December 2012 Newsletter

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CHRISTMAS CAROLING! Sunday December 16th 5:30pm We meet at church, have dinner and then gather to go caroling around the community! Stay tuned for more details!

Scrip Cards Available at CLC One of the simplest ways in which to contribute to CLC is by purchasing Scrip Gift Cards. Cards are available for many different retailers, and in a variety of denominations. If you are looking for a retailer not on our order form, please ask, as there are too many to put on one form! If you do your grocery shopping at King Soopers, please consider purchasing a reloadable Scrip gift card from CLC. King Soopers sends us a check approximately 6 times a year for the 4% rebate earned by the CLC members who reload their gift cards at the store. It is a very simple process, which has resulted in 2012 rebates totaling $1,775.00 so far! Those funds have been extremely useful for covering non-budgeted expenses. With the Christmas holidays approaching, please keep in mind that Scrip gift cards make wonderful Christmas gifts! Order forms are available in the narthex, and you may pay by check or credit card. Darlene Dethlefs is generally available to sell on-hand cards between the 8 and 9:30 Sunday services. Or, please contact Sallie Burns in the church office or at Thanks for your support!

Season’s Greetings from the Preschool! We are so excited to be in the holiday season. We held a family Thanksgiving Feast before the holiday and many families shared a meal together. We are busy practicing for our Christmas Programs being held in December. The children always look so adorable in their fancy outfits and this year we are doing a mini reenactment of the Christmas Story. As we prepare for the birth of our Savior downstairs, we wish everyone upstairs a memorable, peaceful and glorious holiday season. Remember to slow down and find the simple things in one another and treasure those dear to you. Merry Christmas! —Ms. Deb and Ms. Blair

Pueblo De Dios Service Project!

Creative Christmas!

We will be kicking off our 3rd annual Creative Christmas for Pueblo De Dios! One of our missions for Sunday School is our Creative Christmas Project for Pueblo De Dios church in Compton, CA. We collect craft items, kits, paints, legos, lincoln logs, color wonder, play dough, glue, scissors, crayons, anything that is even remotely crafty and put the items in a shoe box and send to Compton, CA. My son is again putting 100 legos in ziplocks and putting it in a shoebox. This is a HUGE project and we will need lots of supplies, shoe boxes or plastic containers, big boxes for sending the boxes, and some volunteers to help get things wrapped up. Our goal is to send 100 shoe boxes! We will also need several friends to either take shoe boxes home and wrap them or wrap at church! This project is completely separate of the Operation Christmas Child that the church also does. Deadline is December 9th. We will be packing up boxes in the afternoon on December 9th.

STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor Debby Kinsella Dir. Outreach/Equipping Gary Knutson Dir. of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Preschool Director Mary Behnke Administrative Manager Sallie Burns Financial Secretary Judi Best Dir. Traditional Music Linda Holcombe Dir. Contemporary Music Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Dir. Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Mark Yoss Crista Larsen Ken Kroneberger Rick Boyer Julie Waggoner Jody Alexander Alan Buckel Norm Beulke Gary Rasel Nancy Bauer All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Pastor Tom’s Message A Blessed Christmas you and your loved ones, and even more, a Blessed New Year! Here it comes, another Holy Day - holiday season. First we get to rush around. Shopping, traveling and probably some partying! Then we get to settle down, even if it might be as late as Christmas Eve when all the preparations are done and the kids are in bed. To be able to finally sit by a silent Christmas Tree, maybe with a manger under it and ponder what it means again or anew. Then we can savor the week following as more quiet time. Then finally we get another chance, with a new year, 2013! Wow! But we are not there yet! In the beginning of December as we move towards those special times we might ask ourselves, how do we keep it in balance and under some control? There currently is a television commercial for what I believe is an online travel agency. In it is a song sung by Jimmy Durante (incredibly I am old enough to remember him on television!). The song is “Make Someone Happy!” and it says “Make just one someone happy, and you will be happy too.” Jesuit theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, “The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large portion of one’s self to others.” Anyone who has unselfishly helped another knows this to be true. While I think about this as it relates to us I realize it is not always easy and that we will often fail because of our humanness. Then what comes to my mind is Jesus! Has he not given himself unselfishly to all of us someones? Or as a recent Sunday scripture put it in Jesus’ words, “For this I was born….” Which brings us around to the question, “For what were we born?” It can be hard to give plus these are hard times and who knows what lay ahead? It is hard to give much of anything, for whatever reason, even of ourselves. Pastor and former college professor Henri Nouwen states, “When we refrain from giving, with a scarcity mentality, the little we have will become less. When we give generously, with an abundance mentality, what we give away will multiply.” There is one thing we all have and we have gotten from God through Jesus that we too can give away. That Jimmy Durante song goes on, “Where’s the real stuff in life to cling to? Love is the answer, Someone to love is the answer.” And God loves that someone in you! “For God so loved the world….” You fill in the rest of that scripture and may it help you see the abundance of love in your life, in the season and especially into the new year! Merry Christmas! Many Blessings + Pastor Tom

Sunday School Happenings Merry Christmas to one and all this Christmas season! Helpers needed for December are: 3 yr olds 11th only, PreK 11th only, Kindie, 2nd and 3rd. Please see our church website and click on the Sunday School link for the sign up link or the sign up board in the narthex! A Big Round of applause to our November volunteers! Susan Boggs, Yvette Smith, Lindsay Sandon, Mimi Zurchowski, Julie Skelton, Lesley Cantrell, Heidi Demercurio, Karrie Witkind, Kristen DeBeer, Christine Kleen, Michelle Bowling, Dina Silverman, Erika Alpern, Angie and Keith Burt, Claire Cantrell, Brooke Schulte, Hannah Bauer, Julie Ort, Chris Hegele, Julie Benvenuto, as well as Kate and Paul Avedissian.

"Like" us on Facebook! We use this as a way to keep up to date with everyone. We have seen the latest flat pastor sightings, family events, etc. Just search Christ Lutheran Sunday School and there we are!

Wall of Kindness: Come and take a peek at our Wall of Kindness! We have some pretty amazing kiddos! During this holiday season let me know about the Acts of Kindness!

Acts of Kindness Reporting: The kids are really getting into our Random Acts of Kindness. To make things a little easier I have created a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) Form. The kids will have the option of filling out a form themselves in Sunday School, taking a form home to fill out or have the parents fill out the form by going to a google document. Just go to our website and click on Youth and Family there you will find our very user friendly Random Act of Kindness Report. If you have pictures with Flat pastor you can text those to me at 303-563-9475, email those pictures to me at or post on our facebook page!

In December... we will be learning and exploring how we need to get ready for Jesus and of course the Lord's Birthday! The bible lessons will be coming from the book of Luke. There will be NO Sunday School on the 9th (Christmas Program), Dec 23rd & 30th for Christmas Break!

Youth & Family Baptism Class

December 16th 12:15 to 2:30 Lunch will be served. If interested please email Gary at

Christmas Caroling

December 16th 5:30 to 8:00 PM ish Please join this wonderful family event. All congregational people of CLC are invited. We will go out into the community and sing. A chili supper will be put on by the Dynamite youth group. Come join us for a wonderful evening of fellowship and singing.

Santa is Visiting

December 8th 10:00 am to 12:00 PM Santa is visiting CLC in the narthex. You will be able to take pictures with your camera. We will not have a professional photographer for this event. A donation of $5 dollars to the youth summer mission trip will be asked for.

Dynamite: Exploding for Christ! 23 Dynamite kids met on November 11. What a busy and growing youth ministry this is at CLC! Ryan Tesch & Alex Kleen led the group in the presentation of the colors and the Pledge of Allegiance. We were honored to hear from Dale Holter, Carol O’Hearn, and Steve Best. They each shared their story of serving in the military and the bonds they made with their comrades. We busily wrapped shoe boxes in Christmas paper to send to children at Pueblo de Dios in Los Angeles. This ministry grew out of the youth mission trip to Compton and we were blessed to be a part of sending Christmas joy to them. Our December gathering will be on Sunday, December 16 as we join the congregation in the Christmas caroling in the community. Please join us for this fun and festive evening! Questions about Dynamite: please contact Gary Knutson or Erika Alpern

Come and join the joy and wonder of Christmas at one of our four Candlelight Christmas Eve Services on December 24th, 2012

1:00pm Children and Family Service, featuring the Confirmation Choir.

3:00pm Children and Family Service, featuring the Children’s Choirs.

5:00pm Contemporary Service featuring Crossroads Band.

7:00pm Traditional Service featuring Celebration Choir & Carillon Ringers.

11:00pm Traditional Service featuring special music. Child Care will be available at the at 1, 3, 5 & 7pm services.

WORSHIP TEAMS FOR CHRISTMAS EVE We are starting to schedule Worship Teams for Christmas Eve services 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 and 11:00 pm. If you would like to help usher or serve communion, please watch for the sign-up sheets in the Narthex and pick the service you want or sign the response sheet.

CHRISTMAS WORSHIP TEAM TRAINING There will be a short training on Sunday December 23rd after the 8:00 service and before the 9:30 service at 9:00 am for the Christmas Eve worship teams. Please come if at all possible to go over some of the different things we will be doing for Christmas.

Shuttle Bus for Christmas Eve We will be using our own bus to shuttle people from the AMC parking lot across from the Outback restaurant on Christmas Eve. The shuttle will start at 2:30 pm and go until 8:30 pm. Please remember to come a little early so you can take advantage of riding the bus. On a day when there are around 1600 people worshipping at CLC, we would like to encourage all members and regularly attending guests to ride the bus. Many people who only attend church once or twice a year will be here so let’s show them God’s love by letting them have a parking space.


Advent/Christmas Decorating We will be decorating the church on Thursday, November 29th at 9:00 am. We will put up Christmas trees and decorate them, hang garland and wreaths in the fellowship hall, narthex and Sanctuary. Please sign the response sheet if you are interested.

Set-up Team for Christmas Eve We are in need of a team to help us set up chairs in the Fellowship Hall and Narthex for Christmas Eve on Thursday, December 20th at 10:00am. We will also be setting out the poinsettias that day. If you can help us, please sign the response sheet or call Debby at 303-791-0803.

Nursery We will need volunteers to help in the nursery for the 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 and 7:00 Christmas Eve services. Please sign the response sheet if you can help.

If you would like to purchase a poinsettia for the altar on Christmas Eve in honor or memory of a very special person, please sign the response sheet and put a check in the offering plate for $16.00. We are putting together a list for the Christmas bulletin, so the sooner we get your information, the better. We also need people to help place Poinsettias around the altar on Thursday December 20th at 10:00am, and/or to water the flowers once a week for about 3 weeks. If you are interested in helping with either of these, please sign the response sheet.

The Season of Giving This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported Christ Lutheran Church this past year with their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving option utilizing Simply Giving. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Contact Sallie Burns in the church office for more information ( or (303) 791-0803, ext. 106).


Outreach Urban Peak 2013

for Harrington Elementary

While we may take having a coat to keep us warm for granted, many families at Harrington Elementary don’t have coats to keep them warm. This year when we take the Christmas baskets down to Harrington, we would also like to take coats to them. Please bring any new or gently-used coats and place them in the designated bin by December 6th. Any and all sizes from infants through adults, would be appreciated.

Flowers for the Altar

This is the time of year to start thinking about which month your family or small group would like to take a meal to Urban Peak in 2013. CLC takes meals to the shelter on the fourth Friday of every month, all year long. This is a wonderful opportunity, and we greatly encourage your participation. The teens at Urban Peak really appreciate a good meal. Please indicate your interest on the response sheet or contact Debby Kinsella in the church office.

ELCA World Hunger

We will be sending around the 2013 flower chart during service in the next couple of weeks. If you have a special occasion or someone you would like to honor, please sign up for a specific date on the chart. The flowers are $25.00 and we will place a bouquet on the Altar for every request we get for that date. Please feel free to take the flowers home with you after the 11:00 service on the weekend you choose, but please be sure to return the vase to the kitchen here at the church.

Hunger is a year-round problem for many across the globe. You can do your part to alleviate world hunger by signing up to donate $10.00 per month during 2013 through the ELCA World Hunger Campaign. All you have to do is drop a check into the offering plate made out to CLC with “ELCA World Hunger” written in the memo portion. If you prefer, you may pay a lump sum rather than every month. Our goal is to get 20 families to sign up and participate in this ministry. Please see Debby if you are interested or sign the response sheet.

Happy Birthday Ashtyn Egger - Dec 1 Davin Anna - Dec 2 Marcy Carroll - Dec 2 Randy Hofmann - Dec 2 Tyson Thomas Shelly - Dec 2 Michael Fisbeck - Dec 3 Susanne Freitag - Dec 3 Tim Salmi - Dec 3 Jianna Valenti - Dec 3 Tanner Mavis - Dec 4 Paul McCulloch - Dec 4 Alan Pearson - Dec 4 Rick Shimonkevitz - Dec 4 Dina Silverman - Dec 4 Andrea Coe - Dec 6 Carole Gullia - Dec 6 John Hirst - Dec 6 Randall Nylander - Dec 6 Grant Schaedig - Dec 6 Jennifer Schultz - Dec 6 Scott Davis - Dec 7 Paula Davis - Dec 7 Kaity Ivy - Dec 8

David Oscai - Dec 8 John Wallrath - Dec 8 Mallory Alexander - Dec 9 Nicole Belin - Dec 9 Trent Gall - Dec 9 Katie Pierce - Dec 9 Will Snauwaert - Dec 9 Joshua Waggoner - Dec 9 Thomas Parsa - Dec 10 Lisa Peterson - Dec 10 Katie Yvars - Dec 10 Christopher Black - Dec 11 Kendall Folkerts - Dec 11 Jason Kravitz - Dec 11 James Viergutz - Dec 11 Trevor Witkind - Dec 11 Ken Buechler - Dec 12 Tom Coates - Dec 12 Lee Corns - Dec 12 Tiffany DiGrappa - Dec 12 Patricia Hansen - Dec 12 Christie Tew - Dec 13 Zell Cantrell - Dec 14

Julie Folkerts - Dec 14 Alexander Ridenour - Dec 14 Blake Waggoner - Dec 14 Allison Cartwright - Dec 15 Ethan DiGrappa - Dec 15 Dave Kotta - Dec 15 Anthony Valenti - Dec 15 Logan Abraham - Dec 16 Lenny Bates - Dec 16 Alejandro Mena Casa - Dec 16 Karen Ramon - Dec 16 Elizabeth D'Agostino - Dec 17 Michelle Hinz - Dec 17 Caitlin Kroneberger - Dec 18 Kaylyn Radtke - Dec 18 Lydia Veeder - Dec 18 Ryan Vogler - Dec 18 Sue Buck - Dec 19 Tracy Etten - Dec 19 Maggie Green - Dec 19 Karen Herdahl - Dec 19 Jen Schrader - Dec 19 Lisa Friedenthal - Dec 20

Tanya Hollowell - Dec 20 Wendie Moses - Dec 20 David Ornes - Dec 20 Gerry Rasel - Dec 20 Adam Scheuerman - Dec 20 Bruce Silkworth - Dec 20 Bill White - Dec 20 Lois Betthauser - Dec 21 Jacob Christensen - Dec 21 Todd Evans - Dec 21 Nick Palazzo - Dec 21 Mike Adams - Dec 22 Steve Bohren - Dec 22 Jeff Lynne - Dec 22 Walt Melcher - Dec 22 Alaina Oscai - Dec 22 Christian Shimonkevitz - Dec 22 Glenn Staub - Dec 22 Beth Wilson - Dec 22 Cheryl Dummitt - Dec 23 Stefania Benner - Dec 24 Carolee Weitzel - Dec 24 Karrie Witkind - Dec 24

Pete Koury - Dec 25 Raeganne Bowling - Dec 26 Kelly Connolly - Dec 26 Molisa Gardner - Dec 26 Madison Sain - Dec 26 Amy Schulte - Dec 26 Katie Zellner - Dec 26 Aidan Lambert - Dec 27 Peggy Norris - Dec 27 Joseph Zorn - Dec 28 Wayne Beck - Dec 29 Kaipo Lau - Dec 29 Holly Mena Casa - Dec 29 Amy Mitchell - Dec 29 Mark Russell - Dec 29 Diane Schauer - Dec 29 Bob Tronrud - Dec 29 Leslie Grant - Dec 30 Mary Johnston - Dec 30 Aaron DeBoer - Dec 31

Adopt a family from Harrington for Christmas It’s hard to believe in less than a month we will be delivering Christmas gifts and baskets of food to Harrington elementary school. There will be a tree in the Narthex with the names of families and gifts they have asked for. Please pick a family and note on the list below the tree if you will be doing food or gifts or both and if you are buying the food or having us buy it. Then put together a food basket for their Christmas dinner or donate money for us to make a food basket, and purchase one of the gifts listed for each member of the family. Each food basket should include at least canned vegetables, apple cider, cranberry sauce, potatoes, apples/oranges, stuffing mix and a $20 gift card for frozen turkey or ham, rolls and a pie. Please bring all completed baskets to CLC by Thursday December 6th, and place them in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like the church to buy the food and gift card so Thrivent will match, please place a check marked “Christmas basket” and the family number in the offering plate to pay for the Christmas dinner. You will still be responsible for purchasing gifts for the family. We will be putting the food baskets together that we purchase the food for on Thursday December 6th at 10:00. If you are interested in putting the food baskets together or delivering the Christmas baskets, please sign the response sheet. Baskets will be delivered to Harrington on Saturday, December 10th; we will be leaving CLC for Harrington at 9:00 am.




8:00am Worship/CC 25 9:00am Worship Service/ Entire databas 9:30am 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation & Joy Choir 7:00pm AA Meeting

8:30am Preschool 26 9:30am Mission Quilters 5:00pm Crossroads Rehearsal 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts

8:30am Preschool 27 11:00am Chapel 11:15am Staff Mtg. 2:00pm Chapel 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:30pm Praise Team rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 8:00pm MOPS set up

8:30am Preschool 28 ADVENT DECORATING 29 8:30am Preschool 9:00am MOPS Mtg 7:00pm AA(CPC) 11:00am Chapel 2:00pm Chapel 3:00pm Funeral 5:30pm Carillon Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Confirmation Learning 7:00pm Celebration Choir

NAME TAG SUNDAY 2 NEW MEMBERS REC'D 8:00am Worship/CC 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am jubilation & Joy Choir 11:00am Training Children Activity Bags 12:15pm1st Communion Class 7:00pm AA Meeting

8:30am Preschool 3 5:00pm Crossroads Rehearsal 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Personnel Committee Meeting

8:30am Preschool 4 11:00am Chapel 11:15am Staff Mtg. 2:00pm Chapel 4:45pm Daisy Troop Mtg. 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:30pm Praise Team rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 8:00pm MOPS set up

8:30am Preschool 5 9:00am MOPS Mtg 11:00am Chapel 1:00pm PAT Meeting 2:00pm Chapel 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Celebration Choir

Harrington Christmas Baskets 8:30am Preschool

6 Harrington Christmas

8:00am Worship/CC 9 9:30 Worship/SS/1st Comm. Celebration 9:30am Youth Christmas Program 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 7:00pm AA Meeting

8:30am Preschool 10 9:30am Mission Quilters 5:00pm Crossroads Rehearsal 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 6:15pm Preschool Christmas Program 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Legacy & Endowment Meeting

8:30am Preschool 11 10:15am Storyteller 11:15am Staff Mtg. 2:00pm Storyteller 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:30pm Praise Team rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 7:00pm Preschool Christmas Program

8:30am Preschool 12 10:00am MOPS Steering 10:15am Storyteller 2:00pm Storyteller 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Celebration Choir

8:30am Preschool 4:00pm Staff Day

13 8:30am Preschool

8:00am Worship/CC 16 8:00am Lessons & Carols 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Lessons & Carols 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 12:15pm Baptism Class 5:30pm Christmas Carol/Supper 7:00pm AA Meeting

8:30am Preschool 17 5:00pm Crossroads Rehearsal 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Card Making

8:30am Preschool 18 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1:00pm Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:30pm Praise Team rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 8:00pm MOPS set up

8:30am Preschool 19 9:00am MOPS Mtg 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Celebration Choir

8:30am Preschool 20 9:00am Rejoice Circle 21 7:00pm Eagle Scout Ceremony 9:30am Preschool class 10:00am Teacher Work Day 12:30pm Teacher Luncheon

8:00am Worship/CC 23 9:00am Worship Team Training 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm AA Meeting

CHRISTMAS EVE 24 8:00am Preschool Break 1:00pm Christmas Service 3:00pm Christmas Service 5:00pm Christmas Service 7:00pm Christmas Service 11:00pm Christmas Service




8:00am Worship/CC 30 9:30am Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 7:00pm AA Meeting

NEW YEAR'S EVE 7:00pm Boy Scouts









8:30am Preschool 30 6:30pm Family Movie Night

Baskets 8:30am Preschool 9:00am Rejoice Circle

12:00pm OWLS Luncheon


3 9:00am Rejoice Circle

9:00am Chicks w/Sticks 5:00pm Worship/CC

7 Harrington Christmas

Baskets 9:00am Parent's Day Out 9:30am Christmas Musical Rehearsal 5:00pm Worship/CC

14 5:00pm Worship/CC




7:00am Gen. Maintenance 22 5:00pm Worship/CC

28 5:00pm Worship/CC

4 9:00am Chicks w/Sticks 5:00pm Worship/CC



Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers


Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers


Caring Connection

Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights

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