APRIL 2018
Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Installation of Executive Pastor Gail Mundt What a wonderful celebration for the Installation of Executive Pastor Gail Mundt! Bishop Jim Gonia preached and installed Pastor Gail. Pastors Eric and Gail both presided. Fifteen clergy and deacons were present to lend support to Christ Lutheran, Pastor Gail and Pastor Eric for this next step in ministry. The Celebration Choir and Bands led the worship service with amazing music and energy. President Pete Koury, Mary Thomas, Jordan Green and Bev Brady took part in the installation. Pastors Randy Mundt, Scott Jorgenson and Rick Thompson read scripture Haley Allert was the crucifer. Nicky and Jordan Miller were the acolytes. The flowers were spectacular! And the party afterwards was so much fun! Gary’s and Mike William’s barbeque was simply delicious, as were all of the side dishes and desserts. Pastor Gail thanks the musicians, the singers, the staff and all of the planners and workers “from the bottom of her heart” for such a special day. Together we are better!
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Saturday, April 21st in the Fellowship Hall 6:15pm
There will be a Potluck Dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting begins, so please bring a dish to share! We are in need of volunteers to help with setup/cleanup. If available, please mark the response sheet or contact Ally at connections@clchr.org.
EASTER AT CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH We are looking forward to a wonderful Holy Week and Easter celebration. Easter is a grand time to invite your neighbor, family members, friends and colleagues to worship at CLC!
Easter Worship Saturday, March 31 Traditional Worship at 5pm Featuring the Carillon Ringers Easter Worship Sunday, April 1 Traditional Sunrise Worship at 7am Traditional Worship 8am Featuring the Celebration Choir Contemporary Worship at 9:30am and 11am Featuring Crossroads Band
There will be no Sunday School on Easter
STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert Lead Pastor pastorallert@clchr.org Ext 107 Pastor Gail Mundt Executive Pastor pastorgail@clchr.org Ext 108 Samantha Sweitzer Office Coordinator office@clchr.org Ext 100 Allyson Evans Christian Education Coordinator childrensministry@clchr.org Ext 103 Linda Holcombe Director of Music lholcombe@clchr.org Ext 109 Cindy Jorgenson Bookkeeper finance@clchr.org Ext 106 Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Ext 105 Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Ext 300 Karen Patz Volunteer & Care Coordinator volunteer@clchr.org Ext 110 Ally Williams Connections Coordinator connections@clchr.org Ext 101 CHURCH COUNCIL: Jeff Bergstrom j-bergstrom@comcast.net Tom Coates tomcoates@comcast.net Joanne Edmunds hiranch@comcast.net Liesl Farrier francophile87@gmail.com Jennifer Gunther j.gunther@comcast.net Steve Hoemann hoemannstba@comcast.net Christine Kleen christine.kleen@gmail.com Pete Koury pete.koury@q.com Brian Martin bmartin29@hotmail.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Jennifer Smith jennifersmith303@hotmail.com All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to office@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
The Hope Renewed Again in Easter Joy from Pastor Eric “… he has given us a new birth into a LIVING HOPE through the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ from the dead.” – 1 Peter 1:3 For some, the month of March and the season of Lent is peculiar combination of introspection and visioning. While the grass is mostly brown, and the skies occasionally roll in gray clouds, here in Colorado, I’ve learned that the temperatures can be just above zero or over 70 degrees. As the weather is uncertain, I am mindful of a comment that a parishioner shared with me during this past Lenten season. With his permission, I am able to share it with you for your own consideration: “Pastor, I’m sometimes uncertain of the contribution I am making in life. This is the time of year I find myself thinking about what kind of person I want to be. It’s a time that I do a lot of thinking and soul-searching… What kind of husband, father, friend am I? What do I need to do to improve myself, and how can I make a more meaningful impact on those around me? And I find myself asking some of those very same questions from the perspective of our congregation. What kind of friend, neighbor, community-member are we?” These are moving questions to engage, wrestle, and blossom from with great beauty! As we see in the days and weeks following our Lord’s resurrection, the disciples endeavored with Jesus to find the answer to similar questions of self-identity in light of Hope renewed. So too, the challenge to grow both as individuals, and as a church, remains ever before us. The marvelous opportunity for our gifts and service to be received and cherished remains ever before us as well. As we now celebrate a joyful season of Easter – a season where Hope is proven true in the resurrected Messiah and purpose revealed in the Spirit of Christ Jesus - I feel HOPEFUL and optimistic about the direction of God’s church here and the impact that we are making (and will continue to make) for the community around us. Hope for the present. Hope for the future. Hope for each member of this congregation and our families – Hope for us All.
Meet Ms. Val who is the CLC nursery attendant for all four services (and special events!).
We are Easter People, and Easter Continues! Did you invite anyone to come to Easter Sunday worship? Have you invited anyone to come with you yet to share the Easter hope renewed with you? Of course, the time is not too late! Because as Easter People, we celebrate the Christian truth that Easter continues! Every Easter weekend, we anticipate some 2,000+ Christians and seekers to worship here at Christ Lutheran Church. Many come because they were invited by YOU – because the Holy Spirit spoke to them a word of welcome and invitation through YOU! So below, I’ve included some ideas how you can fulfill your mission and baptismal promises this Easter, not just on April 1st, but for the entire season of Easter, and beyond! 1. Ask God to show you who to invite. 2. Bring someone different to each of our services! Bring someone every worship day! Look at the worship schedule and prayerfully think about who could possibly experience Christ’s love at that worship service with you. 3. Please set an example and fill out the “Friendship Pad” that is passed at each service – so visitors can see you do it and feel comfortable doing so as well. 4. Pray that hundreds more will commit their lives to Christ this Easter in this community. Take in a glimpse of the beautiful vision of Highlands Ranch and Littleton growing in Christian faith and disciple’s service for God and the neighbor in our midst! 5. Greet everyone around. There will be a lot of first-time visitors. Please help them get to know this congregation with gentle grace and compassion. 6. Love the church staff. All are working very hard – and have been for a long time – in hopes that their faithful efforts are serving Jesus and His church. 7. And finally, remember that Easter is a season… The obvious opportunity will present itself on April 1st, but the Good News of the Resurrection is proclaimed all the time here at CLC!
She loves to play with the children and considers the nursery an important part of God’s ministry. Of course, children are always welcome in the worship services, but do know that there is a safe, welcoming and fun place for your small children. Questions? Contact Karen or Ally; volunteer@clchr.org or connections@clchr.org
WILLING HANDS NEEDED FOR SKY RANCH PROJECT Join other members of CLC May 3–6 completing various projects at Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp high in the Rockies west of Loveland. All that is required is a pair of willing hands and a joyful heart. Food and tools will be provided. Generally, we stay in the Lodge – no roughing it! The sign up deadline is April 15. If you are interested, please contact Ally @ connections@clchr.org or Karen. If you want more information about what to expect, contact Carl Douhan at cjdouhan@gmail.com.
CLC Legacy And Endowment Seeking New Nembers CLC's Legacy and Endowment Committee is seeking new members to serve our church and it's financial missions. The committee oversees CLC's Legacy (Memorial) Program, Endowment and Debt Reduction invested funds and the Virginia Palmer Scholarship Program. Having some financial background is welcome, but not required. L & E Committee members serve for a two year term. Find out more about our committee's mission at clchr.org and click on the Legacy and Endowment link at the bottom of the page. We are seeking 2-3 new members. Thanks for your consideration to serve CLC!
Dynamite is our youth group for our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. We meet the second Sunday of every month from 5:00pm until 7:00pm. It’s a fun evening filled with dinner, crafts, games, Bible story, and Bible games. Our next gathering will be April 8th, 2018. For more information please contact Allyson Evans at childrensministry@clchr.org or Gary Knutson at gknutson@clchr.org.
Sunday School Update There will be no Sunday School Easter Sunday, April 1. The rest of April will be spent talking about Easter, Jesus and his disciples. It is never too late to get in on the fun! You can register your children on line at www.clchr.org. Not registered yet? That’s okay, you can still attend Sunday School! Just stop by the table in the Narthex and talk to Allyson. Its also never too late to volunteer as a helper or a teacher! Feel free to contact Allyson at anytime for more information childrensministry@clchr.org
Thanks for your support! Thank you to all of you that have supported our High School Mission Trip by filling an envelope from the Wall of Money and by coming to the Lenten Dinners! Without the support of our congregation, trips like the one we are taking to Houston, Texas this summer are not possible. We are looking forward to our Hurricane Harvey work and attending the National Youth Gathering at the end of June. Our April fundraiser will be helping MOPS with their consignment sale. Be on the look out for our May Fundraiser! You won’t want to miss it! Confirmation is quickly coming to an end for the 2017-18 school year. We have a learning event on April 4 and April 18. Your small group event will take place on April 11. There is no Confirmation on April 25. 8th graders, your required Lock-In is April 27. Watch your emails for more information on this event. Don’t forget, the Confirmation Banquet is on May 19 and is required for both 7th and 8th graders. 8th grade Affirmation of Baptism is on May 20. If you are interested in going to Confirmation Camp, June 10-15, please talk to Gary.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all 52 of our Lenten Mentors! Your time spent with our Confirmands is appreciated. We hope this time spend with our young people is as meaningful to you as it is to our youth, as we explored our relationships and what we give and take in them.
VBS Registration opens April 2 VBS Registration opens APRIL 2 for CLC church members, CLC MOPS, and CLC Preschoolers. A link will be emailed to you on April 2nd. The nonrefundable registration fee is $45 through April 15. On April 16 the nonrefundable registration fee goes up to $55. Vacation Bible School is July 23-27, 2018 from 9:30-noon each day. Our theme this year is Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus. Kids find that Jesus rescues them when life gets stormy. We can’t wait to introduce your kids to our Bible Buddies and share with them how Jesus rescues us and loves us, even when we struggle. We will open registration to the public on April 16. We ask that you wait to share the link with your friends and neighbors until this time. Please check our Facebook page for updates. Christ Lutheran VBS Highlands Ranch July 23-27, 2018. It is also time to start volunteering for VBS! We have 220+ participants and that requires a whole lot of help! If you are available the week of July 23-27 and love to have a crazy, good time, please use the link that will be emailed on April 2 to sign up to volunteer! If you are 6th grade to 100 years old, we’d love to have you! We will also have things that need to be done before VBS begins so if you aren’t available that week, be on the look out for more volunteer opportunities. If you have any questions about registering for VBS or volunteering, please contact Allyson Evans and Chris Schaeberle at christlutheranvbs@gmail.com!
HAPPY SPRING from the Preschool!
We will be busy planting vegetables and flowers this month. We hope to have good luck. We will also celebrate preschool appreciation Sunday on April 8th at the 9:30 am service. We will be singing a few songs to the congregation. Please plan to come and listen to our cute kiddos. We continue to learn about Jesus in chapeltime. We will also have our art show and auction on Friday, April 20th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an open house with dessert. If you would like to donate something for our auction, please let Deb know at dmorgans@clchr.org. Our children will have some lovely art on display! We continue to enroll for Fall and Summer camp. Please send friends our way. We wish everyone the feeling of renewal as Spring unfolds and days get longer. Many blessings, Deb and Blair
THANK YOU TO ALL CLC VOLUNTEERS! If you have volunteered in any capacity at CLC within the past year, we would like to express our appreciation.
On Sunday, April 29, please join us for breakfast in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Come before, during, or after services and enjoy some food and friendship!
Volunteer Opportunities Our recycling team needs some new members to share the job. The commitment is for a month, on a rotating basis. There are various recycling bins around the church building and members of the team take all the recycling to the dumpster in the back parking lot. It is a behind-the-scenes job that can be completed on your schedule. Most people serving this ministry come in 3-4 times throughout the month during which they are serving. We so appreciate this group who helps to keep our church looking neat and clean, all while benefitting the community and the environment.
Help Christ Lutheran Church Preschool win The BEST OF THE BEST Award for Highlands Ranch! (This will make it a decade of being the best of the best! Please help us keep that going!) And, if you attend church here, vote for the Church as well to make it half a decade!
If you have a ready smile and a firm handshake, please consider joining the Greeters ministry. Once a month or so, a person, a couple, or even a whole family stands at the entrance doors to the church and greet people as they arrive for service. It is a great way to make visitors feel welcome, and to let congregation members know that we are glad to see them. If you join this ministry, you will greet at the service that you regularly attend.
Voting ends April 10th. Only one vote per email. Please see the website for additional information: www.highlandsranchherald.net
Please see Karen if you are interested in any of these opportunities, or call her at 303-791-0803, or email her at volunteer@clchr.org. Thanks!
Ministry Spotlight I’m shining this month’s spotlight on the wonderful folks who serve as assisting ministers. Assisting ministers are critical members of the Worship Team, serving alongside the pastors to lead the congregation in worship. He or she reads the Prayers of the Day, as well as other parts of the liturgy as needed, in addition to helping to serve communion. The assisting minister often says the final blessing of the service, just before the congregation is dismissed. We are fortunate here at CLC to have people who are serious and devoted to serving this ministry in ways that truly honor God and our weekly celebration of His love for us. Our worship services are enhanced by these people who faithfully serve and we truly appreciate all that they do.
If you think that serving as an assistant minister sounds intriguing to you, please contact Karen at volunteer@clchr.org or ask Kathy Pfalzgraff to include on the schedule.
It’s Easter Egg Time! By Jenny Allert
It’s April! We start the month celebrating Easter... So what’s more fitting then talking about the health benefits of EGGS! For a long time the egg got a bad wrap, especially around the word “cholesterol.” What if I told you that the egg is healthy, even in the realm of cholesterol? Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of the egg. Eggs are a good source of high quality protein. Half of this protein is found in the white portion of the egg along with vitamin B2. The whites are also full of vitamin D, B6, B12, and minerals, including copper, zinc, and iron. The yolk contain more calories and fat however, they are a great source of HEALTHY cholesterol, and fat soluble vitamins such as A,D,E, K, and lecithin. Depending on what the Stephen Ministers are those care-givers who come alongside you – or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives – and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. But being a Stephen Minister is much bigger and better than just helping other people. It also becomes a part of you – it changes you for the better. It creates an opportunity for faith to grow stronger. As a Stephen Minister, you will find God drawing you in closer and allowing you to be Christ’s presence to another person. To truly begin this ministry in a way that blesses the congregation in full, we are anticipating an expense of $15,000 to train 5 leaders in supporting more than a dozen ministers. The investment that the Holy Spirit is calling the congregation to make is significant, but so is the ministry potential. To find out more about Stephen Ministry, please talk with Pastor Eric. To make a financial gift in support of establishing this ministry here at Christ Lutheran, please designate your gift to Christ Lutheran Church and identify it assigned towards Stephen Ministry. Your Pastoral Team, the Church Council, and truly God’s Spirit is placing this powerful ministry before you as an appeal for your additional support.
chickens have been fed your egg may also include Omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs contain all 9 essential amino acids, these are important to get in our diet, as we cannot process them in a supplement form. Although, you should always consult your doctor is you have been advised to decrease your cholesterol, over the years we have learned that the cholesterol found in healthy food has less of an effect then the cholesterol found in saturated fats. Most doctors will encourage you to decrease your saturated fat (less than 20g from women and less than 30g for men per day), and encourage you to enjoy that Easter egg! *If you are concerned or unsure if you can consume eggs please speak with your primary physician!
CLC MOPS will be hosting their annual consignment sale at the church, Thursday, April 12- Friday April 13. Interested in consigning? Please visit the sale’s website at www.clcnewtoyousale.org. MOPS will be also accepting donations for the sale. If you have gently used children’s clothing, gear or toys you are willing to part with, please drop them off in the donation bin located in the church’s office between 9AM- 3PM. Volunteers to help with the sale would also be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions regarding the sale, please email info@CLCnewtoyousale.org.
Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples: How every Christian can be an effective witness through an enabling church, by Win Arn and Charles Arn Discover Your Spiritual Type: A guide to individual and congregational growth, by Corrine Ware Giving to God: The Bible’s good news about living a generous life, by Mark Allan Powell
Stay the Course: Finding hope in a drifting culture, by Choco de Jesús Canoeing the Mountains: Christian leadership in Uncharted Territory, by Tod Bolsinger
ELCA Conference of Bishops focuses on congregational vitality and leadership Meeting under the theme "To Claim and Test Our Heritage," the Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) engaged in discussions around two key priorities for this church: congregational vitality and leadership. The conference, which met here March 1-6, is an advisory body of the ELCA that includes 65 synod bishops, the presiding bishop and the secretary. In her report to the conference, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton stressed the importance of upholding the foundation of the Lutheran church. Eaton addressed this through the lens of the four main emphases that provide the framework for the work happening across this church: We are church; we are Lutheran; we are church together; we are church for the sake of the world. "When we say we're church, we say, therefore, our foundation is Christ and we gather around word and sacrament," Eaton said. "That's foundational. We want people to go to church, be faithful in the use of the means of grace and pray without ceasing. We need to get back to basics." Speaking to the second emphasis, "we are Lutheran," Eaton underscored the Lutheran understanding that "in the suffering and death of Jesus, through grace and faith, we live in the promise of the resurrection." Eaton also asserted that the sacraments "are an important part of our life together. When we talk about baptism, it's not just the event that happens for the newly baptized but (Martin) Luther's rich understanding of baptism that informs and supports every part of our life," she said. "Do we talk about that in our congregations?" Recalling the words of St. Paul, Eaton reflected on the third
emphasis, "So, we who are many are one body in Christ, and individually, we are members one of another." "In baptism, we are incorporated into the body of Christ," she said. "How do we help our people understand that they are part of something greater than themselves?" Eaton connected the fourth emphasis to congregational vitality: "We're church for the sake of the world. How many of our congregations are just trying to hold on to their little patch of territory? And that's intentionally part of the congregational vitality piece – that we're connected to God, we're connected in our congregations, but we're also connected with our communities." Eaton emphasized this is what the church does "because we are church first rooted in word and sacrament." In closing, Eaton told the conference she is willing to serve another six-year term as presiding bishop. "If God and the church will have me, I'm willing to stand for election again," she said. Election for an ELCA presiding bishop will be one of the key actions at the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, Aug. 5-10 in Milwaukee. Eaton was elected to her first term as presiding bishop at the 2013 Churchwide Assembly. The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with more than 3.5 million members in more than 9,400 worshiping communities across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region. Known as the church of "God's work. Our hands," the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. The ELCA's roots are in Holy Scripture and the writings of the German church reformer Martin Luther.
At the ELCA LCC Pastor Eric will again be representing Christ Lutheran Church at the annual ELCA Larger Church Conference in May, this time in South Carolina. This year’s theme is “Pastor as Leader of Church-as-Movement,” with Dr. Reggie McNeal as the keynote speaker. Dr. McNeal enjoys helping people, leaders, and Christian organizations determine and experience epic wins with Kingdom impact. For the past ten years he has served as the Missional Leadership Specialist for Leadership Network of Dallas, TX. Dr. McNeal has helped to shape the church leadership conversation through his extensive speaking schedule, work as an author, 20 years of church leadership and pastoral ministry, teaching as adjunct faculty for multiple seminaries, service to the business sector including The Gallup Organization, and his many roles as an advisory board member for several ministry organizations. Dr. McNeal’s education includes a B.A. degree from the University of South Carolina and the M.Div. and Ph.D. degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The ELCA Senior Pastors of Large Lutheran Churches Conference was established to nourish, educate, sustain, and encourage the pastors of large congregations, thereby helping them to keep abreast of changes required to meet the needs of today’s rapidly changing society. Invitations are sent to the Lead Pastors of the largest congregations in the ELCA which represent some 25% of the total ELCA membership. Please keep Pastor Eric in your prayers for safe travel and spiritual discernment for vision during this time!
Ladies Tea
"Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord! Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more. Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!� - Richard E. Blanchard
Please join the women of CLC for a Spring Tea. Sunday afternoon, April 29, 2017 from 3-5pm Tea, Coffee, and Juice will be provided. Last names A-J, bring bite sized desserts. Last names K-Z, bring finger food. Everyone bring a tea cup to swap. Come fill up your cup with fellowship, food, and fun! RSVP via Facebook Event or email jennyallert@yahoo.com
1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month 4:30-5:30 CLC Conference Room Talk, laugh, and share stories, concerns and questions with Pr. Gail and others who are caring for loved ones. All are welcome!
CLC's informal men's group, will meet at the Lone Tree Brewing Company, located at 8200 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree (Near Lumber Liquidators and Furniture Row), on April 9th. We gather at 5:30, but come when you can, leave when you must. Bring a friend. Contact Carl Douhan at cjdouhan@gmail.com with questions.
Happy Birthday Dan Abraham Austin Alexander Steven Almer Erving Anderson Hannah Archuleta Krysta Baca Linda Bailey Lexi Bauer Thomas Beal Jake Beauchamp Courtney Belin Jeff Bergstrom Kelly Bergstrom Chrissy Beukelman Helen Beulke Tom Bielefeldt Juanita Buckel Ray Christensen Ben Coleman Linda Cook Craig Coronato Ryan Cummings Simeon Ehm Ashley Evens Jennifer Exley Ashley Flynn
Apr 7 Apr 14 Apr 28 Apr 3 Apr 2 Apr 27 Apr 11 Apr 22 Apr 20 Apr 2 Apr 22 Apr 22 Apr 28 Apr 25 Apr 8 Apr 6 Apr 19 Apr 5 Apr 1 Apr 7 Apr 25 Apr 19 Apr 3 Apr 18 Apr 10 Apr 21
John Friend Dennis Gereaux Roger Green Jennifer Gunther Sheldon Hafner Madison Hegre Kevin Henningsen Jen Henningsen Kyle Henningsen Linda Holcombe Andrew Holcombe Nancy Hubbard Russ Hunchar Russell Hunchar Quinn Hunchar BevJohnson Olivia Johnson Dan Johnson Chery Koury Janet Kracht Lynette Kramer Kaleigh Kreimeyer Ken Kroneberger Karlton Lauer Jordan Lutonsky Jordan Lutonsky
Apr 30 Apr 27 Apr 19 Apr 30 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 5 Apr 15 Apr 24 Apr 24 Apr 30 Apr 30 Apr 7 Apr 14 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 11 Apr 2 Apr 25 Apr 2 Apr 26 Apr 26 Apr 10 Apr 28 Apr 3 Apr 3
Lara Marxhausen Brianne Mavis Angela McCrosky David McCrosky Jaime McNitt Shawn Miller Sherree Mitchum Cheryl Moore Brian Morgans Brandon Morken Shelby Mulverhill April Munson Ryan Nichols Fred Parsa Katie Pinon Paul Pontius Haley Radochonski Stephanie Radtke Jason Radtke Laura Reeves Alexandria Reeves Donna Riley Dwight Roinestad Audra Roosen Shalean Rowe Garren Saewert
Apr 11 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr 28 Apr 3 Apr 14 Apr 16 Apr 2 Apr 13 Apr 16 Apr 2 Apr 25 Apr 9 Apr 22 Apr 18 Apr 21 Apr 10 Apr 5 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 28 Apr 9 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 28 Apr 29
Leslie Sanner Apr 25 Carl Saur Apr 17 Steve Schaeberle Apr 5 Kelli Schandel Apr 30 Elise Schauer Apr 7 Jim Schleuder Apr 5 Pastor Tom Shelly Apr 14 Judy Siel Apr 8 Sarah Sievers Apr 11 Peyton Smith Apr 19 Hunter Snauwaert Apr 14 Trent Sorensen Apr 4 Alex Sorensen Apr 4 Marcia Strom Apr 21 Barbara Terrell Apr 21 Susan Thoennes Apr 30 Esther Trautmann Apr 1 Kathryn Van Dewerker Apr 1 George Vasilauskis Apr 5 Rick Versen Apr 17 Kyle Versen Apr 28 Tara Vogler Apr 27 Amanda Wilson Apr 6 Elizabeth Zorn Apr 6
WINE TASTING FUNDRAISER FOR OUTREACH UGANDA Join Deb Morgans & Nancy Sullivan, on Sunday, April 15th at 12:30pm in the Fellowship Hall for fun and fellowship! Deb and Nancy are traveling to Uganda in July to work with the schools there. Please bring a Potluck item to share. Make sure to RSVP to Deb at dmorgans@clchr.org. We want to make sure to have enough wine! Everyone is invited to come. Tell your friends! One Hope is a wine company that provides funding to many non-profit organizations and causes. This will provide some assistance for their mission trip efforts. Wine is always discounted at this event. Thank you in advance for your help! Deb & Nancy
The CLC Visitation Team’s monthly meeting will be at Sky Ridge Medical Center. The Reverend Laurie Jeddeloh is an ELCA clergy and the Director of Pastoral Care at Sky Ridge. She will lead a time of education and give us a tour of Sky Ridge. April 25, 9-11 am.
Pastor Eric’s weekly adult study on the Gospel of John finishes Wednesday following Easter Sunday on April 4th. Come and experience a powerful look at our Lord’s resurrection as remembered from this inspiring Gospel. Class begins at 7:05pm in the SonRise Room. All are welcome!
EASTER SUNDAY 8a Worship 9:30a NO Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting
VBS Registration Begins 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 12p Preschool Sports Club 5:30p ADVANCE! [off-site] 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Personnel Mtg.
8a Worship 8 9:30a Preschool Appreciation Sunday 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 5p Dynamite 7p AA Meeting
2 12p Preschool Sports Club 3 9:15a MOPS 4:30p Caregiver Meeting 7p BLAZE
7p Adult Bible Study 7p Confirmation Learning Event
Night Out
6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9 9a Family Chapel 10 11a Preschool Chapel 11 9a MOPS Sale 12p Preschool Sports Club 9a Family Chapel 7p Adult Bible Study 5p Crossroads Band 9a Mission Quilters 7p Confirmation Small Group 6:30p Praise Team 12p Preschool Sports Club 7p BLAZE 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Council Meeting 7p Ladies Bunko (off-site)
Council Mission Moment 8a Worship 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 12:15p Baptism Class 7p AA Meeting
15 VBS Registration Open to 16 12p Preschool Sports Club 17 5:30p Carillon Ringers
8a Worship 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting
22 6:30a Men's Breakfast
25 11a Preschool Chapel
Public 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 12p Preschool Sports Club 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.
Group 9a Mission Quilters 12p Preschool Sports Club 7p Boy Scouts 645
12p VNA Foot Clinic 4:30p Caregiver Meeting 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 6:45p Women of Joy 7p BLAZE
7p Adult Bible Study 7p Confirmation Learning Event
23 12p Preschool Sports Club 24 11a Preschool Chapel
8a Volunteer Appreciation 29 6:30a Men's Breakfast 30 8a Worship Group 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Preschool Storytime 9:30a Worship 12p Preschool Sports Club 11a Worship/CC 4p Confirmation Interviews 2p Spring Ladies Tea 6p Soul Sisters 7p AA Meeting 7p Boy Scouts 645
12p VNA Foot Clinic 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p BLAZE
5:30p Carillon Ringers 7p Adult Bible Study
FRIDAY 5 5p Preschool Parents
10a Genealogy Group 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship
12 7a MOPS Sale
13 Council Mission Moment 14
19 12p OWLS Luncheon
20 8a CLC Work Day
26 7p MomsNext (off-site)
27 6a 8th grade Lock-in
6p Preschool Art Show
2p Preschool Chapel
SATURDAY 6 9a Chicks w/Sticks
8p 8th Grade Lock-in
8a MOPS Sale 5p Worship
5p Worship 6p Church Fellowship Dinner 6:30p Spring Congregational Meeting
5p Worship
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Outreach Uganda New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext
Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services Thrivent Builds
Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes
First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips
Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes
held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)
Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball
Music CLC Kids Rock!
Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team