APRIL 2015
Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Join us for
CLC’s 30th ANNIVERSARY Events and Activities
May-October 2015!
CHARTER MEMBER RECOGNITION – Sunday, May 10. We begin our 30th Anniversary with this special reception from 8:45-9:45am (In between services) in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us!
Commemorative Oktoberversary T-shirt sales begin in May. 30TH ANNIVERSARY TALENT SHOW – Friday, July 24 at 7pm. Details to come soon! CHURCH PICNIC – Sunday, August 23rd at 10am in Civic Green Park, Highlands Ranch.
SEPTEMBER SUPER SUNDAYS – RALLY DAY – Sunday September 7th MINISTRY FAIR – Saturday-Sunday, September 19-20 YOUTH WORSHIP WEEKEND – September 26-27 30th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION – OKTOBERVERSARY!!!! Saturday, October 3 from 6:30-9:30pm at the Wildcat
Auditorium in Southridge Recreation Center. 6:30pm-9:30pm. We’ve combined Oktoberfest and our 30th Anniversary into one big celebration for the entire family, complete with food, music, and fellowship! Tickets will be sold beginning in August and early September.
30th ANNIVERSARY WORSHIP CELEBRATIONS! Saturday-Sunday, October 10-11, All Worship Services.
Carnival Saturday, May 2 • 11am-1pm
Harrington is an inner-city Denver school that Christ Lutheran has adopted. Each year, CLC hosts a carnival at the school (located at 36th and York) to celebrate the end of a successful school year. The carnival features games and a bounce castle. The carnival is free to all students and their families. There is also a food booth serving brats and hot dogs, soda, chips, candy and pickles that is free to everyone in the school. Donations of these food items are welcome as well as donations for booth prizes. If you are interested in giving a cash donation to off-set the $2000 we spend on the event, it would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers to help run the carnival may sign-up on the response sheet. Working this event makes a great service project for individuals, families, small groups, and confi-rmation groups. If you are going to work please arrive no later than 10:00 am. Look for our “clip boards” to sign up for food donations and volunteer times beginning April 11. Please join the fun and THANK YOU!
STAFF: Rev. Steve Berke, Interim Senior Pastor pastorsteve@clchr.org
Pastor Steve’s Message
Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org
“On the Lookout”
Dianne Yoss Interim Director Outreach & Equipping outreach@clchr.org Debbie Freeman Interim Office Staff for Outreach & Equipping dfreeman@clchr.org
for a Transition Team
Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians
CHURCH COUNCIL: Adrian Hafner backyardkids@hotmail.com Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com John Riley johnriley05@comcast.net Lesley Cantrell we4cantrells@mac.com Erika Alpern eajteach@yahoo.com Karen Rucker kkosty@excite.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Bob Weber B14169k@comcast.net
All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
The first three months of 2015 at Christ Lutheran Church have been full ones, to say the least. In short order we have seen the conclusion of Pastor Tom’s ministry here; my interview and call as your intentional interim pastor; Epiphany and Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent; and even lambs and baby goats making their annual appearance for the ELCA’s program, God’s Global Barnyard! Thank you for the gracious welcome for Lori and me. For those of you who haven’t met her yet, she is an RN (BSN) who works part-time for Boulder Community Health, and who also does health care advocacy and foot care as her own business ventures. We are transitioning from eleven excellent years of living and working in the Longmont area (although Lori also was employed for several years in Denver). Soon our church council at CLC will be putting together another transitional initiative: the formation of a Transition Team. I have heard that that there has already been tremendous interest in being part of the Call Committee, but before “getting ahead of ourselves,” we plan to set up a process so that the Transition Team (in partnership with the whole congregation) can lead a process of assessment, self-discovery, and goal setting. The Transition Team will then submit a report to the church council before the formation of the Call Committee. Just to be clear, I am not the chairperson of the Transition Team, but will serve more as a coach and consultant to work with the representative lay members of that team. What are some of the key guidelines for the process? The council will appoint a team of approximately seven to ten people (exact number still to be determined). Usually, one or two members of the council are included on the team. The team will elect its own chairperson and recording secretary, and reports will be regularly made at council meetings. Various tools will be utilized to lead the congregation in self-study and discernment with regard to Christ Lutheran’s ministry, past, present, and future. The team will soon be appointed and begin to get organized. Watch for opportunities to indicate your interest in leading the congregation in a time of corporate learning and reflection. Thank you! Steve Berke, Interim Pastor
Pastor DJ’s Message
The First Impressions Team is a group of individuals and families in the congregation, who adopt a plot or more to help beautify Christ Lutheran Church’s landscape. Duties include planting, weeding, watering and dead heading. This ministry is important to CLC, because it really does leave a “first impression” with first-time visitors and people who make be looking for a new Church home. There is a diagram of all the plots that you can adopt, as well as a sign-up sheet located in the Narthex. Some have already been adopted, so please check the sign-up sheet to make sure that the one you may want has not already been adopted. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Debbie Freeman at dfreeman@clchr.org or (303) 791-0803 X110
Resurrection and Easter I’m taking a break from angels this month to speak about resurrection. I’ve read through a lot of online arguments lately about what resurrection is; questions like when does it happen, how does it happen, to whom does it happen, etc. I wanted to take a moment and just say a very clear message about resurrection and Easter. There’s no doubt that a lot of our heritage in this tradition comes from pagan worship and celebration of Springtime (Easter is like Christmas in this way) and rather than make some argument about how we should purify those items from our Easter celebrations, I’d like to propose an idea of how those traditions can serve what we really believe about resurrection. First, we believe not just in a resurrection at the end of all things, but in every day. When we celebrate together on Sundays (and Saturdays), each of those gatherings is a mini-Easter. Just as we don’t have to wait until the end of a season to celebrate Easter, we don’t need to wait until the end of our life to celebrate resurrection. We can point to signs of new life in all we are connected to. Second, what those Easter traditions (rabbits, eggs, etc.) teach us about resurrection is that we experience resurrection in very common things. Just like our tradition that affirms only two sacraments because of an earthly element (something common: bread & wine, water) we believe that the act of life giving comes through common and ordinary things in our life. These include family, friends, love, singing, crying, gardening among many, many others. There is resurrection all around us. Third, we learn that the old must pass away to put on the new. I’ve heard this related to Spring Cleaning before which is not too unkind a simile. The perishable must put on the imperishable scripture says. That which is dying puts on that which will not die. This transformation is used over and over again in scripture and is a good model for how we face challenges and movement. It’s a good time to have a festival which makes us remember these things. With all the transition CLC has experienced in the last few years, it is a great time to proclaim resurrection – new life – God’s continued interaction and pouring of the breath of life into us. Not just something to be happy about when change ceases but something to be aware of in the midst of transience. Happy Easter, Pastor DJ
Blessings and Happy Easter from the Preschool! A season of new things and beautiful wonders outside. During the month of April we will be busy celebrating Easter with egg hunts, butterflies, Spring, and the greatest gift Jesus has given to us! We will also be talking about careers with our older children and inviting parents in to share their jobs with our little ones. If you have a job you would like to share with the children, please give us a call in the preschool at 303-471-9290 and we can schedule you to visit on Career Day which is on the 21st and 22nd. Conferences will take place later in the month giving the teachers and parents time to reflect on the wonderful progress their child has made over this past school year. And, we will begin to plan for our Graduation ceremonies in May and all the fun activities that come with the close of a school year. We will host a Family Art Show and Spaghetti dinner night on Friday, April 17th. The children will display art they have created for their families and be the stars of the evening. If you have an item you would like to contribute to our auction (a way to advertise a business as well), we would welcome the donation.
If you have volunteered for anything at CLC, then we want to show you our appreciation. Please join us for a continental breakfast and coffee cart. Stay as long or little as you like and come before, during or after services – it truly is all about you!
Summer camp is available to all children 3 years through 6 yrs. 11 months old. Registration is available at any time. There will be nine weeks of camp this summer held from Monday through Thursday either 9am-1pm or 9am-4pm. And, you can sign up for as little as one day or as many as you want. Please jump on our website for camp information at www.myclcpreschool.org or we can email you information. Please let us know if you would like us to at dmorgans@clchr.org. There is a $25, one time supply fee per each child regardless of how many sessions you attend. This fee is all you need to reserve your space and payment is due when your camp session begins. We can let you know what other paperwork might be required if you are not currently attending the preschool. The themes are Beach/Ocean, Art, Zoo Animals, All things outdoors, Sports. We will have a funtastic time! **Camp does not meet over Vacation Bible School week which is the week of July 27th ** Registration for VBS will come from church. Thank you!
“Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!” A blessed month to everyone! Deb and Blair
Thank You! The Sr. high youth would like to thank our congregation for their support during our Lenten meals fundraising for their summer mission trip July 2-12 to Compton, Ca. The youth will be hosted by our Lutheran sister congregation Pueblo De Dios, where we will be conducting a VBS for the week, and doing repairs to their church. We also will be handing out food to the community that we collected money for during Lenten services this year. Our congregation collected almost $3,500.00, that's 35 weeks of food for the community. The food distribution consist of healthy food, veggies, rice, beans and other main staples of Hispanic origin. God's Peace and awesome dedication to our CLC congregation for making this happen.
L & E + Tree = A win for “WE” One of our Legacy & Endowment Committee's missions is to support the reduction of the mortgage debt on our Church building. The Tree of Life was created to do just that while giving donors an opportunity to visually recognize or honor someone or a special event in their lives (consider graduation, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.). Our L & E Committee has set a Tree of Life goal of $24,000 in 2015 to further our debt reduction mission. Through the first two months of this new year, we have received two donations totaling $3,250 vs our two month goal of $4,000, so we are close, but just behind goal. We encourage CLC members to consider our easy payment plan. You can make regular monthly payments by check towards a Tree of Life leaf or footstone and when you reach the final total your leaf will be added to the T.O.L. display in the Narthex. For example, you could make a $50.00 per month payment towards a bronze leaf and in 5 months you would have completed the $250.00 total donation. Please contact Sallie Burns at the CLC Office to establish a flexible payment plan. We THANK all our previous donors for their support of the Tree of Life and it's debt reduction mission and encourage our congregation to think generously and help us reach or exceed our 2015 goal.
Happy Birthday Ben Coleman - April 1 Esther Trautmann - April 1 Kathryn Van Dewerker- April 1 Hannah Archuleta - April 2 Jake Beauchamp - April 2 Gary Butler - April 2 Sheldon Hafner - April 2 Madison Hegre - April 2 Dan Johnson - April 2 Janet Kracht - April 2 Shelby Mulverhill - April 2 Abby Porterfield - April 2 Erving Anderson - April 3 Jordan Faessler - April 3 Laura Meyer - April 3 Dwight Roinestad - April 3 Audra Roosen - April 3 Julie Skelton - April 3 Angela Smith - April 3 Anne Buderus - April 4 Quinn Hunchar - April 4 Evan Lambert - April 4 Ray Christensen - April 5 Kevin Henningsen - April 5 Bev Johnson - April 5 Ethan McGraw - April 5 Jackson Mundell - April 5 Lara Oleson - April 5 Stephanie Radtke - April 5 Steve Schaeberle - April 5 Jim Schleuder - April 5 Andy Stevens - April 5 Jameson Switzer - April 5 Tom Bielefeldt - April 6
Danica Rowe - April 6 Amanda Wilson - April 6 Elizabeth Zorn - April 6 Dan Abraham - April 7 Linda Cook - April 7 Grant Hansen - April 7 Russ Hunchar - April 7 Elise Schauer - April 7 Helen Beulke - April 8 Judy Siel - April 8 Cooper Whitehurst - April 8 Dru Boggs - April 9 Peyton Friend - April 9 Brianne Mavis - April 9 Donna Riley - April 9 Ken Kroneberger - April 10 Angela McCrosky - April 10 Justin Pellett - April 10 Andrea Peters - April 10 Haley Radochonski - April 10 Linda Bailey - April 11 Olivia Johnson - April 11 Lara Marxhausen - April 11 Sarah Sievers - April 11 Zooey Hill - April 12 John DeBoer - April 13 Forrest Green - April 13 Guy Haller - April 13 Brian Morgans - April 13 Austin Alexander - April 14 Russell Hunchar - April 14 James Rand - April 14 Pastor Tom Shelly - April 14 Hunter Snauwaert - April 14
Jen Henningsen - April 15 Sherree Mitchum - April 16 Brandon Morken - April 16 Lisa Shimonkevitz - April 16 Camryn Kramer - April 17 Carl Saur - April 17 Rick Versen - April 17 John Wilson - April 17 Ashley Evens - April 18 Katie Pinon - April 18 Juanita Buckel - April 19 Ryan Cummings - April 19 Roger Green - April 19 Peyton Smith - April 19 Thomas Beal - April 20 Ashley Flynn - April 21 Chris Poltl - April 21 Paul Pontius - April 21 Marcia Strom - April 21 Lexi Bauer - April 22 Courtney Belin - April 22 Jeff Bergstrom - April 22 Colin Leibbrandt - April 22 Fred Parsa - April 22 Charlotte Wilson - April 22 Charles Morse - April 23 Richard Oleson - April 23 Brady Subart - April 23 Kyle Henningsen - April 24 Linda Holcombe - April 24 Joanne Hollowell - April 24 Harriette Shelly - April 24 Chrissy Beukelman - April 25 Chery Koury - April 25
Leslie Sanner - April 25 Sydney Anne Cantrell - April 26 Lynette Kramer - April 26 Kaleigh Kreimeyer - April 26 Dennis Gereaux - April 27 Aaron Newman - April 27 Jason Radtke - April 27 Tara Vogler - April 27 Gretchen Whitehurst - April 27 Steven Almer - April 28 Kelly Bergstrom - April 28 Karlton Lauer - April 28 David McCrosky - April 28 Benjamin O'Brien - April 28 Alexandria Reeves - April 28 Laura Reeves - April 28 Shalean Rowe - April 28 Evan Rowell - April 28 Kaila Scarlett - April 28 Michelle Sinclair - April 28 Kyle Versen - April 28 Treyton Whitehurst - April 28 Cameron Radtke - April 29 Garren Saewert - April 29 Brownie Smook - April 29 John Friend - April 30 Jennifer Gunther - April 30 Andrew Holcombe - April 30 Nancy Hubbard - April 30 Kelly Melcher - April 30 Kelli Schandel - April 30 Jake Stein - April 30 Susan Thoennes - April 30
Military Ministry Day at the Rockies Your Military Ministry has scheduled a Military Ministry Day at the Rockies on Saturday, May 23. This is a 2:10 game against the San Francisco Giants. Tickets are $19 for Lower Reserved, Outfield Sections 343-346 OR $35 for Outfield Box, Sections 144-150. Please complete a ticket order form and turn in to the church office along with your check or cash payment for the tickets. This event is a fundraiser to benefit the Pastoral Discretionary Fund to aid military families in need. You will not have your tickets until after we turn everything in to the Rockies on May 13.
Thank you, again, for supporting the Military Ministry AND the Pastoral Discretionary Fund!
8:15a Preschool 9a MOPS Mtg 11a Preschool Chapel 2p Preschool Chapel 5p Carillon RIngers 7p Celebration Choir
EASTER 7:30a Easter Service 8:30a Easter Service 10a Easter Service 11:30a Easter Services 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8:15a Preschool 9:15a Beth Moore Study 9:30a Mops Mtg 12p Preschool Sports 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.
6 8:15a Preschool
Mission Moment 12 8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 3:30p Dynamite youth group 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast 13 Group 8:15a Preschool 9:15a Beth Moore Study 9:30a Mission Quilters 12p Preschool Sports 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.
8a Worship/CC 19 9:30a Worship/SS 10:30a Volunteer Appreciation 11a Worship/CC 4p Douglas County Singers Concert 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8:15a Preschool 9:15a Beth Moore Study 12p Preschool Sports 7p Boy Scouts
8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! 7p AA Meeting
26 6:30a Men's Breakfast
7 8:15a Preschool
11a Preschool Storyteller 11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p Preschool Sports 1:15p Preschool PAT Meeting 4:30p Douglas County Singers 6:30p 30th Anniversary Team Meeting 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7:30p Mops set-up
8:15a Preschool 8:15a Preschool No School 4:30p Douglas County Singers 9a Rejoice Circle 7p Worship Service/1st 10a Stations of the Cross Communiong. self guided 12p Noon Service 1p Stations of the Cross self guided 7p Good Friday Cantata
9a Mops Consign. 10a Clean-up 10a MOPS Steering 6p Brownie Troop Mtg. 7p Confirmation Small Group
8 8a Mops Consign.
9 7a Mops Consign. 8:15a Preschool 8:15a Preschool 4:30p Douglas County Singers 7p Beth Moore Study
14 8:15a Preschool
15 8:15a Preschool
20 8:15a Preschool
21 8:15a Preschool
22 8:15a Preschool
27 8:15a Preschool
28 8:15a Preschool
29 8:15a Preschool
8:15a Preschool 11a Preschool Chapel 11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p Preschool Sports 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg. 8p mops set-up
9a MOPS Mtg 11a Preschool Chapel 2p Preschool Chapel 7p Confirmation Learning Event
9:30a Preschool Music Time with Linda 11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p Preschool Sports 1p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
Group 8:15a Preschool 9:15a Beth Moore Study 9:30a Mission Quilters 12p Preschool Sports 4p Confirmation Pastoral Interviews 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts
11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p Preschool Sports 4p Confirmation Pastoral Interviews 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
9a Nursery - MOPS 9:30a Preschool Music with Linda 2p Preschool Music Time with Linda 7p Confirmation Learning Event
4p Confirmation Pastoral Interviews
16 8a Preschool Dinner and 4:30p Douglas County Singers Art Show 8:15a Preschool 6p Cub Scout Mtg. 9a Rejoice Circle 1p Preschool Art Show
7p Beth Moore Study 7p Celebration Choir
4p Confirmation Pastoral Interviews 7p Celebration Choir
SATURDAY 3 9a Chicks w/Sticks 5p BAPTISM - Haney 5p Worship/CC
10 Mission Moment
17 5p Worship/CC
8a Mops Consign. 5p Preschool Parent's Night Out 5p Worship/CC
24 8th GRADE LOCK-IN 25 8:15a Preschool 12a 8th Grade Spring Lock-in 5:30p Preschool Parent's 7a General Maintenance Night Out 5p Worship/CC 8:30p 8th Grade Spring Lock-in
Christ Lutheran Church Military Ministry
Colorado Rockies vs. SF Giants Saturday, May 23rd @ 2:10pm
Please return this form with FULL PAYMENT to the Main Office by: May 13th PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER OF TICKETS DESIRED
Outfield Box Sections 144-150
# of tickets @ $35____ $
Lower Reserved, Outfield Sections 343-346
# of tickets @ $19____ $ Total Order
Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Pay by Cash or Check made out to the church Proceeds will benefit the Pastoral Discretionary Fund to aid military families in need
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries
Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters
CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers
Church Community Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree
Fun and Fellowship
OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko
Youth & Family Ministries
Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights
Education and Fellowship
Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Rejoice Circle – women’s bible study, meets twice monthly