July 2014 CLC CrossWord

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JULY 2014

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

CLC's Annual Picnic and Service At The Park Last year's picnic and service at the park was a huge success. We are doing it again this year. The service will be on Sunday August 24th at 10:00 am at Civic Green Park with the picnic to follow. There will be food, lots of water, games and great fellowship. Please bring a salad, side or dessert to share. Bingo is one of the biggest hits and we need prizes. Gift cards are always great but anything will do. We are also asking for donations \of hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, pop, water, cheese and ice to be grilled at the park. Please sign the response sheet so we know what to expect. If you can please bring your donations to the park with you before the service at 10:00 am so we can start grilling. If not drop them off at the church before the 8:00 am service that morning because we will be taking everything to the park then. We are also looking for people to grill, put together the burgers and hot dogs as well as set up and clean up. Sign up on Sunday on the Response Sheet or contact Deb Freeman in the church office.

Military Appreciation Day Calling all currently serving Military and Veterans!

VBS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED especially 6th-12th graders Planning is under way for this summer's Vacation Bible School (VBS) from July 21-25. We are seeking volunteers to assist in many areas: Crew Leaders, Critter Cafe (Kitchen Helpers), Imagination Station, Untamed Games, Bible Adventures, KidVid Cinema. Training sessions will be held on Thurs., July 17 at 6:30pm and Sat., July 19 at 9:30am. Childcare will be available during VBS and for all training sessions. Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex. Questions?

Please e-mail Kristin Bergstrom at bergstrom_kristin@yahoo.com VBS has filled all registration spots, you may get on the waiting list still in case of cancellations.

The Colorado Rockies are offering complimentary tickets to you and $14 tickets to your guests for the July 6th game hosting the Dodgers at Coors field, 2:10 pm. Come enjoy the pre-game festivities which will include the Color Guard and a Ceremonial First Pitch. All will be performed by Uniformed Military Personnel and Veterans. Fax orders to 303-312-2219, email militarytix@rockies.com or call Cory Little at 303-312-2426 to purchase your tickets today. Beginning June 27, 2014, tickets will ONLY be available through the Coors Field Ticket Window.

Thank you for all you do EVERY day for our church community!

NEW NAME TAGS have been made for members who were accepted into the congregation in the last 9 months. To avoid confusion of their location, they have been placed on a table beside the Fair Trade coffee table outside of the sanctuary. Please pick them up before the service that you attend.

STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor pstrfstr@clchr.org Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Debby Kinsella Director Outreach/Equipping dkinsella@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist

Pastor Tom’s Message Change, again! Moving through this summer we are aware of the big change around CLC in the departure of Debbie Kinsella, our Director of Outreach and Equipping Ministry. Debby and Tom are moving to Arizona to purchase and run a Bed & Breakfast in Cave Creek called Full Circle Ranch. We have been Blessed to have Debby for 11 years as a staff member. Looking to fill this position is formidable to say the least! But there is a process underway of receiving applications, initial interviews and final interviews. Like most things we would like to get them done sooner than later, but it will take the time needed to fill the position Debby held. Change happens. Change is inevitable! Change can bring nervousness and anxiety but what is needed when change occurs is prayer for guidance. Please pray for CLC, its people, ministry and staff in this time of change! See YOU in Worship + Many Blessings + Pastor Tom +

Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Ken Kroneberger kenk@jcmh.org Lee Bergstrom lee_berg@yahoo.com Nancy Bauer nancybauer@q.com Rick Boyer safetyguy74@yahoo.com Julie Waggoner waggoners5@gmail.com Norm Beulke nbeulke@gmail.com Adrian Hafner backyardkids@hotmail.com Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com John Riley johnriley05@comcast.net All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Sunday School 2014-15 Sunday school is going to run a little differently this year. We are going to a large group/small group concept and this is how it is going to work. We will start in the sanctuary just as in the past and after the Pastors word with the young people we will all go down stairs and meet in the choir room 3yr old to 4th grade, 5 & 6 graders will go directly to the youth room upstairs. We will start off downstairs with all ages meeting and have the story concept led by leader, we will then break up into different age groups, (3yr olds, 4-k, 1-2 graders, and 3-4 graders. We will need 4 teachers per week and 4 helpers, if we do not get people to teach after story time the kids will come back upstairs with their parents. In saying this we will have sign-up to teach and help each Sunday before the 9:30 service starts. I hope this concept will encourage more volunteering to help with Sunday teaching, (if you are in town and come to church then you can sign-up). I will be asking youth that need community service hours for high school sign-up to be helpers. Once we are in small groups we will do a craft and have questions to discuss in smaller groups. I will need a couple of people to get together the craft part of the class, so I will need people to come in and put together the craft each week. Please email Gary at gknutson@clchr.org if you are interested in helping put together the craft and maybe we can get a whole team. God’s Peace!

Harrington Elementary Back-to-School Collection We are starting to collect backpacks, school supplies and tennis shoes for Harrington Elementary School. Harrington is a very low income school in Denver that our congregation has adopted. Please bring in backpacks, tennis shoes (all sizes for elementary kids) and any type of school supplies and drop them in the bin located in the Narthex/Lobby marked Harrington Backpacks. These back packs filled with school supplies may be the only supplies the children get all year. The Physical Education teacher says that many kids come to the gym wearing flip flops or shoes that are too small for them. Last year we took 250 backpacks and 70 pairs of tennis shoes to the school and made many children very happy. We will be delivering everything to Harrington on August 18th.

Scrip For Back-to-School Supplies Summer is in full swing! However, school will be starting before you know it. Please consider CLC Scrip Gift Cards for your back-to-school needs. And, you could use Scrip Gift Cards to purchase school supplies and tennis shoes for Harrington Elementary - you would be helping CLC while also helping the very important Harrington Elementary ministry. Take a look at the Scrip order forms and complete vendor lists located in the Narthex. Thanks for supporting the CLC Scrip Gift Card program!

GIVING UPDATE Just as you rely upon receiving income on a regular basis, CLC relies on your regular contributions. We greatly appreciate the efforts of congregation members to make consistent donations throughout the year - especially during popular summer travel periods. To assist you, Simply Giving provides a convenient electronic giving option for setting up regular contributions. Online Giving is also available through our website, www.clchr.org. Please contact Sallie Burns, Financial Secretary, for details.

Don't forget the church when you go on vacation we're still here!

Pastor DJ’s Message

CLC Grief Support Group Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. –Galatians 6:2 You have probably heard it said somewhere over the last year that we have experienced far more crises than what is considered “normal” for our congregation. Despite our congregation’s size, we have been pretty fortunate in the past with personal issues. Regardless of the severity, it is certainly a need in our congregation to have a place to express vulnerability and hurt in a group with people in a similar place. It is to this effect that we are launching CLC’s grief support group in the next few months. The world typically moves faster than our grief, and we want to have a place where we don’t feel the pressure to move any quicker than is comfortable for us. This group is designed to gather and have a discussion about our mental/physical/emotional state without any undue burden to appear better off than we are. There is not a requirement to be a part of this group other than if you feel it would be of help to you. The details in terms of scheduling have not been planned yet, but we are gathering the names of those who would be interested. You are invited to either sign the response sheet and return it in the offering plate or to email me at pastordent@clchr.org. Very soon we will begin the process of finding the dates and times that would be most beneficial to everyone involved. God’s peace to the joys and pains of your life. Pastor DJ

OUTREACH UGANDA NEWS Thanks from Outreach Uganda for Flip Flops, Sun dresses, Blankets and More! Outreach Uganda and Carol Davis give a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped collect the many items donated for Carol’s current trip to Uganda. CLC member Joanne Edmunds spearheaded a drive to collect flip flops for the Agwata school children, most of whom had no shoes. The drive was wildly successful with 304 pairs Joanne Edmunds Irma Johnson, Carol Davis and Kate Powers of flip flops donated, plus $300 cash contributed which will be used to purchase at least 30 pairs of black school shoes for older children at the school. Besides flip flops, we received beautiful blue cotton sun dresses made by CLC members, receiving blankets (made by CLC quilters) for new babies born at the clinic, some smaller Peace Pals and a few bottles of children’s vitamins. In addition, several sponsors gave small gifts for their sponsored children. Thank you to everyone who helped in these collection efforts. All the items are badly needed by the community and especially the children who have so little as the families work at rebuilding their lives after having lived in IDP (internally displaced persons) camps, some for as long as 15 years.

Two additional school classroom blocks under construction

We’re happy to report that in late April, with funding provided by Outreach Uganda donors, the builder began construction on two new classroom blocks at the Agwata school in northern Uganda. Roofing is now underway on the first building. One building will provide classrooms for first and second graders while the other will be for the two classes of Nursery students. There are currently 380 primary age students at the school. If you would like to sponsor one of the children who attend this school, we have two girls and one boy who still need sponsors. The cost is $250 per year.

Like Photos? Join Us on Instagram

Keep up to date and learn more about Outreach Uganda’s work through its photos. Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/outreachuganda. We post one to two photos per week.

Want More News?

Join the Outreach Uganda monthly email newsletter list if you’re not already subscribed. Email Carol at cldavis0989@aol.com to be added to the list.

Happy Birthday Christian Meyer - July 1 Steve Tolle - July 1 Chad Vorthmann - July 1 Jessica Danyo - July 2 Larry Nelms - July 2 Christine Flores - July 3 Mike Kenevan - July 3 Cooper Lytle - July 3 Natalee Moses - July 3 Meg Rand - July 3 Emily Rowe - July 3 Tyler Beukelman - July 4 Alejandro Mena Casa - July 4 Phill Peterson - July 4 Ron Skelton - July 4 Darlene Danyo - July 5 Liam Elkins - July 5 Jean Reimer - July 5 Claire Cantrell - July 6 Ivory Cartwright - July 6 Heidi Elkins - July 6 Jonathon Knauff - July 6 Camden Long - July 6 Rodger Ott - July 6 Lillian Peterson - July 6 Lucy Sumner - July 6 Avery Dethlefs - July 7 AJ Evens - July 7 John Monson - July 7 Garrett Rasel - July 7 Mitch Van Dewerker - July 7 Tate Walsh - July 7 Mike Wilson - July 7

Sara Zellner - July 7 Bev Brady - July 8 Katie Chavez - July 8 Jamie Gordon - July 8 Rachel Knauff - July 8 Sherry Koepke - July 8 Cole Parsa - July 8 James Hanson - July 9 Tyler Beffel - July 10 Jennette Bergstrom - July 10 Nicole Garcia - July 10 Dylan Sain - July 10 Shirley Warren - July 10 Morgan Bergstrom - July 11 Lynn Brown - July 11 Nicky Dimercurio - July 11 Julie Paul - July 11 Kelsey Puckett - July 11 Meghan Tesch - July 11 Dylan Tesch - July 11 Jenny Bachelder - July 12 Kivlin Belcher - July 12 Nicole Long - July 12 Jan McKissack - July 12 Layton Moore - July 12 Keller Regan - July 12 Meghan Symes - July 12 Anya Thompson - July 12 Kristen Douhan - July 13 Marti Haller - July 13 Krischan Kramer - July 13 Jonathan Ort - July 13 Joseph Ort - July 13

Sarah Vasilauskas - July 13 Don Woodring - July 13 Jim Davis - July 14 Carol Davis - July 14 Sharon Dull - July 14 Angie Lynne - July 14 Tanner Perry - July 14 Karen Saur - July 14 Linda Walden - July 14 Jacob Yoss - July 14 Katherine Lasater - July 15 Taylor Meyer - July 15 Tim Schaedig - July 15 Julia Symes - July 15 Gary Wilson - July 15 Alexander Holder - July 16 Mike Kravitz - July 16 Jenny White - July 16 Kaelan Boyer - July 17 Michael Connolly - July 17 Lisa McGavern - July 17 RC Morse - July 17 Jeremy Belin - July 18 Lynne Hansen - July 18 Eric Johnson - July 18 Tina Kaiser - July 18 Abel Ramon - July 18 Michael Rocha - July 18 Katie Versen - July 18 Emlyn Vorthmann - July 18 Madison Weitzel - July 18 Dylan Wilson - July 18 Mark Yoss - July 18

Dan Anna - July 19 Bob Harhigh - July 19 Steven MacDonald - July 19 Anthony Moore - July 19 John Riley - July 19 Kyle Riley - July 19 Merridy Jensen - July 20 John Mavis - July 20 Paul Meyer - July 20 Hailey Reed - July 20 Dan Scheuerman - July 20 Kym Thompson - July 20 Olivia Thompson - July 20 Tyler Lee - July 21 Alexandra Marxhausen - July 21 Tami Poore - July 21 Cindy Russell - July 21 Nancy Walker - July 21 Tyler Bachelder - July 22 Cathy Kotta - July 22 Megan Ott - July 22 Caitlin Almer - July 23 Rob Foster - July 23 Jared Russell - July 23 John Bellipanni - July 24 Pete Klein - July 24 Chris Wilson - July 24 Randi Wolf - July 24 Mathew Wolken - July 24 Emilie Ziesman - July 24 Ty Boggs - July 25 Amanda Grosskrueger - July 25 Lori Hafner - July 25

Shawn Pinon - July 25 Amber Poltl - July 25 Gail White - July 25 Dan Wilson - July 25 Debbie Coates - July 26 Teya Moore - July 26 Erika Steinsvaag - July 26 Al Trautmann - July 26 Tammy Green - July 27 Joshua Seeger - July 27 Michael Van Dewerker - July 27 Abigail Anderson - July 28 Alan Buckel - July 28 Paul Libner - July 28 Erik Saur - July 28 Paige Cartwright - July 29 Eden Cingrani - July 29 Patrick Curry - July 29 Audrey McCrosky - July 29 Isak Rude - July 29 Beth Sorenson - July 29 Scott Tiedgen - July 29 Melissa White - July 29 Luke Meyer - July 30 Ashley Romney - July 30 Andi Kleinert Topp - July 30 Kayla Vanderhill - July 30 Emma Wolken - July 30 Linda MacDonald - July 31


If you are part of CLC’s family, you are invited to Sky Ranch Family Camp weekend. We will meet at CLC in the parking lot on Friday August 8th at 3:30 pm and caravan to Sky Ranch. Cost is $50 per night to stay in the lodge where there are showers and bathrooms, $35 per night to stay in a camper with electric hookups, and $25 if you want to pitch a tent in the campground. We will have hikes, fishing, crafts, games, time for siesta and meals together. Sunday we will have an informal time of Worship for youth and parents separately. Please contact Jill Staub (Summer intern) at jstaub@clchr.org if you are interested.

Confirmation Registration Confirmation Registration dates are August 20th and August 27th. You pick which night works for you. Incoming 7th graders from 6:30 to 7:15 and returning 8th graders 7:15 to 7:45.



TUESDAY 8:30a Easter Seals Summer Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:15p Praise Team

8a Worship/CC 9:30a Worship/SS 11a Adult Education class 7p AA Meeting

6 6:30a Men's Breakfast

Group 8:30a Easter Seals Summer Camp 9a Preschool Camp 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.

7 8:30a Easter Seals

Summer Camp 9a Preschool Camp 9a Nursery - MOPS 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:15p Praise Team 7p Council Mtg.


1 8:30a Easter Seals

THURSDAY 2 8:30a Easter Seals

8 8:30a Easter Seals

9 8:30a Easter Seals

Summer Camp

Summer Camp 9a Preschool Camp

Summer Camp

Summer Camp 9a Preschool Camp 7p Celebration Choir

Sr. High Mission Trip 16 HARRINGTON BACKPACKS 8:30a Easter Seals Summer Camp 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 9a Preschool Camp


10 Sr. High Mission Trip

12p OWLS Luncheon

Sr. High Mission Trip 13 Sr. High Mission Trip 14 8a Worship/CC HARRINGTON BACKPACKS 9:30a Worship/SS 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 11a Adult Education class 8:30a Easter Seals Camp 7p AA Meeting 9a Douglas Cty Singers Camp 9a Preschool Camp 9:30a Mission Quilters 9:30a MOPS mtg 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

Sr. High Mission Trip 15 HARRINGTON BACKPACKS 8:30a Easter Seals Summer Camp 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 9a Preschool Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 1p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5p Crossroads Band 6:15p Praise Team

HARRINGTON 20 BACKPACKS 8a Worship/CC 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 11a Adult Education class 7p AA Meeting

VBS WEEK 21 HARRINGTON BACKPACKS 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a VBS 7p Boy Scouts

HARRINGTON BACKPACKS 9a VBS 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:15p Praise Team

HARRINGTON 27 BACKPACKS 8a Worship/CC 9:30a 9:30 Worship/SS 11a Adult Education class 7p AA Meeting

HARRINGTON 28 BACKPACKS 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 8:30a Easter Seals Summer Camp 9a Preschool Camp 9:30a Mission Quilters 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts

HARRINGTON 29 HARRINGTON 30 HARRINGTON 31 BACKPACKS BACKPACKS BACKPACKS 8:30a Easter Seals Summer 8:30a Easter Seals Summer 8:30a Easter Seals Summer Camp Camp Camp 9a Preschool Camp 9a Preschool Camp 9a Preschool Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:15p Praise Team 6:30p Sons of Norway Directors Mtg. - tentative



Sr. High Mission Trip 17 HARRINGTON BACKPACKS 8:30a Easter Seals Summer Camp 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 9a Preschool Camp


BACKPACKS 9a VBS 7p Celebration Choir

SATURDAY 4 9a Chicks w/Sticks 5p Worship/CC

11 Sr. High Mission Trip 5p Worship/CC



Sr. High Mission Trip 18 Sr. High Mission Trip 19 HARRINGTON BACKPACKS HARRINGTON BACKPACKS 5p Worship/CC 9a Rejoice Circle 9a Douglas County Singers Summer Music Camp 6p DC Singers Summer Music Camp Show




BACKPACKS 7a General Maintenance 5p Worship/CC


Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers


Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers


Caring Connection

Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights

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