Christ Lutheran Church • Highlands Ranch, CO • Gathering † Gifting † Sending
Journeying Toward Unity As the 500th anniversary of the Reformation approaches in 2017, Christians in the United States and around the world are taking steps toward unity. In the United States, “Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry and Eucharist” – an ecumenical document that marks a pathway toward greater unity between Catholics and Lutherans – was released in October 2015. “Five hundred years ago wars were fought over the very issues about which Lutherans and Roman Catholics have now achieved consensus,” said ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. “The declaration is so exciting because it shows us 32 important points where already we can say there are not church-dividing issues between us, and it gives us both hope and direction for the future.” The statements in the “Declaration on the Way” were received and affirmed by the ELCA Conference of Bishops, the ELCA Church Council and the Bishops Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. In January 2016, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity invited Lutheran churches across the world to use a jointly developed Common Prayer in preparation to commemorate the Reformation in 2017. The piece is the first jointly developed liturgical order prepared by a liturgical task force of the Lutheran Catholic Commission on Unity of the LWF and the Pontifical Council. It is based on the recent study report “From Conflict to Communion: LutheranCatholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017” and is calling Catholic and Lutheran communities to joint prayer in this commemoration. “This common prayer marks a very special moment in our common journey from conflict to communion,” wrote Martin Junge, LWF general secretary, and Kurt Koch, Pontifical Council president, in a joint letter to church leaders. “We are grateful for being able to invite you to participate in this journey in witnessing to the grace of God in the world.”
Visit from Katie Luther
Visit from Katie Luther, Wife of Martin Luther To kick off our celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, CLC will play host to Katie Luther on Saturday & Sunday, October 21st & 22nd! Portrayed in full authentic costume by Pastor JaneAnn Settergren, Katie Luther will share “Katie Remembers” as the sermon at all services that weekend, which is a presentation of Martin Luther’s life from Katie’s point of view.
Special Worship Services for Reformation Weekend
Worship on Reformation weekend October 28/29 will include a regular Saturday service at 5pm, but on Sunday, we will have two identical Sunday worship services at 8:30am and 10:30am. They will feature the Celebration Choir and Carillon Ringers in a musical celebration of Luther and the Reformation.
LUTHERFEST Celebration!
Following the 10:30am service on Sunday, October 29th, we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation with an Oktoberfest-like party called Lutherfest. The festivities will include a German-style meal, dancing, theme baskets, German beer and wine in our Beer Garden, plus FUN for the whole family. This year we will be featuring Reformation Trivia! Please invite all your friends to this great event!
Tickets On Sale NOW! Advanced admission tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. At the door tickets will be $12 for adults and $6 for children.
STAFF: Pastor Eric Allert Lead Pastor pastorallert@clchr.org Pastor Gail Mundt Bridge Pastor pastorgail@clchr.org Karen Patz Volunteer & Care Coordinator volunteer@clchr.org Liesl Begnaud Outreach & Events Coordinator outreach@clchr.org Gary Knutson Director of Youth & Family gknutson@clchr.org Deb Morgans Director of Preschool dmorgans@clchr.org Allyson Evans Christian Youth Educator clchrsundayschool@gmail.com Linda Holcombe Director of Music lholcombe@clchr.org Shalean Rowe Office Coordinator office@clchr.org Carrie Mallery Principal Pianist Larry Scalfari Pianist Meliha & Predrag Vajzovic Custodians CHURCH COUNCIL: Joanne Edmunds hiranch@comcast.net Jeff Bergstrom j-bergstrom@comcast.net Liesl Farrier francophile87@gmail.com Jennifer Gunther j.gunther@comcast.net Pete Koury pete.koury@q.com Tom Coates tomcoates@comcast.net Steve Hoemann hoemannstba@comcast.net Christine Kleen christine.kleen@gmail.com Steve Schaeberle Schaeberle1@comcast.net Brian Martin bmartin29@hotmail.com Jennifer Smith jennifersmith303@hotmail.com All articles, photos and notices for the next issue of CrossWord are due by the 15th of the month. Send to office@clchr.org. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.
“Mission Support” and “Benevolence” A Stewardship Message From Pastor Eric Through God’s grace, we are freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. In God’s abundance, we have all been blessed to be able to answer God’s call towards that care for one another in a beautiful myriad of different ways. By sharing our God-given time, talents and financial resources with God’s church, we are participating in God’s work in our community and around the world. When we make a financial gift to Christ Lutheran, a percentage of that gift is shared with the wider church – with our synod and with the ELCA. This gift is called Mission Support. Each year, during the time of preparing next year’s annual church budget, our congregation pledges to send a portion of the offerings we receive as Mission Support to fund ELCA ministry in our Rocky Mountain Synod and beyond. Mission Support shows how we are church together – it’s essential to who we are as the ELCA. CLC’s offering is stewarded by our Church Council to support the work of the church. When we vote together to adopt the annual budget (November 18th), we designate a portion of our offering to be shared with the synod and the ELCA churchwide organization. Our congregation’s Mission Support dollars are then stewarded by the Rocky Mountain Synod leaders to support the work of the synod. The synod uses Mission Support to nurture ELCA congregations and rostered leaders (pastors and deacons), support local ministry partners (camps, colleges, seminaries, and more) and accompany our global companion churches in their ministry. Synods also designate a percentage of the Mission Support funds they receive to be sent to the churchwide organization. The ELCA, our national churchwide organization, uses Mission Support dollars to respond to local and worldwide ministry opportunities. Our financial generosity is one expression of our love for God and our neighbors. Mission Support enables us to do God’s work in ways that no individual, congregation, or synod can do alone. To that end, a portion of our Mission Support goes to empower ecumenical work as well as the work of The Lutheran World Federation, a global communion of 145 bodies in the Lutheran tradition representing more than 72 million Christians in 98 countries worldwide. The ELCA is the communion’s only member church from the United States. We are church together for the sake of the world. Benevolence giving is another means of discipleship giving of our time, talent and financial resources throughout the year’s calendar to serve the neighbor in ways that are unique or especially important to Christ Lutheran. Such examples of this Benevolence giving include: Outreach Uganda, Youth Mission Trips, MOPs and MOMs Next, Boy Scout Troop 645, Urban Peak, Centus Counseling, Lutheran Family Services of the Rocky Mountains, Pueblo de Dios, and so many MANY more. Most of these ministry opportunities for discipleship rely not only upon our financial support, but also the relationship we celebrate with them in the time invested with our physical presence that calls to give our time and talents as well. In our valuing both Benevolence and Mission Support together, we see that as followers of Christ Jesus, we have an abundance of opportunities to grow as disciples in serving the world – both near and far. Come and discover more about these exciting opportunities throughout October and November.
CLC Military Ministry:
Do you or someone you know suffer from PTSD or other mental health issues related to military service?
The Sturm Center is a behavioral health clinic for Veterans, Service Members and their families. The Sturm Family Foundation and the University of Denver's Graduate School of Professional Psychology has partnered to create a specialty academic and clinical training track for graduate students who wish to serve this population and to address this increased need for psychologists. These psychologists have taken very specific classes in Military Psychology to help them be of better service to our veterans, service members and their families. Charges are on a sliding scale, based on ability to pay. You can call 303-871-7942 to schedule a confidential appointment. Their website is www.du.edu/gspp/services/sturm and their Facebook page is /SturmCenter. They are located at 10730 E. Bethany Dr., Suite 395, Aurora 80014. If you know of someone who is in need, please refer them to The Sturm Center.
Welcome to the Fall Season at the Preschool! We have such a busy month planned with Chapel themes; “The Good Samaritan.” Our Senior Silver Speakers will visit and we will have music time with Ms. Linda, CLC’s Music Director. We began our first year of Family Chapel where parents and their kids can come for worship before school. Parent’s Night Out continues to be a great success. Teachers will hold their first conferences with parents and attend a Christian conference we go to every fall, which provides us with many new learning tools. Also, our yearly and exciting Butterbraid fundraiser begins on the 2nd and ends on the 20th. We will have order forms upstairs for the congregation to order and we so appreciate the support we have received over the years. They are good to have on hand for the holiday season! The children will have a Halloween parade. We will visit St. Luke’s pumpkin patch and host classroom parties at the end of the month. They look so adorable in their costumes!
We wish everyone a colorful fall season. Ms. Deb and Ms. Blair
New Office Hours at CLC In order to be better stewards of our resources and personnel, the church office is transitioning to new hours in which it will be open from 9am – 3pm, Monday through Friday. This decision was made for several reasons, including a recognized general flow of traffic and need in the office, increased harmony in supporting our office staff and seeking to not over-work them beyond scheduled hours of employment, updated phone systems and improved call-forwarding availabilities, and clarifying for the congregation our staff’s roles in ministry. Though many staff are around campus beyond these office hours, they always have additional ministries that require their attention time for preparing events. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our staff if you have a need, either during or outside of regular staff hours, as we are always eager and willing to help!
In September, the Call Committee prayerfully deliberated several times together, and then again with Council about our candidate for consideration of the Executive Pastor call. After extensive discussion and a great deal of prayer, it became clear that both the Call Committee and the Council were not receiving the guidance from God that is needed to extend the call to this candidate. As a result, the candidate was officially released from consideration, and the Office of the Bishop was updated. The Call Committee will now be reviewing our Ministry Site Profile, discussing further needs for clarity in the Spirit for the church’s hopes of our next Executive Pastor, and reconnect with Office of the Bishop in preparing a second slate of candidates. Please continue to keep Pastor Eric, our Call Committee, and the Church Council in your supportive prayers. Your efforts to demonstrate your love for the leadership moving ahead have been a wonderful blessing. We thank you for the additional patience that you have given, the warmth extended to Pastor Gail in bridging these two chapters, and the recognition of the importance for the process. Additional updates will be made through the appropriate release methods when ready.
From the Volunteer Coordinator’s Desk: As I write about volunteer opportunities for each week’s bulletin and e-news, I am reminded of the ministries that I am NOT highlighting that week. Since I have taken this position, I am continually astounded by the volunteer hours that are accumulated each day/week/month. That tells me that there are SO many opportunities for congregation members to get involved here at CLC. Below is a list of ministries with how often you could expect to serve if you were to join a certain ministry. PLEASE consider choosing a ministry to serve to keep our beloved house of worship as special as it currently is.
A church is only as alive and vibrant as its involved members! • Altar Guild, Greeters, Scripture Readers, Assisting Ministers, and Worship Teams each serve approximately once per month at the service of your choice. • Children’s Activity Bags - approx. once per month at your convenience during the week or weekends • Kitchen Care - rotating schedule every 3-4 weeks, on your schedule • Maintenance Team - one designated Saturday morning per month, 8:00-noon • Sanctuary Care - as needed, approx. every three months • Marquee sign changers - on a rotating schedule, approx. once per month on Monday or Tuesday • Sweetbread delivery - as needed to deliver a loaf of sweet bread to new visitors • Prayer Team - receive a confidential prayer list weekly, hold folks up in prayer daily from your own home • First Impressions Team - as needed to work on landscaping/care projects • Lawn mowing/snow removal - as needed
Please contact Karen at volunteer@clchr.org to join any of these groups
The weekly adult study series continues with a new look at the powerful and exciting Gospel of John on Wednesday nights at 7:05pm in the SonRise Room. Come and join Pastor Eric as he leads this welcoming class through a moving review of scripture with new lenses, digging deeper into the text, applying personal relevance, engaging in challenging study questions, with insightful conversations. This is a great group for all levels of Bible-experienced disciples! If you have ever wanted to know the scriptures more, this is your opportunity! (This class also takes place during the same time as confirmation, so parents; come and grow in your faith while your youth are doing the same next door!) Email Pastor Eric at pastorallert@clchr.org to find out more!
Pastor Eric’s Seasonal Reading List Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men, by Stephen Mansfield The Equipping Pastor: A systems approach to congregational leadership, by R. Paul Stevens and Phil Collins Welcoming the Stranger: A public theology of worship and evangelism, by Patrick R. Keifert What is the Bible?, by Rob Bell Canoeing the Mountains: Christian leadership in Uncharted Territory, by Tod Bolsinger
October Outreach FOCUS: Our Response to Hunger and Food Instability: Bringing it home. Deaconess Liesl Begnaud, Outreach and Events Coordinator
“Go therefore into the main streets and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.” Matthew 22:9 “I was hungry and you gave me food.” Matthew 25:35
Worldwide, the number of hungry people has dropped significantly over the past two decades, but 795 million people continue to struggle with hunger every day. Many factors contribute to the state of hunger both in the United States and abroad. The reasons are complex and varied, and often interconnected. • Unstable Markets • Poverty • Climate Change • Poor infrastructure • Job Instability • Nutritional Quality • Discrimination • War and Conflict • Food Shortages and Waste
» Nearly 1 in 9 Coloradans live in poverty, including more than 1 in 7 Colorado kids. » (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey: Poverty, September 2016) » Nearly 1 in 8 Coloradans struggle with hunger, facing times when there is not enough money to buy needed food. » (USDA, Household Food Security in the United States in 2015, September 2016; Food Research and Action Center, How Hunger Is America? National, State, and Local Index of Food Hardship, June 2016) » Nearly 1 in 5 Colorado kids may not know when or where they will get their next meal. (Colorado Children’s Campaign, 2016 KIDS COUNT in Colorado!, March 2016) » More than 1 in 7 Colorado seniors struggle with having enough food at times, forced to make choices between purchasing groceries or medication. (James Ziliak and Craig Gunderson, The State of Senior Hunger in America 2014: An Annual Report, Prepared for the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger, June 2016) » Nearly 1 in 6 Colorado households with children report an inability to afford adequate food. » (Food Research and Action Center, Food Hardship in America: Households With Children, September 2016) » Among all Colorado children, those under the age of 6 are most likely to be in poverty. They also are the most at risk of living in homes without enough food. » (Colorado Children’s Campaign, 2014 KIDS COUNT in Colorado!, March 2014; Colorado Children’s Campaign, 2011 KIDS COUNT in Colorado!, 2011) » A Coloradan, on average, only receives about $1.40 per meal in food stamp benefits, making it a challenge to put healthy food on the table for themselves and their family. (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Colorado Food Assistance Program fact sheet, February 2015) » Of food stamp recipients in Colorado, more than 3 in 4 live with children, nearly 1 in 4 live with an elderly or disabled resident, and almost half are members of working families. (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Colorado Food Assistance Program fact sheet, February 2015)
» Food stamps serves as an economic bridge, helping lift about 255,000 Coloradans, including 130,000 children, out of poverty between 2009 and 2013. (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, analysis of Supplemental Poverty Measure data from the U.S. Census based on five-year estimates, November 2014) » Compared to other states, Colorado ranks 12th in school breakfast participation for low-income students and 44th in SNAP/food stamp access for those eligible. (Food Research and Action Center, School Breakfast Scorecard, for School Year 2015-16, February 2017; USDA, Program Access Index 2015, February 2017)
According to Feeding America, food insecurity is a problem almost 28,000 Douglas County residents and 1 in 7 Americans face food insecurity. The USDA defines food insecurity as a state in which “consistent access to adequate food is limited by a lack of money and other resources… A household is food insecure if, in the previous year, they experienced limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods.” Characteristics of food insecurity include: • Worrying that your family will run out of food • Not being able to afford healthy food or cook balanced meals • Eating but being hungry at the end of the meal • Eating only one or two meals a day • Going an entire day without eating, sometimes more than once a week • Not knowing how or if you will be able to afford food Percentage of residents facing food insecurity Colorado: 12.9 percent Douglas County: 9.3 percent (Feeding America) In Douglas County: • 5,572 residents are enrolled in food assistance programs. This represents only 38 percent of those who are eligible. (Feeding America)
Our response:
Christ Lutheran Church continues to PARTNER WITH OUR COMMUNITY; Collecting Food, Raising Money and Serving Meals: • Integrated Family Community Services • Urban Peak • Fresh Harvest Food Bank • Military Ministry • Lutheran Family Service • Local Schools, Back Pack Program Thank you Christ Lutheran Church for all you do to help alleviate hunger in our community. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your hear, and with all your soul and with your entire mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22: 37-39
September’s Momentous Occasions
On September 22nd and 23rd, Pastor Eric led the Council in prayerful Visioning Summit inviting God’s Spirit to open to the leadership His purpose and dream for this congregation. From this weekend, we established a 3-fold focus of vision and structure. The first is our goal to establish an environment of both stability and achieving full potential with our church’s office, programmatic, and pastoral staff. The second goal included diagnosing and reestablishing the support needed for the church’s lay leadership committees and teams with intentional focus on (re-)equipping, supporting and communicating with volunteers. Finally, the Council and Pastors recognize the importance of creating both short-term and long-term planning for the financial commitments of the church campus, operating budget, and call to grow in mission support and benevolence.
9/1 Bev Nichols Funeral 9/9 Priscilla Raddatz Funeral 9/17 Baptism of Macy Sullivan
Our work continues from this Summit experience as we journey further with the Holy Spirit in welcoming this vision into the church. Please continue to lift your elected Council leaders in prayer as we all dream with God for the sake of the Church in the world now and in to the future that God has before us. If you would like to know more about this Summit event and how we see God leading the congregation, please don’t hesitate to talk with either Pastor Eric or Pastor Gail, or any member of our Church Council.
9/29 Robert Almer Funeral
Happy Birthday Chuck McGavern Paul Betthauser Nathan Marxhausen Lynn Prescott Neb Bailey Mark Johnson Greg Kleen Barbara Pierson Annie Roth Tim Stohs Delilah June Fisbeck Alex Hinz Meghan McDonald Julia Hegele Celeste Leibbrandt Scott Lichty Maddy McCullor Steve Mitchell Pastor Frank Philipp Bryan Warren Richard Dethlefs Al Kravitz Jeff Moore Tessa Polodna Jennifer Shadbolt Brodie Dilges Nicholas Koltay Judy Slawson
Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 2 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 5 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 8 Oct 8
Donald Perko Chad Freitag Gary Knutson Marilyn Kolseth Amy Sims Dick Swanson Hailey Johnson Thomas Kinsella Mike Lee Sophie Mickus Travis Saxton Mark Mitchum Rusty Porterfield Megan Silverman Kati Polodna Curt Rowe Darin Weitzel Joanne Edmunds Cyndi Perry Don Alpern Steven Gutsch Jessica Lytle Kelly O'Hearn Michael Porter Tressa Stohs Mario Flores Jack Connolly Reece Evans
Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 11 Oct 11 Oct 11 Oct 11 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 13 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct 17
Bruce Klein Lindsay Ross Mikayla Devin Jon Hegre Joyce Woody Lillianna Flores Lary Thomas Mark Bauer Mike Hefti Chad Liley Barb Sande Warren Arnold Audrey Larsen Steve Heutmaker Lorilee Branting Isabella Lembke Dean Macko Leah Ringkob Jeff Snauwaert Colin Brown Taylor Holter Dorothy Jenkins Carlos Martinez Phyllis Nash Madison Riley McKenna Riley Kathy Bigelow Erik Johnson
Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 19 Oct 20 Oct 20 Oct 20 Oct 20 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 25
Reilly McGavern Bob Mulverhill Carter Parks Madison Bachelder Sallie Burns Sarah Fisbeck Eric Hemenway Natalie Martin Linda Nix Lesley Cantrell Nadia Carroll Don Marxhausen Lara Rockwell Lucas Trevino Darrell Woody Anthony Dimercurio Conrad Freeman Charlie Larsen Owen Waldenmyer Jason Gray Zachary Tiedgen Susan Carroll Raymond Johnson Hollie Dieffenbaugher Sergio Mena Casa Carol O'Hearn Kyoko Okada
Oct 25 Oct 25 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 28 Oct 28 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct 30 Oct 31 Oct 31 Oct 31 Oct 31
Youth Ministry Fall Events
Our fall season in the church has begun and many things will be happening throughout October, November, December in youth ministry!
1st Bible Classes will be happening during the Sunday School hour on Oct 1st, 15th, and 22nd and our youth will be receiving their Bibles on Reformation Sunday Oct 29th at the 10:30 service. Harvest Farm Festival - Wellington, Colorado
Harvest Farm is the working farm of the Denver rescue mission, it’s where recovering alcoholics and addicts go to get their life back in order. This recovery farm is a world renown rehabilitation center that is Christ centered. Our high school youth go up the 1st week of June every year to work alongside the residents. We go back in October for the festival that has the biggest corn maze in Colorado. They also have corn cob shooting, pumpkin smashing, and other activities on weekends throughout the month of October. I recommend all families go and check it out. The High School youth will be going Oct 20th. There will be NO Halloween Party this year since Lutherfest takes place on the weekend we usually have it.
1st Communion Classes are scheduled for November
5th and 19th from 12:15 to 2:30. Both classes must be attended and a parent must accompany their child. Lunch will be served starting at 12:15. We will celebrate the youths 1st Communion on December 3rd at the 11 am service.
The next Baptism Class will be December 10th at 12:15. Lunch will be served. The class will last until approximately 2:30. Email Gary at gknutson@clchr.org to register.
Sr. High Pie Social - Tuesday November 21st
Please join the Sr. High Youth to raise money for hunger. All proceeds will go to Pueblo De Dios in Compton, CA, our sister church, to help with their weekly feeding of the poor.
Family Event - Christmas Caroling and Chili Supper on December 17th at 5 pm. We will eat and warm
up for Christmas Caroling until 8 pm.
World Communion Weekend 1 8a Worship 8a Youth Car Wash 9:30a First Bible Class 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! Musical Rehearsal-All Cast 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast 2 Group 8a Preschool 9:30a Beth Moore Bible Study 5:30p ADVANCE! [off-site] 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Personnel Mtg.
8a Preschool 3 8a Preschool 4 8a Preschool 9:15a MOPS 4p Youth Fundraiser at 9:15a Preschool parent jason's Deli 5:30p Carillon Ringers meeting 7p Celebration Choir 7p Adult Bible Study 10a Staff Mtg. 7p Confirmation Learning Event 11:30a Long Term Planning 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
8a Worship 8 9:30a Macy Mielke Baptism 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! Musical Rehearsal-All Cast 1p CLC KidsRock! Musical Rehearsal-Main Roles 5p Dynamite 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast 9 10a Staff Mtg. 4:30p Caregiver Mtg Group 5p Crossroads Band 9a Mission Quilters 6:30p Praise Team 9:30a NO Beth Moore Bible 7p Blaze-Sr. High Study 7p Council Mtg. 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Military Ministry Mtg. 7p Ladies Bunko (off-site)
8a Worship 15 9:30a First Bible Class 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Pet Blessing Worship 11a Worship/CC 12p L&E Estate Planning Class 12:15p CLC KidsRock! Musical Rehearsal-All Cast 1p CLC KidsRock! Musical Rehearsal-Main Roles 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast 16 Group 9a Family Chapel 9:30a Beth Moore Bible Study 7p Boy Scouts 645 7p Legacy & Endowment Mtg.
9a Family Chapel 17 11a Preschool Chapel 18 10a Staff Mtg. 5:30p Carillon Ringers 11:30a Christmas Planning 7p Adult Bible Study 12p VNA Foot Clinic 7p Confirmation Learning Event 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
8a Worship 22 9:30a First Bible Class 9:30a Sunday School 9:30a Worship 11a Worship/CC 12:15p CLC KidsRock! Musical Rehearsal-All Cast 1p CLC KidsRock! Musical Rehearsal-Main Roles 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast 23 Group 9a Mission Quilters 9:30a Beth Moore Bible Study 7p Boy Scouts 645
10a Staff Mtg. 12p VNA Foot Clinic 4:30p Caregiver Mtg 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
24 10a Compassion Team
8:30a Reformation Worship 29 Service 9:30a NO 9:30 Worship TODAY 9:30a Sunday School 10:30a First Bibles Presentation 10:30a Reformation Worship Service 12:15p "Lutherfest" 7p AA Meeting
6:30a Men's Breakfast 30 Group 8a Preschool 9a Mission Quilters 9:30a Beth Moore Bible Study 6:30p Compassion Team 7p Boy Scouts 645
8a Preschool 10a Staff Mtg. 12p VNA Foot Clinic 5p Crossroads Band 6:30p Praise Team 7p Blaze-Sr. High
10 5:30p Carillon Ringers
11 7p Boy Scouts 645
7p Adult Bible Study 7p NO Confirmation Learning Event
7p Celebration Choir
12 12p OWLS Luncheon
11a Preschool Chapel 19 7p MomsNext (off-site) 2p Preschool Chapel 6p Worship & Music Team Meeting 7p Celebration Choir
25 7p Celebration Choir
10a Compassion Team meeting 5:30p Carillon Ringers 6p Confirmation Guide Huddle 7p Adult Bible Study 7p Confirmation Learning Event
SATURDAY 6 9a Chicks w/Sticks 10a Genealogy Group 1p Fjelldalen Lodge 5p Worship/CC
13 5p Worship/CC
20 8a Cindy Russell Card
Making 5p Worship/CC 6p Katie Luther Class
27 5p Emilia Knight Baptism 28 5p Worship/CC
Followers of Jesus Christ
8997 S. Broadway Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 Change Service Requested
There’s a place for you! Church Community Ministries Outreach Ministries Altar Guild Harrington Elementary School in New Mothers Ministry Worship Teams First Impressions Team Ushers and Greeters Bulletin “Folders” Readers Decorating Team Assisting Ministers Mowing & Snow Removal Kitchen Team Recycling Team Maintenance Team Sweet Bread Ministry Sign Team Chefs for Christ Sanctuary Care Card Ministry Prayer Tree Care for the Caregiver Grief Group MOPS MomsNext
Denver – various projects Outreach Uganda Urban Peak Teen Shelter Alcoholics Anonymous Bonfils Blood Drive Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp Lutheran Family Services projects Grant Avenue Street Reach Pueblo De Dios (in CA) Projects ELCA World Hunger Military Ministry Chicks with Sticks Mission Quilters Integrated Family Community Services Thrivent Builds
Youth & Family Ministries Baptism Classes
First Bible Classes First Communion Classes Summer Vacation Bible School Dynamite Youth Group (4th, 5th & 6th graders) Confirmation Classes (7th & 8th graders) BLAZE (Senior High School Youth Group) Sunday School Mission Trips
Education and Fellowship Adult Education Classes (Pastor led classes
held during 9:30 Sunday services, Wednesday nights at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am) Men’s Breakfast Group – Bible study group meets every Monday morning Women of Joy – a Christian Bible study that meets twice monthly for fellowship and service Women’s Bible Studies - (Monday mornings 9:30am – spring and fall sessions)
Fun and Fellowship OWLS – Senior group meets monthly for fellowship Shepherds Dinner Group Men’s Book Club Women’s Book Club Advance! Men’s Group Women’s Bunko Soul Sisters Women’s Group Bridge Group Co-ed and Men’s Softball
Music CLC Kids Rock!
Youth Worship Weekend Band Celebration Choir Carillon Ringers Crossroads Band Praise Team