Doonbeg Location and Context Doonbeg is a picturesque village situated on Doonbeg Bay on the Atlantic coast and is identified as a Large Village in the Settlement Hierarchy of this plan. The village is bisected by the Doonbeg River that flows into the bay. The village has an attractive main thoroughfare, with the historic castle (RPS 276) and lough forming a scenic backdrop. These scenic qualities give Doonbeg a high amenity value that has resulted in it becoming a popular tourist destination during the summer season. The village provides a range of services including shops, national school, post office, community centre, a number of public houses, bed and breakfasts, church and caravan park. Doonbeg has a thriving arts scene with an active drama group and jazz festival and yet the area has retained its significant village charm. The five-star Trump International Golf Links and Hotel, which attracts visitors from around the world is situated northeast of the village, adjacent to Doughmore Beach. Doonbeg lies within a landscape of coastal farmland and dunes and sits in a relatively flat and open landscape. There are extensive views afforded of Doonbeg Bay on approach to the settlement, particularly from the west, which are an integral element of the character and setting of the village and as such should be safeguarded. The strategy for Doonbeg is to ensure that the village maintains and increases its existing permanent population levels and services, and future growth is incremental and small scale in nature, relative and appropriate to its scale, size, and character. The entire settlement of Doonbeg is located within the Doonbeg Margaritifera margaritifera (Freshwater Pearl Mussel (FPM)) Sensitive Area. While the current status of the FPM in this catchment is indicated as extant by the NPWS, recent studies have provided additional records which indicate that this population has in excess of 8,000 individual mussels placing it as a very important catchment in County Clare for this species. Therefore, any proposed development will need to take into consideration the potential negative effects on this species and its habitat. Doonbeg Bay area is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (Carrowmore Dunes SAC) and a Special Protection Area (SPA) (Mid Clare Coast SPA). Future development must ensure that there are no adverse effects on the conservation objectives of the SAC and SPA or on-site integrity, or the integrity of any other European site as a result of any proposed development. Accordingly, objectives relating to European sites and to appropriate assessment, in particular CDP Objective 3.1 will apply to any future development proposals in this area. The Natura Impact Report accompanying this plan (Volume 10a) provides relevant mitigation measures and recommendations at site and project level.
__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029