JUNE 2014
Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Vaya Con Dios! Debby and Tom Kinsella!
Vaya con dios – Go with God! This will be our acclamation as we praise and applaud the nearly 11 years of ministry of Debby Kinsella at Christ Lutheran Church here in Highlands Ranch, Colorado!
style of loving people are a hallmark of what a Christian church can and should be. Based on the biblical understanding of Hospitality, Debby personifies this Spiritual Gift. The list of areas she was involved in would fill this entire newsletter!
Debby and Tom will be moving to Cave Creek Arizona early July to take on the opportunity of a lifetime, owning and running their own business: The Full Circle Ranch Bed and Breakfast! (See her letter to the congregation below.)
We will not say “adios” because she has become a part of our hearts and will forever remain there with us. Rather will keep to Vaya con dios – Go with God (until we meet again)!
We have chosen the date of Friday, June 27th beginning at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary for the festivities of honoring Debby and her indelible touch and ministry upon so many lives here and through Christ Lutheran Church. Our tentative plans are to have a ceremony in our worship space then adjourn into the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and a night of fellowship. We are planning on a “pot luck of appetizers” meaning, if you attend, bring some appetizers to share. Similar to our Oktoberfest we are thinking of using drink tickets for beer and wine. Watch for future announcements as plans unfold. If you would like to help or get involved in a specific way, or whatever way we will need help, please contact Mary Behnke, Administrative Manager or Pastor Tom. If you email us please make sure to include your phone number so that we may conveniently contact you. Right now we know we will need volunteers to set up, serve and clean up. We will also have a program and special gifts team. In January 2004 Debby Kinsella was offered the position of “Director of Equipping Ministries” and soon after was expanded to include being the “Director of Outreach” as well. Since then and for nearly 11 years, Debby has lead our congregation in ways that never before were so dynamic and meaningful and so many times fun, while serving others and glorifying God at the same time. Her programs and accomplishments are exceeded by none! Those events and her
At some time in the near future we will begin to look for an interim person(s) to continue these ministries. Guests, Church Members and Dear Christ Lutheran Tom you know my husband I am writing you to let our in er pt bark on a new cha and I are about to em eet sw o r husband and my tw lives. My daughter he and ed to move to Arizona grandchildren have decid em are going to follow th Grandma and Grandpa rtunity po op ul upon a wonderf there. We have come ase rch pu and are going to in Cave Creek, Arizona be l wil Bed and Breakfast. I The Full Circle Ranch ly ly first which is the on leaving all of you on Ju a big y You all have been sad part of this journe . has it d an rs e last 11 yea part of my life for th d your an s joy involved in your been my honor to be I d an is church at its best sorrows. This church way! know it will stay that sure you my way please make If you are ever down to you. en op or will always be come and visit my do Love, Debby Kinsella
Pastor DJ’s Message
STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor pstrfstr@clchr.org
Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor pastordent@clchr.org Debby Kinsella Director Outreach/Equipping dkinsella@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Mary Behnke Administrative Manager mbehnke@clchr.org Sallie Burns Financial Secretary sburns@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lindaholcombe64@gmail.com Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant nkoltay@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Barbara.Pierson@comcast.net Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Ken Kroneberger kenk@jcmh.org Lee Bergstrom lee_berg@yahoo.com Nancy Bauer nancybauer@q.com Rick Boyer safetyguy74@yahoo.com Julie Waggoner waggoners5@gmail.com Norm Beulke nbeulke@gmail.com Adrian Hafner backyardkids@hotmail.com Bret Sumner bretsumner@hotmail.com John Ringkob jer@dascoinc.com John Riley johnriley05@comcast.net All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to mbehnke@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
This summer, we’re going to have a focus on the Psalms in worship. Normally we don’t give much attention to them the rest of the year, but every weekend we will be highlighting a reading from the Psalms. But it’s not just about listening to different parts of the Bible, we want you to bring your Bible to church. Some people will bring different translations or types of Bibles, but we want you to bring whatever you consider your main Bible (hint: mine is my tablet). While we are looking at the Psalms we want to lift up certain verses which are meaningful and easily memorable, so we want you to bring your bible and physically highlight it, or mark it with the pens in the chairs, and then reread that verse throughout the week so it becomes ingrained in your memory. Since it’s not typical for us to assume you brought your Bible with you to church, there will be a bit of shuffling in church. We want you to be reading from your Bible for each of the readings. The words will still be in print through the slides as well as in the bulletin, but we highly encourage you to bring your own and use it. With the different translations the words may not be identical, but that’s always a good talking point with someone else: Why is your translation a little bit different from mine? We are kicking off this focus on June 8th, Pentecost Sunday. If you don’t bring your Bible, don’t sweat it. Hopefully by the end of the summer you will have some new Bible verses that you love and you will have a Bible that is marked up with notes of things you want to remember. Peace, Pastor DJ
Summer Giving This summer, if you can’t make it to church due to travel or other commitments, we encourage you to automate your regular donations. CLC relies on the consistent financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Simply visit www.clchr.org and locate the giving link. Or, if you prefer, pick up a Simply Giving authorization form in the narthex. We thank you for your continued support!
HAPPY SUMMER TIME from the Preschool! We have finished up our school year and will begin summer camp on June 2nd. Our summer program runs for eight weeks with a few off in between for 4th of July and Vacation Bible School. We will also be hosting another summer of Easter Seals special needs camp. We have had a fabulous school year and look forward to the fall. We still have a few spots open for the fall in all ages. If you know of any kiddos looking for a great place to learn, please send them our way. We wish everyone a fun filled and relaxing summer! Enjoy those small things. Blessings from Deb and Blair.
Semi Annual Meeting CLC will be holding its Semi Annual Meeting semi-annual meeting on Sunday, June 15th at 9:00am in between the 8:00 and 9:30 services. We will be holding an election of members to Council, Legacy and Endowment and the Preschool Advisory Team.
Happy Birthday Holden Hill - June 1 Ty Jensen - June 2 Michelle Cingrani - June 3 Wyatt Fellows - June 3 Matthew Hubbard - June 3 Emily Bollich Millyard - June 3 Kay Morse - June 3 Karen Rucker - June 3 Shane Wischer - June 3 Matthew Bellipanni - June 4 Taylor Dikeman - June 4 Jenna Gereaux - June 4 Larry Morken - June 4 Tori Sinclair - June 4 John Boettcher - June 5 Julie Gray - June 5 Roslyn Paine - June 5 Don Burbank - June 6 Andrew McGraw - June 6 Trey Ongert - June 6 Julia Radtke - June 7 Chad Jereme Saewert - June 7 Bill Hughes - June 8 Erik Kolseth - June 8
Erika Reed - June 8 Allissa Amoroso - June 9 Jon Silverman - June 9 Jackie Subart - June 9 Christine Swenson - June 9 Alyson Curry - June 10 Collin Gordon - June 10 John Hansen - June 10 Rachel Macko - June 10 Bret Sumner - June 10 Toby Gordon - June 11 Vernon Hanson - June 11 Jorge Mena Casa - June 11 Andrew Bergstrom - June 12 Jacob Conner - June 12 Maddy Etten - June 12 Joan Morgan - June 12 Jackson Prescott - June 12 Daniel Stark - June 12 Michael Martinez - June 13 Marty McGraw - June 13 Riley Nedved - June 13 Vicki Schopfer - June 13 Susan Bohren - June 14
Mike Brady - June 14 Jonathan Danyo - June 14 Mark Edmunds - June 14 Kaylee Gordon - June 14 Dick Reimer - June 14 Ian Schopfer - June 14 Norm Beulke - June 15 Sara Kirk - June 15 Sara Kroneberger - June 15 Mary Menck - June 15 David Van Dewerker - June 15 Brian Martin - June 16 Jordy Oleson - June 17 Jackie Schneider - June 17 Laura Adams - June 18 Mark Ault - June 18 Liam Etten - June 18 Mathew Ingebritson - June 18 Ryan Smith - June 18 Lauren Tew - June 18 Chris Tronrud - June 18 Truman Fennel - June 19 Oliver Heiner - June 19 Zoe Henningsen - June 19
Jacque LaShier - June 19 Andy O'Brien - June 19 Kellen McGavern - June 20 Andy Paine - June 20 Andrew Parks - June 20 Jill Radtke - June 20 Grant Richard Shelly - June 20 Herbert Bowman - June 21 Matti Cembalisty - June 21 Stephanie Foster - June 21 Jason Holder - June 21 John Rand - June 21 Britton Roth - June 21 Fisher Roth - June 21 Yvette Smith - June 21 Nancy Bauer - June 22 Mike Gregorek - June 22 Cole Talus - June 22 Garin Vorthmann - June 22 Austin Benner - June 23 Ingrid Hirst - June 24 Judy Sagrillo - June 24 Greg Viergutz - June 24 Kathryn DeBoer - June 25
Jay Dikeman - June 25 Susan Dikeman - June 25 Amy Hill - June 26 Jon Melcher - June 26 Mitchell Raddatz - June 26 Clint Koury - June 27 Terry Palazzo - June 27 Elliott Ramon - June 27 Corey Sullivan - June 27 Matthew Tjosvold - June 27 Pat White - June 27 Kristin Bergstrom - June 28 Alex Brand - June 28 Randall Colson - June 28 Sharyl Morris - June 28 Zach Staub - June 28 Mary Behnke - June 29 Kathy Boyer - June 29 Benjamin Doernbrack - June 29 Rachel Grosskrueger - June 29 Brelyn Stevens - June 29 Cindy Vernell - June 29 Bob Buck - June 30 Maddie Romney - June 30
HARVEST FARM 8am Worship/CC 9am Worship Service 9:30am Worship/SS 11am Worship/CC 1pm Mallery Recital 3pm Mallery reception 5pm AA Meeting
SKY RANCHConfirmation Youth 8am Worship/CC 9:30am Worship/SS 11am Worship/CC 7pm AA Meeting
6:30am Men's Breakfast Group 6:30am Men's Breakfast Group 9am Preschool Camp 7pm Boy Scouts 7pm Personnel Mtg.
8am Worship/CC 15 8:30am Bonfils Blood Drive 9:15am Semi-Annual Mtg. 9:30am Worship/SS 11am Worship/CC 12:15pm Auditions for What's Up, Zak? 7pm AA Meeting
8am Worship/CC 9:30am Worship/SS 9:30am BAPTISM - Roth 11am Worship/CC 12:15pm Baptism Class 7pm AA Meeting
9am Preschool Camp 11:15am Staff Mtg. 5pm Crossroads Band 6pm Counseling 6:15pm Praise Team
3 8:30 AM Preschool
9:00 AM MOPS Mtg. 11:00 AM Chapel 2:00 PM Chapel 4:00 PM Confirm. Pastoral Interviews 4:30 PM Joy Choir 5:00 PM Carillon Ringers
THURSDAY 4 HARVEST FARM 9am Preschool Camp 5:30pm Carillon Ringers
SATURDAY 6 8am Boy Scout garage
9am Rejoice Circle
Confirmation Youth 6:30amMen's Breakfast Group 8:30am Easter Seals Summer Camp 9am Preschool Camp 9:30am Mission Quilters 6pm Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7pm Boy Scouts 7pm Legacy & Endowment Mtg.
Confirmation Youth 8:30am Easter Seals Summer Camp 9am Preschool Camp 11:15am Staff Mtg. 5pm Crossroads Band 6pm Counseling 6:15pm Praise Team 7pm Council Mtg.
13 5pm Worship/CC
6:30am Men's Breakfast 16 Group 8:30am Easter Seals Summer Camp 9ma Preschool Camp 7pm Boy Scouts
8:30am Easter Seals 17 8:30am Easter Seals 18 8:30am Easter Seals 19 9am Rejoice Circle 20 5pm Worship/CC 9am Kids Summer Musical Summer Camp Summer Camp Summer Camp Rehearsal 9am Kids Summer Musical 9am Kids Summer Musical 9am Kids Summer Musical Rehearsal Rehearsal Rehearsal 9am Preschool Camp 9am Preschool Camp 9am Preschool Camp 5:30pm Carillon Ringers 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1pm Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5pm Crossroads Band 6pm Counseling 6:15pm Praise Team 7pm Stewardship Mtg
22 6:30am Men's Breakfast
23 8:30am Easter Seals
Group 8:30am Easter Seals Summer Camp 9am Preschool Camp 9:30am Mission Quilters 6pm Boy Scouts Venture Crew
8am Worship/CC 29 6:30am Men's Breakfast 30 9:30m Worship/SS Group 9:30am Kids Summer Musical 8:30am Easter Seals Summer 11am Worship/CC Camp 11am Kids Summer Musical 7pm Boy Scouts 7pm AA Meeting
Summer Camp 9am Kids Summer Musical Rehearsal 9am Preschool Camp 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1pm June Planning Mtg. 5pm Crossroads Band 6pm Counseling 6:15pm Praise Team 6:30pm Sons of Norway Directors Mtg.-tentative
Confirmation Youth 8:30am Easter Seals Summer Camp 9am Preschool Camp 5:30pm Carillon Ringers
24 8:30am Easter Seals
Summer Camp 9am Kids Summer Musical Rehearsal 9am Preschool Camp
clean out 8am Boy Scout Adult Leader Training 9am Chicks w/Sticks 5pm Worship/CC
Confirmation Youth 8:30am Easter Seals Summer Camp 9am Preschool Camp 7pm Celebration Choir
25 8:30am Easter Seals
Summer Camp 9am Kids Summer Musical Rehearsal 9am Preschool Camp
Confirmation Youth 12pm OWLS Luncheon
6:15pm Nursery for MOPS
26 9am Kids Summer Musical 27 7am General Maintenance 28 Rehearsal 7pm Celebration for Debby K.
9am Kids Summer Musical Rehearsal 5pm Worship/CC
No 11:00 am service in July We are not having an 11:00 am Sunday service the 4 weeks in July. The service will begin again the first Sunday in August.
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries
Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers
Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers
Caring Connection
Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters
Youth & Family Ministries
Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights