CKI Board Book, September 2013

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Circle K International Board of Trustees Board Book September 2013



International Board Book Highlights !

Approval of District Bylaws: After changes to District Bylaws are passed at DCON, Districts are required to submit their bylaws to the International Board for approval. At the September Meeting, bylaws from the New Jersey and IllinoisEastern Iowa Districts were approved. See Page 7.

Committee Updates: Kiwanis Family Relations: A blog has been created to capture experiences working with the Kiwanis Family written by the ambassadors and others. See Page 46. Large Scale Service Project: The theme for LSSP 2014 will be around Nashville’s country roots. See Page 49. Membership & Marketing: Resources on how to conquer your club meeting, successfully table, and how to use social media have already been released. See Page 55. Service: The newsletter, Service Worth A Glance, has received 180 views and counting! See Page 61.

Definition of Interclubs and Kiwanis Family Relation events (KFRs): The International Board approved one additional amendment to the policy code dealing with one event counting as an interclub and KFR. This amendment will now be brought up to the International Council. See Pages 5 - 6.

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Table of Contents July Board Meeting Minutes ................................................. 4 - 9 I. Call to Order...................................................................................................4 II. Explanation of Agenda ................................................................................4 III. Approving the July Board Meeting Minutes .............................................4 IV. Approval of Interclub Wording (Part C) ...................................................5 V. Approval of Georgia District’s Bylaws........................................................7 VI. Approval of Illinois-Eastern Iowa District’s Bylaws ....................................7 VII. International Board Updates.....................................................................7 VIII. Committee and Task Force Updates ......................................................8 IX. Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................8 X. Adjournment .................................................................................................9

Board Reports..................................................................... 10 - 39 I. International President ................................................................................10 II. International Vice President.......................................................................13 III. Subregion A Trustee ...................................................................................16 IV. Subregion B Trustee ...................................................................................22 V. Subregion C Trustee ...................................................................................25 VI. Subregion D Trustee ..................................................................................27 VII. Subregion E Trustee ..................................................................................30 VIII. Subregion F Trustee..................................................................................33 IX. Subregion G Trustee .................................................................................36 X. International Trustee At-Large ..................................................................38

Committee and Task Force Reports ................................ 39 - 66 I. Executive Committee..................................................................................39 II. Governing Documents Task Force............................................................42 III. International Expansion Committee ........................................................43 IV. Kiwanis Family Relations Committee.......................................................45 V. Large Scale Service Project Ad-Hoc Committee...................................48 VI. Membership and Marketing Committee ...............................................55 VII. Recruitment, Retention, and Revitalization Ad-Hoc Committee .......58 VIII. Service Committee..................................................................................60 IX. S.P.I.C.E. Ad-Hoc Committee ...................................................................64 !




July Board Meeting Minutes


September Board Meeting Minutes! Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 9:22 pm (EST) Attendance: Name Daniel Tsang Amelia Ahnert Kathy Le David Limjoco Jonathan Pevarnek Jonathan Lacaba Alex Bour Danielle Sammut Stefan Ludlow Mason Kuang Chris Martz Maria Demko Jim Rochford

Position International President International Vice President Subregion A Trustee Subregion B Trustee Subregion C Trustee Subregion D Trustee Subregion E Trustee Subregion F Trustee Subregion G Trustee International Trustee At-Large Director of Circle K International CKI Specialist Kiwanis International Trustee to CKI

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X

I. Call to Order President Tsang called the September Board Meeting to order at 9:22 pm (EST). II. Explanation of Agenda Old Business Approval of July Board Meeting Minutes New Business Approval of Interclub wording (Part C) Approval of Georgia District’s Bylaws Approval of Illinois-Eastern Iowa District’s Bylaws III. Approving the July Board Meeting Minutes Trustee Ludlow moved to approve July Board Meeting minutes as stated. Trustee Sammut seconded. No Discussion 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes #! !

IV. Approval of Interclub Wording (Part C) Trustee Ludlow looked at Part C of Subsection K, iv, Interclubs and realized that a potential change were needed to make it consistent with the approved changes made by the International Board from July. Prior to discussion, Trustee Ludlow presented the following wording: “A club may earn 1 interclub and 1 KFR at the same meeting so long as the requirements for each are met.” Vice President Ahnert stated that she liked that the new wording was clearer and simpler than before. Trustee Le also liked the change and recommended the “1” to be spelled about as “one” and “KFR” to be spelled out as “Kiwanis Family Relations.” She also suggested that it might be good to state that it is a “CKI club” to clarify it from other branches of the Kiwanis Family. Trustee Limjoco agreed with the changes proposed by Trustee Le and liked the overall change to the policy code. Trustee Pevarnek had no comment. Trustee Lacaba had no comment. Trustee Bour had no comment. Trustee Sammut had no further comment and thanked Trustee Ludlow for working on this amendment. Trustee Ludlow responded to Trustee Le’s suggestion to include “CKI club” instead of “club.” He stated that it was not needed because it was in the CKI Policy Code and already assumed. Trustee Kuang agreed with Trustee Ludlow’s most recent statement. Director Martz had no comment.



Trustee Le questioned whether the wording should state “meeting or event” to keep it consistent with the other sections of Subregion K, iv, Interclubs. Trustee Pevarnek stated that he considered a meeting an event and it was therefore not needed. Trustee Bour disagreed with Trustee Pevarnek and stated that events and meetings aren’t the same. Trustee Sammut also disagreed with Trustee Pevarnek and added that it would read “meeting and event,” instead of “meeting or event” as written. Trustee Lacaba agreed with both Trustee Bour and Trustee Sammut. Trustee Ludlow requested an explanation on why Trustee Sammut suggested that it be written as “meeting and event,” instead of “meeting or event.” Trustee Sammut took back her suggestion to change to “and” from “or” after rereading the entire change. Trustee Bour agreed that it should be “meeting or event.” Trustee Ludlow motioned to approve the following change to the Policy Code: Subsection K, iv. Interclubs c. If there are two or more CKI clubs present at a Kiwanis Family Relation event or meeting, with at least two members from each CKI club, it shall count as one interclub and one Kiwanis Family Relation. A club may earn one interclub and one KFR at the same meeting or event so long as the requirements for each are met. Trustee Lacaba seconded. No Discussion 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes

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V. Approval of Georgia District’s Bylaws Trustee Ludlow explained that at the Georgia District’s 2013 District Convention the District’s bylaws were amended to change the membership fees from $9 to $12. This was after the Kiwanis District Board gave them the approval to raise dues to a maximum of $12. Trustee Le moved to approve the Georgia District Bylaw changes made at their 2013 District Convention. Trustee Sammut seconded. No Discussion 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes VI. Approval of Illinois-Eastern Iowa District’s Bylaws Trustee Pevarnek explained that at the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District’s 2013 District Convention the District voted to make several changed to its bylaws. These changes included transferring the responsibility of sending out board meeting notifications from the District Secretary to the District Governor, updating the Club Building Committee wording, adding a Membership Development Committee, changing the Technology Committee to Technology and Marketing Committee, and adding the submission of the DCON Report to the District Governor’s responsibilities. Trustee Pevarnek moved to approve the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Bylaw changes made at their 2013 District Convention. Trustee Limjoco seconded. No Discussion 9 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes VII. International Board Updates Each member of the International Board has submitted a report, which is included in the following sections of the Board Book. During Trustee Ludlow’s update, Kiwanis International Trustee Rochford joined the meeting. After the updates from the International officers, Kiwanis International Trustee Rochford provided an update of his own. He has contacted a local junior college to begin forming a CKI club. There are already some !


students interested and he knows of several Key Club Alumni that he hopes will join in the efforts of chartering. Kiwanis International Trustee Rochford also informed the board that he has been bragging about their amazing board meeting in July and the respect they have for one another. He also commented that Director Martz and CKI Specialist Demko are a perfect mix from a staff perspective. He even mentioned that he’s been wearing his CKI shirt and that it’s sparked many conversations, even in Japan. Next, Kiwanis International Trustee Rochford mentioned that President Tsang and himself would be discussing bridging the gap next week as part of the Kiwanis Committee. Related to this information, he stated that he was very impressed with the commitment that each member of the International Board made to join Kiwanis. Finally, he praised President Tsang for representing CKI well during the conference call earlier in the evening and that he looks forward to his monthly phone conferences with him. President Tsang explained that he met with members of the Kiwanis International Board, Immediate Past CKI President Lukito, and staff to discuss a report written by Immediate Past CKI President Lukito. He stated that he would provide a summary of the report to any of the International Board that was interested Director Martz shared a bit about his time at the Aktion Club Training and Leadership Conference in Indianapolis, IN. He also thanked the trustees who have been consistently copying him on emails, especially Trustee Le and Trustee Lacaba. Finally, he expressed his bittersweet feelings for his last 5 days as a Kiwanis Club President. VIII. Committee and Task Force Updates Each Committee Chair and/or Board Liaison has submitted a report, which is included in the following sections of the Board Book. At 10:21 pm EST, Trustee Limjoco unexpectedly left the meeting. IX. Miscellaneous President Tsang took some time to cover several reminders for the International Board. • Any board member with a fall visit needs to submit their travel form at least on month before the trip. %! !

• Everyone should be promoting the Rock n’ Recruit Webinar on October 3, 2013 and continue to use #chooseCKI. • The Board Meeting in Nashville, TN will be on January 30February 2, 2014. • Trustees need to copy President Tsang and Vice President Ahnert on all email communications. They also should copy Director Martz and Kiwanis Trustee Rochford when necessary. • Promotion for the Tomorrow Fund will begin with Vice President Ahnert’s CKI Weekly and each trustee was encouraged to get his or her districts and clubs involved. X. Adjournment President Tsang adjourned the meeting at 10:30 pm (EST).



Board Reports: International President With the school year well under way, I hope you are all balancing your academic studies with your Circle K responsibilities. The International Board has been working hard since our last board book. Since then, we have been doing a lot to prepare Circle K members for the new academic year and the second half of the Circle K year. BOARD UPDATE Ad-Hoc Committee Selections At the International Board Trainer, the International Board agreed that the ad-hoc committees for the 2013-2014 year are Social Potential Innovative Club Enhancement (S.P.I.C.E), Recruitment, Retention, and Revitalization, and International Expansion. The task forces for the 2013-2014 year are Governing Documents and Awards. Upon review from the assigned board liaison for that specific ad-hoc committee and input from Vice President Amelia and I, we selected members to serve on the 2013-2014 ad-hoc committees and task force. Second Board Meeting The International Board reconvened in late September for our second board meeting. Our major focus at this meeting was continuing our discussion on the interclub and Kiwanis Family Relations terminology as explained in the policy code. With hopes of simplifying the language and ensuring that all districts report the same number, these policy code amendments passed and will be moved to the International Council as a whole to vote. PRESIDENT’S UPDATE Communication Since the last board book, I have continued to utilize various forms of communication to better reach the members of Circle K International. These communication styles include providing various updates through Facebook groups, daily communication with International Trustees, our CKI Counselor from the Kiwanis International Board (Jim Rochford), and

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staff members through emails and phone calls, a biweekly email to CKI Governors, and many more. TRAVEL REPORTS Illinois-Eastern Iowa | Kiwanis District Convention | August 8–11, 2013 (UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL ~ CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT) • Assisted Executive Director with any logistical problems such as with music, microphones, PowerPoints, and many more • Presented an update about Circle K International during a Saturday night session • Set-up and strike convention set logistics FUTURE PLANS October International Council Meeting At International Board Trainer in July, the International Board proposed clarifying the language used in the CKI Policy Code to define an interclub and Kiwanis Family Relations. In order for the amendments to the CKI Policy Code to go into effect, the International Council must approve of it by a majority. The next International Council Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th. CONCLUSION As a whole, the International Board has continues to make significant strides in strengthening our organization. I hope you can see some of the hard work that all that the International Board members have been doing to benefit the members of Circle K International. As leaders, we hope to set an example of service, leadership and fellowship. Remember that as international officers, we answer to you, the members of Circle K International. I hope that you reach out to any of us, if you have any questions or concerns. With the help and support of members like you, I know our organization, as a whole will continue to stride towards the best. As we all continue the 2013-2014 year, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or criticisms. I am always fully available to every Circle K member and leader, no matter what time it is or what questions you may have. I’m here to make your life easier and to give you the tools you need to succeed!



Serving one day at a time,

Daniel Tsang International President Circle K International

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Board Reports: International Vice President The new school year is here, which means that CKI clubs are starting to gain momentum! This momentum can also be seen on the International level as committees and board members begin to get to work. I have also begun to learn more about the inspiring members that make up CKI and have recognized them for their incredible work! Below is an update on our organization’s progress towards the 2012 – 2013 International Goals. Only one more month of reporting to go! 2012 – 2013 Goals (10/1/12 – 9/30/13) Service Hours 400,000 Membership 14,210 Interclub Events 3,500 KFR Events 3,500

Current Totals (as of 9/1/13) 311,449.24 13,066 7,036 7,018

% Goals 77.86% 91.95% 201.03% 200.51%

My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Communicated with staff on a weekly basis • Attended International Board Trainer • Sent out emails to members that went above and beyond based off of District Governor MRF responses As the International Vice President • Created the 2013-2014 International Ad-Hoc Committee applications • Composed CKI Weeklys and distributed them through the CKI Google group • Promoted members to apply for International Ad-hoc Committees • Recorded the service hours, interclubs, and KFRs submitted in the August and September Governor Monthly Reports (MRFs) • Emailed Committee Chairs with information on expectations and advice for their first meetings • Proposed a new format to the “Member Generated Resources” section of the website and assisted in the reorganization process As the Executive Committee Secretary • Took minutes and distributed them in a timely fashion • Began creating a resource to compare starting a satellite club to !


chartering a club As a Pennsylvania District Member • Promoted applications for International Ad-Hoc Committees and Task Forces • Attended two District Board meetings • Promoted attendance at Fall Training Conference and attended the event personally As a Penn State – University Park Club Member • Volunteered at various service projects with my club • Offered assistance to new club officers and encouraged members to apply for vacancies Travel Report(s)

Pennsylvania| InterPACK Planning Weekend| August 3-4, 2013 (unofficial visit) • Provided an International Update during the District Board Meeting • Discussed ideas for InterPACK • Interacted with members of the Key Club District Board Pennsylvania| Kiwanis DCON| August 15-18, 2013 (unofficial visit) • Gave a speech on CKI and my experiences with the Kiwanis Family • Promoted CKI sponsorship and support through a information table and workshop • Connected with the newly appointed SLP Alumni Coordinator for the Pennsylvania District New York| Kiwanis Family Picnic| August 25, 2013 (unofficial travel) • Assisted in the set-up and tare down of the picnic • Met many members of the NY Kiwanis Family while participating in many activities, including a wheel barrel race Pennsylvania| Officer Training Conference (East and West)| September 7, 2013 and September 14, 2013 (unofficial travel) • Trained Club Vice Presidents • Lead workshop on Information Technology and promoted the CKI Weekly • Assisted in the Service Workshop and Recruitment and Retention Workshop New York| District Large Scale Service Project| September 20-22, 2013 (unofficial travel) • Provided an International Update during the District Board Meeting • Volunteered with many members at a local nursing home and farm

Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Prepare for the International Council Meeting • Attend several International Committee meetings to become more &#! !

aware of their actions As the Vice President • Complete the September 2013 Board Book • Respond to September Governor MRFs and review district records for service hours, interclubs, and KFRs • Continue sending out CKI Weeklys that contain a variety of information, including a focus on the Kiwanis Family in November Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Promote interactions between the International Board and CKI members • Educate those in CKI about the International level As the International Vice President • Send out the CKI Weekly consistently on Mondays • Work closely with International Committees to ensure that they are successful Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue sending personal emails to all members that district governors identify as going above and beyond • Promote webinars and resources available to members (Tomorrow Fund, etc.) CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Received a lot of positive feedback from the July Board Book and Member Recognition Program Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Reunited with members of Leadership Academy 2012 in Washington D.C. and New York City! • Started my last semester at Penn State! Respectfully Submitted,

Amelia Ahnert International Vice President Circle K International !


Board Reports: Subregion A Trustee Hey everyone! As the end of September approaches I find it quite hard to believe that only a short time has passed since I was attending the International Board Trainer in Indianapolis this past July. September is my favorite time of the year because not only is it my birthday month, but it is also when Circle K clubs from around North America (and possibly the world!) are becoming active and recruiting once again. It makes me very intrigued to see the many different clubs fairs and events that Circle K is a part of – and it almost seems as though I am participating in all of those events as well! I look forward to hearing all about what everyone will accomplish this upcoming year and I hope that this September spirit remains strong throughout the year. As school becomes the main priority of many members it is important to understand that we are all students and may need to slow down at moments to catch up on other aspects of our lives. Hopefully you haven’t burnt out yet as the year has just begun! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Completed all forms and applications as required of any International Board member • Kept in contact with the International President and International Vice President regarding incoming information from the Districts of Subregion A • Created a Google submission form in order to allow for direct or anonymous input and feedback regarding work thus far as an International Board officer As a Circle K International Service Committee Chair • Put together a Facebook cover photo of the entire committee in order to introduce and spread awareness for each position on the committee • Contacted each committee member in order to establish a regularly scheduled meeting time and hosted three meetings according to prepared agendas • Educated each committee member regarding their role on the committee as well as the difference between Preferred Charities and Service Partners • Developed directives in which will guide the committee during the 2013 – 2014 year using input from each committee member • Created a newsletter known as “Service Worth A Glance” which &$! !

encompasses various mediums in order to appeal to the entire membership of Circle K International and released the September 2013 issue • Contacted various individuals and Subregions regarding submissions to the “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter to develop an International aspect of awareness throughout the organization • Expanded the social media reach of the committee by creating an Instagram account (@ckiservicecommittee) • Submitted a video clip to the Eliminate Project Ambassador Byron Montilla as a self introduction of the 2013 – 2014 CKI Service Committee • Created a Google submission form in order to allow for direct feedback and resource requests for the entire membership to access As a Large Scale Service Project Committee Board Liaison • Attended all committee meetings via GoToMeeting and participated in all held activities while providing input on the discussion at hand • Contacted various individuals, clubs, and the Kentucky-Tennessee Circle K District regarding the available position of Host Liaison upon the committee • Introduced the idea of associating service projects and awareness campaigns during the Large Scale Service Project with Circle K International’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners as an education tool • Submitted a video clip to the Large Scale Service Project Committee Chair Morgan Fierro as a self introduction for the committee As a Subregion Trustee • Held a Subregion A chat with all the governors where a teambuilding activity was run in order to incorporate an education aspect to the meeting • Discussed updates with each District Governor individually and provided feedback where necessary • Contacted District Administrators and met with two of four to discuss feedback and updates as of current • Sent out weekly Subregion A Updates for all District Board officers, District Administrators, and International Board members to review • Responded to District Governors via the monthly report form and provided suggestions towards any questions and issues !


• Reinforced deadlines for applications and forms due throughout the international and district level • Continued the Subregion A Governor MRF Competition to encourage the submission of monthly report forms in a timely manner • Contacted specific committees and board liaisons regarding the request of resources as suggested by District Governors As a Western Canada District Member • Actively kept up to date with any information the District Board has to offer • Promoted vacant chair positions to individuals whom may be interested in becoming involved in the district • Attended the Western Canada Kiwanis District Convention in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to represent Circle K during the event and in a Service Leadership Program workshop • Provided ideas and suggestions for the upcoming District Convention to be held in Edmonton, Alberta • Submitted an article for the Western Canada District bulletin As a University of Alberta Club Member • Attended one of the Oil Capital Kiwanis Club of Edmonton’s meeting and provided a report regarding current works as a member of Circle K • Attended the club’s meetings on Thursdays at 5:00 pm biweekly and a service project held in conjunction with our sponsoring Kiwanis club to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis research • Promoted attendance at events and advertised for upcoming volunteer opportunities Updates on Subregion A Montana • The Fall Event will be held on October 19, 2013 in Butte, Montana and will be focused on service and fellowship rather than just leadership to encourage a higher participation from general members • The District Board is working on contacting club advisors as there are currently struggles communicating with club officers • Current vacancies on the District Board include the positions of Lieutenant Governor and Bulletin Editor Pacific Northwest • The Fall Conference will be held on November 15 – 17, 2013 in &%! !

Corbett, Oregon and will be themed “Sailing into Service” • The District Governor has recently released a governor’s update to the district and a new bulletin is in the works • Resources specific to the district are currently being worked on by the District Board • Current vacancies on the District Board include three Lieutenant Governors and three chair positions Utah-Idaho • At the September 15, 2013 District Board meeting it was decided that the Fall Event will be held on November 16, 2013 in Idaho • The District Governor plans to attend all clubs within the district and is currently working on scheduling visits • No vacancies currently exist on the District Board Western Canada • The position of Lieutenant Governor of Division 1 has recently been filled by a member of the University of Alberta Circle K club • Current vacancies on the District Board include the District Secretary/Treasurer, the Kiwanis Family Relations Chair, the Membership Development and Education Chair, the Service Chair, and the District Convention Chair Travel Report(s) Western Canada Kiwanis | District Convention | August 9 – 11, 2013 • Participated in all District Convention events while in attendance • Answered questions at a “Service Leadership Program” workshop in which myself and other Circle K members and Key Club members were present in order to educate Kiwanians on the different Kiwanis Family branches • Recognized by Kiwanis District Governor Richard Le Sueur during a presentation to all attendees • Interacted with Kiwanians from throughout the district and Key Club members while discussing plans to charter Circle K clubs within the district Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Provide input on International issues in regards to bylaw and policy code amendments and other outstanding topics • Attend the International Board meeting on September 25, 2013 • Continue the responsibility of chairing the CKI Service Committee !


and acting as the board liaison to the Large Scale Service Project Committee As a Subregion Trustee • Schedule individual District Governor chats to discuss matters of the district • Contact two of four District Administrator in order to schedule individual chats to discuss district progression • Include new icebreaker and recruitment ideas in the weekly Subregion A Update for district use Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Think critically of the changes that can be possibly made with the position as trustee and implement ideas depending on necessity of districts • To adhere to the goals of the International Board to ensure the growth of the organization • Promote the Preferred Charities and Service Partners of Circle K International in ways that will encourage service amongst members, clubs, and districts as Chair of the CKI Service Committee and Board Liaison to the Large Scale Service Project Committee As a Subregion Trustee • Provide a voice for the Districts of Subregion A on an international level and to continually provide the districts with information regarding the international level • To visit each district within Subregion A for at least one event • Continually provide opportunities for professional development during Subregion A chats • Aid each District Board member in achieving their goals as a member of our organization • Develop workshop ideas and resources to be used during District Conventions Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend board meetings and actively participate by either providing feedback or asking questions • Constantly keeping in contact with the International Board, and in particular, the International President and International Vice President in order to ensure that my actions are working towards "'! !

reaching the goals of the organization • Work with each committee and take into consideration the suggestions of each committee member in order to ensure that a large number of perspectives are being considered As a Subregion Trustee • Collect and report criticisms from districts, districts boards, and administrators, in order to have any questions answered • Keep an open line of communication with each District Governor as to provide the information they require to make requests regarding visits and workshops to maximize the opportunity of international requests • Contact not only District Governors but also District Board members as a way to introduce them to the international level but also receive feedback of District Governors from a point of view that is not always necessarily heard • Provide the resources, information, and education necessary in order to ensure that every district is able to donate either time or funds towards a cause that the entirety of the organization is also dedicated towards thus increasing the sense of the international aspect of Circle K • Communicate with Kiwanians and Key Clubbers within the Subregion in order to increase awareness of Circle K amongst other family branches CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Appointed as chair to the 2013 – 2014 Circle K International Service Committee • Appointed as board liaison to the 2014 Large Scale Service Project Committee Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy Le Subregion A Trustee Circle K International



Board Reports: Subregion B Trustee My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Promoted International Ad-Hoc Committees • Assisted both Awards Task Force and Executive Committee with various tasks As a Awards Task Force Liaison • Assisted in setting the directives for the Task Force. • Provided input on award changes. • Provided International Board’s view on award changes. As a Subregion B Trustee • Bi-Weekly emails to Governors. • Created Resources for New Clubs and Retention. • Visited all of the states in the Southwest District and provided training for clubs. As a California-Nevada-Hawaii District Member • Provided assistance to district officers. • Visited and attended many other clubs meetings. As a UCLA Club Member • Attended many service projects and socials. • Assisted the club’s committees and attended many committee meetings. • Provided rides for many events. Updates on Subregion B California-Nevada-Hawaii • Will be having their Crazy Kompetition for Infants North and South in October. • Preparing for their Fall Training Conference • Have begun district webinars for the year. Rocky Mountain • Recently appointed a new Bulletin Editor. • Preparing for a possible Fall Event. • Will be having their next board meeting in October/November. Southwest • Will be having their Fall Rally on October 18-20. • Recently had official district visit by myself. Travel Report(s) ""! !

Southwest District | Official Visitation | August 29-September 1, 2013 • Presentation to help charter UTEP CKI to Kiwanians • Dinner with El Paso Kiwanis • Hosted CLE Training for… CKI • Attended Service Projects with WNMSU CKI • Attended Kiwanis Dinner with Silver City Kiwanis • Recruitment Tabling with WNMSU CKI • Service Projects with U of A CKI • Service Project and Socials with ASU CKI Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Assist awards task force in completing their objectives • Gather opinions on things to be voted on at international board meeting As a Subregion B Trustee • Start communicating with all district officers • Start office hours for members Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Grow the satellite club program • Provide resources for all of international As a Subregion B Trustee • Attend all three district’s DCONs • Create a network between my districts • Create resources for my Subregion • Represent my Subregion well at international board meetings Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Provide assistance and attend all task force meetings • Communicate well with my governors As a Subregion B Trustee • Send out updates to all district officers • Provide time for members to talk to me • Communicate well with all district officers CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Visited Southwest District and provided training for many clubs. !


• Created resources on chartering and on membership development • Edited satellite club forms • Started bi-weekly emails to governors Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Found a new job. • Did well in summer school. • Have been exploring new things to end my summer Respectfully Submitted, David Limjoco Subregion B Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion C Trustee My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Collected bylaw changes from districts As an Executive Committee Member • Reviewed bylaws related to Satellite Clubs As the SPICE Committee Liaison • Assisted with the committee selection process • Met with the committee and made some plans to get some very useful resources out As a Subregion C Trustee • Met with governors • Create a Subregion C website Updates on Subregion C Illinois-Eastern Iowa • Appointed committees! Indiana • Held Fall Service Kickoff! Michigan District • Currently planning Fall Rally! Minnesota-Dakotas District • Currently planning FLTC! • Created a new website! Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District • Planning for MAC! • Holding Division Rallies! Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Work on getting useful resources made for dealing with satellite clubs! • Create website for the SPICE committee! As a Subregion C Trustee • Visit districts!! Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue to represent the best interests of Subregion C!



• Work with the SPICE committee to create some great resources and make them accessible! As a Subregion C Trustee • Get to know more members better! • Work to ensure I am helping governors in useful ways! Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue to communicate with governors! As a Subregion C Trustee • Visit as many districts as possible with other members of the Subregion! Respectfully Submitted,

Jonathan Pevarnek Subregion C Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion D Trustee Hello friends! My term as an international trustee is coinciding with my studies as a graduate student, my duties as a consulting firm intern and my transitioning to becoming an Oklahoma City resident. It’s been amazing, busy and crazy – filled with experiences I’ll remember forever. Below is a brief report of my actions as a trustee from August – September 20, 2013. My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Making travel arrangements to attend Kiwanis Family Conference 2013 • Review relations within Kiwanis family • Oversee the CKI Twitter account – posting consistently o Positive feedback received – numerous followers acquired and multiple interactions (Retweets, messages, mentions, etc.) with stakeholders As Membership & Marketing Committee Chairman • Held three committee meetings (task list attached) • Gave various action items and directives to committee members • Committee created The Social Circle campaign o Email campaign sent internally to CKI student communicators to better market CKI o Three updates sent as of Sept. 20, 2013 • Committee created tabling checklist resource for clubs • Committee created resource for hosting great meetings for clubs • Committee in process of gathering club and district communicator information for the Social Circle • Committee created templates such as letterhead, business cards and brochures with new branding • Committee revitalizing the Social Circle email campaign • Encourage and support all resources be available on As a Subregion D Trustee • Continuously email Subregion D governors topical updates from the international level • Hold governor chats with Governors Allison, Elise, Tamara and Makenzie • Provide feedback to Texas-Oklahoma District board officers’ monthly board reports !


As a Texas-Okla. District Member • Attend Kiwanis DCON • Attend Texas-Okla. District board meeting 9 Aug. 2013 As University of Central Oklahoma Club Member • Attend UCO club and executive board meetings • Attend sponsoring Kiwanis meetings • Attend Kiwanis divisional council meeting • Email prospective club members inviting them to the meeting Updates on Subregion D Kansas District • The district board is holding an officer training / board meeting Sept. 28 at Fort Hays State University • Installation of two district board officers • Governor A. Zvolanek visited one club interested in chartering Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District • In the middle stages of fall event planning Missouri-Arkansas District • District website revitalized • Accepting registrations for fall service event Nebraska-Iowa District • Fall event planning in final stages • Promotional materials being developed for fall event Texas-Oklahoma District • Removed one board officer, replaced with existing officer • Fall Retreat planning finalized • Divisional fall rallies planned Short-term Future Plans As a Subregion D Trustee • Keep district governors motivated and enthusiastic to serve • Organize CKI calendars and timelines to increase efficiency As an International Board Officer • Revitalize the Social Circle email for next update to release in October Long-term Future Plans As a Subregion D Trustee • Encouraging districts to revitalize websites "%! !

As an International Board Officer • Forward the #ChooseCKI social media campaign Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As a Subregion D Trustee • Consult the Membership & Marketing Committee about assisting districts with websites • Discuss with district governors resources available for websites • Contact Kiwanis International trustee representing same districts to collaborate on improving Kiwanis family relationships As an international board officer • Attended webinar discussing raising brand awareness for nonprofits • Research o Conducted website audit and presented findings o Discussed options and provided resources for website editing CKI Achievements Since Last Report • I’m teamed with an amazing committee that’s done great things so far! Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Email’s organized and despite my unhealthy eating, I haven’t gained weight! #superyaysies Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan L. Lacaba Subregion D Trustee Circle K International



Board Reports: Subregion E Trustee

Hello Everyone! I have started to slowly visit my Subregion and spread my CKI swag. I also celebrated my 22nd birthday, nothing big. Finally, my communication skills are being put to the test as I manage tests, travel, and committee meetings. Keeping cool though! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Reminded CKIers about dues deadlines • Networked with Kiwanis and my counterparts • Chatted with Daniel and Amelia during IP/VP Chats As a Subregion Trustee • Read the president/vice president emails • Called each governor to arrange/confirm weekly updates • Sent out a few classy MailChimp Weekly Update emails As Membership and Marketing Committee Secretary • Kept a binder full of our correspondence and resources • Reviewed resources from last year’s committee/IPIP Josephine • Attended and took minutes/kept the transcripts for our meetings • Chaired the September 19th meeting with three members present As Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization Committee Liaison • Attended two meetings to offer support/connection to them • Scheduled the joint webinar with M&M for early October As an Ohio District Member • Attended Ohio Kiwanis DCON in Lima, OH to raise funds for Ohio’s K.I.C.K Fund (Kiwanis Investment in Circle K) • Sent out contact information from Key Club Alumni to Governor Megan • Reviewed past resources to update/distribute to Ohio CKI As a University of Toledo Club Member • Attended club board meetings as a committee member • Attended club open house with free Chipotle chips • Planned service projects/fundraising for the semester Updates on Subregion E Kentucky/Tennessee • Spoke to Blake once about what he had done to plan for the fall semester and his district board • Reviewed the progress of Blake’s networking at Kiwanis Family ('! !

events via his Facebook page • Followed the progress of the Eastern Kentucky CKI club formation on Facebook group Ohio • Spoke to Megan twice through my weekly phone chat • Held an online and local board meeting • Held a teeter-totter marathon at OSU • Promoted the international store to clubs for resources • Planning for Fall Rally in Dublin, OH Pennsylvania • Spoke to Katie through my weekly phone chat • Held a board meeting in Harrisburg, PA • Held their Fall Training Conference in Pittsburgh. PA • Final planning/promotion for InterPACK in Erie, PA area • Published a District newsletter West Virginia • Spoke to Philip twice through my weekly phone chat • Held a conference call board meeting • Working to hold their DLSSP in the coming months • Having delayed MR responses, frequently reminded Travel Report(s) Pennsylvania |District Board Meeting Weekend| August 3-4, 2013 • Gave my previous Trustee Report, sat in on committee meetings • Spent time networking with PA Key Club Board • Gave out CKI swag Ohio| Kiwanis DCON| August 9-11, 2013 • Celebrated the new election of Kiwanis Governor DeFrance • Raised funds for Ohio’s K.I.C.K. Fund • Attended the Ohio CKI Board Meeting Pennsylvania |Fall Membership Conference - West| September 14, 2013 • Trained the new members of PACK of what CKI is and some general FYI information/district events • Participated in human knot icebreaker • Gave out CKI swag Indiana |Fall Service Kick Off| September 21, 2013 • Ouabache State Park service projects and social activities with the Indiana Kiwanis Family Short-term Future Plans !


As an International Board Officer • Attend and report on progress at a webinar As a Subregion Trustee • Establish a newsletter/update to share with the governors – IN PROGRESS • Travel to two (2) district board meetings – COMPLETED, IN PROGRESS • Promote district Interclubs and attendance at events Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Promote Service Partners/Preferred Charities with districts • Inform districts of new graphic standards, branding, and media • Assist with planning for convention in Nashville As a Subregion Trustee • Complete 200 service hours in the Subregion during fall semester • Visit each district in the Subregion twice during my term Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Provide clubs with an informative resource/personalized email • Improve contact frequency with the host district As a Subregion Trustee • Reaching out more to KT and WV to report regularly and on time • Attend a KT and WV fall/spring district events when available and report on the progress of the Subregion CKI Achievements Since Last Report • I improved my communication skills with Subregion E governors and was able to spend some time talking with them about current district issues Personal Achievements Since Last Report • I don’t know about you, but I am 22? Respectfully Submitted,

Alex Bour Subregion E Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion F Trustee Greetings Circle K International! Subregion F is having a great start of the school year with fall trainers, first club meetings, and service projects. Districts are preparing for their fall conferences and are working on new club building. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the leaders from across Subregion F and hope to carry this strong momentum through the service year! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Communicated any initiatives and concerns of Subregion F to the international board. As a Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Chair • Chaired two official board meetings • Maintained the FB Page and sent emails to committee members • Assisted committee members in setting and achieving their goals. As a Subregion F Trustee • Attended NY’s Kiwanis Family Picnic • Attended NJ’s Club Officer Training Conference • Sent out bi-monthly emails to Subregion F Leaders • Sent out bi-monthly emails to Subregion F Governors • Hosted Subregion F Governor Chats (individual and group) • Recognized members and clubs on the Subregion F Facebook Page As a New Jersey District Member • Attended the NJ Kiwanis District Convention as a guest speaker As a TCNJ Club Member • I volunteered at my sponsoring Kiwanis Pasta Dinner. • Assisted the officers in any way they need me as a member of the club. • Assisted a club member who wants to promote the March of Dimes on campus. Updates on Subregion F New Jersey District • Hosted a successful Club Officer Training Conference (on 9/15) with great attendance and energy. • Planning Club Rally (10/20) and INSIGHT (11/1-3) fall conference. New York District • Hosted a successful NY Kiwanis Family Picnic with attendance from !


various districts and branches of the Kiwanis Family. • As I fill this form out, the NY District is enjoying their DLSSP, which is sure to be a huge success. • Preparing for the NY Speaking Conference (11/8-10). Capital District • The district board attended Kiwanis Family Weekend (9/13-14). • Having a successful club building year. • Planning their Fall Membership Rally (9/27-28). • Beginning to plan DLSSP and DCON. Eastern Canada • The district board is holding regular board meetings. • Sent out applications for district committee chair positions. New England • Initiated an Eliminate Project fundraiser: “This is My Service Shirt” tshirt sale. • Needed to cancel their Kiwanis Family 5K due to conflict with Kiwanis • Switched name to “New England” because Kiwanis didn’t approve their name as “New England and Bermuda.” • Planning their fall conference (10/18-19). Travel Report(s) New York | NY Kiwanis Family Picnic | August 25th (Unofficial visit) • Participated in all activities, including board auction. New Jersey | Club Officer Training Conference | September 15th (Unofficial visit) • Attended all workshops and helped out when needed. • Addressed members about Subregion F, including my Subregion Recognition Program. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend January International Board Meeting in Nashville, TN. • Chair all Kiwanis Family Relation Committee Meetings. • Attend and participate in all future Official Board Meetings. • Assist the International Board in continuing to reach our goals for the year. As a Subregion F Trustee • Attend Capital’s Fall Membership Rally (9/27-28). • Attend the NY Speaking Conference (11-8-10). (#! !

• Inform members about CKI through bi-monthly emails. Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Work with the International Board to accomplish all of our directives and goals for the 2013 – 2014 Service Year. • Attend and participate in all meetings and events through Circle K International. • Assist the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee in completing all directives for the 2013 – 2014 Service Year. As a Subregion F Trustee • To grow Subregion F camaraderie. • To help members of Subregion F understand the happenings of each district. • To assist my governors so we can accomplish our Subregion F goals (dependent upon each of their districts completing their goals). Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Dedicate 100% (and some) to the international board and to the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee. As a Subregion F Trustee • Continue to send out bi-monthly emails to Subregion F leaders and governors. • Be a personable and available leader to all members. • Organize Subregion F Governor Chats Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Balancing CKI and student teaching, while maintaining personal wellness. • Improved my timed-mile time to 7:55. Respectfully Submitted,

Danielle Sammut Subregion F Trustee Circle K International



Board Reports: Subregion G Trustee My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Reviewed the wording of the policy code change regarding Interclubs and prepared it to be presented to the board. As a Subregion G Trustee • Skyped with each of my governors to review district progress and upcoming events. • Created directives with the region district governors. • Made myself available to clubs and members in the region as needed. As a Georgia District Member • My Home district has not hosted any events since ICON. As a Georgia Institute of Technology Club Member • I have assisted with recruitment drives. • I have helped create and present a bill to SGA for district event funding. • I have participated in weekly service projects. Updates on Subregion G • Districts are getting prepared for their fall events. Travel Report(s) • None at this time Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Work with Clara Oh on getting the Governing Documents Tasks Force started, and working on reviewing the CKI Governing Documents. • Help the Service Committee as needed. As a Subregion G Trustee • Set up another round of chats with my district governors to check on district progress and see where help is needed. • Attend the Carolinas Fall event 4 October - 6 October • Attend the Caribbean Fall event 15 November - 17 November Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Help promote various international service partners via social media ($! !

and other means. As a Subregion G Trustee • Maintain constant communication with the member and leaders in Subregion G. CKI Achievements Since Last Report • None to report Personal Achievements Since Last Report • None to report Respectfully Submitted,

Stefan Ludlow Subregion G, International Trustee Circle K International



Board Reports: Int’l Trustee At-Large My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Filled out Committee Placement Survey • Advertised committee applications • Advertised Leadership Academy As a Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Secretary • Took and distributed meeting minutes • Collected articles for blog As an International Expansion Committee Liaison • Established the roles of the committee and my roles as Trustee • Helped set up the technical aspects of the first meeting • Eased communication through creation of a GroupMe As International Trustee At-Large • Reached out to various Kiwanians around the world, who have expressed interest in growing CKI • Contacted the largest club in the Philippines via Facebook o Actually got a response! This means I made first contact with an international club (excluding DACA) • Organized document with international clubs information and added club contact when possible As an Eastern Canada District Member • Attended District Board Meeting • Offered advice to Lt. Governors on how to deal with new presidents • Offered advice to the governor As an University of Waterloo Club Member • Developed a calendar of upcoming events • Trained new board members • Recruited new members though an email campaign and club fair Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend board trainer and soak up as much as I can As International Trustee At-Large • Establish communication with more international members of CKI Respectfully Submitted, Mason Kuang International Trustee At-Large (%! !

Executive Committee Report Meetings: Tuesdays @ 10:00pm EST; Biweekly Date


Position Chair Secretary Member Member Chair


Secretary Member Member Chair


Secretary Member Member Chair


Secretary Member Member

Name, District Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan

Present X



Summary of Committee’s Actions For those who don’t know, the Executive Committee serves as a catch-all for all the other committees. That means, if it needs to be done and if no other committee is responsible for it, the Executive Committee is. This includes many different things, but ultimately relates to the administrative functions of the International Board. As a result, the executive committee is one of the most versatile committees, but can also suffer from the largest struggles.



Committee Directives 1. Evaluating Governing Documents for any discrepancies Progress: In-Progress • A Governing Documents Task Force has been created for this purpose. • We agreed that this directive will take a significant amount of time and will need input and advisement from the committee as a whole. Future Steps: • Communicate with Kiwanis staff members who are tasked with finding discrepancies in governing documents Member(s) Responsible: Committee as a whole Staff Assistance: Diana O’Brien, CKI Director Chris Martz 2. Expanding the Utilization of Satellite Clubs Progress: In-Progress • Creating resources that clarify the difference between chartering a CKI Club or starting a satellite club • Creating official documentation for starting a satellite club process Future Steps: • Communicate with Kiwanis staff members who are tasked with chartering CKI clubs Member(s) Responsible: Amelia Ahnert, David Limjoco Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris 3. Managing the Awards and Governing Documents Task Force Progress: In-Progress • Both task forces have started to meet Future Steps: • Directives will be reviewed by the committee to ensure that task force are on task Member(s) Responsible: Daniel Tsang, Amelia Ahnert, David Limjoco (Awards Board Liaison) Staff Assistance: Appropriate KI Staff member 4. Revising and Updating Governor and Administrator Training Conference Materials Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: #'! !

• Evaluate previous Governor and Administrator Training Conference materials to ensure that all necessary materials are updated and revised as needed. Member(s) Responsible: Committee as a whole Staff Assistance: Appropriate KI Staff member New Committee Directives Not applicable All of our work is intended to benefit you as members and leaders of Circle K International. We are here to serve you and to make sure you are able to experience all the benefits of being a Circle K International member. If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted by,

Daniel Tsang Executive Committee Chair Circle K International



Governing Documents Task Force Report Meetings: Biweekly (Committee meetings have not started at this time and therefore no report was submitted.)

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International Expansion Ad-hoc Committee Report Meetings: Biweekly, Sundays at 7:00pm PST Date Position 9/8/13 Chair 7pm PST Secretary Board Liaison Member Member

Name, District Lucy Bi, Cal-Nev-Ha Sancho Jacinto, Capital Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Estrella Jasmine Lozano Manriquez, Cal-Nev-Ha Tian-yi Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha

Present X X X X



Committee Directives 1. Establishing connection with Malaysian schools Progress: In-progress • Sent out emails provided from the contact directory of nonAmerican CKI clubs • No responses yet; 2 emails did not work Future Steps: • Continue research clubs to find further contact information from already established connections and internet sites • Assign a committee member the responsibilities of Malaysian Liaison Member(s) Responsible: Mason Kuang Staff Assistance: Not at this time 2. Building contact with Tagalog-Speaking Schools Progress: In-progress • Sent out emails provided from international contact directory • Received one response but many emails were broken • Sent out newsletter to Philippine CKI clubs Future Steps: • Continue sending out newsletters • Continue trying to find new contacts and strengthen connections • Eventually build districts Member(s) Responsible: Sancho Jacinto Staff Assistance: Not at this time



3. Building contact with Chinese speaking Schools Progress: In-progress • Sent out emails in Chinese clubs from contact information provided Future Steps: • Continue building connections and researching • Eventually create districts in Taiwan Member(s) Responsible: Tian-yi Cheng Staff Assistance: Not at this time 4. Building contact with Spanish-speaking Schools Progress: In-progress • Send emails out to clubs to establish first connection • Research clubs to find whether building districts is possible Future Steps: • Find information about the clubs including officer contacts, relevant issues • Build districts Member(s) Responsible: Estrella Lozano Staff Assistance: Not at this time 5. Building contact with various schools speaking other languages. Progress: In-progress • Send out emails to establish first connection and add connections to common shared directory for the committee • Research clubs for contact information, activeness, and relevant issues • Communicate with Kiwanis members overseas to help establish CKI in areas with little to no history of CKI Future Steps: • Begin establishing districts with the various international CKI communities Member(s) Responsible: Mason Kuang Staff Assistance: Not at this time Respectfully submitted by, Mason Kuang International Expansion Ad-hoc Committee Liaison

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Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Report Meetings: Monthly Sunday nights @ 8:30 PM Date 8/8/13

Position Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 9/15/13 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member

Name, District Danielle Sammut, New Jersey Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Katie Auwaerter, Pennsylvania Jennifer Que, Cal-Nev-Ha Monica Wang, WUM Nicole Tardif, Capital Sarah Nolan, WUM Danielle Sammut, New Jersey Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Katie Auwaerter, Pennsylvania Jennifer Que, Cal-Nev-Ha Monica Wang, WUM Nicole Tardif, Capital Sarah Nolan, WUM

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions Committee branch ambassadors are working diligently as they begin working on their directives. Some of the major focuses on the committee thus far are launching the Kiwanis Family Relations blog across CKI and reviewing resources that are available to members. Moving forward, many ambassadors are going to begin their personal projects such as a Builder’s Club and Aktion Club video (including footage of ambassador interviewing members of the branch), #connecttheKs initiative, as well as special guides and program advertising. Committee Directives 1. Develop and present 2 webinars on pertinent information regarding building the relationship between the Kiwanis Family branches, including information about how to access and find resources and introducing the idea that each branch has its own ambassador. Progress: Yet to begin Future Steps: • Set deadlines for webinar slides !


• Communicate deadlines with committee • Organize webinar date Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: How do I formally schedule a webinar? I filled out that form that asked for a tentative date, but I need to get that set up ASAP. 2. Maintain monthly communication with the branch liaisons. Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Encourage ambassadors in every email I send to them to continue regular communication with their branch liaisons. • Continue to ask for updates about their communication at scheduled committee meetings. Member(s) Responsible: Each ambassador Staff Assistance: Monica W (Builder’s Ambassador) is having difficulty contacting Nicole Harris. Sarah Nolan (Aktion Club Ambassador) is having difficulty contacting Katie Griffin. 3. Each branch ambassador will participate in 2 or more events with their designated branch (advertise through official IKFR blog). Progress: In-Progress • Members are participating in events with Kiwanis Family branches, but have not regularly promoted their work in the IKFR blog. Future Steps: • Send out an email promoting the blog • Advertise blog on social media Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: Not at this time 4. Evaluate current KFR resources and update (or develop) at least one resource for each of our branches. Progress: In-Progress • Committee members are currently sorting through the resources and for the most part, have decided which ones they want to vamp up. • Committee members are developing new resources for CKI members. Future Steps: #$! !

• Set deadline for committee members to look through resources. Member(s) Responsible: Each ambassador Staff Assistance: Not at this time 5. Design a “Kiwanis Family Relations Guide” that outlines the history of each organization, what makes the Kiwanis Family unique (maybe taking different member quotes to put in the packet), why it’s important to be in the organization, benefits inside and outside the K-Family, and then a complete service directory filled with service projects specifically for K-Family interaction. Progress: Yet to begin Future Steps: • Remind committee to begin brainstorming • Discuss this guide at the next scheduled meeting • Set deadlines for each ambassador Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: Not at this time Respectfully submitted by,

Danielle Sammut Kiwanis Family Relations Chair



Large Scale Service Project Committee Report Meetings: Biweekly, Mondays at 10:00PM CST Date! Position 8/19/13 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Fellowship SubChair Logistics SubChair Projects Co-SubChair Projects Co-SubChair Publicity SubChair 9/02/13 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Fellowship SubChair Logistics SubChair Projects Co-SubChair Projects Co-SubChair Publicity SubChair 9/16/13 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Fellowship SubChair Logisitics SubChair

#%! !

Name, District Present! Absent! Morgan Fierro, WUM X Kathyn Graves, New York X Kathy Le, Western Canada X Kelly Chan, New York X Emily Condon, WUM


Brittany Abrams, Florida


Kevin Chiong, CNH


Mak Hozo, Indiana


Morgan Fierro, WUM Kathryn Graves, New York Kathy Le, Western Canada Kelly Chan, New York


Emily Condon, WUM


Brittany Abrams, Florida


Kevin Chiong, CNH


Mak Hozo, Indiana


Morgan Fierro, WUM Kathryn Graves, New York Kathy Le, Western Canada Kelly Chan, New York


Emily Condon, WUM


Projects Co-SubChair Projects Co-SubChair Publicity Co-SubChair

Brittany Abrams, Florida


Kevin Chiong, CNH


Mak Hozo, Indiana


Summary of Committee’s Actions The Committee is focused on their specific goals for each sub-committee in order to complete our committee directives on time. We meet up at each full committee meeting and discuss what each committee has accomplished and/or is working on for the time being. We have created a vision, committee goals, worked on the committee budget, and researched endless tidbits about Nashville. Each subcommittee works on researching for something specific, like service projects, businesses for donations, restaurants, places to visit, and uses those ideas for publicity. We created a theme for LSSP which is western, music, country themed which we will interpret our publicity items with and fellowship days with. Committee Directives 1. Create 4 Marketing packages for LSSP 2014, to be distributed to all members. Resources should be versioned for both club and district officers to display at meetings and correlate to their district events. This should include, scripts, videos, slideshows, newsletter articles, pictures, ads, and registration information as it becomes available. Progress: In- Progress • The PIM committee is working on collecting articles from various people for a newsletter Future Steps: • The sub-committee will bring articles together to create a newsletter Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee Staff Assistance: N/A 2. Prepare service project proposals by January 5th, 2014 to present to the International Board. Projects should try to be large and close to the hotel to minimize travel time and costs, but most importantly, create a positive impact on the Circle K’ers and the community.



Progress: In-Progress • The Project committee have started searching for service projects in the Nashville area • There have been one or two places that we have been in contact with Future Steps: • Heavily start to call and email locations to start confirming projects. Member(s) Responsible: Project Planning and External Relations and Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: N/A 3. Prepare Fellowship Day proposals by January 5th, 2014 to present to International Board. Progress: In-Progress • The Fellowship Sub-committee have started talking about ideas for Fellowship day • They have been working on games for Fellowship night Future Steps: • Start to get solid ideas down for Fellowship Day • Get a Fellowship night/day schedule set up Member(s) Responsible: Fellowship Sub-Committee Staff Assistance: N/A 4. Establish a budget for transportation, food, and supplies by January 15th, 2014 to present to the International Board. Progress: In-Progress • There is a rough draft of the budget. However, we are having issues with making sure we have enough budget for transportation • Expected Completion Date: January 5th Future Steps: • Start researching transportation options • Receive plenty of donations for LSSP Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Sub-Committee and Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 5. Create donation letters and seek sponsorships for LSSP from the surrounding Vancouver area by January 15th, 2014. )'! !

Progress: In-Progress • The donation letters have been written and being rechecked • The sub-committee is searching businesses to send letters too Future Steps: • Print donation letters and send to businesses in Nashville Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Sub-Committee and Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 6. Create Donation/sponsor request letters for attendees to seek help from their local Kiwanis Clubs, for both individuals and as appropriate to assist the committee (i.e. Program ad sales.) Progress: In-Progress • The donation letters have been written and being rechecked Future Steps: • The committee needs to search Kiwanis clubs in the Nashville area • Send out donation letters to Kiwanis Clubs Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Sub-Committee and Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 7. Create LSSP Logo Progress: In-Progress • The LSSP Logo is created Future Steps: • The full committee needs to approve the LSSP logo Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee Staff Assistance: N/A 8. Create LSSP T-Shirt Design Progress: In-Progress • There is a draft of a T-shirt design Future Steps: • The draft needs to be worked on • The design needs to be approved by full committee !


Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee Staff Assistance: N/A 9. Hold a LSSP Webinar to answer all questions, and promote the event. Progress: Yet to Begin 10. Travel to Nashville and visit site locations to confirm projects and resources January 31st. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Get a list of service locations to visit and talk to • Get a prompt list of questions to ask projects, International board • Take pictures in Nashville • Get all proposals ready for International board meeting Member(s) Responsible: Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 11. Compile an extensive manual for LSSP Team Leaders and Committee Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Edit and update old team leader packet • Add necessary information Member(s) Responsible: Morgan Fierro and Kathryn Graves Staff Assistance: N/A 12. Create a website to compile resources to be distributed as well as promote LSSP 2013 to Circle K Members. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Not totally sure if we want to create a website, we may just ask Maria Demko to update LSSP items to the International website Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing Committee Staff Assistance: Maria Demko )"! !

13. Create a social media (Twitter, Facebook) campaign to promote LSSP. The media should be more frequent and dense as the event approaches, but should be prepared in advance. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • We can't really create a social media for LSSP since I was told we are not allowed to. This really shouldn't be a directive anymore. • We will be sending updates to put on Twitter and Facebook Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing Committee Staff Assistance: Maria Demko, International Board 14. Prepare Fellowship Evening Activities proposals by January 5th, 2014 to present to International Board. Progress: In-Progress • Fellowship sub-committee conversed about possible fellowship night activities Future Steps: • Set solid ideas and create a plan/schedule for each night Member(s) Responsible: Fellowship Sub-Committee Staff Assistance: N/A 15. Draft an LSSP program for attendees to view throughout the event. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Set an agenda for the whole LSSP event Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 16. Create a Slogan for LSSP theme. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Find a catchy slogan to relate to our theme Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee Staff Assistance: N/A New Committee Directives • Create LSSP theme !


Progress: Completed • We found a theme that would relate to Nashville, it was voted and approved Future Steps: • N/A Member(s) Responsible: Fellowship and full committee Staff Assistance: N/A Respectfully submitted by, Morgan Elthea Fierro Large Scale Service Project Committee Chair

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Membership and Marketing Committee Report Meetings: Wednesdays or Thursdays Date Position 8/13/13 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member 8/22/13 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member 9/19/13 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member

Name, District Jonathan Lacaba Alex Bour Kevin Arthur Taryn Grisham Lena Scheibengraber Sanjuana Zavala Jonathan Lacaba Alex Bour Kevin Arthur Taryn Grisham Lena Scheibengraber Sanjuana Zavala Jonathan Lacaba Alex Bour Kevin Arthur Taryn Grisham Lena Scheibengraber Sanjuana Zavala

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions Marketing • The committee has been creating resources for the new branding. • The committee has been collaborating with various stakeholders about website templates and assistance for districts and clubs • The committee has created the Social Circle – an internal email campaign to market CKI Membership • The committee has created a resource on tabling for recruitment • The committee has created a resource on how to run a meeting • The committee is working on a webinar for recruitment and retention Committee Directives 1. Obtain club level editor information !


Progress: In-progress • Finding it difficult to get responses Member(s) Responsible: All members 2. Obtain district level editor information Progress: In-progress • Finding it difficult to get responses Member(s) Responsible: All members 3. Create a resource on tabling for recruitment Progress: Complete Member(s) Responsible: Kevin Arthur, Sanjuana Zavala 4. Create a resource on how to hold amazing meetings Progress: Complete Member(s) Responsible: Taryn Grisham, Sanjuana Zavala 5. Social Circle Email Update 1 – Introduce the Social Circle Progress: Complete Member(s) Responsible: Jonathan Lacaba 6. Social Circle Email Update 2 – Introduce Hootsuite Progress: Complete Member(s) Responsible: Taryn Grisham 7. Social Circle Email Update 3 – Tweets, revitalized Progress: Complete Member(s) Responsible: Jonathan Lacaba 8. Create committee binder of progress Progress: In-progress • Needs to be in PDF online Member(s) Responsible: Alex Bour 9. Rock ‘n Recruit webinar Progress: In-progress • Preparing for webinar Member(s) Responsible: Taryn Grisham, Lena Scheibengraber 10. )$! !

Brainstorm ideas for CKI magazine

Progress: Complete Member(s) Responsible: All members 11.

Letterhead, brochures, business card templates Progress: Complete Member(s) Responsible: Sanjuana Zavala

New Committee Directives 1. Create a parliamentary procedure cheat sheet Progress: In-progress Member(s) Responsible: Kevin Arthur 2. CKI Key Messages Progress: In-progress Member(s) Responsible: Lena Scheibengraber 3. Recruitment ideas Progress: In-progress Member(s) Responsible: Kevin Arthur, Lena Scheibengraber Respectfully submitted by, Jonathan L. Lacaba Membership & Marketing Committee Chairman




Recruitment, Retention, and Revitalization Committee Report Meetings: Biweekly, Sunday, 10:00pm EST Date Position Name, District Present Absent Natalie Szemetylo 9/08/13 Chair X Samer Khan Secretary X Alex Bour Board X Liaison Sean Matteo Member X Sam Hardin Member X Dianne Tulud Member X Alyssa Smalley Member X Natalie Szemetylo 9/22/13 Chair X Samer Khan Secretary X Alex Bour Board X Liaison Sean Matteo Member X Sam Hardin Member X Dianne Tulud Member X Alyssa Smalley Member X Summary of Committee’s Actions The R&R&R Committee has been hard at work in the month that we have been together. We are partnering with the Membership & Marketing Committee for the Rock ‘n Recruit webinar at the beginning of October. This is a great opportunity for two committees to work together. We are also partnering with the International Growth Committee with reaching out to potential clubs in the Philippines, where committee members have contacts. Committee Directives 1. Assessing the struggles of current clubs/districts Progress: In-Progress • Create a Survey for District Club Building Chairs to gather information on the environment of club building in the Districts Future Steps: • Distribution of the Survey Member(s) Responsible: Sean Matteo )%! !

2. Create a guide focused on recruitment strategies Progress: In-Progress • Create a recruitment strategies guide • Rock ‘n Recruit Webinar with the Membership & Marketing Committee Future Steps: • Rock ‘n Recruit Webinar is on October 3rd Member(s) Responsible: Alyssa Smalley, Sean Matteo, & Natalie Szemetylo 3. Provide ideas on how clubs can use member feedback Progress: Yet to Begin Member(s) Responsible: Natalie Szemetylo 4. Aid clubs in increasing club awareness on their campus and in their community Progress: In-Progress • Create a Do’s & Don’ts Guide for Club Awareness Member(s) Responsible: Sam Hardin 5. Assist in the formation of new clubs Progress: In-Progress • Reach out to District Governors for information on potential club charters • Partner with the International Growth Committee to reach out to universities in Pakistan and the Philippines for club building Future Steps: • Reaching out to contacts given by the District Governors whether it is partnering with a District Board member or working directly with the potential club charter Member(s) Responsible: Samer Khan & Dianne Tulud Respectfully submitted by,

Alex Bour Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization Board Liaison



Service Committee Report Meetings: Biweekly, Wednesdays at 8:00pm MST Date 8/14/13

Position Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador


Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador


Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador

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Name, District Kathy Le, Western Canada Stefan Ludlow, Georgia Morgan Fierro, WisconsinUpper Michigan Heidi Brooks, Texas-Oklahoma Byron Montilla, Cal-Nev-Ha Kelsey Gower, Indiana Cortney Ferris, TexasOklahoma Jonathan Cao-Nguyen, CalNev-Ha Kathy Le, Western Canada Stefan Ludlow, Georgia Morgan Fierro, WisconsinUpper Michigan Heidi Brooks, Texas-Oklahoma Byron Montilla, Cal-Nev-Ha Kelsey Gower, Indiana Cortney Ferris, TexasOklahoma Jonathan Cao-Nguyen, CalNev-Ha Kathy Le, Western Canada Stefan Ludlow, Georgia Morgan Fierro, WisconsinUpper Michigan Heidi Brooks, Texas-Oklahoma Byron Montilla, Cal-Nev-Ha Kelsey Gower, Indiana Cortney Ferris, TexasOklahoma Jonathan Cao-Nguyen, CalNev-Ha

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions The 2013 – 2014 Circle K International Service Committee has been working diligently to incorporate all of the new ideas and perspectives that each member has suggested in order to increase the transparency between all levels of our organization. Since our first meeting in August, we have already released our first issue of our newsletter “Service Worth A Glance” that has now over 180 views and counting! We have also created an Instagram account (@ckiservicecommittee) and are working on an introductory video so that you can get to know us better. As the school year continues we hope to continually release issues of our newsletter and implement awareness campaigns for each preferred charity and service partner, and to work closely with the Large Scale Service Project Committee this year. We are here to serve you so that you can better serve your communities! Committee Directives 1. Promote the aims and initiatives of Circle K International’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners Progress: In-Progress • Each service ambassador has been appointed to and contacted their corresponding charity or partner in order to gain knowledge about the organization • Each preferred charity and service partner has been featured on the CKI Service Committee’s “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter so that information is easily accessible to the membership Future Steps: • Develop at least one awareness campaign for each Preferred Charity and Service Partner • Continue to educate members on each preferred charity and service partner by hosting a service webinar and creating relevant videos • Incorporate service projects and awareness campaigns specifically for each Preferred Charity and Service Partner into the Large Scale Service Project 2014 in Nashville, Tennessee • Create an education aspect to the CKI Service Week to encourage clubs to teach their members about CKI’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners !


Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: N/A 2. To facilitate service throughout the membership internationally by providing education, resources, and recognition Progress: In-Progress • The International Trustee-At-Large has been contacted in regards to how the committee may serve the international clubs • Each ambassador is currently working with their respective Preferred Charity and Service Partner to develop and update resources for the membership • The use of a Google submission form for questions, feedback, and resource requests allows the committee to receive input directly from the membership Future Steps: • The inclusion of general service ideas not directly related to a Preferred Charity or Service Partner in the CKI Service Committee’s newsletter “Service Worth A Glance” • A Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF resource will be created and distributed with ideas that may be used by any member, club, or district within Circle K International • Promote the use of the Tomorrow Fund Grant to all clubs in order to receive funding that will enable clubs to further perform service in their communities • Create a social media campaign regarding the Large Scale Service Project in order to encourage attendance at an international service event • Encourage all members to participate in CKI Service Week and Kiwanis One Day as it is an event shared amongst all of Circle K International Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: N/A 3. To develop mediums in which members can share and showcase service ideas Progress: In-Progress • The creation of an Instagram account (@ckiservicecommittee) will allow the committee to appeal $"! !

to a different audience and incorporate the use of hashtags and photos to update the membership • Revisions to the “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter includes the use of a service spotlight, service snippets, and video updates to encompass different possible submissions from CKI clubs and districts to increase the sharing of ideas • The Facebook page will be the main source of content for awareness and social media campaigns as the CKI Service Committee has well over 1,000 likes and will be able to reach a large number of members Future Steps: • Continually release issues of the “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter while acquiring information from various districts and clubs • Host a CKI Service Fair at International Convention in Nashville, Tennessee that allows clubs and districts to share ideas personally Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: N/A Respectfully submitted by,

Kathy Le Circle K International Service Committee Chair



Social Potential Innovative Club Enhancement Committee Report Meetings: Every 2 weeks Date 9/6/13


Position Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member

Name, District Kat Lehmann, Ca-Nev-Ha Tamara Edgin, Missouri-Arkansas Jonathan Pevarnek, Michigan David Braverman, Florida Minhchau Chau, Cal-Nev-Ha Jessica Pham, Cal-Nev-Ha Kat Lehmann, Ca-Nev-Ha Tamara Edgin, Missouri-Arkansas Jonathan Pevarnek, Michigan David Braverman, Florida Minhchau Chau, Cal-Nev-Ha Jessica Pham, Cal-Nev-Ha

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X

Committee Directives &* Create a team-building guide! Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Scheduled for November! Member(s) Responsible: Tamara "* Create a “How To” guide for setting up projects, using technology at meetings, planning club retreats, organizing socials, increasing spirit! Progress: Yet to begin Future Steps: • Spirit is scheduled for December! • Technology-related topics are scheduled for JanuaryMarch! • Retreats is scheduled for April! • Socials is scheduled for May! Member(s) Responsible: David, Kat, Minhchau (* Create effective events for clubs/districts to use in increasing fellowship amongst CKI members! Progress: Yet to begin

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Member(s) Responsible: Not assigned yet #* Host and organize the annual CKI video contest! Progress: Yet to begin • Discussed what we had heard about past video contests! Member(s) Responsible: Not assigned yet )* Provide guidance in spicing up technology! Progress: In-Progress • Any member who would like guidance may contact us! Future Steps: • Planned to create resources for website creation and Prezi! Member(s) Responsible: Jonathan $* Help clubs host member appreciation banquets/recognition ceremonies! Progress: Yet to begin Member(s) Responsible: Not assigned yet Staff Assistance: Not at this time +* Aid clubs in the process of increasing awareness through social media! Progress: Yet to begin Future Steps: • Plan social-media focused resources for February and March Member(s) Responsible: Not assigned yet New Committee Directives &* Create an icebreaker guide! Progress: In-Progress • Planning what is needed for the guide! Future Steps: • Begin guide compilation! • Release guide! Member(s) Responsible: Jessica "* Create a committee website to allow members an easy way to access resources, and a simple place to put interactive resources! Progress: In-Progress • Currently creating the website! !


Future Steps: • Release website! • Put resources on website! Member(s) Responsible: Jonathan Respectfully submitted by, Kat Lehmann SPICE Committee Chairperson

Jonathan Pevarnek SPICE Committee Board Liaison

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