Rural Lands Strategy Background Paper

Page 19


Strategic and Legislative Context

This section provides an overview of State and local strategies, plans,

outlined above. It is also noted the NCRP 2036 is in the early stages of

policies and other legislation that is relevant to rural land in the

a review that is expected to culminate in a new Regional Plan in mid-

Clarence Valley. It should be recognised that there is a significant


number of documents that are relevant across a wide range of industries, activities and uses. Those captured in this section are the

Right to Farm Act 2019 & Right to Farm Policy

prominent to the overall Strategy process, whilst a range of more

The NSW Right to Farm Policy was introduced in 2015, with the Right to

detailed documents that have informed this Report are also identified

Farm Act introduced in August 2019 and provides for matters relating

in Appendix C.

to farm trespass and the right of commercial enterprises. The Act


State planning

North Coast Regional Plan 2036

allows farmers to carry out their lawful business activities, shielding them from nuisance complaints, claims and legal action from their neighbours and other third parties. The Right to Farm Policy that

The NCRP 2036 directs councils to protect and enhance productive

accompanies the Act provides a series of principles and actions on a

agricultural lands, grow agribusiness across the region and

state-wide approach to deal with the issue of ‘right to farm’.

sustainably manage natural resources. Relevant directions include:

It is noted that the NSW Agricultural Commissioner has undertaken a

Direction 6: Develop successful centres of employment,

review of the Right to Farm Policy, that was released in December

including for food production and agribusiness

2020. The recommendations of this review, and subsequent


Direction 8: Promote the growth of tourism

documents that have since been released (see below for example), are


Direction 11: Protect and enhance productive agricultural

considered herein and further within the development of the Rural


Lands Strategy.



Direction 12: Grow agribusiness across the region


Direction 13: Sustainably manage natural resources

How and when these directions are relevant are further explored in the relevant parts of the Report. The development of the Rural Lands Strategy is part of a suite of strategies that form Clarence Valley’s Local Growth Management

Agricultural Commissioner’s Land Use Planning Reports As mentioned above, the NSW Agricultural Commissioner has reviewed and developed recent paper and reports associated with the future of agricultural within the context of the land use planning system.

Strategy. This Strategy then responds to the NCRP 2036 directions

Clarence Valley Council Rural Lands Strategy – Background Paper

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