Rural Lands Strategy Background Paper

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Introduction The need for a Rural Lands Strategy

The Clarence Valley Rural Lands Strategy (the Strategy) will investigate the long-term strategic direction for rural areas in the Clarence Valley and will help inform future planning decisions and policies for rural lands and supporting infrastructure.

environmental protection - both in the coastal and hinterland rural lands of the Clarence Valley. The new Strategy will also provide Council with the opportunity to be proactive in communicating their strategic intent for rural lands. A further driver for the project is outlined through the Clarence Valley Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 (LSPS) which highlights the value of rural land to the Clarence Valley community, as well as recognising the strategic importance of it to the Northern Rivers sub-region.

According to Council’s LSPS, the Clarence Valley has approximately

Action 1.1 of Planning Priority 1 identified the direction to “Prepare a

2,230 registered farms providing $493 million annual gross regional

Local Growth Management Strategy for the Clarence Valley”. An aspect or

product. Rural areas also enable an enviable Clarence Valley lifestyle

accompaniment to this is identifying future planning for rural areas –

through recreation, rural housing, tourism, open space, natural

the Rural Lands Strategy.

resources, biodiversity, heritage and landscape conservation, all whilst accommodating supporting infrastructure. These rural areas account

The development of the Strategy is further informed by LSPS Planning

for 75% of the total land in the Clarence Valley Local Government Area (LGA) or just over 780,000 hectares. Protecting the significant features and assets found in these areas is important for ongoing environmental, social, economic, cultural and wellbeing outcomes. The Clarence Valley population is expected to grow from 52,000 to 60,000 over the next 20 years. With this change in population (as well

Priority 13 – to “Protect agricultural land and increase opportunities for access to locally produced fresh food and economic growth”. This also supports the North Coast Regional Plan 2036 (NCRP 2036) Direction 11 that looks to “Protect and enhance productive agricultural lands”.


Report purpose

This Background Paper (the Paper) provides details and insights to the

as a range of other factors), there is also expected to be change in how

proposed directions and overarching framework of the Rural Lands

and what agricultural products are produced. Ensuring adequate agricultural infrastructure and that land use policy supports existing

Strategy. It provides a snapshot of existing rural lands, the type and location of uses on these rural lands, as well as the drivers, desired

and future rural industries is a key objective of this Strategy.

outcomes, issues, options and recommendations for the future.

The need for the Strategy is also highlighted by the age of Council’s existing Clarence Valley Settlement Strategy – which was completed in

The Paper provides the background to the framework for managing

1999 as a 20 year strategy and is now in need of renewal. The new

to the year 2041. While this is a 20-year plan, the Strategy also

Rural Lands Strategy will build on its predecessor, but seek to be a more responsive document, including connection to a broader and

considers Clarence Valley’s potential growth beyond 2041 to ensure current planning decisions do not compromise longer-term future

more current range of rural issues, such as emerging industries and


Clarence Valley Council Rural Lands Strategy – Background Paper

growth, change and development for rural land in the Clarence Valley

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