Jstyle Weddings Fall 2021

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A booming, but confusing wedding season


fter COVID-19 forced the postponement of many weddings in 2020 and early 2021, this summer marked a season of return.

According to a study published in The Knot and reported by The Atlantic, nearly half of the couples who scheduled weddings for 2020 postponed the celebration until this year or later. That also means many couples who got engaged in the last year and a half are competing to have their nuptials in the same time frame as those who already postponed. As one photographer told The Atlantic in a June article, “It’s two years of weddings in one year.” This means vendors and venues are getting booked further in advance than in a typical year, among other obstacles, surely leaving many families confused and stressed. Even more challenging now is contending with the Delta variant and increased COVID-19 cases throughout Ohio and beyond. As I write this in mid-August, it’s unclear whether postponing or canceling major events like weddings is going to be the trend this fall, or if implementing more Periodical Supplement to Cleveland Jewish News, August 27, 2021

Fashion. Trends. Love.

Fall 2021

restrictions – like strict face mask and vaccination requirements – will be able to save the celebrations. That said, when we plan ahead for an issue of Jstyle Weddings, we always aim to both focus on trends in season, but also timeless tips for planning a beautiful and loving ceremony and party. This issue is no different – we offer both expert advice for couples looking ahead to weddings as soon as this fall, and for those planning however far ahead is needed to savor their big day. It’s my hope that any couple, family or wedding guest can find something within these pages that relieves a little stress or brings about some excitement. For example, in our wedding planning feature, a planner and garment alterations professional provide tips for dealing with the unexpected the day of the wedding. In our desserts feature, cake designers explain the elegant wedding cake styles

On the cover Victoria Goldfarb and Joseph Rosen share a moment on their wedding day at Cleveland Botanical Garden on July 10, 2021. Their wedding was officiated by Cantor Kathryn Wolfe Sebo. Today, the couple lives in Shaker Heights and attends The Temple-Tifereth Israel in Beachwood and B’nai Jeshurun Congregation in Pepper Pike. Cover photo by Genevieve Nisly Photography


Jstyle Weddings 2021

popular today, as well as why it’s never a bad idea to have several dessert options. Another story is about hiring and working with a wedding photographer, where professionals give advice for identifying a photographer who can capture the scenes you’ll most want to remember. As always, this issue also includes spotlights on three weddings that took place locally this year. While all the couples featured had to make some alterations or sacrifices to their imagined perfect day to accommodate challenges brought on by the pandemic, each expressed joy and excitement about how the day turned out, as well as their future together. If you enjoy stories of love (who doesn’t?) or are looking for insight into what a 2021 wedding in Northeast Ohio can look like, I encourage you to check them out. Whether you are planning a wedding for this fall or 2023, a small backyard ceremony or a bash of epic proportions, I hope you are able to do so safely and that this issue of Jstyle Weddings provides some ideas for how to make it happen.

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Amanda Koehn Editor To read The Atlantic story and The Knot study, visit bit.ly/3xTb7id

VOL. 145 NO. 38 CLEVELAND JEWISH NEWS (ISSN-00098825) is published weekly with additional supplement issues in February, March, April, June, August, September, October, and twice in December, by The Cleveland Jewish Publication Company at 23880 Commerce Park, Suite 1, Cleveland, OH 44122-5380. Single copy $1.25. Periodicals Postage paid at Cleveland, OH and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to the Cleveland Jewish News, 23880 Commerce Park, Suite 1, Cleveland, OH 44122-5380.


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