MAY 2018
Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Well Done Good and Faithful Servant As the Lead Pastor of the congregation, I wish to publicly express a profound word of appreciation, respect, and acknowledgement in regards to the Pete Koury’s leadership of the congregation as President these past two years. Having served Christ Lutheran in many different roles and countless opportunities, Pete has consistently been willing to answer Christ’s call to steward the church and God’s people gathered within. Pete steps down as President effective in June, and will remain on Council for one more year before being term-limited off in late-Spring of 2019. Please join me in sharing with Pete, and the entire Koury family, our thanksgiving for the extensive hours of volunteered service sacrificed in the stewarding of this beloved community of faith! This was a devotion shared at council meeting. The council found it so meaningful, they wanted to share it with you.
Part of the Family By Greg Laurie Feb 18, 2014
of years, then you ought to be involved in a ministry of some kind. You may not be called to preach, but there are lots of other things to do. There is something for everyone. The Bible tells us, "So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them" (Romans 12:5-6).
As we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. —Romans 12:4-5
It's fine to come and be served in the church. But there has to come a point when you start growing up and decide to start serving. And then you will find that everything changes for you.
Sometimes people treat churches like restaurants — with a consumer mentality. I want to go to this restaurant. Oh, we went there two weeks ago. Let's go to this other one... But the church is not a restaurant. The church is a family, and you need to be a part of the family.
So let's stop thinking of the church as them and start thinking of the church as us. Be a part of the family. Take the gifts that God has given you, develop them, and use them for His glory. I suggest that church would completely change for us if we stop coming as spectators and instead join the team.
You also need to engage. Maybe one of the reasons some people feel as though they aren't getting enough out of church is because they attend intermittently and don't commit themselves. But if they would settle in and become a part of what God is doing, it would change for them. If you have been attending a church for more than a couple
Reformation Commemorative Leaf On the weekend of May 26th and 27th we will be marking the 500th anniversary of the reformation with this addition to the tree of life. With great appreciation for gifts the Legacy & Endowment committee made to make this contribution possible, worship services on this weekend will include a special prayer of thanksgiving. Please join us for worship and a commemorative celebration between services in the Fellowship Hall.
STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert Lead Pastor Ext 107 Pastor Gail Mundt Executive Pastor Ext 108 Samantha Sweitzer Office Coordinator Ext 100 Allyson Evans Christian Education Coordinator Ext 103 Clint Koury Interim Contemporary Worship Leader Carrie Mallery Interim Traditional Worship Leader Cindy Jorgenson Bookkeeper Ext 106 Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family Ext 105 Deb Morgans Director of Preschool Ext 300 Karen Patz Volunteer & Care Coordinator Ext 110 Ally Williams Connections Coordinator Ext 101 CHURCH COUNCIL: Jeff Bergstrom Tom Coates Joanne Edmunds Liesl Farrier Jennifer Gunther Steve Hoemann Christine Kleen Pete Koury Brian Martin Steve Schaeberle Jennifer Smith All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
Welcoming the “Guest” at the Family Reunion from Pastor Eric Times have changed, and changed again to remain yet still the same… Some things never change… And the only thing constant is change. But too much has changed for me, because nothing has really changed at all. With me so far? Nope? Good… Then the following will make absolutely all the nonsense in the world… And that’s just the way that Jesus would have it! When deciding to go see a movie, most people tend to look online for the times when the film is scheduled to play. Assuming that you didn’t buy tickets in advance, the first reality that greets you is the full (or not) parking lot. Then the box office that tells you how full the theater is (or isn’t). And after you’ve got your goodies, finally comes the search for a seat, or two, or four, or 7, or more… all next to each other… Good luck with that! Got your favorite seat? Of course you didn’t, unless you arrived 30 minutes before the show started. And after guzzling down your drink while waiting – hmmm – where were the restrooms again? Now, consider the similarities of this movie-going experience, to that of our worshipping guests and visitors… They too generally look on-line or ask a friend for the best places and most convenient times to worship. Seats aren’t “sold” here at church, so once the worship-seeking disciple decided to come to church, the first on-site experience is tracking down that elusive parking spot. Next, the friendly and welcoming greeting at the door, by someone who is encouraging and helpful to orient them around the building – including a helpful bulletin that introduces the many ministries here at CLC... with the refreshments over there… and the restroom just around that corner… Then the critical and intimidating decision for any visitor inescapably presents itself: where to sit? “We want to be able to see, but not be too seen.” “I want to hear, but not be heard.” “Not there, because then we’ll be first to the Table, and we don’t know that to do.” And of course, “Oh, is there where you always sit. I’m so sorry. No, we’ll move.” Sound familiar? Not too terribly often here at CLC – because we do seek to welcome the Gathered. But such an experience as above isn’t unimaginable… Every week – and yes, PRAISE Jesus – every week, the Holy Spirit guides visiting fellow disciples of our Lord to Christ Lutheran to come and worship here. And every week, I send out a personalized card to each new visitor extending to them our warmth, blessing, and hope for the Spirit’s joy in their life. Along with that hope for the newest neighbor, guest, visitor, friend and disciple in our midst, comes the important reminder for us to consider the path that the Holy Spirit has faithfully led them on already up to the very point where they grasp the door handle, choose to open it, and walk in. Will the “church experience” they are about to receive be that akin to the anxiety of a busy movie theater… or perhaps instead, what Christ calls his church to be instead… A joyful family reunion that celebrates each and everyone’s arrival, even – if not especially – the newest addition to the family… Consider for this month ahead, and beyond, the following call to an act of loving discipleship: seeing every time we gather for worship as a holy family reunion, where everyone present has been given the invitation by God – including you!
News from the Preschool
Forgive for Good! How? Why? What if…? Forgiveness is a basic tenet of the Christian faith, but sometimes we don’t know how to forgive. Join Pastor Gail for a class in learning steps to forgive. Beginning Tuesday, May 15 at 7:00.
Thank you for all of your support of the Preschool this year! Preschool Appreciation Sunday was lovely and it was great to see so many kiddos singing up in front of the congregation.
May will feel more like the Spring we have been waiting for. Our ladybugs are growing and our caterpillars are waiting to become beautiful butterflies. Just like all of our children in the school! We are entering our last month at the preschool and have to say that the year went very fast. We will be busy making Mother’s Day gifts and practicing for our end of the year programs and graduation. We also have our all school picnic on the last day of school. It has been a blessed year for the preschool thanks to our families and friends. Remember, if you know of any 2 ½ - 6 year olds in need of a preschool home, consider sending them our way. We will also host eleven weeks of camp sessions this summer. We all get a little sad to see our butterflies fly away, but we know we helped them learn and grow and they will come back to visit. And, we look forward to a new bunch of caterpillars. Many blessings to everyone! Deb and Blair
We are Easter People, and Easter Continues! Did you invite anyone to come to Easter Sunday worship? Of course, the time is not too late! Because as Easter People, we celebrate the Christian truth that Easter continues! This time of year, many visitors to worship come because they were personally invited by YOU – because the Holy Spirit spoke to them a word of welcome and invitation through YOU! So below, I’ve included some ideas how you can fulfill your mission and baptismal promises this Easter, not just this past April 1st, but for the entire season of Easter, and beyond! 1. Ask God to show you who to invite. 2. Bring someone different to each of our services! Bring someone every worship day! Look at the worship schedule and prayerfully think about who could possibly experience Christ’s love at that worship service with you. 3. Please set an example and fill out the “Friendship Pad” that is passed at each service – so visitors can see you do it and feel comfortable doing so as well. 4. Pray that hundreds more will commit their lives to Christ this Easter in this community. Take in a glimpse of the beautiful vision of Highlands Ranch and Littleton growing in Christian faith and disciple’s service for God and the neighbor in our midst! 5. Greet everyone around. There will be a lot of first-time visitors. Please help them get to know this congregation with gentle grace and compassion. And yes, wearing your name tag helps! 6. Love the church staff. All are working very hard – and have been for a long time – in hopes that their faithful efforts are serving Jesus and His church. 7. And finally, remember that Easter is a season… The Good News of the Resurrection is proclaimed all the time here at CLC!
Dynamite is our youth group for our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. We are finished for the school year and will start up again in September! Best of Luck to our 6th Graders as they move on to 7th Grade and Confirmation. We are looking forward to welcoming our new 4th Graders in the Fall. For more information please contact Allyson Evans at or Gary Knutson at
Sunday School
May is a busy month for Confirmation. 8th Grade Confirmation interviews are being held April 30-May 3 and May 7-10. Confirmation Banquet and Rehearsal are May 19 beginning at 6:15. 7th Grade families, don’t forget your lasagna and your time slot for helping. 8th Grade Families, please don’t forget to let Gary know how many people will be attending the dinner. Affirmation of Baptism takes place Sunday, May 20 at the 11:00 worship service.
Sunday School continues through May 20. We have had a great year learning about stories in Bible through games, creative activities and songs. We’ll take the summer off and we’ll be ready for more fun in September. Thank you to all of our volunteer teachers for their hard work and commitment to our Sunday School program this year! Feel free to contact Allyson at anytime for more information.
Confirmation Camp with Gary at SkyRanch is June 10-15.
High School Youth The High School Youth continue to prepare for their trip to Houston, Texas this summer. We had a great time helping the MOPS group set up for their consignment sale in April. We are busy planning our May fund raiser for our trip. Please be on the lookout for more information. Our trip to Harvest Farm will be here before we know it. We will be at Harvest Farm June 3-8. Please see Gary for more information.
VBS Registration is Open to Everyone! You can go to our church website or Christ Lutheran VBS Facebook page to find the registration link. The nonrefundable registration fee is $55. Vacation Bible School is July 23-27, 2018 from 9:30-noon each day. Our theme this year is Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus. Kids find that Jesus rescues them when life gets stormy. We can’t wait to introduce your kids to our Bible Buddies and share with them how Jesus rescues us and loves us, even when we struggle. Please check our Facebook page for updates, Christ Lutheran VBS Highlands Ranch July 23-27, 2018.
It is also time to start volunteering for VBS! We have 220+ participants and that requires a whole lot of help! If you are available the week of July 23-27 and love to have a crazy, good time, please use the same link that is on the church website and Facebook page to sign up to volunteer! If you are 6th grade to 100 years old, we’d love to have you! We will also have things that need to be done before VBS begins so if you aren’t available that week, be on the look out for more volunteer opportunities. The items we need donated will be up this month. Be on the lookout for our display in the Fellowship Hall. This program is a success because our great congregation provides so many items. Thank you for your willingness to donate. If you have any questions about registering for VBS or volunteering, please contact Allyson Evans and Chris Schaeberle at!
their boys help with communion. Let me tell you they love it and the congregation loves it too. Faith journeys start young, and it is pretty cool to say that we are accompanying them this on this road. Apparently these little guys go home and hold church to all of their stuffed animals. “Good morning Saints” is said while they lead their friends in a service. Now that is pretty cool!
(Stories Of Faith In Action) There is so much to be thankful for here at CLC, and so many people putting their Faith into Action! During Easter we had so many wonderful people sharing their gifts. When it comes to putting flowers on the altar, purchasing those flowers or taking them home to compost them. There is so much more that happens to put on this event! Thank you to all of you who helped set out chairs, who brought baked goods and to all of you that just went with the flow of the day. We had over 1200 people celebrate Jesus death. It’s very encouraging to see the church come together for the community! Go Christ Lutheran! Another wonderful story I could not wait to share is there is a family that comes to church Saturday and Sunday. Why both days you ask well their boys love to help out so much they have to come to both. At the Saturday service this family lets
Now sheading some light on a ministry that goes in the dirty or hard to reach places is our very own maintenance team. The past couple of month this team has been hard at work, fixing tiles in the sanctuary and getting us a new parking lot! In addition to all their hard work they brought in a lift to reach those very high light bulbs in the sanctuary. They will be painting, trimming and all the other things they always do. Thank you for helping us reach those light bulbs that even Pastor Eric can’t reach! Now an event I’m very excited for is our adult mission trip to Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp. This weekend will commence May 3-6 and if any of you have been to camp you will know there is always a project to do. They try their best but sometimes you just need people that know what they are doing. If you know how put flooring in, paint or put bunks together there is still room to help this wonderful cause! Thank you to all of the adults going to help this place that is so very near and dear to my heart!
Woodrow Wilson once said,
“There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.” Once again that was evidenced by the multitude of people at CLC who served in one capacity or more during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. As I expressed after Christmas, I am awed by the quality and quantity of acts of service that so many CLC members performed on behalf of their fellow members, as well as guests and visitors. Since I cannot adequately express my thanks with my own words, I will end with a quote from Alice Walker: “’Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” Thanks once again to the many members who use reloadable King Soopers cards. We recently received a rebate check for nearly $400 from all that usage. Happy shopping! Thank you! If you have spring gardening to do, please consider purchasing a Home Depot or Lowe’s gift card for those gardening needs. Home Depot and Lowes both offer 4% back through our scrip program, so both you and CLC would benefit from such a purchase. See Karen to order! Darlene Dethlefs is also in the Fellowship Hall each Sunday morning after 9:30 service, ready to take your order. One of the best ways to connect at church is to get involved. Your involvement may have many benefits, among them: giving your life a greater purpose, giving you a broader perspective by focusing on larger issues, building friendships that may be lifelong, providing a sense of pride that comes from serving others, becoming more generous with you time, talents, and treasures, being a role model for younger generations, and finally, looking forward to hearing our heavenly Father say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” There are so many ways for you to be involved at CLC. When you are ready to make those connections, please reach out to a staff member who can help you find a spot that is right for you!
Karen Patz
ANNOUNCEMENTS Each year in Colorado, thousands of kids are unable to live with their biological parents because of abuse or neglect. We need families who can provide temporary care until children reunify with their parent as well as families willing to adopt children and teens in foster care if they can’t return to their families. An informal Q & A session for foster care will be held on Wednesday, May 9 from 12:30-1:30pm and from 5:30-6:30pm at the LFS Denver Metro office (363 S. Harlan Street, Suite 105, Denver, 80226). Please register with Anne at or 303-217-5869. One-on-one meetings can also be arranged to work around your busy schedule.
The refugee program is a charity partner with the Colfax Marathon this year! The race will happen Saturday and Sunday, May 19 & 20. Interested in running or donating in support of other runners to raise awareness of refugees in our city? Simply choose Lutheran Family Services as your charity partner when you complete your race registration, and join the LFS staff as we #Run4Refugees in the 5k, Urban 10 Miler, Half Marathon, Full Marathon, and 5-Person Marathon Relay! For more information, to donate, or to register visit or contact Refugee Programs Volunteer & Community Relations Coordinator Kate Strebe at or 303-225-0199.
Consider making an impact in the life of an older adult in our community by donating an Access-a-Ride ticket book(s) from RTD! Many clients in our Older Adults and Caregiver Services program use Access-a-Ride to get to the grocery store, doctors’ appointments, and other necessary errands and appointments. With a one-way trip costing $4.70 and a 5-ticket book costing $21.25, using this important resource adds up and our clients would appreciate your help. Ticket books may be donated to the LFS Denver Metro office (363 S. Harlan Street, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80226).
Are you passionate about helping those in need in our community? Do you love to play golf? LFS would love your help! The 24th Annual Golf Classic for Lutheran Family Services is happening on August 17 at the Hiwan Golf Club. If you would like to join the golf committee and help us plan this amazing tournament please contact Lauren Knudsen at
Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples: How every Christian can be an effective witness through an enabling church, by Win Arn and Charles Arn Discover Your Spiritual Type: A guide to individual and congregational growth, by Corrine Ware Giving to God: The Bible’s good news about living a generous life, by Mark Allan Powell
Stay the Course: Finding hope in a drifting culture, by Choco de Jesús Canoeing the Mountains: Christian leadership in Uncharted Territory, by Tod Bolsinger
MILITARY MINISTRY A BIG THANK YOU FOR YOUR FOOD DONATIONS FROM THE ARMY RESERVE UNIT Members of the Army Reserve unit have asked us to convey to you their extreme thanks and appreciation for all that you do to help with the food bank and other needs. The food donations are extremely appreciated, and I have heard more than once that they can’t believe the food that is there for them to take, free of charge. Our intent is to continue the food bank on a regular basis. There is a possibility part of this unit could be shipping out later this year, and needs for the spouse and children left behind may change. We will keep you updated as we know more.
PROJECT SANCTUARY GOODY BAGS For those of you who are unaware of this program, Project Sanctuary provides an all-expense paid trip for a veteran suffering from PTSD and his/her family to a camp – some are held at Snow Mountain Ranch or Winding River Ranch in Colorado as well as in other states. At this camp, they are given time to unwind and have fun with their family, with many planned outdoor activities, depending on the season. They provide a marriage enrichment class, financial counseling as well as two years of follow-up with each family. Project Sanctuary has had a 99% success rate keeping marriages intact as well as in preventing veteran suicides. Their numbers are impressive, and your gracious providing of the snack-type items that we put in to the goody bags give the families (especially the kids!), snacks for between the scheduled meals. Again, thank you. If you want to volunteer at one of these weekend events, you can check out their schedule for the remainder of the year at and then click on the “get involved” drop down box to get information on volunteering.
Summer Picnic for Army Reserve Unit Sunday, June 10 at Civic Green Park in Highlands Ranch We will be partnering with Bethany Lutheran and Cherry Hills Community Church in providing a fun family picnic for the unit. Be watching for information on how you can volunteer to help with the picnic. Size will be similar to the Christmas Party last December – about 400 people, including the volunteers that will be needed. We will be cooking hot dogs, brats and hamburgers, and have a number of games that will be available, including tug of war.
Thank You For Your Support! A SSGT and his five children were saved from being evicted from their home thanks to the money we were able to raise from an American Legion Post, CLC, Cherry Hills Community Church, Bethany Lutheran and a Rotary Club member from 6:00 PM on a Friday to noon on Sunday! The money we have in our account is due, in part, to your support of our fund-raising events, such as CLC Day at the Rockies (coming up in September) and other fundraisers we have done in the past. Again, thank you for your support!
This year the New To You Consignment Sale was an outstanding success! We had over 70,000 items registered for the sale and over 115 consignors! Shoppers came from all over the Denver metro area for our sale! Thank you to the Sr. High Youth for it's volunteers! They were instrumental in moving the sanctuary furniture, tables and rack assembly! From start to end, it's such a positive atmosphere!! The entire New To You Sale Committee would like to thank the church for it's continued support of this great sale and outreach to the community! The church and our MOPS Group came together and served the community and helped one more family clothe their children and grandchildren one more day. “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:13-14
Happy Birthday Mark Almer Kelly Almer Emma Alpern Erika Alpern Ken Arellano Kristy Arellano Taylor Arellano Kyle Ashley Julie Barry Hannah Bauer Calli Benson Trevor Benson Ernie Benson Janet Bergstrom Brittany Bone-Roth Courtney Brand Cameron Brown Danielle Brown Chris Burton Shareen Cartwright Bronwen Cartwright Jen Dent Sheri Dethlefs Kylie Devin
30-May 25-May 7-May 1-May 13-May 9-May 5-May 12-May 16-May 18-May 4-May 14-May 9-May 13-May 25-May 24-May 25-May 11-May 25-May 29-May 15-May 26-May 19-May 8-May
Bill Doyle Timothy Edstrom Peggy Fenton Kaitlyn Fisher Don Folkerts Dianne Forge Jimmy Freeman Vicki Gereaux Christine Gregorek Shantell Hafner Ky Holter Paula Hurlbert Hadley Jason Blake Johnson Karl Johnson Wendy Johnson Debbie Joy Steve Justice Heide Kavo Liz Lambert Kristofer Leech Christian Liley Joyce Lombard Len Lukasik
1-May 28-May 2-May 23-May 25-May 14-May 24-May 27-May 17-May 2-May 29-May 7-May 13-May 26-May 23-May 8-May 25-May 3-May 19-May 4-May 19-May 15-May 10-May 28-May
Jan Madouros Gregory Malburg Craig Marshall Sue Mavis Owen McGavern Colin Mielke Dale Morgans Lorna Morton Mark Munson Avery Ornes Max Palazzo Harry Pedersen John Pellett Hunter Pinon Bernie Radochonski John Ringkob Katie Rocha David Romney David Roth Grant Saur Caitlin Scheuerman Jennifer Sievers Denise Silkworth Ryan Silkworth
16-May 22-May 28-May 14-May 23-May 16-May 24-May 29-May 14-May 24-May 15-May 6-May 9-May 23-May 5-May 17-May 17-May 4-May 12-May 30-May 3-May 8-May 13-May 11-May
Stephen Silkworth Sarah Smith Olivia Smith Samantha Smith Jaiden Spicher Garrett Staal Amy Stevenson Aidan Stolzenbach Brett Symes Daniel Topp Michelle Torrez Claire Tronrud Masa Vajzovic David VanOrder Margie Versen Kyle Vogler Joanna Waldenmyer Jeanne Wallrath Matthew Weitzel Kami Wilson Mimi Zuchowski
11-May 9-May 26-May 9-May 15-May 26-May 10-May 8-May 16-May 6-May 1-May 24-May 20-May 23-May 5-May 31-May 20-May 31-May 20-May 22-May 16-May
SAVE THE DATE! Our next CLC Day at the Rockies will be held on Sunday, September 9 against the LA Dodgers. It is a Sunday afternoon game. Price of the tickets will be $40, and we will once again be in section 144.
JAN. 1-APRIL 22nd
Unrestricted Gifts
Restricted Gifts
Total Gifts to CLC
Weekly Average
Pastor Eric’s weekly adult study is a powerful look at the book of Acts. This series, entitled “Acts: The Holy Spirit’s Partnership with Theophilus” journeys through the new connection God establishes with the world through the birth of the Christian Church, and where the Theophilus in you finds your place in God’s vision. Classes begin at 7:05pm in the SonRise Room. All are welcome!
RM SYNOD ASSEMBLY 8a Worship 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting 7p Adult Mission Trip to Sky Ranch 8a Worship 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
4p Confirmation Interviews 1 9:15a MOPS 4p Confirmation Interviews 4:30p Caregiver Meeting 7p Adult Bible Study 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
6 6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 7 9a Family chapel
4p Confirmation Interviews 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Council Meeting 7p Praise Team
9a Family Chapel 4p Confirmation Interviews 5:30p ADVANCE! [off-site] 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Personnel Mtg.
13 6:30a Men's Breakfast
Group 9a Mission Quilters 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Ladies Bunko (off-site)
14 12p VNA Foot Clinic
4:30p Caregiver Meeting 5:30p Crossroads Band 6:45p Women of Joy 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team 7p Forgive for Good Class
Pentecost 20 6:30a Men's Breakfast 21 Group 8a Worship 7p Boy Scouts 645 9:30a Sunday School 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg. 9:30a Worship 11a Affirmation of Baptism Service 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
Reformation Anniversary Oak Leaf Celebration 8a Worship 9:30a Worship 11a Worship 7p AA Meeting
12p VNA Foot Clinic 5:30p Crossroads Band 7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
28 5:30p Crossroads Band
6:30a Men's Breakfast Group 9a Mission Quilters 7p Boy Scouts 645
7p BLAZE 7p Praise Team
THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 4p Confirmation Interviews 3 RM SYNOD ASSEMBLY 5p Preschool Parents Night Out 7p Adult Mission Trip to Sky Ranch
8 4p Confirmation Interviews 9 4p Confirmation Interviews 10 12p OWLS Luncheon
9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy Group 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship 7p Adult Mission Trip to Sky Ranch
11 5p Worship
17 7p MOMSnext/MOPS
18 8a CLC Work Day
22 6:30p Confirmation Guide 23
25 Reformation Anniversary 26
29 7p Adult Bible Study
7p Adult Bible Study
15 7p Adult Bible Study
6p Military Ministry
Celebration 7p Adult Bible Study
Meeting MOVED 5/11
5p Worship 6:30p Confirmation Banquet
Oak Leaf Celebration 5p Worship
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Outreach Uganda New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext
Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services Thrivent Builds
Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes
First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips
Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes
held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)
Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball
Music CLC Kids Rock!
Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team