August 2015 CLC CrossWord

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Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Oktoberversary Baskets! It’s not too early to begin planning your donation of a basket or item for Oktoberversary. Baskets/Items will be displayed mid September so all donations should in by September 12. Ideas are: children’s books, chocolate, a football party, wine, going to college, books, movies, sports, car supplies, tea pot and tea, stuffed animals, kids makeup, spa day, winter warmth, dinner and a movie, and many more. You can donate all of the fixing’s or just a portion of a basket. We have had baskets donated by groups, such as the Choir, Women’s Book Club, MOPS, Rejoice Circle, Agape Circle, Crossroads Band, council and confirmation group just to name a few. Families and individuals also give many of the baskets. If you are interested in donating a basket, please inform Dianne at Thanks!

News From the Preschool It is hard to believe we are beginning our last month of what most of us feel is summer and things are more laid back. We hope vacations have been fun for everyone and that you have found extra family time. School will begin on August 24th with Ice Cream Socials and then regular classes start on the 25th or 26th. We will be busy getting the school cleaned and ready to go after the last day of camp which is on the 6th. If you are still looking for a preschool home or are new to the church, please give us a call for a tour. We have classes beginning at the age of 2 ½ through Junior Kindergarten. There are many schedule options and we also have before and after school kids klub. We are proud winners again of the Best of the Best Award in Highlands Ranch which is voted on by our parents and congregation. We thank each of you for your continued support and wish everyone a healthy and safe return to school! If you have any questions or would like to see the school, please call Deb or Blair at 303-471-9290.

Worship in the Park and Picnic

Look for the clipboards to sign up for donations of food, beverages, and volunteer opportunities. With this being our 30th Anniversary, it has a bit a different look with more games, face-painting, and family fun. Please plan to attend!!

SCRIP FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUPPLIES The first day of school is right around the corner! Please consider CLC Scrip Gift Cards for your back-to-school needs. For school supplies, we have gift cards from Target, Staples, Office Depot and Office Max. There are also cards available for Dell Computer and Barnes & Noble College bookstore. If your college-bound student needs a little help with essentials, there are gift cards from Bed, Bath & Beyond and Home Depot. And, of course, we have many restaurant gift cards which would make a great gift for any hungry student! Take a look at the Scrip order forms and complete vendor lists located in the Narthex. Thanks for supporting the CLC Scrip Gift Card program!

STAFF: Rev. Steve Berke, Interim Pastor Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor Pastor Don Marxhausen, Visitation Pastor Dianne Yoss Outreach Coordinator Debbie Freeman Volunteer Coordinator Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Director of Preschool Mary Behnke Administrative Manager Sallie Burns Financial Secretary Linda Holcombe Director of Music Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Adrian Hafner Bret Sumner John Ringkob John Riley Lesley Cantrell Erika Alpern Karen Rucker Steve Schaeberle Bob Weber All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Pastor Steve’s Message Dear Friends: Less than two months ago, a diverse group of twelve people were convened together for the first time. They are called our Transition Team. During June and July they gathered for three meetings (plus additional small group sessions), in order to be equipped to “jump start” Christ Lutheran’s self-study and assessment process. No coasting through the summer for them! Now August is arriving, and interviews with a variety of congregational groups and individuals will begin. There will also be an initial one-page survey for everyone to fill out (on paper or on-line). Individuals may also participate by directly submitting comments to We prize your input... please “jump in” and be part of the process. Most congregations find that self-study during a pastoral interim is a helpful and productive exercise. Before proceeding to call a pastor, it is well to explore the church’s unique history, to evaluate the current ministries and sense of mission, and to begin to articulate the values which will help shape the future. Christ Lutheran can especially benefit from the Transition Team process, because there have been major staff and council changes in less than a year, with both Debbie Kinsella and Pastor Shelly now no longer in the community. In order to work expeditiously, the Transition Team, besides meeting as a whole group, is divided into three sub-groups. Who are the people involved and what are they seeking to accomplish? What follows is a brief summary: 1. Self-Study: Jeff Bergstrom; Kristen DeBeer; Juanita Buckel; Nancy Sullivan [Through self-study, we examine “the health of the body.” How do things work in this place? What is the particular history that impacts the present? What are the processes for collaborating together? What are people’s perceptions, both joys and concerns, about the life we share? This sub-team will employ a variety of instruments − for example, interviews, surveys, and guided conversations − to develop a collective sense of our life together.] 2. Mission and Vision: Carl Douhan; Bill Doyle; David Ornes; Steve Schaeberle [This sub-team will help us reflect on our core values as a church. What do we believe and practice with regard to worship, pastoral care, equipping disciples, faith formation, outreach, financial support of the congregation and the wider church, and our relationships across the conference, synod, and world? What are the demographics of the local area and the trends in our faith community? What are the key passions which will shape our vision and mission?] 3. Staffing: Elizabeth Jones; Chris Porter; Jennifer Sievers [What is the shape of the professional leadership which will strengthen the congregation in the future? What are the current job descriptions and what are some of the evolving priorities in the coming years? What is the team culture? (We will be ably assisted in this area by Pastors Julie McNitt and Rick Thompson, who are training to be intentional interim pastors, and who have been asked to interview staff members from a position outside of the congregation.)] The facilitator of the Transition Team is Nancy Sullivan, and the recorder is Heidi Jason. Please pray for all of these folks, let them know of your insights and questions, and help us to “engage and trust” the process of self-study as we look to the future of Christ Lutheran Church. In Christ, Steve Berke, Intentional Interim Pastor

Harrington Elementary Back to School Drive THANK YOU all you who donated back to school supplies and shoes for Harrington Elementary. It was a huge success! We collected over 75 backpacks and school supplies and over 50 pairs of shoes. Excellent! We also collected $750 in monetary donations that the school to use to purchase supplies for teachers or specific shoe sizes. CLC Rocks!!



Action Team Dollars at Work! Thank you Thrivent for your action team dollars! CLC recently received Thrivent Action Team donations for both our 30th Anniversary Talent Show and Harrington Elementary Back to School Drive. Each program received donations which were spent on supplies and helping in the success of both programs. A special thank you to Thrivent Member Keith LaShier and Thrivent Associate member Pastor Don Marxhausen for their time and effort in applying for the action team dollars. To date, Thrivent has donated $1750 towards our outreach programs and we have another $1250 coming for future events. Amazing! Each Thrivent member is limited to the number of times he/she can ask for a donation so if you are a Thrivent member or wish to become an associate member – please contact Dianne to see how you can help obtain more Thrivent Action Team dollars. Again, thanks to all who are involved in Thrivent and thanks to Thrivent for your support!!

Pastor DJ’s Message

July Experiences Since I have not been around much during the month of July, I thought I would write about two remarkable experiences over the last month that you have helped to make happen. As I write, I also want to say thank you for your support. These trips have been a great opportunity to build relationships with some of our brothers and sisters elsewhere, and to preach the gospel in contexts that are different than our own. In Compton, I had one of those moments that I will always carry with me. We led a VBS at Pueblo de Dios that was nearly identical to our 2014 version, which meant I had the opportunity to reprise my narwhal role. While acting out a skit around the theme “Even When You’re Different, Jesus Loves You” I began to act sad for the ways I stood out and felt isolated. From the back of the room, completely unprompted, a child yelled out, “I know how you feel!” Gary was immediately on top of this moment and asked the young man if he wanted to come forward and hug the narwhal. That boy ran up and squeezed me tightly and I knew that even if it was brief, the good news reached that child. It’s not easy to retell that story without choking up. In Detroit, I sat and watched as one of the volunteers on my shift at the National Youth Gathering sat on the phone for about 20 minutes. Perplexed, I began to listen in to her conversation to see if I could be of assistance, but what I found was that the volunteer was tearing up for joy. Most of that task is grunt work in digging up solutions to problems, but here was a woman from Detroit who couldn’t help but talk nonstop about the way that all these kids who came to help her out pulled her out of a pit of depression. She wanted to do anything she could to give something back and began to tell the volunteer the story of her entire life and to know how she could be connected with these people who showed her so much love. While passing out participant’s information is against our policies, passing out church information is not, so we gave her a way to connect with the larger church. In what was a whirlwind, I was able to hear the voice of God. There are countless stories of those who have been touched by the mission of the church over the last few months. Whether here or elsewhere, thanks for your part in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Peace, Pastor DJ

NEW Ministries (Social Outing Urging Laughter) This new fellowship ministry is for women 21 and older who simply want to enjoy food, drinks and laughs with other women in our congregation. This group will meet the LAST Monday of every month at various locations. The first outing will be held August 31st at Salsa Brava at 6:00pm. We do not need a response - just show up and join the fun. For Questions, see Grace Ault or Dianne Yoss.

Refuge City Ministries was founded to serve the lost and forgotten of Denver; the homeless youth, incarcerated youth, men and women as they are released from prison, and families who are suffering in these difficult economic times. One of the many needs of this organization includes toiletry items (regular and/or travel size) and clothing. Please look for collection containers marked Refuge City in the Narthex. For more information, please go to or call CLC Church member Joanne Edmunds at 303-791-2942. (Note: donations of food items should be given to InterFaith in the blue bins.)

Sunday School Sunday School is under construction! We are looking to help children build bigger, bolder relationships with God, teachers, and each other. How can you help? Well, we’re looking for amazing adults to help these relationships grow! We know that once you spend some time with these kids you’ll want to spend even more time with them. Did you know that children need to be with someone SIX times before they feel comfortable with them? This is why we are searching for Sunday School teachers that can teach at least a month at a time. For kids to enjoy Sunday School they have to feel comfortable with the person they’re with. They need to build relationships. What are the benefits for you? You’ll know your students better, you’ll know the Sunday School material better, and you’ll feel more comfortable and enjoy it more. We supply the lessons and supplies, you supply the interaction. Please feel free to talk with Allyson Evans ( or Gary Knutson ( if you would like more information. We will have an information meeting/training on Sunday, August 16 at 11:00.

Attention 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! If you have your own Bible we would love for you to bring it with you to Sunday School this year! We’ll have some in class if you don’t have your own. THIRD GRADERS, have no fear, you’ll be bringing yours after FIRST BIBLE. Service with Heart! That’s what we’re all about this year in Sunday School! We’ll be talking a lot about serving others and how we can do that, even if we’re “just” kids. Service can be done alone, with the family, with the Sunday School class, or with our church family. We’re looking forward to filling our bulletin board with SERVICE HEARTS! Allyson Evans will be sharing service ideas soon! If you have some ideas to share, please talk with Allyson (! Sunday School Registration forms are ready! If you have children between 3 years and 6th grade, we have a class for them. We need a form from everyone that is going to be in Sunday School this year. Just like regular school, we need a new form every year. The Sunday School table will be up soon and you can pick up a form. If you just can’t wait that long, they are located in the file holder on the wall by the stairs. This year’s form is ORANGE-ish. We’ll have volunteer forms available as well. As always, if you have a question, please talk to Allyson Evans, CLC Sunday School Coordinator (

CLC Music Ensembles & Media Teams 2015-2016 Make plans now to join one or more of CLC’s music ensembles or media teams! All of CLC’s music groups are non-audition, and we always welcome new musicians! Our media teams are also open to anyone from 7th grade through adults. Come and join us!

CLC KidsRock!

Crossroads Band

For Kids in Kindergarten through Grade 6 and Assistant Directors in Grades 7 & 8 and High School

For High School Students & Adults with Some Musical Experience

Rehearsals: Specifically Scheduled Sundays from 12:15-1pm in the Sanctuary Rehearsals Begin for Fall 2015: Sunday, September 13th What We Will Do in 2015-2016: Kids in CLC KidsRock! will... Sing or Play (Hand Chimes, Hand Bells, Drums, or other percussion instruments) for our 30th Anniversary Worship Celebration on October 4th at 11am; Put on a Christmas musical on December 13th at 9:30 and 11am; Sing or Play for Youth Worship Weekend on February 7, 2016 at 9:30am; Sing in the Good Friday Cantata with Celebration Choir on March 25, 2016

Rehearsals: Tuesdays from 5-6:15pm in the Sanctuary, Year-Round What We Do: Lead music at 9:30am Worship

Youth Worship Weekend Band

Sound Team and Projection Team

For Singers & Instrumentalists in Confirmation (Grades 7-8) Rehearsals Fall 2015: Wednesday Sept 9 @ 6:30-7pm (Before Confirmation Learning Event) Wednesday Sept 16 @ 6:30-7pm (Before Confirmation Learning Event) Tuesday Sept 22 @ 5:30-6:30pm (Final Rehearsal with Instrumentalists) What We Do: Lead Music for Youth Worship Weekends at all four worship services in September and February. Youth Worship Weekend Sept 26-27, 2015: Saturday @ 5pm, and Sunday @ 8, 9:30, & 11am; Youth Worship Weekend February 6-7, 2016.

Celebration Choir For High School Students & Adults Rehearsals: Thursdays from 7-8:30pm in the Sanctuary Rehearsals Begin for Fall 2015: Thursday, August 13th What We Do: Lead music for 8am Worship, and for Holidays and Special Services

Carillon Ringers Handbell Choir for High School Students & Adults Rehearsals: Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm in the Sanctuary Rehearsals Begin for Fall 2015: Wednesday, August 12th What We Do: Play in worship at 5pm/8am once a month, and for Holidays and Special Services

Praise Team For High School Students & Adults with Some Musical Experience Rehearsals: Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30pm in the Sanctuary, Year- Round What We Do: Lead music at 11am Worship

For High School Students & Adults What We Do: Run the Sound Board and Projection Computer for all worship services & events; training is provided! For more information, contact Linda Holcombe, Director of Music at CLC: or 303-791-0803 ext. 109

Dear Members and Friends of Christ Lutheran Church! It was more than a year ago when I received the diagnosis of having Parkinson’s disease and 6 months since I decided I needed to “move on” so to speak and attend to my health 100%. I want to thank everybody for their support and kindness in that untimely decision necessity. Thank you for your concern and prayers. Thank you for our special night of celebration, having fun and tightening the bonds we have created and added to for 9 years now. The past year has been hard with many ups and downs with the PD but I want you to know that with the remission of most of my symptoms most of the time, it was the right decision. Life certainly is still not stress free, however as I now can be placed on hold for half the day trying to fix one problem or another, it is stress-less! I hope to become more involved it PD fund raising for research and challenge all of you in addition to your sport of CLC find a way to also support one of the many good causes to end many diseases (we have had members just about have it all including the neurological illnesses of PD, MS, ALS and Alzheimer’s). CLC has had and still has a great ministry and the future looks as bright as ever. Soon you will form a call committee. It can be a very exciting thing to look for, find and call a Senior Pastor. Look for the best person you can find, do not become impatient, let the Spirit lead! Trust, seeking the Spirit’s guiding and trust in it! For those of you who remember my calling and our calling of Pastor DJ God was truly a part of the process! For now my house has sold here in Highlands Ranch and I will be in Sedona but do not rule out coming back to Colorado as my oldest son, Grant remains here. But for now I need to decide if Sedona is permanent or another step in the journey. I am already planning a return visit to Denver for September and October. Until then I welcome contact and visitation if you get down my way. Feel free to email me as well. (address and email listed below). There have been many phrases like “Many Blessings +” I have used at CLC. One of my favorites I use again now. Thank you for being a part of CLC and making it the great church that it is! Pr. Tom Shelly 105 Seven Pines Road Sedona, Arizona 86336

Happy Birthday Diane Abraham 1-Aug Jodi Emsley 1-Aug Jeffrey Harhigh 1-Aug Jennifer Mitchell 1-Aug Callen O'Hearn 1-Aug Carlyn Poltl 1-Aug Leanne Saxton 1-Aug Cass Schaedig 1-Aug Ian Tonelli 1-Aug Julie Anna 2-Aug Jackson Curry 2-Aug Allyson Evans 2-Aug Carley Fellows 2-Aug Harper Fennel 2-Aug Jordan Goldman 2-Aug Lexi Parks 2-Aug Griffin Rasel 2-Aug Pat Douhan 3-Aug Nickolaus Freitag 3-Aug Sara Goldman 3-Aug Ashlyn Long 3-Aug Jim Etten 4-Aug Matt Sullivan 5-Aug Charles Warren 5-Aug Lance Devin 6-Aug Kristin Lichty 6-Aug

Liz Watts 6-Aug Kurt Kramer 7-Aug Jean Mayland 7-Aug Ashley Harhigh 8-Aug Katie Pickrell 8-Aug Barry Reeves 8-Aug Linda Rickard 8-Aug Predrag Vajzovic 8-Aug Dru Vorthmann 8-Aug Gretchen Gunther 9-Aug Madelyn Gutsch 9-Aug Tamra Hughes 9-Aug Brock Kreimeyer 9-Aug Joe Schulte 9-Aug Kris Weber 9-Aug Marla Elhard 10-Aug Alex Pierce 10-Aug Carl Douhan 11-Aug Beth Hemenway 11-Aug Ellie DeBeer 12-Aug Brendon Elkins 12-Aug Bill Lepper 12-Aug Steve Strom 12-Aug Laura Whitney 12-Aug Kerrigan Kreimeyer 13-Aug Kathryn Quist 13-Aug

Lindsay Stevens 13-Aug Mark Versen 13-Aug Tawny Hansen 14-Aug Margaret Johnson 14-Aug Don Korte 14-Aug Heidi Nickel 14-Aug Jeremy Purchase 14-Aug Sheri Rocha 14-Aug Carolyn Wilson 14-Aug Kim Harhigh 15-Aug Kori Libner 15-Aug Kat Pearson 15-Aug Grant Dilges 16-Aug Arianna Dimercurio 16-Aug Kyle Millyard 16-Aug Charlotte Paul 16-Aug Julianne Yoss 16-Aug Katie Ziesman 17-Aug Chad Alexander 18-Aug Lonnie Cummings 18-Aug Owen DeBeer 18-Aug John Inmann 18-Aug Craig Ziesman 18-Aug James Keney 19-Aug Randy Schrader 19-Aug Carla Coleman 20-Aug

Spence Doyle 20-Aug Isaac Edstrom 20-Aug Cruz Fleming 20-Aug Darin Kreimeyer 20-Aug Gerry Murphy 20-Aug Daniel Bolte 21-Aug Bryce Henningsen 21-Aug Matthew Hill 21-Aug Avery Liley 21-Aug Kelsey Quist 21-Aug Audrey Burt 22-Aug Aaron Meyer 22-Aug Brent Pickrell 22-Aug Pete Skelton 22-Aug Deanna Johnson 23-Aug Denny Schaedig 23-Aug Eric Schaedig 23-Aug Chris Doernbrack 24-Aug Macayla Hansen 25-Aug Nancy Montini 25-Aug Susan O'Brien 25-Aug Matthew Best 26-Aug Randy Dougherty 26-Aug Brecken Hansen 26-Aug Kathy Peterson 26-Aug Julia Porterfield 26-Aug

Sherrilynne Wieseler 26-Aug Amanda Lichty 27-Aug Joseph Stohs 27-Aug Dave Walker 27-Aug Delaney Wieseler 27-Aug Conor McGavern 28-Aug Emily Richards 28-Aug Victoria Ruggeri 28-Aug Joan Tew 28-Aug Bill Castor 29-Aug Nathan Gordon 29-Aug Kennedy Lau 29-Aug Judie Lovelace 29-Aug Lindsay Nickel 29-Aug Mallory Prescott 29-Aug Edna Swanson 29-Aug Pat Viergutz 29-Aug David Graham 30-Aug Elle Haller 30-Aug Dan Saur 30-Aug Becky Tesch 30-Aug Rachel Behnke 31-Aug Kali Hill 31-Aug Nathan Kroneberger 31-Aug

30th Anniversary Update T-shirt sales resume August 8. We’d love everyone to wear their t-shirts to the family focused Church Picnic on August 30 so get your t-shirts soon! TICKETS for our 30th Anniversary event on October 3 will begin the weekend of August 15/16. Tickets are limited to 250 guests so consider buying early. Children are welcome but this event is adult oriented. Adult Tickets with beer/wine are $20, Adult food only tickets are $15 and kids (ages 4-12) are $10. Children under 4 are free. OPTION for the KIDS: Nursery is available the night of Oct. 3 at CLC for ages 6 weeks to 3 years. Because this is a special event, there is a fee of $10 per child for the entire time of 6:15-9:45pm. $10 for 3 ½ hours – what a bargain! There will also be a Parents Night Out hosted by the Preschool for ages 3-11. Cost is $10 per child for the entire time of 6:15pm-9:45pm. Kids should eat dinner first but snacks will be provided. Note: You MUST sign up for Nursery and/or Parents Night Out by September 14. Sign-up sheets will be available at the ticket sales table beginning August 15.


September 12: ELCA day of Service – 8:00am September 13: Rally Day September 19/20: Ministry Fair in the Fellowship Hall







SATURDAY 9a Chicks w/Sticks 2p R. Dethlefs event 5p Worship/CC 7p Grief Group

8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting

3 8:30a Preschool Summer

2 6:30a Men's Breakfast

Group 8:30a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.

FAMILY CAMP 9 Harrington Backpacks blessing 8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 9:30a BAPTISM - Rachubinski 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting

Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

6:30a Men's Breakfast 10 Group 9:30a Mission Quilters 10a Mops Mtg 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg.

4 8:30a Preschool Summer ] 5 8:30a Preschool Summer Camp 5:30p Carillon Ringers

Camp 7p Celebration Choir

11 5:30p Carillon Ringers

12 7p Celebration Choir

7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.


9a Rejoice Circle





14 5p Worship/CC


5p Worship/CC

8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting

16 6:30a Men's Breakfast

17 11:15a Staff Mtg.

18 5:30p Carillon Ringers

19 9:30a Preschool Service 20 9a Rejoice Circle

21 7a General Maintenance 22

8a Worship/CC 10a Worship in the Park 11a CLC Picnic 7p AA Meeting

23 6:30a Men's Breakfast

24 8a Preschool

25 8a Preschool


28 5p Worship/CC

Group 8:30a Preschool Training 7p Boy Scouts 7p Transition Team Mtg.

1p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

Group 8a Preschool 9:30a Mission Quilters 10a Mops Mtg 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 6:30p Preschool Parent Orientation 7p Boy Scouts

8a Worship/CC 30 6:30a Men's Breakfast 9:30a Worship/SS Group 11a Worship/CC 8a Preschool 12:15p New Member's class 7p Boy Scouts 7p AA Meeting


11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

6:30p Confirmation Registration for 7th graders 7:15p Confirmation Registration for 8th graders

5:30p Carillon Ringers 6:30p Confirmation Registration for 7th graders 7:15p Confirmation Registration for 8th graders

7p Celebration Choir

6:30p CLC Bridge Group

27 8a Preschool

8a Preschool 9a Youth Home school event tentative 4:30p Douglas County Singers 7p Celebration Choir

5p Worship/CC


Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters


CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers


Church Community Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree

Fun and Fellowship

OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko

Youth & Family Ministries

Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights

Education and Fellowship

Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Rejoice Circle – women’s bible study, meets twice monthly

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