February 2018 Crossword

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Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending Cindy Jorgenson has joined the CLC staff as Bookkeeper! Cindy has many years of experience with bookkeeping and finances, as well as finances within the church! Cindy and her husband, Scott, joined CLC last year. Scott is a retired ELCA pastor. They both have beautiful voices and join in with the special occasion choirs. They moved to Highlands Ranch to be near their grandchildren and we are delighted to have them at CLC and to have Cindy on staff! Allyson Evans has come on staff as the Christian Education Coordinator. Her primary role is coordinator of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, for which she is very experienced. Allyson, her husband, Todd, and their two sons, Cade and Reece, are very involved at CLC. We are grateful to have Allyson’s creativity and enthusiasm in the office! Both positions are 15 hours a week. Their contact emails are Finance@clchr.org and childrensministry@clchr.org. Please give them a warm welcome! Ally Williams is joining God’s ministry at CLC as the Connections Coordinator. This is a new position for Christ Lutheran that has grown out of the desire of our people to connect with God, connect with one another and connect

Coming in February! Lent 2018 at CLC: “Give & Take” Join us during Lent this year for “Give & Take: How We Relate to Self, Family, Friends, Community & God.” Beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 14th and continuing at weekend worship services, we will explore the give and take that’s necessary in order to become a better disciple. During our Wednesday Lent midweek services beginning on February 21st, we will focus on action, and what we are going to do with all that we’ve received from God. It promises to be an exciting journey to Easter…join us!

with people beyond our community of faith. Her main areas of ministry will be Young Adults (post high school ages 20-35), Missions, and Relational Ministries. Ally has worked at Sky Ranch, as a Student Assistant at UNC, and was a Faith Formation Intern with the Fort Collins Lutheran Youth (which is where Pastor Gail met and worked with her). She grew up in the CLC youth program. She brings a knowledge of CLC along with new ideas from her experience with other ministries. She also brings an exuberance of faith and the enthusiasm of youth. Welcome Ally! We are delighted to have you on board!! In Ally’s words: Hi CLC! My name is Ally Williams and you might recognize me because I grew up here at CLC. Pastor Gail likes to call me “a daughter of the congregation”. I love that, because I love it here. I grew up in Highlands Ranch and graduated from Mountain Vista, go Eagles! More recently, I graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a Bachelor’s of Science in Earth Science and Secondary Education. In normal words, I graduated with the ability to teach science to middle and high schoolers. So if your student (or you!) just want to learn more about the environment, I’m here to talk. I can’t wait to start working with young adults between 18-30, growing a thriving young adult ministry and also coordinating church events. If you want to learn more about a ministry or have an idea for one please feel free to stop by my office! I’m excited to be your new connections coordinator. Contact: connections@clchr.org

Make Plans To Sing With Celebration Choir For Our

GOOD FRIDAY CANTATA! CLC’s Celebration Choir is gearing up to perform an exciting seasonal Cantata for 7pm Good Friday Worship on March 30th. Make plans now to come and sing with us! Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7-8pm, February 15th through March 22nd; with a final rehearsal on Wednesday, March 28th from 7-9pm. We are looking for high school and adult singers to join us for this very special event. For more info, contact Linda Holcombe at: lholcombe@clchr.org

STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert Lead Pastor pastorallert@clchr.org Ext 107 Pastor Gail Mundt Bridge Pastor pastorgail@clchr.org Ext 108 Allyson Evans Christian Education Coordinator childrensministry@clchr.org Ext 103 Linda Holcombe Director of Music lholcombe@clchr.org Ext 109 Cindy Jorgenson Bookkeeper finance@clchr.org Ext 106 Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Ext 105 Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Ext 300 Karen Patz Volunteer & Care Coordinator volunteer@clchr.org Ext 110 Ally Williams Connections Coordinator connections@clchr.org Ext 101 CHURCH COUNCIL: Jeff Bergstrom j-bergstrom@comcast.net Tom Coates tomcoates@comcast.net Joanne Edmunds hiranch@comcast.net Liesl Farrier francophile87@gmail.com Jennifer Gunther j.gunther@comcast.net

A Message from Pastor Eric CALL COMMITTEE UPDATE On January 9th, at the monthly Council Meeting, representatives of your Call committee presented your Church Council with a recommendation to offer a call for the position of Executive Pastor here at CLC. The Call committee back in the fall of 2017, received a second slate of 3 candidates from the Synod office for the position of Executive Pastor. One was dismissed as they did not have the qualifications we were looking for in a candidate. The other 2 were both very qualified candidates, and over the past 2 months, first and second interviews were held with both remaining candidates. The last interview was held January 7th, and the Council is excited to announce that your Call Committee has recommended, and your Church Council has unanimously voted in affirmation, to proceed with recommending to the congregation for call Pastor Gail Mundt as our new Executive Pastor. Your Church Council, the Call Committee and Pastor Gail hosted a “Meet and Greet” on Saturday, January 27th, following the 5:00 worship service. This was a time of open questions and answers for Pastor Gail. And because Pastor Gail believes in celebrating all life events, a wine and cheese party was held in the fellowship hall for further conversation and relationship-building. She looks forward to celebrating many other life events with the CLC community. A special Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 11th to proceed with an official call VOTE for the pastoral call of Rev. Gail Mundt. The meeting will be called to order at 9:15 am. The voting will be kept open through 12:15 pm. The extended voting time is to allow the maximum number of members to vote. Should you have any questions, please look for members of your Call Committee, Church Council, Pastor Eric or Pastor Gail. We would like to thank all of the members and staff of Christ Lutheran for their understanding and patience as we worked through the Call process. Your Council and Call Committee is very excited at the possibility of further joining with Pastor Gail in Ministry here at CLC. We hope you have been blessed by Pastor Gail’s ministry with us during the last 7 months as our Bridge Pastor, and will now continue to pray for her and the congregation in a time of very exciting discernment.

Steve Hoemann hoemannstba@comcast.net Christine Kleen christine.kleen@gmail.com Pete Koury pete.koury@q.com Brian Martin bmartin29@hotmail.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Jennifer Smith jennifersmith303@hotmail.com All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to office@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

We extend a heartfelt “Thank you!” to Jeff Bergstrom for being the Finance person these past months; for Stephanie Foster and Pam Allen who have kept the office humming and have published the bulletins, e-news and newsletter! Ministry continued to happen because of your faithfulness and tenacity!! Many, many thanks! And we are truly grateful to all of you who help in God’s ministry at Christ Lutheran! Lives are changed because you are willing to be the heart, hands and feet of Jesus!

Sunday School Update February is exciting because every class will be starting brand new units for Spring. It’s always fun to see what our new themes will be! Our Sunday School material is designed so that each lesson is independent of itself so each week is a brand new topic! Your children are welcome to join us anytime! Do you want to get in on the excitement and find out what all the BUZZ is about? We are always looking for adults to help and teach classes. For more information on attending and teaching Sunday School, please feel free to contact Allyson Evans at childrensministry@clchr.org or visit our website and click on Youth. We look forward to seeing your children 3 years to 6th grade in Sunday School during the 9:30 worship service!

ITS TIME FOR LENTEN DINNERS! Our youth group always look forward to making and serving these meals throughout the Lenten Season. These meals are a big fund raiser for our yearly mission trips. This year not only are we going to Houston, Texas to help with Hurricane Harvey recovery but we will be attending the ELCA Youth Gathering with 30,000 other Lutheran Youth. The proceeds from these dinners will go towards Hurricane clean up supplies, our meals, and our journey to and from Houston. Your generosity with your free will offering at these meals is greatly appreciated.

FEBRUARY 13 Lenten Dinner - Shrove Pancakes 5:15-7:00 FEBRUARY 21 Lenten Dinner - Spaghetti 5:15-7:00 FEBRUARY 28 Lenten Dinner - Mexican 5:15-7:00 MARCH 7 Lenten Dinner - Ball Park 5:15-7:00 MARCH 14 Lenten Dinner - Chili Cook Off 5:15-7:00 MARCH 21 *Lenten Dinner - Brisket 5:15-7:00 MARCH 25 Palm Sunday Breakfast *Due to the high cost of Brisket Night, we will be selling tickets for this years dinner only. Tickets for Brisket night will be available to purchase at all other Lenten Meals and Sunday mornings and at the door for Brisket Night which is March 21st. Tickets will be $15 Adults, $7 youth under 12 .

Dynamite is our youth group from 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! Our next meeting will be February 11 from 5:00-7:00 in the fellowship hall! We start with dinner at 5:00 and then enjoy crafts, games, Bible Devotional, and friends! Come join the fun! Friends are always welcome!

Our High School Youth Group, BLAZE, will be busy this month! Our SOUPer Bowl YOUTH Worship weekend is February 3 and 4. We look forward to seeing you all there! February 13 we will be hosting Shrove Pancake supper from 5:15-7:00PM. Come join us for Strawberry/Blueberry/ Chocolate Chip pancakes with whip cream and sausage! Lenten Dinners begin on Wednesday February 21. All proceeds from the Lenten Dinners go towards our Mission Trip and the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas this summer. Our Wall of Money is ongoing through Lent in the fellowship hall! Stop by and pick your favorite number before all the envelopes are gone! All money raised will go towards Hurricane Harvey clean up/construction materials, our meals, and our travel. Confirmation for the month of February is a little bit different. We will have our Small Group Event on February 7. Your small group leader will be in contact with you about details. We meet on TUESDAY, February 13 at 7:00PM for our Lenten Mentoring Kick Off, all youth and parents are required to attend. Lenten Mentoring will take place on February 21 and 28 and Wednesdays in March 7th, 14th, and 21st. If you have any questions please contact Gary Knutson at gknutson@clchr.org. The Theme this year is “Give and Take” how we relate to self, family, friends, Community, and God!

Mission Trip Youth, don't forget our Lock In on February 2, at 8:00! We’ll be talking/making plans about our trip to Houston, doing some Getting ready for the National Gathering Bible Studies, “This changes everything”! We also will be deciding on creative things we can do at the gathering to let people know about CLC. We’ll be finished by 8:00AM on Saturday morning! If you have any questions please contact Gary.

Richelle E. Goodrich, in her book, Slaying Dragons, writes, “The Christmas spirit is simply an honest spirit of love for all humanity. It is the force that moves us to give what we can, to help as we are able, and to always be of kind comfort.” I believe that quote encompasses Christ Lutheran Church and all the amazing people who worship and serve here. I was awed by the incredible folks who put up holiday decorations, took down holiday decorations, served on Worship Teams, filled shoe boxes, delivered food and other items to homeless people and to Salvation Army bell ringers, made Christmas cookies, sold prayer crosses, sang in the choir, played the handbells, performed in holiday programs, read scripture, preached, watered poinsettias, and sooo many other moving pieces of this incredible puzzle that is our church home. I cannot begin to say thank you adequately enough to express my gratitude for everything that went into this holiday season. The number of hours spent, the number of people who pitched in, the amount of love and goodwill that was felt all over the building was all so awe-inspiring. My gratitude and appreciation go out to everyone here at CLC!

Karen Patz

Outreach Opportunities Carol Davis will once again lead a delegation to Uganda this summer. The planned dates are July 11-25, although the dates may be somewhat flexible. Carol will be in Uganda from midFebruary until mid-March, and can provide more details and information upon her return. In the meantime, please see Karen if you have questions. Our congregation has supported this ministry for more than ten years- wouldn’t it be great to see that ministry in action!

Save the date: There will be an adult mission trip to Sky Ranch the first weekend in May. See Carl Douhan or Karen for more information. Details will be coming soon.

There are still several months available for groups or families to serve at Urban Peak. The months of March and April, as well as all the summer months still need a group to serve dinner on the last Friday of the month. For more information, email Karen at


Ministry Spotlight For February, I would like to shine the spotlight on the people who serve on Altar Guild. These folks work behind the scenes to prepare for communion at each service, clean-up after each service, and bake the bread used for communion. They also care for the altar linens and vestments, as well as the chalices and vessels used for communion wine. This ministry provides a wonderful opportunity for people to be involved at CLC in a vital process that is within the heart and soul of our weekly service.

See Karen volunteer@clchr.org or Deanna Johnson if you’d like more information about this ministry.

SOFIA: Stories of Faith in Action • Boy Scout Troop 645 has been hard at work here at CLC. The group revamped the Sonrise Room with new paint and a new TV and DVD player, as well as a cleaner, more organized look. Check it out! The group also cleaned the whole trash and recycling area outside near the garage. Hats off to the boys and men who completed those much-needed projects! • Thanks to Bill and Susan Carroll who took care of all the poinsettias after Christmas, getting the plants ready for composting, as well as unpacking the planters and sleeves. It’s good to know that the leftover poinsettias are helping prepare the earth for our next planting season. • The 7th and 8th grade boys confirmation groups are to be commended for their efforts with taking down all the Christmas decorations. Many hands make light work, and I appreciate the many hands that were here to help on January 10. Thanks, too, to Roger Green and the Miller family for their help that evening. “The spirit of Christmas is about giving- not only gifts (which are symbolic) but a helping hand to all who need it this is what Christmas is all about.” - Amit Abraham

Sometimes you just need someone to walk along side you for a while

Stephen Ministry...

Nurturing the Seeds Before the Spring! Stephen Ministry is a lay caring ministry being used by thousands of congregations to increase care and outreach to hurting people. Through this ministry, congregations are able to equip and empower a team of laypeople – Stephen Ministers – who provide one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people experiencing grief, unemployment, hospitalization, loneliness, divorce, financial stress, a terminal illness, or other life difficulties. I am excited to report that there has been a wonderful response of interest in the arriving Stephen’s Ministry coming to Christ Lutheran. I have had nearly a dozen people inform me that they either are, or would like to become trained and certified as Stephen’s Ministers, and look forward to being enrolled to serve the church in this way. This is blessed news as every month, (in addition to pastoral care calls,) there is an average of some 30 homes in the congregation here at Christ Lutheran that could be connected to a Stephen’s Minister for one need or another. The opportunity for Christ’s Spirit to care for the neighbor in us and through us is here! Now is the time to move from “Wouldn’t it be nice.” to “Wow, what a difference this is making in our lives together!” Now is the time to seed the life of this ministry and move it from vision to presence. Now is the time to move this from a prayer of maybe Lord, to a prayer of YES Lord!

That movement calls upon all of our support in both prayer and financial sustainability. Stephen’s Ministers need to be trained, guided, and supported by on-site Stephens Ministry Leaders. Those leaders need their own training to be able to properly care for the ministers themselves. This summer, there are 3 Leader’s Training Courses offered in the country: Orlando in June 10-16, Dallas in July 15-21, and Pittsburgh in August 5-11. In order for our leadership to begin looking at getting the necessary training, we need to be able to care for the upfront funding for this ministry. Leader’s Training Courses are congregations that have enrolled in the Stephen Series – which incurs a one-time enrollment fee of $1,675 to provide full access to the training, resources, and continued support through the Stephen Series. There are no annual membership fees or association dues. The actual Leader’s Conference fees (for early-bird registration) are $1,100 per person at double-occupancy. This event conference fee covers all conference sessions, six nights at the hotel, nine meals including both the Opening and Dedication banquets, and all the goodies for break-out sessions. Additional expenses include travel and extra meals throughout the week for the Leaders attending the conference. To truly begin this ministry in a way that blesses the congregation in full, we are anticipating an expense of $15,000 to train 5 leaders in supporting more than a dozen ministers. As you can see, the investment that the Holy Spirit is calling the congregation to make is significant, but so is the ministry potential. The opportunity for these initial seeds to create a field of disciples caring for the body of Christ is truly a beautiful sight to behold. To find out more about Stephen Ministry, please talk with Pastor Eric, or study the introductory material available in the church office. Your Pastoral Team, the Church Council, and truly God’s Spirit is placing this powerful ministry before you as an appeal for your additional support. Please prayerfully consider making a financial gift to seed this ministry for start-up and growth here at Christ Lutheran Church! Thank you!

Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List Church Next: Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry, by Eddie Gibbs

The Equipping Pastor: A systems approach to congregational leadership, by R. Paul Stevens and Phil Collins Giving to God: The Bible’s good news about living a generous life, by Mark Allan Powell The Way of the Wolf: The gospel in new images, by Marin Bell Stay the Course: Finding hope in a drifting culture, by Choco de Jesús Canoeing the Mountains: Christian leadership in Uncharted Territory, by Tod Bolsinger

Make a Difference! SPONSOR A CHILD Give the gift of education—a life changing gift! Help send a child to school. You can sponsor a child through Outreach Uganda’s child sponsorship program for as little as $25 per month. Carol Davis, CLC member, and OU founder, will be in the narthex or fellowship hall after the services with photos and stories about children who need a sponsor. Children range in age from first graders through older students hoping to attend a vocational program or obtain a university degree. Contributions are tax deductible if you itemize, and can be made monthly, termly (every 4 months) or in one lump sum. Sponsorship gives children the opportunity to make positive choices to succeed in life. It also helps prevent the early marriage of girls. The Ugandan school year begins February 5th. Sponsors are needed for all ages, but especially for elementary age Agwata school children, and eight high performing sixth grade students who scored high on the national exams and want to go to secondary school (7th to 12th grade). Among older students, we have a girl in a chemical engineering program, another girl wanting to be an English teacher, a boy wanting to be a doctor, and a boy wanting to be a lawyer. You can also contact Carol at cldavis0989@aol.com or by phone at 303/898-2465. Sponsors who are renewing and normally pay in one lump sum via check or credit card should also see Carol.

Possible CLC Mission Trip to Uganda This Summer If you missed the informational meeting last week, please contact Karen at volunteer@clchr.org or Carol at cldavis0989@aol.com to find out more information. We are considering a 12 to 14 day trip during the last part of July. Estimated cost including airfare is expected to be $3100 to $3400.

Happy Birthday Aidan Carroll Nick Leech Paula Malburg Krista Ruggeri Katie Trevino Shantine DeMasse Robert Norfleet Royce Raddatz Ann Adams Logan Beal Jack Emsley Molly Mitchell Gary Morgan Jenn Regan Hannah Abraham Carey Devin Mark Ingebritson Pamela McAnally Darlene Cary Liesl Farrier Bob Fenton

Feb 1 Feb 1 Feb 1 Feb 1 Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 2 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 3 Feb 3 Feb 3 Feb 3 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 6 Feb 7

Scott Sievers Harper Boggs Mykala Coe Haley Colson Madison Foster Jessica Friedenthal Barb Hoemann Angela McGraw Joe Radochonski Jacob Lutonsky Scott Spicher Andrew Ordonez Bob Weber Haley Archuleta Andrew Freeman James Arnold James Evens Andreas Lauer Robert Schauer Mark Silkworth Frank Zorn

Feb 7 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 12 Feb 13 Feb 13 Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 15 Feb 15 Feb 15 Feb 15

Aimee Burton Grace Ault Sharee Brend Garrett Allen Barb Bergstrom Keri Betthauser Lisa Christensen Elyssa DeVisscher Jim Elliott Maria Lau Lindsey Schneider Jordan Green Debbie Dougherty Randy Patz Sydney Silverman Ian Staal Marsha Caldwell Logan Spicher Cameron Beal Shelby Hafner Nicholas Ruggeri

Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 22 Feb 22

Sarah Anderson Austin Butler Becky Harhigh Alexander Kleen Jill Staub Nathan Cartwright Lisa Schrader Nancy Brown Sammie Forge Debbie Freeman Julie Ort Norm Branting Dale Holter Brittany Marshall Kristen Radochonski Bev Ornes Jacob Perry Chris Thoennes Craig Triebel Terry Hurlbert Fred Radtke

Feb 23 Feb 23 Feb 23 Feb 23 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 25 Feb 25 Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 26 Feb 26 Feb 26 Feb 27 Feb 27 Feb 27 Feb 27 Feb 28 Feb 28

Hello from the Preschool!

We will have our Valentine’s parties with a pizza lunch. Our silver speakers will come and read to us. We are very excited about the silver speaker’s. They visit us from Lincoln Meadows Nursing Home and the kids love to hear from their adopted grandma’s. Our chapel themes are, “Jesus Loves the Little Children”and “Zaccheus”. This is Bookfair time, we hope you will stop by. We will be open in the Fellowship hall on Friday, February 23, Saturday, February 24 and Sunday, February 25. If you would like to join the preschool for family night we will be hosting activities and treats from 6:30 - 8 p.m. on Friday, 2/23. Bring your favorite stuffed animal!

We will be hosting a grandparents breakfast on Saturday, 2/24 from 9 - 11 a.m. If interested in sending grandparents and kids, please let us know so we have enough food. And, we will be open around church services on Saturday, 2/24 and Sunday, 2/25 for everyone to come and check out the books! We appreciate the support! Registration is going well and we are happy that the community feels our Preschool is a warm, inviting and loving environment. Thank you for the support you give us in telling others about our program. If you are interested in seeing the school, please give us a call at 303-471-9290. We deeply appreciate our ministry as part of the church! Have a great month. Deb and Blair


Pastor Eric’s weekly adult study series on Wednesday Nights that focuses on the Gospel of John will again be taking a break – this time for the Season of Lent which begins February 14th. Class is scheduled to resume the Wednesday following Easter Sunday on April 4th.






7p Celebration Choir

Souper Bowl of Caring 4 YOUTH WORSHIP WEEKEND 8a Worship 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 11:30a DC Early Childhood Council 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 5 9a Family chapel 9:30a Women's Bible Study 12p Preschool Sports Club 5:30p ADVANCE! [off-site] 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Personnel Mtg.

9a Family chapel 6 9:15a MOPS 7 7p Celebration Choir 12p Preschool Sports Club 5p Carillon Ringers 5p Crossroads Band 7p Adult Bible Study 6:30p Praise Team 7p Confirmation Small Group

8a Worship 11 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 11:30a DC Early Childhood Council 12:15p New Members Class 5p Dynamite 7p AA Meeting

6:30a Men's Breakfast 12 Group 9a Mission Quilters 9:30a Women's Bible Study 12p Preschool Sports Club 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Ladies Bunko (off-site)

12p Preschool Sports Club 13 ASH WEDNESDAY 14 7p Celebration Choir 4:30p Caregiver Mtg 12p 12:00 Ash Wed Service 5p Crossroads Band 7p 7:00 Ash Wed Service 5:15p Pancake Dinner 7p Adult Bible Study 6:30p Praise Team 7p Council Mtg. 7p Lent Mentor Kickoff

8a Worship 18 6:30a Men's Breakfast 19 9:30a Sunday School Group 9:30a Worship 9:30a Women's Bible Study 11a Worship/CC 12p Preschool Sports Club 11:30a DC Early Childhood 7p Boy Scouts 645 Council 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg. 7p AA Meeting

12p Preschool Sports Club 20 5p Carillon Ringers 21 7p Celebration Choir 12p VNA Foot Clinic 5:15p Lenten Dinner 5p Crossroads Band 5:15p Lenten Mentoring 6:30p Praise Team 7p Adult Bible Study 7p Lenten Midweek Worship

NEW MEMBERS 25 6:30a Men's Breakfast 26 RECEIVED Group 8a Worship 9a Mission Quilters 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Women's Bible Study 9:30a Worship 12p Preschool Sports Club 11a Worship/CC 7p Boy Scouts 645 11:30a DC Early Childhood Council 7p AA Meeting

12p Preschool Sports Club 27 5p Carillon Ringers 28 12p VNA Foot Clinic 5:15p Lenten Dinner 4:30p Caregiver Mtg 5:15p Lenten Mentoring 5p Crossroads Band 7p Adult Bible Study 6:30p Praise Team 7p Lenten Midweek Worship




YOUTH WORSHIP WEEKEND 9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy Group 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship

9 5p Worship



16 5p Worship


22 7p MomsNext (off-site)



8 12p OWLS Luncheon

5p Preschool Parents Night Out

RECEIVED 8a CLC Work Day 5p Worship

Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Outreach Uganda New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext


Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services Thrivent Builds

Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes

First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips

Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes

held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)

Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball

Music CLC Kids Rock!

Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team

As the congregation is prayerfully discerning extending the call to Rev. Gail Mundt for the position of Executive Pastor, please review the pastoral job descriptions that were established by the congregation in 2015.


The following pastoral leadership and management structure is based upon the findings of the Transition Team from the survey process and identification of key areas for improvement for Christ Lutheran Church (CLC), as well as a reflection of additional insight and discussion by Council on these issues over the past month. These Pastoral job descriptions are designed to bring forth the key future opportunities identified in the transition process for CLC’s continued growth and improvement, including the need for team building; strengthening relationships with the Synod, ELCA, and the local community; pastoral care; adult spiritual formation; and improved management of CLC’s administration and logistical operations. After the Joint Transition Team-Council meeting on October 18, 2015, at the meeting of the voting members of Council that same night, Council agreed unanimously (9-0) to propose revision of the pastoral structure to have a “Lead Pastor” (aka Senior Pastor or First Pastor) and an “Executive Pastor” (aka Associate Pastor, Administrative Pastor, Operations Pastor or Second Pastor). This structure, and proposed job descriptions are provided below.


The Lead Pastor would be primarily responsible for Ministry, Worship, Finance, and Community Leadership. The Lead Pastor would be the leader of the Congregation; to lead the Church in implementation and accomplishment of CLC’s Mission and Vision Statement. The Executive Pastor would be primarily responsible for Operations, Administration, Programmatic Ministry Development, and Staff Management to support the Lead Pastor, and to support the implementation and accomplishment of CLC’s Mission and Vision Statement. These functions would also include working in tandem with the Lead Pastor on ministry evaluation, goal setting, strategy, development, and mentoring of lay leaders within the congregation.

Pastoral Working Relationship:

The Executive Pastor’s responsibilities would be complementary to and supportive of the Lead Pastor’s functions. Both pastors are to be centered in Word and Sacrament, and to share in preaching, teaching, worship, pastoral care, and faith formation. This structure, however, is not a “co-pastor” approach. The Lead Pastor would be the “lead” pastor (akin to a company president or Captain of a ship), and the Executive Pastor would report to the Lead Pastor, (akin to a company Chief Operating Officer or Executive Officer of a ship). The primary job descriptions and essential functions for both the Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor are provided below.

Lead Pastor Job Description: General Description

The Lead Pastor is responsible for leading the congregation and church in the implementation and accomplishment of CLC’s Mission and Vision Statement, Goals and Priorities. The Lead Pastor is primarily responsible for overseeing ministries, worship, serving the Congregation, and acting as the representative of Christ Lutheran Church to the local community, Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA, as well as with local churches of other denominations. The Lead Pastor is to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership to the membership of Christ Lutheran Church. The Lead Pastor will serve as the primary leader of the congregation so that it might fulfill its mission and purpose as the body of Christ. The Lead Pastor will preach, teach, and administer the Sacraments and give primary leadership in Worship, Ministry, Outreach, and Community.

Essential Job Functions 1. Engage and Inspire the Christ Lutheran Church faith community through Worship and Service, through effective communication, speaking, and teaching. Integrate the Lutheran theological identity and core values into worship, preaching and teaching. 2. Foster a team environment and cooperative approach to Ministry, with both internal and external groups, with a focus on: a. Taking a collaborative approach with the congregation as a whole, small groups, Council, Leadership Committees, Ministry Teams, and staff.

b. Sharing leadership responsibilities with Council, other lay leaders, Executive Pastor and staff. c. Strengthening relationships with ELCA, Rocky Mountain Synod, other ELCA churches or community groups within Highlands Ranch. 3. Direct the spiritual care, planning and implementation of the congregation’s stewardship growth and annual financial plans by partnering with the Council, Budget & Finance Committee, and Legacy & Endowment Committee to encourage generous support of the church’s primary mission. 4. Supervise the Director of Christ Lutheran Preschool and work with the PAT and Council as appropriate to care for the direction and growth of this particular ministry of the church. 5. Supervise the Executive Pastor and Visitation Pastor. 6. Guide and grow specific ministries across the Lifespan (birth to death), including spiritual formation opportunities and pastoral care for the sick, elderly, and needy.

Executive Pastor Job Description: General Description The Executive Pastor is responsible for the overall management and direction of church operations and staff, leading all functional areas in support and accomplishment of the church’s mission, including strategic planning, administration, human resources, facility maintenance, and operations. The Executive Pastor will lead worship on a periodic schedule as agreed upon by the Lead Pastor.

Essential Job Functions 1. Support the Lead Pastor in the accomplishment of the church’s mission, through ministry effectiveness evaluation, discernment, planning, and overall direction and management of church staff. 2. Ensure the operational readiness of the church through oversight and management of the support staff performing duties in administration, finance, human resources, and facilities management. 3. Establish and maintain a set of key performance measures that provide the Lead Pastor and church staff with ongoing visibility of the effectiveness of all functional areas of the church. 4. Provide guidance and training for church leaders (both in ministry and support areas) to undergird the healthy, long-term growth of the church. 5. Partner with the Lead Pastor and Visitation Pastor to ensure pastoral care needs of the congregation are met. 6. Lead the church’s building and maintenance programs including contractor selection and construction, and support the Lead Pastor in capital fund raising campaigns, master planning, design and architecture. 7. Lead the ministry staff in establishment and ongoing direction of ministries and programs that effectively reach the church’s demographic, insuring the accomplishment of the overall mission. 8. Work within the Lead Pastor’s direction to facilitate and coordinate an annual strategic planning process including evaluation of ministry performance; review of mission, vision, and core values; development of key objectives and tactics; and establishment of three year goals. 9. Perform other duties as assigned.

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