March 2014 CLC CrossWord

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MARCH 2014

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending


The goats, pig, sheep and chickens will be back at CLC March 9th so make sure you bring the kids to see the wonderful petting zoo full of animals. With a world Hunger emphasis we will be accepting donations for The Global Barnyard project. A Cow $500, Fish $250, Sheep $125, Goat $50, Pig $30, Duck $20 and Chicks $10. Donations will be taken from March 9th h to April 13th. The Global Barnyard project is a successful way to empower local villages villagers (primarily women) in the African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia. The purpose is to provide families with a livelihood and vehicle to climb out of poverty and feed their families. The goats often considered the “poor women’s cow,” are particularly adaptable to this purpose because they are: Able to survive by eating drought-resistant shrubs and grasses. Have babies often and throughout the year. They produce highly nutritious and easily digested milk, do not need much space and are easily handled. Local people from the villages apply for an opportunity to attend animal husbandry classes on ELCA sponsored cooperative farms located in their respective countries. There they learn how to care for the animals. A team of ELCA relief workers determine how many animals each village can

support in terms of grazing land and water. The women are then given a starter herd. As the goats multiply, the villager increases her herd and percentage of the babies are given back to the cooperative to provide the animals needed to continue the program. In addition the animal husbandry classes also act as trainers and mentors for new people in their villages who wish to become goat herders. What a great ministry to be a part of so easily by purchasing the animals! Just stick a check in the offering plate and mark it Barnyard project or goats. We also have envelopes in the Narthex.

Military Ministry Flower Bullbs Spring is almost here, and time to start thinking about planting flowers. Just in time, the Military Ministry will be taking orders for flower bulbs in the Narthex every weekend from March 1/2 through April 5/6. All packages are $7 each, and half will go back to the Military Ministry. Among the many choices in plants that will be available are hanging begonia & hanging strawberry gardens, Freesia mix, Spectacular Gladiolus, Stargazer Lilies, Mini Amaryllis, and many others. Stop by to get a jump-start on your spring planting and help the Military Ministry at the same time! Thank you for supporting the Military Ministry at CLC!

Thank You! The CLC Military Ministry would like to thank everyone who made generous contributions for the goody bags. We delivered the first set of bags for Project Sanctuary and will be providing bags 3 more times before the end of the year. Thank you for your support of the CLC Military Ministry.

STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor Debby Kinsella Director Outreach/Equipping Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Director of Preschool Mary Behnke Administrative Manager Sallie Burns Financial Secretary Linda Holcombe Director of Music Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Ken Kroneberger Lee Bergstrom Nancy Bauer Rick Boyer Julie Waggoner Norm Beulke Adrian Hafner Bret Sumner John Ringkob John Riley All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Pastor Tom’s Message Lenten Journey + Lenten Spirituality To be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with Lent. Ok maybe hate is too harsh but for sure it is a like – dislike relationship. Lent in my past has been oppressive with “What are you going to give up for Lent?” kind of questions. Then there were those soup-suppers that drew fewer and fewer people each year where we pretended to be like the poor and starving masses around the world. You know, like “There are starving children in China!” statements to which any half intelligent child would think and maybe have been brave enough to ask, “How does it help them for me to be hungry?” Ok, yea, we might become more aware of hunger out there but unless the corollary lesson along with action comes out of it, what changes? Lent is more work, an added service to prepare for and attend. For sure we give up free time, what little free time there is in any of our lives. Then, if we get scraps of scriptures and ideas that are difficult to put together we come out maybe more confused and unwilling to admit it, then we do enlightened and making sense of it all, including how it connects to our everyday life. So I dislike this and more about Lent! HOWEVER, and that is a big however, there is the other side of the same coin, the love – like, upbeat of Lent. Starting with a meal prepared for us, a different theme each week we break the fasting and instead fellowship together, then worship together, to strengthen both body and mind in our fellowship – sacred gathering place which hopefully leads us to greater things that do make a difference in the world. For example our offerings for Lent this year will be divided between Pueblo de Dios’ Cash For Crops program in Compton California and Colorado Flood Victims Relief work. Who is not moved by the sacred light of a candle kept from previous Christmas Eve candlelight services placed in sand filled cross, as a prayer, a remembrance or thanksgiving to God? A simple act done quietly with soft sacred music in the background as we listen to the mystery of our souls within the mystery of God calling people to gather - worship and into a deeper spirituality of everyday life. Our Wednesday Lenten Liturgy is titled “Be Still and Know!” Then both before and after our Lenten worship of Journey and Spirituality there is the mentoring that goes on with an adult and young adult from confirmation. Everyone needs someone to walk with them on their path even if it is for just so long! I like this and more about Lent! So Lent isn’t that bad after all, or hard. In fact I feel a need for it a desire for that special time and emphasis on deeper spirituality! How about you? We hope to have a new and special decoration of our sanctuary for the Season of Lent and Easter. Come and see, come and experience, come and grow, blossom and bear spiritual fruits this Lent and Easter! Many Blessings + See you in Worship + Pastor Tom +

Lent 2014 at CLC: “Invitation To Prayer” Join us for a study of prayer in our lives during Lent this year with “Invitation To Prayer!” Beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing at weekend worship services, we will explore the petitions of “The Lord’s Prayer.” During our Wednesday Lent midweek services, we will dig into the major themes of “The Lord’s Prayer” and how they relate to our world and lives today, and we will also learn how these themes connect to other prayers. It promises to be an exciting journey to Easter… join us!

Celebration Choir

Preparing for Cantata-All Singers Welcome! CLC’s Celebration Choir is gearing up to perform an exciting seasonal Cantata called “The Lenten Sketches” for Good Friday on April 18th. Although that is a few months away, we are looking for all interested high school and adult singers to join us for rehearsals beginning in February! Celebration Choir practices on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm in the CLC sanctuary, and we would love to have you join us for this very special event. For more info, contact Linda Holcombe at:

11am Praise Team

Looking for Instrumentalists & Singers! CLC’s newest worship band, Praise Team, is looking to expand and involve more musicians. If you are a high school or adult guitarist, singer, drummer, or keyboardist with some experience, please consider joining us! There are no auditions required; just come to practice on Tuesdays at 6:15pm in the CLC sanctuary. If you need more info, contact Linda Holcombe at:

CLC Summer Kids Musical: June 17-29, 2014!

Mark your calendars today for two weeks in June! CLC will be having performances of our Kids Summer Musical on Sunday, June 29th and rehearsals will be held from June 17-20 and June 24-28. The musical is open to all kids ages 4 through Grade 8. Join us, and invite friends! For more info, contact Linda Holcombe at:

Pastor DJ’s Message Minecraft as Ministry Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 (NRSV) I have a colleague around the Columbus, OH area who told me the story of a member who often was a shut-in during the winter months. The weather was usually too perilous for her to venture outside, so she remained indoors for the entire season, getting help from those around her for grocery or medical needs. In one particularly long winter season, he stopped at her house to visit. Upon the shift in conversation to the weather, she remarked, “I can’t believe winter isn’t finished yet.” Similarly, feeling the need to be rid of the cold, he agreed, making mention of how difficult it was for him to get from place to place. Then she gave him a puzzled look, as if what he was saying was completely inconsistent with her opinions. Later, he would ask about her favorite part of spring (anticipating of course the ability to get back outside). She replied, “I love going out and sitting on my porch. That way, when the young people drive by with their windows rolled down, I can hear the music they are listening to.” A personal distaste of today’s music set aside from the moment, that woman is on to something. There are always language and age barriers between generations, but most often we consider the other person to be the one at fault. After all, we were the ones doing things this way first. There is, however, something to Paul’s words to whoever he was writing to in Rome that speaks of the nature of personal renewal in and among the culture. There is a warning that we adopt everything of a culture, and also an encouragement to engage with it. In doing this, with a bit of experience, we will be able to tell if something new bears fruit, or is incompatible with God’s will. We work against this, though, assuming our personal preferences to be in line with God’s. Anything we find distasteful we assume God would as well. I offer the possibility that God is more engaged with all kinds of art and entertainment and conversation than we could possibly find worthwhile, because God views the children of this world in a better light than we do (some may say we have adopted culture’s view of selfishness). My encouragement to you this day is to go find a young person and figure out what they are doing, and yearn to discover why that is important to them. You may just find God in the midst of that, but even if not you have built up a relationship, which always pleases God. Peace, Pastor DJ P.S. Do yourself a favor. Reread this article, but everywhere there is young, put elderly where there is new, put old, etc. Even cultural things that have been passed over hold something holy.

Join us for

Holy Week & Easter at

Christ Lutheran Church Palm Sunday, April 13th Worship 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00am Breakfast 8:30-11:30am

Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary on Good Friday We will be projecting the Stations of the Cross from 10:00 to 11:30 am and from 1:00 to 5:00 pm on Good Friday. Please just go into the Sanctuary any time during those hours.

Easter Egg Stuffing & Toss Easter is coming soon and every year we toss plastic Easter eggs with an invitation to Palm Sunday breakfast and listing of our Holy Week services on the lawns of our neighbors and friends that don’t have a church home. Please join us on Wednesday April 2nd at 10:00am to help stuff the eggs. Then, grab a bag of eggs from the Narthex on the weekend of April 5th & 6th and take them with you to toss. This is great fun especially for the kids.

(Fundraiser for Sr. High Mission Trip)

Maundy Thursday, April 17th Worship 7:00pm (Celebration of 1st Communion) featuring Crossroads Band

Good Friday, April 18th Worship 12:00pm 7:00pm (Cantata by Celebration Choir) Easter Saturday, April 19th Easter Worship 5:00pm Easter Sunday, April 20th, 2013 (New service times)

He is Risen! Easter Worship 7:30 / 8:30 / 10:00 / 11:30am

Easter Lilies and Plants Easter Lilies and Easter Flowers may be purchased in memory or honor of someone meaningful in your life. The plants will be $16 each and will decorate our Sanctuary on Easter. We now have envelopes to place your check in located in the Narthex. Fill out the information needed on the front of the envelope and place it in the offering plate or the basket provided in the Narthex. You may also indicate on your check the name of the person and in memory or honor of that individual and place your check in the offering plate or sign up on the response sheet.

Placing the Flowers and Butterflies on Good Friday We will be placing the flowers around the Altar after the Good Friday Service as well as butterflies on a barren tree that will be located in the Sanctuary. If you can stay an extra 20 minutes to help please sign the response sheet.

Worship Teams for Easter Do you like to Usher or serve Communion, but not all the time? We could really use your help at any of the 4 services Easter morning and the Saturday 5:00 service. With the goal in mind of trying to be able to comfortably fit as many people as possible into our Sanctuary over the course of four services on Easter without having to send people to the Fellowship Hall these are the times we have decided on 7:30, 8:30 10:00, and 11:30 am. Please note that all of these times are different from previous years. There are clip boards with sign- up sheets in the Narthex on the wall, or you can sign the response sheet. If you are on a worship team and can help us please pick the service that works best for you and let Debby know.

Worship Team Training We will have a training for all of you who have signed up to be on a worship team for Easter services. The training will be held in the Youth room on April 13th (Palm Sunday) at 9:00 am ( between 8:00 & 9:30 services). Please sign the response sheet if you are interested.

Easter Shuttle Please don’t forget to ride the shuttle for Easter Sunday. At a time when we worship over 2000 people on a weekend this will insure that our guests have a place to park. The shuttle will run back and forth from the southeast corner of the AMC parking lot across from Outback from 7:00 to 11:30 am Easter Sunday April 20th. This is a fun way to meet others on your way to worship.

Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall on Easter Sunday Please join us in the fellowship hall for wonderful fresh baked goodies after services on Easter Morning. If you are interested in supplying baked goods please sign the response sheet.

Volunteers Needed Decorating the Church and Organizing Easter Flowers We will be decorating the church for Easter on Thursday, April 17th at 9:00am. That same day we will be taking the flowers out of boxes and watering them to be placed after the service on Good Friday. We will also set up for Maundy Thursday hand washing. If you can help please sign the response sheet.

Nursery Volunteers for Easter We are in need of people to help in the nursery during the 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 am services on Easter Sunday. If you can help please sign the response sheet.

Volunteers Needed to Water the Plants After Easter We need people to water the plants for 2 weeks after Easter. If you are available please sign the response sheet.

Volunteers Needed to Clean up the Church After Easter On Wednesday April 23rd at 10:00 am we will be cleaning up the church after the big Easter weekend. If you can help us put back chairs, move plants and just do minor clean up please mark the response sheet.

MARCH PRESCHOOL NEWS The weather has sure been interesting all around our Nation this year. And, Colorado is known to have more winter after March begins. Let’s hope that is not the case. We have come to conclusion that kids need to be outside as much as possible and see that sunshine! Thank you to everyone who participated in our Book fair! It is always so great to see so many faces come and visit. We appreciate the support. The school continues to register for fall classes and we cannot believe how fast time is moving. We will talk about the Lost Son and Washing Feet for Chapel this month and our Storyteller will visit as well. We love watching the children grow in Jesus. They are so much fun every day! We wish everyone a healthy Spring as we prepare for the arrival and a great Easter season as well.

Excel in the Grace of Giving


Thank you to everyone who returned a commitment card for our 2014 Pledge Drive. We received a total of 182 pledge cards, 21 of them received online. We now have 93 contributors using either Simply Giving or CCB Online Giving. The funds committed towards our annual budget equal $546,604.00. Although the formal pledge drive is complete, you can always make an online commitment at our website (, or put a commitment card in the offering plate or mail.

Thank you for your support!

Many blessings, Deb and Blair

Happy Birthday Janice Korte 1-Mar Beth Lindemann 1-Mar Sara Oscai 1-Mar Sonja Beauchamp 2-Mar Grant Wischer 2-Mar Dana Elkins 3-Mar Erik Hanson 3-Mar Lance Malburg 3-Mar Charlie Newman 3-Mar Lucille Roinestad 3-Mar Chad Aaberg 4-Mar Peyton Freitag 4-Mar Sara Switzer 4-Mar Rylie Wieseler 4-Mar Rick Boyer 5-Mar Samantha Gordon 5-Mar Brooke Larson 5-Mar Luke Marxhausen 5-Mar David Pierce 5-Mar Tracy Pride 5-Mar Evan Schaeberle 5-Mar Pastor DJ Dent 6-Mar Jordan Hegre 6-Mar Cynthia Marxhausen 6-Mar Valerie Smith 6-Mar Lauren Ashley 7-Mar Alma Hardegree 7-Mar

Eric Benner 8-Mar Dayna Chafe 8-Mar Brittny Dilges 8-Mar Kennedy Green 8-Mar Griffin Lau 9-Mar Steve Schrader 9-Mar Morgan Sullivan 9-Mar Ronny Van Steyn 9-Mar Charlie Amoroso 10-Mar Tiffany Beffel 10-Mar Bob Belin 10-Mar Emily Bolgren 10-Mar Marion Hillgren 10-Mar Daley Ornes 10-Mar Cooper Paul 10-Mar Kirsten White 10-Mar Robbie Grant 11-Mar Brian Kolseth 11-Mar John Riley 11-Mar Barry Siel 11-Mar Kay Stolzenbach 11-Mar Mark Tronrud 11-Mar Patrick Voelker 11-Mar Alexandra Yvars 11-Mar Amelia Hansen 12-Mar Mike Harner 12-Mar Renee Burton 13-Mar

Bill Carroll 13-Mar Aaron Henkes 13-Mar Linda Klein 13-Mar Meghan Fleming 14-Mar Jeff Prescott 14-Mar Kent Bigelow 15-Mar Amy Fenton 15-Mar Matt Sorenson 15-Mar Catherine Doernbrack 16-Mar Jed Fisbeck 16-Mar Nathan Gray 16-Mar Audrey Kleen 16-Mar Don Zundel 16-Mar Landon Fleming 17-Mar Nolan Fleming 17-Mar Crista Larsen 17-Mar Sonja Murphy 17-Mar Ruth Nelms 17-Mar Adelyn Oscai 17-Mar Lana Scarlett 17-Mar Christine Seeger 17-Mar Daniel Tjosvold 17-Mar Trudy Hunchar 18-Mar John Mitchell 18-Mar Drew Paine 18-Mar Brendan Parsa 18-Mar Kalina Perry 18-Mar

Emma Stanek 18-Mar Kensie Cembalisty 19-Mar Gracie Childs 19-Mar Sue Justice 19-Mar Darcie Reed 19-Mar Madylin Walker 19-Mar Addison Bergstrom 20-Mar Austin Cummings 20-Mar Barbara Doyle 20-Mar Mason Topp 20-Mar Gregory Best 21-Mar James Danyo 21-Mar Tracy Fellows 21-Mar Keaton Foy 21-Mar Fay Lukasik 21-Mar Sara Ziesman 21-Mar Sarah Davis 22-Mar Sarah Flynn 22-Mar Caroline Flynn 22-Mar Kyle Russell 22-Mar Ally Williams 22-Mar Cheryl Burton 23-Mar Robin Mundell 23-Mar Jon Rakes 23-Mar Bobby Reed 23-Mar Andrew Beffel 24-Mar Quinn Connolly 24-Mar

Bryan Lichty 24-Mar Stephanie DeBolt 25-Mar Ben Tronrud 25-Mar Martin Brown 26-Mar Ruth Jewell 26-Mar Helen Knutson 26-Mar Brian Ozenbaugh 26-Mar David Kaiser 27-Mar Tami Kreimeyer 27-Mar Donna Polodna 27-Mar Jeramy Staub 27-Mar Dan Grant 28-Mar Jason Mundell 28-Mar Seth Burt 29-Mar Martha Miller 29-Mar Liesl Purchase 29-Mar Eric Young 29-Mar Mim Bartos 30-Mar Steve Best 30-Mar Colin Brand 30-Mar Angela Tonelli 30-Mar Randi Valenti 30-Mar Nanako Keney 31-Mar Aiden Macko 31-Mar

Lenten Activities The Lenten theme this year is “Cawg” Communicating actually with God. Our Lenten journey this year is communicating with God through prayer! We will actually be using the Lord’s prayer as the weekly/ Sunday themes using different types of prayer. Week #1 “Heaven”- using the Desiderata prayer/ Lenten dinner is Italian night; 5:15-7 PM Week #2 “Food”- using the Merton prayer/ Lenten dinner is Mexican night; 5:15-7 PM Week #3 “Forgiveness” - using the forgiveness prayer/ Lenten dinner is Ball park night; 5:15-7 PM

All dinners will be prepared by the Sr. High youth to raise funds for their summer mission trip to Moore, OK, where the tornado’s hit last year. Join the Sr. High youth March 4th for Shrove Tuesday pancake supper from 5:15 to 7 PM

Week #4 “Evil” - using the Mercy prayer/ Lenten dinner is Chili cook-off; 5:15-7 PM

Join the Sr. High youth April 13th from 8:15 to 11:30 for Palm Sunday breakfast.

Week #5 “Glory” - using the prayer of St. Francis/ Lenten dinner is Brisket/BBQ night; 5:15-7 PM

All funds raised at dinners and breakfast will help support the Sr. High youth Mission trip.







SATURDAY 9:00 AM Chicks w/Sticks 1 9:00 AM Boy Scouts - practice 5:00 PM Worship/CC

8:00 AM Worship/CC 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 3:00 PM Pierce - Concert 7:00 PM AA Meeting

2 6:30 AM Men's Breakfast

Group 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Beth Moore Bible Study 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Personnel Mtg.


DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME 9 6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 10 ELCA BARNYARD Group 8:00 AM Worship/CC 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Worship/SS 9:30 AM Mission Quilters 11:00 AM Worship/CC 9:30 AM Beth Moore Bible 5:00 PM Dynamite Youth Study 7:00 PM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Venture 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

4 8:30 AM Preschool

8:30 AM Preschool 11:00 AM Chapel 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 1:00 PM Counseling 2:00 PM Chapel 4:30 PM Girl Scout Mtg. 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 5:15 PM Pancake Supper 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 PM Lenten Mentor Kick-off 8:00 PM mops set-up

9:00 AM Adult University 11:00 AM Chapel 12:00 PM Ash Wed. Noon Service 2:00 PM Chapel 4:30 PM Joy Choir 5:30 PM Carillon Ringers 7:00 PM Ash Wed. Evening Service

5 8:30 AM Preschool

8:30 AM Preschool 11 8:30 AM Preschool 12 10:00 AM MOPS Steering 10:15 AM Storyteller 10:15 AM Storyteller 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 2:00 PM Storyteller 1:00 PM Counseling 4:30 PM Joy Choir 2:00 PM Storyteller 5:15 PM Lenten Dinner/Italian 5:00 PM Crossroads Band night 6:15 PM Praise Team 5:30 PM Carillon Ringers 7:00 PM BLAZE 7:00 Lenten Service/Faith 7:00 PM Council Mtg. Mentoring

8:00 AM Worship/CC 16 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 12:15 PM Safeguarding God's Children Class 7:00 PM AA Meeting

6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 17 8:30 AM Preschool 18 Group 11:00 AM Chapel 8:30 AM Preschool 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 9:30 AM Beth Moore Bible 1:00 PM Visiting Nurse Assoc. Study 1:00 PM Counseling 4:30 PM Brownie Troop 2:00 PM Chapel 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 PM BLAZE 8:00 PM mops set-up

8:00 AM Worship/CC 23 8:00 AM BAPTISM - Hill 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 7:00 PM AA Meeting

6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 24 Group 8:30 AM Preschool Spring Break 9:30 AM Mission Quilters 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

8:00 AM Worship/CC 30 9:30 AM Worship/SS 11:00 AM Worship/CC 12:15 PM Jubilation Choir 12:15 PM 1st Communion Class 7:00 PM AA Meeting

6:30 AM Men's Breakfast 31 Group 8:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Beth Moore Bible Study 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

8:30 AM Preschool 19 9:00 AM MOPS Mtg 11:00 AM Chapel 2:00 PM Chapel 4:30 PM Joy Choir 5:15 PM Lenten Dinner/Mexican night 5:30 PM Carillon Ringers 7:00 Lenten Service/Faith Mentoring

8:30 AM Preschool Spring 25 8:30 AM Preschool Spring 26 Break Break 4:30 PM Joy Choir 11:15 AM Staff Mtg. 5:15 PM Lenten Dinner/Ball 1:00 PM Counseling Park night 5:00 PM Crossroads Band 5:30 PM Carillon Ringers 6:15 PM Praise Team 7:00 Lenten Service/Faith 6:30 PM Sons of Norway Mentoring Directors Mtg. -tentative 7:00 PM BLAZE

6 8:30 AM Preschool

9:00 AM Adult University 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Primary Choir 5:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Intermediate Choir 6:00 PM Cub Scout Den Mtg. 7:00 PM Celebration Choir

9:00 AM Rejoice Circle 5:30 PM Parents Night Out

7 8:00 AM Stamping Event 5:00 PM Worship/CC


8:30 AM Preschool 13 8:30 AM Preschool 14 5:00 PM Worship/CC 15 9:00 AM Adult University 5:00 PM Parents Night Out 12:00 PM OWLS Luncheon 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Primary Choir 5:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Intermediate Choir 7:00 PM Cub Scout Leader Mtg. 7:00 PM Celebration Choir

8:30 AM Preschool 20 9:00 AM Adult University 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Primary Choir 5:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Intermediate Choir 6:30 PM Cub Scout Mtg 7:00 PM CLC Military Ministry 7:00 PM Celebration Choir

8:30 AM Preschool 9:00 AM Rejoice Circle

21 7:00 AM General

8:30 AM Preschool Spring 27 8:30 AM Preschool Spring 28 Break Break 9:00 AM Adult University 4:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Primary Choir 5:30 PM Douglas County Singers-Intermediate Choir 7:00 PM Celebration Choir

Maintenance 5:00 PM Worship/CC

9:00 AM Boy Scouts practice 5:00 PM Worship/CC



Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers


Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers


Caring Connection

Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights

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