May 2016 CLC CrossWord

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MAY 2016

Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Thank you all for your support of the Preschool this year! May will feel more like the Spring we have been waiting for. Our ladybugs are growing and our caterpillars are waiting to become beautiful butterflies. Just like all of our children in the school! We are entering our last month at the preschool and have to say that the year went very fast. We will be busy making Mother’s Day gifts and practicing for our end of the year programs and graduation. We also have our class picnics on the last day of school. It has been a blessed year for the preschool thanks to our families and friends. Remember, if you know of any 2 ½ - 6 year olds in need of a preschool home, consider sending them our way. We will also host ten weeks of camp sessions this summer. We all get a little sad to see our butterflies fly away, but we know we helped them learn and grow and they will come back to visit. And, we look forward to a new bunch of caterpillars. Many blessings to everyone!

Bring a dish to share for our semi-annual meeting and potluck following the 5:00 Saturday night service on May 21. Scholarship winners will be announced as well as information regarding Council Roles, CLC Constitutionchanges, and much more!


Deb and Blair


Looking for a special gift for Mom, Dad or your Graduate? Consider honoring them with a Tree of Life donation. You can customize your message on a Tree of Life leaf starting with a tax deductive donation of $250 for a bronze leaf. This permanent display of affection will also help reduce the mortgage debt for our Church. Payment plans are available. Please contact Dianne or Sallie in the office if you have questions.

STAFF: Rev. Steve Berke, Interim Pastor Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor Pastor Don Marxhausen, Visitation Pastor Pastor Zundel Adult University Dianne Yoss Outreach Coordinator Debbie Freeman Volunteer Coordinator Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Director of Preschool Sallie Burns Financial Secretary Linda Holcombe Director of Music Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Director Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Erika Alpern Jeff Bergstrom Lesley Cantrell Sheri Halverson Pete Koury Beth Ott John Ringkob Karen Rucker Steve Schaeberle Bret Sumner Bob Weber

All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

Pastor Steve’s Message Dear Friends: By the second weekend of May, I will have completed fourteen months as intentional interim pastor at Christ Lutheran Church. The time has flown by! I have been welcomed in a warm fashion by this congregation. I have enjoyed working with the people of this community, and I have experienced the many gifts of grace that God has poured out among you. Now the Office of the Bishop is re-assigning me to take up another interim situation in the Rocky Mountain Synod (Cross of Christ, Broomfield, CO). My last day here will be Friday, May 13. I want to “leave well,” even as I attempted to “begin well” by coming soon after Pr. Tom Shelly’s departure and by entering into the ministry with a lot of energy from the start. As I have shared this news with congregational leadership, certain questions have come to the fore. I think it may be helpful to respond to these questions, which you may also have: 1. Isn’t this rather sudden? To those of you just now seeing this letter, it may feel like it’s happening very quickly. But, part of the reason that I am writing today is that I wanted to first carry through with a “step-by-step” process of sharing the news with church leadership so that we could have a solid plan for the future. Earlier in April, we consulted with synod staff; then last Sunday there was a special meeting of the church council, and just today a meeting with staff members. I felt this was a better approach than a blanket announcement “from the blue” and without adequate groundwork laid for the coming months. 2. Does this mean the interim is starting over? No, much has been accomplished over the past year-and-a-half! Christ Lutheran did a very fine job with the transition team, and the church should be able to move ahead, positioned well for the future. 3. Is this a reflection on the call process? Not at all. The challenge of interviewing pastors takes time, and your call committee has been working very hard to discern the direction of pastoral ministry for Christ Lutheran’s future. Now is the time to support the call committee with our prayers and patience, and to trust God in the process which they are faithfully following. 4. Why now? It would be convenient if interim situations could be “spaced out” in a fashion that would permit pastors and congregations to proceed in a leisurely way. But, as you know, pastors leave and there are immediate needs for new pastoral leadership to begin in a timely manner. The synods of our church need interim pastors who have experience in larger churches, and yet the pool of candidates is rather small for congregations that worship 400 to 500 or more. The bishop’s office wants to again utilize my background of having served in larger churches during the past twenty-seven years. 5. What are the next steps? The church council is looking to negotiate an agreement with an experienced interim pastor, Pastor Frank Philipp. Assuming that this placement works out, Pr. Frank will come as a “bridge pastor” to coordinate with Pr. Steve, Pr. DJ, and Pr. Don in order to provide continuity of leadership. A timeline of handing off responsibilities is being developed. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the church council, the transition team, the call committee, the staff, and all of the many members and participants of Christ Lutheran Church. You are in my prayers, and I ask also that you will pray for Lori and me in our continuing transitions in the coming year. In Christ, Steve Berke, Pastor

Pastor DJ’s Message I’ll be the first to tell you that I know as much about farming as a hamster does about operating a computer. But I do know one thing that seems universal to everything we do: nurturing. I may not know the appropriate time schedule to plant, or when it is the best time to harvest, or how to operate a million dollar piece of equipment to achieve the best crop, but I understand that if what you plant is not tended to, you were probably better off not even starting. It makes sense because it happens to all of our activities. If it has been years since you have been on your bicycle, sure they say you will pick it up again in no time, but I would highly recommend making sure no one has a camera or video recorder around in the time when you are relearning. It is like the bear who rides the bike at the circus; sure you are impressed that he is getting around, but that is some ugly cycling. When you neglect to spend time practicing things they slip, becoming awkward and messy and eventually will be completely forgotten. In honor of the well known poem, “April showers bring May flowers,” and the continued pile of snow outside, I thought it an appropriate time to look at the flowering of our own spiritual gifts. We are currently looking at economic cuts being made all over the world and I found some similarities between what is happening now financially and what happens most of the time with our spirituality. When a crisis comes and things are tight you cut off things that are considered “extra.” This is a harsh word when we are speaking in terms of jobs and people, and rightfully so because people should not be thought of as expendable. But sometimes in survival mode, some terrible things happen. Peculiarly enough, few people are upset about the way God has been slid over into the margins of our life. I don’t mean in terms of prayer in school or debates about the pledge of allegiance, I mean in terms of what we consider priority by how we spend our time. When push has come to shove and our time has become more and more filled up with activities and television and sports, we have not seriously considered what has been cut off. I would dare say, as Jesus did, that where our treasure is, our heart will be there also. Rather than lecture you about what you should or shouldn’t be doing, I ask that you take the time as I am to evaluate how you have been spending your time, money, gifts, everything that you have and do. Take a sample of your life and figure out if that is what you believe is God’s intention. For myself, it is time to recommit to a few things: 1) exercising regularly, 2) getting back to my daily devotional practice which slid away recently, 3) re-evaluating my monthly budget. These are things I have not nurtured well largely since our move in November, which will be a little awkward when restarting, but certainly are more of a priority for how I believe God wants me to spend my time and gifts. I look forward to seeing the flowers that will come from the rain that the direction from God brings. As I realize these things for myself, I invite you to come share your thoughts with me. It might mean a commitment to making it back to church regularly, or saying that sometimes God gets priority over a TV show or sporting event. Pray about it, and let me know what God says. While we are contemplating the things that we have forgotten to nurture, we can be always thankful for the God who has never let us slide to the margins; the God who is raised and still lives, who has made us a priority. God’s Peace, Pastor DJ

Congratulations to all of our Volunteer of the Month Parking Space Winners All those who attended the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast (which was a great success!) were entered into a drawing for the reserved parking space.Thank you again to ALL of our volunteers that make CLC so very special. Below are the winners for the following year... Cindy Russell - May 2016, 8:00am Jennifer Gunther - June 2016, 9:30am Tim Cook - July 2016, 8:00am Diane Abraham - August 2016, 9:30am Juanita Buckel - September 2016, 8:00am Tyler Lee - October 2016, 9:30am



Janet Bergstrom - November 2016, 8:00am Bob Weber - December 2016, 9:30am Jodi Childs - January 2017, 9:30am Allyson Evans - February 2017, 9:30am Jill Staub - March 2017, 9:30am Bev Brady - April 2017, 8:00am

Thank you Thrivent! Thanks to the Thrivent Action Team program to donating $250 towards Harrington Elementary Carnival. And thanks to all our Thrivent Members who designated their choice dollars to CLC. This money helps us with many of our ministries and is greatly appreciated!

Happy Birthday Erika Alpern - May 1 Bill Doyle - May 1 Michelle Torrez - May 1 Garrett Walker - May 1 Caleb Dent - May 2 Peggy Fenton - May 2 Shantell Hafner - May 2 Jacob Holder - May 3 Steve Justice - May 3 Jay Melcher - May 3 Caitlin Scheuerman - May 3 Brooklyn Stevens - May 3 Calli Benson - May 4 Liz Lambert - May 4 David Romney - May 4 Katherine Wilson - May 4 Samuel Alpern - May 5 Taylor Arellano - May 5 Stella Flores - May 5 Benjamin Morton - May 5 Bernie Radochonski - May 5 Margie Versen - May 5 River Lyneis - May 6 Harry Pedersen - May 6 Daniel Topp - May 6 Emma Alpern - May 7 Paula Hurlbert - May 7 Erich Porterfield - May 7 Kylie Devin - May 8 Wendy Johnson - May 8 Evan Kleen - May 8 Jennifer Sievers - May 8

Aidan Stolzenbach - May 8 Kristy Arellano - May 9 Ernie Benson - May 9 Michael Montini - May 9 John Pellett - May 9 Sarah Smith - May 9 Samantha Smith - May 9 Avery Symes - May 9 Marty Lepper - May 10 Joyce Lombard - May 10 Amy Stevenson - May 10 Danielle Brown - May 11 Stephen Silkworth - May 11 Ryan Silkworth - May 11 Kyle Ashley - May 12 David Roth - May 12 Kelly Sain - May 12 Ken Arellano - May 13 Janet Bergstrom - May 13 Jane Davis - May 13 Hadley Jason - May 13 Ben Ramon - May 13 Denise Silkworth - May 13 Trevor Benson - May 14 Gracie Davis - May 14 Dianne Forge - May 14 Jacob Lasater - May 14 Sue Mavis - May 14 Bronwen Cartwright - May 15 Christian Liley - May 15 Max Palazzo - May 15 Jaiden Spicher - May 15

Emily Stevens - May 15 Jan Madouros - May 16 Robert Montini - May 16 Sara Morton - May 16 Ryan Ramon - May 16 Kinsley Ruggeri - May 16 Brett Symes - May 16 Mimi Zuchowski - May 16 Christine Gregorek -May 17 John Ringkob - May 17 Katie Rocha - May 17 Hannah Bauer -May 18 Sheri Dethlefs - May 19 Lexi Hanson - May 19 Kristofer Leech - May 19 Taylor Lytle - May 19 Keira Silkworth - May 19 Phoebe Wischer - May 19 Sylvia McCrosky - May 20 Masa Vajzovic - May 20 Joanna Waldenmyer - May 20 Matthew Weitzel - May 20 Simon Gunther - May 21 Gregory Malburg - May 22 Madalyn McGraw - May 22 Kami Wilson - May 22 Kaitlyn Fisher - May 23 Karl Johnson - May 23 Gabrielle Lyneis - May 23 Owen McGavern - May 23 Hunter Pinon - May 23 David VanOrder - May 23

Courtney Brand - May 24 Jimmy Freeman - May 24 Dale Morgans - May 24 Avery Ornes - May 24 Alan Stein - May 24 Claire Tronrud - May 24 Kelly Almer - May 25 Brittany Bone-Roth - May 25 Cameron Brown - May 25 Chris Burton - May 25 Don Folkerts - May 25 Debbie Joy - May 25 Jen Dent - May 26 Olivia Smith - May 26 Garrett Staal - May 26 Vicki Gereaux - May 27 Jackson Parks - May 27 Isabella Beauchamp - May 28 Timothy Edstrom - May 28 Len Lukasik - May 28 Kim Nickel - May 28 Abigail Walker - May 28 Melanie Brown - May 29 Shareen Cartwright - May 29 Ky Holter - May 29 Madelyn McCrosky - May 29 Lorna Morton - May 29 Abigail Morton - May 29 Mark Almer - May 30 Alicia Hammill - May 30 Grant Saur - May 30 Kyle Vogler - May 31

Save the Dates Semi-Annual Meeting Saturday, May 21 Potluck dinner at 6:00pm


Bring a dish to share!

Meeting begins at 7:00pm

The Harrington Carnival was a big success and we couldn't have done it without your participation.

New Member Class Sunday, June 5 12:15-3:15

Lunch and childcare provided. Please sign the response sheet if interested. Thanks!

Thank you everyone for your generous food and beverage donations, prize donations, monetary donations and volunteer time. When asking two students what their favorite part was, one girl said "winning a prize from the drawing" and the other student said "I loved all of it!" There was a good turn out of Harrington families all who showed much appreciation.

Care for the Caregiver Meetings May 3 and 17 7:00pm in the Sonrise Room All care givers are encouraged and welcomed to attend.

Good Work CLC - you are awesome!

MAY SUNDAY 8am Worship 9:30am Worship 11a Worship/CC 4p Dynamite 7p AA Meeting

Mission Moment 8a Worship 9:30am Worship 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting

MONDAY 1 6:30a Men's Breakfast



8 6:30a Men's Breakfast

9 8a Preschool

Group 8a Preschool 7p Boy Scouts 7p Personnel Mtg.

Group 8a Preschool 9:30a Mission Quilters 12p Preschool Sports Club 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts

8am Worship 15 6:30a Men's Breakfast 16 9:30am Worship Group 11a Worship/Affirmation of 8a Preschool Baptism 8:30a Preschool Graduation 7p AA Meeting 7p Boy Scouts 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.

8a Preschool 11a Preschool Chapel 11:30a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Caregiver Mtg

11:30a Staff Mtg. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Council Mtg. 7p Military Ministry Mtg.

WEDNESDAY 3 8a Preschool 4 9a Mops Mtg. 6:30p Bridge Class

10 8a Preschool

10a Mops Steering Mtg. 6:30p Bridge Class

8a Preschool 17 8a Preschool 6:30p Bridge Class 8:30a Preschool Graduation 11:30a Staff Mtg. 12:30p Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High 7p Caregiver Mtg

Mission Moments 8am Worship 9:30am Worship 11a Worship/CC 4p Pierce Concert 7p AA Meeting

22 6:30a Men's Breakfast

23 11:30a Staff Mtg.

24 9a Mops Mtg.

8am Worship 9:30am Worship 11a Worship/CC 7p AA Meeting

29 Memorial Day

30 11:30a Staff Mtg.


Group 9:30a Mission Quilters 6p Boy Scouts Venture Crew 7p Boy Scouts

6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 7p Boy Scouts

5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High

6:30p Bridge Class 6:30p Confirmation Guide Huddle

THURSDAY 8a Preschool 9a Adult University 7p Celebration Choir

FRIDAY 5 8a Preschool

SATURDAY 6 Mission Moment 9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Preschool Parent's Night Out 5p Worship/CC


11 8a Preschool

12 8a Preschool

13 5p Worship/CC


18 8a Preschool

19 8a Preschool

20 Mission Moment


25 9a Adult University


27 7a General Maintenance 28

9a Adult University 7p Celebration Choir 7p Cub Scout Leader Mtg.

9a Adult University 11a Preschool Teacher Luncheon 7p Celebration Choir

12p OWLS Luncheon 5p Preschool Parent's Night Out 6:30p Eagle Scout Court of Honor

6:30p CLC Bridge Group

6p Confirmation Banquet 8p Confirmation Practice

5p Worship/CC 6:15p Semi-Annual Mtg.

5p Worship/CC

Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Harrington Elementary School in Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters


CLC Kids Rock! Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Carillon Ringers Crossroads Douglas County Singers Praise Team Carillon Ringers


Church Community Ministries Altar Guild New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree

Fun and Fellowship

OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko

Youth & Family Ministries

Baptism Classes First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Mission Trips Family Nights

Education and Fellowship

Adult Education Classes (held during 9:30 service and Thursdays at 9:00am) Men’s Breakfast Group – bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian book club that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Rejoice Circle – women’s bible study, meets twice monthly

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