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Feedback from Community and Development Response Managers
8. Feedback Received
This section provides an overview of the feedback received from the following engagement activities:
• Interviewing the Te Wai Horotiu Station Community Manager and Development Response
Manager. • Attendance at information hub events. • Feedback during the most recent CLG event.
Feedback was also sought from the affected community on a draft version of this Annual Report.
Feedback from Community and Development Response Managers
An interview and site walkover were undertaken with the Te Wai Horotiu Community Manager (Shaun Sutton) and Te Wai Horotiu Development Response Manager (Nicole Borland) on 30 March 2022. The purpose of this interview was to understand the predominant issues raised by the community, and how Link Alliance has responded to those issues. The following outlines the key items raised during the interview: • Impacts from noise and vibration were the most common issue raised in the complaints register. This was mitigated by installation of noise mats during noisy activities, limiting noisy activities to certain times of the day to reduce disruption, and using less disruptive equipment where possible. • Business and wayfinding signage was still an issue although the commissioning and installation of new signage has assisted in helping to address issues raised around business visibility. Fewer complaints have been received about wayfinding than the previous 2019/20 period. • Fewer changes to fencing and wayfinding over the past 15 months has reduced frustration and weekly audits have been successful in identifying small issues and troubleshooting these. • The Small Business Support Programme pilot has received positive feedback with approximately 30 businesses taking up the programme at Te Wai Horotiu Station.
The C&E team also highlighted some of the challenges over the past 15 months including: • The impacts of COVID-19, including; • challenges for stakeholder engagement with limited opportunities for events and face to face engagement • lock downs and travel restrictions reducing foot traffic • shift in people working from home and challenges with city centre recovery • Increased antisocial behaviour • Increased graffiti during lock down, to mitigate this additional CCTV was installed and additional security guards have been employed.
The interview was followed by a site visit. During this time, Shaun Sutton (Te Wai Horotiu Station Community Manager) and Nicole Borland (Te Wai Horotiu Station Development Response Manager) pointed out the range of mitigation measures around the construction sites. This included
Page 32 | 2021-2022 SIBD Annual Report - Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea)