Issue 6: Supporting emerging industries Councils recently adopted Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 and
Considerations are also identified relating to how to support and grow
the earlier Clarence Valley Regional Economic Development Strategy 2018
these opportunities into the future.
– 2022 set out directions to grow the agricultural sector, being identified as an “engine of growth” across the region. Key to this
Intensive plant agriculture
growth is to support not only the existing industries that are the
The North Coast Regional Strategy 2036 identifies through Direction 6
present, but to identify emerging and growing industries to ensure that
the opportunity to develop successful centres of employment –
they are able to continue to meet sustainable market needs.
including potential for food production and agribusiness. This precinct
With the LGA being relatively contained with natural breaks provided by National Parks / Conservation areas to the north south and west, this may mean building on those agricultural industries which have already sprouted, such as berries or nuts. Similarly, there may be opportunities through diversification through existing industries, such as sugarcane, apiary, or forestry. However, emerging industries within the rural lands context also extend beyond agriculture. There are trends within tourism, recreation and environmental fields that may also warrant further consideration as emerging industries over the life of the Strategy. This section identifies a number of these emerging industries including: o
or hub style approach can assist to facilitate industry development, creating a critical mass for infrastructure, supply chains and the like. Whilst this has arguably been the case for industries such as sugarcane for many years, there is increasing pressure to drive greater efficiencies from existing rural lands through more intensive forms of production. Most predominantly, this is being pushed through the increase in protected cropping, with low to high levels of climate control being developed. In the Clarence Valley, this is already seen within the berry industry, moving from open farms to nets and now increasingly to more sophisticated above ground systems including ‘tunnels’ and basic levels of climate controlled farming.
Intensive plant agriculture including existing and emerging
The 2017 Regional Development Australia Northern Rivers NSW
Blueberry Industry Business Barriers Review: NSW Northern Rivers
Opportunities to tap into diversification and support for
highlights Clarence Valley as one of the production areas between the
existing industries
main hub of Woolgoolga and the smaller farms in the Richmond Valley.
Diversified use of rural lands in areas such as recreation and
The report identified several large farms (e.g. Golden Eagle) being
newly established or planned on “under-utilised grazing properties”.
Working with smaller land holdings to create productive outcomes.
Clarence Valley Council Rural Lands Strategy – Background Paper
Protected cropping is identified as the fastest growing food-producing sector in Australia, with annual growth rates averaging more than 60%
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