Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Thrivent Choice Program Change There has been a change in the program by which Thrivent members direct their Choice Dollars: To direct Choice Dollars in the future, you have two easy options: • Log in to Thrivent.com/thriventchoice and select "Get Started." • Contact a representative from the Member Connection Center at 800-847-4836 and, when prompted, say "Thrivent Choice." When next prompted, say, "Choice Dollars." Directing Choice Dollars® is subject to the Terms & Conditions of the Thrivent Choice® program. We urge all Thrivent members to continue to direct their Choice Dollars to Christ Lutheran Church. These funds have been extremely helpful to many ministries at CLC. Thank you!
Legacy and Endowment Scholarships for 2013 Each spring, our Legacy & Endowment Team is charged with the task of selecting and awarding at least one scholarship to a graduating high school senior or a currently enrolled college student studying for an undergraduate degree. The team has started to accept applications now and will continue until April 20th 2013. Please call the church office at 303-791-0803 or go online to www.clchr.org to get an application. The student must have a 3.0 grade point average to be considered for the scholarship.
World Hunger Sunday The goats, pig, sheep and chickens will be back at CLC Sunday February 17th so make sure you bring the kids to see the wonderful petting zoo full of animals. With a world Hunger emphasis we will be accepting donations for The Global Barnyard project. A Cow $500, Fish $250, Sheep $125, Goat $50, Pig $30, Duck $20 and Chicks $10. Donations will be taken from February 19th to April 1st. The Global Barnyard project is a successful way to empower local villages villagers (primarily women) in the African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia. The purpose is to provide families with a livelihood and vehicle to climb out of poverty and feed their families. The goats often considered the “poor women’s cow,” are particularly adaptable to this purpose because they are: Able to survive by eating drought-resistant shrubs and grasses. Have babies often and throughout the year. They produce highly nutritious and easily digested milk, do not need much space and are easily handled. Local people from the villages apply for an opportunity to attend animal husbandry classes on ELCA sponsored cooperative farms located in their respective countries. There they learn how to care for the animals. A team of ELCA relief workers determine how many animals each village can support in terms of grazing land and water. The women are then given a starter herd. As the goats multiply, the villager increases her herd and percentage of the babies are given back to the cooperative to provide the animals needed to continue the program. In addition the animal husbandry classes also act as trainers and mentors for new people in their villages who wish to become goat herders. What a great ministry to be a part of so easily by purchasing the animals! Just stick a check in the offering plate and mark it Barnyard project or just goats.
STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor pstrfstr@clchr.org
Pastor Tom’s Message
Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Debby Kinsella Dir. Outreach/Equipping dkinsella@clchr.org Gary Knutson Dir. of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Preschool Director dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Judi Best Dir. Traditional Music jbest@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Dir. Contemporary Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Dir. Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Mark Yoss m.yoss@comcast.net Crista Larsen cristalarsen@yahoo.com Ken Kroneberger kenk@jcmh.org Rick Boyer safetyguy74@yahoo.com Julie Waggoner waggoners5@gmail.com Jody Alexander home4jody@comcast.net Alan Buckel afbjjb@aol.com Norm Beulke nbeulke@gmail.com Gary Rasel raselg@msn.com Nancy Bauer nancybauer@q.com All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
We are all a part of something greater than ourselves! That hopefully not over worn out saying bears for us the need of seeing an example of it once in a while. This month I would like to share with you one of those examples that by just being there (here?) makes a difference beyond ourselves. I received a letter the other day from the Denver area Boy Scouts of America Council in regards to Troop number 645 which meets here at CLC every Monday night. This troop which we sponsor pretty much takes over the entire facility for what appears to be at least 100 young men. The letter specifically addressed the Eagle Scout award and the young men who have accomplish it in the past year: Conner Reid Dougan, Cody Patrick Enboden, Brian David Johnson, Sean Mitchell Kellogg, Anthony Joseph Kutcher, Jacob Lincoln Melonis, Karl Halverson Pierson, Christopher Phillip Sanders, Anderew Robert Shields, Daniel Jay Stansbury and Trevor Jon Zalkind. As the letter says (underlining mine), “This is a great accomplishment in a young man’s life and without your support, it would not have been possible.” The letter also states, something I did not know, that the Eagle Scout award is 100 years old. Our support is simple, we maintain a facility which can house Troop 635. It may seem quite simple but your support and participation of CLC makes our facilities possible which in turn supports scout activities here. Besides Troop 645 we also now have Cub Scout Troop 626 and a Daisy Troop using our facilities. There are others who benefit from us and I believe we can take partial credit for their successes. Another group I would like to point out is the Alcoholic Anonymous group that meets here every Sunday night. This is an open meeting and one of the two finest groups around (the other next door to us at St. Luke’s). AA in particular is a ministry that about the most you can do to support it is to give them a place to meet and refer people to them. So, as we continue to journey into the first part of a New Year I hope you will feel connected to things larger than yourself, larger then CLC, even larger than Scouting and AA, for the difference we and these groups make in the lives of individuals goes far beyond now and into the future. We are making a difference! What a Gospel message! Yours in Christ + See you in worship + Many Blessings + Pastor Tom
Pastor DJ’s Message
Exploding for Christ!
Our February meeting is a joint celebration with the wonderful OWLS group at CLC. We’ll gather on Sunday, February 10 from 5pm-7pm. Our intergenerational evening will start with dinner and then move on to fun games and a friendly competition of Bible Blitz. (bring your Bible) We are looking forward to spending an evening together and building relationships within our congregation. Dynamite kids are invited to bring a card or board game for the night. Questions: Please contact Gary or Erika Alpern eajteach@yahoo.com
Preschool News Hello and blessings from the Preschool! Registration has begun for Fall, 2013 and we are off to a good start. We are so blessed to offer 15 different classes and a morning and afternoon kids klub. We held our Western Days in January and they were loads of fun. Our entertainer visited with cowboy stories, games and we ate chuck wagon style. February will be fun with Valentine’s Day, learning more about Jesus and our annual Book Weekend of fair. Our Book fair is open to the February 22nd congregation the weekend of February 22nd so please come to the Fellowship hall and take a look at our books. They make great gifts for younger and school aged family members and we do have some for adults as well. More information will follow in the bulletin. We thank everyone for their continued support of the preschool and look forward to a fabulous February!
– Ms. Deb
The readings for Epiphany spend quite a bit of time in 1 Corinthians in the 12th and 13th chapter. I want to pull something out for you to ponder: To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, 9to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses. (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) 7 8
Something you may have glossed over when reading or hearing this passage is in the 9th verse. We all have heard about the gifts of the Spirit and we spend an awful lot of time around here trying to discover spiritual gifts in one another but within this list it says that faith is a spiritual gift. That may seem obvious, until you see that it is categorized in much the same way as the other spiritual gifts such as healing or speaking in tongues. I do not fancy myself a tongue-speaker so it seems quite clear that none of us hold all of the gifts of the Spirit, otherwise we would have no need for each other. It is curious then to see that faith may be something that not all of us have. While some of us may have an abundance of faith to share, others of us may be lacking or even have none at all. Many in Christianity vilify those who do not have enough faith or do not have the right kind as if it were the one thing that all Christians must have and must do correctly. Would it not be better to seek what other gifts of the Spirit someone would have? I think St. Paul would lean that way. The season of Lent has always been a time of pondering, meditation, self-reflection, and discernment. This year, when February 13th rolls around, I invite you into this act. Maybe faith isn’t your gift or maybe it is. Whatever your gifts may be, one thing is sure: that you have these gifts to be a piece of something bigger than you. In the next part of Paul’s letter he identifies us all as body parts necessary for the whole. I hope and pray you take the time to figure out where you fit in this church and in the entire body of Christ. Peace, Pastor DJ
Join us for Holy Week & Easter at Christ Lutheran Church Palm Sunday, March 24th Worship: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 Breakfast 8:30-11:15 am (Fundraiser for Sr. High Mission Trip)
Maundy Thursday, March 28th Worship 7:00 pm (Celebration of 1st Communion) Crossroads Band
Good Friday, March 29th Worship 12:00 pm 7:00 pm (Musical service of remembrance by Celebration Choir)
Easter Saturday, March 30th Easter Worship: 5:00 pm
Easter Sunday, March 31st 2013 He is Risen!
Easter Worship 6:30 / 8:00 / 9:30 / 11:00 am
Worship Teams for Easter Do you like to Usher or serve Communion, but not all the time? We could really use your help at any of the four services Easter morning and the Saturday 5:00 service. The times on Easter Sunday are 6:30, 8:00 9:30, and 11:00 am. There are clip boards with sign-up sheets in the Narthex on the wall, or you can sign the response sheet. If you are on a worship team and can help us please pick the service that works best for you.
Easter Lilies and Plants Easter Lilies and Easter Flowers may be purchased in memory or honor of someone meaningful in your life. The plants will be $16 each and will decorate our Sanctuary on Easter. We now have envelopes to place your check in located in the Narthex. Fill out the information needed on the front of the envelope and place it in the offering plate or the basket provided in the Narthex. You may also indicate on your check the name of the person and in memory or honor of that individual and place your check in the offering plate.There will also be a place to sign up on the response sheet.
Calling All Singers Plastic Eggs We are in need of plastic eggs for our annual Egg Toss. Please bring any donations to Debby in the church office.
Easter Egg Stuffing & Toss Easter is coming soon and every year we toss plastic Easter eggs with an invitation to Palm Sunday breakfast and listing of our Holy Week services on the lawns of our neighbors and friends that don’t have a church home. Please join us on March 11th at 10:00am to help stuff the eggs. Then, grab a bag of eggs from the Narthex on the weekend of March 16th & 17th and take them with you to toss. This is great fun especially for the kids.
Easter Shuttle
Please don’t forget to ride the shuttle for Easter Sunday. At a time when we worship over 2000 people on a weekend this will insure that our guests have a place to park. The shuttle will run back and forth from the southeast corner of the AMC parking lot across from Outback from 7:10 to 12:30 am Easter Sunday March 31st. This is a fun way to meet others on your way to worship.
Celebration Choir would love to have you join in singing for the Easter season. Use the response sheet to indicate your interest or contact Judi Best at jbest@clchr.org for specifics on rehearsal time.
Volunteers to Clean up the Church after Easter On Tuesday April 2nd we will be cleaning up the church after the big Easter weekend. If you can help us put back chairs, move plants and just do minor clean up please mark the response sheet.
Volunteers Needed to Water the Plants After Easter
We need people to water the plants for 2 weeks after Easter. If you are available please sign the response sheet.
Nursery Volunteers for Easter We are in need of people to help in the nursery during the 9:30 and 11:00 service on Easter Sunday. If you can help please sign the response sheet.
Refreshments in the Sonrise Room on Easter Sunday
Please join us in the Sonrise room for wonderful fresh baked goodies after services on Easter Morning. If you are interested in supplying baked goods please sign the response sheet.
Decorating the church setting up chairs and organizing Easter Flowers
We will be decorating the church and setting up extra chairs in the fellowship hall for the overflow of people for Easter on Wednesday March 27th at 10:00. That same day we will be taking the flowers out of boxes and watering them to be placed after the service on Good Friday. If you can help please sign the response sheet.
New Member Class
New Member Reception Pastor Tom and his wife Harriette will be holding a new member reception at their home on Sunday February 10th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Food and drink will be served. If you are a new member please join us for this wonderful event where you will meet all of the others who have joined CLC in the last 12 months as well as our Council and staff.
Pastor Tom and Pastor DJ will be holding another new member class series on Sunday Feb 17th at noon, Tuesday Feb. 19th at 6:00 pm and Sunday Feb 24th at noon. A meal will be served at all classes and nursery care will be provided upon request. Please join us if you want to join CLC, want to transfer your membership or just want more information. Just sign the response sheet.
Happy Birthday Aidan Carroll - Feb 1 Paula Malburg - Feb 1 Krista Ruggeri - Feb 1 Christa Shimonkevitz - Feb 1 Angie Burt - Feb 2 Royce Raddatz - Feb 2 Teresa Walker - Feb 2 Michelle Young - Feb 2 Ann Adams - Feb 3 Jack Emsley - Feb 3 John Knauff - Feb 3 Molly Mitchell - Feb 3 Gary Morgan - Feb 3 Jenn Regan - Feb 3 Hannah Abraham - Feb 4 Jacob Kolseth - Feb 4 Molly Rowell - Feb 4 Andrew Schauer - Feb 4 Mark Ingebritson - Feb 5 Pamela McAnally - Feb 5 Lizza Aalto - Feb 6 Darlene Cary - Feb 6 Liesl Farrier - Feb 6 Chris Inmann - Feb 6
Evelyn Oakman - Feb 6 Steven Rowell - Feb 6 Bob Fenton - Feb 7 Lindsay Libner - Feb 7 Hannes Spreigl - Feb 7 Jeff Ceci - Feb 8 Jayne Veeder - Feb 8 Ava Zorgdrager - Feb 8 Darwin Subart - Feb 9 Karl Udris - Feb 9 Harper Boggs - Feb 10 Mykala Coe - Feb 10 Jason DeBolt - Feb 10 Lesli Dumler - Feb 10, 1967 Madison Foster - Feb 10 Jessica Friedenthal - Feb 10 Barb Hoemann - Feb 10 Haley Jensen - Feb 10 Angela McGraw - Feb 10 Joe Radochonski - Feb 10 Rachelle Collins - Feb 11 Tristan Ashley - Feb 12 Trevor Ashley - Feb 12 Bailey Horn - Feb 12
Shannon Morken - Feb 12 Edie Ophaug - Feb 12 Makayla Quist - Feb 12 Steve Sain - Feb 12 Bob Weber - Feb 12 Luke Young - Feb 12 Haley Archuleta - Feb 13 Andrew Freeman - Feb 13 Kelsey Nylander - Feb 13 Kaitlin Castro - Feb 14 Vaughn Fennel - Feb 14 Roger May - Feb 14 Krista McKissack - Feb 14 Erin Radtke - Feb 14 Kristi Castro - Feb 15 James Evens - Feb 15 Maya Fellows - Feb 15 Andreas Lauer - Feb 15 Robert SchauervFeb 15 Mark Silkworth - Feb 15 Frank Zorn - Feb 15 Aimee Burton - Feb 16 Garrett Inmann - Feb 16 Aiden Cartwright - Feb 17
Nate Richards - Feb 17 Garrett Allen - Feb 18 Keri Betthauser - Feb 18 Lisa Christensen - Feb 18 Maria Lau - Feb 18 Lindsey Schneider - Feb 18 Jordan Green - Feb 19 Craig Horn - Feb 19 Kole Salmi - Feb 19 Debbie Dougherty - Feb 20 Randy Patz - Feb 20 Sydney Silverman - Feb 20 Ted Smith - Feb 20 Matt Smith - Feb 20 Karissa Castro - Feb 21 Shelby Hafner - Feb 22 Duke Holter - Feb 22 Austin Butler - Feb 23 Becky Harhigh - Feb 23 Alexander Kleen - Feb 23 Jill Staub - Feb 23 Dianna Steinsvaag - Feb 23 Nathan Cartwright - Feb 24 Lisa Schrader - Feb 24
Nancy Brown - Feb 25 Debbie Freeman - Feb 25 Julie Ort - Feb 25 Chase Rambow - Feb 25 Deborah Harant - Feb 26 Dale Holter - Feb 26 Kimberly Moore - Feb 26 Kristen Radochonski - Feb 26 Quinn Anna - Feb 27 Adrienne Gullia - Feb 27 Justine Gullia - Feb 27 Sarah Mahalik - Feb 27 Bev Ornes - Feb 27 Jacob Perry - Feb 27 Chris Thoennes - Feb 27 Craig Triebel - Feb 27 Ashley Vogler - Feb 27 Terry Hurlbert - Feb 28 Lillian Monson - Feb 28 Fred Radtke - Feb 28
Lenten Mentoring Season DATES TO REMEMBER This years theme “GraceBook” Timeline to the cross March 13th Lenten dinner #4- Chili cook-off contest 5:15 to 7 PM
Feb 12th Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper 5:15 to 7 PM Mentoring kick-off service-7PM
March 20th Lenten dinner #5 Brisket night 5:15 to 7 PM
Feb 20th Lenten dinner #1 Italian night 5:15 to 7 PM
Lenten services follow each meal starting at 7 PM
Feb 27th Lenten dinner #2- Mexican night 5:15 to 7 PM
Our church now has a Confirmation FB page, please follow us during Lent as we go spiritual journey through our intergenerational Mentoring program. The theme packet can be seen there also.
March 6th Lenten dinner #3- Ball Park night 5:15 to 7 PM
Our next Baptism class is February 10th from 12:15 to 2:30ish. If you are interested contact Gary at gknutson@clchr.org to register for this class. 1st Communion classes are March 3rd & March 24th from 12:15 to 3 PM, both classes must be attended with a parent. Lunch will be served. If interested mark the response sheet and you will be registered.
8:00am Worship/CC 27 8:00am BAPTISM-Doernbrack 9:30am Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 9:30am BAPTISM - Smith 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 4:30pm Webelos Ceremony 7:00pm AA Meeting
8:30am Preschool 28 9:30am Mission Quilters 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts
8:30am Preschool 29 10:30am Western Lunch 11:15am Staff Mtg. 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:15pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE
8:30am Preschool 30 10:30am Western Lunch 5:30pm Carillon Choir 6:00pm Confirmation Guide Huddle 7:00pm Confirmation Learning Event 7:00pm Celebration Choir
8:30am Preschool 31 9:00am Adult University Class
NAME TAG SUNDAY 3 YOUTH SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE ENDS 8:00am Worship/CC 9:30am Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm AA Meeting
8:30am Preschool 7:00pm Boy Scouts
8:00am Worship/CC 10 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal Baptism Class 2:00pm Member's Reception 5:00pm 5:00pm Dynamite 7:00pm AA Meeting
8:30am Preschool 11 9:30am Mission Quilters 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Legacy & Endowment
WORLD HUNGER DAY 17 8:00am Worship/CC 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 12:00pm New Member's Class 7:00pm AA Meeting
PRESIDENT'S DAY 8:30am No Preschool 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Card Making
7:30am Book Fair 24 8:00am Worship/CC 9:30am Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 12:00pm Book Fair Clean Up 12:00pm New Member's Class 7:00pm AA Meeting
8:30am No Preschool 25 8:30am Preschool 9:30am Mission Quilters 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts
4 8:30am Preschool
5 8:30am Preschool
6 8:30am Preschool
FRIDAY 8:30am Preschool 9:00am Rejoice Circle
7 8:30am Preschool
11:00am Chapel 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1:00pm Easter Planning Mtg. 2:00pm Chapel 4:45pm Daisy Troop Mtg. 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:15pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 8:00pm MOPS set up
9:00am MOPS Mtg. 11:00am Chapel 1:00pm PAT Meeting 2:00pm Chapel 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Confirmation Learning Event 7:00pm Celebration Choir
9:00am Adult University Class 6:00pm Cub Scout Mtg.
SHROVE TUESDAY 12 8:00am Preschool Staff Mtg. 8:30am Preschool 11:15am Staff Mtg. 5:00pm Crossroads Band 5:15pm Pancake Supper 6:15pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 7:00pm Mentoring kick-off 7:00pm Council Mtg.
ASH WEDNESDAY 13 8:30am Preschool 10:00am MOPS Steering 12:00pm Noon Service 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Evening Service 8:00pm Celebration Choir
8:30am Preschool 14 8:30am Preschool 9:00am Adult University Class 9:00am Rejoice Circle
18 8:30am Preschool
19 8:30am Preschool
20 8:30am Preschool
12:00pm OWLS Luncheon
21 8:30am Preschool
9:00am Book Fair Set Up 9:00am Adult University Class 7:00pm Celebration Choir
10:15am Storyteller 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1:00pm Visiting Nurse Assoc. 2:00pm Storyteller 5:00pm Crossroads Band 5:30pm New Member's Class 6:15pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 8:00pm MOPS set up
9:00am MOPS Mtg 10:15am Storyteller 2:00pm Storyteller 5:15pm Lenten Dinner/Italian 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Lenten Service/ Faith Mentoring
8:30am Preschool 26 11:00am Chapel 11:15am Staff Mtg. 2:00pm Chapel 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:15pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE
8:30am Preschool 27 8:30am Preschool 28 11:00am Chapel 9:00am Adult University Class 2:00pm Chapel 7:00pm Celebration Choir 5:15pm Lenten Dinner/Mexican 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Lenten Service/ Faith Mentoring
8 5:00pm Worship/CC
15 5:00pm Worship/CC
22 7:00am General
5:00pm Parent's Night Out
9:00am Preschool Book Fair 6:00pm Family Pajama Night Book Fair
8:30am Preschool 9:00am Rejoice Circle
YOUTH WORSHIP 2 9:00am Chicks w/Sticks 9:30am Safeguarding God's Children 5:00pm Worship/CC
Maintenance 4:30pm Book Fair 5:00pm Worship/CC
1 NEW MEMBERS REC'D 9:00am Chicks w/Sticks 5:00pm Worship/CC
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries
Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers
Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers
Caring Connection
Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters
Youth & Family Ministries
Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights