CKI Board Book, November 2013

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Circle K International Board of Trustees Board Book November 2013



International Board Book Highlights !

2012 – 2013 Goals and Totals: 2012 – 2013 Goals Service Hours 400,000 Membership 14,210 Interclub 3,500 Events KFR Events 3,500

Totals 349,744 13,119 7,346

% Goals 87.44% 92.32% 209.89%



These goals are from October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013. An update on the progress made towards CKI’s new goals can be found on page 15.

November Board Meeting Summary: The International Board met to discuss Distinguished Awards, Standard Club Bylaws, and potential locations for International Convention 2017. One of the major changes made to all Distinguished Awards was in the “Service Hours” section. Due to the importance of service in CKI, the International Board decided to give service hours 2 points each, making the entire section out of 200 points. The Awards Task Force is making these approved changes and hopes to have the Distinguished Awards available soon!

See Pages 4-11.

CKI Clubs Around the World: Clubs in places like the Philippines, Taiwan, and Malaysia are excited to begin connecting with CKI members. The International Expansion Committee is working diligently to bring these members together! See Pages 49-51

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Table of Contents November Board Meeting Minutes ................................... 4 - 11 I. Call to Order...................................................................................................4 II. Explanation of Agenda ................................................................................4 III. Approval of September Board Meeting Minutes .....................................4 IV. Approval of 2014 Distinguished Awards ...................................................5 V. Approval of Revisions of Standard Club Bylaws .......................................8 VI. Recommendations for 2017 International Convention ..........................9 VII. Miscellaneous ............................................................................................9 VIII. Adjournment ............................................................................................11

Board Reports..................................................................... 12 - 42 I. International President ................................................................................12 II. International Vice President.......................................................................15 III. Subregion A Trustee ...................................................................................18 IV. Subregion B Trustee ...................................................................................24 V. Subregion C Trustee ...................................................................................27 VI. Subregion D Trustee ..................................................................................29 VII. Subregion E Trustee ..................................................................................31 VIII. Subregion F Trustee..................................................................................34 IX. Subregion G Trustee .................................................................................38 X. International Trustee At-Large ..................................................................41

Committee and Task Force Reports ................................ 43 - 69 I. Awards Task Force .......................................................................................43 II. Executive Committee.................................................................................45! III. Governing Documents Task Force ...........................................................48 IV. International Expansion Committee .......................................................49 V. Kiwanis Family Relations Committee .......................................................52 VI. Large Scale Service Project Ad-Hoc Committee..................................55 VII. Membership and Marketing Committee...............................................61 VIII. Recruitment, Retention, and Revitalization Ad-Hoc Committee.......62 IX. Service Committee....................................................................................65 X. S.P.I.C.E. Ad-Hoc Committee ....................................................................69

Appendix ............................................................................ 70 - 74 I. October International Council Meeting Minutes.....................................70 !




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November Board Meeting Minutes

November Board Meeting Minutes! Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 9:03 pm (EST) Attendance: Name Daniel Tsang Amelia Ahnert Kathy Le David Limjoco Jonathan Pevarnek Jonathan Lacaba Alex Bour Danielle Sammut Stefan Ludlow Mason Kuang Chris Martz Maria Demko Jim Rochford

Position Present Absent International President X International Vice President X Subregion A Trustee X Subregion B Trustee X Subregion C Trustee X Subregion D Trustee X Subregion E Trustee X Subregion F Trustee X Subregion G Trustee X International Trustee At-Large X Director of Circle K International X CKI Specialist X Kiwanis International Trustee to CKI X

I. Call to Order President Tsang called the November Board Meeting to order at 9:03 pm (EST). II. Explanation of Agenda Old Business Approval of September Board Meeting Minutes New Business Approval of 2014 Distinguished Awards Approval of Revisions to Standard Club Bylaws Recommendations for 2017 International Convention III. Approval of September Board Meeting Minutes Trustee Le moved to approve November Board Meeting minutes as stated. Trustee Sammut seconded. No Discussion. 8 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes #! !

IV. Approval of 2014 Distinguished Awards Trustee Ludlow moved to block the 2014 Distinguished Awards. Trustee Sammut seconded. Point of Information Trustee Ludlow: President Tsang:

Were the recommended changes listed handled? No, the recommendations have not been resolved. The board as a whole can remove the awards that need changes during discussion.

• Trustee Ludlow removed the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award from the block. 8 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Passes Trustee Sammut moved to approve the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award. Trustee Lacaba seconded. Trustee Sammut moved to amend the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award by removing the requirement so that lieutenant governors serving in their position for less than 6 months may apply. Trustee Lacaba seconded. • All the distinguished awards have the 6 month requirement so all awards would need to be amended. (Vice President Ahnert) • Accomplishments can be made in less than 6 months, but consistency over a longer period of time is important. (Vice President Ahnert) • An alternative would be to have a point section based on the time spent in the position. (Trustee Lacaba) • Recommended lowering the requirement from 6 months to 4 months. (Trustee Ludlow) • If a district board member is appointed to the position after 6 months, they are still able to apply for the



distinguished award of the position that they held prior to becoming lieutenant governor. (Vice President Ahnert) • Allowing them to apply didn’t mean that they would necessarily receive the award and that the above and beyond section is where the judges could determine the importance of how long someone served in the position. (Trustee Sammut) • Currently the award gives points based on the percentage of board meetings they the officer has attended while in office. This could give an unfair advantage to those that have fewer board meetings during their term. (Trustee Pevarnek) Point of Information Trustee Ludlow: President Tsang:

What specifically are we voting on? The current vote deals with changing the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award so that those that have served for less than 6 months may apply.

4 in affirmation, 4 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Ties President Tsang opposed 4 in affirmation, 5 opposed, 0 abstentions Motion Fails Vice President Ahnert moved to amend the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award by changing the full points granted to those that have visited 100% of their clubs to 75% of their clubs. Trustee Ludlow seconded. • Issues of transportation, unresponsive clubs, and large number of clubs or division areas can cause a lieutenant governor to not visit all of their clubs. (Vice President Ahnert) • Visiting 100% of clubs is an unrealistic expectation. (Vice President Ahnert) • Partial scaling is already in place for this section. (Trustee Pevarnek)

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• Losing 25 pts from this section would not disqualify an applicant from receiving the award with the entire section only worth 100 points. (Trustee Pevarnek) • Compared this expectation to the one in the Distinguished Governor Award that states that district governors are suppose to visit every division in their district. (Trustee Ludlow) 2 in affirmation, 5 opposed, 1 abstentions Motion Fails Point of Information Trustee Pevarnek: President Tsang:

Once this award is approved, would it be reblocked or immediately approved? It would be approved. If any other amendments are brought up that change all distinguished awards, it will be applied to the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award also.

Trustee Lacaba moved to approve the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award. Trustee Le seconded. No Discussion. 5 in affirmation, 0 opposed, 3 abstentions Motion Passes Trustee Ludlow moved amend all the awards to extend the service section to be out of 200 points instead of 100 points, making the ranking system 2 points per service hour. Trustee Le seconded. No Discussion. Point of Information Trustee Lacaba:

By doubling the points for the service section, would that increase the overall score or will it remain the same?

President Tsang referred to the maker of the motion.



Trustee Ludlow:

This would make every award is out of an additional 100 points and each award would need to be rescaled.

6 in affirmation, 1 opposed, 1 abstentions Motion Passes Trustee Sammut unexpectedly left the meeting at this time. V. Approval of Revisions to Standard Club Bylaws President Tsang explained that the Executive Committee revised the Standard Club Bylaws after a district governor submitted some suggested changes. He showed the house keeping changes that were made. Trustee Pevarnek moved to approve the changes to the Standard Club Bylaws recommended by the Executive Committee. Trustee Le seconded. • Overall meaning of things was not changed and that it was mostly grammatical changes. (Trustee Pevarnek) Vice President Ahnert moved to amend the following sections of the Standard Club Bylaws: Article 9, Section 1: During the school year the club shall hold regular weekly meetings at a place and time to be determined by the club officers the club officers and the club members shall determine one weekly meeting on such day and at such place as. It may hold such other meetings as the officers or the membership may desire. In the event that unusual conditions prevent a weekly meeting, this club may hold a minimum of two meetings per month, with the officers meeting on all other weeks. Trustee Pevarnek seconded. • This document is a template given to clubs when they charter and that they are able to adjust it. (Trustee Pevarnek) Point of Information Trustee Ludlow:

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Is this something that needs to be voted on by the entire board or could it just be a

document released by the Executive Committee? President Tsang:

This is an option if the International Board is willing to allow the Executive Committee to do that.

• Recommendation to vote instead that the Executive Committee can make the changes and release it on their own. (Trustee Ludlow) 3 in affirmation, 1 opposed, 3 abstentions Motion Passes Trustee Ludlow moved that the 2013 – 2014 Executive Committee be given charge to the Standard Club Bylaws and that it not need to be brought to the International Board to go into affect. Trustee Le seconded. No Discussion. 5 in affirmation, 1 opposed, 1 abstentions Motion Passes VI. Recommendations for 2017 International Convention The Convention staff is looking at the cities of Austin, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, Seattle, Norfolk, and Milwaukee. The International Board was asked for any other suggestions that they had. This was not a voting matter. Suggestions provided were Boston, Atlanta, Aruba, Jamaica, and somewhere in Maine, Vermont, or Florida. This recommended list will be provided to staff and they will come back to the International Board once they narrow down the list. VII. Miscellaneous Each member of the International Board has submitted a report, which is included in the following sections of the Board Book. Also the committee and task force reports are included in the Board Book. Director Martz provided the following update:



Membership numbers are looking good and are on track based off of the totals from 2-years ago. He will be creating a document that will list the totals of each week compared to the weekly totals 2 years ago. This is because the totals from last year are not typical due to the Membership Update Center issues. Also it is important to note that 2 years ago all the SLPs had record years. There have not been many issues with the Membership Update Center this year but issues that are reported are fixed within 24 hours. The webinar format typically used is being revised because of the stigma that those that watch the recording aren’t getting the same experience as those that view it live. Prior to this board meeting, Trustee Le and Service Committee member, Byron Montilla, recorded a fun and exciting webinar on the Tomorrow Fund. The CKI Growth Summit is being held this coming weekend with 10 people coming in for the event. The focus of the event will be on 2-year institutions, non-traditional students, graduate students, and Key Club alumni. Though these 3 audiences will be the focus, the hope is to also come up with general recruitment ideas. Director Martz provided the following update on Specialist Demko’s behalf: Specialist Demko has been looking ahead by focusing on CKI’s spring events. The plan is to promote these events early to get more clubs involved, specifically with CKI Service Week and Share Your Love, Save a Life. She has been working closely with the Service and LSSP Committees in the process. Board Councilor Rochford provided the following update: Board Councilor Rochford commented that everyone has been doing a great job. He noted that President Tsang represented CKI well at the Kiwanis Retreat. He is currently working on charter a CKI club in Illinois-Eastern Iowa District. Also Councilor Rochford is helping with an eKiwanis club that is being chartered by former CKI members. He thanked

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everyone for the engaging conversation this evening and also to Trustee Sammut and Trustee Le for keeping him informed. VIII. Adjournment The 2013 November Board Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 pm (EST).



Board Reports: International President With the fall semester almost over, I hope you are all balancing your academic studies with your Circle K responsibilities. The International Board has continued working hard since our last board book. We have been doing a lot to prepare Circle K members for the new academic year and the second half of the Circle K year. BOARD UPDATE October International Council Meeting The first International Council meeting since being elected was held on Tuesday, October 8th. At International Board Trainer in July, the International Board proposed clarifying the language used in the CKI Policy Code to define an interclub and Kiwanis Family Relations. In order for the amendments to the CKI Policy Code to go into effect, the International Council must approve of it by a majority. All recommendations were approved by the International Council. Third Board Meeting The International Board reconvened in late November for our third board meeting. Our major focus at this meeting was approving the distinguished awards for International Convention and voting on changes to the Standard club Bylaw form. PRESIDENT’S UPDATE Communication Since the last board book, I have continued to utilize various forms of communication to better reach the members of Circle K International. These communication styles include providing various updates through Facebook groups, daily communication with International Trustees, our CKI Counselor from the Kiwanis International Board (Jim Rochford), other members of both the Kiwanis and Key Club International Board, and staff members through emails and phone calls, a biweekly email to CKI Governors, and many more.

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TRAVEL REPORTS Kiwanis International | Kiwanis International Board Meeting | October 2nd – 6th • Represented Circle K International at all Kiwanis events throughout weekend • Attended the Kiwanis International Board installation dinner • Attended Programs and Partnership Committee meeting • Attended the Kiwanis International Board Meeting UNICEF | UNICEF Summit | October 11th – 13th • Participated in the International Partnership panel answering questions about Circle K International and relationship between Kiwanis International and UNICEF • Presented a workshop about The Eliminate Project to the UNICEF College Initiative organization. • Tabled at the Opportunity Fair about The Eliminate Project Illinois-Eastern Iowa | Leadership Training Retreat | October 26th – 27th (UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL ~ CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT) • Attended workshops and sessions throughout weekend • Served as judge to the Mr. and Ms. I-I competition • Attended the Illinois-Eastern Iowa Circle K District board meeting presenting an update on Circle K International Carolinas | Kiwanis Family Conference | November 1st – 3rd • Participated in the International Leadership Press Conference answering questions about Circle K International and other relevant topics. • Served as a team leader and helped with group activities and bonding • Attended the Carolinas Circle K District board meeting presenting an update on Circle K International Indiana| Membership Development & Education Conference | November 16th - 18th • Presented a workshop on Preferred Charities • Volunteered in service project • Met and interacted with Circle K members of the Indiana Circle K District.



FUTURE PLANS January Board Meeting In January, the Circle K International Board is having an international board meeting in Nashville. In addition, the International Board will be doing a site visit of where International Convention 2014 will be. We look forward to providing you with an overall update on what we will see. CONCLUSION As a whole, the International Board has continues to make significant strides in strengthening our organization. I hope you can see some of the hard work that all that the International Board members have been doing to benefit the members of Circle K International. As leaders, we hope to set an example of service, leadership and fellowship. Remember that as international officers, we answer to you, the members of Circle K International. I hope that you reach out to any of us, if you have any questions or concerns. With the help and support of members like you, I know our organization, as a whole will continue to stride towards the best. As we all continue the 2013-2014 year, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or criticisms. I am always fully available to every Circle K member and leader, no matter what time it is or what questions you may have. I’m here to make your life easier and to give you the tools you need to succeed! Serving one day at a time,

Daniel Tsang International President Circle K International

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Board Reports: International Vice President Greetings CKI! A lot has happened in CKI since my last report. We have closed the book on another fiscal year and started making strides in reaching our 2013 2014 goals. It’s a great time to assess what we’ve done so far and find ways of making improvements for the year to come. Also over the last two months, I have had the privilege of meeting members from various districts, including Capital, New York, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, during my travels. The stories of service that have been shared with me while traveling and from monthly reports have provided me with even more of a glimpse of what CKI has accomplished. As you look over these numbers, think about the impact CKI has made on the world this past year. Below are the final totals reported for the 2012 – 2013 International Goals and the progress made towards the 2013 -2014 International Goals. 2012 – 2013 Goals (10/1/12 – 9/30/13) Service Hours 400,000 Membership 14,210 Interclub Events 3,500 KFR Events 3,500


% Goals

349,744 13,119 7,346 7,390

87.44% 92.32% 209.89% 211.14%

2013 – 2014 Goals (10/1/13 – 9/30/14) Service Hours 410,000 Membership 13,914 Interclub Events 3,300 KFR Events 3,000

Current Totals (as of 11/1/13) 49,763 N/A 306 398

% Goals 12.14% N/A 9.27% 13.27%

My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Communicated with staff on a weekly basis • Attended International Council Meeting • Sent out emails to members that went above and beyond based off of District Governor MRF responses • Promoted clubs and districts to apply for the Tomorrow Fund • Provided nominations for the CKI Growth Summit !


As the International Vice President • Respond to all September Governor MRFs • Reviewed the November-January Governor MRF questions • Attended several committee meetings • Composed CKI Weeklys and distributed them through the CKI Google group • Worked with the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee to include KFamily information in all November CKI Weeklys • Recorded the service hours, interclubs, and KFRs submitted in the October and November Governor Monthly Reports (MRFs) • Provided each Governor with their 2012-2013 district records for service hours, Interclubs, and KFRs in order to assure accuracy • Revised and promoted International Expansion Committee application prior to assisting in the selection of new members • Revised the CKI In A Minute Cards, with feedback from the Service, Executive, and Recruitment, Retention, & Revitalization Committees • Wrote articles for district publications upon request • Reviewed committee resources and submitted them to be placed on the website • Emailed Committee Chairs with general reminder information and tasks As the Executive Committee Secretary • Took minutes during meetings and distributed them to the committee • Created a resource to compare starting a satellite club to chartering a club and assisted with the Satellite Recognition Form • Provided suggested edits to the Standard Club Bylaws As a Pennsylvania District Member • Promoted InterPACK and attended the event As a Penn State – University Park Club Member • Volunteered at various service projects with my club, including our 12-Hour Service Marathon • Assisted officers with ideas to spice up general meetings Travel Report(s) UNICEF Campus Summit| October 11-13, 2013 • Represented CKI during group discussions • Learned about the UNICEF side of the Eliminate Project Partnership • Attended informative workshops on various aspects of UNICEF Georgia| Fall Membership Rally| November 1-3, 2013 &$! !

• Assisted in the set-up and tare down of event • Held a workshop on the Eliminate Project • Gave a speech on the impact CKI has made this past year • Attended the District Board Meeting Pennsylvania| InterPACK| November 8-10, 2013 (unofficial travel) • Bonded with members of Kiwanis, Circle K, and Key Club • Provided an International Report at the District Board Meeting Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend more International Committee meetings to become more aware of their actions • Begin preparing for January Board Meeting • Promote upcoming deadlines (Tomorrow Fund, Spring Visit Requests, etc.) As the Vice President • Complete the November 2013 Board Book • Distribute committee member evaluations in order to assess committee productivity • Hold a group meeting with committee chairs to promote collaboration • Continue sending out CKI Weeklys that contain a variety of information Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Promote interactions between the International Board and CKI members • Educate those in CKI about the International level As the International Vice President • Send out the CKI Weekly consistently on Mondays • Work closely with International Committees to ensure that they are successful Respectfully Submitted,

Amelia Ahnert International Vice President Circle K International !


Board Reports: Subregion A Trustee Hey everyone! Now that December is almost here I hope that you are all able to stay strong during this hectic time. In these past couple of months I have had a wonderful time interacting with the Subregion, international committees, and my very own board. The main focuses of our discussions have been looking at weaknesses and struggles of clubs and districts. Although everyone is working towards developing their strengths, different approaches are being taken and I hope to be able to bring those ideas together to provide various perspectives. I always love hearing from everyone, so don’t hesitate to contact me for anything! I would like to thank everyone for their dedication to the organization especially during exam season and I hope that you are all able to enjoy the well-deserved holiday season. I look forward to seeing what amazing things you will all accomplish before the new year! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Completed all forms and applications as required of any International Board member • Kept in contact with the International President and International Vice President regarding incoming information from the districts of Subregion A • Participated in the September 25, 2013 Circle K International Board meeting via GoToMeeting and provided feedback for the passing of an amendment to the Circle K Bylaws • Attended the October 8, 2013 International Council Meeting alongside the International Board and district governors • Submitted an article for the Capital District’s Capital Courier Volume 52 Issue 2 ( As a Circle K International Service Committee Chair • Held regularly scheduled bi-weekly meetings with the committee in order to receive updates on their work and provide directives for each member to accomplish by a specific deadline • Created and distributed meeting agendas and minutes for most held group meetings • Contacted each committee member outside of regularly hosted meetings in order to provide further updates and reminders on

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upcoming tasks • Educated each committee member on topics such as the Tomorrow Fund, CKI Service Week, and the Show Your Love, Save a Life campaign, and encouraged their active discussion on criticisms and changes for implementation • Developed the November-December issue of “Service Worth A Glance” to encompass service in different mediums and from all across Circle K International, including a service snippet of a CKI club in the Philippines • Participated and spread awareness for Prematurity Awareness Month as a committee and as an individual to share the initiatives of March of Dimes • Expanded the social media reach of the committee by re-creating an instagram account (@ckiservicecommittee) as many issues • Provided feedback for revisions to the “CKI in a Minute” cards which are available to all members As a Large Scale Service Project Committee Board Liaison • Attended all committee meetings via GoToMeeting and participated in all held activities while providing input on the discussion at hand such as on the logo and slogan • Contacted the International President, Vice President, and corresponding Kiwanis International staff regarding issues presented by the committee members • Encouraged Service Ambassadors of the CKI Service Committee to submit service project ideas regarding their Preferred Charity or Service Partner to incorporate into the large scaled event As a Subregion Trustee • Held a Subregion A chat with a group of governors and individually to discuss district goals and barriers and general updates as fall events occur • Sent out weekly Subregion A Updates for all district board officers, district administrators, and International Board members to review • Responded to governors via the monthly report form and provided suggestions towards any questions and issues • Reinforced deadlines for applications and forms due throughout the international and district level • Continued the Subregion A Governor MRF Competition to encourage the submission of monthly report forms in a timely manner • Informed general members within Subregion A via Facebook !


updates on the general happenings of Circle K and of clubs and districts within Subregion A As a Western Canada District Member • Actively kept up to date with any information the district board has to offer • Promoted participation in the Western Canada Fall Event in Edmonton, Alberta • Attended the Western Canada Fall Event in Edmonton, Alberta, and hosted a fellowship activity that involved all members in attendance • Provided ideas and suggestions for the upcoming District Convention to be held in Edmonton, Alberta As a University of Alberta Club Member • Provided guidance to the executive board • Attended occasional club meetings on Thursdays at 5:00pm biweekly • Promoted attendance at events and advertised for upcoming volunteer opportunities • Participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF which resulted in over CAD $1000.00 raised towards the Eliminate Project Updates on Subregion A Montana • The Fall Event was held on October 19, 2013 in Butte, Montana where the primary focus was on service and fellowship to encourage a higher participation from general members than in the past • The district board is working on contacting club advisors as there are currently struggles communicating with club officers • Current vacancies on the district board include the positions of lieutenant governor and bulletin editor Pacific Northwest • The Fall Conference was held on November 15 – 17, 2013 in Corbett, Oregon and will be themed “Sailing into Service” where over 30 members attended and Kiwanis members were also in attendance • The governor has recently released a governor’s update to the district and a new bulletin is in the works • Resources specific to the club presidents are currently being worked on by the district board through a dropbox account • A global service project set for 10 days in Guatemala is currently being planned for district members interested "'! !

• Current vacancies on the district board include three lieutenant governors and three chair positions • The next board meeting is set for January 10-12, 2014 in Spokane, WA, the location of their district convenion Utah-Idaho • The Fall Event had been rescheduled to November 23, 2013, in Caldwell, Idaho • The district monthly report forms have been edited to better fit the needs of the district • The governor plans to attend all clubs within the district and is currently working on scheduling visits • No vacancies currently exist on the district board Western Canada • The position of District Convention Chair, Kiwanis Family Relations Chair, and District Service Chair had been filled by members of the University of Alberta Circle K Club • The lieutenant governor of Division 1 is mainly involved in chartering possibly two new clubs within the district • Current vacancies on the district board include the district secretary/treasurer and the Membership Development and Education Chair Travel Report Western Canada | Fall Event | November 10, 2013 • Participated in all fall event activities while in attendance • Hosted a fellowship activity that allowed all members in attendance to participate • Interacted with Kiwanians and district members present throughout the event to learn more about the happenings of the district Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend the International Board meeting on November 20, 2013 • Participate in other international committee meetings to further my knowledge of resources available to the general membership • Continue the responsibility of chairing the CKI Service Committee and acting as the board liaison to the Large Scale Service Project Committee As a Subregion Trustee • Schedule group governor chats to discuss matters of the Subregion !


and to incorporate a teambuilding activity for governors to use within their own district boards • Work with governors in order to discuss issues with their Fall Events and possible improvements that may be made and upcoming District Conventions • Update general members throughout the holidays to encourage constant participation in Circle K even when not in school Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Think critically of the changes that can be possibly made with the position as trustee and implement ideas depending on necessity of districts • To adhere to the goals of the International Board to ensure the growth of the organization • Promote the preferred charities and service partners of Circle K International in ways that will encourage service amongst members, clubs, and districts as chair of the CKI Service Committee and board liaison to the Large Scale Service Project Committee • Attend a district event outside of Subregion A to promote the idea of interactions of members on an international scale As a Subregion Trustee • Provide a voice for the districts of Subregion A on an international level and to continually provide the districts with information regarding the international level • To visit each district within Subregion A for at least one event • Continually provide opportunities for professional development during Subregion A chats • Aid each district board member in achieving their goals as a member of our organization • Develop workshop ideas and resources to be used during district conventions Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend board meetings and actively participate by either providing feedback or asking questions • Constantly keeping in contact with the International Board, and in particular, the International President and International Vice President in order to ensure that my actions are working towards ""! !

reaching the goals of the organization • Work with each committee and take into consideration the suggestions of each committee member in order to ensure that a large number of perspectives are being considered As a Subregion Trustee • Collect and report criticisms from districts, districts boards, and administrators, in order to have any questions answered • Keep an open line of communication with each governor as to provide the information they require to make requests regarding visits and workshops to maximize the opportunity of international requests • Contact not only governors but also district board members as a way to introduce them to the international level but also receive feedback of governors from a point of view that is not always necessarily heard • Provide the resources, information, and education necessary in order to ensure that every district is able to donate either time or funds towards a cause that the entirety of the organization is also dedicated towards thus increasing the sense of the international aspect of Circle K • Communicate with Kiwanians and Key Clubbers within the Subregion in order to increase awareness of Circle K amongst other family branches Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy Le Subregion A Trustee Circle K International



Board Reports: Subregion B Trustee My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Promoted International Ad-Hoc Committees • Assisted both Awards Task Force and Executive Committee with various tasks As a Awards Task Force Liaison • Communicated between the international board and the committee • Provided input on award changes. • Provided International Board’s view on award changes. As a Subregion B Trustee • Bi-Weekly emails to Governors. • Assisted and attended Southwest’s Fall Rally • Assisted and attended CNH’s Fall Training Conferece • Responded to various requests from District Officers As a California-Nevada-Hawaii District Member • Provided assistance to district officers. • Visited and attended many other clubs meetings. • Attended their FTC As a UCLA Club Member • Attended many service projects and socials. • Assisted the club’s committees and attended many committee meetings. • Provided rides for many events. Updates on Subregion B California-Nevada-Hawaii • Preparing for their DLSSP events in the North and South in February • Preparing for their DCON in April • Continuing their Webinar Series Rocky Mountain • Preparing for DCON in February • Continuing to have bi-monthly board meetings Southwest • Preparing for DCON • Thinking about District Tour and other arrangements for ICON Travel Reports "#! !

Southwest District | Fall Rally | October 18-20, 2013 • Hosted Running for Office Workshop • Hosted ICON Workshop • Attended District Board Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District| Fall Training Conference | November 1-3, 2013 • Hosted District/International Workshop • Hosted Developing Leaders Workshop Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Assist awards task force in completing their objectives • Assist executive committee in planning for GATC As a Subregion B Trustee • Send updates to District Officers especially about awards • Continue communicating with Governors • Assist with DCON planning Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Grow the satellite club program • Provide resources for all of international As a Subregion B Trustee • Attend all three district’s DCONs • Create a network between my districts • Create resources for my subregion • Represent my subregion well at international board meetings Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Provide assistance and attend all task force meetings • Communicate well with my governors and district officers As a Subregion B Trustee • Send out updates to all district officers • Gather information to send to district officers • Communicate well with all district officers CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Visited Southwest District and provided training for many clubs. • Visited CNH District events and hosted workshops. !


• Edited satellite club forms • Continuing to send out email updates Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Started my internship at the LA Department of Public Health • Have been stepping up in school. Respectfully Submitted, David Limjoco Subregion B Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion C Trustee My Actions Since Last Report As an Executive Committee Member • Prepared recommendations for governing document changes regarding • Worked on changes to the standard form for club bylaws As a SPICE Committee Liaison • Attempted to remain in contact with the committee As the Subregion C Trustee • Met with governors • Traveled to districts Updates on Subregion C Illinois-Eastern Iowa • Held successful Leadership Training Retreat event • Released registration for Holiday Embrace • Has struggling clubs, but making good progress Indiana • Held MDEC Michigan • Had to cancel Fall Rally • About to hold Snowpia Minnesota-Dakotas • Held Fall Leadership Training Conference Wisconsin-Upper Michigan • Held absolutely amazing MAC • Held a successful Kiwanis Family Service Day with almost 75 attendees • Planning for Kiwanis Family Hockey Night Travel Report(s) WUM| MAC | 2013-10-11 to 2013-10-13 • Assisted with a workshop on running for higher office I-I | Leadership Training Retreat | 2013-10-26 to 2013-10-27 • Assisted with a workshop on running for higher office • Assisted with a SPICE workshop Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer !


• Work with the SPICE committee to make sure progress is being made As the Subregion C Trustee • Hold a Winter Escape that gets members energized about meeting other members • Visit districts more! Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue to represent the best interests of Subregion C As the Subregion C Trustee • Become best friends with all Sub-C governors • Get to know more members • Work on ensuring there are good candidates for my replacement Respectfully Submitted,

Jonathan Pevarnek Subregion C Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion D Trustee Greetings from Subregion D! Fall events are nearing completion, dues collections are well under way and the semester is at its end! It felt just like yesterday I left ICON and its halfway through my term. See what’s been up in CKI and Subregion D – I’d love to hear others’ ideas and thoughts! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Attend the international board meeting • Work with T-O Kiwanis for growth ideas • Nominate attendees for CKI Growth Summit As Membership & Marketing Committee Chairman • Meeting held Oct. 10, 2013 • M&M has had a temporary hiatus As a Subregion D Trustee • Attend Mo.-Ark. fall service event • Attend Kiwanis Family Conference in Asheville, N.C. As a Texas-Oklahoma District Member • Attend district fall service event As a University of Central Oklahoma Club Member • Attend sponsoring Kiwanis meetings • Help publicize Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Halloween event Updates on Subregion D Kansas • Had fall service event in Wichita area • Planning for DCON • Chartered a club at Fort Hays State University Nebraska-Iowa • Fall service event in Iowa cancelled • Planning for DCON Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee • Camp Tioga event • DCON planning Missouri-Arkansas • Held fall service event – 40 people attended • DCON meeting held, committee chair position filled Texas-Oklahoma • Held fall fellowship event – about 70 people attended • Held board meeting for planning for DCON • Actively publicized Kiwanis Family Month



Travel Report(s) Missouri-Arkansas District |Fall Service Madness |Oct. 25-27, 2013 • Speak about International Convention, involvement at district and international levels • Participate in events as a member attendee Carolinas District | Kiwanis Family Conference |Nov. 1-3, 2013 • Participate in events as a group leader Texas-Oklahoma District | Fall Retreat |Nov. 8-10, 2003 • Participate in events as a group leader • Led a station as part of a scavenger hunt • Acquired material for CKI recruitment videos Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Work on growth with Amelia, Daniel and Lena • Update plan for Membership & Marketing Committee As a Subregion D Trustee • Encourage dues payments • Work with governors on Spring 2014 plans for each district Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Prepare for international board meeting in Nashville As a Subregion D Trustee • Spark interest in international involvement • Work with governors on DCON planning Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Discuss with governors issues, updates they’d like known at the international board meeting As a Subregion D Trustee • Inform members about my position, committees and ICON • Follow up with governors regularly through various mediums Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Lacaba Jonathan Lacaba Subregion D Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Subregion E Trustee Hello international board! I have been travelling all over the U.S. Interstates 80, 90, and 69. I have been in attendance to several district’s fall events. I will continue to promote involvement with the international committees and service partners. My focus for the coming report is to contact the governors to help them plan for their DCON, prepare workshops ideas, and hold official visits to my Subregion. My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Reminded CKIers about dues deadlines • Networked with Kiwanis and my counterparts As a Subregion Trustee • Read the president/vice president emails • Contacted governors through email or event involvement As Membership and Marketing Committee Secretary • Kept a binder full of our correspondence and resources • Worked on current tasks of the committee As Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization Committee Liaison • Attended two meetings to offer support/connection to them • Reviewed the progress of the committee against our goals As an Ohio District Member • Attended Ohio District Fall Rally Event in Delaware, OH • Reviewed past resources to update/distribute to Ohio CKI As a University of Toledo Club Member • Attended club board meetings as a committee member • Attended Cedar Point Halloweekends Fundraiser • Planned service projects/fundraising for the spring semester Updates on Subregion E Kentucky/Tennessee • Reviewed the progress of Blake’s networking at Kiwanis Family events via his Facebook page • Followed the progress of the Eastern Kentucky CKI club formation on Facebook group • No new communication Ohio • Spoke to Megan through phone chat and email • Held Fall Rally in Dublin, OH !


• Governor updates are going well to inform clubs about important dates • Planning for DCON and making magic happen Pennsylvania • Spoke to Katie via Facebook and email • Held InterPACK in Girard • Published a District newsletter • Planning a DCON Planning weekend in December West Virginia • Spoke to Philip through email regarding International Visitation • Held their Fall Rally on November 16th • Planning a phone meeting in December regarding Marshal University • Planning a phone meeting in January regarding DCON workshops Travel Report(s) Ohio| Fall Rally| October 11-12, 2013 • Ohio Wesleyan University, served the Delaware community through a food bank and yard clean-up • Held workshops to educate members of the district • Attended the Ohio CKI Board Meeting Illinois-Eastern Iowa |LTR| October 26-27, 2013 • East Bay Camp, Bloomington, workshops and fellowship with I-I clubs • Led a workshop session regarding the SPICE Committee Pennsylvania |InterPACK| November 8-10, 2013 • Hawthorne Ridge Girl Scout Camp, Girard, district service project weekend with The Price is Right themed fellowship Indiana |MDEC| November 15-17, 2013 • Bradford Woods, Martinsville, camp clean-up and membership workshops in the Harry Potter theme • Slytherin will lead you to greatness Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend and report on progress at a webinar • Participate in chats with President Daniel and Vice President Amelia As a Subregion Trustee • Establish a newsletter/update to share with the governors – IN PROGRESS • Travel to two (2) district board meetings – COMPLETED, IN PROGRESS ("! !

• Promote district interclubbing/event attendance Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Promote Service Partners/Preferred Charities with districts • Inform districts of new graphic standards, branding, and media • Assist with planning for convention in Nashville As a Subregion Trustee • Complete 200 service hours in the Subregion during fall semester – IN PROGRESS (~75 hours) • Visit each district in the Subregion twice during my term – Visited other non Subregion E districts Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Provide clubs with an informative resource/personalized email • Improve contact frequency with the host district As a Subregion Trustee • Reaching out more to KT and WV to report regularly and on time • Attend a KT and WV fall/spring district events when available and report on the progress of the Subregion CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Visited 4 districts (in 2 Subregions) over the past reporting period Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Making new CKI friends in my travels • Donated $50 to the ELIMINATE Project for INCKI, Indiana District’s mascot ! Respectfully Submitted,

Alex Bour Subregion E Trustee Circle K International



Board Reports: Subregion F Trustee Greetings, CKI! Since the last international board meeting, I had the pleasure of attending the fall events for the Capital, New Jersey, and the New York District of Subregion F! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Voiced concerns of my subregion. As a Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Chair • Facilitated two meetings. • Hosted the Kiwanis Family Relations Webinar: Connect the K’s With Kiwanis Family Month. As a Subregion F Trustee • Sent out bi-monthly governor and leadership updates. • Hosted one-on-one chats with subregion governors. • Recognized clubs who earned the Subregion F Outstanding Club Achievement Award. • Encouraged and mentored governors/district leaders as-needed. • Attended fall events for Capital, NJ, and NY District. As a New Jersey District Member • Attended INSIGHT, NJ District’s fall conference. As a TCNJ Club Member • Attended a planning meeting with my home club board. • Volunteered at Hedge Peth Williams after-school program. Updates on Subregion F: New Jersey • Hosted a Club Rally on October 20th. • Successfully hosted a Hunger Games-themed fall conference on November 1-3rd. • The College of New Jersey Circle K hosted a Zumba-thon event to benefit The Eliminate Project on Novemeber 14th. • Rutgers University Circle K hosted a Benefit Concert on November 15th • Planning 50th anniversary district convention. Capital • Successfully hosted a Mario-themed fall-conference on September 27-28th. • Hosted an Eliminate Hike fundraiser on October 5th. (#! !

• Hosted a District Large Scale Service Project on November 9th in Washington, DC. • University of Mary Washington Circle K is planning a Thanksgiving dinner to benefit The Eliminate Project on November 24th. • Planning District Convention. New York • Successfully hosted an “elementary school-themed” New York Speaking Conference in Lake George, NY on November 8-10th. • The NY Circle K District board participated in a Kiwanis Family Weekend with other New York Kiwanis Family members. • Planning a Mario-themed District Convention. Created an exceptional promotional video. Eastern Canada • Sent out committee applications. • Planning divisional events. New England • Successfully hosted an Olympic-themed fall conference on October 18-20th in Winthrop, Maine. • Sent out DCON Chair and Host Club applications. • Sent out DCON award forms early. Travel Report(s) Capital District | Fall Conference | September 27-28th • Team leader • Presented workshop on the international level of CKI. • Participated in board auction. New Jersey | Fall Conference| November 1-3rd • Team leader/Facilitated various activities • Assisted district board with behind-the-scenes work. • Participated in board auction. New York | Fall Conference | November 8-10 • Team leader-(winning team !) • Assisted district board with behind-the-scenes work. • Facilitated workshop on LSSP and ICON. • Presented speech during Saturday dinner session. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue to voice the views of my subregion on the international board. !


As a Subregion F Trustee • Send out bi-monthly email updates. • Continue to recognize members for the Subregion F Outstanding Club Achievement Award. • Host one-on-one chats with Sub F governors. • Host a leadership chat with Sub F governors. Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Work with the International Board to accomplish all of our directives and goals for the 2013 – 2014 Service Year. • Attend and participate in all meetings and events through Circle K International. • Assist the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee in completing all directives for the 2013 – 2014 Service Year. • Assist with LSSP and ICON planning. As a Subregion F Trustee • To grow Subregion F camaraderie. • To help members of Subregion F understand the happenings of each district. • To assist my governors so we can accomplish our Subregion F goals (dependent upon each of their districts completing their goals). Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Dedicate 100% (and some) to the international board and to the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee. As a Subregion F Trustee • Continue to send out bi-monthly emails to Subregion F leaders and governors. • Be a personable and available leader to all members. • Organize Subregion F Governor Chats CKI Achievements Since Last Report • At the New York Speaking Conference, my team (World History) won the event competition. Our team donated funds to The Eliminate Project. Personal Achievements Since Last Report ($! !

• Been interviewing for teaching positions! • Improved my timed-mile time to 7:30. Respectfully Submitted,

Danielle Sammut Subregion F Trustee Circle K International



Board Reports: Subregion G Trustee Hi everyone, I have been busy at work helping my districts in any way possible. I have not been the best about opening lines of communication, but am working to improve for the rest of my term. Since my last report I have had some amazing opportunities and attended the fall events for two of the districts in my region. I am continually impressed with the dedication CKI members have for their local communities. I wish all of you the best of luck on final exams, a good holiday season and an excellent start to the new year! My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer ! I read over and reviewed the distinguished awards packets. As a Subregion G Trustee ! 10/4 - 10/5 Attended the Carolinas Fall Call Conference. ! 10/19 I attended the Georgia District Fall Board Meeting. ! 11/15 - 11/17 Attended the Caribbean Fall Leadership Conference. As a Georgia District Member ! 10/18 - 10/19 Attended the Georgia Service Social Tour. ! 11/1 - 11/3 Attended the Georgia Fall Membership Retreat. As a Georgia Institute of Technology Club Member ! Helped my club gain access to the MUC and pay dues. ! Attended most club meetings and assisted the board of officers as needed. ! Participated in all ELIMINATE fundraisers. Updates on Subregion G ! Most districts are doing well, working on accessing the MUC and getting dues in. There have been some problems with officers being removed from the system, causing clubs to lose access but these problems are being resolved very quickly. Travel Reports Carolinas District | Fall Call Conference | ! It was great fun and included a TV themed weekend. Friday night included some group bonding activities where we got assigned to our teams and had to prepare skits to show why our assigned genre was better than the others. Being a member of the SY-FI team we of (%! !

course included references to the Matrix, Star Wars, DBZ and other shows. The evening concluded with roasting marshmallows and a crazy balloon popping game. Saturday Morning after a quick breakfast we had workshops where topics included things from CKI 101 to fundraising and services partners and everything in between. After lunch we all hopped in our cars and went to the Charlotte Food Bank where half of the group worked on sorting toys and other non food items into bins to be given to groups that need them, and the rest of us were giving 4 huge bins full of drinks that had been spilled on that needed to be wiped down and repackaged before they could be distributed. It was a great weekend and I am grateful that I was invited to spend it with the amazing members of the Carolinas District! Caribbean District | Fall Leadership Conference | ! After my flight from Atlanta to Montego Bay, I was picked up in a van with 21 other CKI’ers in it and knew that it was going to be an awesome weekend. Friday got started pretty slow but we had a great opening session and some curry chicken. Saturday morning began at 5:00 AM with a horn being blared around to wake us all up. It was a very grumpy awakening, but we went out before on the top of a hill side and watched the sunrise which was more than worth getting up so early. Saturday morning included breakfast and a general session where I got to teach the more than 90 CKI members present about ELIMINATE and March of Dimes. We then broke up into groups for individual officer training where I assisted with training club presidents. After the training, we broke up into teams and created team cheers and decided who would compete in each event for the afternoon sports and activities. I was a member of team Yellow and am happy to report that I won the two events that I participated in, one being a mathematics competition and the other being a soda drinking contest. All in all everyone had a great time and everyone put in a great effort to the individual events. Saturday evening included dinner and a water balloon fight. Everyone that participated was soaking wet afterwards and we had a campfire made up to help all of us dry off. Sunday morning we had a closing session and took Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes around the local village to collect money for ELIMINATE. I don’t have a total for how much we raised but it was a very successful fundraiser and shows that the Caribbean has great support for the ELIMINATE project. All in all the weekend was !


amazing and many great friends and memories were made while I was there. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer ! Read over the international bylaws and policy code to check for discrepancies and items to be considered for change during ICON As a Subregion G Trustee ! Work on improving communication with my governors and districts. ! Ensure that clubs are able to the MUC and pay dues. ! Create awards and thank you letters for outstanding members in the region. CKI Achievements Since Last Report ! None to report Personal Achievements Since Last Report ! I have 2 job offers for next summer after I graduate! Respectfully Submitted,

Stefan Ludlow Subregion G, International Trustee Circle K International

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Board Reports: Int’l Trustee At-Large My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Advertised committee applications, leadership academy, international convention, tomorrow fund and other international initiatives to CKI members As the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Secretary • Participated in Connecting the K’s Facebook campaign • Presented about the KFR blog at webinar As the International Expansion Committee Liaison • Helped integrate and orientate new members into committee • Orientated and trained new chair (Sancho) • Worked on social media campaign As an International Trustee • Communicated with potential charter members in the Asia-Pacific Region and connected them with potential Kiwanis sponsors • Offered support and mentorship to club officers outside North America (Asia-Pacific Region, Latin America) by accessing the needs of the members and leaders As an Eastern Canada District Member • Attended District Board Meeting • Offered advice as past president to LtGs on how to deal with new presidents • Offered advice to the governor As an University of Waterloo Club Member • Coordinated the annual Oktoberfest initiative • Continue to train new generation of club leaders and executives • Oktoberfest: established communication with all volunteers, setting up ticket sales strategy, selling tickets and volunteering at the Festhallen Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend International Board Meeting in Nashville (Jan) • Attend Kiwanis Asia-Pacific Summit (March?) As an International Trustee • Continue to establish communication with more Non-North America members of CKI, especially the Philippines where we have the highest chance of forming a new district. (My heart goes out to all of !


those affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan <3) As an University of Waterloo Club Member • To continue to fundraise for the victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan (UNICEF Storm relief) • To change the life of at least one homeless person in downtown Kitchener Long term Future Plans • Continue to offer support to new leaders and mentor veteran leaders in the club and district level • Plan for a successful succession for my positions on the International board, KFR and IX Committees Personal CKI Achievement • Coordinated Oktoberfest 2013, lead a personal record in number of ticket sold aka funds raised for Eliminate ! Respectfully Submitted,

Mason Kuang International Trustee At-Large Circle K International

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Awards Task Force Report Meetings: Sunday at 10PM EST; Weekly Date Position Name, District 9/29/13 Chair Rachel Shanley, New England Secretary Allison Prisco, T-O Board Liaison David Limjoco, CNH Member Zach Nolen, Alabama 10/6/13 Chair Rachel Shanley, New England Secretary Allison Prisco, T-O Board Liaison David Limjoco, CNH Member Zach Nolen, Alabama 10/20/13 Chair Rachel Shanley, New England Secretary Allison Prisco, T-O Board Liaison David Limjoco, CNH Member Zach Nolen, Alabama 10/27/13 Chair Rachel Shanley, New England Secretary Allison Prisco, T-O Board Liaison David Limjoco, CNH Member Zach Nolen, Alabama 11/3/13 Chair Rachel Shanley, New England Secretary Allison Prisco, T-O Board Liaison David Limjoco, CNH Member Zach Nolen, Alabama 11/10/13 Chair Rachel Shanley, New England Secretary Allison Prisco, T-O Board Liaison David Limjoco, CNH Member Zach Nolen, Alabama

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Task Force’s Actions The Awards Task Force is finishing up editing the club award applications, and then will send the edited awards to the I-Board. We finished editing all of the Distinguished Officer award applications two weeks ago, and they were sent to Amelia and Daniel. We are happy with our edits, and with the edits made; we hope to be able to encourage more officers to apply for the awards! Task Force Directives 1. Edit each award for grammatical and additional errors. Progress: In Progress • Edited All Distinguished, currently working on all club based awards Future Steps:



• Go through the club awards for errors. Member(s) Responsible: All 2. Find ways to make each award fairer, reasonable, and objective for all applicants. Progress: In Progress • Edit rest of club based awards Future Steps: • Go through the club awards for errors. Member(s) Responsible: All New Task Force Directives 1. Edit all Distinguished awards Progress: Completed • All Distinguished awards have been edited, with mostly word/understanding changes, few large changes. • All edited applications were sent to I-Board. Future Steps: • If needed, we will add graphic standards to the finished awards. Member(s) Responsible: All 2. Edit all Club awards Progress: In Progress • Have four applications left to edit at our next two meetings • At the meeting after the above is accomplished, we will look over all applications to make sure all of the edits I made are acceptable. • Once finished, we will send to I-Board Future Steps: • If needed, we will add graphic standards to the finished awards Member(s) Responsible: All 3. Advertise applications, so more officers and clubs apply Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Figure out best ways to advertise • Work with marketing committee. • Make sure award applications are placed online before we advertise them. Member(s) Responsible: All Respectfully submitted by, Rachel Shanley Awards Task Force Chair

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Executive Committee Report Meetings: Tuesdays @ 10:00pm EST/10:30pm EST; Biweekly Date

Position Chair Secretary 10/15/2013 Member Member Chair Secretary 10/29/2013 Member Member Chair Secretary 11/12/2013 Member Member Chair Secretary 11/26/2013 Member Member

Name, District Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan Daniel Tsang, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania David Limjoco, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Jonathan Pervarnek, Michigan

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions These are priority one for our committee, as many of these are critical close to completion. We hope to continue focusing on these things to make sure that they benefit the organization as a whole. Committee Directives 1. Evaluating Governing Documents for any discrepancies Progress: In Progress • A Governing Documents Task Force has been created for this purpose. • Recommending changes to the Standard Club Bylaws Future Steps: • Communicate with Kiwanis staff members who are tasked with finding discrepancies in governing documents Member(s) Responsible: Committee as a whole



Staff Assistance: Diana O’Brien, CKI Director Chris Martz 2. Expanding the Utilization of Satellite Clubs Progress: In Progress • Created resources that clarify the difference between chartering a CKI Club or starting a satellite club and official documentation for starting a satellite club process • Exploring the possibility of rephrasing the reference of Satellite Clubs in governing documents Future Steps: • Communicate with Kiwanis staff members who are tasked with chartering CKI clubs Member(s) Responsible: Amelia & David Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris 3. Managing the Awards and Governing Documents Task Force Progress: In Progress • Awards Task Force has submitted criteria recommendation to the International Board for consideration • Informed Governing Documents Task Force that amendment recommendations need to be submitted to President Daniel by mid-January for consideration Future Steps: • Directives will be reviewed by the committee to ensure that task force are on task Member(s) Responsible: Daniel Tsang, Amelia Ahnert, David Limjoco (Awards Board Liaison) Staff Assistance: Appropriate KI Staff member 4. Revising and Updating Governor and Administrator Training Conference Materials Progress: In Progress • Trifurcated the Governor and Administrator Training Conference materials to ensure that each section is review thoroughly during all committee meetings Future Steps: • Continue to evaluate previous Governor and Administrator Training Conference materials to ensure that all necessary materials are updated and revised as needed. Member(s) Responsible: Daniel Tsang, Amelia Ahnert, David Limjoco, and Jonathan Pervarnek Staff Assistance: Appropriate KI Staff member

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All of our work is intended to benefit you as members and leaders of Circle K International. We are here to serve you and to make sure you are able to experience all the benefits of being a Circle K International member. If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted by,

Daniel Tsang Executive Committee Chair Circle K International



Governing Documents Task Force Report A report was not submitted.

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International Expansion Committee Report Meetings: Sundays at 10pm EST; Biweekly


Date 9/29/13

Position Board Liaison Secretary Member Guest Guest 11/4/13 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member 11/17/13 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member

Name, District Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Sancho Jacinto, Capital Tian Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania Alex Bour, Ohio Sancho Jacinto, Capital Stephanie Yu, Cal-Nev-Ha Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Tian Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas Sancho Jacinto, Capital Stephanie Yu, Cal-Nev-Ha Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Tian Cheng, Cal-Nev-Ha Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas

Present Absent ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X

Summary of Committee’s Actions We’ve been sending emails with the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and other overseas CKI Clubs. We have also established a Facebook Group for CKI Philippines, which has been very successful with almost 200 members and a lot of activity with Filipino CKIers posting pictures and other stuff. We also started an official email account, blogspot page, and a Facebook Page for the CKI IXC, w h i c h we are putting content in. Accordingly, we have addressed concerns from Filipino Kiwanians who requested for materials and resources from us via Amelia Ahnert, and Chris Martz. Committee Directives 1. Establishing connection with Malaysian CKI Progress: In Progress • Sent out emails to the Kiwanis contacts • Have responded but the liaisons were told to wait after their board meeting. Future Steps: • Follow up with communication after the Malaysia Board Meeting • Start a directory for Malaysia CKI clubs • Contact the Kiwanis Trustee At-Large in charge of Malaysia Member(s) Responsible: Sara Nguyen and Tian Cheng




2. Building contact with Philippine CKI Progress: In Progress • Sent out emails provided from international contact directory. • Was able to fulfill requests from Filipino Kiwanians with Amelia and Chris Martz help. • Created a Facebook Group with great success • Consistently been Facebook chatting with several contacts in CKI and Kiwanis Philippines. • Coordinating relief efforts for the victims of the typhoon • Talked to Kiwanis Trustee in charge of the Philippines, Jane Erickson, she has expressed great enthusiasm and is ready to help. • Was able to have an article for the Capital District Newsletter, Capital Courier. • Was featured in Kathy’s Service Committee newsletter. • Talked to the officers at CKI University of the Philippines-Los Banos, and they told me about their 3 year plan to fundraise and to send members to ICON. Future Steps: • Acquire more articles to be posted on Facebook and district publications • Continue trying to find new contacts and strengthen connections • Eventually build districts Member(s) Responsible: Sancho Jacinto Staff Assistance: Chris Martz 3. Build contact in Taiwanese CKI Progress: In Progress • Sent out emails to Taiwanese clubs from contact information provided • Called Taiwan Kiwanis Headquarters • Update school names with Chinese names • Contacted the English Secretary of Taiwan Kiwanis and were informed by then to wait until after the district board meeting Future Steps: • Contact the Kiwanis Trustee in change of Taiwan • Continue building connections and researching • Eventually create districts in Taiwan Member(s) Responsible: Tian Cheng and Stephanie Yu 4. Building contact with various international CKI clubs not listed above (i.e. Latin America, Australia, Norden)

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Progress: In Progress • Sent out emails to establish first connection • Research clubs for contact information, activeness, and relevant issues Future Steps: • Begin establishing districts with the various international CKI communities Member(s) Responsible: Mason Kuang Committee Directives 1. Social Media Campaign Progress: In Progress • Post updates about the committee • Share stories about overseas CKI clubs via blogspot • Post photos of overseas CKIers • Increase the “likes” of the page to widen the network Future Steps: • Inviting more people and collaboration with other committees, such as the Service Committee • Post videos in the future • Create some interactive features such as contests and other creative entries to increase activity and promote the camaraderie of overseas CKIers and North American ones • Use this medium to help overseas CKIers with their issues and even help them get to ICON Member(s) Responsible: Everyone

Respectfully submitted by,

Sancho Jacinto International Expansion Committee Committee Chairman



Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Report Meetings: Monthly Sunday nights @ 8:30 PM Date 10/6/13

Position Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 10/20/13 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member

Name, District Danielle Sammut, New Jersey Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Katie Auwaerter, Pennsylvania Jennifer Que, Cal-Nev-Hah Monica Wang, WUM Nicole Tardif, Capital Sarah Nolan, WUM Danielle Sammut, New Jersey Mason Kuang, Eastern Canada Katie Auwaerter, Pennsylvania Jennifer Que, Cal-Nev-Hah Monica Wang, WUM Nicole Tardif, Capital Sarah Nolan, WUM

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions The Kiwanis Family Relations Committee recently held a successful webinar on Thursday, October 24th to help promote Kiwanis Family month. Committee members also promote Kiwanis Family month by the social media campaign, Connecting the Ks. In addition, committee members are working on promoting the Kiwanis Family blog and creating/editing resources. Committee Directives 1. Develop and present 2 webinars on pertinent information regarding building the relationship between the Kiwanis Family branches, including information about how to access and find resources and introducing the idea that each branch has its own ambassador. Progress: In Progress • Hosted one webinar Future Steps: • Set deadlines for webinar slides • Communicate deadlines with committee • Organize webinar date Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: None needed at this time. Thanks for the help with our first webinar.

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2. Maintain monthly communication with the branch liaisons. Progress: In Progress Future Steps: • Encourage ambassadors in every email I send to them to continue regular communication with their branch liaisons. • Continue to ask for updates about their communication at scheduled committee meetings. Member(s) Responsible: Each ambassador Staff Assistance: Monica W (Builder’s Ambassador) is having difficulty contacting Nicole Harris. Sarah Nolan (Aktion Club Ambassador) is having difficulty contacting Katie Griffin. 3. Each branch ambassador will participate in 2 or more events with their designated branch (advertise through official IKFR blog). Progress: In Progress • Members are participating in events with Kiwanis Family branches, but have not regularly promoted their work in the IKFR blog. Future Steps: • Send out an email promoting the blog • Advertise blog on social media Member(s) Responsible: All 4. Evaluate current KFR resources and update (or develop) at least one resource for each of our branches. Progress: In Progress • Committee members are currently sorting through the resources and for the most part, have decided which ones they want to vamp up. • Committee members are developing new resources for CKI members. Future Steps: • Set deadline for committee members to look through resources. Member(s) Responsible: Each ambassador 5. Design a “Kiwanis Family Relations Guide” that outlines the history of each organization, what makes the Kiwanis Family unique (maybe taking different member quotes to put in the packet), why it’s important to be in the organization, benefits inside and outside the K-Family, and then a complete service directory filled with service projects specifically for KFamily interaction. Progress: Yet to begin Future Steps: • Remind committee to begin brainstorming !


• Discuss this guide at the next scheduled meeting • Set deadlines for each ambassador Member(s) Responsible: All Respectfully submitted by, Danielle Sammut Chairman Kiwanis Family Relations Committee

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Large Scale Service Project Committee Report Meetings: Monday, 10PM CT; Biweekly Date! "#$%#&$!


Chair! Secretary! Board Liaison! Fellowship Sub-Chair! Logistics Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Publicity Sub-Chair! &%#&(#&$! Chair! Secretary! Board Liaison! Fellowship Sub-Chair! Logistics Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Publicity Sub-Chair! &%#)*#&$! Chair! Secretary! Board Liaison! Fellowship Sub-Chair! Logistics Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Publicity Co-SubChair! &&#&&#&$! Chair! Secretary! Board Liaison! Fellowship Sub-Chair! Logistics Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Projects Co-Sub-Chair! Publicity Co-SubChair!


Name, District! Morgan Fierro, WUM Kathryn Graves, New York Kathy Le, Western Canada Kelly Chan, New York Emily Condon, WUM Brittany Abrams, Florida Kevin Chiong, CNH Mak Hozo, Indiana Morgan Fierro, WUM Kathryn Graves, New York Kathy Le, Western Canada Kelly Chan, New York Emily Condon, WUM Brittany Abrams, Florida Kevin Chiong, CNH Mak Hozo, Indiana Morgan Fierro, WUM Kathryn Graves, New York Kathy Le, Western Canada Kelly Chan, New York Emily Condon, WUM Brittany Abrams, Florida Kevin Chiong, CNH Mak Hozo, Indiana Morgan Fierro, WUM Kathryn Graves, New York Kathy Le, Western Canada Kelly Chan, New York Emily Condon, WUM Brittany Abrams, Florida Kevin Chiong, CNH Mak Hozo, Indiana

Present! Absent! ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X '! ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X ! X X X X X X X X X

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Summary of Committee’s Actions The committee has been focusing on their upcoming directives. As of right now, many directives are completed or in progress. The Fellowship sub-committee has been creating a detailed schedule for each night. They have also created a Tourist/Fellowship Day that will provide “tourist” time so people can go out and see the city. They also have the option of staying inside and participating in fellowship activities. The Publicity sub-committee has created their first marketing package, which is a newsletter. However, it is not out because we do not know the final dates for LSSP. They have finished the LSSP Logo and it is awesome! They are now working on the next marketing package and t-shirt design. The Projects sub-committee has been calling projects around the Nashville area. We are working on getting projects that are possible walking distance from the hotel as well as projects that can take bigger groups. The Logistics sub-committee has been contacting businesses for donations. They will be contacting Kiwanis Clubs around the area about possible donations. The chair has been in contact with each sub-chair and secretary to make sure that they are up to speed on everything. These chats are to make sure that they are not feeling overwhelmed. We are in a bit of a pickle at the moment. But everything will be just fine. We are figuring out some tiny details so we can keep moving on with our directives. Committee Directives 1. Create 4 Marketing packages for LSSP 2014, to be distributed to all members. Resources should be versioned for both club and district officers to display at meetings and correlate to district events. This should include, scripts, videos, slideshows, newsletter articles, pictures, ads, and registration information as it becomes available. Progress: In Progress • The first marketing package is completed Future Steps: • Figure out the exact date for LSSP and send to the VP to send out to International Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee 2. Prepare Service Project proposals by January 5th, 2014 to present to International Board. Projects should try to be large and close to the hotel. But most importantly create a positive impact on the Circle K’ers and the community. Progress: In Progress • The Project committee have started searching for service projects in the Nashville area • There have been over 15 locations Future Steps:

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• Heavily start to call and email locations to start confirming projects. • Figure out the exact date for LSSP • Some locations asked us to call closer to the date. We will be contacting them in the middle of December Member(s) Responsible: Project Planning and External Relations and Morgan Fierro 3. Prepare Fellowship Day proposals by January 5th, 2014 to present to International Board. Progress: In Progress • The have decided to do Tourist/Fellowship Day • There are possible locations for members to go out and visit Future Steps: • They need to figure out what specifically they need to do for fellowship activities Member(s) Responsible: Fellowship Sub-Committee 4. Establish a budget for transportation, food, and supplies by January 15th, 2014 to present to International Board. Progress: In Progress • There is a rough draft of the budget. However, we are having issues with making sure we have enough budget for transportation Future Steps: • Receive plenty of donations for LSSP • Expected Completion Date: January 5th Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Sub-Committee and Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 5. Create donation letters and seek sponsorships for LSSP from the surrounding Vancouver area by January 15th, 2014. Progress: In Progress • The donation letters have been written and being rechecked • The sub-committee is searching businesses to send letters to Future Steps: • Print donation letters and send to businesses in Nashville Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Sub-Committee and Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 6. Create Donation/sponsor request letters for attendees to seek help from their local Kiwanis Clubs, for both individuals and as appropriate to assist the committee (i.e. Program ad sales.) Progress: In Progress !


• The donation letters have been written and being rechecked Future Steps: • The committee needs to search Kiwanis clubs in the Nashville area • Send out donation letters to Kiwanis Clubs Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Sub-Committee and Morgan Fierro Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 7. Create LSSP Logo Progress: Completed • The LSSP Logo is created Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee 8. Create LSSP T-shirt Design Progress: In Progress • There is a draft of a T-shirt design Future Steps: • The draft needs to be worked on • The design needs to be approved by full committee Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee 9. Hold a LSSP Webinar to answer all questions, and promote the event. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Create a nice PowerPoint • Be prepared to answer questions Member(s) Responsible: Morgan Fierro and committee 10. Travel to Nashville and visit site locations to confirm projects and resources (January 31st). Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Get a list of service locations to visit and talk to • Get a prompt list of questions to ask projects, International board • Take pictures in Nashville • Get all proposals ready for International board meeting Member(s) Responsible: Morgan Fierro 11. Compile an extensive manual for LSSP Team Leaders and Committee Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Edit and update old team leader packet

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• Add necessary information Member(s) Responsible: Morgan Fierro and Kathryn Graves 12. Create a website to compile resources to be distributed as well as promote LSSP 2013 to Circle K Members. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Not totally sure if we want to create a website, we may just ask Maria to update LSSP items to the International website Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing Committee 13. Create a social media (Twitter, Facebook) campaign to promote LSSP. The media should be more frequent and dense as the event approaches, but should be prepared in advance. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • We can't really create a social media for LSSP since I was told we are not allowed to. This really shouldn't be a directive anymore. • We will be sending updates to put on twitter and Facebook Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing Committee Staff Assistance: Maria Demko, International Board 14. Prepare Fellowship Evening Activities proposals by January 5th, 2014 to present to International Board. Progress: In Progress • Fellowship Night 1 is completed, they have a detailed schedule and what activities they want to do • Fellowship Night 2 is half completed. They have figured out what activities they are doing. Future Steps: • They need to figure the detailed schedule for Fellowship Night 2 • We are waiting to see how many nights we have for Fellowship Night. Member(s) Responsible: Fellowship Sub-Committee 15. Draft an LSSP program for attendees to view throughout the event. Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Set an agenda for the whole LSSP event Member(s) Responsible: Logistics Sub-Committee Staff Assistance: Maria Demko 16. Create a Slogan for LSSP theme. Progress: Completed !


• We have created a list of possible slogans • The slogans were voted one and one was chosen. • The slogan is “The Sounds of Service” Member(s) Responsible: Publicity and Internal Marketing SubCommittee Respectfully submitted by,

"#$%&'!()*+,&!-.,$$# Morgan Elthea Fierro Large Scale Service Project Committee Chair

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Membership and Marketing Committee Report Meetings: Determined by committee members through Doodle Polls Date Position 10/13/13 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member

Name, District Jonathan Lacaba, Texas-Okla. Alex Bour, Ohio Kevin Arthur, Cal-Nev-Ha Taryn Grisham, Wis.-Upper Mich. Lena Scheibengraber, Wis.-Upper Mich. Sanjuana Zavala, Texas-Okla.

Present Absent X X X X X X

Committee Directives 1. Rock ‘n Recruit Webinar with Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization Committee Progress: Completed • Work with RRR to conduct recruitment and retention webinar • M&M worked on recruitment portion Member(s) Responsible: Lena Scheibengraber, Taryn Grisham Staff Assistance: Chris Martz New Committee Directives 1. Growth Summit Post-Discussion Progress: Yet to Begin • Work with selected attendees and discuss marketing initiatives for recruitment • New ideas for non-traditional member segments Member(s) Responsible: Jonathan Lacaba and Lena Scheibengraber Respectfully submitted by, Jonathan Lacaba Jonathan Lacaba Membership & Marketing Committee Committee Chairman



Recruitment, Retention, & Revitalization Committee Report Meetings: Sundays at 10:00pm EST; Biweekly Date 10/06/13



Position Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member

Name, District Natalie Szemetylo, Capital Samer Khan, Cal-Nev-Ha Alex Bour, Ohio Sean Matteo, New Jersey Sam Hardin, La-Miss-Tenn Dianne Tulud, Cal-New-Ha Alyssa Smalley, Rocky Mountain Natalie Szemetylo, Capital Samer Khan, Cal-Nev-Ha Alex Bour, Ohio Sean Matteo, New Jersey Sam Hardin, La-Miss-Tenn Dianne Tulud, Cal-New-Ha Alyssa Smalley, Rocky Mountain Natalie Szemetylo, Capital Samer Khan, Cal-Nev-Ha Alex Bour, Ohio Sean Matteo, New Jersey Sam Hardin, La-Miss-Tenn Dianne Tulud, Cal-New-Ha Alyssa Smalley, Rocky Mountain

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Summary of Committee’s Actions The R&R&R Committee has been hard at work in the semester that we have been together. We partnered with the Membership & Marketing Committee for the Rock ‘n Recruit webinar at the beginning of October. It was a great opportunity for two committees to work together. We are also partnering with the International Growth Committee with reaching out to potential clubs in Pakistan and the Philippines in particular where committee members have contacts. The committee’s other major project right now is revising the CKI Marketing Guide and CKI Public Relations Guide. These two resources are no longer available through the CKI website. They are great tools for chartering clubs to know the tools to grow.

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Committee Directives 1. Assessing the struggles of current clubs/districts Progress: In Progress • Began creating a Survey for District Club Building Chairs to gather information on the environment of club building in the Districts Future Steps: • Distribution of the Survey Member(s) Responsible: Sean Matteo 2. Create a guide focused on recruitment strategies Progress: In Progress • Began creating a recruitment strategies guide • Held the Rock ‘n Recruit Webinar with the Membership & Marketing Committee Future Steps: • Complete recruitment strategies guide Member(s) Responsible: Alyssa Smalley, Sean Matteo, & Natalie Szemetylo 3. Provide ideas on how clubs can use member feedback Progress: Yet to Begin Member(s) Responsible: Natalie Szemetylo 4. Aid clubs in increasing club awareness on their campus and in their community Progress: In Progress • Created a Do’s & Don’ts Guide for Club Awareness • Revising the CKI Marketing Guide • Revising the CKI Public Relations Guide Future Steps: • Collecting edits for the CKI Marketing Guide & CKI Public Relations Guide • Reconstructing the guides up to the new graphic standards and making them printer friendly Member(s) Responsible: Sam Hardin, Natalie Szemetylo, Samer Khan, Dianne Tulud, Sean Matteo, Alyssa Smalley 5. Assist in the formation of new clubs Progress: In Progress • Reached out to District Governors for information on potential club charters • Partnering with the International Growth Committee to reach out to universities in the Philippines for club building !


Future Steps: • Continue to reach out to contacts given by the District Governors whether it is partnering with a District Board member or working directly with the potential club charter • Reaching out to contacts in Pakistan and Philippines. An upcoming Skype call is scheduled for a contact in Pakistan • Continuing contact with the International Growth Committee Chairman Sancho Jacinto and Board Liaison Mason Kuang Member(s) Responsible: Samer Khan & Dianne Tulud Respectfully submitted by,

Natalie Szemetylo Natalie Szemetylo Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization Committee Chairwoman ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Service Committee Report

! ! Meetings: Wednesdays at 8:00pm MST; Biweekly Date 10/2/13




Position Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Guest Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador


Name, District Kathy Le, Western Canada Stefan Ludlow, Georgia Morgan Fierro, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Heidi Brooks, Texas-Oklahoma Byron Montilla, Cal-Nev-Ha Kelsey Gower, Indiana Cortney Ferris, Texas-Oklahoma Jonathan Cao-Nguyen, Cal-Nev-Ha Kathy Le, Western Canada Stefan Ludlow, Georgia Morgan Fierro, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Heidi Brooks, Texas-Oklahoma Byron Montilla, Cal-Nev-Ha Kelsey Gower, Indiana Cortney Ferris, Texas-Oklahoma Jonathan Cao-Nguyen, Cal-Nev-Ha Amelia Ahnert, Pennsylvania Kathy Le, Western Canada Stefan Ludlow, Georgia Morgan Fierro, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Heidi Brooks, Texas-Oklahoma Byron Montilla, Cal-Nev-Ha Kelsey Gower, Indiana Cortney Ferris, Texas-Oklahoma Jonathan Cao-Nguyen, Cal-Nev-Ha Kathy Le, Western Canada Stefan Ludlow, Georgia Morgan Fierro, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Heidi Brooks, Texas-Oklahoma Byron Montilla, Cal-Nev-Ha Kelsey Gower, Indiana Cortney Ferris, Texas-Oklahoma Jonathan Cao-Nguyen, Cal-Nev-Ha

Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


Summary of Committee’s Actions The 2013 – 2014 Circle K International Service Committee has been continually working on spreading awareness for CKI’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners and general service in clubs and districts all around the world. Since our last report in September, a second issue of “Service Worth A Glance” has been released and several new resources are to be soon released. Although we had a bit of a struggle with our Instagram account (@ckiservicecommittee) in the past, we hope to have at least one post before December. As we approach the holidays our upcoming goals will focus on the New Year’s awareness campaigns, CKI Service Week and Kiwanis One Day, and the CKI Service Fair. We hope that all of our hard work is helping your club and district achieve your service goals! Committee Directives 1. Promote the aims and initiatives of Circle K International’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners Progress: In Progress • Each service ambassador has been in contact with either their corresponding charity or partner organization or the committee chair regarding their role and responsibilities • Most preferred charity and service partner has been featured on the CKI Service Committee’s November-December issue of “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter so that information is easily accessible to the membership • March of Dimes was showcased for the month of November for Prematurity Awareness Month where members were encouraged to spread awareness for prematurity and to participate in World Prematurity Day on November 17 Future Steps: • Develop at least one awareness campaign for each remaining Preferred Charity and Service Partner • Continue to educate members on each preferred charity and service partner by hosting a service webinar and creating relevant videos • Incorporate service projects and awareness campaigns specifically for each Preferred Charity and Service Partner into the Large Scale Service Project 2014 in Nashville, Tennessee • Create an education aspect to the CKI Service Week to encourage clubs to teach their members about CKI’s Preferred Charities and Service Partners • Develop resources surrounding awareness campaigns and CKI Service Week for each charity and partner

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Showcase each Preferred Charity and Service Partner at the CKI Service Fair in Nashville, Tennessee Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Specialist Maria Demko •

2. To facilitate service throughout the membership internationally by providing education, resources, and recognition Progress: In Progress • A recording of a webinar regarding the Tomorrow Fund has been prepared for release to clubs and districts to expand their knowledge of the grant resource • Each ambassador is currently working with their respective Preferred Charity and Service Partner to develop and update resources for the membership • Better World Books contact Teresa has hosted a webinar directly relating to how Circle K members can become involved with the organization • The use of a Google submission form for questions, feedback, and resource requests allows the committee to receive input directly from the membership Future Steps: • The inclusion of general service ideas not directly related to a Preferred Charity or Service Partner in the CKI Service Committee’s newsletter “Service Worth A Glance” • A check-list and schedule resource will be created for guidance leading up to CKI Service Week and Kiwanis One Day to promote participation amongst all of Circle K International and the Kiwanis Family branches • Create a social media campaign regarding the Large Scale Service Project in order to encourage attendance at an international service event Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Specialist Maria Demko 3. To develop mediums in which members can share and showcase service ideas Progress: In Progress • The re-creation of an instagram account (@ckiservicecommittee) will allow the committee to appeal to a different audience and incorporate the use of hashtags and photos to update the membership • Release of the November-December “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter which incorporates service snippets from different districts and clubs, showcases a specific Circle K club, and !


presents different videos for viewing The Facebook page will be the main source of content for awareness, social media campaigns, and engaging members. The approach to our media postings is currently changing to appeal to a wider audience relating not only to service but to everyday lives Future Steps: • Continually release issues of the “Service Worth A Glance” newsletter while acquiring information from various districts and clubs • Allow CKI clubs to show their participation in CKI Service week and Kiwanis One Day by creating a hashtag for the event • Showcase different clubs and districts and their service related events on our Facebook page to engage their members with our content • Host a CKI Service Fair at International Convention in Nashville, Tennessee that allows clubs and districts to share ideas personally Member(s) Responsible: All Members •

Respectfully submitted by,

Kathy Le Circle K International Service Committee Chair ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Social Potential Innovative Club Enhancement Committee Report

A report was not submitted. !




Appendix: October International Council Meeting Minutes

October International Council Meeting Minutes! Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 10:05 pm (EST) Attendance: Name Daniel Tsang Amelia Ahnert Kathy Le David Limjoco Jonathan Pevarnek Jonathan Lacaba Alex Bour Danielle Sammut Stefan Ludlow Mason Kuang Chris Martz Maria Demko Jim Rochford Zach Nolan Lydia Caballero Sean Nguyen Ben Durham Nicolette Wilson Rodney Cline Katie Wyslocky Victor Roa Brittany Horton Ashley Wolfe Mak Hozo Amber Zvolanek Blake Roller Elise Moore

Position International President International Vice President Subregion A Trustee Subregion B Trustee Subregion C Trustee Subregion D Trustee Subregion E Trustee Subregion F Trustee Subregion G Trustee International Trustee At-Large Director of Circle K International CKI Specialist Kiwanis International Trustee to CKI Alabama Andean and Central America California-Nevada-Hawaii Capital Caribbean Carolinas Eastern Canada Florida Georgia Illinois-Eastern Iowa Indiana Kansas Kentucky-Tennessee Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee Michael Manning Michigan Anne Christensen Minnesota-Dakotas Tamara Edgin Missouri-Arkansas Adrianna Lundberg Montana



Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


Makenzie Patrick Katie Pappas Shivam Patel Kelly Chan Megan Hurley Tyson Diep Katie Auwaerter Alyssa Smalley Andrew Lee Allison Prisco Sarah Tschohl Philip Mickinac Ben Scott Lena Schiebengraber

Nebraska-Iowa New England New Jersey New York Ohio Pacific Northwest Pennsylvania Rocky Mountain Southwest Texas-Oklahoma Utah-Idaho West Virginia Western Canada Wisconsin-Upper Michigan


I. Call to Order President Tsang called the International Council Meeting to order at 10:05 pm (EST). II. Explanation of Agenda New Business Approval of Policy Code Changes Miscellaneous III. Approval of Policy Code Amendment 1 Subsection K, iv. Interclubs a. An interclub shall be defined as a meeting or event organized by two or more CKI clubs, including CKI clubs-information, in which at least two members from each CKI club attend. (2/11) An interclub shall be defined as a meeting or event organized by a CKI club with at least one other CKI club in attendance, each having two or more members present. i. Clubs in formation may count as a club for the purpose of calculating an interclub. ii. A meeting or event organized by the international or district levels of CKI shall not count as an interclub.





Each CKI club with two or more members present that satisfies these requirements will have individually completed one interclub. (2/11)

Question 1:

Would divisional events be district events?


A divisional event would count as an Interclub event, under this terminology. You would need to refer to your district bylaws to see what your specific district constitutes as a district event.

25 in affirmation, 1 opposed, 2 abstentions Amendment Adopted IV. Approval of Policy Code Amendment 2 Subsection K, iv. Interclubs b. A Kiwanis Family Relation (KFR) shall be defined as a meeting or event organized by at least one CKI club and at least one other level of the Kiwanis Family, including clubs-information, in which at least two members from each club attend. (2/11) A Kiwanis Family Relation (KFR) shall be defined as a meeting or event attended by at least one CKI club and at least one club from another branch of the Kiwanis Family, each having two or more members present. i. The other levels of the Kiwanis Family are K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club International, Key Leader, Kiwanis Junior, Kiwanis International, Young Professionals, Golden K, and Aktion Club. (2/11) ii. Clubs in formation may count as a club for the purpose of calculating a KFR. iii. A meeting or event organized by the international or district levels of CKI shall not count as a KFR. iv. Each CKI club that satisfies these requirements with two or more members present will have individually completed one KFR. (2/11) Due to late arrivals, there are now 31 voting members of the International Council present.




Question 1:

Is this consistent with the policies of the other branches of the Kiwanis Family?


No. Kiwanis has Interclubs, but not KFRs. The International Board didn’t look into this any further while discussion this change.

Question 2:

Are we not counting KFRs in terms of hours anymore?


During GATC, Immediate Past President Lukito stated that we were switching over and is up to the discretion of the International President. President Tsang saw confusion and minimized it by asking for both.

29 in affirmation, 2 opposed, 0 abstentions Amendment Adopted V. Approval of Policy Code Amendment 3 Subsection K, iv. Interclubs c. If there are two or more CKI clubs present at a Kiwanis Family Relation event or meeting, with at least two members from each CKI club, it shall count as one interclub and one Kiwanis Family Relation. (2/11) A club may earn one interclub and one KFR at the same meeting or event so long as the requirements for each are met. Question 1:

What is the difference between an Interclub and a KFR?


An Interclub is between two CKI clubs with two members present from each club. A KFR deals with K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, Aktion Club, or Kiwanis. If two CKI clubs and a club from another branch of the Kiwanis Family are present, then it would count as both a Interclub and KFR. !



Question 2:

Are the changes stating the same thing as what was already there?


Due to the confusion at GATC, the International Board thought that this section of the Policy Code needed to be more structured and have clearer guidelines. The changes proposed are to clarify the blurred lines.

29 in affirmation, 2 opposed, 0 abstentions Amendment Adopted VI. Miscellaneous Members of the International Board provided International Council with a brief update on each of the Standing Committees, Ad-hoc Committees, and Task Forces. VII. General Reminders President Tsang reminded District Governors to submit their October MRF by October 15th and stressed the importance of quality over quantity. He also informed then at they need to submit their district bylaws, if amendments have been made. Any district bylaws amendments need to be approved by their Kiwanis District Board and then passes onto the International Board for approval. VIII. Adjournment The International Council Meeting was adjourned at 10:51 pm (EST).



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