JUNE 2017
Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Call Committee Update At the first meeting of the newly appointed Call Committee held on April 27th, the members of the committee were oriented to the work ahead and provided several resources as we begin the process together. Additionally, at that meeting, the committee agreed that Mr. Norm Beulke will serve as chairman, Mrs. Margie Versen would serve as back-up chairwoman, and Mrs. Lara Marxhausen will serve as committee secretary. The committee was installed with the committed prayerful support of the congregation at each of the four worship services the weekend of May 13/14. The call committee then met both May 23rd and 30th to finalize the work of the 2015 Transition Team and the congregation and council approved job descriptions for each called pastors, and present to the Synod a finalized Ministry Site Profile (MSP). The MSP outlines in great detail the parameters and gifts in a candidate(s) that we as a congregation are looking to call as our next Executive Pastor. Please continue to lift the Call Committee in your prayers as they diligently serve the congregation, God, and our next called pastor in the work entrusted to them. Thank you!
Confirmation Interviews It was truly a great joy to me as pastor here to individually meet with each of our 30 confirmands and their parents this past May. As a church, we are truly blessed with so many families that are truly engaged in faith formation and growth. Additionally, Gary Knutson’s relational ministry approach to leadership was clearly evident as story after story was shared about how they loved their church. As we all know, Gary’s passion for the youth entrusted to our care by God is both strong and contagious. The ongoing strong partnership between Pastor, Director of Youth & Family Ministry, Parents & Family, Congregation, and God continues to bring forth bounty upon bounty for celebration! Thank you to the entire church for your continued prayers and support of our amazing Confirmation Ministry.
What is a “YATT”? YOUNG ADULT THEOLOGY ON TAP Pastor Eric is looking to begin a new ministry here at Christ Lutheran called “YATT”; an outreach, fellowship and Bible Study specifically for the Young Adults in our congregation. The ELCA defines young adults as being 19-35 years old. And, celebrating responsibly a part of our own Lutheran heritage as gathering not only around food, but also refreshing beverage of preference, Theology on Tap approaches to ministry groups have been very successful in Christian fellowship since the Reformation (and long before). Pastor Eric is currently working with both Kyle Milyard and Eric Hemenway in shared leadership to organize this emerging ministry. Please continue to pray for all of our young adults, and keep an eye out for more details as they develop throughout the summer!
STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert Lead Pastor pastorallert@clchr.org Dianne Yoss Outreach & Events Coordinator outreach@clchr.org Karen Patz Volunteer & Care Coordinator volunteer@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Allyson Evans Christian Youth Educator clchrsundayschool@gmail.com Anne Buderus Financial Administrator finance@clchr.org Linda Holcombe Director of Music lholcombe@clchr.org Shalean Rowe Office Coordinator office@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Joanne Edmunds hiranch@comcast.net Jeff Bergstrom j-bergstrom@comcast.net Liesl Farrier bbflcf@msn.com Jennifer Gunther j.gunther@comcast.net Pete Koury pete.koury@q.com Tom Coates tomcoates@comcast.net Steve Hoemann hoemannstba@comcast.net Rich Novotne husker7575@hotmail.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Brian Martin bmartin29@hotmail.com Jennifer Smith jennifersmith303@hotmail.com All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to office@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
From Pastor Allert Last month, I wrote up a small article on the Larger Church Conference event for ELCA Senior Pastors that took place during the 2nd week of May in Florida. This conference was established to nourish, educate, sustain, and encourage the pastors of large congregations, “thereby helping them to keep abreast of changes required to meet the needs of today’s rapidly changing society.” Invitations are sent to the Lead Pastors of the largest ELCA congregations based on baptized and/or weekly attendance. Eligible churches have 500 in weekly worship (or churches over 400 showing growth). These churches represent some 25% of the total ELCA membership. The challenges, opportunities, and goals that we faithfully embrace in this identity are different from those say of either new mission-starts, churches in decline and re-formation, or smaller community church parishes. Recognizing that truth, speakers and seminars are intentionally crafted to serve specifically the lead pastors of these church settings in their specific vocation and calling. This event continues to be my favorite annual conference of the national church due to the efforts made to truly engage our specific needs as one of many larger churches in the ELCA. This year’s event focused on identifying lead pastors as cultural architects. Rev. Dr. Elaine Heath (Dean of Duke Divinity School) presented a fresh take on systems theory through apostolic and eucharistic lenses, challenging faith community leaders to not only identify the Holy Spirit’s vision in each of our contexts, but also nurture those entrusted to share and achieve that vision. Of this conversation came the reminder that due to no fault of their own and free from any pre-existing judgements, still “95% of the people are not able to imagine something until they see it already in place.” With that reality comes anxiety in the face of growth, so lead pastors need to continue to bring their own gifts in non-anxious leadership, remaining “(emotionally) mature, self-aware, deeply grounded spirituality so that their identity remains rooted in Christ – a self-differentiated leader able to be fully present because are also present to themselves and doing their own ‘inner healthy spiritual renewal work’.” By achieving this focus in leadership, the church community can further grow in efforts to (re-)establish congregations that move from hostility to hospitality. Another keynote speaker was current CEO of Marriot Hotels and Business, Mr. Arnie Sorenson. Mr. Sorenson is the first CEO of Marriott that married into the family that is not Mormon (Lutheran). Sorenson is a graduate of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa and is son, step-son, and grandson to four different Lutheran Pastors. It is through his own Lutheran identity that he engages his calling to leadership in the world. Sorenson shared not only his values of stewarding excellence and empowerment in his staff of 750,000 employees worldwide, but also answered several questions regarding growth in the face of constructive criticism and using adversity to achieve accountability and emerging new successes. “It starts with taking care of yourself, finding ways to burn off
Pastor Allert
energy that is not productive so that you can move back to empowerment. The decisions that are going to happen, are done so best when cared for by good people who are tasked with that responsibility. I don’t need to get in and make those decisions for them if I have good people around me.” When asked about pastors also serving in the hospitality business, Sorenson pointedly stated, “Never skimp on the meat and potatoes of what we do; the worship service is still the most important thing (to me) by far. After that, the welcome must be genuine. The worst thing that we can have is a church that doesn’t want to achieve it’s mission, and leaders that allow that to continue.” Finally, when asked how he deals with criticism, Sorenson advised, “You have to develop some tough skin. You get used to people coming at you all the time. Think and rethink your steps through – be deliberate. Always do listen to the criticisms that come in because they have the potential for accountability. If the criticism is coming from your own community, go to it. Don’t let it fester. Go to it and face it, ‘let me explain why I did what I did. If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine, but this is why.’ And then move forward.” These glimpses into this powerful annual experience are just but a few of the ways in which God continues to use this conference in particular to speak and guide me as your Lead Pastor, and the efforts that the lay leadership and I seek to achieve in the visions God gives to us for Christ Lutheran Church! Thank you to the staff and many volunteers for caring for the needs of the congregation while I was away for 5 days. And thank you to the congregation for continuing to value this particular conference (Pastor Tom Shelley attended it as well in years past). If you would like to know more about the LCC for ELCA Senior Pastors, please let me know as I’d be happy to share more with you. Pastor Eric J. Allert
Sterling Ranch Horizons for Ministry On Thursday, April 27th, Pastor Eric and Church President Mr. Pete Koury joined fellow pastors and executive leaders from both St. Phillip’s Lutheran (Littleton) and Well of Hope Lutheran (Castle Rock) for a visioning and strategy summit in Sterling Ranch. Along with Rev. Judith VanOsdol – ELCA Director for Evangelical Mission working with the Rocky Mountain Synod – the group representing these three sister congregations discerned together what the Holy Spirit may be planning for this emerging community. Continuing to champion on the belief that we are better when we are church together, we renewed our commitment to further grow our relationships with one another by seeking to further venture into this developing mission field in shared partnership, rather than pushing for individual agendas. Additionally, we all agreed that the idea of beginning a new mission start-up church in Sterling Ranch is not a good stewardship usage of God’s resources entrusted to the ELCA or our congregations, but it would also miss the opportunity for each church to succeed in our own callings of evangelism and outreach. Recognizing that Sterling Ranch is scheduled to house approximately 60,000 new residents into the area, we as disciples are blessed with this opportunity to welcome the neighbor among us. That welcome will include efforts to introduce them to the 3 uniquely different ELCA congregations nearest to the community with detailed information about each church. Well of Hope is 17.1 miles to the southeast of Sterling Ranch, and is a smaller and younger congregation currently under redevelopment. St. Phillip’s is 9.5 miles to the northwest of Sterling Ranch, and serves as an older and more traditional congregation with deep roots in the Littleton community. And we here at CLC are the largest congregation of the 3 with a travel distance of only 8.5 miles to the northeast. Please continue to pray for this exciting opportunity to welcome the neighbor among us a church. If you’d like to know more about this particular endeavor of outreach ministry, please contact either Pastor Eric at pastorallert@clchr.org, or Mr. Pete Koury at pete.koury@q.com. God is most certainly at work in our midst – and that work brings upon us a calling of recognition, responsibility and rejoicing!
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 Did you know CLC has over 70 ways to serve God and each other? There are lots of opportunities available and we’d love for you to help us fill those needs. Keep in mind, the more people who volunteer the less work there actually is to do. Current service needs include: sweet bread delivery, greeters and worship team members for all services, kitchen and sanctuary care team members, Chefs for Christ members, and Maintenance Team members. In addition to service needs, CLC has many small groups that would embrace new members. Check out the back page of this newsletter and then go to clchr.org for more information or contact Dianne at outreach@clchr.org to help you get connected. Thanks to all who came to volunteer appreciation breakfast. We truly appreciate all our volunteers for their service. Congrats to the following volunteers who won the Volunteer of the Month Parking Space.
May – Crista Larsen June – Joanne Edmunds July – Jill Staub
August –Nancy Hubbard Sept – Vicki Pierce Oct – Bill Carroll
Nov – Deb Coates Dec – Christine Kleen Jan – Nancy Sullivan
Feb – Kathy Peterson March – Kerry Harris April – Norm Viste
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: Generation to Generation For a long time, the Christ Lutheran building and campus has been lovingly stewarded by a core group of property and maintenance volunteers. As a congregation of disciples, we are all called to share our many talents and skills with one another, and with God. That most certainly means the care that we can each provide to the church that God has entrusted to us all. I ask that you prayerfully consider the opportunity for you to join the property maintenance team’s roster of volunteers, offering your own time and talent to care for the needs we face from time to time and season to season. In helping out with this ministry, you will truly blessed by not only serving God and one another, but also in (re-)forming new relationships with those who have similar passions, a greater knowledge and appreciation of the church, and even improved skills in sharing resources and wisdom with those who have more experience.
Thank You & Welcome to Council I want to say a word of appreciation to our off-going Council members: Bret Sumner, John Ringkob and Beth Ott. Your leadership, support, and shared Godly vision for the sake of Christ’s church have truly been a blessing for the entire congregation! Thank you for your faithfulness and the sacrifices you have willingly made in love for the Holy Spirit’s work in our midst. Now as these three very special elected leaders transition off, we are excited to greet and welcome three new members to Council: Tom Coates, Steve Hoemann, and Brian Martin. Elected at the Spring Congregational meeting in April, I am sure that their own unique gifts for leadership and purpose will also be a new blessing to the Council in the years ahead. Please continue to hold your entire council in prayer.
Seasonal Reading Recommendations from Pastor Eric The Pursuit of Wow! Every Person’s Guide to Topsy-Turvy Times, by Tom Peters Views From the Pews: Christian Beliefs and Attitudes, by Roger A. Johnson The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity, by Wm. Paul Young Leading From the Second Chair: Serving your Church, Fulfilling Your Role, and Realizing Your Dreams, by Mike Bonem & Roger Patterson
2017 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly This past May, Pastor Eric attended the Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly held in Colorado Springs. The Assembly celebrated together a theme of “Reformation, then, now, and always”, and once again boldly proclaimed the Synod’s mission: Together we proclaim and embody God’s unconditional love for the sake of the world. However, this year, the Synod also introduced a new “Global Mission”, utilizing each letter of GLOBAL MISSION as a strategy for purpose and faithful action. Guide our daily lives as “God’s work, our hands” leads us. Love our neighbors throughout the globe as we love ourselves. Offer our time, talents and treasures in thanksgiving for God’s gifts. Bridge the borders through immersion trips and support of Cristo Rey. Accompany our companion synods in Madagascar in prayers and funding. Learn about the work of Global Mission through available resources. Manage our facilities responsibly to protect God’s creation and gifts. Invite all to share in the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Share our resources with Lutheran Refugee Services and aid ministries. Support the work of World Hunger and Disaster Relief ministries. Imagine the church in 10, 20, 50 years and work towards that goal. Open our doors to all “so that they may be one, as we are one” (John 17:22). Nurture migrant children through ELCA’s protection program known as AMMPARO.
Wind & Spirit
Additionally, the Rocky Mountain Synod re-introduced its Strategic Plan Summary for 2017-2019. From a 4-goal approach to strategic planning, I’ve provided the summary for you here. 1) Claiming our Gifts: offer a clear and contagious vision about the unique gifts we offer to the larger church and world as the ELCA; Root our congregations, ministries, and witness in the abundance of our unique gifts; and Name our gifts as we tell our story, both as a wider church and through our congregations. 2) Connecting in Ministry & Witness: Strengthen communication across our synod; Build connectivity – between congregations, among leaders, and throughout our synod – to energize our ministry and witness; and Facilitate networking and sharing, including with ecumenical partners and new rostered ministers. 3) Equipping All Leaders: Create a vision for comprehensive leadership development in our synod; Develop a spirituality of generosity and abundance; and Use the resources of the Lilly Endowment Grant – Educate, Equip, Enact – to address economic challenges faced by rostered ministers. 4) Accompanying one another into God’s Future: Acknowledge, support, and create new viable models for ministry across our synod, encouraging creativity and experimentation; Increase the number of rostered ministers arising from our synod and entering candidacy; and Align our organizational structures to support our vision for ministry and witness. A full version of the strategic plan can be found at: www.rmselca.org/strategic-plan.
“Wind and Spirit” On the Journey Together!
Have you heard of the new and exciting ministry here at Christ Lutheran Church known as Wind and Spirit? This is a unique monthly fellowship and bible study opportunity for motorcycle riders and convertible/Targa-top vehicle owners. Weather-permitting, we enjoy a special fellowship time together that begins with introductions, then a devotional/brief bible study, and finally a planned scenic enjoyable cruise together through some of God’s beautiful creation around the local areas of the range (often stopping for a light meal together). Cost will be your fuel and your food, and friends are certainly welcome to join in. Stay tuned for updates about this ministry, or contact Pastor Eric at pastorallert@clchr.org to find out more!
Pastor Eric’s weekly adult study series continues Wednesday nights at 7:00pm – EXCEPT FOR JUNE 28th! Our weekly journey through the book of Genesis journeys on now through the last series of this beautiful volume of scripture with the Joseph’s fall and rise in Egypt. Classes are in the Sonrise Room and (as always) we hope to see you there. Email Pastor Eric at pastorallert@clchr.org to receive the coursework for the previous weeks and to find out more!
Did you know #2
I started last month letting the congregation know of things that happen in youth ministry over the last 15 years. This month I am going to fill you in on what it costs to do a mission trip. On an average year it costs each youth between $400-$500, depending on what we are doing and where we are going. Each mission trip costs approximately $22,000.00. This is broke down by; Gas: $3,000.00, Food: $4000.00, work site materials: $8-10.000.00. Trailer rental: $600.00, Extra Vehicle’s rental: $4000.00, each trip is different but usually is near the $22,000.00 mark, unless we go to a National gathering; the cost of the trip then rises between $45,000-$55,000.00. All youth who go on these trips letter in community service at their respective school. These mission trips also help with our youth get Community Service scholarships when entering college. The ELCA campaign God’s work Our hands has been instrumental in the lives of our youth as they go and serve in communities across the nation from Rincon, Ga in 2003 to Wimberley/San Marcos, TX, 2016. The congregation supports the youth at fundraising events each year; Bake sale, Lenten dinners, Palm Sunday
breakfast which usually net the youth about ($3,500.00). The youth mission budget covers all bus repairs while on the trip. Until this year the congregation has never had to pay for upkeep and maintenance, the restricted youth mission trip budget took care of all repairs. The youth go on several trips during the summer to camps, service events, and on the big mission trip in July. Did you know each year our church hosts a Vacation Bible School? We have between 222-225 children come for five days of fun and faith from 9:30 to 12. We usually have between 80-100 youth volunteer during these five days being crew leaders, station leaders etc. We have between 25-35 adults also helping out. We have had over 222 youth participate in VBS for 15 consecutive years. CLC always gets complements as putting on the best VBS in our community. We have stage builders (Chris & Sena Porter), VBS Directors (Allyson Evans & Chris Schaberle), a decorating guru (Jill Staub) that continually volunteer year after year to make this successful. The youth are the reason we can pull this off every year, without them we could not do this at the level that CLC does. I am going to have to find a new SKIT partner this year with the departure of Pastor DJ, hopefully one that does not hurt themselves. Thank You again for supporting our youth CLC God’s Peace! Gary Knutson DYFM
Happy Birthday Bob DeVisscher Kara Dravininkas Yvonne Vasilauskis Kim Fisher Emily Bollich Millyard Karen Rucker Shane Wischer Taylor Dikeman Larry Morken Julie Gray Roslyn Paine Julia Radtke Chad Saewert Erik Kolseth Abigail Silkworth Jon Silverman Christine Swenson Alyson Curry John Hansen Rachel Macko Bret Sumner
Jun 1 Jun 1 Jun 1 Jun 3 Jun 3 Jun 3 Jun 3 Jun 4 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 7 Jun 7 Jun 8 Jun 9 Jun 9 Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 10 Jun 10 Jun 10
Vernon Hanson Jorge Mena Casa Jacob Conner Maddy Etten Mathieu Groh Joan Morgan Jackson Prescott Karen Todd Michael Martinez Emily McDonald Marty McGraw Riley Nedved Susan Bohren Mike Brady Jonathan Danyo Mark Edmunds Norm Beulke Sara Kirk Sara Kroneberger David Van Dewerker Brian Martin
Jun 11 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 12 Jun 12 Jun 12 Jun 12 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 14 Jun 14 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 16
Jackie Schneider Laura Adams Mark Ault Mathew Ingebritson Chris Tronrud Jacque LaShier Kellen McGavern Andy Paine Andrew Parks Jill Radtke Herbert Bowman Stephanie Foster Jason Holder Yvette Smith Nancy Bauer Mike Gregorek Garin Vorthmann Ingrid Hirst Judy Sagrillo Jay Dikeman Susan Dikeman
Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun 18 Jun 18 Jun 18 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 21 Jun 21 Jun 21 Jun 22 Jun 22 Jun 22 Jun 24 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 25
Olivia Griner Amy Hill Mitchell Raddatz Clint Koury Terry Palazzo Corey Sullivan Pat White Kristin Bergstrom Alex Brand Randall Colson Sharyl Morris Zach Staub Pastor Eric Allert Mary Behnke Kathleen Boyer Rachel Grosskrueger Jay Lineberry Cindy Vernell Bob Buck
Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 28 Jun 28 Jun 28 Jun 28 Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 30
Dear Christ Lutheran Church, After extensive deliberation and discussion, on May 16, 2017, CLC Council voted unanimously, with full support of the Office of the Bishop, to sever employment of Don Marxhausen effective May 17, 2017. The action is for cause, due to a series of Don’s intentional actions and incidents that have occurred repeatedly to the detriment of the congregation. Due to the sensitive nature of this matter, Council will not share specifics of these actions but asks that the congregation continue to trust Council’s work and decision in this matter. We understand there may be hurt and confusion around this decision. Please direct any inquiries to either Pete Koury (pete.koury@q.com), Church Council President, or Steve Schaeberle (schaeberle1@comcast.net), Church Council Vice President and Personnel Team liaison.
Hello and happy summer from the preschool! Preschool has started the nine weeks of summer camp. It is a very fun time for our kiddos in a more laid back setting. We have more exploration, story, art and outdoor time planned. The themes we have are ocean, animals, sports, art, outdoor things and the growing up of Jesus! Along with music time and water day we have a fun filled summer adventure together. We will resume regular school the last week of August. We still have a few openings for fall if you know of anyone who may be interested please ask them to stop on by. We wish everyone a summer filled with long lazy days and memories of a lifetime! Blessings! Deb and Blair
Outreach save the DATES!!
~Church Council
June 11 – New Member Class June 18 – Bonfils Blood Drive June 25 – Harrington Back to School Drive Begins
Submitted by Pete Koury Council President
9a Preschool Summer Camp 1 9a Preschool Summer Camp 2 9a Chicks w/Sticks 6:30p Grief Support Group 6:30p Grief Support Group 10a Genealogy Group 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship/CC
YOUTH-HARVEST FARM 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 9:45a VBS Meeting 11a NO Worship/CC 5p AA BBQ
6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a Preschool Summer Camp 5:30p ADVANCE! [off-site] 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Personnel Mtg.
YOUTH-SKY RANCH 11 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a NO Worship/CC 12:15p New Members Class 7p AA Meeting
New Members Received 8a Bonfils Blood Drive 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a NO Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting
YOUTH-SKY RANCH 12 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a Mission Quilters 9a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Boy Scouts 645
18 6:30a Men's Breakfast
8a Worship 25 9:30a Worship 10:45a VBS Volunteer Training 11a NO Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting
YOUTH-SKY RANCH 13 YOUTH-SKY RANCH 14 YOUTH-SKY RANCH 15 YOUTH-SKY RANCH 16 5p Worship/CC 9a Preschool Summer Camp 9a Preschool Summer Camp 9a Preschool Summer Camp 9a Preschool Summer Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 7p Adult Bible Study 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Military Ministry Mtg.
9a Preschool Summer Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Single Parents Support 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Caregiver Mtg
19 9a Preschool Summer
Group 9a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Boy Scouts 645
Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p VNA Foot Clinic 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Caregiver Mtg 7p Council Mtg
6:30a Men's Breakfast 26 Group 9a Mission Quilters 9a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Boy Scouts 645
9a Preschool Summer Camp 11:15a Staff Mtg. 12p VNA Foot Clinic 5p Crossroads Band 7p Blaze-Sr. High
9a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Adult Bible Study
9a Preschool Summer Camp 7p Boy Scouts 645
9a Preschool Summer Camp 12p OWLS Luncheon 6:30p Snauwaert Piano Recital
20 9a Preschool Summer
21 9a Preschool Summer
22 9a Preschool Summer
23 8a Cindy Russell Stamping 24
27 9a Preschool Summer
28 9a NO Adult University
29 9a Preschool Summer
Camp 7p Adult Bible Study
Camp 7p NO Adult Bible Study
Camp 6p VBS Volunteer Training
9a Preschool Summer Camp
Event 8a Monthly Maintenance 5p Worship/CC
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Harrington Elementary School in New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext
Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services Thrivent Builds
Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes
First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips
Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes
held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)
Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball
Music CLC Kids Rock!
Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team