January 2013 Newsletter

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Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Thrivent Members!

I am pleased to report that Christ Lutheran Church received $13,459 from Thrivent Choice designations in 2012! These funds were used for our many outreach programs, including Harrington Elementary events. Funds were also used to help defray costs for the Senior Hi Mission Trip, as well as helping with our Sanctuary Refurbishment and property maintenance expenses. Because Thrivent Choice funds were available, we did not have to use budget funds for these expenses. Thank you to Thrivent members who have designated their Thrivent Choice dollars to Christ Lutheran Church. We hope to see a similar, or greater, amount designated in 2013! If you have any questions about this program, please direct them to Don Alpern at (303) 730-1951, ext. 104, or visit the Thrivent website at https://www.thrivent.com/thriventchoice/program/dollars_details/.

Inter-Faith Food Drive

Nursery Attendants Needed Our nursery is in need of additional attendants to provide loving and safe care for our infants and toddlers (age 3 and younger) during weekly worship services and special events, especially during the holidays. These are paid staff positions and the schedule is flexible based on monthly needs for childcare. Background check and Safe Haven training are required. If you are interested and would like more information, please indicate on the response sheet or contact Barbara Pierson at 303-470-0850.

OWLS ELCA Barnyard Project We will be holding another food drive for Inter-Faith community Services the month of January ending on Super Bowl Sunday. The Youth will be supporting this food drive by collecting funds on Souper Bowl Sunday (Youth Sunday). Please put your donations in the blue bins that sit between the doors as you come into the building. During these hard economic times the food banks have been hit the hardest. There is very little food on any of their shelves. Any donation will be appreciated.

At their December luncheon, the OWLs donated $300 enabling us to purchase 6 goats through the ELCA Barnyard Project. Thank you OWLs. Also a big thank you to Martha Miller for arranging our entertainment, The Columbine Blues Choir. What a treat!

STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor pstrfstr@clchr.org

Pastor Tom’s Message

Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Debby Kinsella Dir. Outreach/Equipping dkinsella@clchr.org Gary Knutson Dir. of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Preschool Director dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Judi Best Dir. Traditional Music jbest@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Dir. Contemporary Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Dir. Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Mark Yoss m.yoss@comcast.net Crista Larsen cristalarsen@yahoo.com Ken Kroneberger kenk@jcmh.org Rick Boyer safetyguy74@yahoo.com Julie Waggoner waggoners5@gmail.com Jody Alexander home4jody@comcast.net Alan Buckel afbjjb@aol.com Norm Beulke nbeulke@gmail.com Gary Rasel raselg@msn.com Nancy Bauer nancybauer@q.com All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Happy New Year! It may not officially be a Holy Day, but it ought to be and it can be a Holy Year! For me, 62 New Year’s and counting! “Have I learned anything?” I would hope the answer to that is “Yes!” One thing I have learned is that things are not always what they seem. And have not always been what they are. Take for example when New Year’s begins. I have told several people this and I know they question it. But according to Wikipedia and other sources, January 1st became the first day of the year just several hundred years ago. In western culture up until 1751 in England, Wales and all British dominions, New Year’s was celebrated on March 25th (Lady Day)! In Scotland the change was made in 1600 and the changes came from leaving the Julian calendar for the Gregorian calendar in 1582! Besides this curiosity concerning New Year’s Day I have learned that each year is to be taken in stride. I like the idea of new beginnings and resolutions but would advise to temper them. Set yourself up for success and not failure! Make some plans but remain open. Keep it simple! I have learned that life runs through cycles and from an old Toyota commercial I would advise you to “Enjoy the Ride!” Figuratively, look out the window more, glance at the speedometer only when necessary. This may be even truer for those of you raising young children and teens. Every year will bring both hope and worry, excitement and fear. Faith will keep things in balance. God will be faithful too even when God seems not to be close. God is dependable as well as serendipitous! As another year passes and a new one begins, I would ask you, “Have you learned anything?” I hope the answer to that is, “Yes!” May we all put what we have learned to good use, in praising God and serving others. And by the way, there is still a lot to be learned! Happy New Year each and every day of the New Year! May the New Year be a Holy Year for you and your loved ones! Many Blessings + Pastor Tom

Pastor DJ’s Message There’s an image from afternoon cartoons from my childhood that popped into my head recently. When I was in elementary school, one of the popular shows was called “Duck Tales” and one of the main characters named Scrooge McDuck. During the opening title sequence for the show, Scrooge could be seen in his towering mansion with a gigantic dollar sign on the outside. On the inside it was simply a building with four walls so it formed a pool, the slight difference being that this pool, rather than being filled with water, was filled with gold coins. Scrooge dove in and performed his best dolphin impression jumping up, spitting coins out, and diving back in.

Outreach Urban Peak 2013

This is the time of year to start thinking about which month your family or small group would like to take a meal to Urban Peak in 2013. CLC takes meals to the shelter on the fourth Friday of every month, all year long. This is a wonderful opportunity, and we greatly encourage your participation. The teens at Urban Peak really appreciate a good meal. So far, January, March, April, and May have been covered; if you are interested for one of the remaining months, please sign the response sheet or contact Debby.

ELCA World Hunger

Hunger is a year-round problem for many across the globe. You can do your part to alleviate world hunger by signing up to donate $10.00 per month during 2013 through the ELCA World Hunger Campaign. All you have to do is drop a check into the offering plate made out to CLC with “ELCA World Hunger” written in the memo portion. If you prefer, you may pay a lump sum rather than every month. Our goal is to get 20 families to sign up and participate in this ministry. Please see Debby if you are interested or sign the response sheet.

While not exactly swimming in money, I have been overwhelmed by the signs and gifts of welcome that this congregation has offered since our arrival. The pound the pastor effort has ensured that our pantry will be stocked for at least a year. We have enough cookies and Christmas snacks for my stomach to rival Santa’s. There is a strand in the Bible of the times when the people of God have more than enough (think of the feeding of the 5000) where the stress of being somewhere and not knowing what you will eat or what to expect melts away because of the abundance of God. My brothers and sisters thank you for sharing with me, for making my family feel welcome, and carrying on the tradition of the church of helping people through major moments in their lives, like moving across the country. You have testified to the abundance of God’s gifts. Thank you, Pastor DJ

Dynamite: Exploding for Christ! Service Project for January 2013

"Dad, clean out your closet!" The Dynamite youth group will be collecting clean, gently used men’s clothing items for Grant Street Reach. Street Reach is an outreach of CLC that serves hot meals to the homeless in Denver. Two years ago Dynamite donated over 500 pairs of new white socks to Street Reach. We want to expand our giving this year by donating clothing items as well as new socks. The most desired items for the men are long-sleeved shirts, sweatshirts/pants, hoodies, sweaters, stocking caps, jeans and new white socks. (no dress clothes) Look for a bin in the narthex to place your much needed donation. See you on Sunday, January 13 at 5pm. Questions: please contact Gary Knutson or Erika Alpern eajteach@yahoo.com

FLOWERS for the Altar

Sunday School Happenings "Like" us on Facebook!

We will be sending around the 2013 flower chart during service in the next couple of weeks. If you have a special occasion or someone you would like to honor, please sign up for a specific date on the chart. The flowers are $25.00 and we will place a bouquet on the Altar for every request we get for that date. Please feel free to take the flowers home with you after the 11:00 service on the weekend you choose, but please be sure to return the vase to the kitchen here at the church.

We use this as a way to keep up to date with everyone. We have seen the latest flat pastor sightings, family events, etc. Just search Christ Lutheran Sunday School and there we are!

Acts of Kindness Reporting:

The kids are really getting into our Random Acts of Kindness. To make things a little easier I have created a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) Form. The kids will have the option of filling out a form themselves in Sunday School, taking a form home to fill out or have the parents fill out the form by going to a google document. Just go to our website www.clchr.org and click on Youth and Family there you will find our very user friendly Random Act of Kindness Report. If you have pictures with Flat pastor you can text those to me at 303-563-9475, email those pictures to me at clchrsundayschool@gmail.com or post on our facebook page!

Happy Birthday Jeremiah Fellows - Jan. 1 Nicole Jewett - Jan. 1 Michelle Jewett - Jan. 1 Monica Martin - Jan. 1 Karisa McCulloch - Jan. 1 Ryan Abraham - Jan. 2 Brandon Dumler - Jan. 2 Joe Gullia - Jan. 2 Carson Bergman - Jan. 3 Karin Harlan - Jan. 3 Kirsten Lee - Jan. 3 Mike Rucker - Jan. 3 Michelle Stein - Jan. 3 Luke Woodring - Jan. 3 W.K 'Kirk' Kirk - Jan. 5 Shane Pickrell - Jan. 5 Tyler Pinon - Jan. 5 Jeremy Radtke - Jan. 5 Kip Schauer - Jan. 5 Casadee Subart - Jan. 5 Karen Patz - Jan. 6 Chris Adamson - Jan. 7 Keith LaShier - Jan. 7

Ryan Fix - Jan. 8 Mike Mertens - Jan. 8 Adam Smith - Jan. 8 Andrea Tonelli - Jan. 8 Jennifer Atkins - Jan. 9 Diana Kirk - Jan. 9 Dwight Buderus - Jan. 10 Pete Koury - Jan. 10 Steve Talus - Jan. 10 Sam Thompson - Jan. 10 Melody Zorgdrager - Jan. 10 Carmen Abraham - Jan. 11 Lana Morris - Jan. 11 Adam Schultz - Jan. 11 Thomas Pontius - Jan. 12 Zach Benner - Jan. 13 Maria Farrier - Jan. 13 Sena Porter - Jan. 13 Lexi Schubert - Jan. 13 Matt Schulte - Jan. 13 Bob Bremer - Jan. 14 Jacob Ringkob - Jan. 14 Angela Rohr - Jan. 14

Susan Schleuder - Jan. 14 Zachariah Waggoner - Jan. 14 Josh Childs - Jan. 16 Craig Johnson - Jan. 16 Kristie Nedved - Jan. 16 Brian Swenson - Jan. 16 James Etten - Jan. 17 Scott Sorenson - Jan. 17 John Flynn - Jan. 18 Andrea Hardegree - Jan. 18 Conner Kramer - Jan. 18 Cassandra Chavez - Jan. 19 Gary Cogburn - Jan. 19 Nathan Henkes - Jan. 19 Christopher Hinz - Jan. 19 Mackenzie Mavis - Jan. 19 John Tiedgen - Jan. 19 Garrett Carter - Jan. 20 Jason Curry - Jan. 20 Martha Hanson - Jan. 20 Glenda Kravitz - Jan. 20 Mark Schultz - Jan. 20 Kealy Reed - Jan. 21

Anthony Ruggeri - Jan. 21 Larry Tew - Jan. 21 Kaitlyn Arellano - Jan. 22 Jake Doernbrack - Jan. 22 Scott Lasater - Jan. 22 Kylie McKissack - Jan. 22 Beth Ott - Jan. 22 Nicholas Purchase - Jan. 22 Colter Sandon - Jan. 22 Elaine Woodring - Jan. 22 Steve Burns - Jan. 23 Adam Gray - Jan. 23 Kendra Reiter - Jan. 23 Jake Udris - Jan. 23 Suzanne Wischer - Jan. 23 Heidi Erickson - Jan. 24 Jessie Gutsch - Jan. 24 Mikaela Mitchell - Jan. 24 Megan Rucker - Jan. 24 Katherine Witkind - Jan. 24 Chris Porter - Jan. 25 Tim Cook - Jan. 26 Melanie Schultz - Jan. 26

Kingston Aaberg - Jan. 27 Ryan Butler - Jan. 27 Courtney Folkerts - Jan. 27 Breana Kaiser - Jan. 27 Tina Kron - Jan. 27 Janet Bielefeldt - Jan. 28 Amy DeBoer - Jan. 28 Chris Harant - Jan. 28 Karen Knauff - Jan. 28 Jack Adams - Jan. 29 Dorothy Logan - Jan. 29 Sharon Perko 29-Jan Matt Schulte - Jan. 29 Zach Peterson - Jan. 30 Hailey Walsh - Jan. 30 Keith Burt - Jan. 31 Alexander Harlan - Jan. 31 Kelly Ingebritson - Jan. 31 Carl Larsen - Jan. 31 Tony Meyer - Jan. 31 Samantha Oberg - Jan. 31 Annette Pickrell - Jan. 31 Mark Schubert - Jan. 31

Preschool News Happy New Year from the preschool! 2013 already? We are not sure where the first half of our year went. Christmas was so much fun and the children did a lovely job on their Christmas programs. We will begin open registration for Fall preschool on Tuesday, January 22; however, Church members, Alumni, MOPs and preschool parents can register prior. Please email Deb if interested in a tour or paperwork at dmorgans@clchr.org. If you know of any families that may have smaller children, please let them know about the preschool and give them the email or phone number at 303-471-9290. We will be hosting a Western day later this month and an entertainer will be joining us with stories and fun activities. We will also be sharing a cowboy dinner! We wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year! – Ms. Deb




8:00am Worship/CC 30 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 9:30am BAPTISM - Fennel 11:00am Worship/CC 7:00pm AA Meeting






NAME TAG SUNDAY 6 8:00am Worship/CC 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm AA Meeting

FOOD DRIVE BEGINS 7 8:30am Preschool 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Personnel Committee Meeting

8:30am Preschool 8 11:00am Chapel 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1:00pm Staff Planning Mtg. 2:00pm Chapel 4:45pm Daisy Troop Mtg. 5:00pm Crossroads Band 6:00pm Cub Scout Mtg. 7:00pm BLAZE 7:00pm Council Mtg. 8:00pm MOPS set up

8:30am Preschool 9 9:00am MOPS Mtg. 11:00am Chapel 1:00pm PAT Meeting 2:00pm Chapel 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Confirmation Learning Event 7:00pm Celebration Choir

8:30am Preschool 10 9:00am Adult University Class

RM Synod MS Youth 13 Gathering 8:00am Worship/CC 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 5:00pm Dynamite 7:00pm AA Meeting

8:30am Preschool 14 9:30am Mission Quilters 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Legacy & Endowment

8:30am Preschool 15 10:15am Storyteller 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1:00pm Visiting Nurse Assoc. 2:00pm Storyteller 5:00pm Crossroads Band 7:00pm BLAZE 8:00pm MOPS set up

8:30am Preschool 16 10:00am MOPS Steering 10:15am Storyteller 2:00pm Storyteller 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Confirmation Small Group 7:00pm Celebration Choir

8:30am Preschool 17 8:30am Preschool 9:00am Adult University Class 9:00am Rejoice Circle

8:00am Worship/CC 20 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 9:30am BAPTISM - Beukelman 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm AA Meeting

MLK Jr. Day OFFICE CLOSED 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Card Making

8:00am Worship/CC 27 8:00am BAPTISM - Doernbrack 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am Adult Education Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 11:00am Joy Choir Rehearsal 4:30pm Webelos Ceremony 7:00pm AA Meeting

8:30am Preschool 28 9:30am Mission Quilters 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts

21 8:30am Preschool

11:00am Chapel 11:15am Staff Mtg. 2:00pm Chapel 5:00pm Crossroads Band 7:00pm BLAZE


22 8:30am Preschool

8:30am Preschool 29 10:30am Western Lunch 11:15am Staff Mtg. 5:00pm Crossroads Band 7:00pm BLAZE


23 8:30am Preschool

FRIDAY 9:00am Rejoice Circle


RM Synod MS Youth 11 Gathering 8:30am Preschool 12:00pm OWLS Luncheon 6:00pm Parent's Night Out 6:00pm Eagle Court of Honor

24 8:30am Preschool

9:00am Chicks w/Sticks 5:00pm Worship/CC

RM Synod MS Youth Gathering 5:00pm Worship/CC



18 11:00am AA (CPC) Mtg.


25 7:00am General


5:00pm Worship/CC

9:00am MOPS Mtg 11:00am Chapel 2:00pm Chapel 5:30pm Carillon Choir 7:00pm Confirmation Learning Event 7:00pm Celebration Choir

9:00am Adult University Class

9:00am Adult University Class

8:30am Preschool 30 10:30am Western Lunch 5:30pm Carillon Choir 6:00pm Confirmation Guide Huddle 7:00pm Confirmation Learning Event 7:00pm Celebration Choir

8:30am Preschool 31 9:00am Adult University Class

8:30am Preschool 9:00am Rejoice Circle

Maintenance 5:00pm Worship/CC


9:00am Chicks w/Sticks 5:00pm Worship/CC


Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers


Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers


Caring Connection

Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights

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