July 2016 CLC CrossWord

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JULY 2016

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Become a Living Kidney Donor and have the power to not only improve a patient’s quality of life, but to also save that person’s life. What being a donor entails: Potential donors will have blood, urine and radiology tests to determine suitability for donation. Initially, a simple blood test will determine if your blood type is compatible with the recipient. If your blood type is a match with the recipient, then additional blood tests will be done. These blood tests are called tissue typing and cross-matching and are done to determine the quality of matching between the donor and the recipient. Additionally, the evaluation will include a full physical examination and psychology evaluation may also be required. A financial consultation will also be involved to help you understand how donating a kidney may impact you financially (time off work). Before surgery, special x-rays will be taken of the donor's kidneys, including either a renal arteriogram or spiral CT scan to check the anatomy of the kidney. Additional blood tests called tissue or HLA typing may also be done to determine the quality of matching between the donor and the recipient. The closer the match, the lower the likelihood of rejection of the transplanted kidney will be.” *Taken from https://www.kidney.org/transplantation/livingdonors Please consider becoming a kidney donor for CLC Member, Keri Betthauser, daughter of Lois and Paul Betthauser and mother to 1-year old daughter, Maelyn. To determine if you are a potential donor, please contact Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center Transplant Clinic at (720) 754-2155. Thank you!

cuLearn, a Thrivent Company, Offering Drawing for $1,000.00 College Scholarships cuLearn, a new Thrivent Company and partner to Thrivent Federal Credit Union is offering drawings for $1000.00 Scholarships for incoming or current college students. You can enter at the website below for a chance to win one of these $1,000.00 Scholarships. Please see website for complete details and rules. Good luck! https://www.culearn.org/summer

STAFF: Rev. Frank Philipp, Interim Pastor frank.philipp.47@gmail.com Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Pastor Don Marxhausen, Visitation Pastor visitation@clchr.org Pastor Zundel Adult University Dianne Yoss Outreach Coordinator outreach@clchr.org Debbie Freeman Volunteer Coordinator dfreeman@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Erika Alpern eajteach@yahoo.com Jeff Bergstrom j-bergstrom@comcast.net Lesley Cantrell we4cantrells@mac.com Sheri Halverson sherilhalverson@gmail.com Pete Koury pmkoury@q.com Beth Ott hunterchief95@comcast.net John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com Karen Rucker kkosty@excite.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com Bob Weber B14169k@comcast.net All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Pastor Frank’s Message Dear members of Christ Lutheran, Each and every day we all know we have 24 hours at our disposal. Many of us struggle to accomplish all that we feel compelled to do in the course of our day. Over the past 38 years in parish ministry, I have learned a great deal from parishioners and others about both the ways they spend their time and how they want me to spend mine. Through the years three practices of service have become evident that have helped these people serve God in a productive way: 1) Protect the time you have. 2) Sometimes say “no.” 3) Limit commitments and projects. People who protect the time they have do not waste time and do not allow others to waste their time either. They are careful about getting into projects which are not clearly focused or defined. They are always asking themselves: “It this or that a good use of my time?” People who sometimes say “No” focus their quality time on serving God. They know they have limitations in the quantity of work they can realistically do in a day or week. They choose and clearly communicate to others what they will and will not do. They realize at times one must say “no” in order to be able to say “yes”. It is ok to say “No.” People who limit the number of committees and projects they are responsible for know they cannot serve adequately if they allow their calendars to become overcrowded. They carefully pick and choose and match their time and talents to the most important work to be done. They will continue to be interested and motivated and see the project through to the end. As the Psalmist states in Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to use wisely what time we have.” As you followers of Christ here at Christ Lutheran Church look ahead to your future in this place, remember to continue asking yourselves, “How can we best serve God with the time God has entrusted to us.” Your brother in Christ, The Rev. Frank Philipp Interim Bridge Pastor

Our lost and found items will be displayed in the Narthex. Please reclaim your items. Anything remaining after July 24th will be donated. Thank you

Pastor DJ’s Message It’s the first week of July and it’s time to celebrate that all important national holiday... Canada Day; or maybe you were thinking of something else. Did you know that the day we celebrate our independence is only three days removed from the day that Canadians celebrate their unity as a country and their independence from Great Britain. Sounds like an odd coincidence I’d say, there must be something floating ‘aboot’ in the early July air. Both events have many things to say about freedom from oppression, but I’d like to look at simple history for reflection, rather than metaphors of the meaning of these days. The Declaration of Independence was finally approved by the Continental Congress on July 4 th. However, even John Adams assumed that July 2nd would be the day that would be forever remembered. It was on that day that the vote approving independence passed; two days later a document would be finalized and voted upon. Needless to say, most representatives did not even sign the document until days, or possibly even weeks later. Also usually ignored is that fighting had been going on long before this declaration. 91 years later, on July 1st , Canada signed what is now known as the Constitution Act, which actually became a part of Canada’s current constitution. Canada would actually be still partially under British rule until 1982. Funny enough, a lot of this conversation hinged upon the desire to not have the provinces of Canada added to the United States which was rapidly expanding. Ok, ok. History lesson covered. Why all this education? Well, I think it is a quite significant example of how we manage to smush down our lives to very significant and pointed events when we talk about our past; but to get to the truth of the story, we have to recognize the never-ending processes that were at work. In fact, every story that we start that does not begin with “In the beginning…” and retell the whole history until the relevant event is incomplete. While one event may highlight a peak of emotional/spiritual/physical/psychological (etc.) activity, really one event cannot be separated out from a life just as we cannot separate our soul from our bodies. They are one and bound. Even in looking at the brief summary of a much more complex history of two nation’s independence, we are confronted by how much we have missed in the story; caught up instead by pretty fireworks, a day off of work, and an especially enjoyable historical-musical that we watch every year (at least my family does). It does go without saying that in terms of American history, something important happened on that day, but that it was not one single event. Even more so of the cross event. We state that it alone is the definitive mark for God’s action in all of our lives. But what exactly is that moment? When the nails are hammered in? When the cross is fastened into its place? When Jesus breathes his last? One of the sayings? The resurrection? There’s a whole lot going on surrounding this one moment, and even before and after this one event which is all caught up into the story of God’s activity in creation. And we celebrate, sometimes once a year on Easter; sometimes every Sunday. But perhaps the best expression of this is the one moment in our lives where the water rushes over us in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is here that the eternal and the infinite find expression for each of us concretely. It is here that the entire story and mystery of God flourishes and flushes our lives for every moment. But to dwell on that one day always as in the past misses the whole story; that we are each and every day renewed in those waters and God’s Word. That the first thing spoken into existence in the beginning and the last thing to be spoken by God into this creation are drawn together and given to us as gift. We are caught up in this process of never-ending activity of God in the world, pulled in by a baptism that is continuous and shall not be washed away. May God’s Word autograph your summer story, Pastor DJ

Are you a mother of preschoolers (kindergarten or younger)? Are you looking for community with women in a similar season of mothering? Come check out our MOPS group!

We currently have openings for the upcoming year. We meet two Wednesdays a month from 9:20am-11:45am in the fellowship hall. Enjoy brunch, engaging speakers, intentional discussion, fun (and easy!) crafts, service projects and more. Childcare is provided. Plus, join this year and, as a CLC member, you'll receive discounted membership fees!

For more information and summer park dates, email christluthernchurchmops@gmail.com or visit www.clchr.org/mops We look forward to meeting you!!

MOPS Organized New To You Children's Consignment Sale Is Currently Accepting Consignors For The Fall/Winter Sale September 23rd & 24th Sell your unwanted gently-used baby and children's items and support CLC's MOPS group! Consignors get 70-80% back. Proceeds go to support Christ Lutheran Church, the CLC MOPS group, Lutheran Family Services, and other charities. Help us make this community service project a success! Also, CLC church members receive a discounted registration fee of $5. Check out www.newtoyousale.org for more information about the sale and how to consign.


APPLYING BIBLE PRINCIPLES A wise person once observed, “Half of any task is having the right tool, and the other half is knowing what to do with it.” Although we don’t often consider it as such, money is a tool which God uses in our lives as a means of spiritual growth. You see, money is not an end in and of itself. It is a means to an end. And in God’s hands, one of its primary “ends” is to instruct us and to help us grow spiritually. God especially wants us to avoid our natural tendency which is a bent toward selfishness, greed, and hoarding. That’s why the Lord Jesus said, “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions” (Luke 12:15). Well, if an individual’s life does not consist in having a lot of possessions, in what does it consist? Jesus provided an insightful answer to that question in Matthew 6:20-21, where He said, “ . . . store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Thank you all so much for the collaborative effort you put into filling the schedule for this Father’s Day blood drive. It turned out well and we owe that to all of you. We had 25 donors signed up and we registered 19 people. We collected 18 pints of blood and had just one deferral. We had 2 first time donors and one person walked in and one donor self-deferred. We also had 6 no-show. All in all a very successful holiday blood drive.”

CLC congregation is awesome!

Thinking About Christmas 2016... in Summer! This year’s Advent-Christmas Theme at CLC is going to be “Symbols of Hope.” We are interested in creating an Advent devotional for our CLC family that is made up of your stories and remembrances of what you find uplifting, hopeful, and inspiring about Christmas. Please submit your stories (three paragraphs or less) by September 30th to either Pastor DJ Dent: pastordent@clchr.org, or Linda Holcombe: lholcombe@clchr.org.

Now, according to Jesus’ teaching in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25), there is nothing wrong with saving. There is nothing wrong with investing or earning interest on investments. There is nothing wrong with being a wise steward by planning for the future. In fact, Jesus taught that those who do so are to be commended. But our primary emphasis as God’s children is to make our investments in the “Bank of Heaven.” When we do that, our investments are secure. They are not affected by inflation, by theft, by wear and tear, or anything There is only one way to make deposits in this special “bank”: By giving to the Lord’s work. Although the money is used here, it is credited to your eternal account. Each time you give your tithes and offerings at Christ Lutheran Church, you are giving to the Lord by investing for eternity. You are storing up “treasures” in heaven” that will glorify God forever.


Harrington BACK TO SCHOOL DRIVE We are starting to collect backpacks, school supplies and tennis shoes for Harrington Elementary School. Harrington is a very low income school in Denver that our congregation has adopted. Please bring in backpacks, tennis shoes (all sizes for elementary kids) and any type of school supplies (crayons, pencils, notebooks, markers, scissors, glue, etc.) and drop them in the bins located in the Narthex/Lobby marked Harrington Backpacks. These back packs filled with school supplies may be the only supplies the children get all year. Last year we took over 75 backpacks and over 50 pairs of tennis shoes to the school and made many children very happy. We will bless the collected backpacks on August 7th and will be delivering everything to Harrington on August 8th.

Happy Birthday Haley Fisher - July 1 Christian Meyer - July 1 Steve Tolle - July 1 Chad Vorthmann - July 1 Cassandra Buffington - July 2 Jessica Danyo - July 2 Larry Nelms - July 2 Christine Flores - July 3 Mike Kenevan - July 3 Cooper Lytle - July 3 Natalee Moses - July 3 Meg Rand - July 3 Emily Rowe - July 3 Kim Smith - July 3 Tyler Beukelman - July 4 Alejandro Mena Casa - July 4 Phill Peterson - July 4 Ron Skelton - July 4 Darlene Danyo - July 5 Liam Elkins - July 5 Rich Novotne - July 5 Claire Cantrell - July 6 Ivory Cartwright - July 6 Heidi Elkins - July 6 Rodger Ott - July 6 Lillian Peterson - July 6 Lucy Sumner - July 6 Avery Dethlefs - July 7 AJ Even - July 7 Garrett Rasel - July 7 Mitch Van Dewerker - July 7 Sara Zellner - July 7

Sue Althoff - July 8 Archer Arnold - July 8 Bev Brady - July 8 Katie Chavez - July 8 Jamie Gordon - July 8 Sherry Koepke - July 8 Cole Parsa - July 8 SloaneStrom - July 8 Judy Marxhausen - July 9 Tyler Beffel - July 10 Jennette Bergstrom - July 10 Nicole Garcia - July 10 Dylan Sain - July 10 Shirley Warren - July 10 Morgan Bergstrom - July 11 Lynn Brown - July 11 Nicky Dimercurio - July 11 Julie Paul - July 11 Kelsey Puckett - July 11 Meghan Tesch - July 11 Dylan Tesch - July 11 Jenny Bachelder - July 12 Jan McKissack - July 12 Layton Moore - July 12 Keller Regan - July 12 Meghan Symes - July 12 Anya Thompson - July 12 Kristen Douhan - July 13 Marti Haller - July 13 Krischan Kramer - July 13 Joseph Ort - July 13 Jonathan Ort - July 13

Sarah Vasilauskas - July 13 Jim Davis - July 14 Carol Davis - July 14 Sharon Dull - July 14 Angie Lynne - July 14 Tanner Perry - July 14 Karen Saur - July 14 Linda Walden - July 14 Jacob Yoss - July 14 Nicholas Castor - July 15 Katherine Lasater - July 15 Taylor Meyer - July 15 Tim Schaedig - July 15 Julia Symes - July 15 Gary Wilson - July 15 Alice Gette - July 16 Alexander Holder - July 16 Mike Kravitz - July 16 Nicole Lineberry - July 16 Jenny White - July 16 Kaelan Boyer - July 17 Michael Connolly - July 17 Lisa McGavern - July 17 Jeremy Belin - July 18 Eric Johnson - July 18 Tina Kaiser - July 18 Abel Ramon - July 18 Michael Rocha - July 18 VKatie ersen - July 18 Emlyn Vorthmann - July 18 Henry Waldenmyer - July 18 Madison Weitzel - July 18

Dylan Wilson - July 18 Mark Yoss - July 18 Dan Anna - July 19 Bob Harhigh - July 19 Anthony Moore - July 19 John Riley - July 19 Kyle Riley - July 19 Merridy Jensen - July 20 John Mavis - July 20 Paul Meyer - July 20 Dan Scheuerman - July 20 Olivia Thompson - July 20 Kym Thompson - July 20 Ken Todd - July 20 Tyler Lee - July 21 Alexandra Marxhausen - July 21 Tami Poore - July 21 Cindy Russell - July 21 Nancy Walker - July 21 Tyler Bachelder - July 22 Cathy Kotta - July 22 Megan Ott - July 22 Olivia Pollock - July 22 Caitlin Almer - July 23 Rob Foster - July 23 Jared Russell - July 23 Belle Geiger - July 24 Pete Klein - July 24 Chris Wilson - July 24 Randi Wolf - July 24 Mathew Wolken - July 24 Emilie Ziesman - July 24

Ty Boggs - July 25 Amanda Grosskrueger - July 25 Lori Hafner - July 25 Shawn Pinon - July 25 Amber Poltl - July 25 Gail White - July 25 Debbie Coates - July 26 Teya Moore - July 26 Al Trautmann - July 26 Tammy Green - July 27 Joshua Seeger - July 27 Michael Van Dewerker - July 27 Abigail Anderson - July 28 Alan Buckel - July 28 Paul Libner - July 28 Gretchen Moore - July 28 Erik Saur - July 28 Paige Cartwright - July 29 Patrick Curry - July 29 Audrey McCrosky - July 29 Peter Ringkob - July 29 Scott Tiedgen - July 29 Melissa White - July 29 Luke Meyer - July 30 Karsten Radtke - July 30 Ashley Romney - July 30 Andi Kleinert Topp - July 30 Kayla Vanderhill - July 30 Emma Wolken - July 30

A BIG THANK YOU to our MOPS group who have generously donated a new automated external defibrillator (AED). This portable device checks the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm to treat sudden cardiac arrest.


Again, we thank MOPS for this life saving contribution!

AUGUST 28 CLC Picnic SEPTEMBER 10/11 ELCA Day of Service SEPTEMBER 10/11 Rally Day and Ministry Fair OCTOBER 1 Annual Oktoberfest Dinner/Fundraiser







SATURDAY 1 9a Chicks w/Sticks


5p Worship/CC

8a Worship 9:30a Worship 7p AA Meeting

Sr. High Mission Trip 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 7p AA Meeting


6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.

10 Sr. High Mission Trip

Sr. High Mission Trip 17 Start Harrington Backpacks 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 7p AA Meeting

4 11:30a Staff Mtg.

5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High

11 Sr. High Mission Trip


12 Sr. High Mission Trip

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9:30a Mission Quilters 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts

11:30a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg. 7p Military Ministry Mtg.

Sr. High Mission Trip 18 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

11:30a Staff Mtg. 19 12:30p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Caregiver Mtg

8am Worship 9:30am Worship 7p AA Meeting


8am Worship 9:30am Worship 7p AA Meeting


25 9a VBS

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a VBS 9:30a Mission Quilters 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts

11:30a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High

26 9a VBS

6 Sr. High Mission Trip

7 Sr. High Mission Trip

8 Sr. High Mission Trip


13 Sr. High Mission Trip

14 Sr. High Mission Trip

15 Sr. High Mission Trip




22 7a General Maintenance 23

27 9a VBS

28 9a VBS

29 5p Worship/CC

7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.

12p OWLS Luncheon

6:30p CLC Bridge Group

5p Worship/CC

5p Worship/CC

8a Russell Stamping 5p Worship/CC


Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS


Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group

Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights

Education and Fellowship

Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Beth Moore Bible Studies for women. Spring and Fall sessions.

Fun and Fellowship

OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group


CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers

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