November 2013 CLC CrossWord

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Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending

Lutheran Family Services


Many of our refugee clients who come from African and South East Asian countries are unfamiliar with a “traditional” American Thanksgiving meal but would love and appreciate the opportunity to have a celebratory meal.

In recognition of their preferences we have created this alternative list: Rice - Jasmine or Basmati Dried Beans: Kidney or Black Regular Spaghetti Noodles Cans of Pasta Sauce Corn meal Green or black tea bags Salt Sugar Olive/Canola/Vegetable Oil (plastic bottles only please) $25 Gift Card for Meat and Fresh Items

CLC is also accepting donations of money and will do the shopping for you. Please put a check in the offering plate and mark it “Thanksgiving baskets” or place your check in the envelopes provided for the baskets in the Narthex. Thrivent Financial has generously agreed to make a $400 donation for the Thanksgiving bags. Please take one of the blue bags in the narthex and fill it with some or all of these items, along with the gift card, and return it to the Narthex by Sunday, November 25, 2013 for delivery to LFS that week. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Debby in the church office 303-791-0803.

STAFF: Rev. Tom Shelly, Sr. Pastor

Pastor Tom’s Message

Rev. DJ Dent, Associate Pastor Debby Kinsella Dir. Outreach/Equipping Gary Knutson Dir. of Youth & Family Deb Morgans Dir. of Preschool Mary Behnke Administrative Manager Sallie Burns Financial Secretary Linda Holcombe Dir. of Music Nicholas Koltay Administrative Assistant Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Barbara Pierson Dir. Nursery Ministry Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Ken Kroneberger Lee Bergstrom Nancy Bauer Rick Boyer Julie Waggoner Norm Beulke Adrian Hafner Bret Sumner John Ringkob John Riley

All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.

ThanksGiving Thanksgiving! For the past several months we have had different emphasis of focus. In September it was our Ministry and Mission, culminating in Youth Sunday. In October it has been our Oktoberfest event, St. Francis Blessing of the Animals, 1st Bible presentation, Reformation and Halloween. Late October also began our Stewardship campaign, “Excel in the Grace of Giving!” Now comes November whose obvious overarching theme is “ThanksGiving!” Of course the first thing that comes to mind is the traditional meal of the harvest of the abundant creation; the gathering of family and friends around this feast table; and finally fall and football colors! But ThanksGiving as a monthly emphasis goes much deeper. The month of November will see the wrap up of our Stewardship which hopefully will continue to be a year round – way of discipleship and stewardship of life. This year thanks to our Military Ministry Team we will take a week to thank veterans with a special guest for Adult University, a display of military memorabilia and another concert with Michel Peterson to benefit the military programs of Project Sanctuary and Centus Counseling. We will have a Tuesday Evening ThanksGiving service the week of ThanksGiving and our annual Pie Social in the Fellowship Hall. Chicks with Sticks will be selling scarfs once again this year, this month. And then, guess what happens? Advent and the beginning of the Holy Day celebration of Christmas in December. But the details for that are meant for another newsletter! PS Daylight Savings ends the weekend of November 2-3. + Many Blessings + See You in Worship + Pastor Tom

Pastor DJ’s Message Being that it is the time of the year that clouds become more frequent, I have noticed the change in attitude in myself and others on the less-sunny days. I think Midwesterners are a bit more conditioned for days like that, but after adapting to the sunniness of Colorado, a few days without direct sunlight can get to you. Apart from what can chemically happen when you don’t get sun, I’d like to encourage us in what can happen to our souls when the sun is not out as well. With that in mind I’m going to encourage and attempt an exercise to feed us during the prolonged grayness. Since it’s thanksgiving time, make a list of everything you are thankful for. Here is my stream of consciousness and in no particular order(although I’m sure to get brownie points for how this came out): Wife, kids, parents, the rest of my family, zombies, church, God, Jesus, Will Farrell, bicycles, the smell of fresh bread, the smell of rain, soft and warm blankets, spaghetti, doctors, engineers, cars, insulation, video games, an abundance of food, furniture foam, television, Douglas Adams, health, hospitals… Alright, so that wasn’t everything but I think the point was made. I have hidden in my office a cardboard box labeled “Pandora’s Box.” In it, I placed all the cards from the day of my ordination which means it is full of encouragement and hope. If you’re not familiar with the tale of Pandora, essentially she was the first human and out of curiosity opened the box containing all of the evils of the world. They all escaped before she could close the lid and only hope was left inside. This box is saved for the days when the rest of the world is weighing so heavy that I need respite. So, too, I encourage you to make your own list but be sure to add something to it each day. Even in the face of metaphorical clouds you should see it sooth your soul. God’s Peace, Pastor DJ

Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through gift-filled shoe boxes. You can pack a shoe box filled with small toys and other gifts, along with $7 per box to cover shipping and other project costs. For your convenience, consider giving online at by clicking on the EZ Give Donation button. The boxes need to be at the church by Sun., Nov. 25th so we can deliver them to Mission Hills community church. Brochures with the tags for boy or girl and instructions on how to prepare your box will be in the Narthex.

From the Preschool A time to be thankful enjoying friends and family! As the holiday season approaches, we are reminded that we need to take time to tell God how thankful we are for the amazing things he provides to us every day! Our preschool is amazing and we are so thankful for our families, the congregation, the teaching staff and all those who pray and support us every day. Our Chapel theme this month is, “Jesus Feeds the 5000.” We will also enjoy our storyteller. This month, our dads can come to school with their child and play in their classroom for a few hours. We will also host our annual Thanksgiving Feast for families the week before Thanksgiving just to give a taste of the wonderful holiday meal we share! We continue to count our blessings and wish everyone a healthy holiday season! - Ms. Deb and Ms. Blair


The Sr. high is having our annual Pie social to raise funds for world hunger and the Marion soup kitchen in Colorado Springs. James Dixon who works at the Marion soup kitchen goes to homeless camp’s and feeds and clothes kids who have not chosen to be homeless, but are there because of their parents. James has been a vital part of our Confirmation retreats in Colorado Springs, showing our youth what homelessness is all about. Come and grab a piece of Pie and bid on a Pie for your Thanksgiving table, God’s Peace and let’s end World Hunger.

Happy Birthday Chris Hegele 1-Nov Mona Housman 1-Nov Tim Radtke 1-Nov Katie Stanek 1-Nov Susan Boggs 2-Nov Vincent Gullia 2-Nov Matthew Montini 2-Nov Jessie Sloan 2-Nov Skylar Vernell 2-Nov Pamela Wolken 2-Nov Kristen Behnke 3-Nov Mike Cartwright 3-Nov Rebecca Rockwell 3-Nov Michele Butler 4-Nov Larry Jewett 4-Nov Landon Patz 4-Nov Barbara Triebel 4-Nov Marc Viergutz 4-Nov Kristen DeBeer 5-Nov Haley Kolseth 5-Nov Maria Lauer 5-Nov Brendan McCulloch 5-Nov Madeline Pontius 5-Nov Debbie Tronrud 5-Nov Dodie Van Dewerker 5-Nov Cheryl Adamson 6-Nov Ben Lepper 6-Nov

Katie D'Agostino 7-Nov Deanna Evens 7-Nov Troy Nedved 7-Nov Ryan Tesch 7-Nov Dianne Yoss 7-Nov James Beffel 8-Nov Wyatt Sumner 8-Nov Emily Triebel 8-Nov Joanne Holter 9-Nov Ron Rickard 9-Nov Lillian Swenson 9-Nov Dave Avra 10-Nov Kristi Boettcher 10-Nov Chris Morales 10-Nov Tommy Skelton 10-Nov Kiana Adamson 11-Nov Susan Bellipanni 11-Nov Sophia Dorr 11-Nov Amy Lee 11-Nov Tyler Pontius 11-Nov Paul E. Schauer 11-Nov Julie Seter 11-Nov Jackson Yvars 11-Nov Elizabeth Beem 12-Nov Scott Gereaux 12-Nov Hanne Schauer 12-Nov Mitch Veeder 12-Nov

Catherine Green 13-Nov Molly Stevens 13-Nov Cheryl Tiedgen 3-Nov Caeley Valenti 13-Nov Laura Van Steyn 13-Nov Andrew Brown 14-Nov Kate Fix 14-Nov Nathan Grant 14-Nov Pamela Liley 14-Nov Lindsay Morgans 14-Nov Mark Rocha 14-Nov Chris Schaeberle 14-Nov Barb Wisler 14-Nov Justin Dilges 15-Nov Jaelyn Garcia 15-Nov Jim Peterson 15-Nov Mike Edmunds 16-Nov Delores Forge 16-Nov Michelle Hegre 16-Nov Olivia May 16-Nov Jonathan May 16-Nov Scott Morton 16-Nov Ryan Reichelderfer 16-Nov Steve Hoemann 17-Nov Alison Jones 17-Nov Addison Martin 17-Nov Christopher Schauer 17-Nov

Kim Stark 17-Nov Aaron Waggoner 17-Nov Chris Yvars 17-Nov Amy Cameron 18-Nov Linda Coe 18-Nov Jack DeBeer 18-Nov Andrea Ridenour 18-Nov Rhiannah Baca 19-Nov Justin Bigelow 19-Nov Carter Cingrani 19-Nov Diana Heutmaker 19-Nov Julie Romney 19-Nov Karen Meyer 20-Nov Samantha Morgans 20-Nov Mike Sullivan 20-Nov Kathleen Wagner 20-Nov Taylor Christensen 21-Nov Dennis Gray 21-Nov Bryan Harant 21-Nov Evan Hunchar 21-Nov Amanda Stark 21-Nov Greg Whitney 21-Nov Allie Clowes 22-Nov Bruce Dorr 22-Nov Claudia Fix 22-Nov Christine Kleen 23-Nov Linda Schneider 23-Nov

Kelsey Veeder 23-Nov Margaret Williams 23-Nov Kathy Bates 24-Nov Ryan Haller 24-Nov Michelle McClurg 24-Nov Camille Thoennes 24-Nov Jodi Childs 25-Nov Zachary Fellows 25-Nov Marissa McCullor 25-Nov Jeani Ringkob 25-Nov Tom Aalto 26-Nov Janet Herman 26-Nov Steph Cembalisty 27-Nov Peter Marxhausen 27-Nov Philip Voelker 27-Nov Ted Burg 28-Nov Deb Morgans 28-Nov Grace Dent 29-Nov Vance Meyer 29-Nov Tony Archuleta 30-Nov Russell Friedenthal 30-Nov Ayden Garcia 30-Nov Christi Johnson 30-Nov Irma Johnson 30-Nov Andrew Kirk 30-Nov

Children’s Christmas Musical:

Calling All Singers & Actors Ages 4-12!

All kids ages 4-12 at CLC are invited to participate in our annual Children’s Christmas Musical! Our musical this year is called “The First Christmas,” and has lots of songs and speaking parts of all sizes. We will rehearse for the musical during our regular kid’s choir rehearsal times, and when we get closer to our performance in worship on December 15th, we will combine rehearsals on Saturday mornings. Please contact Linda Holcombe, Director of Music, if you have questions or need information: or call 303-791-0803. We hope you can join us!

Rehearsals will be during Joy Choir and Jubilation Choir at the following times:

Joy Choir (Ages 4-7): Wednesdays @ 4:30-5pm Beginning November 6th Jubilation Choir (Ages 8-12): Sundays @ 12:15pm Beginning November 3rd

Help Outreach Uganda’s Beaders Own a Home For the past six years, many CLC members have significantly helped Outreach Uganda and the Ugandan beaders by purchasing the women’s brightly colored necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and fiber crafts. The Ugandan beaders’ handicraft has served as recognition for their plight, and allowed them to eat at least two meals per day, buy needed medicines, send more of their children to school and even start or expand businesses. But Outreach Uganda is working to help them do even more: acquire land, because overcoming poverty includes land ownership. During the 20-year war in Uganda’s northern region, many families were forced out of their homes--losing loved ones, ancestral lands, and any hope of having their own home or earning an income. Now, after identifying available land and collectively saving their money, the Jinja beaders have begun the acquisition of property where they can build a self-sustaining community. These women and children live in crowded slums with no running water or electricity, cramped one-room rented dwellings, and many illnesses. These slum areas are also very dangerous. The women fear to leave their children alone there at any time of day let alone the night. In the last year, we have had one instance of a severe beating and another instance of a disappearance of a child of two of our beader families. Poisonings are also quite common. With your help to make the final needed payment, Outreach Uganda hopes to complete the land purchase so fifty Ugandan women and their families will be able to move out of the slums forever. This opportunity will transform their lives. To help complete the land purchase by the January deadline ($13,000 out of $100,000 is still needed), the Jinja beaders are offering beaded Christmas ornaments. If you are interested in purchasing ornaments, or can provide a forum for their sale (such as your school or workplace), or would like to make a contribution, please contact Carol Davis at or call her at 303/683-8450. Change lives. Overcome poverty together.

JOIN A SHEPHERDS’ DINNER GROUP Worship Projection Operators Needed for 5pm & 8am Services! Beginning in Advent on the weekend of November 30th-December 1st, CLC will be expanding our worship projections to include the 5pm Saturday evening and 8am Sunday morning services. We are excited about this transition away from using printed bulletins, as this gives our worship life enhancements through the use of technology, and we will also save a lot of trees! In order to be ready to have projections at all of our worship services starting with Advent, we will need several more projection operators to help at specifically 5pm Saturday and 8am Sunday worship. Training will be provided at the following times: Tuesday, November 19th at 6:30pm or “on the job” training with one of our current projectionists at the 9:30 or 11am services. If these times don’t work for you but you are interested in becoming a projection operator, please contact Linda Holcombe to arrange a time:, or call 303-791-0803.


Shepherds’ groups are dinner groups of 8 people who meet four times in each other’s homes between November and April. Each time the group meets, the host provides the main dish, and the others in the group bring an appetizer, salad, or dessert. This is a great way to get to know other people, both members and visitors of CLC, on a more intimate basis. Adult only and family groups are available. Deadline to sign up is November 24th so please sign the response sheet.

Semi Annual Meeting Saturday, November 9th 6:00

We have reloadable King Soopers Scrip cards in stock! If you do your grocery shopping at King Soopers, please consider purchasing one of these reloadable $25 cards. It can be reloaded for any amount when you shop. CLC receives $300+ every month when we have $5,000 in reloads. This is an easy way to support CLC and our many programs. Thanks for your support!

The order of business will be to approve the budget and receive statistical information. We will have a good old fashioned Lutheran potluck. Please bring a main dish, salad, side dish or dessert to share. We are also asking for donations of wine or beer. Please sign the response sheet indicating what you can bring. Join us for food, fellowship and fun with a little bit of business!

Dates to Remember!

Saturday, November 16th 7 p.m. Military Ministry presents Michael Peterson Concert (Pre-Concert Reception in the Fellowship Hall 6 p.m.)

Sunday, November 10th Military Ministry Memorabilia Display in Sonrise Room Sunday, November 10th 9:30 a.m. Military Ministry presents Julie Schrock for Adult University in Fellowship Hall “Missing Max – Finding Hope After My Marine Son’s Death

Tuesday, November 26th 6:30 p.m. “ThanksGiving Thanksgiving Service” Annual Pie Social in the Fellowship Hall following service.

Bonfils Blood Drive

We are holding another blood drive in memory of Hank Smith.

Sunday November 3rd from 8:30am to 12:30pm

We will be passing around a sign-up sheet the 2 weeks prior to the drive during all services.






FRIDAY 8TH GRADE RETREAT 8:30am Preschool 9:00am Rejoice Circle 5:30pm Parents Night Out

5 8:30am Preschool

6 8:30am Preschool


8 Fall Scarf sale-


9:00am Chicks w/Sticks 9:00am Superdad Saturday 5:00pm Worship/CC

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 3 8TH GRADE RETREAT ALL SAINT'S DAY 8:00am Worship/CC 8:30am Bonfils Blood Drive 9:30am Worship/SS 10:45am Safeguarding God's Children Class 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 7:00pm AA Meeting

6:30am Men's Breakfast 4 8:30am Preschool Group 11:00am Chapel 8:30am Preschool 11:15am Staff Mtg. 9:30am Bible Study 2:00pm Chapel 7:00pm Boy Scouts 4:30pm Jr. Brownie troop 7:00pm Personnel Meeting 5:00pm Crossroads Band/ Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 7:00pm MOPS set-up

Fall Scarf sale10 Chicks w/Sticks 8:00am Worship/CC 8:00am CLC Military Ministry 9:30 Worship/SS 11:00am Worship/CC 12:15pm Jubilation Choir 5:00pm Dynamite Youth 7:00pm AA Meeting

6:30am Men's Breakfast 11 Group 8:30am Preschool 9:30am Mission Quilters 9:30am Bible Study 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Legacy & Endowment Meeting

8:30am Preschool 12 8:30am Preschool 13 10:00am MOPS Steering 10:15am Storyteller 10:15am Storyteller 11:15am Staff Mtg. 2:00pm Storyteller 2:00pm Storyteller 4:30pm Joy Choir Rehearsal 5:00pm Crossroads Band/ 5:30pm Carillon Ringers Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm Confirmation Small 7:00pm BLAZE Group 7:00pm Council Mtg.

8:30am Preschool 14 6:00pm Eagle Court of Honor 7:00pm Cub Scout Leader Mtg 7:00pm Celebration Choir rehearsal

SR. HIGH GATHERING 8:30am Preschool 9:00am Rejoice Circle



SR. HIGH GATHERING 17 Fall Scarf sale-Chick w/Sticks 8:00am Worship/CC 9:30 Worship/SS 11:00am Worship/CC 11:00am Jubilation Choir 12:15pm Jubilation Choir 7:00pm AA Meeting

6:30am Men's Breakfast 18 Group 8:30am Preschool 9:00am Thanksgiving Feasts 9:30am Bible Study 4:30pm Brownie Troop 7:00pm Boy Scouts

8:30am Preschool 19 9:00am Thanksgiving Feasts 11:15am Staff Mtg. 1:00pm Visiting Nurse Assoc. 5:00pm Crossroads Band/ Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE 8:00pm MOPS set-up

Thanksgiving Baskets 21 8:30am Preschool 7:00pm CLC Military Ministry 7:00pm Celebration Choir rehearsal

Thanksgiving Baskets 8:30am Preschool

22 Thanksgiving Baskets


8:00am Worship/CC 24 9:30 Worship/SS 9:30am BAPTISM - Rand 11:00am Worship/CC 12:15pm 1st Communion Class 11:00am Jubilation Choir 7:00pm AA Meeting

6:30am Men's Breakfast 25 Group 8:30am Preschool 9:30am Mission Quilters 6:00pm Boy Scouts Venture 7:00pm Boy Scouts

Pie Social after service 26 NO CONFIRMATION 27 THANKSGIVING DAY 8:30am Preschool 4:30pm Joy Choir Rehearsal OFFICE CLOSED 11:15am Staff Mtg. 5:00pm Crossroads Band/ Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm BLAZE

29 5:00pm Worship/CC


10:00am MOPS Meeting 11:00am Chapel 1:00pm Revisit Christmas planning mtg. 2:00pm Chapel 4:30pm Joy Choir Rehearsal 5:30pm Carillon Ringers 6:30pm Confirmation Music 7:00pm Confirmation Learning Event

9:00am MOPS Mtg 20 4:30pm Joy Choir Rehearsal 5:30pm Carillon Ringers 6:30pm Confirmation Music 7:00pm Confirmation Learning Event

5:00pm Surprise party 6:00pm Cub Scout Den Mtg. 7:00pm Celebration Choir rehearsal

7 8:30am Preschool


12:00pm OWLS Luncheon 5:30pm Parent's Night Out


Chicks w/Sticks 8:00am Healthy Marriage Class 5:00pm Worship/CC 5:00pm BAPTISM - Schopfer 6:15pm Semi-Annual Mtg.

Fall Scarf sale-Chick w/Sticks 5:00pm Worship/CC 6:00pm Michael Peterson Concert

7:00am General Maintenance 5:00pm Worship/CC

5:00pm BAPTISM - Vorthmann

Followers of Jesus Christ

8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested

There’s a place for you! Outreach Ministries

Fair Trade Coffee Project ELCA World Hunger The Gathering Place Grant Avenue Street Reach Habitat for Humanity Harrington Elementary Lutheran Family Services Adult Mission Trips Outreach Uganda Urban Peak (MOPS) Mothers of Preschoolers


Celebration Choir Crossroads Worship Band Confirmation Choir Jubilation Choir Joy Choir Carillon Ringers


Caring Connection

Individual Care Team Confidential Prayer Tree Card Ministry New-Mother Ministry Prayer Shawl Knitters Chefs for Christ Pastoral Care and Counseling Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters

Youth & Family Ministries

Sunday School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th, 6th graders) Blaze (High School Youth) Sr. High Mission Trip Confirmation (7th & 8th graders) First Communion classes First Bible classes Baptism classes Family Nights

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