April 2014 CLC CrossWord

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APRIL 2014

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Expenses, Special Funds and Special Projects CLC financially like everyone else is seeing our expenses grow and for now out pace our income for our General Fund. Meanwhile we are getting Special Projects done because of past special funds we have received by generous donors. One of the best ways to help on our General Fund expenses is to sign up for Electronic Giving. Electronic Giving gives us a much more steady income rather than the peaks (Easter and Christmas) and valleys (Summer). Of course special gifts for the General Fund are welcomed too. The Special Projects through Special Funds are things like rerouting a sewer line from the basement that has been a problem over the years including freezing in winter, closing the pre-school. We will soon try to address the carpet in the hallways leading to the Youth Room and Offices as well as in the SonRise Room and Nursery. Hopefully we will be able to repair outside stucco damaged from wood peckers and paint the exterior of the buildings. There are more but I will save them for another time!

FIRST IMPRESSIONS It's that time of year again to start thinking about CLC's beautiful landscaping.

There is a diagram with all the plots you can adopt. Some of them have been adopted already so please check the sign-up sheet in Debby's office for availability. The duties include weeding, pruning, planting and dead-heading. This is a wonderful way to keep our church looking great!!!

10/14/1985 to 10/14/2015 Did you know in just a little bit more than a year, Christ Lutheran Church will be celebrating 30 years in Highlands Ranch? That’s right, our 30th Anniversary will be here before you know it. How should we mark it? How should we celebrate it? Interested in exploring those questions? Have comments or ideas? Want to help? Please call or email me at 303 791-0803 or pstrfstr@clchr.org and we will try and set a date to meet together as soon as possible.

Harrington Elementary


Saturday May 10th, 2014 • 11am-1pm Harrington is an inner-city Denver school that Christ Lutheran has adopted. Each year, CLC hosts a carnival at the school (located at 36th and York), typically on the first or second Saturday in May. The carnival features games and a bounce castle. The carnival is free to all students and their families. There is also a food booth serving brats and hot dogs, soda, chips, candy and pickles that is free to everyone in the school. Donations of hot dogs, brats, soda, small bags of chips, pickles and candy bars are being accepted for the food booth. Donations of booth prizes are also being collected. If you are interested in giving a cash donations to offset the $2000 we spend on games and prices that would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers to help run the carnival may sign-up on the response sheet. Working this event makes a great service project for individuals, families, small groups, and confirmation groups. If you are going to work please arrive no later than 10:00 am.

STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor pstrfstr@clchr.org

Pastor Tom’s Message

Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Debby Kinsella Director Outreach/Equipping dkinsella@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist

Easter Cycle + Easter Spirituality Last month we began our Lenten Journey and Lenten Spirituality. It has been great for over a month to focus upon prayer and the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. This month we enter into the Easter Cycle and Easter Spirituality which is one of Joy! I am hoping we can visually express some of that Joy of the Resurrection through our Sacred Art in the Sanctuary with our Tree of Life! While during Lent we sang,

Larry Scalfari Pianist

“Tree of Life and awesome mystery in your death we are reborn”

Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net

now we change that to

Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Ken Kroneberger kenk@jcmh.org Lee Bergstrom lee_berg@yahoo.com Nancy Bauer nancybauer@q.com Rick Boyer safetyguy74@yahoo.com Julie Waggoner waggoners5@gmail.com Norm Beulke nbeulke@gmail.com Adrian Hafner backyardkids@hotmail.com Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com John Riley johnriley05@comcast.net All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

“Come and Gather beneath the Tree of Life; root of wisdom, branch of peace, fruit of healing and release. Come and Gather beneath the Tree of Life!” I like the symbolism of a tree that deep roots in history and tradition while stretching its branches and leaves skyward in Thanksgiving! I like the symbolism of a cycle, a circle that spins, renewing, recycling, recreating! And so we prepare, worship leaders, pastors, musicians, parishioners and many more not just for a celebration but a turning point, a change and chance, that God gives over and over again. So let us continue the journey! Enter the cycle! Gather with others! Be renewed! Grow, reach up and dig down. This is our Easter Spirituality! Please be aware of our Easter changes of worship times this year for Easter Sunday only. Many Blessings + See you in Worship + Pastor Tom +


Shepherds' groups are dinner groups of 8 people who meet four times in each other's homes between May and September. Each time the group meets, the host provides the main dish, and the others in the group bring an appetizer, salad, or dessert. This is a great way to get to know other people, both members and visitors of CLC, on a more intimate basis. Adult only and family groups are available. Deadline to sign up is April 30th so please sign the response sheet.

MOPS Consignment Sale Consignors Do you have clothes, toys, baby gear and sports equipment cluttering up your house? CLC MOPS is here to help! The New to You Spring/Summer Children's Consignment Sale is May 1-3 and you can be a consignor earning at least 70% of your total sales. Registration begins Friday, March 14 and there is a limit of 150 consignors so don't wait! Go to www.newtoyousale.org for information and to register!

Thank You! On behalf of my surviving brothers and their families and for Wendie, myself and our extended families, I'd like to thank many of you for your prayers and cards of condolences on the loss of two of my older brothers: Jack (75) and Bob (69), both of whom suffered catastrophic heart failure within 10 days of each other. Both were very active in their respective Lutheran churches and we'll miss them both tremendously. Again, thank you for your prayers. Ronald A Moses

Pastor DJ’s Message One recent Wednesday evening, we had three young gentlemen standing on the chancel trying to hold 40-60 pound objects in the air. Despite being told that they could set the objects down at any time, they all did their best to keep them up in the air until the time for the task had ended. I used this as a metaphor for Jesus’ invitation to forgiveness, and our resistance. Since I wasn’t feeling very well that evening, I wasn’t particularly quick on my feet. If I had been, the responses of the boys made even better points than ones I had thought of while constructing the meditation for that evening. I’d like to share those thoughts now. When I had helped the guys put their weights down I asked each one of them a simple question: “Why didn’t you put the object down?” I will offer my thoughts on their responses below one at a time. 1) “Because I didn’t trust you.” This was later clarified as “I thought it was a trick.” Of course, it would be fitting to be duped into such a trap, especially since they know their pastor’s propensity for prank-playing. For the sake of seeking forgiveness from God and each other this makes a fantastic point. We don’t ask forgiveness of one another, or God, or even offer forgiveness for fear that something else will be attached. We fear judgment, or to put it another way, confession of sins makes us look like less in the eyes of another. We would rather carry the weight of the sin than be relieved of the burden. 2) “It was ok, once I balanced the box on my legs.” While creative, what I thought interesting about this point is that we would try and find ways to manage the weight rather than being free of it. We would justify it any number of ways, but letting go isn’t a possibility. 3)“I don’t know.” My personal answer. Maybe it’s because we really can’t name those reasons, or maybe it’s because we’re ashamed of what the answer really is, but this is the one I use most often when confronted with the possibility of forgiveness and letting things go. It was wonderful to get to ponder these things after service although I wish I had been able to express them during worship. Perhaps all of these thoughts occur to each of us at given times when we are asked, “Why won’t you just let that weight go?” Peace, Pastor DJ

Join us for

Holy Week & Easter at

Christ Lutheran Church Palm Sunday, April 13th Worship 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00am Breakfast 8:30-11:30am

Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary on Good Friday We will be projecting the Stations of the Cross from 10:00 to 11:30 am and from 1:00 to 5:00 pm on Good Friday. Please just go into the Sanctuary any time during those hours.

Easter Egg Stuffing & Toss Easter is coming soon and every year we toss plastic Easter eggs with an invitation to Palm Sunday breakfast and listing of our Holy Week services on the lawns of our neighbors and friends that don’t have a church home. Please join us on Wednesday April 2nd at 10:00am to help stuff the eggs. Then, grab a bag of eggs from the Narthex on the weekend of April 5th & 6th and take them with you to toss. This is great fun especially for the kids.

(Fundraiser for Sr. High Mission Trip)

Maundy Thursday, April 17th Worship 7:00pm (Celebration of 1st Communion) featuring Crossroads Band

Good Friday, April 18th Worship 12:00pm 7:00pm (Cantata by Celebration Choir) Easter Saturday, April 19th Easter Worship 5:00pm Easter Sunday, April 20th, 2013 (New service times)

He is Risen! Easter Worship 7:30 / 8:30 / 10:00 / 11:30am

Easter Lilies and Plants Easter Lilies and Easter Flowers may be purchased in memory or honor of someone meaningful in your life. The plants will be $16 each and will decorate our Sanctuary on Easter. We now have envelopes to place your check in located in the Narthex. Fill out the information needed on the front of the envelope and place it in the offering plate or the basket provided in the Narthex. You may also indicate on your check the name of the person and in memory or honor of that individual and place your check in the offering plate or sign up on the response sheet.

Placing the Flowers and Butterflies on Good Friday We will be placing the flowers around the Altar after the Good Friday Service as well as butterflies on a barren tree that will be located in the Sanctuary. If you can stay an extra 20 minutes to help please sign the response sheet.

Worship Teams for Easter Do you like to Usher or serve Communion, but not all the time? We could really use your help at any of the 4 services Easter morning and the Saturday 5:00 service. With the goal in mind of trying to be able to comfortably fit as many people as possible into our Sanctuary over the course of four services on Easter without having to send people to the Fellowship Hall these are the times we have decided on 7:30, 8:30 10:00, and 11:30 am. Please note that all of these times are different from previous years. There are clip boards with sign- up sheets in the Narthex on the wall, or you can sign the response sheet. If you are on a worship team and can help us please pick the service that works best for you and let Debby know.

Worship Team Training We will have a training for all of you who have signed up to be on a worship team for Easter services. The training will be held in the Youth room on April 13th (Palm Sunday) at 9:00 am ( between 8:00 & 9:30 services). Please sign the response sheet if you are interested.

Easter Shuttle Please don’t forget to ride the shuttle for Easter Sunday. At a time when we worship over 2000 people on a weekend this will insure that our guests have a place to park. The shuttle will run back and forth from the southeast corner of the AMC parking lot across from Outback from 7:00 to 11:30 am Easter Sunday April 20th. This is a fun way to meet others on your way to worship.

Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall on Easter Sunday Please join us in the fellowship hall for wonderful fresh baked goodies after services on Easter Morning. If you are interested in supplying baked goods please sign the response sheet.

Volunteers Needed Decorating the Church and Organizing Easter Flowers We will be decorating the church for Easter on Thursday, April 17th at 9:00am. That same day we will be taking the flowers out of boxes and watering them to be placed after the service on Good Friday. We will also set up for Maundy Thursday hand washing. If you can help please sign the response sheet.

Nursery Volunteers for Easter We are in need of people to help in the nursery during the 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 am services on Easter Sunday. If you can help please sign the response sheet.

Volunteers Needed to Water the Plants After Easter We need people to water the plants for 2 weeks after Easter. If you are available please sign the response sheet.

Volunteers Needed to Clean up the Church After Easter On Wednesday April 23rd at 10:00 am we will be cleaning up the church after the big Easter weekend. If you can help us put back chairs, move plants and just do minor clean up please mark the response sheet.

Blessings and Happy Easter from the Preschool! A season of new things and beautiful wonders outside. During the month of April we will be busy celebrating Easter with egg hunts, butterflies, Spring, and the greatest gift Jesus has given to us! We will also be talking about careers with our older children and inviting parents in to share their jobs with our little ones. If you have a job you would like to share with the children, please give us a call in the preschool at 303-471-9290 and we can schedule you to visit on Career Day. Conferences will take place later in the month giving the teachers and parents time to reflect on the wonderful progress their child has made over this past school year. And, we will begin to plan for our Graduation ceremonies in May and all the fun activities that come with the close of a school year. We will host a Family Art Show and Spaghetti dinner night on Friday, April 25th. The children will display art they have created for their families and be the stars of the evening. If you have an item you would like to contribute to our auction (a way to advertise a business as well), we would welcome the donation. Preschool Appreciation Sunday is on the 27th at the 9:30 a.m. service. Some of our children will be singing for you!

Summer camp is available to all children 3 years through 6 yrs. 11 months old. Registration is available at any time. There will be four, two week sessions. June 2nd-12th, June 16th-26th, July7th-17th and July 28th-August 7th. Camp will be held Monday through Thursday mornings from 9 am–1 pm or 9am–4 pm. You can select any number of days to attend. There is a $25, one time supply fee per each child regardless of how many sessions you attend. This fee is all you need to reserve your space and payment is due when your camp session begins. If you would like a registration form, please email us at dmorgans@clchr.org. We can let you know what other paperwork might be required if you are not currently attending the preschool. The themes are Beach/Ocean, Art, Zoo Animals, All things outdoors. We will have a funtastic time! **Camp does not meet over Vacation Bible School week which is the week of July 21st.** Registration for VBS will come from church. “Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!” A blessed month to everyone! Deb and Blair

Happy Birthday Ben Coleman April 1 Esther Trautmann April 1 Kathryn Van Dewerker April 1 Hannah Archuleta April 2 Jake Beauchamp April 2 Gary Butler April 2 Sheldon Hafner April 2 Madison Hegre April 2 Dan Johnson April 2 Janet Kracht April 2 Shelby Mulverhill April 2 Abby Porterfield April 2 Laura Agustin April 3 Erving Anderson April 3 Jordan Faessler April 3 Dwight Roinestad April 3 Julie Skelton April 3 Angela Smith April 3 Anne Buderus April 4 Quinn Hunchar April 4 Evan Lambert April 4 Ray Christensen April 5 Kevin Henningsen April 5 Ethan McGraw April 5 Jackson Mundell April 5 Lara Oleson April 5

Stephanie Radtke April 5 Steve Schaeberle April 5 Jim Schleuder April 5 Andy Stevens April 5 Jameson Switzer April 5 Tom Bielefeldt April 6 Danica Rowe April 6 Elizabeth Zorn April 6 Dan Abraham April 7 Linda Cook April 7 Grant Hansen April 7 Russ Hunchar April 7 Elise Schauer April 7 Helen Beulke April 8 Judy Siel April 8 Dru Boggs April 9 Peyton Friend April 9 Amelie Heiner April 9 Audra Hillier April 9 Brianne Mavis April 9 Donna Riley April 9 Ken Kroneberger April 10 Angela McCrosky April 10 Andrea Peters April 10 Haley Radochonski April 10 Olivia Johnson April 11

Lara Marxhausen April 11 Zooey Hill April 12 John DeBoer April 13 Forrest Green April 13 Guy Haller April 13 Brian Morgans April 13 Austin Alexander April 14 Sandy Buechler April 14 Russell Hunchar April 14 James Rand April 14 Pastor Tom Shelly April 14 Hunter Snauwaert April 14 Jen Henningsen April 15 Oliver Knauff April 15 Carlos Castro April 16 Ryan Lindemann April 16 Brandon Morken April 16 Lisa Shimonkevitz April 16 Pam Jewett April 17 Camryn Kramer April 17 Carl Saur April 17 Rick Versen April 17 John Wilson April 17 Ashley Evens April 18 Ian Heiner April 18 Katie Pinon April 18

Juanita Buckel April 19 Ryan Cummings April 19 Roger Green April 19 Ashley Flynn April 21 Chris Poltl April 21 Paul Pontius April 21 Marcia Strom April 21 Lexi Bauer April 22 Courtney Belin April 22 Jeff Bergstrom April 22 Fred Parsa April 22 Charlotte Wilson April 22 Charles Morse April 23 Richard Oleson April 23 Brady Subart April 23 Kyle Henningsen April 24 Linda Holcombe April 24 Joanne Hollowell April 24 Harriette Shelly April 24 Chrissy Beukelman April 25 Chery Koury April 25 Leslie Sanner April 25 Sydney Anne Cantrell April 26 Lynette Kramer April 26 Kaleigh Kreimeyer April 26 Dennis Gereaux April 27

Ryan Knauff April 27 Aaron Newman April 27 Jason Radtke April 27 Tara Vogler April 27 Steven Almer April 28 Kelly Bergstrom April 28 Karlton Lauer April 28 David McCrosky April 28 Benjamin O'Brien April 28 Laura Reeves April 28 Alexandria Reeves April 28 Shalean Rowe April 28 Evan Rowell April 28 Kaila Scarlett April 28 Michelle Sinclair April 28 Kyle Versen April 28 Cameron Radtke April 29 Garren Richard Saewert April 29 Brownie Smook April 29 John Friend April 30 Jennifer Gunther April 30 Andrew Holcombe April 30 Nancy Hubbard April 30 Kelly Melcher April 30 Jake Stein April 30 Susan Thoennes April 30

Legacy and Endowment Scholarships for 2014

Upcoming Events

Each spring, our Legacy & Endowment Team is charged with the task of selecting and awarding at least one $500 scholarship to a qualified applicant; that being:

April 9th - Lenten Dinner (BBQ Brisket night) April 13th, 8:30-11:30 - Palm Sunday Breakfast Menu is Scrambled eggs, sausage, Canadian bacon, fruits, pastries, OJ, milk, and coffee. The Sr. High is hosting for their mission trip.

(a) a confirmed member of Christ Lutheran Church,

April 25th & 26th - 8th Grade Lock-in Starts at 8:30 pm and goes until 8:30am. This lock-in is for 8th graders getting confirmed in May and to prepare them for their interviews with the Pastor's.

(b) a graduating high school senior or a currently enrolled college student studying for an under graduate degree and (c) having a minimum G.P.A. of 2.5. Applications will be available beginning Monday, March 17th from the CLC website or from the office. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2014.

April 27th, 9:30 - Bible Bowl for Sunday School Held in the Fellowship Hall.



TUESDAY 8:30 AM Preschool 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 6:30 PM Audit Team Mtg. 7:00 PM BLAZE

7 8:30 AM Preschool


1 Egg pick-up

THURSDAY 2 8:30 AM Preschool

8 8:30 AM Preschool

9 8:30 AM Preschool

8:30 AM Preschool 4:30 PM Joy Choir 5:00 PM Carillon Ringers 5:15 PM Lenten Dinner/ Chili cook-off 7:00 PM Lenten Service/ Faith Mentoring

9:00 AM Adult University 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers 6:00 PM Cub Scout Den Mtg. 7:00 PM Celebration Choir

Egg Toss 6 8:00 AM Worship/CC 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 11:00 AM BAPTISM - Kahsay 11:00 AM Prepare Easter Children's Activity Bags 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 12:15 PM 1st Communion Class 7:00 PM AA Meeting

6:30 AM Men's Breakfast Group 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Beth Moore Bible Study 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Personnel Mtg.

PALM SUNDAY 13 8:00 AM Worship/CC 8:30 AM Palm Sun. Breakfast 9:00 AM Worship Team Trng. 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 5:00 PM Dynamite Youth 7:00 PM AA Meeting

6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 14 Group 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Mission Quilters 9:30 AM Beth Moore Bible Study 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Venture 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

EASTER SUNDAY 20 7:30 AM Sunrise Service 8:30 AM Easter Worship 10:00 AM Easter Worship 11:30 AM Easter Worship 7:00 PM AA Meeting

OFFICE CLOSED 21 8:30 AM Preschool 22 8:30 AM Preschool 23 8:30 AM Preschool 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 9:00 AM MOPS Mtg. 4:30 PM Douglas County 6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 4:30 PM Joy Choir Singers Group 6:15 PM Praise Team 6:30 PM Confirmation Music 6:30 PM Cub Scout Mtg. 8:30 AM Preschool 7:00 PM BLAZE 7:00 PM Confirmation Learning 9:30 AM Beth Moore Bible 8:00 PM mops set-up Event Study 4:30 PM Brownie Troop 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

8:00 AM Worship/CC 27 9:30 AM Worship/SS 9:30 AM Preschool Appreciation 11:00 AM Worship/CC 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 12:15 PM Baptism Class 7:00 PM AA Meeting

6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 28 Group 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Mission Quilters 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Venture 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 PM BLAZE 7:00 PM Council Mtg. 8:00 PM mops set-up

8:30 AM Preschool 15 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 1:00 PM Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 PM BLAZE

9:00 AM MOPS Mtg. 4:30 PM Joy Choir 5:00 PM Carillon Ringers 5:15 PM Lenten Dinner/BBQ Brisket night 7:00 Lenten Service/Faith Mentoring

FRIDAY 3 8:30 AM Preschool

5:00 PM Worship/CC 5:00 PM Parents Night Out

10 8:30 AM Preschool 11 Palm Sunday decorating 9:00 AM Adult University 5:00 PM Worship/CC 12:00 PM OWLS Luncheon 1:00 PM PAT Meeting 5:30 PM Parent's Night Out 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers7:00 PM Cub Scout Leader Mtg. 7:00 PM Celebration Choir

8:30 AM Preschool 16 MAUNDY THURSDAY 17 10:00 AM MOPS Steering 8:30 AM Preschool 4:30 PM Joy Choir 9:00 AM Adult University 5:00 PM Carillon Ringers 9:00 AM Flower prep 7:00 PM Celebration Choir 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers 7:00 PM Maundy Service/ 1st Communion 7:00 PM CLC Military Ministry

8:30 AM Preschool 29 8:30 AM Preschool 30 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 9:00 AM mops consign. 4:00 PM Confirm. Pastoral 4:00 PM Confirm. Pastoral Interviews Interviews 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 6:30 PM Sons of Norway Directors Mtg. -tentative 7:00 PM BLAZE 8:00 PM mops set-up

9:00 AM Rejoice Circle

SATURDAY 4 9:00 AM Chicks w/Sticks

GOOD FRIDAY 18 10:00 AM Crossroads 5:00 PM Worship/CC 8:30 AM Preschool 9:00 AM Rejoice Circle 10:00 AM Stations of the Cross Self guided meditation 12:00 PM Noon Service 1:00 PM Stations of the Cross Self guided Meditation 7:00 PM Good Friday Service/ Cantata

24 8:30 AM Preschool Art

Show/Auction Setup 8:30 AM Preschool 8:30 PM 8th Grade Spring Lock-in

25 12:00 AM 8th Grade





Spring Lock-in 7:00 AM General Maintenance 1:00 PM Eagle Court of Honor 5:00 PM Worship/CC

Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers


Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers


Caring Connection

Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights

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