Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls: An Introductory Class
Pastor Eric is excited to offer a daytime class here at Christ Lutheran that takes an introductory look at the Dead Sea Scrolls. This class begins at 10:00am in the SonRise Room, and is next offered on Thursday August 2nd, and then once more on Thursday August 16th. Finally, the class transitions to a Church Group Trip to see the scrolls at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Sunday afternoon on August 19th. Ticket prices for the Church Group Trip are $25 for adults, $20 for Seniors (65 and older), and $18 for youth (18 and younger). The registration and payment deadline for the Church Group Trip is Sunday, August 12th. Attending the 90 minute class offered on Thursdays is free of course, and no advanced sign-up is necessary. Contact Pastor Eric at to learn more.
JOIN US FOR SOME WIND AND SPIRIT In July, our group enjoyed a beautiful 115-mile journey together up to Evergreen, over to Echo Lake, down to Idaho Springs for lunch, down through the canyons just west of I-70 & C-470, before coming back home. This unique monthly fellowship and bible study opportunity is for all motorcycle or any “open air” vehicle owners like convertibles, targa-tops, Jeeps, etc. Each event begins at 10:00am in the church parking lot with introductions, devotion and prayer. These planned scenic group trips are enjoyable cruises together through some of God’s beautiful creation around the local areas of the range until stopping for lunch together. Costs are your fuel and your food, and friends are certainly welcome to join in. However, to make necessary arrangements, please sign up with Pastor Eric at to find out more about our next excursion of holy fun together!
Next month, Pastor Eric will be creating a new regularly running article in the church’s newsletter entitled “Focusing on the Vision”. Each month, members of the Executive Team (most often Pastor Eric) will provide an article that communicates updates from the Executive Committee that serve as spiritual mile markers for how the congregation is moving with God at the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This additional increase of communications from Leadership to the entire congregation will start in September, beginning with the agenda for the Annual Council Visioning Summit scheduled for September 28th & 29th.
Hello and Happy August from the Preschool Summer camp has been amazing and has been so much fun together! We had around 45 kids a day attending camp for 11 weeks! We are getting ready for the fall and look forward to our returning families and our new ones. There will be three new teachers joining us this year. They will bring new ideas and teaching expertise to our team. What a blessed preschool we have and thank you for your prayers. Being a ministry of CLC is wonderful and we are excited about our continued journey of bringing the message of Christ to our little ones. Many blessings, Deb and Blair
STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert, Lead Pastor Ext 107
The Blessing of Being a Steward by Pastor Eric J. Allert
Pastor Gail Mundt, Executive Pastor Ext 108 Gary Knutson, Director of Youth & Family Ext 105 Samantha Sweitzer, Office Coordinator Ext 100 Deb Morgans, Director of Preschool Ext 300 Brittany Marshall, Bookkeeper Ext 106 Karen Patz, Volunteer & Care Coordinator Ext 110 Ally Williams, Connections Coordinator Ext 101 Allyson Evans, Christian Education Coordinator Ext 103 Clint Koury, Interim Contemporary Worship Leader Carrie Mallery, Interim Traditional Worship Leader
CHURCH COUNCIL: Brian Martin, Council President Nancy Sullivan, Council Vice President (Liaison to Personnel Committee) Liesl Farrier, Council Secretary Jeff Bergstrom, Church Treasurer (Liaison to Legacy & Endowment Committee) Tom Coates (Liaison to Safety & Security Ministry, Stewardship Team) Bill Doyle (Liaison to Adult Education Ministry) Jennifer Gunther (Liaison to Equipping & Outreach Ministry) Steve Hoemann (Liaison to Worship & Music Ministry) Christine Kleen (Liaison to Youth & Family Ministry) Pete Koury (Liaison to Property & Maintenance Committee) Deb Tronrud (Liaison to Hospitality & Fellowship Ministry) All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
One of North America’s most experienced and dedicated stewards of stewardship in the church, Theodore S. Horvath, wrote in his book entitled Identity as Stewards, “For too long we have emphasized the doing, with superficial, short-term results. We need to reverse our strategy and put the emphasis on being, for more authentic, long-term effects.” It has always been my pastoral understanding that for us as disciples, stewardship does not describe any one dimension of the Christian life, but rather it describes comprehensively what it truly means to be Christian. As disciples, we first recognize our relationship with God in which the Father is the one who invites us to be co-creators and co-stewards with Him. We are then called to participate in the stewardship of the sibling and neighbor through our relationships with one another. Finally, it is our additional responsibility to steward the earth as our common home cherished gift from God. Whenever we fall into the temptation of looking at our relationship with God (and one another) as being a relationship based on doing, we set ourselves up for brokenness and pain. The Lord created us to be in a loving relationship with Him and one another because of who God is, and who God has created us to be. Our efforts of doing are birthed from the be-ing that is formative for each relationship. Our very identity as children of God is one of stewards, not because God needed us to do more, but rather because the purpose of our relationships is one that relies upon the care for all. God loves because at the very heart of God is the purist love. God cares because God’s own being in one drenched in caring compassion. God guides, leads, and teaches because God’s own holy wisdom is one that blesses growth and further creation. We co-serve and co-steward with God because at our very being is the formative nature of relationship. The stronger our relationship is with God and one another, the more our very being will seek out opportunities to do the stewarding work that further blesses. May you know today – and always – the blessings of God. These blessings are yours because of who God is, and who you are to God. May you also know today – and always – the blessings being in faith community. These blessings are also yours because of God’s gift that is the church, and who you are to this church.
we’re growing
boo yah
On Sunday evening, July 15th, Pastor Eric and family held a dessert and drinks party at their home welcoming new members who have joined CLC the previous year. This fun tradition that Pastor Eric and Jenny love to celebrate was just another (holy) fun way of further uniting the congregation for mission and sharing in God’s love for one another. For more than 3 hours, their home was filled with contagious laughter, personal stories, and the joy of the Holy Spirit! It’s a great time to be a part of God’s church here at Christ Lutheran!
Welcome to Carmen Abraham who has joined the communion bread-baking team, the children’s activity bag team, and the attendance recording team. We certainly appreciate Carmen’s assistance with all those ministries! Welcome back to Jim Peterson who is feeling well enough to again join the team that changes the marquee out front. Thanks to Jim for volunteering, and thanks to God for helping Jim to regain his health! Welcome to Monica, Annabelle, and Addison Martin who have joined the recycling team. Many hands make light work, and we are thankful to have help from these lovely ladies for that ministry. Welcome to the Bergman family who has agreed to join an 8:00 Worship Team. Thanks for your help and support! Welcome and MANY thanks to Sue Bristol at Bristol Botanics for supplying our gorgeous altar flower arrangements! They have been spectacular, and we are so grateful to have the support from a business owned and operated by a member of the CLC family. Thanks to the group of wonderful women who have stepped in to keep Soul Sisters going. This vital group can continue our fun and fellowship due to these fabulous females, and we are thankful for their sponsorship and organizing efforts.
Ministry Spotlight This month I’m shining a light on the folks who serve on Altar Guild. This group of people care for the altar and prepare it for worship, they set the credence table with the elements (bread and wine), and they clean up after service or prepare for the next service. This is a quiet, behind-the-scenes ministry that performs a critical act of service for the church. Thanks to the many hands that serve this vital ministry.
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24 Recently a member of our congregation remarked on the tag line at the bottom of all my emails: Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. I have often been accused of being a bit of a Pollyanna, but that’s the way I choose to be. Since I have worked at CLC, my glass is not just half-full; it is often overflowing, and I want everyone to know it. There are so many good, positive things going on in and around and through this building and congregation that I’d like to ask you to join me in appreciating all that is good here. The world that we live in can be a bit of a downer sometimes, but if you train your eyes to see the Light and to celebrate the good that you see, joy will follow. Let us rejoice and be glad in this day. Each of these wonderful people knows that one of the keys to a vital church community is the engagement of the members, and they are doing their part to engage and connect with others.
Karen Patz
CLC DAY OF SERVICE AND WORSHIP & PICNIC IN THE PARK Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 22! In the morning, we will do various service projects in the community and for the greater community. In the afternoon and evening, we will have a picnic and worship in the park. If you have any Day of Service opportunities or would like to help with the picnic planning, please mark your response sheet in the bulletin or see Ally Williams or Karen Patz. More details to follow in the upcoming communications about this exciting day!
Dynamite is our youth group for our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Registration for this program will begin in August. Our first gathering will be September 9 from 5:00-7:00 in the fellowship hall. If you are interested in helping with this monthly ministry in the fall please contact Gary Knutston at or Allyson Evans at
Sunday School Rally Day is September 9 and that means the beginning of Sunday School! The registration link will be ready in early August. If your child has never attended Sunday School or it has been a while, I strongly encourage you to sign them up and get them involved! Not only do the kids learn a lot about the Bible and the life of Jesus, they start to develop relationships with their peers and other adults in the congregation. As kids get older, it is harder to get them to participate in activities if they don’t have relationships with others. We are here to help form those relationships so that when it is time for Confirmation and high school youth group, they are ready to go hang out with their friends. Sunday School begins September 9 during the 9:30 service. If you are interested in volunteering as a teacher or for gathering materials for special projects please feel free to contact Allyson at any time for more information. Confirmation is for our 7th and 8th grade students. Registration and information nights will be held two different nights, please chose one to attend: August 22 or August 29. Both nights the 7th graders will meet from 6:30-7:00 and the 8th graders will meet from 7:15-7:45. It is important that a parent and middle schooler both attend the meeting to hear all the important information given and to fill out the required forms. If you need more information about our Confirmations program please feel free to contact Gary Knutson at
Thank you to every one of you that helped make VBS 2018 a huge success! Whether you donated your time or items, volunteered the week of, registered your kids, or prayed for us, we couldn’t have done it without you! We had a great week learning how Jesus carries us through life’s storms. We played games, we heard stories about kids our age that struggle, we heard Bible stories, did fun activities to help us learn the message every day and we had snacks! It was a great week and we are already gearing up for next year’s VBS…ROAR! See you then! Thank you for all of your support for this year’s high school mission trip to Houston, Texas. We could not have made it to Houston for hurricane relief and the National Youth Gathering without your support! Thank you to everyone that bought our cookies, let us wash their cars, filled our envelopes, attended our meals and prayed for a safe journey! With your help, we were able to assist the members of Saint Paul Lutheran in Baytown, Texas and learn about how LOVE, HOPE, GRACE, and GOD CHANGE EVERYTHING!
FAMILY CAMP AT SKY RANCH Family Camp will be here before you know it! Join us for a fun weekend at Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp, August 10-12. It’s a great weekend of relaxing and being together, enjoying God's creation. Please fill out the response sheet if you are interested in attending family camp this year. The cost is $50 per family, per night. If you have further questions, please contact Gary at Family camp meeting Wednesday August 8th at 6:30 pm. If you are going to family camp this year please attend this meeting so we can get a count and let everyone know what’s going on and things to bring.
The count down for the beginning of the school year has begun! We will be having our Back to School Blessing the weekend of August 4 and 5. If you are a student or a teacher, please join us for this special day! Any age... preschool to graduate school included! Please feel free to bring your backpack or book bag if you would like to do so.
Fruits & Veggies – More Matters By Jenny Allert, MSN Ed., RNC-OB Did you know September is fruit and vegetable health awareness month? Most people know that eating fruits and vegetables is important for good health, but most of us still aren’t getting enough. This September, Christ Lutheran Church is proud to participate in Fruits & Veggies – More Matters Month. Eating a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits can help you: • Lower your risk for heart disease and some types of cancer • Maintain or reach a healthy weight • Keep your body strong and active Here are some ideas to help you and your family fit more fruits and vegetables into your day: • Keep a bowl of fruit handy where the whole family can see it. • Cut up fruits and veggies ahead of time so they’re ready for quick, healthy snacks. • Challenge your family to try a new veggie or fruit every week. Remember, eating more fruits and veggies can be fun – and it’s worth it! This year, Pastor Eric, Pastor Gail, and the worship leadership team decided to keep the 11:00am service going throughout the summer. It’s been a delight to hear those attending share their appreciation for “being able to continue worshiping God throughout the year”. Thanks to all the volunteers and staff for remaining committed to this powerful and growing worship service community. If you haven’t worshiped at 11:00am yet, consider trying it sometime this year. In addition to being a little later in the morning, this worship setting is intentionally designed to be rich musically, prayerful and reflective, and personally inviting.
This class is required for anyone who would like to have their child baptized here at CLC. Contact Gary Knutson at to sign-up for one of these class dates. 8/26 12:15pm – 3pm 11/25 12:15pm – 3pm 12/9 12:15pm – 3pm
First Communion Class (2-part class) If your child has asked about when they can take communion and you feel they are ready, sign them up for this class. This 2-part class is for parents and their children to take together. Contact Gary Knutson at to sign-up for this class. 11/4 12:15pm – 3pm part 1 11/18 12:15pm – 3pm part 2
First Bible Class (3-part class) This class is for children who would like to learn about the bible. Children must be able to read to participate in this 3-part class. The class will be held during Sunday School. Contact Gary Knutson at to sign-up for this class. 10/7 9:30am – 10:30am part 1 10/21 9:30am – 10:30am part 2 10/28 9:30am – 10:30am part 3
New Member Class If you are interested in joining CLC, please sign-up for this class to learn more about our ministries. Contact Karen Patz at to sign-up for the class. 9/16 12:15pm – 2:30pm
Unrestricted Gifts
Restricted Gifts
Total Gifts to CLC
Weekly Average
This month there are an overwhelming amount of people putting their faith into action! To start, we got to celebrate two people becoming one! During the Strittmater Wedding! You might see Elton and Yeta learning about the gospel at the 9:30 service. CLC got the privilege to put on their wedding and see that love has no time limit! Congrats to the wonderful couple and cheers to you Elton and Yeta!
(Stories Of Faith In Action)
Another major SOFIA is the youth Mission trip! There were so many wonderful works that came out of driving to Houston! We even managed to make the most of it while the bus was being fixed! Mission trips give the youth an opportunity to step out of their comfort zones to talk to new people, learn new lessons, and master how to use a power drill! A lot of the youth came back with a new appreciation for Highlands Ranch, and our community at CLC. Thank you to everybody that helped the youth to experience this! I know how much it means to them! A huge shout out to Bev Brady and Barb Hoemann. They have put countless hours into organizing the music files. Let me just tell you we have a ton of music here at CLC! These lovely ladies catalogued all of the music. It is wonderful and very easy to use! Thank you for putting in your time to help our new music person feel right at home!
Ally Williams We are trying out an introduction of a new prayer ministry here at Christ Lutheran. On Sunday mornings, before and after 9:30am worship, keep an eye out for members of the congregation wearing easily identifiable pink Prayer Partner name tags. These brothers and sisters in Christ have volunteered to sit in prayer with anyone looking to be led in brief 1-on-1 quiet prayer on Sunday mornings. If you’d like to learn more about joining this ministry and becoming a volunteer Prayer Partner, contact Pastor Eric J. Allert in the church office, or directly at
Happy Birthday Diane Abraham Chad Alexander Julie Anna Tiannah Baca Daniel Bolte Madigan Brown Bill Castor Carla Coleman Lonnie Cummings Jackson Curry Sarah Davey Thomas DeBeer Ellie DeBeer Lance Devin Grant Dilges Arianna Dimercurio Randy Dougherty Carl Douhan Pat Douhan Kat Downing Kellen Dreas Isaac Edstrom Marla Elhard Brendon Elkins Jodi Emsley Jim Etten Allyson Evans Hudson James Fagerholt David Fanning Harper Fennel Cruz Fleming
1-Aug 18-Aug 2-Aug 6-Aug 21-Aug 10-Aug 29-Aug 20-Aug 18-Aug 2-Aug 21-Aug 18-Aug 12-Aug 6-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 26-Aug 11-Aug 3-Aug 15-Aug 10-Aug 20-Aug 10-Aug 12-Aug 1-Aug 4-Aug 2-Aug 22-Aug 25-Aug 2-Aug 20-Aug
Nickolaus Freitag Marque Giles Nathan Gordon David Graham Chelsea Groh Gretchen Gunther Madelyn Gutsch Jeffrey Harhigh Kim Harhigh Ashley Harhigh Paula Heidel Beth Hemenway Bryce Henningsen Matthew Hill Kali Hill Margaret Johnson Deanna Johnson Regan Johnston James Keney Don Korte Kurt Kramer Kerrigan Kreimeyer Brock Kreimeyer Darin Kreimeyer Nathan Kroneberger Amy LaComb Kennedy Lau Dave Laub Kristin Lichty Amanda Lichty Avery Liley
3-Aug 10-Aug 29-Aug 30-Aug 1-Aug 9-Aug 9-Aug 1-Aug 15-Aug 8-Aug 24-Aug 11-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 31-Aug 14-Aug 23-Aug 9-Aug 19-Aug 14-Aug 7-Aug 13-Aug 9-Aug 20-Aug 31-Aug 10-Aug 29-Aug 11-Aug 6-Aug 27-Aug 21-Aug
Payton Lineberry Judie Lovelace Augustus Lutonsky Sacha Marth Jean Mayland Christopher McDonald Conor McGavern Chloe McNitt Aaron Meyer Kyle Millyard Olivia Moore Lauren Moore Gerry Murphy Trevor Nelson Bob Newhouse Callen O'Hearn Lexi Parks Charlotte Paul Kathy Peterson Katie Pickrell Brent Pickrell Brody Pollock Julia Porterfield Mallory Prescott Antje Radtke Griffin Rasel Barry Reeves Sheri Rocha Victoria Ruggeri Dan Saur Leanne Saxton
23-Aug 29-Aug 12-Aug 29-Aug 7-Aug 30-Aug 28-Aug 19-Aug 22-Aug 16-Aug 3-Aug 25-Aug 20-Aug 7-Aug 8-Aug 1-Aug 2-Aug 16-Aug 26-Aug 8-Aug 22-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 29-Aug 24-Aug 2-Aug 8-Aug 14-Aug 28-Aug 30-Aug 1-Aug
Eric Schaedig Denny Schaedig Cass Schaedig Randy Schrader Joe Schulte Melissa Spicher Joseph Stohs Steve Strom Matt Sullivan Edna Swanson Lillian Sweitzer Becky Tesch Rhea Thomas Rick Thompson Brenda Thompson Ian Tonelli Sohia Trevino Predrag Vajzovic Mark Versen Brett Vogler Dru Vorthmann Charles Warren Kris Weber Laura Whitney Sherrilynne Wieseler Delaney Wieseler Carolyn Wilson Julianne Yoss
23-Aug 23-Aug 1-Aug 19-Aug 9-Aug 12-Aug 27-Aug 12-Aug 5-Aug 29-Aug 22-Aug 30-Aug 12-Aug 1-Aug 1-Aug 1-Aug 19-Aug 8-Aug 13-Aug 18-Aug 8-Aug 5-Aug 9-Aug 12-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 14-Aug 16-Aug
Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples: How every Christian can be an effective witness through an enabling church, by Win Arn and Charles Arn The Church Mouse: Leadership lessons from the Magic Kingdom, by Christopher W. Perry Giving to God: The Bible’s good news about living a generous life, by Mark Allan Powell
Canoeing the Mountains: Christian leadership in Uncharted Territory, by Tod Bolsinger The Steward: A biblical symbol come of age, by Douglas John Hall
Pastor Eric’s weekly adult study is a powerful look at the book of Acts. This series, entitled “Acts: The Holy Spirit’s Partnership with Theophilus” journeys through the new connection God establishes with the world through the birth of the Christian Church, and where the Theophilus in you finds your place in God’s vision. Classes begin at 7:05pm in the SonRise Room, with an informal review of the video series “A.D.: The Bible Continues” beginning at 6:30pm. All are welcome!
WEDNESDAY 7p Adult Bible Study
8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
5 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 6 5:30p Crossroads Band 5:30p ADVANCE! [off-site] 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Personnel Mtg.
7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
7 7p Adult Bible Study
8 Military Ministry -
9 12p OWLS Luncheon
SATURDAY 3 9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy Group 1p NO Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship
10 5p Worship
8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
12 6:30a Men's Breakfast
13 5:30p Crossroads Band
14 7p Adult Bible Study
17 5p Worship
8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
19 6:30a Men's Breakfast
20 12p VNA Foot Clinic
21 7p Adult Bible Study
24 5p Worship
8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 12:15p Baptism Class 7p AA Meeting
26 6:30a Men's Breakfast
27 12p VNA Foot Clinic
28 7p Adult Bible Study
Group 9a Mission Quilters 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Ladies Bunko (off-site)
7p BLAZE 7p Council Meeting 7p Praise Team
Group 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.
Group 9a Mission Quilters 7p Boy Scouts 645
5:30p Crossroads Band 6:45p Women of Joy 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Outreach Uganda New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext
Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services Thrivent Builds
Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes
First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips
Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes
held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)
Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball
Music CLC Kids Rock!
Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team