JUNE 2018
Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS TO THE CHRIST LUTHERAN COMMUNITY! Please help us to welcome all of these wonderful people!
Harry & Lucette Kottcamp (8:00am) Jeff, Cindy, Sarah, and Ryan Seefeldt (9:30am) Colin, Emily, Jay, Hanna, and Macy Mielke (9:30am) Bob, Samantha, Lily, and Lizzy Sweitzer (9:30am) Matt, Shawn, Jordan, and Nicky Miller (9:30am) Barry, Chrissy, Hudson, and Brooks Fagerholt (9:30am) Craig and Cammy Coronato (9:30am) Pastor Rick Thompson and Brian, Amy, Maya, Samantha, and Spencer LaComb (9:30am) Pastor Scott Jorgenson Bryan, Michelle, Lucy, and Brady Fagerholt (9:30am) Retired pastors who are A.C. and Marie Serold (5:00pm) now part of CLC (along David, Brittany, Annie, Fisher, and Britton Roth (9:30am) with their wives, Brenda Brent, Gillian, Makenna, and Shane Canada (9:30am) Thompson & Cindy Jorgenson) Pastor Gail Mundt
Interested In Becoming A New Member?
We are growing and would love for you to join Christ Lutheran’s Congregation too! At Christ Lutheran we strive to be warm & open; multi-generational; provide significant ministries; have an active children & youth group; minister by compassionate preaching; worship with excellent music & variety of styles. Our next New Member class is June 3rd 2018 at 12:15pm. We would love to see you there! Questions about becoming a new member please contact Karen at 303-791-0803 Ext. 110 or email volunteer@clchr.org.
Worship is vital to our spiritual lives and essential in our community. We gather around the Word of God and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Summer is a great time to try out a different worship service since so many of our schedules change during the summer months. Feel free to wear informal clothing and as always, all are truly welcome. Saturday, 5:00 PM The Saturday Evening Service has a relaxed atmosphere. Familiar music and hymns, core elements of liturgical worship (including communion) and meaningful sermons makes this an inviting worship experience. Sunday – Holy Communion is offered at each service. Throughout the morning, hot coffee, lemonade and doughnuts are available in the Fellowship Hall, along with friendly people to meet. 8:00 AM If you like to get up and get out early, this is a good service for you! Like the Saturday evening service, this, too, has familiar hymns and music, core elements of liturgical worship and sermons that are both grace-filled and challenging. 9:30 AM This service derives energy from the many families who attend and The Crossroads Band, made up of excellent musicians and singers who lead the congregation in worship. Contemporary music and songs, core elements of liturgical worship and relevant sermons based on scripture make up this vibrant and powerful service. 11:00 AM (will continue through the summer!) The third service on Sunday mornings is casual with a contemporary message and contemporary music. The Praise Band has an acoustic sound with authentic lyrics. For those who like a relaxed Sunday morning experience, this is the service for you. *Free Nursery care is available by the licensed and fabulous Ms. Val.
STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert Lead Pastor pastorallert@clchr.org Ext 107 Pastor Gail Mundt Executive Pastor pastorgail@clchr.org Ext 108 Samantha Sweitzer Office Coordinator office@clchr.org Ext 100 Allyson Evans Christian Education Coordinator childrensministry@clchr.org Ext 103 Clint Koury Interim Contemporary Worship Leader Carrie Mallery Interim Traditional Worship Leader Cindy Jorgenson Bookkeeper finance@clchr.org Ext 106 Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Ext 105 Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Ext 300 Karen Patz Volunteer & Care Coordinator volunteer@clchr.org Ext 110 Ally Williams Connections Coordinator connections@clchr.org Ext 101 CHURCH COUNCIL: Jeff Bergstrom j-bergstrom@comcast.net Tom Coates tomcoates@comcast.net Joanne Edmunds hiranch@comcast.net Liesl Farrier francophile87@gmail.com Jennifer Gunther j.gunther@comcast.net Steve Hoemann hoemannstba@comcast.net Christine Kleen christine.kleen@gmail.com Pete Koury pete.koury@q.com Brian Martin bmartin29@hotmail.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Jennifer Smith jennifersmith303@hotmail.com All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to office@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
A Deeper Opportunity for Blessing Within the National Youth Gathering from Pastor Eric
Later this month, 49 other disciples of Christ and I will be following the Spirit of God to Houston, to engage in mission work, bible study, fellowship, networking throughout the Christian community, service, and worship. This year, CLC will be taking part in the National Youth Gathering – a fellowship assembly of approximately 30,000 ELCA youth and mentors gathering from all around the country. The assembly, themed “This Changes Everything,” seeks to help young people grow in faith. This theme will be rooted in the Ephesians 2:8 text: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” The assembly also strives to both inspire and challenge our youth to live out their faith in their daily lives. Though we certainly want our youth to be inspired for such a calling, it is the “challenge” aspect of this effort by the Gathering leadership that causes some to pause. During the National Youth Gathering, the youth and adults in attendance are introduced to several different speakers that seek to bring a message around the assembly theme and highlighted scriptural text. So, whenever we in leadership introduce our youth (or anyone for that matter) to a particular message perceived with authority, we must recognize that the speaker – and more importantly the message – ought to be open for respectful conversation and prayerful reflection. We as disciples of any age do not blankly digest every single parcel of spoken or written word simply because it has been introduced in God’s name. Nor do we arrogantly dismiss those thoughts or beliefs that we do not hold for our own selves in both our individual and communal faith journey with our Lord. Martin Luther’s conscience was bound to God’s Word, which assured him of God’s free and unconditional love for him and for the world as offered in Christ Jesus. However, because of the vulnerable nature of such a position, Luther was often assaulted with Anfechtung (attacks of the devil) which tried to undermine his confidence by asking “Are you alone right?” Luther often struggled with an internal search for certainty and conviction in faith, but he did so with (and I’m choosing my words here intentionally) a bold humility. As your pastor, and as a leader/mentor attending this event with both our youth and fellow adult leaders, I do so knowing full well of the possibility that we could hear messages or beliefs with which any one of us may not agree. In the midst of this truth, I find a deeper opportunity for blessing. This beloved congregation (and her youth group), along with the national body of the church that is the ELCA, is not in unilateral agreement on every social issue facing the modern-day disciple, nor do we ever require such conformed agreement. In the richness of such diversity, there exists the blessed gift for conversation, respect, understanding, prayerful support without demand of agreement, and genuine love for the neighbor. The ELCA often refers to this gift as a bound conscience to love the neighbor. As the days countdown before our group’s departure for Houston, I truly look forward to the additional service work that our committed team will accomplish for God’s glory in the compassion for the struggling. The thought of sharing in the simple joys of holy fun and sleep-deprived wildness puts a youthful smile on my face. Joining again in partnered ministry with my brother Gary and all of our faithful assistant leaders warms my heart. And my soul stirs at the opportunities ahead to hear and guide, with the Holy Spirit, the discerning conversations and reflections that await us all through our shared growth in faith. Pastor Eric J. Allert
The ELCA Large Church Conference for Lead/Senior Pastors Last month, I wrote up a small article on the Larger Church Conference event for ELCA Senior Pastors that took place during the 2nd week of May in South Carolina. Large churches such as Christ Lutheran Church, though few in number, represent some 25% of the total ELCA membership. The challenges, opportunities, and goals that we faithfully embrace in this identity are different from churches in the ELCA with different identities such as new mission-starts, churches in decline and re-formation, or smaller community church congregations. Recognizing that truth, speakers and seminars at this conference are intentionally crafted to serve specifically the lead pastors of these church settings in our specific vocation and calling. This event continues to be my favorite annual conference of the national church due to the efforts made to truly engage our specific needs as one of many larger churches in the ELCA. The theme for 2018 was “Pastor as Leader of Church-as-Movement,” with Dr. Reggie McNeal as the keynote speaker. Dr. McNeal shared about his career-long passion of working church leaders, and Christian organizations to discover and experience “epic wins with Kingdom impact.” For the past ten years he served as the Missional Leadership Specialist for Leadership Network of Dallas, TX. During this conference, several powerful discussions took place around various thoughts, directional points, and challenges for the current and future church. Dr. McNeal proctored one such discussion around his claim that, “The church is critical – but only when focused on the purpose. The church is partnering with God (by his permission and invitation) to work with His redemptive mission to take back everything that sin would try to steal.” He later went on to challenge the church’s leadership by stating, “Any church leader/analysist can determine what/how the church is doing by looking at the Council’s agenda. Unfortunately, more Councils are increasingly consumed with Church-stuff rather than Kingdom-stuff. Challenge your Council leadership to study what’s going on in the community, and if there is time remaining at the end of the meeting to only then look at ‘church stuff’. Schedule the police chief, schedule the School Superintendent, schedule the Mayor… And then ask how the church can be purposefully present as church in the community for the work of the Kingdom.”
ELCA Presiding Bishop, Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, led an interactive panel discussion with two other bishops from the ELCA regarding the current and future needs of the denomination. In regard to the call to live out our Lutheran identity with honest recognition of areas where some churches are decreasing in size, Bishop Eaton boldly proclaimed, “We don’t want to measure how faithful and how successful we are to tradition by how small we get.” She pointed to the number of small churches that have (or are on the verge of) closing in the ELCA due to the inability to sustain expenses with faithful stewardship, and noted that many of these dying ministries are achieving new possibilities with the resources that are freed up from their death. Bishop Eaton further went on to say that it seems as though the Christian church – in all denominations throughout the country – is experiencing “Not just a cultural tweak, but a cultural change… [That it] seems like there is an acceleration of congregational death to get to new congregational resurrection and new life.” This discussion directed all pastors to engage in asking three specific questions of any ministry setting: the questions: “What are the ministries that we are best at doing?” “What are the ministries that only we are the ones who would seek to achieve?” “And what are we the only ones who can/will do something about (hoping that this last question will get increasingly smaller in frequency)?” Finally, Bishop Eaton noted that the large-sized congregations of the ELCA are the ones that are either holding steady in their attendance numbers, or are growing. “We [the ELCA] need to hear from you to learn what is working for you, and what from your experiences can translate over to the churches that are seeking to grow.” These glimpses into this powerful annual experience are just but a few of the ways in which God continues to use this conference in particular to speak and guide me as your Lead Pastor, and the efforts that the lay leadership and I seek to achieve in the visions God gives to us for Christ Lutheran Church! Thank you to the staff and many volunteers for caring for the needs of the congregation while I was away. And thank you to the congregation for continuing to value this particular conference. If you would like to know more about the LCC for ELCA Lead/Senior Pastors, please let me know as I’d be happy to share more with you. Pastor Eric J. Allert
Dynamite is our youth group for our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. We are finished for the school year and will start up again in September! If you are interested in helping with this monthly ministry in the fall please contact Gary Knutston at gknutson@clchr.org or Allyson Evans at childrensministry@clchr.org.
Sunday School Sunday School is out for summer! I would like to thank all of our faithful volunteers that have taught Sunday School this year! I truly couldn’t do it without them. I also want to thank Jill Staub for all of her help over the years. She has a been such a great help from counting weekly offering to helping gather items for our special projects. If you are interested in volunteering as a teacher or for gathering materials for special projects please feel free to contact Allyson at anytime for more information childrensministry@clchr.org
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our Confirmands that were Confirmed on May 20! Delaney Wieseler Sydney Topp Katherine Witkind Haley Allert Bryson Aldridge Zachary Bergman Eric Buffington Aiden Cartwright William Dehner Caroline Flynn Megan Rucker Sarah Flynn
Tommy Pontius Zachariah Waggoner Kaelan Boyer Nick Freitag Jordan Miller Johanna Saewert Reagan Saewert Brodie Dilges Annabelle Martin Joe Stohs Christian Gonzales
Confirmation Camp is June 10-15 at Sky Ranch. If your child is entering 7th grade-entering 9th grade, it isn’t too late to register! Please talk to Gary Knutson at gknutson@clchr.org for more information on how to register if your chid is interested in attending camp.
Our high schoolers will be gone from June 3-8 to go to Harvest Farm. They will spend a week helping with planting and tending to animals at this rehabilitation farm. Then, we head to Houston, Texas for our mission trip on June 22. Please continue to pray for our youth, Gary, Pastor Eric, and all of the chaperones as they head to Houston to help with Hurricane Harvey recovery and renew their faith in God’s love. We will be posting pictures on Facebook while we are away so be on the lookout! #thischangeseverything
A Special Person Christ Lutheran youth ministry has been blessed over the last 7 years of having a special person involved with everything from Sunday School, Dynamite, VBS, Confirmation, Retreats, High school mission trips to name just a few, I (Gary Knutson) and CLC wanted to thank Jill Staub for all of her hard work and commitment to youth ministry over the years, you have been a blessing to us all, but especially to me. Words can not describe how important you have been to youth ministry at CLC, God’s Peace my friend! Jill and her family will be moving to Florida in August. Please everyone tell her thank you for the many years of unselfish service to our church!
THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone that donated to the Blast Off for Books Book Drive for the high schoolers to take to the National Youth Gathering this summer. We were able to collect three boxes of books! Many THANKS go out to the Preschool and the CLC Book Club for their donations. The Book Club was able to donate $500 worth of books for us to donate to Houston ISD for their reading program.
Mark your calendars now for Family Camp! We will head up to Sky Ranch for a weekend of fun August 10-12. All are welcome to join! Please talk to Gary if you have questions! gknutson@clchr.org
Stop the Bleed By Jenny Allert This month I wanted to talk about something a little different, or should I say take a poll for interest. Recently I had the opportunity to attend training; the training was called “Stop the Bleed.” By going through the training I am now qualified to teach the content to other members of the community. The purpose of this program parallels the purpose of CPR. The healthcare system has set out to train as many lay persons as possible in the care of stopping a bleed from injury or trauma in order to save lives. Similar to initiating CPR can save lives. Shortly after the Sandy Hook school shooting a research study was conducted to determine if any specific interventions could have saved more lives. The research found that 30% of those lives could have been saved with basic bleeding control training. In short, most people who die from trauma or injury die from the bleeding not the injury itself. So the ability to quickly stop/ control bleeding can save lives. This training is geared towards those skills. The training is thought to be good for mass causality type situations, care accidents, and hiking or other injuries occurred where quick access to emergency care may not be easily obtained. I would like to know if members of CLC would be interested in a class like this being offered, if you would be interested let me know. Also, let me know what day/time would work best. jennyallert@yahoo.com
Registration is open until June 18 or when we are full-whichever comes first! You can go to our church website or Christ Lutheran VBS Facebook page to find the registration link. The nonrefundable registration fee is $55. Vacation Bible School is July 23-27, 2018 from 9:30-noon each day. Our theme this year is Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus. Kids find that Jesus rescues them when life gets stormy. We can’t wait to introduce your kids to our Bible Buddies and share with them how Jesus rescues us and loves us, even when we struggle. Please check our Facebook page for updates, Christ Lutheran VBS Highlands Ranch July 23-27, 2018.
It is also time to start volunteering for VBS!
We will have 220+ participants and that requires a whole lot of help! If you are available the week of July 23-27 and love to have a crazy, good time, please use the same link that is on the church website and Facebook page to sign up to volunteer! If you are 6th grade to 100 years old, we’d love to have you! We will also have things that need to be done before VBS begins so if you aren’t available that week, be on the look out for more volunteer opportunities. Donations are still needed for VBS. This ministry is such a success impart to all the donations we receive from our congregation. Our ship is still sailing in the fellowship hall! Please stop by and select some items to donate. We also have our buckets in the fellowship hall for you to leave your donations. Thank you so much for your continued support of our VBS program! If you have any questions about registering for VBS or volunteering, please contact Allyson Evans and Chris Schaeberle at christlutheranvbs@gmail.com!
Are you interested in reducing isolation and enriching the life of an older adult with limited to no social support? Join our NEW Friendly Visitor Program and LFS will carefully match you with a participant in our Guardianship or Care Management programs. Visits may include conversation, card playing, crafting, or helping with practical tasks. Volunteer orientations are on June 9th and July 14th from 10am-11:30am and will include an introduction with the person you will be visiting. For more information or to apply please contact Shilo Christiansen at 303-217-5835 or visit our website at www.lfsrm.org/get-involved/volunteer.
News From the Preschool Hello and happy summer from the preschool! Preschool has started the eleven weeks of summer camp. It is a very fun time for our kiddos in a more laid back setting. We have more exploration, story, art and outdoor time planned. The themes we have are Africa, ocean, animals, sports, art, outdoor things and the growing up of Jesus! Along with music time and water day we have a fun filled summer adventure together. We will resume regular school the last week of August. We still have a few openings for fall if you know of anyone who may be interested please ask them to stop on by. We wish everyone a summer filled with long lazy days and memories of a lifetime! Blessings! Deb and Blair
NO ONE LEFT BEHIND No One Left Behind is an organization helping Afghan language interpreters who risked their lives in combat to assist our military forces. Denver is home to 250 of these Afghan interpreters. Our government granted them asylum and citizenship in the US for their actions, but the underlying support has been less than sterling. Right now, there are some who have immediate needs, and we are hoping you can help us help these heroes to our forces. If you can help, please contact Kathy Pfalzgraff at k.pfalzgraff@comcast.net or call 720-331-9097. Many thanks to Karl Johnson and Ken Kroneberger for their many years of service on the CLC Personnel Team! In addition to time, they have given their gifts of insight, wisdom, tenacity and faithfulness to God’s ministry at Christ Lutheran. May the Lord bless and keep you! Because they have “term limited out” of the Personnel committee, we are seeking new folks who might have interest in serving in this capacity. There are a special set of skills and characteristics for this committee including confidentiality, an understanding of labor laws and/or HR, and a passion for God’s ministry at CLC. Should you want more information, please speak with Brian Martin, Stephanie Foster, Chery Koury, Mark Munson, or Don Alpern.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 22! In the morning, we will do various service projects in the community and for the greater community. In the afternoon and evening, we will have a picnic and worship in the park.
The baton has been passed, Soul Sisters is under new management. Many thanks to Diane Yoss who has been coordinating Soul Sisters! Please stay tuned for more details about our next meeting coming on Monday, June 25. There will not be a meeting in May, due to the Memorial Day holiday.
Bookkeeper (part time)
Seeking bookkeeper to manage financial records and reports on the financial business of the church. Work in consultation and cooperation with the Executive Pastor. Work in a team atmosphere promoting good communication and well-being in the congregation and with other staff members. See full job description at clchr.org. Contact Pastor Gail Mundy at 303-791-0803 and for information and to apply pastorgail@clchr.org. Congratulations to David Hay, who was honored on May 10, at the 17th Annual Centus Samaritan Luncheon in Denver! David is the longest serving clinician for Centus and most important for CLC, David has an office at Christ Lutheran! Centus offers professional, licensed counselors and works with either your insurance company or offers a sliding scale fee. Should you wish to speak with David, his # is ext. 200 at CLC (303-791-0803). We are proud to be affiliated with David Hay and Centus Counseling!
Every month I am very excited and happy to hear people’s “Stories of Faith in Action” here at CLC. Hearing these outstanding stories basically helps this article writes itself! This month I have to start with saying thank you to all of you that brought food for Field Elementary. With such an easy task of simply buying food for children and families that really need it, we filled their pantry and walking away from the school I know that CLC has made an impact on their community. Thank you CLC for stepping up and willing to help a (Stories Of Faith In Action) community that really needed it! Here is a quote about her thoughts on this new endeavor from a Sunday school parent. “Love this! I was sad to see our partnership with the school downtown go away! Anything to get my kids to think about how good they have it compared to a lot of people outside of their bubble.” I feel like this really explains what we are trying to do here at CLC.
Another SOFIA is quite cute if I say so myself. At the 9:30 service we had very special helpers handing out flowers to all of the women in our congregation. Those helpers were all under the age of 6! They very eager to help out and show their love for all the women here at CLC. Thank you to MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) for providing the flowers and bookmarks that were handed out! This upcoming weekend we will be celebrating 23 confirmands affirmation of baptism. We are thrilled to have 23 youth rejoicing in the Lord! Youth we are delighted to have you join CLC as new voting member and recognized as an adult in our church. What a true testament to the Holy Spirit working through our church in these three wonderful Stories of Faith in Action!
Karen Patz
Summer Picnic for Army Reserve Unit Sunday, June 10 at Civic Green Park in Highlands Ranch We will be partnering with Bethany Lutheran and Cherry Hills Community Church in providing a fun family picnic for the unit. Be watching for information on how you can volunteer to help with the picnic. Size will be similar to the Christmas Party last December – about 400 people, including the volunteers that will be needed. We will be cooking hot dogs, brats and hamburgers, and have a number of games that will be available, including tug of war.
CLC Membership Orientation Class If you have considered joining CLC as members, please plan to attend the next Member Orientation class on June 3 at 12:15 p.m. Lunch and child care will be provided. We look forward to providing information about Christ Lutheran, the ministries and opportunities available here, and to let us get to know you better.
If you have not already, please email Karen at volunteer@clchr.org or Ally at connections@clchr.org to let us know that you will be joining us!
Pastor Eric’s weekly adult study is a powerful look at the book of Acts. This series, entitled “Acts: The Holy Spirit’s Partnership with Theophilus” journeys through the new connection God establishes with the world through the birth of the Christian Church, and where the Theophilus in you finds your place in God’s vision. Classes begin at 7:05pm in the SonRise Room, with an informal review of the video series “A.D.: The Bible Continues” beginning at 6:30pm. All are welcome!
The time is near for the 10th Annual Sky Ranch Fundraiser BBQ and Bluegrass! Join us for a time of fellowship, games, bluegrass and BBQ. This year’s fundraiser will be held on June 2nd @ 5:30 pm at Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, CO with music featuring Jerusalem Road and Lost Sheep. Please contact our office with any questions 970-493-528 or email Ally@skyranchcolorado.org. Farewell and Godspeed to the Larsen family this weekend! Carl, Crista, Audrey, Amelia and Charlie will be leaving Colorado for Tennessee. Crista has been our faithful flower arranger for 12 years! And Carl was on the CLC Soundboard for many years! We are grateful for having this family at Christ and for the many gifts that they shared. We pray God’s richest blessings upon them as they leave Colorado and CLC for their new home.
Cindy Jorgenson regretfully has turned in her resignation as CLC’s Bookkeeper. Cindy has been in Minnesota this month caring for her mother who has been in and out of the hospital with complications from a fall. We continue to hold her and her parents in prayer during this stressful time. Cindy and Scott regularly worship at the 9:30am service, sing in the choir during special seasons and participate in many and various ways at CLC. So when you next see them, offer your greetings and words of encouragement and compassion.
Unrestricted Gifts
Restricted Gifts
Total Gifts to CLC
Weekly Average
Happy Birthday Laura Adams Pastor Eric Allert Mark Ault Nancy Bauer Kristin Bergstrom Norm Beulke Susan Bohren Herbert Bowman Kathleen Boyer Mike Brady Alex Brand Gillian Canada Randall Colson Jacob Conner Alyson Curry Jonathan Danyo Bob DeVisscher Susan Dikeman Taylor Dikeman Jay Dikeman Kara Dravininkas Adam Dravininkas Mark Edmunds
June 18 June 29 June 18 June 22 June 28 June 15 June 14 June 21 June 29 June 14 June 30 June 12 June 28 June 12 June 10 June 14 June 1 June 25 June 4 June 25 June 1 June 29 Jun 14
Maddy Etten Liam Etten Robert Exley Julia Fanning Ronald Finlay Kim Fisher Stephanie Foster Julie Gray Mike Gregorek Olivia Griner Mathieu Groh Rachel Grosskrueger John Hansen Vernon Hanson Amy Hill Holden Hill Ingrid Hirst Jason Holder Mathew Ingebritson Wayne Kinder Sara Kirk Erik Kolseth Clint Koury
June 12 June 18 June 3 June 25 June 1 June 3 June 21 June 5 June 22 June 26 June 12 June 29 June 10 June 11 June 26 June 1 June 24 June 21 June 18 June 24 June 15 June 8 June 27
Sara Kroneberger June 15 Jacque LaShier June 19 Jay Lineberry June 29 Rachel Macko June 10 Brian Martin June 16 Michael Martinez June 13 Emily McDonald June 13 Kellen McGavern June 20 Marty McGraw June 13 Jorge Mena Casa June 11 Matthew Miller June 2 Emily Bollich Millyard June 3 Joan Morgan June 12 Larry Morken June 4 Sharyl Morris June 28 Riley Nedved June 13 Roslyn Paine June 5 Andy Paine June 20 Terry Palazzo June 27 Andrew Parks June 20 Jackson Prescott June 12 Mitchell Raddatz June 26 Jill Radtke June 20
Julia Radtke Karen Rucker Chad Saewert Judy Sagrillo Jackie Schneider Abigail Silkworth Jon Silverman Victoria Sinclair Yvette Smith Zach Staub Corey Sullivan Bret Sumner Christine Swenson Karen Todd Chris Tronrud David Van Dewerker Yvonne Vasilauskas Cindy Vernell Garin Vorthmann Pat White Shane Wischer
June 7 June 3 June 7 June 24 June 17 June 9 June 9 June 4 June 21 June 28 June 27 June 10 June 9 June 12 June 18 June 15 June 1 June 29 June 22 June 27 June 3
Pastor Eric is excited to announce the return of the ministry “Wind and Spirit” ministry back to Christ Lutheran. This is a unique monthly fellowship and bible study opportunity for motorcycle and any “open air” vehicle owners like convertibles, targa-tops, Jeeps, etc. Our next event (weather permitting) is Saturday, June 9thth beginning at 10:00am in the church parking lot. We will begin with a time of introductions followed by a brief devotional, and then a planned scenic enjoyable cruise together through some of God’s beautiful creation around the local areas of the range until stopping for lunch together. Cost will be your fuel and your food, and friends are certainly welcome to join in. However, to make necessary arrangements, please respect a deadline to sign-up with Pastor Eric at pastorallert@clchr.org by the end of Wednesday June 6th.
Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples: How every Christian can be an effective witness through an enabling church, by Win Arn and Charles Arn Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun, by Wess Roberts The Church Mouse: Leadership lessons from the Magic Kingdom, by Christopher W. Perry Giving to God: The Bible’s good news about living a generous life, by Mark Allan Powell
Stay the Course: Finding hope in a drifting culture, by Choco de Jesús Canoeing the Mountains: Christian leadership in Uncharted Territory, by Tod Bolsinger
SATURDAY 1 9a Chicks w/Sticks
8 5p Worship
10a Genealogy Group 12p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship
Harvest Farms Youth Trip 3 Harvest Farms Youth Trip 4 Harvest Farms Youth Trip 8a Worship 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 5:30p Crossroads Band 9:30a Worship 5:30p ADVANCE! [off-site] 7p BLAZE 11a Worship 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Praise Team 12:15p New Members Class 7p Personnel Mtg. 7p AA Meeting
11AM BAPTISM 10 Jackson Everett Thompson CONFIRMATION CAMP 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
CONFIRMATION CAMP 11 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a Mission Quilters 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Ladies Bunko (off-site)
CONFIRMATION CAMP 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Council Meeting 7p Praise Team
5 Harvest Farms Youth Trip 7p Adult Bible Study
6 Harvest Farms Youth Trip
7 Harvest Farms Youth Trip 12p OWLS Luncheon
15 New Members Received
7p Adult Bible Study
6p Military Ministry
5p Worship
New Members Received 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
17 6:30a Men's Breakfast
18 12p VNA Foot Clinic
19 7p Adult Bible Study
YOUTH MISSION TRIP 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
Group 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.
6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a Mission Quilters 7p Boy Scouts 645
5:30p Crossroads Band 6:45p Women of Joy 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
12p VNA Foot Clinic 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
7p Adult Bible Study
5p Worship
5p Worship
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Outreach Uganda New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext
Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services Thrivent Builds
Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes
First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips
Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes
held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)
Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball
Music CLC Kids Rock!
Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team