deployed additional dust mitigation measures (dampening) to reduce dust impacts. − Informed stakeholder of the improvements made to mitigate dust. − Affected stakeholder was contacted and informed about how the Link Alliance responded to the complaint.
Page 28 | 2021-2022 SIBD Annual Report - Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea)