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Figure 12: Total employment space by employment precinct (sqm
Figure 12: Total employment space by employment precinct (sqm)
- 40,000 80,000 120,000 160,000 200,000
South Grafton industrial Koolkhan Yamba industrial North Grafton Townsend industrial Iluka industrial Junction Hill industrial Harwood island working waterfront Iluka waterfront Tyndale industrial Harwood island industrial Goodwood island - working waterfront Harwood island working waterfront, River street Ashby working waterfront Ilarwill industrial Yamba waterfront
Source: HillPDA (2021), Land use audit. Note: excludes residential space
Some industrial precincts, particularly in older areas of Grafton, included significant volumes of residential floorspace. In South Grafton Industrial, residential floorspace accounted for about 26,210sqm, 13% of overall floorspace within the precinct. Koolkhan included the second highest volume of residential floorspace, with about 3,198sqm, 5% of overall floorspace within the precinct.
6.1.4 Employment space by individual industry type
Of the total employment space across all the 16 precincts, the largest amount was attributed to transport, postal and warehousing businesses, which amounted to approximately 78,550sqm or about 21% of all employment space. This was followed by manufacturing with approximately 61,650sqm (17%), wholesale trade with approximately 61,030sqm (16%) and retail trade with approximately 40,585sqm (11%). The precincts also contained a proportion of vacant floorspace which accounted for 5,660sqm or 1.5% of the combined employment floorspace. The detailed breakdown of floorspace by precinct and land use can be seen in Figure 13.