CKI Board Book, May 2014

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Circle K International Board of Trustees Board Book May 2014



International Board Book Highlights ! !

New Resources Available On Executive Committee: • Things You Should Know About Youth Protection Guidelines • Making Smooth Transitions in Leadership Membership and Marketing Committee: • Managing Your Club’s Expectations • Overcoming Challenges in Member Involvement Service Committee: • How to Donate (Service Committee)

Proposed Policy Code Amendments: The Executive Committee proposed 27 amendments to the CKI Policy Code during the May Board Meeting, These amendments will now be brought up at the International Council Meeting during CKIx. See Pages 5–8 and 55-67.

Summer Message: International President Daniel Tsang touches on the importance of service during the summer months. See Page 13.

Progress on 2013-2014 Goals: 2013 – 2014 Goals (10/1/13 – 9/30/14) Service Hours 410,000 Membership 13,914 Interclub Events 3,300 KFR Events 3,000

Current Totals (as of 5/1/14) 352,231 13,265 1,649 2,154

% Goals 85.9% 95.3% 50.0% 71.8%

See Page 14.

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Table of Contents

May Board Meeting Minutes ................................................ 4-11 I. Call to Order...................................................................................................4 II. Explanation of Agenda ................................................................................4 III. Approval of March Board Meeting Minutes .............................................4 IV. Approval of Policy Code Amendments ...................................................5 V. Miscellaneous ...............................................................................................8 VI. Adjournment .............................................................................................11

Board Reports....................................................................... 12-35 I. International President ................................................................................12 II. International Vice President.......................................................................14 III. Subregion A Trustee ...................................................................................18 IV. Subregion B Trustee ...................................................................................23 V. Subregion C Trustee ...................................................................................25 VI. Subregion D Trustee ..................................................................................27 VII. Subregion E Trustee ..................................................................................28 VIII. Subregion F Trustee..................................................................................30 IX. Subregion G Trustee .................................................................................33 X. International Trustee At-Large ..................................................................35

Committee and Task Force Reports .................................. 36-54 I. Awards Task Force .......................................................................................36 II. Executive Committee.................................................................................37 III. Governing Documents Task Force ...........................................................40 IV. International Expansion Committee .......................................................41 V. Kiwanis Family Relations Committee .......................................................44 VI. Large Scale Service Project Ad-Hoc Committee..................................47 VII. Membership and Marketing Committee...............................................48 VIII. Recruitment, Retention, and Revitalization Ad-Hoc Committee.......49 IX. Service Committee....................................................................................51 X. S.P.I.C.E. Ad-Hoc Committee ....................................................................54

Appendix .............................................................................. 55-67 I. Proposed Policy Code Amendments........................................................55



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May Board Meeting Minutes

May Board Meeting Minutes! Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 9:00 pm (EST)! Attendance: Name Daniel Tsang Amelia Ahnert Kathy Le David Limjoco Jonathan Pevarnek Jonathan Lacaba Alex Bour Danielle Sammut Stefan Ludlow Mason Kuang Chris Martz Maria Demko Jim Rochford

Position International President International Vice President Subregion A Trustee Subregion B Trustee Subregion C Trustee Subregion D Trustee Subregion E Trustee Subregion F Trustee Subregion G Trustee International Trustee At-Large Director of Circle K International CKI Specialist Kiwanis International Trustee to CKI

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X

I. Call to Order President Tsang called the May Board Meeting to order at 9:01 pm (EST). II. Explanation of Agenda Old Business Approval of March Board Meeting Minutes New Business Approval of Policy Code Amendments III. Approval of March Board Meeting Minutes Trustee Ludlow moved to approve the March Board Meeting minutes. Trustee Sammut seconded. No Discussion. 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes IV. Approval of Policy Code Amendments #! !


Vice President Ahnert moved to block and approve Policy Code Amendments 1-27. Trustee Pevarnek seconded. • Trustee Ludlow asked to have a few minutes to review the proposed amendments. • President Tsang reminded the board that any amendments to the policy code that are approved would still need to go through the International Council. • Trustee Pevarnek removed amendment 22 from the block after consulting with Director Martz on a potential wording change. • Trustee Ludlow removed amendment 9 from the block. 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes Trustee Pevarnek moved to approve amendment 22 as recommended by the Executive Committee: Section N. Tomorrow Fund 2. Purpose of the Tomorrow Fund d. Structure of the Tomorrow Fund Two accounts shall be established within the Kiwanis International Foundation and designated the Circle K Tomorrow Fund (04/09) i. Endowment Account (restrictive account) This account shall be designated as an endowment into which twenty-five percent of all donations shall be deposited unless otherwise specified (04/09) ii. Service Account Operating Fund (non-restrict account) This account shall be designated as an operating fund from which all withdrawals shall be made. Seventy-five percent (75%) of all donations shall be deposited into said account unless otherwise specified. Donations shall be divided upon receipt individually. Interest earned from the endowment account or a 4% spending allowance (whichever is greater) shall be deposited each year as grantable funds by the Circle K International Board. Moneys may remain in this fund from year to year with the stipulation that the Circle K International Board may disperse any or all of said funds. Funds shall be dispersed as requested by the Director of !



Circle K International, with approval by the Circle K International Board of Trustees. No more than 10 percent (10%) of the donations (from the 75%) may be used for administrative costs. (04/09) Section N. Tomorrow Fund 6. Tomorrow Fund Club and District Project Grants b. In the funding cycle, the Grant Review Committee may award up to, but no more than, the balance of the amount of interest earned off of (or a percentage of the balance of) the service account operation fund (non-restrictive account) available at the convening of the Committee. If there is no interest earned, 3% a spending allowance of 4% of the service account Endowment Fund (restrictive account) funds available at the convening of the Committee may be used to fund grants. If the amount of interest earned is greater than the 3% 4% of the service account Endowment Fund (restrictive account) funds available at the convening of the Committee, then the amount of interest earned shall be used to fund the grants. The intent of the Board of Trustees is to use the interest generated from the service account Endowment Fund (restrictive account). (04/09) Trustee Ludlow seconded. Trustee Pevarnek moved to amend amendment 22 to the following: Section N. Tomorrow Fund 2. Purpose of the Tomorrow Fund d. Structure of the Tomorrow Fund Two accounts shall be established within the Kiwanis International Foundation and designated the Circle K Tomorrow Fund (04/09) iii. Endowment Account (restrictive account) This account shall be designated as an endowment into which twenty-five percent of all donations shall be deposited unless otherwise specified (04/09) iv. Service Account Operating Fund (non-restrict account) This account shall be designated as an operating fund from which all withdrawals shall be made. Seventy-five percent (75%) of all donations shall be deposited into said account unless otherwise specified. Donations shall be divided upon receipt individually. Interest earned $! !


from the endowment account or a 4% spending allowance (whichever is greater) shall be deposited each year as grantable funds by the Circle K International Board. Moneys may remain in this fund from year to year with the stipulation that the Circle K International Board may disperse any or all of said funds. Funds shall be dispersed as requested by the Director of Circle K International, with approval by the Circle K International Board of Trustees. No more than 10 percent (10%) of the donations (from the 75%) may be used for administrative costs. (04/09) Section N. Tomorrow Fund 6. Tomorrow Fund Club and District Project Grants b. In the funding cycle, the Grant Review Committee may award up to, but no more than, the balance of the amount of interest earned off of (or a percentage of the balance of) the service account operation fund (non-restrictive account) available at the convening of the Committee. If there is no interest earned, 3% of the service account funds available at the convening of the Committee may be used to fund grants. If the amount of interest earned is greater than the 3% of the service account funds available at the convening of the Committee, then the amount of interest earned shall be used to fund the grants. The intent of the Board of Trustees is to use the interest generated from the service account. (04/09) Trustee Ludlow seconded. No Discussion. 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes Vice President Ahnert moved to approve amendment 9. Trustee Pevarnek seconded. • Trustee Ludlow explained that he originally removed the amendment from the block because he was concerned about the restriction of not having a maximum membership limit. He felt that this statement of what clubs can and can’t do was unnecessarily restrictive; !



however, he realized that it was already apart of the original policy code wording. 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes V. Miscellaneous A. CKIx Trustee Ludlow inquired about how the current attendance numbers for CKIx is affecting the budget. Director Martz said that we are fine when it comes to the CKIx budget. The current attendance is 342 with 250 of them attending the entire week. B. Subregion Events Trustee Ludlow brought up the possibility of creating a policy code amendment related to preventing Subregion events for Trustee Sammut. He believes that it has been made clear that events can no longer be marketed as subregion events. Trustee Ludlow asked what the board thought about adding it to the policy code to ensure there isn’t any misconception. Trustee Kuang didn’t think that Subregion events are an issue. He explained that trustees aren’t able to fund large events anyway so it isn’t needed in the policy code. Trustee Sammut stated that if CKI is saying that we aren’t allowed to host Subregion events then it should be stated somewhere. She doesn’t believe that it is clear based on the confusion the board had during the January discussion. She further explained that a district couldn’t be reprimanded for something that isn’t defined in CKI’s governing documents. Also she added that the board wants districts to focus on one international event, CKIx, and that subregion events take away from that convention experience and lowered attendance. Trustee Bour passed. Trustee Lacaba passed.

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Trustee Pevarnek addressed the previous comment about Subregion events discouraging members from attending international convention by saying that it wasn’t an issue. He did like the idea of putting it in policy code stating what the boundaries for these events actually are. Trustee David unexpectedly left the meeting. Trustee Le agreed that it is important to state explicitly what can and cannot be done. She stated that there have been a lot of questions about the topic. The amendment can state what they can’t have and explain why it doesn’t count. Districts can have big events and invite others but they need to know how to do it the right way. Vice President Ahnert liked the idea of stating it in the policy code, but that the wording would be important. Trustee Mason didn’t believe that it should be stated negatively, like “can not have subregion event,” but the policy code could list what events they can have. Trustee Ludlow asked President Tsang if the amendments at this meeting would be brought up at the International Council Meeting at CKIx or if a meeting prior to convention would be held. President Tsang confirmed that the International Council Meeting would be held at CKIx in Nashville, TN. Trustee Ludlow decided that he would put together wording for an amendment before the CKI board meeting at convention prior to the International Council Meeting so it can be discussed. He also mentioned including wording related to districts being allowed to invite others. Trustee Sammut agreed with Trustee Ludlow. Trustee Pevarnek asked for clarification on what the reason for restricting these events actually is for potential wording ideas. !



Director Martz explained that referring to events as subregion events puts responsibility on the trustee, whether it is financially or liability. Vice President Ahnert noted that there might be a restriction on the amount of time you give the International Council to review amendment prior to a International Council Meeting. If so, then any wording approved by the International Board would need to be brought up after our term. President Tsang would look at the governing documents and see if there are any time restrictions. He also asked that everyone give input on the wording Trustee Ludlow creates through the Google Document. C. Updates Each member of the International Board has submitted a report, which is included in the following sections of the Board Book. Also the committee and task force reports are included in the Board Book. Director Martz provided the following update: He urged the board to push CKIx attendees to reserve hotel rooms by the June 1 deadline. The hotel is already stretching their typical deadline for groups. He also reminded everyone to start making a list of what they want to pass onto their successor. It is important to start planning the transition process now because the meeting Sunday morning after convention is short and everyone will be worn out. As mentioned in his email earlier that week, Heather McAlister will be taking over the CKI Program Specialist for Maria Demko. She has six years of experience working for Kiwanis International and has been a neighborhood facilitator for Leadership Academy the past two years. Her first day in the position will be in Nashville, TN.

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This year whenever he has mention CKI to anyone he gets a positive response. He partially credits the International Board for this change and mentioned that CKI is no longer the redheaded stepchild of the Kiwanis Family as Past President Amanda Marfisi had described it. This is due to CKI’s work throughout the last couple year, especially when it comes to funds raised for The Eliminate Project. VI. Adjournment Daniel moved to adjourn the board meeting at 10:20 pm (EST).




Board Reports: International President

With the 2013-2014 International Board term coming to an end, it means our days till International Convention are starting to get less and less. The International Board has continued working hard since we online for our March Board Meeting. We have been doing a lot to prepare Circle K members in our remaining weeks in office. BOARD UPDATE March Board Meeting At the end of March, the Circle K International Board had an international board meeting online. For more information on what the International Board discussed during our March Board Meeting, please refer to the March Board Book. PRESIDENT’S UPDATE Communication Since the last board book, I have continued to utilize various forms of communication to better reach the members of Circle K International. These communication styles include providing various updates through Facebook groups, daily communication with International Trustees, our CKI Counselor from the Kiwanis International Board (Jim Rochford), other members of both the Kiwanis and Key Club International Board, and staff members through emails, in-person interactions, and phone calls, a biweekly email to CKI Governors, and many more. TRAVEL REPORTS CKI Governor and Administrator Training Conference| April 10-13, 2014 • Oversaw training session for 2014-2015 District Governors • Served as lead facilitator for all training sessions throughout conference • Interacted with both newly elected District Governors and new and returning District Administrator Illinois-Eastern Iowa| KeyLeader | April 25- 27, 2014(UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL ~ CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT) • Assisted Adult Facilities throughout weekend in regards to set-up, preparation, and cleanup • One of couple photographers throughout the weekend FUTURE PLANS &"! !


May Board Meeting At the end of May, the Circle K International Board will have an international board meeting online. During that time, the International Board will discuss potential amendment recommendations to the International Council. The International Council Meeting is schedule to be held during CKIx. For more information on what the International Board discussed during our May Board Meeting, please see below. International Convention For last couple months, I have been working and giving my feedback to staff to make sure that CKIx is memorable. We have a lot of great things in store. With the countdown getting lower, it means that our celebration of a year of accomplishments is getting closer. CONCLUSION Although my term is coming to an end, the service never stops. Let’s all remember to stay positive and upbeat during the summer. The summer is the perfect opportunity for us to prepare for the upcoming year! Before we all know it, summer will be over and classes will resume. Even though our term is almost over, the International Board continues to make significant strides in strengthening our organization everyday. Dedicated members just like you lay the foundation for us to do the things we do. I hope you can see some of the hard work that all that the International Board members have been doing to benefit the members of Circle K International. In my remaining weeks as International President, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or criticisms. I am always fully available to every Circle K member and leader, no matter what time it is or what questions you may have. I’m here to make your life easier and to give you the tools you need to succeed! Serving one day at a time,

Daniel Tsang CKI International President



Board Reports: International Vice President


Greetings CKI! The year is coming to an end, but the International Board, and committees are still dedicated to finishing out the 2013 – 2014 year. Over the last two months, I have had the privilege to meet members of the CalNev-Ha District, the Pennsylvania District, and the Rocky Mountain District. Also I facilitated many discussions with the new 2014 – 2015 District Governors. From all of these experiences, I am very confident in the abilities of CKI’s new leaders and can’t wait to see what they accomplish this coming year. Below is an update on our organization’s progress towards the 2013 – 2014 International Goals. 2013 – 2014 Goals (10/1/13 – 9/30/14) Service Hours 410,000 Membership 13,914 Interclub Events 3,300 KFR Events 3,000

Current Totals (as of 5/1/14) 352,231 13,265 1,649 2,154

% Goals 85.9% 95.3% 50.0% 71.8%

My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Communicated with staff on a weekly basis • Sent out emails to members that went above and beyond based off of District Governor MRF responses • Reviewed the Circle of Service Award nominations • Created an outlet to assist OTIC Chairs in finding roommates As the International Vice President • Composed CKI Weeklys and distributed them through the CKI Google group • Recorded the service hours, interclubs, and KFRs submitted in the April and May Governor Monthly Reports (MRFs) • Emailed Committee Chairs biweekly with general reminders • Reviewed committee resources and submitted them for placement on the website (Club Expectations, Member Involvement, Youth Protection Guidelines, Officer Transition, How to Donate) • Revised the CKI Strategic Plan &#! !


• Compiled committee updates for the biweekly committee email • Provided input on the April - June MRF questions and District Officer Goals form • Assisted district officers in filling out Distinguished Awards • Informed districts of reported service hours, interclubs, and KFRs • Held weekly chats with International President Daniel and monthly chats with Trustees • Attended the International Expansion Committee meeting on May 4, 2014 • Began working with a translator to review several Spanish resources before placing them on website • Distributed a committee and task force transition survey As the Executive Committee Secretary • Took minutes during meetings and distributed them to the committee • Submitted four updates for the biweekly committee update email • Finalized a resource on Youth Protection Guidelines after requesting staff to review it • Prepared for May Board Meeting by creating and formatting amendments to the CKI Policy Code As a Pennsylvania District Member • Attended District Convention and assisted the District Board at the event • Attended a Mifflinburg Kiwanis Club meeting and spoke about my CKI experience As a Penn State – University Park Club Member • Volunteered the club’s 12-Hour Service Marathon • Provided advice on club elections and officer transitioning Travel Report(s) California-Nevada-Hawaii| District Convention| March 21 - 23, 2014 • Gave an International Address with Trustee Limjoco • Judged the awe-inspiring Talent Show with other Distinguished Guests • Promoted CKIx through a Call to Convention • Learned about many of the service projects clubs are involved in through the service fair and scrapbook awards Pennsylvania| District Convention| March 28 - 30, 2014 (unofficial travel) • Supported the District Board members by reviewing their scripts, etc. • Made Quaffles for the Harry Potter centerpieces (trust me it took a !



lot of time) • Gave an International Address detailing the responsibilities of an international board member and the progress that had been made • Hosted a workshop on CKI’s Charities and Partners, and one on CKIx • Provided resources to the Club Building workshop presenters • Assisted in creating the Call to Convention with Trustee Bour and the OTIC Chair Governor and Administrator Training Conference| April 10 - 13, 2014 • Supported staff in the logistics of the event • Presented on various topics throughout the weekend • Facilitated the CLE Instructor training with District Administrator Carol Clyde Up With People Gala| April 26 - 27, 2014 • Met with members of the Rocky Mountain District • Attended the UWP Gala and spoke to many about the new partnership with CKI • Discussed the intentions of the CKI partnership and what UWP can bring to CKIx 2014 and 2015 with Paul Whitaker and Ellen Enebo Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Make final preparations for CKIx • Reach out to clubs to encourage them to apply for awards As the Vice President • Complete the May 2014 Board Book • Finalize the last couple resources from committees and place them on the website • Set-up a successful transition process for the committees and task forces Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Promote interactions between the International Board and CKI members • Educate those in CKI about the International level As the International Vice President • Send out the CKI Weekly consistently on Mondays • Work closely with International Committees to ensure that they are successful

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CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Have a new understanding of the Up With People partnership with CKI • Newly revised CKI In A Minutes Cards were printed and released to the District Governors • Began the steps to a much more inclusive transition process for the International Committees Respectfully Submitted,

Amelia Ahnert International Vice President Circle K International




Board Reports: Subregion A Trustee

Hi everyone! I have spent these past few months aiding the new district officers and governors transition into their roles as future leaders of Subregion A, preparing for CKIx on behalf of the CKI Service Committee and the Large Scale Service Project Committee, and planning a fun theme for Subregion A attendees at CKIx. I had the most amazing opportunity to attend my first ever Governors and Administrators Training Conference and had so much fun bonding with the 2014 – 2015 district governors, administrators, and the International Board members that were all present. Looking at the past few months I am happy to have been able to celebrate the end of an amazing year and to aid in building the foundation for the upcoming one. I am definitely one proud CKI member! I hope that everyone had a great final season and can finally relax this summer. Are you from Tennessee? Because you happen to be the only ten-I-see! I look forward to seeing you all at CKIx! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Completed all forms and applications as required of any International Board member • Kept in contact with the International President and International Vice President regarding incoming information from the districts of Subregion A • Participated in the March 2014 Circle K International Board meeting • Contributed articles to the April 2014 issue of the CKI Magazine that is now available on the Circle K International website • Attended Governors and Administrators Training Conference and ran several workshops as well as provided feedback to the curriculum As a Service Committee Chair • Held regularly scheduled bi-weekly meetings with the committee in order to receive updates on their work and provide directives for each member to accomplish by a specific deadline • Created and distributed meeting agendas and minutes for all held group meetings • Created an application for participants of CKI Service Week to receive recognition at CKIx as well as designed a certificate for distribution • Responded to all fifteen applicants of CKI Service Week recognition &%! !


and randomly selected two participants to receive a prize • Developed the March-April issue of “Service Worth A Glance” to encompass service in different mediums and from all across Circle K International • Continually created posts for the CKI Service Committee Facebook page and twitter account (@ckiservice) • Typed an article to showcase a Tomorrow Fund Grant recipient that is now available for viewing on the Circle K International website • Created a CKI Service Fair table reservation link to give clubs the opportunity to participate in the event during CKIx • Developed a how-to-donate resource specifically for CKI’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners using information from each ambassador that is now available on the Circle K International website • Submitted an article for the March 2014 issue of the Capital Courier, the Capital CKI District’s publication As a Large Scale Service Project Committee Board Liaison • Attended most committee meetings via GoToMeeting and participated in all held activities while providing input on the discussion at hand • Contacted the International President, Vice President, and corresponding Kiwanis International staff regarding issues presented by the committee members especially in regards to The Eliminate Walk • Developed booth ideas for The Eliminate Walk • Provided feedback to team leader applicants As a Subregion Trustee • Held a Subregion A chat with governors individually • Created a dining guide within walking distance of the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel for CKIx attendees to reference • Sent out weekly Subregion A Updates for all district board officers, district administrators, and International Board members to review • Responded to governors via the monthly report form and provided suggestions towards any questions and issues • Reinforced deadlines for applications and forms due throughout the international and district level • Continued the Subregion A Governor MRF Competition to encourage the submission of monthly report forms in a timely manner • Informed general members within Subregion A via Facebook !



updates on the general happenings of Circle K and of clubs and districts within Subregion A • Attended Western Canada’s District Officer Training Conference and discussed matters of international and the district’s history through experience of working with past boards As a Western Canada District member • Actively kept up to date with any information the district board has to offer • Wrote an article for the Spring issue of the Western Canada bulletin As a University of Alberta Club member • Attended the Kiwanis One Day service project with fellow Key Club and Kiwanis members • Attended a planning meeting for a Spring Gala to benefit The Eliminate Project and contacted businesses for donations • Provided guidance to the executive board • Promoted attendance at events and advertised for upcoming volunteer opportunities Updates on Subregion A Montana • All positions on the incoming district board has been filled • There are two members attending CKIx in Nashville, TN • The district administrator position is currently vacant • The district board has yet to run their district officer training Pacific Northwest • A brand new position on the district board known as “District Promotions Specialist” has been created and filled • A lieutenant governor position has been filled • There are eleven members attending CKIx in Nashville, TN • The district board held their Board Training Retreat successfully • Chair positions are currently being promoted Utah-Idaho • Only one position has been successfully filled on the incoming board. There is interest in one lieutenant governor position and the secretary-position which will both soon be filled • A brand new club at Treasure Valley Community College (TVCC) has chartered • The district board has yet to run their district officer training • There are four members attending CKIx in Nashville, TN Western Canada "'! !


• Chair positions are currently being promoted • The district board held their District Officer Training Conference successfully • There are four members attending CKIx in Nashville, TN Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend the International Board meeting on May 29, 2014 online • Participate in other international committee meetings to further my knowledge of resources available to the general membership • Continue the responsibility of chairing the CKI Service Committee and acting as the board liaison to the Large Scale Service Project Committee As a Subregion Trustee • Host a group governor chat to discuss the progress of transition and what to expect at CKIx • Develop transition materials for the next Subregion A Trustee • Prepare a t-shirt and goodie bags relating to the theme of “Subregion Astronauts” for Subregion A attendees at CKIx Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Think critically of the changes that can be possibly made with the position as trustee and implement ideas depending on necessity of districts • To adhere to the goals of the International Board to ensure the growth of the organization • Promote the preferred charities and service partners of Circle K International in ways that will encourage service amongst members, clubs, and districts as chair of the CKI Service Committee and board liaison to the Large Scale Service Project Committee As a Subregion Trustee • Provide a voice for the districts of Subregion A on an international level and to continually provide the districts with information regarding the international level • Aid each district board member in achieving their goals as a member of our organization Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer !



• Attend board meetings and other committee meetings and actively participate by either providing feedback or asking questions • Constantly keeping in contact with the International Board, and in particular, the International President and International Vice President in order to ensure that my actions are working towards reaching the goals of the organization • Work with each committee and take into consideration the suggestions of each committee member in order to ensure that a large number of perspectives are being considered As a Subregion Trustee • Collect and report criticisms from districts, districts boards, and administrators, in order to have any questions answered • Keep an open line of communication with each governor as to provide the information they require to make requests regarding visits and workshops to maximize the opportunity of international requests • Contact not only governors but also district board members as a way to introduce them to the international level but also receive feedback of governors from a point of view that is not always necessarily heard • Provide the resources, information, and education necessary in order to ensure that every district is able to donate either time or funds towards a cause that the entirety of the organization is also dedicated towards thus increasing the sense of the international aspect of Circle K • Communicate with Kiwanians and Key Clubbers within the Subregion in order to increase awareness of Circle K amongst other family branches Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy Le Subregion A Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion B Trustee

My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Completed tasks for Executive Committee • Promoted CKIx As a Subregion B Trustee • Communicated to Governors about CKIx information and shirts • Started planning Subregion B-uddies at CKIx • Responded to various requests from District Officers As a California-Nevada-Hawaii District Member • Provided assistance to district officers. • Visited and attended many other clubs meetings. • Attended District Board meeting As a UCLA Club Member • Attended many service projects and socials. • Assisted the club’s committees and attended many committee meetings. • Provided rides for many events. • Assisted in membership development and hosting member retreat Updates on Subregion B California-Nevada-Hawaii • Preparing for their District Summer Service Social • Starting up district committees • Set their District Goals • Sending 39 to CKIx Rocky Mountain • Starting Lt. Governor System • Finishing Board Appointments • Attended Up With People Gala • Sending 6 to CKIx Southwest • Completing CLE training for clubs • Attending their Kiwanis Convention • Finishing Appointments for Board • Sending 5 to CKIx Travel Report(s) California-Nevada-Hawaii District | District Board Meeting | April 27, 2014 !



• Presented about CKIx • Provided updates to the district board. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Assist awards task force in completing their objectives • Assist executive committee in planning for GATC As a Subregion B Trustee • Send updates to District Officers especially about awards • Continue communicating with Governors • Assist with DCON planning Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Grow the satellite club program • Provide resources for all of international As a Subregion B Trustee • Prepare my successor for success • Create Subregion Unity Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Finish resources • Prepare things to pass down As a Subregion B Trustee • Finish strong! • Train my successor well • Start Subregion B-uddy system CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Found potential successors. • Received an award at CNH DCON Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Graduating in 2 weeks • Figured out all of my Study Abroad plans • Working hard in school Respectfully Submitted, David Limjoco "#! !


Board Reports: Subregion C Trustee

First of all, I would like to begin by saying how absolutely pleased I am with how transitioning has gone across all of the district in Subregion C. Overall, I have been delighted to see supportive successors who know when to offer help and when to step back, as well as receptive governors serving now who know when to accept advice and when to make decisions on their own. Having had the chance to talk to this new class of governors, both as a group and individually, I have an unbounded amount of hope for their districts in this coming year. They have many great teams backing them up, both each other and their boards, and I know they will both have the support they need this year and will be able to offer their own support where needed. In short, I have the highest level of confidence for the success of Subregion C in this coming year. Personally, with my year now coming to an end, it’s hard to not feel both sadness and joy. By the time this report is released, I will have less than a month left in office. This year, I have managed to have an amazing year working with the fantastic governors of Subregion C. Among other highlights, I have had the joy of visiting the most amazing districts in all of CKI and watching these districts all come together for the I-I Holiday Embrace and Winter Escape. I cannot overstate the impact that the governor’s have had on each other, and on me, and I believe their camaraderie is what makes this subregion so amazing. To all those in Subregion C, thank you for giving me the chance to serve as your trustee; I can think of no greater honour than to have had the chance to serve you, and I can think of no greater joy than that which I have had while doing so. My Actions Since Last Report As an Executive Committee Member • Worked on the preparation of and review of documents As a SPICE Committee Liaison • Reviewed the • Finishing preparation of As a Subregion C Trustee • Attended my final district convention as a Circle K member • Began working with new governors




Updates on Subregion C Illinois-Eastern Iowa • Held District Officer Training Conference Indiana • Held district officer training • Held club officer training • Planning president’s retreat for the end of May Michigan • Held a fantastic Hunger Games-themed district convention • Planning president’s retreat for the end of May Minnesota-Dakotas • Working on ICON planning in the absence of an OTIC chair • Filled all LTG position Wisconsin-Upper Michigan • Planning ICON package with district dinner, van rental, and cow hats • Working on expanding the role of bulletin editor to include website Travel Report(s) Michigan | District Convention | April 28-30, 2014 • Gave International Update and personal address • Presented Call to CKIx • Assisted in hosting a K-Family Workshop • Helped lead team to victory in the hunger games! Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Prepare transitioning document • Finish preparation of SPICE materials As a Subregion C Trustee • Finish finalizing Subregion C ICON plans Respectfully Submitted,

Jonathan Pevarnek Subregion C Trustee "$! !


Board Reports: Subregion D Trustee

A report was not submitted by Trustee Jonathan Lacaba.




Board Reports: Subregion E Trustee

Hey I-Board! Since my last report, I have attended my last official CKI District Convention in Hershey, Pennsylvania. I reported that Sub E was Top Ten Membership Totals. I have also been speaking to the membership of Subregion E to promote CKIx and OTIC chairs have sent out emails to the members. With only weeks left until the end of my term as Trustee, I have tried to share all that I know with those members that I speak with. I can’t wait until CKIx where Sub E will show off our pride. My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Networked with Kiwanis governors and trustees about their goals As a Subregion Trustee • Read the president/vice president emails • Pushed for MRF completion As Membership and Marketing Committee Secretary • Planning our last official meeting as a committee • Transition Survey Completion As Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization Committee Liaison • Attended biweekly meetings • Reviewed our Club Building Survey • Transition Survey Completion Updates on Subregion E Kentucky/Tennessee • Forming a new reporting system for service hours • Planning election of a new District Administrator • More club building planned for the District • Vanderbilt club serves the community with Project C.U.R.E Ohio • Governor updates are continuing to be successful • Facing a recruitment crisis among clubs and the district • Looking to find Lieutenant Governors and Chairs • Promotion of CKIx and Leadership Academy Pennsylvania • Having 11 members attend CKIx • Planning District Officer Training for May 23-25 West Virginia • Board Trainer was successful "%! !


• Having members attend CKIx Travel Report(s) Pennsylvania |District Convention| March 28-30, 2014 • Hershey, OH; Led a workshop on CKIx, fundraising, and helped with Starbucks Delivery Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Inform all CKI-ers of the importance of the International Board As a Subregion Trustee • Encourage members to represent Sub E in Nashville Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Evaluate district goals to align with International As a Subregion Trustee • Completed 200 service hours in the Subregion YES!! • Visit each district in the Subregion twice during my term YES!! Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Have a display/booth at CKI Service Fair • Provide clubs with an informative resource/personalized email • Improve contact frequency with the host district As a Subregion Trustee • Keeping up momentum of CKI after CKIx and seeking out service projects with Kiwanis Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Graduated from the University of Toledo • Working with children this summer as a camp counselor Respectfully Submitted,

Alex Bour Subregion E Trustee Circle K International




Board Reports: Subregion F Trustee

Greetings CKI! Since the last international board meeting, I had the pleasure to attend the New England Circle K District Convention. I look forward to attending CKIx where I will be able to spend time with the wonderful members of Subregion F! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Reviewed the application for the Circle of Service Award. • Drafted an amendment to the policy code concerning subregion events. As a Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Chair • Set additional directives for the Kiwanis Family guide • Invited past/current subregion f governors and current international board members to submit information for the Kiwanis Family guide. • Reviewed and provided necessary feedback for Kiwanis Family guide parts. • Chaired 1 committee meeting. • Facilitated a Kiwanis One Day webinar. • Reminded ambassadors to submit posts to the CKI KFR blog. • Set general directives to committee members. • Submitted bi-weekly committee updates requested by IVP Amelia. As a Subregion F Trustee • Provided private council to district board leaders related to running for international office, resources, and officer positions. • Monthly leadership updates to district board leaders. • Relayed any questions of district officers to international president and vice president in order to obtain answers. • Served as a little piece of international at district conventions. • Recognized winners of the Sub F Outstanding Club Achievement Award on leadership update and Subregion F Facebook Page. • Updated Subregion F Facebook page. • Wrote articles as requested by district editors. • Submitted a letter of recommendation. As The College of New Jersey Circle K Club Member • Attended two Aktion Club meetings. Updates on Subregion F New Jersey • Promoting CKIx by posting information on a "New Jersey Travels to Nashville (CKIx) Facebook group. New York • Promoting CKIx and Leadership Academy through fb, email, and

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! newsletters. New England • Focusing on chartering new clubs over the next few months. • Promoting CKIx: have 9 more people attending than the last four years Eastern Canada • Focused on developing better club resources and working on rechartering the clubs that recently lost their charter. • The district board is working on new promotional materials, club resources, newsletter, logo, and website that will be launched prior to the start of the school year. Capital • Promoting CKIx through emails and newsletters. Travel Report(s) New England | District Convention | March 28-30, 2014 • Presented on CKIx and Kiwanis Family. • Attended a district board meeting. • Assisted the district board with selling t-shirts. • Helped the district earn money for The Eliminate Project by getting pied in the face by Gov Katie! ! New Jersey | Board Development Weekend & 1st Official Board Meeting | April 26-27, 2014 • Provided an international update. • Privately counseled board members. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue to voice the views of my subregion on the international board. • Finish drafting an amendment to the policy code. As a Subregion F Trustee • Send out bi-monthly email updates. • Continue to recognize members for the Subregion F Outstanding Club • Achievement Award. • Host one-on-one chats with Sub F governors. • Host a leadership chat with Sub F governors. Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Work with the International Board to accomplish all of our directives and goals for the 2013 – 2014 Service Year. • Attend and participate in all meetings and events through Circle International. • Assist the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee in completing all directives for the 2013 – 2014 Service Year. !


! • Assist with LSSP and ICON planning As a Subregion F Trustee • To grow Subregion F camaraderie. • To help members of Subregion F understand the happenings of each district. Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Dedicate 100% (and some) to the international board and to the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee. As a Subregion F Trustee • Continue to send out bi-monthly emails to Subregion F leaders and governors. • Be a personable and available leader to all members. • Organize Subregion F Governor Chats Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Interviewing with school districts for a language arts teaching position. • Graduated The College of New Jersey with a BA in English and Secondary Education. Earned Summa Cum Laude honor because of my 3.92 GPA !. Respectfully Submitted,

Danielle Sammut Subregion F Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion G Trustee

Hi everyone, Congratulations to each of you who have graduated this year, I hope you are as ready as I am to move on to Kiwanis. Each of you have made wonderful contributions to this great organization and I hope to be present with many of you as we celebrate the great accomplishments each of you have completed this year. I am excited to see each of you next month and am looking forward to a great convention! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • I am recording and storing the minutes from each of the service committee meetings As a Subregion G Trustee • I have made myself available to my governors to help them as needed As a Georgia District Member • There have been no Georgia district events since my last report As a Georgia Institute of Technology Club Member • I have attended all club meetings and assisted the board of officers as requested Updates on Subregion G • Most schools are finished with Spring semester resulting in districts having few activities over the next couple of months. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue to promote and encourage ICON attendance. As a Subregion G Trustee • Make myself available to my districts as needed. • Work with OTIC chairs to create subregion recognition and unity • Create awards and thank you letters for outstanding members in the region to be distributed at ICON. Personal Achievements Since Last Report • I have graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology • I have moved with my family from Atlanta, GA to Mooresville, NC where I will begin working in the IT department for Lowe’s. !



• I have begun attending the Lake Norman Kiwanis club meetings, which I plan to join at the end of my term as a CKI international trustee. Respectfully Submitted,

Stefan Ludlow Subregion G, International Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Int’l Trustee At-Large

A report was not submitted by Trustee Mason Kuang.




Awards Task Force Report

A report was not submitted by Chair Rachel Shanley.

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Executive Committee Report


Meetings: Tuesdays @ 10:00pm EST/10:30pm EST; Biweekly Date


Position Chair Secretary Member


Member Chair Secretary Member


Member Chair Secretary Member Member

Name, District Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions As our term in office quickly comes to an end, many of these are completed or close to completion. Committee Directives 1. Evaluating Governing Documents for any discrepancies Progress: Completed • A Governing Documents Task Force has been created for this purpose. • Recommending changes to the CKI Policy Code during the May Board Meeting • International Board endorsed recommended amendments that will be brought to the 2014 House of Delegates • International Board endorsed recommended amendments that will be brought to the International Council.




• Communicated with Kiwanis staff members who are tasked with finding discrepancies in governing documents Member(s) Responsible: Committee as a whole Staff Assistance: Diana O’Brien, CKI Director Chris Martz 2. Expanding the Utilization of Satellite Clubs Progress: In-Progress • Proposed an amendment that shall be brought to the International board’s attention about rephrasing the reference of Satellite Clubs in governing documents o Endorsed by the International Board to be voted on by the 2014 House of Delegates Member(s) Responsible: Committee as a whole Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris 3. Managing the Awards and Governing Documents Task Force Progress: Completed • Communicated with Task Force Chairs to get a feel on the sense of direction they are heading upon completion of tasks Member(s) Responsible: Daniel Tsang, Amelia Ahnert, David Limjoco (Awards Board Liaison) Staff Assistance: Appropriate Kiwanis International Staff member 4. Revising and Updating Governor and Administrator Training Conference Materials Progress: Completed • Governor and Administrator Training Conference was held in April 2014. Member(s) Responsible: Committee as a whole Staff Assistance: Appropriate Kiwanis International Staff member 5. Implementing Ideas and Recommendations from the CKI Growth Summit Progress: In-Progress • Tasked appropriate committee chairs in effectively carrying on ideas and implementations Future Steps: • Review progress and get update on recommendations from committee chairs "#! !


Member(s) Responsible: Daniel Tsang, Amelia Ahnert Staff Assistance: Appropriate Kiwanis International staff member All of our work is intended to benefit you as members and leaders of Circle K International. We are here to serve you and to make sure you are able to experience all the benefits of being a Circle K International member. If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted by,

Daniel Tsang Executive Committee Chair




Governing Documents Task Force Report

A report was not submitted by Chair Clara Oh.

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International Expansion Ad-hoc Committee Report

Meetings: Biweekly, Sundays at 10:00pm EST Date Position Name, District 3/23/14 Chair Sancho Jacinto, Capital Secretary Stephanie Yu, Cal-Nev-Ha Board Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Liaison Member Tian-yi Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Member Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas Guest Alex Bour, Ohio Guest Jonathan Lacaba, TexasOklahoma 4/6/14 Chair Sancho Jacinto, Capital Secretary Stephanie Yu, Cal-Nev-Ha Board Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Liaison Member Tian-yi Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Member Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas Guest Alex Bour, Ohio Guest Kathy Le, Western Canada 4/20/14 Chair Sancho Jacinto, Capital Secretary Stephanie Yu, Cal-Nev-Ha Board Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Liaison Member Tian-yi Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Member Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas Guest Alex Bour, Ohio Guest Kathy Le, Western Canada Guest Michael Zhou, Cal-Nev-Ha 5/4/14 Chair Sancho Jacinto, Capital Secretary Stephanie Yu, Cal-Nev-Ha Board Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Liaison Member Tian-yi Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Member Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas Guest Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania Guest Kathy Le, Western Canada


Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 41!



Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Guest

Sancho Jacinto, Capital Stephanie Yu, Cal-Nev-Ha Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada


Tian-yi Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas Kathy Le, Western Canada



Summary of Committee’s Actions The International Expansion Committee has been very busy since the arrival of Chairman Sancho Jacinto from his Philippine trip. His meeting with Filipino Kiwanians and CKI members proved to be productive and progressive. The committee has been working on a District Formation Resource Guide, which was requested by Kiwanis Philippines Luzon. The liaisons are also actively seeking videos from the Philippines, Malaysia, and Taiwan to actively promote CKI as well as the continuous communication and collaboration with Kiwanians in starting a district. For CKIx, Chairman Sancho Jacinto reserved a table for CKI Philippines to promote the mangrove planting service project of Filamer Christian University CKI. Committee Directives 1. Establishing connection with Malaysian schools Progress: Completed • Keep communicating with Malaysian CKIers • Ask for what help we can offer • Collaborate with Kiwanis Trustee and Governor in districting Future Steps: • Start a plan on how to start a district with the help of Kiwanis Member(s) Responsible: Sara Nguyen Staff Assistance: Jackie Goonting, Trustee Yong, Governor Tan 2. Building contact with Philippine CKI Progress: Completed • Met up with Filipino Kiwanians and CKIers Future Steps: • Provide Filipino Kiwanians with requested information packet • Coordinate with them accordingly in starting the Philippine Luzon District • Promote CKI Philippines at the CKIx Service Fair "#! !


Member(s) Responsible: Sancho Jacinto Staff Assistance: Marilyn Jugueta 3. Building contact with Taiwanese CKI Progress: Completed • Talked to them through phone • Was able to recognize the structure Taiwan CKI has • Continue communicating with them on starting a district Future Steps: • Collaborate with Taiwan CKI on when and how to start a district • Get them to release the information necessary to start a district, if not, make clear the steps on how the IXC can support them in this goal Member(s) Responsible: Tian-yi Cheng and Stephanie Yu 4. Social Media Campaign Progress: In-Progress • Post updates about the committee • Share stories about overseas CKI clubs via blogspot • Posted more photos from Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines • Increase the ‘likes’ of the page to widen the network Future Steps: • Inviting more people, and collaboration with other committees such as the Service Committee • Post videos in the future • Create some interactive feature such as contests and other creative entries to increase activity as well as to pomote the camaraderie of overseas CKIers and North American ones • Use the medium to help overseas CKIers with their issues and even help them get to ICON • Utilize the Facebook Page for publicity and other means • Use this asset to communicate and collaborate with anyone who’s willing to work with the IXC Member(s) Responsible: Everyone Respectfully submitted by, Chair Sancho Jacinto !


Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Report


Meetings: Sundays @ 8:30 PM (EST), Twice a Month Date 4/27/14

Position Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member

Name, District Present Absent Danielle Sammut, New Jersey X Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada X Katie Auwaerter, Pennsylvania X Jennifer Que, Cal-Nev-Ha X Monica Wang, WUM X Nicole Tardif, Capital X Sarah Nolan, WUM X

Summary of Committee’s Actions The KFR committee successfully recorded a Kiwanis One Day webinar on Wednesday, March 26th. The major focus of the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee is to complete our Kiwanis Family Guide before the end of our terms. Committee Directives 1. Develop and present 2 webinars on pertinent information regarding building the relationship between the Kiwanis Family branches, including information about how to access and find resources and introducing the idea that each branch has its own ambassador. Progress: Completed • Successfully hosted one webinar centered on Kiwanis Family Month and another educating members on how to plan and implement an event on Kiwanis One Day.

Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: Director Chris Martz

2. Maintain monthly communication with the branch liaisons. Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Encourage ambassadors in every email I send to them to continue regular communication with their branch liaisons. • Continue to ask for updates about their communication at scheduled committee meetings. Member(s) Responsible: Each ambassador ""! !


Staff Assistance: Monica W (Builder’s Ambassador) is having difficulty contacting Nicole Harris. Sarah Nolan (Aktion Club Ambassador) is having difficulty contacting Katie Griffin. 3. Each branch ambassador will participate in 2 or more events with their designated branch (advertise through official IKFR blog). Progress: In-Progress • Each month, a Kiwanis Family branch will be featured on the KFR blog. Our committee set a schedule for January through July so that each ambassador is responsible for posting each Sunday during their designated month. This will hopefully encourage members to check out the blog and learn about our wonderful Kiwanis Family. • Jennifer Que provided valuable stories about Kiwanis in the month of May. I cannot wait to read all about Sarah Nolan’s experience with Aktion Club next month! Future Steps: • Send out an email promoting the blog to members • Advertise blog on social media Member(s) Responsible: All 4. Evaluate current KFR resources and update (or develop) at least one resource for each of our branches. Progress: In-Progress • Those that have not completed a resource yet have sorted through the resources and for the most part, have decided which ones they want to vamp up. Future Steps: • Set deadline for committee members to look through resources. Member(s) Responsible: Each ambassador 5. Design a “Kiwanis Family Relations Guide” that outlines the history of each organization, what makes the Kiwanis Family unique (maybe taking different member quotes to put in the packet), why it’s important to be in the organization, benefits inside and outside the K-Family, and then a complete service directory filled with service projects specifically for K-Family interaction. Progress: In-Progress




• All submitted parts of the Kiwanis Family Guide have been included on a Google document. • Sent an email to past/current Subregion F governors and current International Board members to seek Kiwanis Family stories & quotes Future Steps: • Secretary Mason plans to design the guide before the end of our term (with the advice of our committee members). Member(s) Responsible: All Respectfully submitted by,

Danielle Sammut Kiwanis Family Relations Chair

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Large Scale Service Project Committee Report

A report was not submitted by Chair Morgan Fierro.




Membership and Marketing Committee Report

A report was not submitted by Chair Jonathan Lacaba.

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Recruitment, Retention, and Revitalization Committee Report

Meetings: Biweekly, Sunday, 10:00pm EST Date Position Name, District 3/30/14 Chair Natalie Szemetylo, Capital Secretary Samer Khan, Cal-Nev-Ha Board Alex Bour, Ohio Liaison Member Sean Matteo, New Jersey Member Sam Hardin, La-Miss-Tenn Member Dianne Tulud, Cal-Nev-Ha Member Alyssa Smalley, Rocky Mountain 4/13/14 Chair Natalie Szemetylo, Capital Secretary Samer Khan, Cal-Nev-Ha Board Alex Bour, Ohio Liaison Member Sean Matteo, New Jersey Member Sam Hardin, La-Miss-Tenn Member Dianne Tulud, Cal-Nev-Ha Member Alyssa Smalley, Rocky Mountain 5/10/14 Chair Natalie Szemetylo, Capital Secretary Samer Khan, Cal-Nev-Ha Board Alex Bour, Ohio Liaison Member Sean Matteo, New Jersey Member Sam Hardin, La-Miss-Tenn Member Dianne Tulud, Cal-Nev-Ha Member Alyssa Smalley, Rocky Mountain

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions The R&R&R Committee has been hard at work this spring semester. We are extremely excited to release the results of our Club Building Survey. This project has been our main focus for the spring semester. Committee Directives 1. Assessing the struggles of current clubs/districts Progress: In-Progress • Distributed to District Governors Future Steps: !



• Report the Compilation of Survey Results Member(s) Responsible: Sean Matteo 2. Create a guide focused on recruitment strategies Progress: Completed Member(s) Responsible: Alyssa Smalley, Sean Matteo, & Natalie Szemetylo 3. Provide ideas on how clubs can use member feedback Progress: In-Progress Member(s) Responsible: Natalie Szemetylo 4. Aid clubs in increasing club awareness on their campus and in their community Progress: In-Progress • Revising the CKI Marketing Guide • Revising the CKI Public Relations Guide Future Steps: • Reconstructing the guides up to the new graphic standards and making them printer friendly Member(s) Responsible: All 5. Assist in the formation of new clubs Progress: In-Progress • Partnering with the International Growth Committee to reach out to universities in the Philippines for club building Future Steps: • Continue to reach out to contacts given by the District Governors whether it is partnering with a District Board member or working directly with the potential club charter • Reaching out to contacts in the Philippines. • Continuing contact with the International Growth Committee Chairman Sancho Jacinto Member(s) Responsible: Samer Khan & Dianne Tulud Respectfully submitted by,

Natalie Szemetylo Committee Chairwoman "#! !


Service Committee Report

Meetings: Biweekly, Wednesdays at 8:00pm MST Summary of Committee’s Actions Hi everyone! Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2014 CKI Service Week! From March 30 to April 5, 2014, members from all around Circle K and the Kiwanis family joined together to make a difference in their communities and we are so happy that we were able to be a part of your service experience! We are so excited to have received fifteen recognition applications from clubs that participated in CKI Service Week and we will be honouring each one with a lovely certificate in Nashville! Our committee has been busy as we released the March-April issue of “Service Worth A Glance”, developed a new resource for STUFH and a Facebook page for STUFH, ran an awareness campaign for The Six Cents Initiative, have discussed two different organizations for possible partnership with Circle K International, and we’re almost done! Currently we are focusing on CKI Service Fair at Nashville, which will be a really fun event that I encourage each and every one of you to participate in! We also have the opportunity to share our love for CKI’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners during a General Service Session at CKIx so expect to hear from us then. Lastly, I just want to thank the Large Scale Service Project Committee Chair Morgan Fierro for doing such an amazing job with actively updating our committee and maintaining her own. Our committee will finish this year strong and we hope the new committee will do just the same! Committee Directives 1. Promote the aims and initiatives of Circle K International’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners Progress: In-Progress • Most preferred charities and service partners have been featured on the CKI Service Committee’s March-April issue of “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter so that information is easily accessible to the membership • Each ambassador has promoted their organization through CKI Service Week • The Preferred Charities and Service Partners will be showcased at CKI Service Fair at CKIx and will be featured in the General Service Session !



Future Steps: • Complete at least one resource for each Preferred Charity and Service Partner • Continue to educate members on each preferred charity and service partner • Showcase each Preferred Charity and Service Partner at the CKI Service Fair in Nashville, Tennessee an continually promote the CKI Service Fair table reservation form Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Specialist Maria Demko 2. To facilitate service throughout the membership internationally by providing education, resources, and recognition Progress: In-Progress • Each ambassador is currently working with their respective Preferred Charity and Service Partner to develop and update resources for the membership • An application for CKI Service Week has been developed and all applicants will receive a certificate at CKIx to recognize their work during the week • Articles have been written based on submissions from grant recipients to highlight their project on the CKI website Future Steps: • Develop the last issue of “Service Worth A Glance” to include participants of the 2014 CKI Service Week Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Specialist Maria Demko 3. To develop mediums in which members can share and showcase service ideas Progress: In-Progress • Release of the March - April “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter, which incorporates service snippets from different districts and clubs, showcases a specific Circle K club, and presents different videos for viewing • The Facebook page and twitter account continues to be the main source of content for awareness, social media campaigns, and engaging members. Future Steps:

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• Showcase different clubs and districts and their service related events on our Facebook page to engage their members with our content • Host a CKI Service Fair at International Convention in Nashville, Tennessee that allows clubs and districts to share ideas personally Member(s) Responsible: All Members Respectfully submitted by,

Kathy Le Circle K International Service Committee Chair




Social Potential Innovative Club Enhancement Committee Report

A report was not submitted by Chair Kat Lehmann.

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Appendix: Proposed Policy Code Amendments Recommended by the Executive Committee Section B. International Administration 3. General a. The date of the first chartering of a Circle K club is September 25, 1947, and CKI was declared an international organization on October 23, 1955. Both dates are celebrated as anniversaries of the organization. b. The official colors of CKI are blue, white, and gold, representing unwavering character, purity, and service, respectively. c. English shall be the official language of CKI for literature, printed materials, and communications to all clubs. The Board may approve the use of other languages. Communications and resources may also be issued in other languages when needed. d. As the official publication of CKI, the Circle K magazine shall include articles of general interest to college students and articles promoting the service initiative of CKI. e. As an official website of CKI, the address shall serve as a marketing tool for the organization and as a resource for clubs to access up-to-date information on the organization. Rationale: The current wording restricts the use of other languages without Board approval. By adding this flexibility, the Board won’t need to approve all documents tailored to non-English speaking clubs.


Recommended by the Executive Committee Section B. International Administration 5. CKI Convention a. Per Article 19 of the CKI Bylaws, the Director shall oversee the planning and execution of the agenda of the annual convention of Circle K International. Working with the Director, the Board shall determine the dates and location of the annual CKI Convention and shall control and approve convention plans and program. The site of the convention will be determined by a rotation of cities in each Subregion within North America. In each Subregion there will be no more than five cities that the CKI Board will select from. (10/06) b. CKI Board lapel pins shall be presented to members upon installation to the CKI Board and exchanged for another upon installment of their successors.




Rationale: The former language did not reflect the actual procedure followed at the moment. The new language leaves more room for Kiwanis staff to make procedural decisions. 3

Recommend by the Executive Committee Section B. International Administration 5. CKI Convention a. Per Article 19 of the CKI Bylaws, the Director shall oversee the planning and execution of the agenda of the annual convention of Circle K International. Working with the Director, the Board shall determine the dates and location of the annual CKI Convention and shall control and approve convention plans and program. The site of the convention will be determined by a rotation of cities in each Subregion within North America. In each Subregion there will be no more than five cities that the CKI Board will select from. (10/06) b. CKI Board lapel pins shall be presented to members upon installation to the CKI Board and exchanged for another upon installment of their successors. Rationale: This information does not fit under the current section and isn’t necessary.


Recommended by the Executive Committee Section B. International Administration 6. Service Initiative of CKI and Service Week a. “Focusing on the Future: Children” shall be the ongoing Service Initiative of Circle K International. Circle K International shall support Kiwanis International’s vision partners, preferred charities, and promotional partners, and service partners. Additionally, Circle K International may select independent organizations to recommend as a service opportunity for clubs of Circle K International. Those organizations include March of Dimes, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH), Better World Books and UNICEF. Rationale: This section does not cover information about CKI Service Week and therefore should not be included in the title.


Recommended by the Executive Committee Section B. International Administration

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6. Service Initiative of CKI and Service Week a. “Focusing on the Future: Children” shall be the ongoing Service Initiative of Circle K International. Circle K International shall support Kiwanis International’s vision partners, preferred charities, and promotional partners, and service partners. Additionally, Circle K International may select independent organizations, known as service partners, to recommend as a service opportunity for clubs of Circle K International. Those organizations CKI’s preferred charities and service partners include March of Dimes, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH), Better World Books and UNICEF. Rationale: The original wording listed service partners as a Kiwanis partnership, while it is actually defined in the next sentence. Also clarification on what the organizations listed were called, since the original wording implied that only service partners were listed. 7

Recommended by the Executive Committee Section C. Districts 3. The process for approval of amendments to district bylaws shall be as follows: b. All amendments approved by the district convention delegates and the Kiwanis District Board of Officers, upon submission to the CKI Office, shall first be reviewed by the International Director. i. If such amendments do not conflict with the CKI Bylaws, Policy Code, appropriate Regional Policy Codes of Circle K International or Kiwanis International, and the Standard Form for Circle K District Bylaws, and do not establish new precedents, they shall be approved by the International Director with such approval reported to the CKI Board at the next available meeting. ii. If such conflicts or precedents do exist, the amendments shall be submitted to the CKI Board for review and action at the next available meeting. All such amendments submitted by May 15 will be acted upon by the CKI Board at the next meeting. Amendments submitted after May 15 will be acted upon at the next available board meeting, providing such amendments are received by the CKI Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the published start of the board meeting. Rationale: This change reflects current practices.

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Recommended by the Executive Committee 57!


Section C. Districts 3. The process for approval of amendments to district bylaws shall be as follows: c. The CKI Executive Committee shall modify the Standard Form for Circle K District Bylaws (as necessary) to conform to amendments to the Bylaws and Policy Code of Circle K International, along with amendments approved by the CKI Board. Such changes shall be reported to the CKI Board at the next available meeting. Each district shall be notified of the changes and given sixty (60) days after notification to incorporate the changes into its district bylaws. This change in the district bylaws is not subject to district House of Delegates approval, as district bylaws must be in accordance with the Bylaws and Policy Code of Circle K International. Changes made to district bylaws through this process will not require approval by the district House of Delegates. Rationale: This simplifies the wording by removing the justification. 9

Recommended by the Executive Committee Section D. Clubs 1. Membership in Clubs a. Any student that can uphold the objects of Circle K International, who is officially enrolled in a college, university, vocational, or trade school, as defined by the same institution at which the club exists, may be elected to active membership in said club. The minimum requirements for membership are set forth in Article 7 of the CKI Bylaws and in the bylaws of the local club. In no instance shall a local club place a “maximum” limit on its membership. b. Membership shall become inactive when the above enrollment requirements are not met during the academic year. The institution shall define an academic year. In the event of a member’s graduation, membership will cease on September 30 . For members in Regions 1 and 2, the student must be enrolled for at least part time status to be eligible for membership. b. Membership in a local Circle K club shall be open to all college, university, vocational, or trade school students, consistent with the local college, university, vocational, or trade school nondiscrimination policy and subject only to the minimum requirements for membership as set forth in Article 7 of the CKI Bylaws and in the bylaws of the local club. In no instance shall a local club place a “maximum” limit on its membership. th

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Rationale: This removes the redundancy and combines both sections. 10

Recommended by the Executive Committee Section D. Clubs 3. Activities a. Service is one of the main activities of a CKI club. A service project shall be consistent with the objectives and policies of CKI, planned by the CKI club or a club committee, and performed by members of the club for the benefit of others. b. Other activities consistent with the laws, mores, customs, and traditions of the area in which the CKI club exists may be carried out, provided such activities and proceedings are not in conflict with the CKI Bylaws or Policy Code and do not impugn the good name of CKI or Kiwanis. All activities of each club must be compatible with the Objects of CKI. c. Each CKI club has absolute autonomy in selecting its service projects as long as they are consistent with the Objects of CKI. Rationale: This is an unnecessary statement that does not belong with the definition of service projects.


Recommended by the Executive Committee Section D. Clubs 6. Club Building a. A New Club Building Kit, including a Petition for Charter form, shall be sent by the CKI Office to any individuals interested in forming a CKI club. New club building information, including a Petition for Charter form, shall be available online to any individual interested in forming a CKI club. The Petition for Charter shall be properly completed and approved by the sponsoring Kiwanis club president and secretary, an administrative officer of the institution at which the prospective club would exist, and the charter CKI club president and secretary. The Petition to Charter, club bylaws, and roster of charter members, accompanied by the chartering fee, shall be returned to the CKI office. The CKI Office will then take the necessary steps to complete the chartering process and include the membership materials in a mailing to the sponsoring Kiwanis club. Rationale: This change reflects current procedures.





Recommend by the Executive Committee Section D. Clubs 9. Clubs celebrating anniversaries that are divisible by ten shall be given appropriate recognition in the Circle K magazine. Rationale: This statement does not fit with the purpose of the policy code and is no longer done.


Recommendation by the Executive Committee Section E. Regions 4. There will be seven (7) Subregions of CKI within Regions 1 and 2, and they shall be defined in this document. Districts cannot be divided into two or more Subregions within the subregional structure. The Subregions of CKI shall be: • Subregion A: Montana, Pacific Northwest, Utah-Idaho, Western Canada • Subregion B: California-Nevada-Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, Southwest • Subregion C: Illinois-Eastern Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, MinnesotaDakotas, Wisconsin Upper-Michigan • Subregion D: Kansas, Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee, Missouri-Arkansas, Nebraska-Iowa, Texas-Oklahoma • Subregion E: Kentucky-Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia • Subregion F: Capital, New England, New Jersey, New York, Eastern Canada • Subregion G: Alabama, Carolinas, Caribbean, Florida, Georgia (4/07) • Non Districted: Taiwan, West Africa, Norway, Mexico, DACA, Malaysia Rationale: This section is talking about subregions, which non-districted clubs are not apart of. Non-districted clubs are defined in Section F of the policy code.


Recommend by the Executive Committee Section E. Regions 5. Agency and Membership in Region a. Each Circle K club situated within the territorial limits of a particular region shall be a member of said Region.

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b. This No Region shall have no officers, elected or appointed or provided for by any other means. c. The CKI Board and International Trustee At-Large (if applicable) shall serve as the agent of this Region. As the agent of the Region, the Board is authorized to act for the Region, and shall stand in place of the Region. d. The management and control of regional affairs not otherwise provided for in this Policy Code shall be vested in the CKI Board, subject to the direction and approval of the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees, through the CKI Director. Rationale: Provides clarity to the sentence structure. Also subsection c is covered in the wording already present in subsection d. 15

Recommend by the Executive Committee Section F. International Expansion 1. Non-Districted Circle K Clubs e. Services to Non-Districted Clubs i. Clubs shall receive services provided by the servicing Regional Service Center in proportion to the dues paid. ii. Resources shall be provided in the club’s native language, when possible. (10/05) iii. Circle K will attempt to provide volunteer interpretation services at the Circle K International Convention. iv. In addition, a Board Liaison shall be assigned to the International Expansion of Circle K International. The job of the International Expansion Board Liaison shall be to help strengthen the non-districted clubs and forming districts, regularly correspond with those clubs and districts, promote correspondence between the non-districted clubs to the clubs in chartered districts and otherwise link those entities with the resources provided by the servicing Regional Service Center. (10/05) v. In order to form a district, non-districted clubs must follow the procedures for district formation outlined in the CKI Bylaws and Policy Code. Rationale: This striked section defines the current role of the Trustee AtLarge, which is outlined in the bylaws.



Recommend by the Executive Committee



Section G. Election of International Officers 2. Consideration of candidacy To be considered to run for International Office you must abide by the requirements stated in Section G, Subsection 1. Candidates will not be permitted to run off the floor at International convention. In the event of a vacancy, the position will be filled in accordance with Section I of the CKI policy code. (08/08) Rationale: This rule is typically suspended at convention each year. 17

Recommend by the Executive Committee Section G. Election of International Officers 3. Campaigning e. Funding and Spending i. Circle K International has a zero-dollar campaign policy. Instead, A booklet consisting of the candidates’ campaign literature shall be produced for delegates at the CKI Convention. Candidates are only allowed to submit campaign materials to the Circle K International Office for distribution. All completed biographical forms and campaign literature must be received by the deadline provided in the Candidates Packet. All campaign literature must be submitted electronically in portrait (vertical) Microsoft Word files no larger than 1MB in size and no longer than one 8 !” by 11” front and back page. Files containing copied and pasted pictures/files from software will not be accepted. (10/06) Each candidate shall be allowed to submit two 8 1/2" by 11" pages to the Circle K office for inclusion in this booklet. The timeline and requirements for this literature shall be specified in the candidates packet. ii. No funds will be used by or on behalf of any candidate to promote him/herself for an International Office. iii. No endorsing body shall require a member seeking endorsement to expend any funds in seeking an endorsement. Rationale: The past few years there have been a handful of literature pieces which have not been produced in Microsoft Word. Additionally, the Circle K office has been requesting pdf files.


Recommend by the Executive Committee Section G. Election of International Officers 3. Campaigning

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f. Endorsement An endorsement for International Office is an endorsement, on behalf of a club, club board, district, or district board, providing approval for the candidate to seek one of the following International Offices: International President, International VicePresident, or Subregional Trustee, or At-Large Trustee. There shall also be a general endorsement for International Office that shall provide approval for the candidate to seek any of the International Offices. (4/07) Rationale: Adds the At-Large Trustee position to the list of International Office positions available. 19

Recommend by the Executive Committee Section G. Election of International Officers 4. Caucusing d. The purpose of the first caucus is for all candidates for International office to have the opportunity to speak and answer questions. In the first House of Delegates, delegates will narrow down the candidates to no more than two candidates for each position. The two candidates receiving the most votes in the first House of Delegates will caucus again in the second round of caucusing. Any candidate not elected to the position of President may drop down to run for the position of International Vicepresident or International Trustee. Any candidate not elected to the position of International Vice President may drop down to run for the position of International Trustee. (08/08) Rationale: This procedure is listed in the bylaws correctly.


Recommend by the Executive Committee Section H. Governor Reporting to International 1. By the 15 of every month, the governor will submit a monthly report form regarding his/her district to the international board. a. Purpose i. These report forms serve as another way each governor can contact the international board. ii. These reports allow governors to reflect on their districts, request help as needed, and inform their international board of their needs. iii. These report forms are meant to be succinct but include th




information such as large upcoming events, service hours, board meetings, and contact from the international board. b. Review i. The respective International Trustee, International President, and International Vice President will review these reports by the end of every month. ii. The International President and International Vice President and may contact each governor as needed – focusing on administrative, communicative, and service aspects of the report. iii. The International Trustee will holistically evaluate each monthly report form, contact his/her governors, and effectively adapt his/her actions to his/her districts’ needs. Rationale: This could have been a misspelling or words could have been removed. 21

Recommend by the Executive Committee Section J. Replacement or appointment of an International Board Member 1. Following a declaration of vacancy in office, the CKI Board shall be charged with filling the vacant position. Vacancies shall be established by Policy Code Section H I: Removal of an International Board Member, or by submission of a letter of resignation to the International President, Director, and Kiwanis Board Counselor. The replacement process shall consist of two meetings--a nomination meeting and an election meeting. The discussion portion of the election meeting may be held in Executive Session, but no other portions of the two meetings shall be held in the Executive session. In the case of a resignation, the CKI President or highest ranking officer, in consultation with the Director, shall determine how to distribute any resignation letter to prevent the letter from being distributed to the general membership that contains inappropriate content. Rationale: The policy code section stated is incorrect.


Recommend by the Executive Committee Section N. Tomorrow Fund 2. Purpose of the Tomorrow Fund

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d. Structure of the Tomorrow Fund Two accounts shall be established within the Kiwanis International Foundation and designated the Circle K Tomorrow Fund (04/09) i. Endowment Account (restrictive account) This account shall be designated as an endowment into which twenty-five percent of all donations shall be deposited unless otherwise specified (04/09) ii. Service Account Operating Fund (non-restrict account) This account shall be designated as an operating fund from which all withdrawals shall be made. Seventy-five percent (75%) of all donations shall be deposited into said account unless otherwise specified. Donations shall be divided upon receipt individually. Interest earned from the endowment account or a 4% spending allowance (whichever is greater) shall be deposited each year as grantable funds by the Circle K International Board. Moneys may remain in this fund from year to year with the stipulation that the Circle K International Board may disperse any or all of said funds. Funds shall be dispersed as requested by the Director of Circle K International, with approval by the Circle K International Board of Trustees. No more than 10 percent (10%) of the donations (from the 75%) may be used for administrative costs. (04/09) Section N. Tomorrow Fund 6. Tomorrow Fund Club and District Project Grants b. In the funding cycle, the Grant Review Committee may award up to, but no more than, the balance of the amount of interest earned off of (or a percentage of the balance of) the service account operation fund (non-restrictive account) available at the convening of the Committee. If there is no interest earned, 3% a spending allowance of 4% of the service account Endowment Fund (restrictive account) funds available at the convening of the Committee may be used to fund grants. If the amount of interest earned is greater than the 3% 4% of the service account Endowment Fund (restrictive account) funds available at the convening of the Committee, then the amount of interest earned shall be used to fund the grants. The intent of the Board of Trustees is to use the interest generated from the service account Endowment Fund (restrictive account). (04/09) Rationale: This change reflects current practices.





Recommend by the Executive Committee Section O. Contests and Recognition Programs 6.CKI District Officer Recognition Program Rules p. All supplementary materials submitted must be the work of Circle K members from the district. Materials procured from the International Office, Kiwanis members, or other districts will not be considered, unless it is in the form of a recommendation letter. Rationale: Kiwanians, International Officers, and members outside of the district have been writing recommendation letters for District Officer Awards.


Recommend by the Executive Committee Section P. Conduct 4. Event Attendance (2/11) c. In any instance where pre- or post-event accommodations are included in the schedule for the event, where an additional activity is planned and/or sponsored by CKI, a district, or a club of Circle K International (i.e., a planned meal or district tour), such activities are bound by this policy. Kiwanis International and the CKI board must approve any policy submitted by a district of CKI. (10/03) Rationale: This does not fit in with the rest of the section and may be a copy and paste error.


Recommend by the Executive Committee Section P. Conduct 5. CKI Alcohol Policy for CKI sponsored conventions, events, and/or special programs. (2/11) e. CKI Members may or may not be allowed to drink at their home district’s Kiwanis events as outlined by their home CKI district’s policy code and Kiwanis club’s district’s policy code the applicable Kiwanis and Circle K club and district policy codes, as long as no other Kiwanis Service Leadership Program members are in attendance. Rationale: Corrects wording error


Recommend by the Executive Committee Section P. Conduct

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8. Code of Conduct The following CKI International Code of Conduct will be in effect at all CKI conventions and events: d. There is no curfew hour; however, in consideration of others, Circle K members must be in rooms, with closed doors, by 12:30 a.m., and gatherings must be contained within the room. Loud noises and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Rationale: A curfew has not been enforced at CKI conventions and events and therefore should not be listed. 27

Recommend by the Executive Committee Section Q. Fiscal Policy and Responsibility 1. To ensure that CKI funding is at an appropriate level, the CKI Board shall: a. Make a thorough evaluation of the International Operational Plan and Budget with the intent of proposing a change in dues rate every three administrative years (beginning in the 1999-2000 administrative year). No changes in the dues rate is required during each evaluation, but is recommended, and changes in the dues rate may also be made at necessary times between evaluations. b. If three years after the tiered dues structure has been in effect and member nations that pay tiered dues have not increased in membership to offset the initial loss of revenue from the first year of the tiered dues structure being implemented, the CKI Board must re-examine the tiered dues system, including the elimination of the policy. (10/04) 2. Assess International dues in regards to the following: a. If staff presents evidence that Circle K International is in need of a dues adjustment in the first two months of the CKI Board’s administrative year, the CKI board must research and propose a feasible new dues structure. This dues adjustment will be voted on at the next feasible International Convention, allowing for proper education of CKI members in regards to a dues adjustment. (10/04) Rationale: Reflects current practices and removes the section that includes instructions for review after a certain amount of time.



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