Cedar Wings magazine. June - July 2019

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‫أجنحة اﻷرز‬

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‫عيد الفطر‬

‫صفاء روحي‬ ‫وعادات وبهجة‬


‫فنادق تنتظرك ﰲ هذا الصيف‬

The In-flight Magazine of Middle East Airlines - Air Liban


‫ الخطـوط الجوّيـة اللبنانيّـة‬- ‫مجـلة طيـران الشـرق اﻷوسـط‬

Issue 171 ‫ عدد‬June - July 2019 ‫ تموز‬- ‫حزيران‬

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Un coin d’ORIENT sur la Tamise





Managing Director Doumit Raidy

Responsible Editorial Director

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Amjad Iskandar

English Editor Marwan Naaman

French Editor Fifi Abou Dib

Lead Writer MarieJoe Raidy

Style Editor Maria Matta

MEA Rima Mikaoui Maria Abboud

Online Branding Agency Creative Lounges www.creativelounges.com

Advertising Agency Pressmedia Tamam sal Tel: +961 1 577 000 info@pressmedia.com.lb

Copyright Cedar Wings is published bimonthly on behalf of MEA by Raidy Group. All material is strictly copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the copyright holder. All data is correct at the time of publication.

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Contact us Tel: +961 5 45 66 66 cedarwings@raidy.com



Founded by WAFIC AJOUZ

Cover photo by Luis Monteiro


FEATURE Highlights







L’AUTRICHE en famille et en musique

TRAVEL Copenhagen



CONCEPT PIONNIER Les Galeries Lafayette

ARCHITECTURE Gaudí’s Barcelona



MUSÉE Leighton House

KENYA A wildlife paradise



MODE Été ailleurs


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‫سانتوريني لبنان‬

161 | ٣٢

SEA & FANTASY ‫علي يونس ومارال ملحم‬

153 | ٤٠


‫صفاء روحي وعادات‬


‫هذه الفنادق بانتظارك‬

This magazine is designed and printed in Lebanon by Raidy Printing Group SAL.Terraprint paper used to make this issue is supplied by Fadel group and is from sustainable sources.This magazine is fully recyclable, so please help us reduce waste. All rights reserved for Cedar Wings. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of MEA.


Every issue meet our extended family of contributors who help us create Cedar Wings.

Jessy Bustros is a director of House of Today and a key influencer in planning and implementing its successful strategy. Together with founder Cherine Magrabi Tayeb, Jessy has overseen the development of the foundation’s program and the curation of its exhibitions, commissions and collaborations. Year round, Jessy provides consultations and support for Lebanese designers, as well as identifying the country’s finest emerging talents. HoT is a non-profit organization that identifies, mentors, curates, showcases and connects Lebanese product designers to create a relationship with design experts. It is a platform that inspires, creates, and influences through biennale exhibitions, as well as an annual scholarship program.


Chris Nader is a hotelier with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has been trotting around the globe intensively. Last year alone, he spent 100 days in 27 cities across 22 countries, where he visited no less than 50 hotels. A road warrior, his work takes him sometimes to hotels where no other sane person would dare sleep. But he likes adventure and luckily most hotels he checks into are top luxury properties. He loves freestanding bathtubs and hates being asked “How was your flight sir?” He is uncompromising when it comes to service. And if you want him to write a good review about your hotel, make sure you excel at @hotel_trotter making Eggs Benedict.

Mira Tueny is a dietitian and a smoking cessation practitioner. She provides a balanced lifestyle nutrition and physical activity plan to keep people fit and at reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. She holds a Master’s degree from Imperial College London in preventive cardiology and is recognized as a specialist in obesity by the World Obesity Federation.Mira is the founder of The HealthQuarters, a holistic, multidisciplinary polyclinic and Snack In The Box, a monthly box of expertly selected healthy snacks. She works as a consultant for gyms, juice bars and food brands.





Dina Maktabi is the mom of two healthy and vivacious kids , and the founder and editor of “Kensington Mums” and “Mums in Beirut.” Her vision is to empower and inspire every mother. In an age where networking has become increasingly digital, both online platforms are successfully illustrating that the online landscape can be a fantastic resource for creating relationships that crossover into real life and impact our daily parenting routine. The community is a celebrated free support network for mothers from all over the world. Dina has a passion to connect like-minded moms together in their “momthly” meet ups @mumsinbeirut and events. Senior journalist, local and international tourism expert, TV presenter and globetrotter, Elsa Yazbek Charabati works in several media (TV, radio and press). After the success of her TV travel show “Voyage Voyage,” she’s expanding her expertise to social media with quick and lively episodes. She also prepares and presents a special prime time TV show on famous Lebanese around the world called “Bi Kell Fakher” (Proud to Be Lebanese). Head of the interpretation department at Université SaintJoseph (USJ), she’s fluent in Arabic, French, English, Spanish and some Japanese. This facility with languages helps her communicate the best of each culture to the world.


Ever since she was a little girl, Mayda Chatila had a passion for photography and for exploring the world. Even though life took her in a different direction, she eventually found her way back to what truly makes her happy: traveling and discovering new and exciting places.After graduating from school, she pursued her pharmacy degree and opened a pharmacy in Beirut, and that gave her the opportunity to fund her travels.Whether she travels alone or with her family or friends, she always tries to make her trips more adventurous by staying as far away as possible from touristy destinations. Her ultimate goal is to work in the travel industry, perhaps @my.travel.log someday tailoring perfect vacations.

Opinions expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of Cedar Wings magazine or MEA. All materials supplied are the contributor’s responsibility.



en famille et en musique ! par Elsa Yazbek Charabati

Pour DÉCOUVRIR la plupart des PAYS, vous ouvrez GRAND les YEUX. Mais L’AUTRICHE se SAVOURE avant tout avec les oreilles. DO, RÉ, MI… Au pays de MOZART et de SOUND OF MUSIC, les NOTES se promènent non seulement dans les MUSÉES, mais aussi sur les TROTTOIRS et dans L’AIR, pour le plus grand PLAISIR des GRANDS et des PETITS. Suivezmoi dans un ROAD trip MUSICAL que vous ne serez PAS près D’OUBLIER !

DO comme Donauinsel. Puisque la première étape en Autriche est sûrement, Vienne la capitale, direction Donauinsel ou l’île du Danube. Une île longue et étroite située entre le célèbre fleuve et le canal appelé Neue Donau (« Nouveau Danube ») où il fait bon se balader ou pratiquer son sport préféré. Si vous y êtes fin juin, ne ratez pas la “Donauinselfest”, festival international de musique en plein air, le plus grand du genre en Europe, qui attire plus de 3 millions de visiteurs chaque année.

RÉ, comme Rêver les yeux grands ouverts dans le château de Schönbrunn. Prévoyez-y une bonne journée. Depuis les années 1960, c'est l'un des sites touristiques les plus visités de Vienne. Classé au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco depuis 1996, l’imposant château bâti à la fin du 17ème siècle est surtout connu du grand public grâce au film « Sissi impératrice d’Autriche ». En déambulant dans l’immense palais, on s’attendrait presque à tomber nez à nez avec Romy Schneider qui avait si merveilleusement interprété le rôle de l’impératrice Elisabeth, épouse de l'empereur François-Joseph Ier d'Autriche, qui régna de 1848 à 1916, laissant sa marque sur Schönbrunn. Si l’intérieur du château fascine les plus grands, le parc fera la joie de toute la famille. Les jardins à la française ont été dessinés en 1695 par un élève de Le Nôtre, Jean Tréhet. Ils comprennent de fausses ruines page 10


Pas très loin de là, le Prater ou « Prairie », une grande étendue verte au sein de la capitale qui regroupe la Grande Roue, symbole de la ville avec ses 65 m de haut, un parc, mais surtout une fête foraine permanente qui fascinera les enfants. Après quelques tours de manège ou de montagnes russes, rien de tel qu’un bon Schnitzel, énorme escalope traditionnelle autrichienne accompagnée de frites, qui changera un peu des fameuses pâtes adulées par les petits.

A Vienne, on peut aussi rêver les yeux grands ouverts au musée du Belvédère avec son parc et sa collection de tableaux de Gustav Klimt, notamment connu pour son « Baiser ». Toujours dans la capitale, ne ratez surtout pas le spectacle équestre de l’École espagnole d’équitation. Réservez vos tickets en ligne et laissezvous entrainer par la danse des chevaux blancs sur des airs de valse. Tout simplement magique !

MI, comme iniMitable Mozart! Mais la grandeur de Vienne-la majestueuse se reflète surtout dans son Opéra, à visiter au moins pour l’expérience et bien sûr dans l’omniprésence de Mozart que l’on retrouve partout : sur les Mozartkugel- fameux chocolats au marzipan qui portent son nom- et dans différents endroits du pays. A Vienne, la Mozarthaus, maison de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart se trouve au n° 5 de la Domgasse, à deux pas de la cathédrale Saint-Etienne. Il y vécut de 1784 à 1789 et y composa l'un de ses opéras les plus célèbres : Les Noces de Figaro. Sur quatre niveaux, on découvre la vie du génie à travers des expositions, bercé par sa musique. Mais pour plonger dans le monde du grand musicien : cap sur

©Elsa Yazbek Charabati

romaines, une orangerie, et la Gloriette d’où l’on dispose d’une vue panoramique sur le palais et sur la ville de Vienne. Mais la cerise sur le gâteau est le Children’s Schönbrunn Palace, un trésor pour les enfants où ils pourront se déguiser et jouer à la vraie vie de château. Les marionnettes les entraineront dans un monde imaginaire et le zoo - le plus ancien du monde et l'un des rares à abriter des pandas géants, les amusera. Enfin, le labyrinthe en plein air où toute la famille passera un bon moment finira de les émerveiller.

“A Vienne, on peut aussi rêver les yeux grands ouverts au musée du Belvédère avec son parc. ” Salzbourg, sa ville natale. Un très beau trajet en voiture où l’on s’émerveille devant la beauté émeraude de la nature autrichienne avant d’arriver au lieu le plus célèbre de la ville : la maison natale de Mozart. Le musée réunit quelques portraits originaux de la famille et quelques instruments de musique dont le violon d’enfant du grand compositeur ainsi que le pianoforte utilisé par Mozart dans ses concerts viennois. Do, Ré, Mi, Fa… page 11

FA pour le Fabuleux tour « Sound of Music ». Réservation faite, le périple peut s’effectuer en bus, à pied, à bicyclette ou même en pousse-pousse. L’idée est de s’immerger dans le fameux film joué par Julie Andrews car- même fictive- la vie de la famille Von Trapp est devenue étroitement liée à celle de la ville de Salzbourg. Ainsi, grands et petits découvrent la belle région des lacs et revoient les Jardins Mirabell et la Fontaine Pegasus où dansaient Maria et les enfants, le Schloss Leopoldskron, résidence des Von Trapp dans le film, le Couvent Nonnberg où Maria était novice, la Basilique Mondsee où le Capitaine Von Trapp épousa la jeune femme à la voix angélique… Et vous retournerez tous à l’hôtel en chantonnant les airs si connus.

SOL, comme le sous-Sol de Salzbourg qui cache des…mines de sel. Le saviez-vous ? Salzbourg signifie « Château du sel » car, il y a 2500 ans déjà, les Celtes extrayaient du site ce bien précieux. Au temps des princes-archevêques, ce condiment était d’ailleurs désigné comme l’Or blanc. Pour le voir de plus près, rien de tel que de s’engouffrer dans les entrailles de la terre. La mine d'Hallein en est le lieu parfait. Il faudra juste prévoir des vêtements pour se couvrir et des chaussures fermées, même si l'on vous fait enfiler une combinaison. Claustrophobes s’abstenir ! Pour les autres, l’amusement est garanti. La visite dure 90 minutes, mais on ne voit pas le temps passer. Déjà le fait d’entrer dans le cœur de la montagne sur le train de la mine est une expérience mémorable en soi. Des toboggans en bois aux marches dans les galeries, des pauses didactiques au spectacle du lac salé souterrain… tout est passionnant. ©Elsa Yazbek Charabati

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“Salzbourg signifie ‘Château du sel’ car, il y a 2500 ans déjà, les Celtes extrayaient du site ce bien précieux.”

“Avec son paysage à couper le souffle et son lac bordé de maisonnette typiques, St. Wolfgang attire les touristes en quête de calme et de sérénité.”

LA comme La matinée inoubliable au Hellbrunn Castle. Si vous voulez opter pour une valeur sûre pour vous amuser autant que vos enfants : le Château de Hellbrunn est la bonne adresse. Depuis plus de 400 ans, ce château enchante et stupéfie ses visiteurs avec ses Jeux d’eau. Une expérience unique en son genre et riche en surprises, fruit de l’imagination du prince-archevêque de Salzbourg Markus Sittikus qui conçut sa résidence d’été comme un lieu de divertissement pour impressionner ses hôtes. Construit en 1615, ce château de plaisance est jalonné de fontaines-surprises qui vous prennent au dépourvu ! Les ruines, la grotte aux miroirs vous plongent dans un univers insolite et les automates animés par la seule force de l’eau témoignent de l’ingénierie de l’époque. Un spectacle aussi époustouflant qu’éclaboussant. Fous rires garantis ! SI … et Si vous aviez encore du temps pour visiter St Wolfgang ? Avec son paysage à couper le souffle et son lac bordé de maisonnettes typiques, St. Wolfgang attire les touristes en quête de calme et de sérénité. Cette localité est aussi le pays de l’Auberge du Cheval Blanc, dont le site splendide au bord du lac est célébré dans la fameuse opérette éponyme de 1930. Un petit tour en bateau et puis… s’en vont ! Et si c’était à refaire ? Ce tour sensoriel et musical en Autriche, vous le referez surement… à la demande de vos enfants!

« Regarde maman, c’est notre drapeau… sans le cèdre ! » Drôle de coïncidence ! Avec ses trois bandes horizontales rouges et blanche, le drapeau autrichien impressionne les Libanais ! Sur ce drapeau, les couleurs tireraient leur origine du blason qu'aurait adopté, en 1191, le duc de Babenberg à l'issue d'une bataille où son justaucorps blanc avait été couvert de sang, à l'exception de la partie centrale, protégée par sa ceinture. Mais pour nous, il manque l’essentiel : notre cèdre central qui représente la majesté, la longévité, la stabilité, l’espoir et l’avenir. Cela dit, on retrouve dans la nature autrichienne tellement d’arbres, de verdure, de forêts bien entretenues que cela pourrait nous servir de leçon.A bon entendeur salut ! LE MONDE À PORTÉE DE MAIN, AVEC LA MEA ET SES PARTENAIRES SKYTEAM. ©Elsa Yazbek Charabati

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LES GALERIES LAFAyette aux Champs-Élysées

Un Concept Pionnier

par Fifi Abou Dib

Près de 30 ANS après la

CRÉATION et le SUCCÈS fulgurant de son premier GRAND MAGASIN, le fondateur des Galeries LAFAYETTE, Théophile Bader, confiait en 1927 qu’il

RÊVAIT de créer, à l’angle de la rue LA BOÉTIE et DES CHAMPS-ÉLYSÉES un lieu à mi-chemin entre le COMMERCE, les services et le divertissement.

AUJOURD’HUI c’est chose faite. Dans le MAGNIFIQUE bâtiment ART-DÉCO sis 60, avenue des Champs-Élysées, les Galeries



Le magnifique bâtiment Art déco qui logeait naguère le Virgin Mégastore fermé en 2013 propose non moins de 600 marques, les unes incontournables, d’autres inédites en France, ainsi que des éditions limitées et des collaborations spéciales. Sur une surface de 6500m2 (la plus importante superficie commerciale de l’iconique avenue des Champs-Élysées), le bureau d’architecture danois BIG a développé des codes architecturaux permettant de connecter entre eux de manière fluide et « sans couture » les quatre étages du bâtiment. page 16

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est l’association de deux noms mythiques dont les touristes du monde entier connaissent l’effet et la résonnance : « Champs-Élysées » et « Galeries Lafayette ». Peut-on dire « Paris » sans penser à l’avenue et au grand magasin ? Ces deux noms sont devenus deux marques prestigieuses qui s’irriguent l’une l’autre, ancrées dans le patrimoine, propulsées vers l’avenir, enracinées dans une tradition de mode et d’art de vivre à la française, riches d’un rayonnement international.

“ Le magnifique bâtiment Art déco qui logeait naguère le Virgin Mégastore fermé en 2013 propose non moins de 600 marques, ainsi que des éditions limitées et des collaborations spéciales.” page 17

“ À l’heure où une nouvelle clientèle préfère commander ses produits en ligne, le nouvel espace commercial Galeries Lafayette- Champs Élysées se veut un lieu d’expérience, but de promenade et de récréation autant que d’achat.”

À l’heure où une nouvelle clientèle préfère commander ses produits en ligne, le nouvel espace commercial Galeries Lafayette- Champs Élysées se veut un lieu d’« expérience », but de promenade et de récréation autant que d’achat. Ce modèle de vente exclusif est amplifié par une série d’innovations digitales, parmi lesquelles deux services spécialement développés pour ce flagship : l’application « Personal stylist 2.0 » qui permet de choisir son conseiller et de le rencontrer, et le « cintre intelligent » qui permet d’obtenir des informations sur les produits et vérifier leur disponibilité.

“ On y trouve entre autres un Denim lab, des sneakers unisexes, des bijoux couture, des objets design.”

Le premier étage, dédié au casual et à la créativité, est l’espace des collaborations exclusives et des éditions limitées. On y trouve entre autres un Denim lab, des sneakers unisexes, des bijoux couture, des objets design. Il accueille aussi le café Citron, restaurant du créateur Jacquemus créé en collaboration avec le groupe Caviar Kaspia.

Le deuxième étage est le sanctuaire des maisons de luxe avec leurs collections masculines et féminines. S’y ajoutent des labels de créateurs reconnus mais moins diffusés. Six boites de verre suspendues y jouent les vitrines intérieures. La mise-en-scène est puissante et inattendue. L’offre s’étend ici à la joaillerie et à la maroquinerie haut de gamme. Cet étage a lui aussi son espace de restauration : Oursin, également placé sous la direction artistique de Jacquemus et opéré par Kaspia. Le sous-sol est un food court où la gastronomie étale son empire. De grandes enseignes telles qu’Alain Ducasse, Stohrer et Yard, ainsi que plusieurs corners d’épicerie fine, en tout 10 comptoirs, se divisent les deux espaces sucré et salé, entourant de grandes et conviviales tables d’hôtes. Ce niveau est ouvert 7 jours sur 7. Le « rooftop », quant à lui, n’a pas encore annoncé sa vocation, mais il promet lui aussi une expérience hors du commun. Commerce, divertissement et services, tout y est, mais le fondateur Théophile Bader n’aurait pu imaginer, dans ses rêves les plus fous, ce que donnerait une vision des Galeries Lafayette à l’ère digitale, leur prestigieuse enseigne affichée sur l’un des emplacements les plus iconiques des Champs-Élysées.

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Le rez-de-chaussée est à lui seul une attraction. Un tunnel sur les parois duquel sont projetées des œuvres cinétiques conduit à un lobby chaleureux où l’on est accueilli par une équipe de grooms et de concierges disponibles pour tout service ou question. Là se déploie l’espace beauté et ses trois secteurs majeurs : le parfum, avec des marques d’exception et de niche, le maquillage et le soin.


Un coin d’ORIENT sur la Tamise par Fifi Abou Dib

1 Parmi ses nombreux PETITS MUSÉES insolites, LONDRES compte un TRÉSOR

CACHÉ. Dans le très VICTORIEN quartier de KENSINGTON, avenue HOLLAND PARK, derrière une banale FAÇADE de BRIQUES, au fond d’un petit JARDIN, se niche un DÉCOR hors du temps IMAGINÉ au XIXe s. par Lord FREDERIC LEIGHTON. Dans ce LIEU qui fut son HÔTEL particulier, ce PEINTRE VOYAGEUR a logé son ATELIER et un étonnant salon ORIENTAL surmonté d’un DÔME doré.Voici quelques CLÉS pour découvrir LEIGHTON HOUSE. Qui était Frederic Leighton ? Né en 1830 à Scarborough, dans le Yorkshire, Frederic Leighton fut l’un des peintres les plus célèbres et célébrés de l’époque victorienne. Proche des artistes et écrivains ainsi que de la classe politique et de la famille royale, sa dévotion à son art ainsi que son charme, son page 22

raffinement et son élégance lui ouvrent les portes des hautes sphères du Royaume. Fils et petit-fils de médecin (son grand-père a fait fortune à Saint Petersbourg en qualité de médecin en chef de la famille impériale de Russie), il reçoit toute sa vie une rente qui le met à l’abri des soucis matériels. Ses parents accueillent tièdement sa décision de se lancer dans une carrière artistique. Pourtant, il a à peine 25 ans quand, en 1855, la reine Victoria achète l’une de ses toiles. En 1878, il est nommé président de la Royal Academy of Arts, charge à laquelle il se dédie avec passion, sans cesse en train de promouvoir l’art sous toutes ses formes à travers des causes et des projets pour lesquels il espère susciter l’enthousiasme du public. Sa vie privée restera en revanche une énigme. Vivant seul, voyageant seul, jamais marié, on ne lui connait aucune liaison, ni masculine, ni féminine, et rien dans ses correspondances ne laisse filtrer d’indices à ce sujet. En 1896, peu avant sa mort d’une crise cardiaque, il est anobli et devient Frederic, Lord Leighton, Baron de Stretton. Enterré à la cathédrale Saint Paul, il est le seul artiste britannique à avoir bénéficié de ces honneurs.

Une maison pour le plaisir artistique Dans une lettre au quotidien The Times datée du 26 janvier 1899, soit trois ans après la mort de Lord Leighton, ses deux sœurs soulignent qu’«il a construit la maison telle qu’on la voit à présent pour son propre plaisir artistique. Chaque pierre qui la constitue a été choisie avec soin et amour. Elle a fait son bonheur jusqu’à l’instant de sa mort ». Leighton acquiert le terrain en 1864. Voilà plusieurs années qu’il réfléchit à l’idée de construire une maison-atelier qui lui offrirait les conditions idéales pour pratiquer son art. A cet effet, il fait appel à son ami George

1 Le salon Narcisse Avec l’aimable autorisation de Will Price 2 Le salon arabe Avec l’aimable autorisation de Will Price 3 La chambre de Leighton Avec l’aimable autorisation de Kevin Moran 4 Le grand atelier de Leighton Avec l’aimable autorisation de Kevin Moran 5 La chambre de soie Avec l’aimable autorisation de Justin Barton 6 La salle à manger Avec l’aimable autorisation de Kevin Moran


©Leighton House Museum, RBKC

Aitchison, rencontré à Rome au début des années 1850. Aitchison est architecte, certes, et même président du Royal Institute of British Architecture, mais il est spécialisé dans les gares, les ports, les docks et les dépôts. Il n’a jamais conçu de maisons. Son engagement auprès de Leighton pour la réalisation de cette demeure lui attirera cependant, trente ans durant, une clientèle aisée et férue d’art qui lui confiera la décoration et la réfection de ses intérieurs londoniens. Les plans décidés, au premier coup de pioche Leighton embarque pour un tour d’Espagne qui s’achève à Rome. A son retour, il peut emménager dans ce qui est déjà l’embryon de la maison de ses rêves : La façade donnant sur le jardin est neutre, presque austère. La façade sur rue ressemble à celle d’un palazzo italien dépourvu d’ornements. La bâtisse est surmontée d’une grande fenêtre : celle de l’atelier, à l’étage. L’intérieur est encore modeste. Au rez-de-chaussée une salle à manger, un séjour, une chambre pour le petit-déjeuner et un escalier. A l’étage, une modeste chambre à coucher et un imposant atelier.

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“Au cours de ces voyages, il collectionne avec ferveur quantité de carreaux, mosaïques, céramiques et textiles.” page 23


Voyages, collections et extensions Cependant, à peine installé, Leighton va entreprendre des travaux d’extension et d’altération qui vont durer trois ans. Abattue, la façade Est sera repoussée de 5m afin d’agrandir l’atelier. Un espace de rangement pour les toiles, accessible par une trappe, est aménagé sous la pièce. Une porte énigmatique, haute et étroite, donnant sur le vide, est prévue pour le passage et le treuillage des tableaux de grand format. Ces travaux effectués, Leighton décide en 1867 de partir pour l’Égypte en passant par la Turquie. En 1873 il pousse vers la Syrie. Au cours de ces voyages, il collectionne avec ferveur quantité de carreaux, mosaïques, céramiques et textiles. Car déjà il forme l’idée de construire ce singulier salon arabe qui sera bientôt l’âme et le point de mire de sa demeure. La Syrie est à peine remise des massacres confessionnels qui l’ont ensanglantée une dizaine d’année plus tôt, et l’Empire ottoman dont ce pays est encore une province a vu disparaitre quantité de vestiges antiques avec l’arrivée des forces d’intervention européennes menées par Napoléon III. Les fouilles aux frontières sont donc minutieuses et il est quasi impossible de faire sortir des objets d’art de la région. Leighton met à contribution, pour étoffer ses collections, les nombreux amis qu’il compte dans la région, notamment l’explorateur et diplomate Sir Richard Burton. Plusieurs centaines de carreaux sont ainsi collectés, souvent issus de réserves ou de démolitions.

A Londres, un petit coin de Damas C’est en 1877 que commence la construction du Salon Arabe. Pour l’architecture intérieure, Leighton s’inspire de la Zisa, palais sicilo-normand du XIIe siècle situé à Palerme. Sous la direction d’Aitchison, il met à contribution plusieurs talents londoniens, notamment le céramiste William de Morgan, l’artiste Walter Crane, le sculpteur Edgar Boehm et l’illustrateur Randolph Caldecott. Crane dessine la frise dorée qui sera réalisée à Venise et acheminée à Londres par

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“Il reste quelques mois pour découvrir cette étonnante demeure musée avant sa fermeture pour au moins deux ans.”

bateau. Les carreaux Iznik du XVIe s. ramenés du Moyen-Orient sont complétés par des créations de Morgan, l’un des plus grands noms du mouvement Arts and Crafts, spécialiste des couleurs et vernis de la céramique ottomane. A l’arrivée, ce salon où se mélangent avec bonheur le XVIe et le XIXe s ainsi que le meilleur de l’art décoratif d’Orient et d’Europe, illuminé par un dôme doré, rafraichi par un bassin rectangulaire et bercé par un petit jet d’eau, est prêt pour accueillir des événements culturels éclectiques, concerts, débats et rencontres artistiques qui demeurent aujourd’hui encore la vocation de Leighton House.

L’atelier d’hiver et la chambre de soie En pleine révolution industrielle, Londres souffre au XIXe siècle d’une aggravation du smog, pollution hivernale où les fumées se mêlent au brouillard réduisant sérieusement la visibilité. Les artistes, contraints de soumettre leurs travaux à la Royal Academy fin mars ou début avril, sont handicapés par le manque de luminosité. C’est pour cette raison que Lord Leighton décide d’apporter une nouvelle extension à son atelier, qu’il appellera « l’atelier d’hiver ». Il s’agit littéralement d’une cage de verre sur pilotis de fer qui prolonge l’atelier existant. Le dernier ajout apporté à Leighton House sera la « Silk Room », paisible musée de poche aux murs tendus de soie verte destiné à accueillir les œuvres d’artistes du moment acquises par Lord Leighton. Cette collection raffinée comprend des Albert Moore, des John Everett Millais, George Frederic Watts, John Singer Sargent et Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Après des travaux de rénovation entrepris entre 2008 et 2010, Leighton House se prépare à une nouvelle phase de restauration qui doit démarrer fin 2019. Il reste 6 quelques mois pour découvrir cette étonnante demeure musée avant sa fermeture pour au moins deux ans.

LEIGHTON HOUSE 12 Holland Park Road Londres W14 8LZ leightonhouse.co.uk

L’Agenda Culturel EXPOSITIONS

‘Le chemin du retour’, Joumana Arab Jamhouri

Cette exposition interroge la place de l'industrie dans le monde d’aujourd'hui. Son avenir, ses impacts, sa nécessité pour l'environnement. C'est aussi surtout une observation du développement démographique, la demande de production et l'excès de consommation.

Galerie Tanit, jusqu’au 8 juin (01) 562812. galerietanit.com

‘Nature Nature’, Bassam Geitani

Plongez dans le monde visuel de Bassam Geitani qui présente la relation qu’on entretient avec la nature et ses différentes représentations dans un monde qui change. Geitani recourt aux symboles pour nous confronter à la poésie existentielle.

Galerie Janine Rubeiz, jusqu’au 22 juin (01) 868290. galeriejaninerubeiz.com

‘Revertetur - The Return Home’, Mona Nahleh Exposition de l’artiste libanaise Mona Nahleh dont la pratique artistique oscille entre l’abstrait et le figuratif pour raconter des histoires qui font partie d’une réalité basée sur le subconscient. Inspirée par les artistes Julian Schnabel, Anselm Kiefer et Gustav Klimt, Mona réfléchit sur la vérité et tente de la posséder à travers ses travaux. Carré D'artistes, jusqu’au 30 Juin (01) 999983. carredartistes.com

‘In the Middle of a Leap into the Void’, Sirine Fattouh

Curatée par Mayssa Fattouh, l’exposition de Sirine Fattouh regroupe des installations de son et de lumière, des vidéos, des sculptures, des photographies et des dessins, qui traitent de la relation de l'artiste avec les rêves d’une part et les états de la conscience et de l'inconscience d’autre part.

Letitia Gallery, jusqu’au 10 août (01) 353222. letitiagallerybeirut.com

Summer Collective Show

Exposition collective regroupant les œuvres de Chaouki Chamoun, Alfred Basbous, Ghazi Baker, Bassam Kyrillos, Marwan Chamaa, Sara Shamma, Philippe Hiquily, Polles et Arman. Mark Hachem Gallery, du 1er au 25 juin (01) 999313. markhachemgallery.com

Benoît Debanne Exposition de l’architecte, peintre et illustrateur, Benoît Debanne, pionnier du street art local. Galerie Cheriff Tabet, du 11 juin au 5 juillet (01) 253664. galeriecherifftabet.com

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‘La Mer Patrie’, Fouad Elkoury et Jeremy Peacock Cette exposition curatée par Manal Khader regroupe une cinquantaine de photographies et une installation qui interrogent la notion de retour en revisitant une époque significative de la cause palestinienne. Dar el-Nimer, du 12 juin au 27 septembre (01) 367013. darelnimer.org

Britta Rafie L’artiste canadienne Britta Rafie vit actuellement au Liban. Elle présente une exposition sur la société et les médias. L’artiste aborde, à travers ses œuvres de manière très subtile et authentique, les problèmes actuels de l’exposition aux médias. Aida Cherfan Fine Art, du 13 juin au 4 juillet (01) 985701. aidacherfan.com

‘Watercolors’ Oussama Baalbaki Oussama Baalbaki a à son actif plusieurs expositions individuelles et a participé à des expositions collectives dans de nombreuses capitales. Auteur, sujet et spectateur à la fois, Baalbaki s’octroie des moments de liberté de penser et d’intuition. Il invite le spectateur à errer dans un univers clos, une peinture pleine d’énergie. Agial Art Gallery, à partir du 13 juin (01) 345213. agialart.com

Rita Massoyan Yedalian est une artiste libanaise et professeur en Arts Plastiques. Elle a à son actif de nombreuses expositions individuelles et collectives. Ses œuvres font partie de plusieurs collections privées au Liban et à l’étranger, dont celles du ministère libanais de la Culture, l’ambassade de France au Liban et la Résidence des Pins.

‘Childhood Memories’, Rita MassoyanYedalian


Art on 56th, du 14 juin au 6 juillet (01) 570331. arton56th.com

‘im/permeable feeling(s)’, Ghaleb Hawila

La Fondation libanaise de la bibliothèque nationale présente l’exposition de l’artiste Ghaleb Hawila qui explore la calligraphie arabe avec une approche fraîche et colorée, en la mêlant à la sérigraphie. L’artiste compare les décisions prises par le graveur à celles que nous pouvons rencontrer au quotidien. Ce sont nos gestes qui nous permettent de transmettre nos sentiments, tout comme les couleurs qui prennent forme en traversant la soie.

info@arton56th.com arton56th.com


SV Gallery, du 2 juillet au 4 août (01) 975655. flbn-lb.org

Beirut Design Week 2019 // Design & Nostalgia

Cette année, Beirut Design Week est organisé sous le thème de Design & Nostalgia. L’événement invite les acteurs créatifs de la scène libanaise et internationale à explorer le concept de la nostalgie et son impact sur diverses disciplines du design et d'interroger la valeur du patrimoine dans l'avenir du design. Starco et les alentours de Beyrouth, du 1er au 7 Juillet (01) 326406. beirutdesignweek.org © agendaculturel.com


9:51 AM


JR, tout le MONDE en parle. BEAUCOUP le surnomment le « BANKSY FRANÇAIS », en vertu des MESSAGES subtils mais PUISSANTS qu’il colle sur les MURS dans le MONDE entier. Il rêvait D’EXPOSER dans la plus GRANDE GALERIE du monde ; il l’a fait. La plus GRANDE GALERIE du monde ? C’est le MONDE, tout simplement, ses RUES, ses IMMEUBLES, ses toits, ses TRAINS, ses extérieurs. FABULEUX ILLUSIONNISTE, il a fait disparaître la PYRAMIDE du LOUVRE en 2016. En 2019, il la révèle sous un angle INATTENDU. page 28

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Le nouveau Secret de la PYRAMIDE

Lui qui se surnomme « photograffeur » et que Fabrice Bousteau surnomma le « Cartier-Bresson du 21e siècle », s’envole d’un immeuble à l’autre, d’une ville à l’autre, d’un pays à l’autre, pour y apposer ses graffitis, y agrafer des photographies gigantesques, qui parlent, qui hurlent au nom de la liberté, du droit à la différence et de tous les droits bafoués, des messages qui combinent « l’art et l’action ». Pour JR, tout commence dans les rues de Paris, un jour où, en sortant du métro, il trouve une caméra. Il décide alors, non pas de changer le monde, mais d’y mettre ses marques. Ses graffitis envahissent dès lors les murs des immeubles, et surtout leurs toits. Il a 17 ans, et la vie lui réserve de belles surprises. Pour lui, les vrais héros sont dans les rues. Il va à la rencontre de personnes qui peuvent paraitre ordinaires (mais ne le sommes-nous pas tous ?) pour révéler leur côté extraordinaire (et ne le sommes-nous pas tous aussi ?). C’est ainsi qu’ en 2008 il lance son projet « Women are Heroes » ou il met en avant la dignité des femmes qui ont consacré leur vie à leur famille, les femmes battues, non reconnues, les victimes des conflits de leurs cultures. En 2010, il remporte le Ted Prize 2011, et utilise les 100,000$ gagnés pour commencer son projet « Inside Out ». En 2013, il poursuit son projet à Times Square, rivalisant avec les énormes affiches publicitaires en y collant des portraits encore plus

“Ce projet parle également de présence et d'absence, du réel et de la mémoire, du transitoire, de l’illusion, et comme toujours, de l’amour.” grands d’habitants et de touristes, en noir et blanc. Une fois de plus, il transforme l’ordinaire en extraordinaire. En 2014, il collabore avec le New York City Ballet pour la seconde Art Series, avec une pièce interactive qui le conduit à explorer le côté artistique de la chorégraphie. En 2014, il crée une installation avec 4000 visages au Panthéon de Paris. En 2015, il dirige le court-métrage « Ellis », avec Robert de Niro. En 2016, il fait disparaitre la pyramide du Louvre, à la demande de la direction des Musées nationaux, au moyen d’une illusion optique créée par un collage gigantesque sur la pyramide elle-même. page 29

“ À l'occasion des 30 ans de la Pyramide du Louvre, JR est de nouveau invité à créer une œuvre dans la Cour carrée du musée.”

Demain est un nouveau Louvre Trois ans après avoir fait disparaître la Pyramide du Louvre, JR la révèle sous un nouvel angle. À l'occasion des 30 ans de la Pyramide construite par le grand architecte américain d’origine chinoise, Ieoh Ming Pei (communément appelé I. M. Pei), décédé à l’âge de 102 ans le 16 Mai 2019, JR est de nouveau invité à créer une oeuvre dans la Cour carrée du musée. Il décide, cette fois ci, de se lancer sur un collage gigantesque, grâce à l'aide de 400 bénévoles venus des quatre coins du monde. Parmi eux, l’auteur de ces lignes, Mariejoe Raidy (MJR), qui eut le bonheur de participer à l’exécution de cette fabuleuse œuvre d’art éphémère, d’abord au sein de l’équipe médiateurs, puis dans l’équipe principale de JR. Son expérience du monde de l’art lui permet par la suite de collaborer à toutes les étapes de la mise en place de cette œuvre monumentale et de guider les nouveaux collaborateurs.

page 30

vue, révélant son secret et lui offrant une renaissance. Au final, le soleil sécha la colle légère et chaque pas décolla un bout du papier fin et fragile. Interactive, la démarche impliquait tant la participation des bénévoles que l’assaut des visiteurs et chasseurs de souvenirs. Ce projet parle également de présence et d'absence, du réel et de la mémoire, du transitoire, de l’illusion, de la collaboration et comme toujours, de l’amour. De Beaux-Arts magazine, a GQ, Le Monde, Libération, Time magazine, Weekend, WAD, The New York Times, LA weekly, The Observer, la BBC, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns, JR fait la une des médias, ravage et attire les regards curieux sur des messages puissants, sociaux et politiques qu’il transmet à travers son art. « L’art peut-il changer le monde ? » interroge-t-il en couverture de l’un de ses ouvrages (Phaïdon, 2015). L’art tel qu’il le pratique, assurément oui.

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Sur les 15000 mètres carrés de la cour furent étalées 2250 bandes qui allaient former le plus grand collage que JR ait jamais réalisé, et sans doute le plus grand collage au monde. Éphémère comme la vie, l’œuvre aboutie n’apparut que le temps d’un weekend, avant de se transformer au fur et à mesure qu’elle était prise d’assaut par les spectateurs et visiteurs qui en déchiraient des parties et les emportaient en souvenir. L'œuvre, une fois collée, vécut par elle-même montrant à travers une illusion optique artistique la Pyramide telle qu’on ne l’avait jamais



BLEU. ORANGE. OMBRE. PEAU. PARTIR. Parfums D’OZONE, de PASTÈQUE et d’air IODÉ.Voici la SAISON où les JOURS ne ressemblent plus aux JOURS ni les NUITS aux NUITS. L’ÉTÉ est une FÊTE.


par Maria Matta

ZIMMERMAN Robe en lin imprimée* MUZUNGU SISTERS Sac à main en perles** MALLARINO Boucles d’oreilles toucan**

ROLEX Oyster Perpetual Day-Date, 36mm


page 32

THE ATTICO Plateformes*

ESTEBAN CORTAZAR Robe en soie et raphia**

SARAH’S BAG Pochette

CHARLOTTE OLYMPIA Mules en raphia*

PATBO Robe longue**


SICILY BAG Sac en paille à pompons**

JACQUEMUS Sac en paille*


*Disponible sur matchesfashion **Disponible sur net-a-porter

STAUD Sac Frida*




ROLEX Oyster Perpetual Yacht Master, 40 mm


TIBI Ceinture** GUDE Sac à main effet croco**

BOYY Sac ceinture** TABBAH Bracelet “Reptilia”

AMINA MUADDI Escarpins à cristaux**

*Disponible sur matchesfashion **Disponible sur net-a-porter

JUNYA WATANABE Bustier sur T-shirt*


GEORGE HAKIM Boucles d’oreilles

ISABEL MARANT Veste à cristaux**



GERMANIER Jean en tulle et cristaux*


J.W.ANDERSON Casquette*

Robe VALENTINO Short overall* ROGER VIVIER Escarpins**

*Disponible sur matchesfashion **Disponible sur net-a-porter

MIDNIGHT 00 Escarpins en PVC*

GIAMBATTISTA VALLI Robe en tulle noir*

MIGUELINA Short en coton**

ANDREW GN Robe longue en soie**

NADA G Bague

LES P’TITS POIS ALESSANDRA RICH Robe courte en crêpe**

RODARTE Robe longue en tulle*


TUFENKJIAN Bracelet *Disponible sur matchesfashion **Disponible sur net-a-porter


Gérer sa FAIM, la clé de la forme par Mira Tueny

Appétit, faim et satiété, comment s’y retrouver ?

Par ailleurs, la faim se manifeste par des symptômes physiques tels que des gargouillements à l'estomac, une diminution d'énergie ou une baisse de concentration. Ces sensations signalent que le corps a besoin d’énergie. Cependant, la facilité d’accès à la nourriture (supermarchés, épiceries, restaurants et autres) pourrait nous piéger par une sensation de fausse faim ou de faim psychologique. Cela se traduit par un désir émotionnel de manger généré par la vue ou l’odeur d'un aliment.

Pour commencer, l’appétit représente le désir de manger et permet de nous guider pour consommer la quantité d'énergie nécessaire aux besoins de l'organisme. L’appétit est variable selon la personne et les conditions auxquelles elle est exposée. Certains de nos appétits sont spécifiques : on a parfois faim de protéines, ou d’hydrates de carbones. Sans savoir pour quelle raison, nous sommes attirés par l’aliment dont nous avons besoin, nous en mangeons, nous sommes comblés.

Quant à la sensation de satiété, elle nous annonce que l'on a suffisamment mangé. Lorsque nous respectons cette sensation, nous réalisons que les aliments ont soudainement moins d'intérêt et moins de goût. Ce n’est malheureusement pas toujours aussi simple. Manger précipitamment ou devant la télévision entrave notre capacité à distinguer ces signaux qui restent pourtant présents.

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SOLLICITÉS par une offre ALIMENTAIRE constante et GÉNÉREUSE, nous avons du mal à interpréter nos SENSATIONS de FAIM et de SATIÉTÉ. Cela est néanmoins la clé pour RÉGULER son POIDS sur le LONG TERME. En effet, une approche intuitive de L’ALIMENTATION permet de MANGER de tout en QUANTITÉS appropriées pour reconnaître et RESPECTER sa FAIM réelle.


Combler la faim, mais pas plus

“Aucun aliment n’est interdit. On savoure et on se fait plaisir sans culpabiliser. ”

La clé pour s'arrêter à temps est de mastiquer doucement, poser ses couverts entre deux bouchées et prendre le temps de déguster les aliments. Cela permet de reconnaître les signaux de la satiété. Rappelez-vous : il faut à notre organisme entre quinze et trente minutes pour que ces signaux soient perçus et enregistrés.


Ne pas attendre d’avoir trop faim

Si nous attendons que la faim s’installe, nous sommes exposés à une perte de contrôle et à consommer des quantités trop importantes et de manière trop rapide. Pour cela, privilégiez des encas entre les repas pour éviter d’arriver à l’heure du repas en ayant trop faim.


Établir une routine et prendre ses repas à heures fixes :

Au bout d’une dizaine de jours, on ressent la faim juste avant l’heure de manger. Cette routine permet aussi de ressentir les signes de satiété.


Ne pas culpabiliser

Aucun aliment n’est interdit. On savoure et on se fait plaisir sans culpabiliser. En effet, la culpabilité affecte l'estime de soi et peut pousser à des fringales alimentaires par la suite.


Manger quand la faim est réelle

Bien que l'on puisse manger de tout, il faut qu'il y ait une faim réelle pour manger. « Ai-je vraiment faim ou juste envie de grignoter ? » Voilà une question à laquelle il ne s'est pas toujours facile de répondre !


Déguster avec plaisir

Manger fait partie des plaisirs de la vie. Les repas sont des moments privilégiés de partage et de découvertes culinaires.


Pratiquer une activité physique régulière

Le sport permet de mieux réguler et reconnaitre les signaux de faim et de satiété.


Dormir huit heures par nuit

Dormir moins de six heures par nuit cause un dégèlement des hormones de la faim et de la satiété, associé à un désir accru de manger (surtout des aliments sucrés). Dormir plus de neuf heures par nuit peut induire des symptômes dépressifs et donc favoriser une alimentation basée sur des facteurs émotionnels.


Se faire confiance

Malheureusement, les personnes ayant suivi plusieurs régimes auront du mal à lâcher prise sur le contrôle alimentaire. Il faut réapprendre à se faire confiance et être à l’écoute de son corps.

10. S’affirmer auprès des autres Il ne faut pas avoir peur de dire « Non merci ». Si vous n’avez pas particulièrement envie de ce plat ou si vous ne l’avez pas aimé, ne vous forcez pas à le consommer. Osez dire ce que vous ressentez vraiment.

EXERCICE : MANGER EN PLEINE CONSCIENCE Manger en pleine conscience représente le fait d’être présent et attentif à toutes les sensations ressenties au moment de manger. Suivez ces quelques étapes pour mieux comprendre :

- Choisissez un plat que vous aimez ou l’un de vos aliments-plaisir : une gourmandise que vous appréciez, mais qui peut engendrer une certaine anxiété ou culpabilité suite à sa consommation.

- Installez-vous dans un endroit paisible. - Observez et appréciez la couleur, l’odeur et l’aspect visuel de l’aliment.

- Mettez-le en bouche et décrivez la texture de cet aliment. Fondante, croquante, croustillante ?

- Essayez de sentir les différents arômes qui s'en dégagent. Cette dégustation est une expérience sensorielle qui nous aide à apprécier, à tous les niveaux, les aliments que nous consommons. Cette méthode est surtout efficace avec les aliments dont la consommation engendre une certaine anxiété ou culpabilité. Au lieu de les avaler rapidement ou en cachette, on apprend à apprécier le plaisir qu’ils génèrent, ce qui nous permettra d’en consommer une quantité inférieure pour un plaisir encore plus intense. Leur statut d'interdit est modifié, ce qui ne peut que conduire à une amélioration du comportement alimentaire.

Travel Genius Genius Pack was created with a clear aim: to build functional and smart luggage for travelers at an affordable price. One of their newest models, the G4, boasts pockets with clear functions and tags to explain what goes where. There is a place for every item needed, including a hidden umbrella compartment, a coffee holder pocket and a retractable jacket strap.The G4 also boasts Genius Pack’s Laundry Compression Technology: with a click of a button, all laundry gets compressed up to 75% in a separate pocket, isolating it from the rest of the clothes.The company’s latest carry-on, the Genius Pack Supercharged, was launched on a crowd-funding campaign in January 2019. geniuspack.com

Around the World what’s ON what’s HOT ,

Know When to Fold Them There’s a new and easy way to pack your suit when you travel. PLIQO, a folding travel garment bag, is cleverly built and beautifully designed. It features an ingenious folding system, including a folding clothes hanger, enabling you to pack your suit to the size of a laptop bag without it creasing. PLIQO also fits in any carry-on luggage, including backpacks and briefcases, helping you save up some space whenever you travel. pliqobag.com

Making a great tasting cup of tea is never easy, that’s why Qi Aerista was created. Combining traditional tea-brewing philosophy with modern technology, this Wi-Fienabled smart tea maker makes sure a perfectly brewed cup of tea is served each and every time. The tea will never get over-steamed: all you have to do is click on the tea type you wish to make, and the smart brewer automatically takes care of everything. qiaerista.com page 44

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Perfect Tea

Hôtel-Dieu de France’s new ER Hôtel-Dieu de France (HDF) recently unveiled its newly renovated emergency department.The new emergency department meets the modern medical needs and requirements and is well equipped to handle any type of emergency. It includes a decontamination room, an isolation room, central monitoring and an all-round centralized workflow, in addition to a private pediatric section. Because of its new, spacious area, the emergency department at HDF now contains up to 30 beds and could hold up to 20 more in case of an outbreak. Each room is designed to respect the patient’s privacy and provides the latest required medical equipment. Being mainly associated with stress and anxiety, emergency rooms are an unpleasant environment for many. In an effort to help manage this situation, HDF has dedicated a team of specialists who will not only handle any medical condition, but will also help relieve stress and provide emotional support to the patients and their families.

The Smartest Lock The AirBolt is a Bluetooth-enabled smart travel lock. The revolutionary lock will talk to your mobile device via an app and unlock with a single push of a button as long as you are the owner and your smartphone is within range of the AirBolt. To prevent accidental unlocking, the AirBolt will simply re-lock itself if the rope is not taken out of the locking mechanism. The AirBolt even boasts crowd-sourced location tracking, which means that it can help you find your bag if you lose it! theairbolt.com



Meet Me in COPENHAGEN by Marwan Naaman


COPENHAGEN is a CITY that DANCES to its own RHYTHM. Unlike other CAPITALS that seem to move at a VERTIGINOUS speed, the DANISH capital is SWEET, slow and COZY. There are more BIKES than cars, a STATE-OFTHE-ART, incredibly efficient public TRANSPORTATION system and abundant PARKS and public SPACES, ensuring a truly exceptional QUALITY of LIFE. COPENHAGEN is also rife with trendy CAFÉS, popular BARS and amazing RESTAURANTS that specialize in VEGAN and ORGANIC cuisine. Add to that a cutting-edge DESIGN SCENE, a rich HISTORY and stupendous TECHNOLOGICAL advances, and you get to understand how an ANCIENT EUROPEAN city radiates its CULTURAL wealth into the FUTURE.

What to See There are many magnificent castles to visit in Copenhagen and its vicinity, including the impressive Rosenborg Slot, located in the lush King’s Garden and chronicling 400 years of furniture, royal art and crown jewels. The Knights’ Hall, with its thrones and life-sized silver lions, is one of the definite highlights. Another major monument, Christianborg Slot, is home to the Danish parliament and the Supreme Court. Top sites here include the breathtaking royal reception rooms, the royal stables and the 11th-century ruins under the castle. In terms of museums, be sure to visit Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, home to a terrific collection of ancient and modern art. You can view ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman artifacts as well as Danish paintings and sculptures from the 19th and 20th centuries, plus works by the likes of Rodin and Gauguin. The light-filled and expansive winter garden is a beautiful place to sit back and take in the museum’s energy. Don’t miss the brilliantly colored Queen’s Tapestries: they fill an entire section of the palace and are a glory to behold. Also visit the Designmuseum Danmark, which holds one of the world’s most comprehensive collections of Danish design, including objects by the likes of Arne Jacobsen, Jacob Jensen and Kaare Klint. In addition, the museum displays art, crafts and industrial designs from Asia and the rest of Europe. page 47

Where to Go

Where to Eat

Beyond its historical wonders, Copenhagen holds attractions for the entire family, including Tivoli Gardens, the famed amusement park that first opened in 1843 and inspired Walt Disney to open Disney World in Florida. Families generally visit Tivoli Gardens during the day, to enjoy the variety shows, thrill-seeking rides (Demon, Vertigo, Star Flyer), Ferris wheel, carousel, aquarium and various restaurants. Tivoli Gardens remains open until the late night, when the park’s exoticthemed architecture is stunningly lit up, transforming the place into a veritable wonderland for adults. Nighttime lightshows add a festive vibe to any visit.

A great place to have a casual lunch is Café Klint at the Designmuseum Danmark. Sit outside, in the magnificent garden, and order a couple of Copenhagen’s traditional open-faced sandwiches. Favorites include beetroot salmon, salted Norwegian herring, green chicken salad and mushroom paté. You can also order hearty dishes like rillette of rabbit or shrimp pil-pil, rife with the aromas of lemon and fennel. Desserts include freshly baked chocolate or lemon-blueberry cake.

Once you’ve explored Tivoli Gardens, head to the waterfront neighborhood of Nyhavn, where Danish author Hans Christian Andersen once lived. Painted in glorious red, yellow and orange colors, this dynamic enclave has dozens of restaurants and cafés right along the water, where locals and visitors meet up for lunch, dinner or drinks at any time of day. A great way to reach Nyhavn is to take an afternoon cruise along Copenhagen’s scenic waterways. During the cruise, you’ll also spot the famed Little Mermaid statue, first placed on Langelinje Pier in 1913. The neighborhood of Strøget, in the city center, is Copenhagen’s major shopping hub. Here you’ll find highend boutiques, including Moncler, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Hermès, plus mainstream brands like H&M and Zara. Department store Illum is a must for fashion and design lovers. The luxurious five-floor emporium carries some of the world’s most exclusive clothing and shoe labels, in addition to home furnishings and Danish design products. page 48

For dinner, treat yourself to a multi-course affair with wine pairings at Uformel. The 80-seat gourmet spot offers a seasonally changing menu

Cafe Klint

Designmuseum Danmark

Uformel Restaurant of small dishes, allowing guests to sample four or five courses during each meal. Options may include scallops with oyster cream; turbot with chicken and morels; or grilled lamb with pickled mushrooms. For dessert, have the delicate sorrel sorbet with white chocolate mousse or the fragrant Danish rhubarbs with Tonka bean and caramel.

Where to Stay

“It’s best to stay in the Vesterbro neighborhood, which holds shopping and dining attractions of its own and is home to the Copenhagen Central Station.”

It’s best to stay in the Vesterbro neighborhood, which holds shopping and dining attractions of its own and is home to the Copenhagen Central Station, the city’s main railway station, which gives you easy access to attractions in the rest of Denmark and in nearby Sweden. A great place is Andersen Hotel, a colorful boutique property with 69 rooms splashed in festive hues of red, green, fuchsia and turquoise. The stylishly designed rooms and suites feature comfortable beds, free Wi-Fi, a Samsung LED TV, a minibar and a Nespresso machine. If you book directly with Andersen Hotel, your room rate includes a sprawling organic breakfast buffet. You can also opt to stay at Absalon Hotel, across the street from the Andersen. The elegant 161-room hotel was founded in 1938 and remains a family owned property. The spacious rooms were created by London-based Designers Guild and feature plush beds, 40-inch LED TVs, free Wi-Fi and Nespresso machines. The ground-floor bar, page 50

Absalon Hotel

Andersen Hotel

“ The neighborhood of Strøget, in the city center, is Copenhagen’s major shopping hub. Here you’ll find high-end boutiques, plus mainstream brands.”

featuring a tasteful mix of greens, blues, beiges and grays, serves inventive cocktails and regularly hosts musicians, singers and DJs. Both the Anderson and Absalon hotels offer guests a smartphone to carry with them wherever they go. This nifty device allows visitors to remain connected to the Internet at all times while exploring Copenhagen and its environs. In addition, bikes are available for rent at both hotels making it that much easier for you to tour the city.

Copenhagen Card To make the most out of your trip, be sure to purchase a Copenhagen Card. Available for one, two, three or five days, the card gives you free admission to 87 city attractions, including almost all museums, Tivoli Gardens and cruises, plus discounts at certain restaurants. You also enjoy free transportation on the metro, trains and buses throughout the capital region, including to and from the airport. It’s the best way to experience all of Copenhagen’s magic. MEA offers three nonstop flights per week between Beirut and Copenhagen all year-round. TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH MEA AND OUR SKYTEAM PARTNERS. page 52



of Tabbah

TABBAH is LEBANON’S oldest great JEWELRY house. Originally founded in 1862 by JOSEPH TABBAH, the JEWELRY house created LEGENDARY pieces for ROYALTY, stars and CELEBRITIES, from its inception through Lebanon’s GOLDEN AGE in the 1950s and ‘60s and up until the present day. Now operating under the ARTISTIC direction of NABIL and NAGIB TABBAH, the venerable JEWELRY HOUSE continues to create ONE-OF-A-KIND, greatly coveted HIGH JEWELRY pieces, as well as exquisitely designed and TRENDY JEWELRY for the YOUNGER set. page 54



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What to do in Lebanon

Your guide to


THE GARDEN SHOW Bringing the best of nature to the capital, the Garden Show & Spring Festival celebrates its 16th edition in 2019. This year’s theme, Lights in the Garden, highlights the way in which lighting can be used to enhance the beauty of outdoor spaces. Over 20,000 visitors are expected to visit the four-day festival, which boasts an array of exciting attractions, including live music and a kids’ area. More than 220 exhibitors showcase colorful plants and flowers, the latest in gardening equipment and the newest trends in outdoor furniture. Other features include workshops with horticulture experts and TV personalities, as well as a farmer’s market promoting regional produce. The Garden Show takes place at the Beirut Hippodrome from 4-11pm. June 5-8, the-gardenshow.com

For the sixth consecutive year, Travel Lebanon returns to Beirut to promote tourism in Lebanon and help visitors plan their summer holidays at home and abroad. More than 60 tourism partners, including municipalities, tour operators, adventure specialists, hotels and guesthouses, showcase their regions, products and services to 20,000 people during the four-day event, which takes place at Beirut Hippodrome from 411pm. Travel Lebanon also celebrates the nation’s rich customs and traditions through live entertainment. Festivalgoers can view glass blowers and potters at work and listen to live oud music. June 5-8, the-gardenshow.com

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SOUK EL TAYEB Souk El Tayeb is a Lebanese success story. Celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, Souk El Tayeb has grown from a small farmers’ market into a social enterprise that works to promote and preserve culinary traditions, rural heritage and the natural environment, while celebrating the local communities, farmers and women who made this growth possible. The 15th-anniversary events include: June 6: A day of encounters and exchange at Beit El Hamra in Beirut, including discussions by various local and international speakers on gastrodiplomacy, small-scale farming, sustainability and social change in the 21st century, followed by a festive dinner. June 8: A celebration at the farmers’ market at 11am in the Beirut Souks. June 9: Festive lunches at the different Tawlet restaurants across Lebanon: Tawlet Beirut, Tawlet Ammiq, Tawlet Biomass, Tawlet Beit El Qamar, Tawlet Saida and Tawlet El Hamra. June 6-9, soukeltayeb.com

JOUROUDI High in Lebanon’s spectacular Zaarour mountains stands Jouroudi, a Lebanese lounge set within stark natural surroundings. At Jouroudi, guests can wine and dine under the sun, sunbathe in private Jacuzzis, watch Lebanon’s beautiful sunset, enjoy mouthwatering dishes made from locally grown produce and sit by a bonfire after nightfall. Jouroudi also offers private tents and Jacuzzis for those seeking an intimate getaway. Tel. 961.3.091919, @jouroudi

FIDAR BEACH HOUSE New seafood restaurant Fidar Beach House is a great place for a seaside lunch. Located a few minutes south of the lovely town of Byblos, on a pristine creek shaded by greenery, the restaurant specializes in various fish and seafood dishes, in addition to charcoal-grilled chicken and a nice selection of Lebanese mezza. There’s also a particularly appealing bar set directly on the water – an amazing spot for an afternoon drink. Tel. 961.81.783793, @fidarbeachhouse

© Bouchra Consultancy page 62

Summer festivals Omar Bashir Baalbeck International Festival

Marc Lavoine Byblos International Festival

Wael Kfoury Tripoli International Festival

Andrea Bocelli, Cedars International Festival Kadim Al Sahir Ehdeniyat International Festival

BAALBECK INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Baalbeck Marcel Khalifeh July 5 Melody Gardot July 7 An Evening with Abdel Halim Cine-Concert July 20 Requiem G. Verdi July 26 Jain August 1 Jahida Wehbe - Andalusian Scents August 2 Omar Bashir August 3

baalbeck.org.lb BEIRUT HOLIDAYS Beirut Waterfront Wael Kfoury July 11 Nassif Zeytoun July 14 Stars 80 July 17 Ziad Rahbani July 19 page 64

Smile Lebanon July 13

Magida El Roumi Jounieh International Festival

Yanni July 23 Elissa July 26

Abdou Cherif Sings Abdel Halim Hafez August 10

BEITEDDINE ART FESTIVAL Beiteddine Palace A World Premiere Gabriel Yared & Yasmina Joumblatt July 18 Depardieu Chante Barbara July 20 Broken Wings: A New Musical Based on Gibran Khalil Gibran July 24, 25, 26 A Double Piano Concert by Abdel Rahman El Bacha and Billy Eidi July 30 Kadim El Sahir: A 20-Year Celebration August 1, 2, 3 Omar Rahbany & The Passport Chamber Ensemble August 6 Monday Blues Band August 8

BYBLOS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Byblos Marc Lavoine July 12 Queen Symphonic July 20 Charbel Rouhana & Melhem Zein July 26 Martin Garrix August 3 Within Temptation August 7 Mashrou’ Leila August 9 The Bach Project, Yo-Yo Ma August 24

cedarsinternationalfestival.org EHDENIYAT INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Ehden Kadim Al Sahir July 26, 27, 28



byblosfestival.org CEDARS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL The Cedars Andrea Bocelli June 29

JOUNIEH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Jounieh Bay Kendji Girac July 1 Magida El Roumi July 12 Adonis July 18

jouniehinternationalfestival.com SIDON INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Sidon Waterfont Wael Kfoury August 23

sidoninternationalfestivals.org TRIPOLI INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Rachid Karami Stadium Guy Manoukian & Joseph Attieh June 20 Wael Kfoury June 22 Melhem Zein June 23

Dates are published according to the available info at the time of printing.

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Every year, LEBANON celebrates SUMMER with a series of MUSIC, arts and CULTURAL FESTIVALS. Here’s a look at SOME of this year’s PERFORMANCES.




A look at the Spanish architect’s masterpieces by Marwan Naaman

ANTONI GAUDÍ’S spectacular BUILDINGS have redefined BARCELONA’S urban fabric. During his lifetime (1852-1926), the CATALAN architect created some of the SPANISH CITY’S most arresting STRUCTURES, the most FAMOUS of which is the SAGRADA FAMÍLIA cathedral, which remains unfinished to this day, GAUDÍ having been run down and killed by a tram before he was able to complete it. DRAMATIC and DISTINCTIVE, Gaudí’s ARCHITECTURE is hard to pin down: there are REVIVAL GOTHIC elements to his work (a style that was POPULAR during the late 19th century), as well as various MODERNIST and ORIENTAL features. But the most powerful INFLUENCE on his work came from nature, as GAUDÍ sought to infuse an abundance of MOTIFS drawn from NATURE into his buildings. While he was often CRITICIZED and sometimes even reviled for his FANTASTICAL architecture, his buildings have stood the test of time and are now first on any VISITOR’S sightseeing LIST. Here’s a look at some of his most BREATHTAKING works, all of them UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES. Just remember: Gaudí MONUMENTS are extremely POPULAR, so be sure to book your TICKET online prior to your VISIT.

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“Casa Batlló is a dreamy trip into Gaudí’s brilliantly creative mind.”

Casa Batlló

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On elegant Passeig de Gracià, you’ll spot the ornate, baroque façade of Casa Batlló. Gaudí first built the house in 1877 but redesigned it in 1904 for Josep Batlló, who wanted a unique home that would be impossible to replicate. In true Gaudí style, Casa Batlló is a bold and colorful Modernist showcase, with organic, non-linear lines that run smoothly from the inside to the outside and back again. There are wave-shaped window frames, a blue-tiled roof with a tower, wavy doors and skylights that blend wood and colored glass and an interior staircase that seems to have been inspired by the blue depths of the sea. Casa Batlló is more fantasy than reality, a dreamy trip into Gaudí’s brilliantly creative mind.

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Casa Milà Casa Milà is hard to miss. Also set on Passeig de Gracià, the building dominates the entire area with its singular form. Nicknamed La Pedrera (the stone quarry) because of its resemblance to an open quarry, the building was commissioned by Pere Milà i Camps and his wife Roser Regimon and took six years to build. Once completed in 1912, Casa Milà covered nine floors and encompassed two houses and two courtyards. The roof – just as striking as the rest of the structure and showcasing the same harmony between geometry and nature – was conceived as a fantasy space, with staircases, chimneys and skylights. What sets La Pedrera apart from other structures is the way Gaudí was able to create a dialogue between the exterior and interior, resulting in an agreeable design that radiates elegance in spite of its eccentric form.

“ The architect used an abundance of colorful tiles throughout the space.” A Moorish Revival jewel and the first residence designed by Gaudí (between 1883 and 1888), Casa Vicens is a visual marvel located on Carrer de les Carolines in the sleepy Gràcia neighborhood. Like Casa Milà and Casa Batlló, Casa Vicens is now a museum, although unlike the other two Gaudí projects, it was a private residence for 130 years and first opened its doors to the public in November 2017. Gaudí’s love of nature is evident in Casa Vicens: the cast-iron front gate is designed to look like palmetto leaves, sunflowers and dianthus adorn the ceramic tiles along the exterior and the ceilings are decorated with blissful renderings of flora and fauna. The architect also used an abundance of colorful tiles throughout the space – in a nod to the original owners, the Montaner family, who owned a ceramics factory. The rooftop, with its two chimneys and two small towers made with red, green, yellow and white ceramics, offers scenic views over this lesser-known part of Barcelona. page 70

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Casa Vicens

Park Güell High atop Carmel Hill stands Gaudí’s sprawling Park Güell, an impressive space with some parts open to the public and other areas accessible only to those who purchased tickets in advance. The park was originally commissioned by Eusebi Güell, who wanted to create an outdoor destination for Barcelona’s upper classes. Transforming Güell’s vision into his own, Gaudí imagined a fantasy world, complete with a colorful tiled dragon fountain at the entrance of the park and twisting rock pillars that soar out of the ground like otherworldly trees in the park’s interior. A sinuously curved terrace decorated with brilliantly hued tiles offers sweeping vistas over the city. The house in which Gaudí himself lived is located in Park Güell, and it’s been transformed into a museum where you can learn more about the architect’s life and admire some of the incredible furniture he designed.

“Park Güell is a fantasy world, complete with a colorful tiled dragon fountain.” page 71

Sagrada Família

“ The columns of the cathedral are shaped like trees, and they soar into the heavens to reach an ornate ceiling that radiates outward like a floral explosion.” page 72

Many consider the Sagrada Família to be Gaudí’s masterpiece. This monumental Roman Catholic cathedral – which is still unfinished over 135 years after construction first started – is Barcelona’s most popular attraction, receiving over 10,000 visitors per day. While Gaudí wasn’t the first architect to work on the cathedral, once he did take over, in 1909, he devoted the rest of his life to the Sagrada Família. During his lifetime, the only part that was completed was the first of the spectacular bell towers, in 1925. The following year, Gaudí died after he was struck by a tram, and he was buried in the chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Sagrada Família crypt. Even though Gaudí passed away, the construction carried on over the ensuing decades, with consecutive unveilings of the three remaining bell towers and the Nativity façade with its Faith portico. Like Gaudí’s other designs, the Sagrada Família is inspired by nature, and this is apparent in the curved lines that characterize the entire structure. The columns of the cathedral are shaped like trees, and they soar into the heavens to reach an ornate ceiling that radiates outward like a floral explosion. In 2026, exactly 100 years after Gaudí’s death, the Sagrada Família is expected to be finally and momentously completed. TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH MEA AND OUR SKYTEAM PARTNERS.

In celebration of the

LEBANESE CENTER for SPECIAL EDUCATION’s (CLES) 20th ANNIVERSARY, CARMEN CHAHINE DEBBANE, president and FOUNDER, takes us on a TRIP down MEMORY LANE, sharing thoughts about what she’s LEARNED and her FUTURE GOALS.

Same Same but DIFFERENT Looking back at how it all started, do you believe that things happen for a reason? I have always believed that to be true. [My son] Charles gave me a reason to establish CLES. This all came from my drive as a mother to provide the best possible education my son could have despite the challenges he faced.

Was the goal of founding CLES easily reached? Far from it. Between the dream, the strategy and the goal, there lies a big gap of unforeseen challenges. [My son] Charles was diagnosed page 74

with Specific Learning Difficulties and special needs. The diagnosis belongs to two complete separate cases that cannot be placed under the same umbrella. I had to make a choice between them in order to move to the next phase in my search. Perhaps dissociating the needs of society from those of my son was the hardest decision I had to make.

Did the cause behind CLES ever change? The cause still stands today as it did 20 years ago, but it turned out that I have always had another driver, one I have lived with since childhood. It was my father. My late father had always shown symptoms related to Specific Learning Difficulties. At the time, there

“Since 2013, we have enabled learning support classes, manned by specially trained teachers.” were no real tools to diagnose these challenges. I clearly remember how I would seek his help with my math homework, and he would always shy away from the answer (Dyscalculia). I could never understand how my idol in life, a very smart and creative man, had no real answers to what I assumed were basic mathematical equations to him. Having said that, I fondly remember all the love he gave his family. He was very proud of my grades and performance at school and would brag about them any chance he got. His love and encouragement allowed me to move forward with confidence and purpose.

As a member of the Lebanese Diaspora, how do you find the time to manage CLES? Technology definitely facilitates communication and brings my worlds closer with a click of a button. I currently live between New York, Brussels and Lebanon, and I try to attend to all personal, family, work and humanitarian parts of my life with a maximum of dedication and drive. I fly to Lebanon every two months and pre-plan all major meetings and activities ahead of time. I hold weekly video conference calls with my team, and I personally tend to my emails on a daily basis. It’s a lot of hard work but it all comes down to time management, and when one’s priorities are in order, everything follows beautifully. Here I cannot but think of my husband and life partner Ray and my understanding family who are my number one supporters. Support is the engine that fuels us on our journey, and I am lucky to have the best kind of fuel to keep my engines running high.

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What is the difference between children with special needs and children with learning difficulties? Children with special needs (Down syndrome, autism) are more easily identified. It’s more difficult to diagnose children with Specific Learning Difficulties, who blend completely with their peers in class, and whose underperformance at school is often wrongly linked to laziness or lack of intelligence. Yet, with a few hours a week of one-on-one sessions with a psychologist, a speech therapist or a psychomotor therapist, children with Specific Learning Difficulties can learn to function in school, ensuring a sustainable social inclusion.

How does CLES help kids with learning difficulties? Studies show that about 10% of students suffer from Specific Learning Disabilities, mainly: Dysphasia and Verbal Language Disorders: Severe language difficulties. Dyscalculia: Difficulties in making arithmetical calculations. Dysorthographia: Difficulties in recognition and reproduction of written symbols. Dyspraxia: Difficulty in activities requiring coordination and movement. Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder. Memory deficits: Difficulties in retaining and remembering information. Dyslexia: Difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters and other symbols. CLES’ multidisciplinary, highly professional specialists provide one-on-one sessions after school, essentially free of charge, at our eight learning centers across Lebanon: Sodeco (Beirut), Badaro (Beirut), Tripoli, Sidon, Zahle, Nabatieh, Zouk and Shouf. In addition, since 2013, we have enabled learning support classes, manned by specially trained teachers, in a big number of public schools, in cooperation with the ministry of education. page 75

“My goal is for every family in Lebanon to become aware and recognize specific learning disabilities, so that every child gets a fair opportunity to become the best versions of themselves.” What are the three things that come to your mind when you think of CLES?

In your 20 years of presiding CLES, what has this NGO taught you?

The indomitable teamwork spirit of CLES teams, the smiles of relieved parents and the pride of newly self-confident students.

CLES is my school of life. It taught me that consistency yields results, that passion is a key ingredient in life and that commitment to a cause matters.

Does art help kids with learning difficulties?

What’s most important in entrepreneurship?

Art has the power to help everyone, regardless of their backgrounds, abilities and difficulties. We have great examples on how art was integrated in our programs. In 2017 CLES launched “Dance by CLES” to introduce dance in schools in Lebanon. We now have 700 kids who dance, including many with difficulties or disabilities. It’s a tool that truly integrates everyone and sprinkles a lot of happiness around. Our second initiative was a play done in collaboration with my brother Carlos Chahine, an award-winning Lebanese actor and director. “Shou Bene Mama?” (What’s Wrong with Me Mother?) was created to raise awareness about specific learning disabilities. The play toured in 120 schools, reaching more than 12,000 students and adults.

Creativity in all its forms, be it art, science, literature or technology, especially in this fourth industrial revolution era. I am always amazed by the human capacity to create and make the impossible a living reality. Besides, creativity is the perfect tool for adaptation, and adaptation for survival and success.

What makes you most proud?

What are your future goals? My goal is for every family in Lebanon to become aware and recognize specific learning disabilities, so that every child gets a fair opportunity to become the best versions of themselves and insure a harmonious and total inclusion for everyone. Nathalie Baye, renowned French Star, herself dyslexic and dyscalculic, is CLES’ ambassador. She already came twice to Lebanon to help raise awareness in this field.

My two children, Charles and Myrna, always and forever.

You have received the Philip C. Habib Award for your work in public service. What does the award mean to you? I was humbled to join a list of amazing humanitarians who were recognized with this prestigious award. I am just really proud of CLES’ team for all the work they do throughout the year. Being able to impact my country while living abroad means a lot to me. page 76

What’s your advice to society on kids with learning difficulties? There’s a funny quote that was made famous: “Same Same But Different.” I would use that one line to describe children with learning difficulties. They’re the same but they’re different in their specific cases, and once their difference is attended to, they become well on their way to have a normal integration and inclusion in their communities, hence back to “same.”


Take a look at GABRIEL & GUILLAUME’S most recent traveling gallery GABRIEL & GUILLAUME, the creators of Lebanon’s only COLLECTIBLE DESIGN GALLERY, launched their sixth edition on MARCH 28, with an opening RECEPTION that was a SOCIAL and ARTISTIC highlight of the season and over 800 VISITORS attending.


ack inside the walls of District//S, a compound of luxury apartments in Downtown Beirut, the inventive duo displayed historical design from the Mid Century to the 21st century, which has become hugely desirable among collectors over the last two decades and is now in the collection of prestigious museums around the world like the MoMA & the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), and Centre Pompidou & Musée des Arts Décoratifs (Paris). Visitors had the chance to get up close and personal with landmarks of Brazilian, Italian, French, and American design. A special focus was on pieces from Neotu, a Parisian gallery that pioneered Design Art and launched a strong new aesthetic that was instrumental in establishing designers, such as Martin Szekely or Garouste & Bonetti among others, who have since then become stars of the design market.

Gabriel & Guillaume’s gorgeous collection of rare pieces was displayed on an exceptional patterned marble floor that was sourced from Stones by Rania Malli and curated by the duo. Gabriel & Guillaume showed a custom-made Jean Royère console from a private collection, a unique chandelier from Garouste & Bonetti, a bookshelf that was the result of a collaboration between Fontana Arte and Gio Ponti, as well as first edition collectible pieces from the likes of Max Ingrand, Gino Sarfatti, Philippe Hiquily, Maria Pergay, Pierre Paulin, Gabriella Crespi and George Nakashima, among others. They also presented works by Brazilian Modern Masters, such as Joaquim Tenreiro, Jose Zanine Caldas, Oscar Niemeyer and Jorge Salszupin, whose designs from the 1950s have become part of the most prominent collections over the last decade. Gabriel & Guillaume blend their entire collection together, making their pieces exist as they would in a personal residence, with glossy walls by Tinol giving each room its own soul and making every single piece stand out. The gallery immersed visitors in history, luxury and an inimitable personal touch – the unmistakable flair of two people who source every single object with veritable knowledge and the utmost care.

They will also be participating in The Salon Art + Design, the most prestigious fair in the United States for decorative arts, during mid-November in New York. page 78

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So where do Gabriel & Guillaume go after their Beirut show? They are on the road again all fall. They will be in Paris during FIAC (International Fair of Contemporary Art) in October, presenting a solo show by Maloles Antignac, an emerging Spanish artist.


the bestTechnology heading your way

OCULUS QUEST Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Oculus’ parent company Facebook, has made no secret of his ambition to bring virtual reality to the masses. And, after a slow-ish start, that vision is picking up momentum. This year’s Oculus Go showed that it was possible to enjoy decentquality VR gaming without a PC or smartphone, and the Oculus Quest should offer more flexibility. As well as trumping the Go’s storage capabilities, providing 64GB, it’ll offer six degrees of freedom (meaning you can walk around your physical environment). But unlike the Rift, it won’t need external sensors to facilitate this, as four built-in sensors will ensure that you don’t bump into anything. With 50 app games expected to accompany the launch, Oculus has next summer virtually sewn up.

HOTEL CHOCOLAT VELVETISER How often have you tried to recreate that delicious hot chocolate they sell at your local coffee house, only for it to end up tasting like someone dipped a Curly Wurly in a mug of hot water for a few seconds? It’s time to say goodbye to those lame endeavors, as high-street confectioner Hotel Chocolat has teamed up with Dualit to launch the Velvetiser, a natty device that makes“barista-grade” hot chocolate at the touch of a button.Available in three different colors, including limited edition copper, the Velvetiser gobbles up single-serve pouches containing pure grated chocolate (in a range of five flavors). Three minutes later it spews out a sumptuously smooth beverage of which Willy Wonka would approve.


In the same way that a rock band might take an age to produce their second album (we’re looking at you, Stone Roses), Marshall has left it seven years to follow up its original pair of Minor in-ears. What took so long? Aesthetically, these aren’t too dissimilar to their predecessors. Scratch beneath the surface, though, and you will start to see why the amp manufacturer is making such a major deal about the new Minors. Bluetooth Qualcomm aptX tech offers wireless connectivity; an innovative ear-fit system should ensure the buds stay in your ears; and custom-tuned 14.2mm dynamic drivers provide a broad sound spectrum. Marshall is also promising 12 hours of listening from a single charge.That should be enough to get you through the first two Yes albums. page 80

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IQOS: The Innovative Heat-not-Burn Product Set to Revolutionize the Tobacco Industry True to the company’s vision of a “Smoke-Free Future,” Philip Morris International continues to invest heavily in better alternative products for adult smokers who would otherwise continue smoking. More than US$6 billion have been invested so far in developing, assessing and commercializing innovative products to pioneer a smoke-free world. The IQOS system heats the specially designed tobacco sticks (HEETS) to a temperature of up to 350 degrees, compared to 800 degrees in combustible cigarettes, generating a flavorful nicotine-containing vapor. This process significantly reduces the levels of harmful chemicals in the vapor as a result of eliminating the combustion factor, which is the primary cause of smoking related diseases while not risk-free. Simply put, IQOS is a revolutionary way to enjoy tobacco for those who would otherwise continue to smoke. It combines state-of-theart Swiss design as well as a unique innovative technology. To date, approximately 7.3 million adult smokers worldwide have switched to IQOS and fully abandoned cigarettes. The product is widely accepted by adult smokers, due to its various characteristics, mainly its taste, sensory experience, nicotine delivery, the use of real tobacco and the cigarette-like satisfaction. IQOS heats tobacco instead of burning it, and therefore generates no fire, no ash and no smoke, and leaves less smell on and around adults using it when compared to cigarettes.

This product is not risk-free and is addictive. For adult use only.

“Close to 7.3 million adult smokers around the world have already converted to IQOS.” The latest additions to PMI’s portfolio of heat-not-burn products are IQOS 3 and IQOS 3 MULTI; both of which have evolved in design and functionality and ultimately strengthened PMI’s position as a global leader in the smoke-free category. IQOS 3 offers a slicker design with a smaller holder and faster charging capabilities, and is easier to carry while on the move. IQOS 3 MULTI gives adult users the chance to use the device 10 consecutive times without the need to be recharged. Building on the success of IQOS in many countries worldwide, three variants of HEETS, Amber, Yellow and Turquoise, were introduced in Beirut Duty Free in early 2019 in both the Arrivals and Departures terminals. With this launch, PMI solidifies its efforts and geographical reach to over 47 markets and provides an estimated 2.8 million legal age smoking travelers the opportunity to join the global move toward a smoke-free future.

If you’d like to know more, visit pmi.com or iqos.com. IQOS Devices and HEETS are now available in Dubai airport, in addition to Geneva, Zurich, Frankfurt, London, Greece, Cyprus and Italy, among many other global destinations. Brought to you by Philip Morris International Services Sarl. page 81

2:44 PM



four European cities

by MarieJoe Raidy

Take a look at some of the best restaurants in various cities across europe, and start planning your future

culinary adventures.

ceresio 7 lays all of Milan at your feet. in addition to its rooftop restaurant, the place encompasses two pools and two lounges, for a distinctive experience in the Milanese sky. For the restaurant, brianza-born chef elio sironi combines traditional and contemporary cooking techniques to create an unexpected, tantalizing menu featuring such dishes as spaghetti with chervil and langoustine tartare; tagliolini with green peas and ďŹ sh cacciucco; paccheri lobster ragout and zucchini; beef ravioli with saffron; and sea bass with artichokes, lemon and braised veal sauce. Finish off your meal with caramel tiramisu served with marsala foam. ceresio7.com page 82

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© laurence Mouton

© Marc domage

at les bouquinistes in paris, you dine alongside veritable works of art: there are monumental murals by artist Fabrice Hyber adorning the walls, infusing the whole place with an artistic vibe. in terms of food, Guy savoy and stéphane perraud offer a menu that is classic and innovative all at once, including such starters as balsamic vinegar-marinated sardines with tomato jelly or seared foie gras with seasonal fruit and toasted brioche. as a main course, your options may feature such specials as crispy lamb saddle with garlic and mixed vegetables or lightly seared tuna with smoked eggplant, Greek yogurt and cranberry. open since 1994, les bouquinistes is located steps from the seine, roughly between the pontneuf and notre-dame. lesbouquinistes.com

Brasserie Colette is the culinary temple of Michelinstarred German chef Tim Raue. Here, Raue creates French cuisine classics updated with his very own flair and featuring a surprisingly pleasing combination of sweet, sour and spicy flavors. Some of Brasserie Colette’s popular dishes include club sandwich with lobster and brioche; belly of lamb with artichoke and bay leaf; and cod with cucumber, mustard and nut butter foam. Dessert offerings range from a most inventive crème brûlée with grilled lemon, olive and white chocolate to a creative chocolate mousse served with iced coffee, toffee and cardamom. Brasserie Colette also has outposts in Munich and Konstanz. brasseriecolette.de page 84

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© enrico de luigi

CARLO E CAMILLA IN SEGHERIA MILAN Operating under the helm of Neapolitan chef Luca Pedata, Carlo and Camilla in Segheria offers a seasonally changing menu inspired by the traditional cuisine of Italy’s Campania region. The visually striking restaurant is housed inside a former sawmill, complete with soaring ceilings and raw cement surroundings.The two tables seat 65 diners,for a memorable communal dining experience. The establishment is also beloved for its lively bar, where Nicola Romiti mixes marvelously inventive cocktails during the aperitif hour and beyond. carloecamillainsegheria.it

on a narrow roman street between via Giulia and via dei banchi vecchi, with overhanging foliage and a cozy outdoor seating area, lies Michelin-starred establishment per Me Giulio terrinoni. launched in 2015 and open for lunch and dinner, the restaurant specializes in fish and meat dishes that reflect the philosophy of chef Giulio terrinoni, who uses local ingredients to express his own culinary attitude and creativity. Highlights at per Me include a 10-course tasting menu, between sea and earth, which offers diners the full terrinoni culinary experience. an international celebrity, terrinoni has made guests appearances on various tv shows and has taught the prestigious Gambero rosso cooking course. giulioterrinoni.it page 86


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A Long HoT Summer

of DESIGN These days, the HEART of product design beats a 24/7, 365-days-a-year RHYTHM through its

GLOBALLY linked cycle of EXHIBITIONS and SHOWS. Here are some of our (LEBANESE and INTERNATIONAL) design HIGHLIGHTS from key PRE-SUMMER shows, plus a DIARY date to help you PLAN your next DESIGN-HUNTING trip. There’s also news about the return of HOUSE OF TODAY’S annual SCHOLARSHIP program.


Lost in Transition by Tara and Tessa Sakhi Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone define Milan Design Week, premiering the latest trends for the forthcoming year. Every April, the eyes of global aesthetes are focused on the city as designers, architects, manufacturers and buyers touch down at Malpensa and Linate for the world’s leading furniture fair and design show. While commercial exhibitors and buyers head for the Salone’s fairgrounds in Rho, the more design-savvy opt for Fuorisalone and its off-site showrooms threaded across the city. Our first must-see was Carlo Massoud’s The Fish And The Crowd. Installed within the church of the Oratoria della Passione and created in collaboration with his sister Mary-Lynn Massoud, “the fish” is a bar made out of 5,000 pieces of pink onyx, crafted and sculpted immaculately. Milan-based Lebanese designer Ranya Sarakbi enchanted us with her silver-plated copper alloy sculpture, studded with sapphires, black diamonds and gold, featuring extractable spines to be worn as amulets around the neck. The Lebanese presence in Milan was further boosted through Tessa and Tara Sakhi’s installation in Alcova. We also loved Loewe’s input. Inspired by the Spanish style leader, 11 page 88

craftsmen and women reimagined traditional baskets and fashioned them out of leather rather than the more typical materials of bamboo or rattan.

Carlo and Mary-Lynn Massoud

In collaboration with DZEK, Formafantasma, the Amsterdam-based design studio, created EXCINERE, a breathtaking and refined collection of volcanic ash-glazed tiles. We were also mesmerized by the Baccarat Bar and Lounge’s Ceiling Art, created by Alexandre Benjamin Navet. On the Via Monte Napoleone, Benjamin’s use of vividly colored oil pastels provided the pace with an unimaginable depth of color and richness. The city’s Nilufar Gallery never disappoints. For 2019, through Audrey Large’s 3D-printed pieces, it ventured into starkly futuristic design pieces – brave, and a delight to see! Wrapping up our Milan 2019 highlights, we called in at Dimore Gallery to view pieces from the archives of Gabriella Crespi – re-editioned and deployed in glamorous tableaux by Dimore.

CULTIVATING CREATIVITY Dedicated to the enrichment of Lebanon’s design culture, House of Today is a nonprofit organization that identifies, nurtures, mentors, curates, showcases and connects emerging Lebanese designers to create a relationship with design experts both regionally and globally. First launched in 2012, the House of Today scholarship program aims to assist the most promising students in overcoming financial constraints, and aims to give them a platform to develop to their full potential. Awarded to students residing in Lebanon who display an exceptional talent and whose development as a designer would most benefit from a graduate or postgraduate study at a respectable product design university in Lebanon or abroad, these valuable scholarships are presented annually. House of Today has opened to applications for its 2019 program. Applications close on June 14, 2019. You can find out more and apply at houseoftoday.com

GEORGE MOHASSEB’S Bee Chairs Lebanese designer George Mohasseb saw his work making waves in Europe, this time in Paris during the city’s edition of premier art fair PAD. Exhibiting with Galerie Gosserez, Mohasseb showed his Bee Chair of aluminum and leather. Presented for the first time during last year’s Beirut Art Fair, the customizable chairs have honeycomb forms on the seat, with the back randomly filled with padded leather to create unique patterns. The Bee collection includes a bench, a side table, a bar stool and two chairs.

Georges Mohasseb’s Bee Chair

DESIGN MIAMI/ BASEL Design Miami/ is a key global forum for design and, for two weeks each year – one in Miami and one in Basel – both editions bring together the most influential collectors, gallerists, designers, curators and critics from around the world in celebration of design culture and commerce. Design Miami/ has become the premier venue for collecting, exhibiting, discussing and creating collectible design, and its Basel outpost sets up shop in the northern Swiss city this year from June 11 to 16. © houseoftoday.com page 89


KENYA is a WILDLIFE PARADISE Last year, our SUMMER VACATION was like nothing we had ever done before: we went on an adventure to KENYA.After landing in NAIROBI, our ďŹ rst stop was the GIRAFFE CENTER in Langata, about 20 kilometers from the city. We wanted to spend a night in GIRAFFE MANOR, the famed HOTEL in which GUESTS get to INTERACT with GIRAFFES, but they were fully booked for the migration SEASON.We still had a blast FEEDING NUTS to the adult and BABY GIRAFFES. By Mayda Chatila

Hippo Point Next we drove an hour to the Hippo Point. Set on the shores of Lake Naivasha , Hippo Point is an exclusive private wildlife conservancy with over 350 species of birds and an average of 1,200 resident animals roaming the grounds. While at Hippo Point, we stayed in the main Manor House, a 1932 British country home overlooking the lake, with eight rooms, one indoor dining room, one outdoor dining room, a sitting room with a fireplace and a library. For a most unique stay, you can book Dodo’s Tower, an eight-story, 35meter structure overlooking the Oloidien Bay and that is part of Hippo Point. The tower is surrounded by hippos, giraffes and zebras, all of them grazing below, so you can admire the wilderness from a most advantageous vantage point. Dodo’s Tower has been featured in Architectural Digest magazine and it offers plush accommodations in one of the world’s most unique settings. Be sure to go on the Hippo Point walking safari: it’s a thrilling experience to hike a few meters away from the giraffes, zebras, warthogs, hippos and monkeys.

The Maasai Mara Next stop: the Maasai Mara. The illustrious national reserve is a 45minute flight away and offers a major change in scenery. We stayed in a luxurious tented luxury camp, and our package inluded meals and safari drives. Note that most such packages exclude the Masai Mara reserve entrance fee, which you need to pay every day you enter the reserve.

“ The most enjoyable thing about the tented camps in the Maasai Mara is that they are not gated, so you are literally in the wild.”

After a full-day game drive, in which we drove around watching the animals go about their day, we returned to our tent. The most enjoyable thing about the tented camps in the Maasai Mara is that they are not gated, so you are literally in the wild. Just in front of the pool, we watched Thompson’s gazelles, elephants, zebras and wildebeests having their meal. The bush breakfast at the Maasai, overlooking the savannah, was also a memorable experience.

The Maasai Village After one of our game drives, our guide took us to a Maasai village, where we viewed traditional shows and enjoyed a tutorial on how to start a fire. A Maasai tribesman led us on a walk to view the houses, while explaining a bit about the tribe’s culture and their traditions. We also browsed the village’s handcrafted souvenir shops.

“Just in front of the pool, we watched Thompson’s gazelles, elephants, zebras and wildebeests having their meal. ”

The Safari The safari was by far the most memorable part of our trip. We boarded our own safari jeep in search of the big five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros). We were fortunate to see all five, although finding the rhino took the entire afternoon. I expected to see a lot of wild animals in the Maasai Mara reserve, but I didn’t expect to see them in action: we were actually able to witness a tribe of lions decapitating their pray and devouring it slowly, and we got the chance to see a cheetah attack its prey. Another incredible sight was the great migration: it was breathtaking to witness the spectacle of wildebeests and zebras herd into the horizon. (Migration season runs from July/August until November.) During the safari, we parked our car to have a picnic in the middle of the savannah, the wilderness all around us. Kenya’s wild animals were within arms’ reach, but too afraid of us to get close. It was another special moment: the untamed wonders of Africa all around us. TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH MEA AND OUR SKYTEAM PARTNERS. page 94


with NadimNAAMAN BRITISH-LEBANESE actor and singer NADIM NAAMAN will STAR in his own MUSICAL this summer at the BEITEDDINE ART FESTIVAL. Titled “BROKEN WINGS”and based upon GIBRAN KHALIL GIBRAN’S classic novel, the MUSICAL was co-authored with Qatari composer DANA AL FARDAN.Together, NAAMAN and AL FARDAN created a SYMPHONIC feast that remains true to GIBRAN’S themes of gender EQUALITY, FREEDOM to LOVE and TRADITION versus MODERNITY. page 96

“Broken Wings” first launched on London’s West End in summer 2018, and prior to that Naaman sung numerous roles in the West End, including that of Raul, Vicomte de Chagny, in “The Phantom of the Opera.” He’s starred in the musical productions of “Titanic” and “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,” and he’s released two albums, “Sides” (2016) and “We All Want the Same” (2013). “Broken Wings” runs from July 2426 at the Beiteddine Art Festival.

Your favorite spot in Lebanon As a lover of skiing, it’s hard to look past Mzaar.

Your best-loved village Bcharré. I first went there to learn more about Gibran’s heritage and history. It is truly a beautiful place and just a stone’s throw

“Nadim Naaman and Dana Al Fardan created a symphonic feast that remains true to Gibran’s themes of gender equality, freedom to love and tradition versus modernity.” Most breathtaking view in Lebanon Back to the mountains, I think. Skiing in Kfardebian, and being able to see Beirut and the Mediterranean beneath the snowy pistes in front of you. It reminds me of the equally dramatic views of Lake Tahoe in California. from the majesty of The Cedars. Well worth the drive from Beirut.

Your favorite Lebanese wine

Your favorite restaurant

Your favorite Lebanese artist

Whenever I bring friends and relatives to Lebanon for the first time, I have to take them to Mhanna Sur Mer in Aamchit. The food is always first class, and you can’t beat the views of the coastline and Mediterranean from that terrace.

Gibran Khalil Gibran. For me, his impact is unrivaled. And, of course, Nadine Labaki, now making great waves in the film world.

Your preferred Lebanese dish Kharoof mehshi. It feels like an event, every single time. For a lighter bite, I can’t refuse arayess.

Places to shop in Lebanon I can’t say I enjoy shopping too often, but I love Downtown Beirut. You have the ease of Beirut Souks, and then the smaller boutiques nestled underneath such beautifully restored architecture. And plenty of places to stop for coffee, which is my favorite part of any shopping trip.

Best Lebanese tourism destination It may be a bit of a cliché, but I love Byblos. There’s something about the ruins, the old men fishing on the rocks, the kitsch stores selling souvenirs. Above all else, I enjoy seeing the tourists from all over the world enjoying Lebanon.

Chateau Kefraya, Blanc de Blancs.

Your activities during the weekend My work means that I spend a lot of time in theatres and concert halls, in and out of busy cities and traveling. So for me, weekends are about home, and spending time with my wife and children, doing the simple things. A good walk, a nice lunch, a movie. I do try and find time for the gym, but that’s not as important.

Three things you always take with you when traveling My laptop. I enjoy making the most of time at airports and hotels, to get work done. Gym gear. It’s easier to work out when away from home, and without the distractions of everyday life. And earplugs – it doesn’t matter how great your hotel is, you just never know when they’ll be hosting a wedding!

The best travel destination If I could only have one trip per year, it would be to the French Alps, to ski in the spring sunshine. But I also recommend Muscat (Oman) to everyone. I have been twice and find myself daydreaming about it a lot. The people, the weather, the service, the scenery – it’s spectacular Arabia. page 97


NADA DEBS and Fratelli Rossetti’s

new sandal is a veritable passion project by Marwan Naaman


da Debs has long been credited with placing Lebanon at the center of the international design scene. Her furniture and accessories – lovingly handmade in Lebanon by skilled artisans and enhanced with marquetry and her signature mother-of-pearl – are veritable collectors’ items, classics that gain in beauty and character with the passing years. Her latest project sees Debs entering the realm of fashion: a collaboration with Italian shoemaker Fratelli Rossetti to create the Design at Your Heels limited edition sandal. Created with Debs’ mother-of-pearl inlay in natural solid walnut wood, the sandal features a unique zigzag pattern that immediately brings to mind her Eastmeets-West design style. “It was always a dream to design a heel for a big brand,” says Debs, who explains that she took the Fratelli Rossetti shape and applied different patterns to it using marquetry and motherof-pearl. Once the heel design was finalized in Beirut, it was shipped to Milan, to Fratelli Rossetti CEO Diego Rossetti, who first came up with the idea to collaborate with a Levantine designer to produce a bespoke shoe. “We created a simple design to emphasize the heel,” Rossetti says, describing the sandal. “It was two passions meeting – making shoes and handcraft.” Debs concurs: “This is a passion item,” she says, “with a dynamic pattern and movement.” For Rossetti, this type of collaboration really serves to enhance both brands. “You take the two strengths of two different people to make something that is stronger than both,” he says. “It’s also a strong message for us,” Debs adds, “having a second-generation Italian shoe brand acknowledging our know-how.” There are only 60 pieces of the limited edition sandals available, either in off-white or in red nubuck, with half of them at the two Fratelli Rossetti boutiques in Beirut (at ABC Ashrafieh and ABC Verdun) and the other half at the Fratelli Rossetti flagship store on Via Montenapoleone in Milan. “This project was a way of communicating our love of craftsmanship,” says Rossetti, “the love of Lebanon for Italy and vice versa.”

“ This project was a way of communicating our love of craftsmanship, the love of Lebanon for Italy and vice versa.” page 100

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A Parisian Palace

LE ROYAL MONCEAU is one of the French capital’s most glamorous hotels by Chris Nader


“Bienvenue au ROYAL MONCEAU!” If you’re LUCKY enough to hear this GREETING, then you’re one of the LUCKY few, as I WAS.

he iconic Parisian hotel, now managed under Accor’s Raffles hotel brand, is an exclusive “palace,” where a small 36-square-meter room can cost upward of 1,000 euros per night – and that’s for the hotel’s basic room category! “Palace” is a distinction used in France to label the most luxurious hotels in the country, and Le Royal Monceau belongs to this exclusive category comprised of only 25 elite hotels.

page 103

The hotel, located near the Arc de Triomphe on Paris’ Champs-Elysées, reopened in 2010 after two years of renovation. It was redesigned by Philippe Starck, and the result is surprisingly bold but respectful of the building’s history. My room had an unusual layout: unlike the vast majority of bedrooms, the bed is not set against the wall but rather centrally located in the middle of the room, opposite the bathroom’s double doors. It was somehow small compared to the lavish rooms commonly available in similar luxury hotels in Asia and the Middle East, but it felt cozy, elegant and comfortable. The real hero of the room was the bathroom, a fascinating mélange of mirrors, steel and metal that only Starck can pull off so brilliantly. I have visited many page 104

“ ‘Palace’ is a distinction used in France to label the most luxurious hotels in the country, and Le Royal Monceau belongs to this exclusive category .”

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Le Royal Monceau, which originally opened in 1928, is no longer French per se. It is now owned by Katara Hospitality, a Qatari company that bought some of the most famous hotels around the world, including the Peninsula in Paris, the Savoy in London and the Raffles in Singapore, which is where this hotel brand originated.

Terrace of the Farmhouse at night

city hotels, but none was able to make a bathroom so memorable – and so Instagrammable.

After a quick shower, I headed to the lobby bar, which was buzzing with stars and celebrities, including JoeyStarr, NTM’s legendary rapper turned actor. Behind me, I heard a familiar voice talking to a waiter: Michaël Youn, one of France’s most famous comedians. On the other side of the lobby, I noticed a crowd starting to form: the hostess informed me that there was a private movie viewing at the hotel. When she saw the puzzled look on my face, she explained that Le Royal Monceau has a 99-seat, state-ofthe-art cinema room. My stay in Paris was short, so I didn’t have the opportunity to try the hotel’s Michelin-starred Italian restaurant Il Carpaccio or the large Spa My Blend by Clarins. However, the little time I spent at the hotel was page 106

enough for me to indulge in Le Royal Monceau’s ultimate luxury. With so many celebrities around me, be they designers, chefs or guests, I understood why this hotel is considered one of the most glamorous “palaces” in Paris. TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH MEA AND OUR SKYTEAM PARTNERS.

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Several other renowned names signed up to make the Royal Monceau an exceptional place, including chef Pierre Hermé who was described by Vogue as the “Picasso of pastry,” and world-famous Japanese celebrity chef Nobuyuki “Nobu” Matsuhisa, who gave his name to the hotel’s main restaurant, Matsuhisa.

“ The real hero of the room was the bathroom, a fascinating mélange of mirrors, steel and metal that only Starck can pull off so brilliantly. ” page 107


TRAINSTATION’S Hiba and Rafa Safieddine Sisters HIBA and RAFA Safieddine started their JOURNEYS on totally different

TRACKS. Different PERSONALITIES, different BACKGROUNDS, different LIFESTYLES. But as DIFFERENT as they were, their tracks led them to the same

STATION, a HEALTH-DRIVEN station filled with PASSION, DRIVE, LOYALTY and forward-looking MINDSETS. Rafa, studied business marketing at the American University of Beirut and holds a Master’s degree in management from the London School of Economics. Hiba studied nutrition and specialized in eating disorders at Kings College London and also earned a degree in personal training. At their Beirut gym Trainstation, Rafa handles marketing communications and human resources, while Hiba acts as both the in-house nutritionist and a dedicated trainer with her own scheduled classes. Together, they manage and sustain Trainstation on a daily basis, making sure that everything is always on track and that customers are getting the best experience possible. They also co-manage Trendstation, a retail part of the business that imports the latest activewear brands from around the world.

Why did you decide to launch a fitness center? Ironically enough, our fitness center started from our passion for food. Our plan was to open a restaurant, because we both love to eat, experience new cuisine and bring people together. However, we quickly realized that the lifestyle of restaurant owners was not the one we wanted to lead. With our educational backgrounds combined, and our love for fitness (fitness has always been a hobby and was always part of our lifestyle since we were kids), we decided to open a tailor-made boutique gym that would act as a one-stop training shop for fitness, health guidance, nutrition, massages and sports fashion. Everything we loved, all in one place.

Being healthy is often synonymous with being trendy.Do you agree? Fitness is the trend today. People even hang out in their gym clothes all day long. You can see it in the gyms, yoga studios and health centers that are popping up left and right, as well as in the different ways diets are evolving. In Lebanon, you have more joggers, more yogis, more cyclists, more hikers and more health-conscious people. Trainstation is a destination to meet friends, feel good and most importantly train right page 108

and get professional advice. It is a lifestyle, and we strongly believe that a healthy life is a good balance between exercise and proper nutrition.

Which services and classes do you offer? Choose your station, and get on board!

The Fitness Station: Group classes, personal training, Pilates reformer, boxing, semi-private sessions and MOTR (Movement on the Roller), our latest innovation, which we introduced to the Lebanese market two years ago. An innovative and versatile tool that offers limitless results. The Nutrition Station:Hiba works on specific programs based on each person’s lifestyle, objectives and needs and coordinates with the trainers to ensure the fitness routine yields the desired results. The Massage Station: We have two experienced and certified therapists who offer different types of massages, including deep tissue, relaxing, slimming, anti-cellulite and sports massage. The Trendstation: Our activewear, shoes and sports accessories sales point. We carry different brands and are the exclusive retailers of ON RUNNING, a Swiss brand of training and running shoes and HPE clothing (human performance engineering).

The Talk Station: On a regular basis, we organize talks in which Hiba and guest speakers raise subjects like eating disorders, kids’ nutrition and general health.

Who’s the typical Trainstation client? Fitness and wellness have no age. Our youngest Trainstationer is only five and practices boxing, and our eldest is 75 and enjoys personal training and massages. Our clients are men and women of all ages who are up for a personal challenge and a lifestyle change. Get on board @trainstationstudio @trendstation


Children and TeChnology how to limit your kids’screen time

Fear of missing out and peer pressure are big reasons children are online and connected. If it’s not gaming then it’s social media (like Instagram), with notifications that tell them their friends are online, having a video chat or posting comments and images. Smartphones, games and other devices are designed to be addictive – they make you want to constantly use them. Too much tech can have detrimental effects on children’s behavior and mental health – it can make them withdrawn and antisocial, and affect their ability to play, socialize and focus on homework. That said, children do need to be online for school work, and many daily tasks now require both children and adults to be online more often.


Create boundaries Create screen-free times, during meals and before bed. Create digital boundaries too, such as tech-free bedrooms.

Countdown warnings Give children a countdown warning so they can prepare themselves for finishing their game and going offline. Get them to agree on a time limit for the game before they start.

Lead by example Set a good example: try not to be randomly scrolling on your phone all the time. If your children see you making the effort, then they will follow your lead and switch off.

Manage scrolling habits Download apps to manage and limit time on devices. Forest App is fantastic for this.

Explain your reasons Explain why you want your children to limit their online time. Find out why they feel they need to be online, and then explain about their brains getting addicted to the online buzz.

The digital world isn’t going away – it’s only going to get more engrained in our lives. Parents need a new approach, one that helps guide their children and teaches them to self-regulate, while negotiating their way to healthy online habits.

Use the tech to monitor the tech. Apple has a screen time report and also a battery report that lets you see when the phone is being used. Restrict gaming times and use the parental controls that come with the games.

Children are generally addicted to tech if they display the following behaviors:

Turn off pings and alerts

They get anxious and distressed when their devices are taken away. They get moody if they can’t be online. They choose screen time over other activities. They’re anxious about getting back online. They constantly talk about being online and their games. page 110

Monitor usage

Turn off the notifications to avoid children being constantly drawn to their devices.

Traditional activities Replace screen time with traditional activities, including board games, painting, reading and outdoor fun. © mumsinbeirut.com


They can play on their smarTphone, XboX or playsTaTion.With immersive interactive games like ForTniTe available to play on any device including smarTphones, it’s no wonder Children are getting more and more addiCTed to TeCh.

by Dina Maktabi

GRAND CINEMAS aT abC Verdun The flagship multiplex offers lebanon’s first mX4d/aTmos experience Grand Cinemas, the leading name in cinema innovation, has its most spectacular theatre complex to date at Beirut’s ABC Verdun. Grand Cinemas ABC Verdun’s 11-screen entertainment hub combines a worldclass customer experience, the hottest location in the nation’s capital and cutting-edge technologies that include Lebanon’s first MX4D theatre. When it opened, the multiplex also marked Grand Cinemas’ 10th anniversary in Lebanon and a long legacy of standard-setting practices in the Middle East film industry. At the time of the launch, Selim Ramia, Grand Cinemas owner and CEO, said: “Ten years ago, we introduced the first e-ticket, the first e-kiosk and the first digital 3D to Lebanese moviegoers. Soon after came the first luxury theatre with Grand Class. Born of a passion for movies, our mission has always been to provide a total experience – from customer service to breakthrough technologies – and Grand Cinemas ABC Verdun represents the pinnacle of that journey. It’s our new flagship in Lebanon.”

Grand Cinemas ABC Verdun: Key features Design and atmosphere: As you enter the lobby a huge screen, the largest in Lebanon, takes your breath away. The largest Wall LCD screen in the Middle East immerses you in a different world, with fully digital and laser projectors, capturing the imagination, taking visitors to another world. Massive pillars soar amid tantalizing spaces as you lounge on trendy couches. Designed with the thrill of the movies in mind, the new hotspot offers an electric atmosphere and the ideal hangout for friends and family as you wait for your movie to begin.

Location:Nested among Beirut’s most visited destinations, ABC Verdun promises an eye-watering selection of exciting brands and eateries. Shop, dine, socialize – and be entertained at Lebanon’s premier movie hub, Grand Cinemas. Experience: For the first time in Lebanon, moviegoers experience a new generation of 4D technology, the First MX4D/Atmos format in the Middle East. Bringing every movie moment to life, it immerses you in the action with state-of-the-art motion seats and breathtaking “Special Effects” that heighten all your senses. Further enriching the film lover’s journey, Grand Cinemas ABC Verdun offers its Grand Class, with the most glamorous lounge for your pleasure and comfort. You will enjoy the first I-Aurora Star Kiosk in the Middle East, capturing the memories of customers and reducing long queues.

“Shop, dine, socialize and be entertained at Lebanon’s premier movie hub, Grand Cinemas.” The sixth Grand Cinemas location in Lebanon, and the ninth in the Middle East, Grand ABC Verdun is part of the cinema chain’s ongoing expansion. With a mission to bring the magic of the movies to every corner of the region, Grand Cinemas continues to break boundaries and deliver on its promise: Always Entertaining. Grandcinemasme.com page 111


MEA awarded excellence in operations by Dubai airports Dubai Airports honored airlines, concessionaires and business partners who have demonstrated their commitment to improving service and delivering exceptional customer experiences at both of Dubai’s airports at the Dubai Airports Excellence Awards held at Soho Garden. During the event Middle East Airlines-Air Liban was awarded excellence in operations by Dubai airports. The award was received by MEA Manager Dubai and Northern Emirates, Mr. Mohamad Cheaib and team.

The awards were presented by the CEO of Dubai Airports Paul Griffiths, as a true celebration of the contributions to the airport experience made by commercial service partners and airlines. Focusing on customer service, operations, innovation, partnership, sustainability and pride and dedication, nominations were submitted from around the airport community for airlines and commercial partners over several months, and a board of judges decided the final outcomes.

LBACC’s restaurant management division at Rafic Hariri International Airport, under the management of Fulcrum, had a good reason to celebrate after being awarded the highest number of gold medals at the Hospitality Salon Culinaire, and third place at the Lebanese Barista Championship. Executive chef Camille Wehbe was also awarded as an active member of the Académie Nationale de Cuisine, Ile de France, at HORECA 2019.

page 112

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6 5 1.Chekka - @travelmodeon_ 2.Byblos - @buddcorp 3.Baalbeck - @georgesper 4.Harissa - @khaled.lby 5.Sidon - @buddcorp 6.Hermel - @rabzthecopter 7.Tannourine - @dr.firaschakra 8.Beirut - @ali_kaddoura_ 9.Ehden - @joseph_kartabany


Destinations & Distances BLOCK TIME







AFRICA Abidjan Accra Lagos

3363 3137 2923

3870 3609 3363

6228 5808 5412

7:40 7:10 6:45

7:20 7:00 6:45

EUROPE Athens Brussels Copenhagen Frankfurt Geneva Istanbul London Madrid Milan Paris Rome

623 1730 1670 1660 1624 588 1919 1976 1510 1823 1242

717 1990 1921 1910 1869 677 2208 2273 1737 2097 1429

1154 3204 3091 3073 3007 1090 3553 3659 2795 3374 2299

1:55 4:30 4:10 4:15 4:10 1:50 5:05 5:05 3:55 4:40 3:35

1:45 4:10 4:00 3:50 3:50 1:45 4:35 4:40 3:35 4:15 3:10

GULF Abu Dhabi Dammam Doha Dubai Jeddah Kuwait Riyadh

1286 1011 1144 1324 925 873 913

1479 1163 1316 1523 1064 1004 1051

2380 1872 2119 2452 1713 1615 1691

3:10 2:35 2:45 3:10 2:30 2:15 2:20

3:15 2:55 2:55 3:35 2:25 2:20 2:25

MIDDLE EAST Amman Baghdad Basra Cairo Erbil Larnaca Najaf Yerevan

342 595 749 400 762 141 579 755

393 685 861 460 877 162 666 868

632 1102 1387 740 1411 261 1072 1398

1:10 1:30 2:00 1:20 2:00 0:45 1:40 2:00

1:10 1:35 2:10 1:15 2:10 0:45 1:45 2:10

SEASONAL Medinah Nice

762 1513

877 1741

1411 2802

2:00 4:00

2:10 3:35



Amsterdam London




Paris Geneva Nice







Madrid Valencia Palma Malaga



Athens Tunis

Erbil Larnaca


Baghdad Najaf




Kuwait Doha



Dakar Ouagadougou Conakry Freetown

Lagos Abidjan



Accra Cotonou


Direct Flights Operated by MEA Seasonal Flights Operated by MEA Code share Flights In Connection with Network Partners



For other network partners, please contact any MEA Sales Office or MEA Call Center at 961 1 629999 or 1330.

Dammam Dubai Bahrain Abu Dhabi Muscat Riyadh

SkyTeam Alliance

Who are our SkyTeam Alliance partners? Aeroflot is Russia’s primary national carrier and largest airline. It operates flights to 146 destinations in 52 countries.

Founded in 1950, AR is one of the leading South American carriers. It operates flights to 58 scheduled destination. Aerolíneas Argentinas carries 13.1 million passengers per year.

Aeromexico, Mexico’s global airline, serves 92 destinations. It operates over 600 daily flights from its main hub out of Terminal 2 at Mexico City International Airport.

Air Europa’s network covers a large part of the Spanish territory, as well as destinations in Europe, Northern Africa and the Americas.





Air France has its head quarters in Paris. Its main transfer airports are Paris-Charles De Gaulle, Paris-Orly, and Lyon. Its network comprises 195 destinations in 93 countries.

Alitalia is Italy’s leading airline, serving over 21.8 million passengers with more than 556 daily flights across a network of 94 destinations.

China Airlines is based at Taiwan's Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), it serves 156 destinations in 29 countries and regions worldwide, connecting Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania.

Based in Shanghai, China Eastern it operates a modern fleet with an average age of less than 7 years. The network covers China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe, America and Oceania.





The flagship carrier of the Czech Republic has its head office in Prague. It offers connections to 49 destinations in 26 countries.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. It provides services to 324 destinations in 57 countries on six continents.

Garuda Indonesia is the flag carrier of Indonesia and serves as a full service airline. Currently operates 202 aircraft and serves 90 destinations worldwide.

Kenya Airways is the leading African airline flying to over 52 destinations worldwide.

- SkyTeam members use simplified check-in, thinking of passengers´ comfort.





- There is only one check-in for flights with a transfer.

KLM has its head office in Amsterdam, which is also its major point for transferring to other flights. KLM will fly you to 164 destinations in 73 countries.

Korean Air has its head office in Seoul, and uses Seoul-Incheon, Pusan, and Cheju as its main hubs. It provides connections to 133 destinations in 46 countries.

Middle East Airlines is Lebanon's national carrier, from its home base in Beirut, MEA operates to 32 destinations in 23 countries. At its present MEA carries 3 million passengers annually.

Since its establishment in 1945, Saudi Arabian Airlines has been providing its services to transport passengers to 80 destinations in 36 countries. At present, it carries about 32 million passengers annually.





TAROM’s home base in Bucharest, TAROM operates flights to 36 destinations in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

The Vietnamese flag carrier is based in Hanoi and uses the international airports Noi Bai, in Hanoi, and Tan Son Nhat, in Ho Chi Minh City, as its main hubs. It provides connections to 50 destinations in 17 countries.

Xiamen Airlines, based in Southeastern China and established on July 25, 1984, serves 86 destinations in 14 countries. Currently the airline operates a fleet of 144 aircraft.




SkyTeam, the global airline alliance partnering 19 members, gives frequent business travelers more flexibility and more choices for international travel. SkyTeam offers the following advantages to more than 630 million travelers, every year: - Earning miles for their flights with any SkyTeam airline, and their redemption with any member airline - Free access to more than 750 lounges all over the world - Guaranteed booking for SkyTeam Elite Plus members, even on flights which are sold out - More than 14,500 daily flights to more than 1,150 destinations in 175 countries - More fare options to a greater number of destinations - An extensive worldwide network of access points on the flights of SkyTeam alliance members

- Information at any SkyTeam office anywhere in the world

A detailed list of advantages can be found at www.skyteam.com

MEA destinations & mileage List of Miles you earn according to fare class for travel on MEA - coded flights (indicated with a ME Flight number)






Abidjan Abu Dhabi Accra Amman Athens Baghdad Basra Brussels Cairo Copenhagen Dammam Doha Dubai Erbil Frankfurt Geneva Istanbul Jeddah Kuwait Lagos Larnaca London Madrid Milan Najaf Nice Paris Riyadh Rome Yerevan


3,201 1,312 2,999 500 715 506 753 1,956 500 1,859 1,018 1,132 1,329 508 1,762 1,759 615 867 800 2,784 500 2,161 2,181 1,605 533 1,657 1,979 909 1,377 659

4,001 1,640 3,749 625 894 633 941 2,445 625 2,324 1,273 1,415 1,661 635 2,203 2,199 769 1,084 1,000 3,480 625 2,701 2,726 2,006 666 2,071 2,474 1,136 1,721 824

6,402 2,624 5,998 1,000 1,430 1,012 1,506 3,912 1,000 3,718 2,036 2,264 2,658 1,016 3,524 3,518 1,230 1,734 1,600 5,568 1,000 4,322 4,362 3,210 1,066 3,314 3,958 1,818 2,754 1,318

* For booking in the following classes: B / M


A. WEIGHT SYSTEM Economy Class

Business Class

35 kg 30 kg 35 kg 30 kg 30 kg 30 kg 30 kg 40 kg 30 kg 30 kg 30 kg 30 kg 30 kg 30 kg 46 kg 35 kg 30 kg 30 kg 30 kg

70 kg 60 kg 70 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg 64 kg 70 kg 60 kg 60 kg 60 kg

Athens, Brussels Geneva, London Madrid, Milan, Nice Paris, Rome

Economy Class

Business Class

1 piece of 23 kg 1 piece of 23 kg 1 piece of 23 kg 1 piece of 23 kg

3 pieces of 23 kg each 3 pieces of 23 kg each 3 pieces of 23 kg each 3 pieces of 23 kg each

2 piece of 23 kg

3 pieces of 23 kg each

Photos: © all rights reserved

Le ng ht

Abidjan Abu Dhabi Accra Al Najaf Amman Baghdad Basra Cairo Dammam Doha Dubai Erbil Istanbul Jeddah Kuwait Lagos Larnaca Riyadh Yerevan

From and to Beirut*


From and to Beirut*


Copenhagen, Frankfurt

* Applies on flights operated by ME only.

* Maximum dimensions of the bag cannot exceed 158 cm (height + length + width) altogether for each piece Baggage allowance for infant not occupying a seat: Allowance of 1 checked piece of 10 Kg maximum


Platinum, Gold & Presidents Club Extra Allowance

Silver Extra Allowance

SkyTeam Elite Plus Extra Allowance

SkyTeam Elite Extra Allowance









20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg

20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg

10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg

10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg

20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg

20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg 20 kg

10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg

10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg

Abidjan Abu Dhabi Accra Al Najaf Amman Baghdad Basra Cairo Dammam Doha Dubai Erbil Istanbul Jeddah Kuwait Lagos Larnaca Riyadh Yerevan

B. PIECE SYSTEM From and to Beirut

Platinum, Gold & Presidents Club, Silver, Skyteam Elite Plus & Skyteam Elite Extra Allowance Economy And Business

Athens, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Geneva, London, Madrid, Milan, Nice, Paris, Rome

1 piece of 23 kg

Baggage size limit: The maximum dimensions of the bag cannot exceed 158 cm (height + length + width)


From Beirut per Kg in USD

Abidjan Abu Dhabi Accra Al Najaf Amman Baghdad Basra Cairo Dammam Doha Dubai Erbil Istanbul Jeddah Kuwait Lagos Larnaca Riyadh Yerevan


To Beirut

per Kg in local currency

2000 15 4 3 2 3 3 2.5 15 15 20 3 3 15 1 600 2 15 3


Cedar Miles Deduction

5000 Miles for each 10 kg

* Applies on flights operated by ME only.

B. PIECE SYSTEM From and to Beirut Athens Brussels Copenhagen Frankfurt Geneva London Madrid Milan Nice

Economy Class First additional piece of 23 kg 55 EUR from EUR countries 75 CHF from Geneva 55 GBP from London 55 USD or equivalent from others

Any additional piece of 23 kg each 200 EUR from EUR countries 200 CHF from Geneva 200 GBP from London 200 USD or equivalent from others

Second additional or more pieces of 23 kg each 200 EUR from EUR countries 200 CHF from Geneva 200 GBP from London 200 USD or equivalent from others

Surcharge on any piece from 24 kg to 32 kg 100 EUR from EUR countries 100 CHF from Geneva 100 GBP from London 100 USD or equivalent from others

Surcharge on any piece from 24 kg to 32 kg 100 EUR from EUR countries 100 CHF from Geneva 100 GBP from London 100 USD or equivalent from others

Pieces over 32 kg Can be only forwarded through Cargo

Paris Rome

Business Class

Pieces over 32 kg Can be only forwarded through Cargo

Cedar Miles Deduction

10000 Miles for each piece of 23 kg


to Cedar Miles Our gift to you... the world YOUR ONLINE ACCOUNT Check and manage your account: Stay up-to-date with your mileage and verify that all your transactions have been registered at a glance. You can see how many Qualifying Miles(1) and sectors you still need to upgrade your membership level. Claim missing miles: For any missing flights with MEA, go online and credit your flights in just one minute. Book your reward online: No need to hassle yourself with your reward booking any longer. Go online and book your reward.




Platinum is the highest level in our MEA Loyalty program. This status is presented to our most loyal members. You will receive the highest level of comfort once you reach 70,000 Q-miles or 60 Q-sectors within one calendar year. Platinum members will earn 75% more miles on every flight with MEA and SkyTeam partners. Maintain your Platinum status for 10 consecutive years, and remain Platinum for another 10 years as a gift from MEA.

Your gate to exclusive services and benefits throughout your journey! Receive instant recognition and priority services throughout the SkyTeam network, access to MEA and SkyTeam lounges, additional excess luggage and earn 50% tier bonus. You need 40,000 Q-miles or 30 Qsectors to qualify for the Gold status within a Calendar year.



Enjoy the luxury of Cedar Class check-in, access to MEA Cedar Lounge, or MEA-affiliated lounges, extra luggage allowance and 25% tier bonus. To reach Silver status, you need to earn 20,000 Qmiles or 15 Q-sectors within a calendar year.

Earn miles every time you travel on MEA or its partners, and redeem them against rewards for you and your family! When you fly MEA or SkyTeam partners you earn Qualifying Miles(1) and sectors that count toward reaching your next privilege status.

Reward tickets with Cedar Miles: Book your reward to the destination of your choice with MEA, SkyTeam partners or other airline partners. Upgrade rewards: Treat yourself and your loved ones with luxury and upgrade your MEA tickets (booked in Y, B, M, U, K) to Cedar Class, in exchange for Miles. Excess luggage rewards: Traveling heavy? Carrying more bags than usual? Exchange some Miles to cover your excess luggage. (1) Qualifiying Miles are earned on MEA and SkyTeam flights.

SKYTEAM ELITE PLUS Privileges on MEA and SkyTeam flights (unless otherwise indicated)* At reservations Guaranteed seats in Full-Fare Economy Class (up to 48hrs) - on fully booked ME, coded and operated flights ** - on sold out SkyTeam international flights of over 6 hours in duration Priority waiting list










3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 (1) 3 (1) 3 (1) 3 (1) only on MEA

At the airport Protected seat number (up to 1 hour prior to departure) Available on ME coded flights - operated by MEA Priority ticket issue at Beirut Airport sales office Sky Priority Priority check-in Priority boarding Priority standby Priority baggage and tag handling Extra baggage allowance Weight concept Piece concept




1 piece of 23kgs

1 piece of 23kgs

1 piece of 23kgs

Yes + 2 guests or direct family members

Yes + 1 guest or direct family members

Yes + 1 guest or direct family members

Yes + 1 guest

Yes + 1 guest

Not allowed

Yes + 1 guest

Yes + 1 guest

Not allowed










Airport lounges access - MEA Cedar lounge in Beirut - MEA contracted lounges at outstations (2)

- SkyTeam lounges Other privileges Tier Bonus

Membership thresholds Qualifying Miles Qualifying one-way flights

The SkyTeam Member Airlines

* MEA reserves the right to amend above privileges without prior notice ** MEA reserves the right to decline the requested guaranteed seats on over booked flights and offers instead priority on waitinglist on exceptional basis (1) Service not available at certain airports (2) Same day international flights operated by SkyTeam For more information on Cedar Miles benefits and most up to date privileges you may consult MEA’s website

Contact us: cedarmiles@mea.com.lb or call MEA Call Center 24/7 +961 1 629 999 FAX +961 1 623 195 www.mea.com.lb/cedarmiles

Other Partners

This information is related to Cedar Miles General Terms & Conditions and may be modified from time to time by MEA without prior notice.

Movies on board AQUAMAN PG-13




Reveals the origin story of halfhuman, half-Atlantean Arthur Curry and takes him on the journey of his lifetime—one that will not only force him to face who he really is, but to discover if he is worthy of who he was born to be…a king. Cast: Jason Momoa, Amber Heard Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 143 min

M. Night Shyamalan brings together the narratives of Unbreakable and Split in one explosive thriller! David Dunn (Bruce Willis) pursues The Beast (James McAvoy), while Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson) holds secrets critical to both men. Cast: James McAvoy Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 129 min

Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel is an adventure from a previously unseen period in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that follows the journey of Carol Danvers as she becomes one of the universe’s most powerful heroes. Cast: Brie Larson Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 124 min

Nels Coxman is a family man whose quiet life with his wife is upended following the mysterious death of their son. Cast: Liam Neeson, Laura Dern Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 119 min









LAPD detective Erin Bell went undercover in the California desert to infiltrate a gang led by the terrifying Silas. But her cover was blown and Silas escaped. Years later he re-emerges. Cast: Nicole Kidman Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 121 min

A neuroscientist on the verge of successfully transferring human consciousness into a computer tragically loses his entire family, then attempts to clone their bodies and create replicas. Cast: Alice Eve, Keanu Reeves Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 107 min

Follows Stevie, a thirteen-yearold in 90s-era LA who spends his summer navigating between his troubled home life and a group of new friends that he meets at a Motor Avenue skate shop. Cast: Sunny Suljic Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 84 min

Laurel & Hardy, one of the world's great comedy teams, set out on a variety hall tour of Britain in 1953. Diminished by age and with their golden era as the kings of Hollywood comedy now behind them, they face an uncertain future. Cast: John C. Reilly Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 98 min

page 124










Dell Scott is in need of a way forward. Recently paroled, unemployed, and unable to see his child, fate just landed him the opportunity of a lifetime taking care of a multimillionaire. Cast: Bryan Cranston Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 126 min

Ali Davis is a successful sports agent who’s constantly boxed out by her male colleagues. When Ali is passed up for a well-deserved promotion, she questions what else she needs to do. Cast: Taraji P. Henson Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 117 min

Maya is a 40-year-old woman struggling with frustrations from unfulfilled dreams. Until, that is, she gets the chance to prove to Madison Avenue that street smarts are as valuable as book smarts, and that it is never too late for a Second Act. Cast: Jennifer Lopez Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 103 min

In an effort to avoid paying off a massive gambling debt to a notorious crime lord in England, a couple flees to Los Angeles and hatch a plot to pull of a massive jewel heist. Cast: Uma Thurman, Tim Roth Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 90 min









Earl Stone is a man in his 80s who is broke, alone, and facing foreclosure of his business, when he's offered a job that simply requires him to drive. Cast: Clint Eastwood Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 116 min

Gloria is a divorcée who spends her days at an office job and her nights on the dance floor. After meeting Arnold on a night out, she finds herself thrust into an unexpected new romance. Cast: Julianne Moore Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 102 min

A fishing boat captain is begged by his ex-wife to save her and their young son from her violent new husband – by taking him out to sea on a fishing excursion and throwing him to the sharks. Cast: Matthew McConaughey Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 106 min

In the culmination of the epic trilogy, the young Viking Hiccup and the Night Fury dragon, Toothless, encounter a female Night Fury and face their biggest threat yet. Cast: Jay Baruchel Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 104 min page 125









Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in search of a talented young druid. Cast: Christian Clavier Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 85 min

It’s been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are now facing a huge new threat: LEGO DUPLO® invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than it can be rebuilt. Cast: Chris Pratt, Alison Brie Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 107 min

Sylvester Cat, Tweety Bird, and Hector the Bulldog are the pets of Granny, a gingerly matron with a penchant for solving mysteries. Cast: John Cena, Kate McKinnon Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 2:00 min

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman lead the DC Universe Super Heroes against their most infamous foes in adventures packed with relentless thrills, fun and action. Languages: En/Fr + Ar subtitles Run Time: 0:44 min


‫ مو‬،‫يروي الفيلم قصة ثﻼثة أشخاص‬ ‫وتوتو ومصطفى الذين يشهدون جريمة‬ .‫خﻼل قيامهم باختبار تمثيل ﻷحد اﻷفﻼم‬ ‫وينطلقون معاً في رحلة غير متوقعة غنية‬ ‫بالحب والصداقة وهم يحاولون الكشف‬ .‫عن الغموض المحيط بعملية القتل‬ ‫ منى هﻼ‬،‫ كريم قاسم‬:‫تمثيل‬ ‫ أحمد عبد ﷲ‬:‫إخراج‬ RATED:PG-13

page 126

‫ عربّية‬:‫الّلغة‬ ‫ دقيقة‬98 :‫المّدة‬

‫الخروج عن النص‬

‫يواجه مخرج سينمائي مشاكل مالية‬ ‫ فيتحول إلى العمل غير الشرعي‬،‫كبيرة‬ ‫ﻹنقاذ نفسه ويستفيد من صيته في‬ .‫إنتاج اﻷفﻼم لتغطية أعماله‬ ‫ راندا البحيري‬:‫تمثيل‬ ‫ حسن السيد‬:‫إخراج‬ RATED:PG-13

‫ عربّية‬:‫اللّغة‬ ‫ دقيقة‬85 :‫المّدة‬

)‫كذبة بيضا (مصريكاني‬

‫فيلم كوميدي مرح لحفل زفاف غير‬ ‫مألوف ُيظهر تصادم الثقافات بين‬ ‫عائلتين مختلفتين تماماً؛ إذ يضطر أفراد‬ ‫العائلتين لﻼجتماع والتعامل والتصادم‬ ‫معاً بمناسبة الزفاف لكنهم يكتشفون‬ .‫في آخر المطاف سبﻼً للعيش المشترك‬ ‫ ناهد السباعي‬،‫ سامي شيخ‬:‫تمثيل‬ ‫ نور هﻼل‬:‫إخراج‬ RATED:PG-13

‫ عربّية‬:‫اللّغة‬ ‫ دقيقة‬100 :‫المّدة‬

‫رغدة متوحشة‬

‫يتمحور الفيلم حول الشاب إسماعيل‬ ‫الذي يعمل في صالون للتجميل‬ ‫ويكتشف عن طريق الصدفة أن أحد‬ .‫مديري اﻹعﻼنات يبحث عن وجٍه جديد‬ ‫ روبي‬،‫ أحمد الفيشاوي‬:‫تمثيل‬ ‫محمود كريم‬:‫إخراج‬ RATED:PG-13

‫ عربيّة‬:‫الّلغة‬ ‫ دقيقة‬92 :‫المّدة‬

Special Documentaries BDL DOCUMENTARY

BANQUE DU LBAN 50 years in the history of the Central Bank of Lebanon. A special documentary prepared by Georges Ghanem. Run Time: 65 min English Edition 50 ans dans l’histoire de la Banque du Liban. Un documentaire spéciale préparé par Georges Ghanem. La Durée: 65 min Edition Française


‫الحاكم بأمر الليرة‬

‫الجزء اﻷول‬ ‫خمسون عاماً من تاريخ مصرف‬ ‫ من بنك سوريا ولبنان إلى‬:‫لبنان‬ .1982-1919 ‫مصرف لبنان‬ ‫وثائقي خاص من إعداد‬ .‫جورج غانم‬ ‫ دقيقة‬65 :‫المّدة‬

‫الجزء الثاني‬ ‫خمسون عاماً من تاريخ مصرف‬ .2014 ‫ إلى‬1983 ‫ من‬:‫لبنان‬ ‫وثائقي خاص من إعداد‬ .‫جورج غانم‬

SOARING THE WORLD 70 years in the history of Middle East Airlines Air Liban (1945 – 2015), from establishment to reform. A special documentary prepared by Georges Ghanem. Run Time: 85 min

‫للعلى للعالم‬

‫سبعون سنة من عمر طيران‬ ‫ الخطوط الجوية‬- ‫الشرق اﻷوسط‬ ‫ من‬،)2015-1945( ‫اللبنانية‬ .‫التأسيس إلى اﻹصﻼح‬ ‫وثائقي خاص من إعداد‬ .‫جورج غانم‬

‫ دقيقة‬85 :‫المّدة‬

‫ دقيقة‬85 :‫المّدة‬

*The documentaries are available onboard under "Special Documentaries" in the Cinema Channel ‫* ﳝكن مشاهدةهذه اﻷفﻼم على مﱳ الطائرة من خﻼل ”وثائقي خاص“ ﲢت قناة اﻷفﻼم‬ page 127

TV series on board AFAREET ESMAT



(4 EPiSoDES)

(4 EPiSoDES)


Al Tekya is Esmat's palace which she decides to use as a business and converts it to a hotel. Esmat and her team meet new people and new stories come their way in every episode. Run Time: 69 min

A social comedy about the family life of two journalists who found love and professional excellence together before marriage, but afterwards find themselves stuck. Run Time: 114 min

Hamdeen inherits a palace and starts hosting family members where they all encounter strange and unusual situations. Run Time: 107 min

SAYIDATI AL JAMILA Kamal is looking for a beautiful woman to introduce to the king. But when he gets mugged by a poor woman who has a strong personality, he decides to teach her the etiquette. Run Time: 210 min page 128




(4 EPiSoDES)

(4 EPiSoDES)

(4 EPiSoDES)

A smart, sophisticated comedy that looks into the hearts and minds of a group of friends living in New York. Run Time: 88 min

A warm and witty singlecamera comedy about raising a family and lowering your expectations. Run Time: 88 min

Set in the ‘90s, hip-hop loving teenager Eddie Huang and his family have lived in Orlando for a few years now and have assimilated nicely into the suburban American lifestyle. Run Time: 66 min









This documentary-style series goes into the heart of a quirky, small Southern town to follow the arrest and murder trial of a beloved if idiosyncratic poetry professor. Run Time: 88 min

Bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar has resigned his throne and retired to the City of Angels, where he owns an upscale piano bar called Lux. Run Time: 176 min

Set two generations before the destruction of Superman's home planet, Krypton follows Seg-El, the Man of Steel's grandfather, who is faced with a life and death conflict. Run Time: 172 min

A contemporary crime thriller set in big sky country that focuses on a Wyoming sheriff rebuilding his life and career after the death of his wife. Run Time: 246 min







Tells the emotional story of a suburban couple whose ordinary lives are rocked by the sudden discovery that their teenage children possess mutant powers. Run Time: 177 min

CNBC brings you the world’s top leaders, business people and decision-makers together in the CNBC Debate. Run Time: 77 min

CNBC Originals brings you deep insight and fascinating reviews of the latest and most topical events and news updates in the world. Run Time: 80 min

page 129

Music on board 1 3 MEA FM

Make It Out Alive Nao Touch the Floor VanJess Hard Place H.E.R. Roll Some Mo Lucky Daye Drive and Disconnect Nao Vertigo Khalid You Decide Usher Ooh La La Tinashe Giving Me Life Mariah Carey hard rain Lykke Li Everywhere Chloe x Halle Jameson Luke Christopher When Will I See You Again (Amtrac Remix) Shakka Addicted VanJess



Somebody to Love Jefferson Airplane Ring of Fire Johnny Cash Don't Rain On My Parade Barbra Streisand Shout, Pts. 1 & 2 The Isley Brothers Stop In The Name Of Love Sinitta To Love Somebody Janis Joplin Little Tin Soldier (Album Version) Barbra Streisand So Long, Marianne Leonard Cohen When I'm Sixty-Four Georgie Fame Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street? Bruce Springsteen Cinnamon Girl Prince page 130

I'd Rather Go Blind Etta James Eight Miles High The Byrds Win Your Love For Me Sam Cooke Waiting for Your Love Toto Love Is a Wild Thing Jennifer Rush


Another Lifetime Nao 713 The Carters Blur (Felix Cartal Remix) MØ Let Me Zayn Think About Us Little Mix Run Free Après Breathe CamelPhat Beach House The Chainsmokers Stay Giorgia Toast Koffee Bad Lennon Stella Caution Mariah Carey The Bridge Casting Crowns You Deserve Better (James Carter Remix) James Arthur Mark On My Heart Olly Murs Talia King Princess For Me, It's You Lo Moon Creep On Me GASHI

THE FRENCH CAFÉ La même Maître Gims

Complètement fou Yelle Je me dis que toi aussi Boulevard des airs Je ne peux pas pleurer plus que ça Cali Cap Enragé Natasha St-Pier Les infidèles Miossec Le premier clair de l'aube Tété Beau comme garçon Clarika Le procès Sanseverino Ta belle histoire Patrick Fiori Je n'aurai pas le temps (Love Michel Fugain) Claudio Capéo Besoin de personne Véronique Sanson Aucune inquiétude Mud Station 13 (Radio Edit) Indochine Il est cinq heures, Paris s'eveille ZAZ Ce petit coeur Françoise Hardy Quitte à me quitter (Robbie Remix) Marvin Jouno Tous les Acadiens Natasha St-Pier




Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67: I. Allegro con brio Arturo Toscanini Symphony No. 3 in C Major: II. Andante sempre piano Christian Benda Symphony No. 39 in E-Flat Major, K. 543: II. Andante con moto Leonidas Kavakos Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90, "Italian": Allegro vivace Arturo Toscanini Symphony No. 9 in C Major, D. 944 "The Great": IV. Finale. Allegro vivace Arturo Toscanini Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op.

92: III. Presto - Assai meno presto Arturo Toscanini Andante Suite in A, Op. 98b: Andante con moto Prague Symphony Orchestra The Seven Stars' Symphony, Op. 132: VII. Charlie Chaplin James Judd



Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro Dame Kiri Te Kanawa Lucia di Lammermoor: Ancor non giunse - Regnava nel silenzio - Quando rapito in estasi (From Lucia di Lammermoor) Nino Machaidze Regnava nel silenzio from Lucia di Lammermoor (Voice) Ying Huang Scintille, diamant (from Les contes d'Hoffmann) Erwin Schrott Ah! non credea mirarti (from Sonnambula) Christine Schäfer E lucevan le stelle... from Act III of Tosca (Voice) José Carreras "Un bel dì, vedremo" from Madama Butterfly Renata Scotto Nina, o sia la pazza per amore: Il mio ben, quando verrà? Frederica von Stade Je suis seul!...Ah fuyez, douce image (Manon) Marcelo Alvarez Khovanshchina: Aria of Maria Claudio Abbado "Caro Nome che il mio cor" From Rigoletto Ileana Cotrubas



My Mommie Sent Me To The Store (1989 Remastered) Fats Waller In the Mood Glenn Miller & His Orchestra Memories of You Louis Armstrong

Who Cares (Album Version) Stan Getz You Don't Know What Love Is Chet Baker Rifftide (Album Version) Miles Davis Better Git It In Your Soul Charles Mingus The Bridge Sonny Rollins Ain't Misbehavin' (Album Version) Sarah Vaughan Red Clay Freddie Hubbard Myna Bird Blues George Benson Rising Sun The Dave Brubeck Quartet


A Whole New World (Performed by Chauncey Matthews) American Juniors I Won't Grow Up Mary Martin Five Little Ducks Dean Sequeira The First Katie Thompson My Little Buckaroo Archie Campbell Belly Button Allen Funt Billi Ka Bachcha Ankur Tewari La soucoupe volante Aldebert Lady Luck Kenny Loggins Put on a Happy Face Dick Van Dyke

The Girl from Ipanema Percy Faith & His Orchestra When You Wish Upon A Star (Album Version) Kate Smith What Now My Love Robert Goulet Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams (And Dream Your Troubles Away) (Album Version) Les Paul & Mary Ford Love Is Blue (Album Version) Jim Nabors Romance In The Dark Teresa Brewer Amor (Album Version) Xavier Cugat & His WaldorfAstoria Orchestra; Vocal by Carmen Castillo

Qady El Gharam Mahmoud El Tohamy Ya Helw Sabah Dolly Shahine Kol Youm Yehlaw Ehab Tawfik Set El kol Ali El Haggar El Gamal Le Naso Nawal El Zoghbi



Leilet Hob Um Kolthum Saa Beorb El Habeb Farid El Atrach Al Shams Mayada El Hennawy A'olly Haga Abdel Halim Hafez Esmaony Warda El Donya Ghenwa Laila Murad


Be Kind to Your Parents Pete Seeger Lazy Mary Will You Get Up? Cedarmont Kids Du gros son Aldebert That Little Boy of Mine Archie Campbell Hocus Pocus Ankur Tewari One Step Closer (Performed by the American Juniors Top 10 Finalists) American Juniors One Two Buckle My Shoe Dean Sequeira Beautiful John Arthur Greene Kids Paul Lynde The Alphabet Song Allen Funt Chante (Love Michel Fugain) Kids United My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean Cedarmont Kids Rocka My Soul Cedarmont Kids Daddy's Back Kenny Loggins Wimoweh (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) Pete Seeger Six Little Ducks Cedarmont Kids


Just Walkin' in the Rain Johnnie Ray Singing the Blues Guy Mitchell Comin' Home Baby Mel Tormé You Belong to Me Jo Stafford On A Slow Boat To China (Album Version) Bette Midler Mr. Lonely Buddy Greco Summertime Blues Alan Jackson Take Five (Single Version) Carmen McRae (I Left My Heart) In San Francisco Tony Bennett On the Street Where You Live Vic Damone Black Coffee Sarah Vaughan If You Were Mine (Album Version) Billie Holiday Am I That Easy To Forget? Engelbert Humperdinck Born Free Andy Williams Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera) (Single Version) Doris Day

Bokra Btechroq Shams El Aied Elissa Qesset Hob Ramy Ayach Elly Raho Amina Tawakalna Aala Allah Ahmed Gamal Ghamzti Walid AL Jilani Absom Bel Aashara Adham Ali & Hanan Attia Zaman Maho Zamany Warda - Abad Al Johar Men Zaman Amal Maher Yalla Yalla Hend Samehny Ya Habiby Hany Shaker Meen Aal Yara Matseish Elzan Haitham Helmy Hala Khasa Gedan Angham Alby Alek Etwagaa Samar El Husseiny Tebassam Asma Lumnawar Super man Samaira Saeed Chouf Chouf Douzi


B' Hebbak Ya Loubnan Fairuz Ala Allah Teood Wadih El Safi Wahdi Ana Melhem Barakat Haddouni Haddouni Nasri Shamsedine Am yesalouni alayk Magida El Roumi Ya Samra Ya Tamr Hendy Essam Ragy El Zena Lebst Kholkala Samir Yazbak Ya Hallak Taroub Aal Aali Iddar Nasri Shamsedine Lebnan Ya Kete'et Sama Wadi Al Safi Nassam Alaynal Hawa Fairuz Hezzy Mahramtek Nagah Sallam A'ataba Joseph Sakr khidni habibi Magida El Roumi

page 131

Games on board Being on-board MEA has just gotten more pleasurable.You can now play any of these popular games and make your selection among the following,selected especially to make your flight fun and entertaining.Ready to win?





Backgammon is one of the oldest dice games. Get all of your pieces out of the board before your opponent does. Keep in mind that there’s always an element of luck involved, as dice will have an influence on every move you make.

Taking place in Chicago, the goal of this roaring 20s casino game is to make the most money out of 5 casino games. Experience the life of a high roller in Al’s Casino; but watch your back! You may get into trouble with some powerful people.

Bzzz the busy bee has to get all the nectar from flowers in the area. As you progress in this evolving environment and its 15 levels, some predators will try to catch you. As they are all looking for a snack, be prepared to react quickly!

Playing alone can be quite fun and stimulating. Your all-time favorite card game will give you hours of fun! Hope you have a lot of time, as this game is addictive.





Mr. Caveman, who lives in a darkened labyrinth, is hungry, but he’s not the only one. Behind each corner hide fierce predators that are watching all of your moves. From level to level, be alert! Your chances of survival may be slim.

Bridge is a game that involves luck, strategy and skill. Today, it still enjoys a huge following around the world. After learning the basics and playing your first session, you will be waiting with excitement for the next game to start.

After a violent earthquake, the animals have escaped from the zoo. While you progress through the 4 different stages, be ready to live great adventures as you will need to use various strategies to bring them back unharmed.

The grand-master himself, Garry Kasparov has participated in the development of this challenging chess game. If chess games are too easy for you, give a try against the chess master! Practice is the only secret to improve your skills!

page 132





The imaginary world of Disney is the perfect way for kids to learn the alphabet and colors. With three separate activities, all set in the world of Donald Duck and his friends, kids will discover that school can be fun.

Pumbaa’s burps are powerful and can disintegrate almost anything. Move left or right and “burperise” falling objects. You need to be awake, as objects fall quickly.

Sudoku, a logic-based number placement puzzle, is puzzling players all over the world. It presents quite a challenge and is sure to satisfy every puzzlesolver who likes logical reasoning exercises!

As a special-forces agent and equipped with high- tech weapons, your mission is to fight the biomechanical aliens threatening to destroy the Earth’s life force! With its four difficulty levels, will you rise to the challenge until the end?




Sixty million players around the world have embraced this Russian- born game, and it’s now available at your seat. This addictive falling- blocks puzzle video game will keep both the casual and savvy gamers entertained for hours.

Sport Series Soccer is the sport of choice around the globe. Its simplicity makes it available to everyone and with its intensity, players will be on their toes every second! Get ready to face off against opposing teams to become world champion!

Battleship® is part of many childhood memories. In order to work your way through the high seas, you need to locate and sink all five enemies’ ships. Think fast before you lose too many boats.

Availability of selection of games depends on the aircraft type and the flight duration.

page 133

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‫اﳌيدل إيست‬ ‫تستضيف مؤﲤر‬


‫انعقد مؤتمر ‪ Cedars Routes‬في مركز التدريب والمؤتمرات التابع‬ ‫لشركة طيران الشرق اﻷوسط بتاريخ ‪ 12‬نيسان المنصرم‪ ،‬حيث أشار‬ ‫رئيس مجلس إدارة ‪ -‬مدير عام شركة طيران الشرق اﻷوسط السيد‬ ‫ن ‪ Cedars Routes‬مبادرة هدفها جمع كل‬ ‫محمد الحوت إلى أ ّ‬ ‫الـلـبـنـانـيـيـن الـعـامـلـيـن في مـجـال الـطـيران في الخارج‪ ،‬لتطوير عمليات‬ ‫الطيران والنقل الجوي ودعمها في لبنان واﻻستفادة من خبراتهم‪.‬‬

‫م ‪ ،Cedars Routes‬بحسب الحوت‪ 40 ،‬شخصاً مّوزعين في أهم‬ ‫وتض ّ‬ ‫مــراكــز الــطـيـران ومؤسساتـه في الـعـالـم بـدءاً مـن الـوﻻيـات الـمـتـحـدة‬ ‫اﻷمـيـركـيـة إلـى الـبـرازيـل وإيـطـالـيـا وفـرنسا‪ ،‬وغـيـرهـا مـن الشركات في‬ ‫مختلف أنحاء العالم‪.‬‬

‫الحوت أوضح أنّ هذه المبادرة تسعى إلى تقوية دور اﻻغتراب اللبناني‬ ‫في عالم الطيران‪ ،‬مما يؤدي إلى دعم لبنان في كل المحافل الدولية‬

‫”مبادرة هدفها جمع‬ ‫اللبنانيﲔ العاملﲔ ﰲ ﳎال‬ ‫الطﲑان‪“.‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪137 | 56‬‬

‫ومساعـدة الـلـبـنـانـيـيـن الـنـاشئـيـن لـلـتـطـّور‪ .‬كما اعرب عن تقديره لريادة‬ ‫اللبنانيين في هذا القطاع قائ ً‬ ‫ﻼ‪« :‬حقيقًة اللبنانين ببيّضو الوجه بعالم‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫و‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫و‬ ‫ل‬ ‫م‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ة‬ ‫م‬ ‫ه‬ ‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ا‬ ‫س‬ ‫س‬ ‫ؤ‬ ‫م‬ ‫الطيران»‪ ،‬مشيراً إلى المراكز وال‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الـميدل إيست من مؤسسي هذه المبادرة ومن الّداعمين لها دوما‪.‬‬ ‫وفي ما يلي نبذة عن مؤسسي مجموعة ‪Cedar Routes‬‬ ‫السيد شاكر شحرور – نائب رئيس ومدير عام – مدير التسويق العالمي –‬ ‫شركة ‪General Electric Aviation‬‬ ‫السيد جيرمي عقل – نائب رئيس ومدير عام العمليات –‬ ‫‪Bristow Group‬‬ ‫السيــد اولــيــفــار حــوري – نــائب رئــيس تــنــفــيـذي – مسؤول الـتـطـويـر‬ ‫واﻻستراتجيات – ‪SmartKargo‬‬ ‫السيد طوني شرف – مدرب ومحاضر تنفيذي مجاز –‬ ‫‪TNC Executive Coaching And Consulting‬‬

URBAN DECAY Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner in Midnight Cowboy

Glitter Eyes

ِ ‫هذا البريق سيجعل‬ ،ِ‫ك سعيدة ومتفائلة! انثريه على وجهك‬ ِ ‫جسم‬ ‫ن‬-‫ك‬-‫ ل‬،‫ة‬-‫ّي‬-‫ال‬-‫ي‬-‫ال خ‬-‫م‬-‫رة ج‬-‫ام‬-‫غ‬-‫وضي م‬-‫ وخ‬،‫رِك‬--‫ك وشع‬ ‫ كي بيقى الماكياج‬،‫تأّكدي من عدم المبالغة في كميّة البريق‬ .ً‫راقياً وفي الوقت نفسه ممتعاً وملّونا‬ © jamalouki.net

MAKE UP FOR EVER Glitter Dust Set

TARTE Treasure pot Glitter Gel in Moonwalk



‫يقع فندق ‪ Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc‬في أقصى الطرف الجنوبي من منطقة‬ ‫اﻻنتيب‪ ،‬وهو منعزل على جرف صخري فوق البحر مع ‪ 22‬فدانا من الحدائق‪،‬‬ ‫وُيعد أحد أجمل الفنادق في أوروبا ﻻ بل في العالم!‬

‫انه المكان اﻷكثر سحراً على الريفيرا الفرنسية‪ .‬مع تاريخ متألق وسجل ذهبي‬ ‫فمن اشهر ضيوفه‪ :‬دوق ودوقة وندسور‪ ،‬وارنست هامنغواي‪ ،‬وبيكاسو‪،‬‬ ‫وغاري غرانت‪ ،‬واليزابيث تايلور‪...‬‬

‫على مر السنين‪ ،‬تم إضافة ‪ 31‬جناحاً‪ ،‬باﻹضافة إلى جناح ‪ .Eden Roc‬في هذا‬ ‫الفندق التقى اﻷمير علي خان بنجمة هوليوود ريتا هيوارث‪ ،‬واجتمعا على مائدة‬ ‫الطعام بدعوة من مدير عام الفندق‪ .‬هذه الدعوة تكللت بعد سنة بزواج أحد اشهر‬ ‫ثنائي في اربعينات القرن المنصرم‪ .‬يشتهر فندق ‪ Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc‬بأنه‬ ‫المنتجع المفضل على شاطئ البحر اﻷبيض المتوسط لدى نجوم هوليوود وأثرياء‬ ‫العالم‪ ،‬ويملك أفخم وسائل اﻻسترخاء ضمن اجواء ديكور جنوب فرنسا البسيط‬ ‫واﻷنيق‪ ،‬وﻻ يبعد اﻻ نحو تسعة أميال فقط من مدينة كان‪ .‬الفندق هو أيضاً‬ ‫المكان المفضل لحفﻼت العشاء المختلفة والمناسبات الخيرية خﻼل مهرجان كان‬ ‫السينمائي‪ ،‬حيث يختاره العديد من المشاهير مكاناً ﻹقامتهم خﻼل المهرجان‬ ‫الممتد على مدار اﻷسبوع‪.‬‬

‫‪Antititbes‬‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫‪es‬‬

I iz Ib ia


‫يتمّيز ‪ Nobu Hotel Ibiza Bay‬بموقع مثالي على شاطئ كاﻻ تاﻻمنكا‬ ‫الرملي‪ ،‬على بعد ثمانية كيلومترات من المطار وعلى بعد كيلومترين شمال‬ ‫مدينة إيبيزا‪ .‬في خﻼل ‪ 15‬دقيقة تكون في أهم المحﻼت والنوادي العصرية‬ ‫في مارينا بوتافوش بارات التاباس في إيبيزا‪ .‬شاطئ إيبيزا معروف لدى‬ ‫محّبي الهدوء واﻻسترخاء ورّواد الحفﻼت وهواة السباحة وخبراء اﻷكل‬ ‫والعائﻼت‪ .‬المناظر المحيطة تجذب الرسامين وسط أجواء من الراحة‬ ‫الفاخرة‪ .‬ضيوف ‪ Nobu Hotel Ibiza Bay‬يعيشون تجربة فريدة سواء في‬ ‫الصباح مع عصير الفواكه الطازجة على الشاطئ أو بعد ليلة راقصة‪.‬‬

‫في هذه اﻷجواء المريحة يمكن تناول وجبات الغداء الطويلة أو العشاء‬ ‫المبكر على بعد خطوات من البحر‪ .‬وجبات الطعام شهيّة ومتاحة في أي‬ ‫وقت من اﻷوقات‪ .‬من اﻷسماك الطازجة المشوّية إلى الباييﻼ أو الوجبات‬ ‫المكسيكية ومشروب السانغريا أو التيكيﻼ‪ .‬حتى الصغار يمكنهم أن‬ ‫ضلة مثل السباغيتي والبيتزا والباييﻼ‪ ،‬وكّلها تحمل‬ ‫يتذوقوا أطباقهم المف ّ‬ ‫نكهة خاصة بإيبيزا‪.‬‬ ‫كما يستطيع الحريصون على لياقتهم البدنّية أن يتابعوا دروس اليوغا‬ ‫والتأمل‪ .‬أيضا تمارين في ال ‪ Reiki‬وال ‪ Ayurveda‬متاحة في ‪ Spa‬إضافة‬ ‫إلى متابعة مع خبراء في إزالة السموم وتجديد الشباب والتدليك وجلسات‬ ‫العناية بالوجه‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪143 | 50‬‬

M rm Ma r ari rs ri


‫‪ D Maris Bay‬ليس مجّرد أوتيل‪ ،‬إّنه وجهة فريدة وفكرة‬ ‫مبتكرة رفعت مستوى المنافسة‪ .‬موقعه الفريد فوق الخليج‬ ‫الفاصل بين بحر ايجه والبحر اﻷبيض المتوسط‪ ،‬يجعل منه وجهة فاخرة‬ ‫ومحاطة بالطبيعة‪ .‬كما أنه يتمّيز بمطابخ عدة تجمع تنّوعاً في اﻷطباق‪ ،‬من‬ ‫اليونانية واليابانية ومن شواطئ البحر المتوسط واﻷناضول‪ .‬لذلك هو مح ّ‬ ‫طة‬ ‫تجذب النخب والمشاهير من العالم‪ .‬أحد مطاعمه‪ Nusr-Et ،‬يشرف عليه طاه‬ ‫مشهور ونجم إنستاغرام ‪ .Nusret Goke‬مطعم ‪ .La Guerite‬أما مطعم ‪Manos‬‬ ‫فيقّدم المأكوﻻت البحرية بالطريقة اليونانية‪ .‬مطعم ‪ Maris Kitchen‬يتنّقل بأطباقه‬ ‫بين المشاوي الفرنسية التقليدية ومأكوﻻت اﻷناضول الشهّية‪.‬‬ ‫كما يتفّرد ‪ D Maris Bay‬بعقد شراكة مع شركة ‪ Bodyism‬اﻹنكليزية التي تعنى‬ ‫بمفهوم العافية لتشمل منتجع ‪ Mytha Spa‬وأربعة مطاعم معروفة وطائرة‬ ‫مروحّية لنقل النزﻻء من وإلى المطار ويخت فخم خاص‪.‬‬ ‫يقّدم اﻷوتيل أرفع الخدمات وأكثرها ابتكاراً ويختار اﻷفضل عالميا في‬ ‫الرفاهية وفن الطبخ‪ .‬فيرضي بذلك جميع اﻷذواق‪.‬‬ ‫هكذا يستمتع محّبو الحفﻼت والصخب باختيارهم لمطعم‬ ‫‪ ،La Guerite‬ومحّبو الهدوء والخصوصية فيختارون‬ ‫‪ Silence Beach‬حيث تكون اﻻتصاﻻت‬ ‫الهاتفية ممنوعة‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪145 | 48‬‬

Ga Go


‫في الهند‪ ،‬وعلى قمة تلة تطل على بحر العرب افتتحت شركة ‪Taj Fort Aguada,‬‬ ‫‪ 17 Resort & Spa‬فيﻼ جديدة تشبه المناسك المنعزلة‪ .‬تصميم الفيﻼت مستوحى‬ ‫من أعمال السيراميك اﻷزرق واﻷبيض التقليدي وتذكرنا بقصور منطقة غوا‬ ‫التاريخية‪ ،‬بما في ذلك الحجر اﻻرجواني والسقوف العالية المقببة والزخارف اﻷنيقة‪.‬‬ ‫تم اختيار لوحات وقطع أثرية معاصرة لفنانين محليين وحرفيين باﻹضافة إلى‬ ‫السيراميك المزجج ﻹضفاء الطابع الشخصي على الديكورات الداخلية‪ .‬يمتد منتجع‬ ‫‪ Taj Fort Aguada‬على مساحة ‪ 42‬فدانا‪ ،‬وأصبح منذ العام ‪ 1974‬على خريطة كل‬ ‫السياح الباحثين عن اﻻنغماس في اجواء الشرق البعيد‪.‬‬ ‫الفندق قائم على أنقاض قلعة برتغالية من القرن السادس عشر‪ ،‬ويشتهر باطباق‬ ‫الطعام الهندي البحري المكون من ثمار الصيد اليومي وبعض اﻷطباق المحلية‬ ‫اﻷصيلة‪ .‬سيكتشف نزﻻء هذا الفندق عراقة الضيافة الهندية التي تتميز بها مدينة‬ ‫غوا‪ ،‬إضافة الى التعرف على مواقعها التاريخية وثقافتها وتقاليد الطهو الخاصة بها‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪147 | 46‬‬


‫أوتيل ‪ Le Negresco‬في مدينة نيس جنوب فرنسا‪،‬‬ ‫‪ 100‬عام تعكس الصورة المثالية للريفييرا اﻷسطورية‪.‬‬ ‫فقصة هذا اﻷوتيل بدأت في العام ‪ 1913‬لصاحبه هنري‬ ‫نيغريسكو‪ ،‬جاذباً إليه مشاهير العالم من فنانين وسياسيين وملوك‪.‬‬ ‫وحتى بعد أن اشترت جان أوجييه ‪ Le Negresco‬في العام ‪1957‬‬ ‫استمّرت الحياة الصاخبة تنبض فيه واستمّر التاريخ البّراق لهذا القصر‪.‬‬

‫اﻹقامة في النيغريسكو تجمع جمالية القديم إلى المعاصر مع مجموعة من‬ ‫التحف واﻷعمال الفنّية الفرنسية القّيمة والفريدة يتراوح تاريخ بعضها بين القرن‬ ‫السابع عشر واليوم‪ 100 .‬غرفة و‪ 250‬جناحاً من مراحل مميزة للفن الفرنسي‪،‬‬ ‫من لويس الثالث عشر إلى الفن المعاصر‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Le Chantecler‬هو المطعم المزدوج النجمات‪ ،‬يقدم اﻷطباق الراقية باﻻستعانة‬ ‫بمنتوجات المنطقة‪ .‬خدمة أنيقة ومرهفة تتقن اﻻستعراض في بعض‬ ‫مناسبات الشواء وذلك في ديكور فاتن وفاخر من القرن الثامن عشر‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Le 37 Pop‬المطعم الذي يكشف أطباق الشيف فيرجيني‬ ‫باسيلوت التي أبدعت في المطبخ الخاص بمدينة نيس‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Le Bar‬يقّدم الجلسة المريحة على إيقاع موسيقى‬ ‫الجاز والبوب في ديكور استثنائي‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪149 | 44‬‬

‫‪Niice‬‬ ‫‪N‬‬

P rt Po r ofin fio fin


‫بعد تشييد البناء كدير في القرن السادس عشر‪ ،‬ثم تحويل‬ ‫‪ Belmond Hotel Splendido Portofino‬إلى فيﻼ ‪ Villa Baratta‬في‬ ‫القرن التاسع عشر ومؤخرا في العام ‪ 1901‬حّول روجيرو فالنتيني‪ ،‬رائد في‬ ‫عالم السياحة في مدينة بورتوفينو اﻹيطالية‪ ،‬الفيﻼ إلى أوتيل ‪Grand Hotel‬‬ ‫‪ .Splendid‬ومن لحظتها استقبل اﻷوتيل المشاهير والعائﻼت اﻷرستقراطية من‬ ‫أوروبا والعالم‪ .‬نجوم أمثال لورين باكال‪ ،‬هامفري بوغارت‪ ،‬إليزابيث تايلور‪ ،‬كﻼرك غايبل‪،‬‬ ‫كاترين دونوف‪ ،‬ليزا مينيللي‪.‬‬

‫في العام ‪ 1985‬اشترت ‪ Orient Express Hotels‬أوتيل ‪ Splendido‬وقامت بعملية تجديد‬ ‫للديكور واﻷثاث‪ .‬حاليا ما زال ‪ Splendido‬يّتسم بطابع أرستقراطي على رغم أنه ليس فندقاً‬ ‫كبيرا بالمعنى التقليدي للكلمة‪ .‬فﻼ ادعاء بالفخامة كما في فندق الريتز‪.‬‬

‫صالة اﻻستقبال الرئيسية مزّينة بمرايا قديمة وسجاد فارسي‪ .‬المطعم يط ّ‬ ‫ل من شرفته على‬ ‫منظر خليج بورتوفينو الرائع‪ ،‬ويقّدم أطباقاً محّلية من اﻷسماك والباستا والكثير من‬ ‫اﻷعشاب‪ .‬أما الحدائق فتنساق من المنحدرات إلى أسفل الفندق لتﻼقي البحر‪ .‬وفيها‬ ‫اﻷشجار المنّوعة وخاصة الزيتون منها واﻷعشاب البّرية والﻼفندر وأزهار البوغانفيل التي‬ ‫تشكل عاز ً‬ ‫ﻻ مع الطريق وتغمر مقاعد الحديقة‪.‬‬ ‫م تجديدها مؤخراً لتؤمن الرحة للنزﻻء‪ .‬أما الجناح‬ ‫الغرف واﻷجنحة أنيقة وت ّ‬ ‫الرئاسي فقد أعيد تصميمه في العام ‪ 2004‬ليطلّ من شرفته الواسعة على‬ ‫خليجي بورتوفينو وتيغوليو‪ .‬ألوان هادئة‪ ،‬أعمال فنّية على الجدران‬ ‫وأرضية من خشب الزيتون‪ .‬أما بالنسبة إلى وسائل الرفاهية‬ ‫منة مع متخصصين على أعلى المستويات في‬ ‫فهي مؤ ّ‬ ‫منتج الراحة‪ ،‬حيث غرف السونا والبخار القريبة‬ ‫من منطقة المسبح‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪151 | 42‬‬



‫فنادق تنتظرك ﰲ هذا الصيف‬

‫هو الوقت اﳌثاﱄ لتحجز عطلتك هذا الصيف‪ .‬أحيانﴼ من اﳌهم التفتيش عن الفندق والشاطئ قبل اختيار البلد‬ ‫السياحي‪ .‬ففي بلدان كثﲑة غﲑ رائجة على لوائح البلدان السياحية‪ ،‬ﲡد أفضل الفنادق واﳌنتجعات واﳌطاعم‪.‬‬ ‫وليس بالضرورة أن تكون اﻷسعار الغالية هي التي ﲢدد روعة الفندق‪ ،‬وخدماته‪ ،‬لذلك عملية انتقاء فندق لﻺجازة‬ ‫مع اﻷحباء ﲢتاج إﱃ خﱪة والكثﲑ من اﻷسئلة والبحث واﳌقارنة‪ .‬نحن ﰲ هذه الباقة من الفنادق نحاول أن‬ ‫نساعدك ﰲ اختيار ما يﻼئم ذوقك‪ ،‬أو كان خافيﴼ عليك‪.‬‬

‫‪© Belmond Hotel Splendido‬‬

‫المزايا اﻻستثنائية مع الخطوط المنحنية لسيارة الطرقات الوعرة هذه‬ ‫لتحّدد شكلها الخاص والُملفت‪.‬‬

‫كأنها قطعة واحدة‬

‫وتبدو اليوم الفئة‪ G-‬الجديدة أكثر من أي وقت مضى‪ ،‬وكأنها مصنوعة‬ ‫من قطعة واحدة‪ .‬فجميع اﻷسطح لديها تصميم مشدود ومسحوب‬ ‫بصورة أكبر‪ ،‬في حين أن جودة السطح ترتقي إلى مستوى أعلى بكثير‪.‬‬ ‫باﻹضافة إلى ذلك‪ ،‬تشّكل أقواس العجﻼت جزءاً ﻻ يتجّزأ من الهيكل‪.‬‬

‫وتـتـمـتـع لـوحـة الـعـدادات الـرئـيسيـة‪ ،‬الـتي تـم تـرتـيـبـهـا وإعـادة تصمـيمها‬ ‫بالكامل‪ ،‬بأقراص دائرية تناظرية بشكل اﻷنبوب وبتصميم أزلي ضمن‬ ‫الـتـجـهـيـزات الـقـيـاسيـة‪ .‬وهـكـذا لـن يشعـر مـحـّبـو الـعـدادات الـكـﻼسيـكية‬ ‫المستديرة بخيبة أمل‪ .‬وُتظهر لوحة للعدادات بشكل شاشة عرض كبيرة‬ ‫عدادات افتراضية في مجال الرؤية المباشرة للسائق‪ ،‬وتتوفر شاشة عرض‬ ‫وسطية فوق الكونسول الوسطي كخيار آخر‪.‬‬

‫سية واﻻنطباعات من مكبرات الصوت‪ ،‬يمكن للسائق‬ ‫وبفضل النبضات الح ّ‬ ‫استخدام لوحة اللمس مع وحدة التحكم من دون إزاحة نظره عن الطريق‪.‬‬

‫الفئة‪ G-‬الجديدة تتمتع بأداء أفضل على الطرقات الوعرة‪ ،‬في حين أنها‬ ‫أكثر رشاقة وديناميكية على الطرقات المستوية مقارنة بطرازاتها السابقة‪.‬‬ ‫فــجــاء نــظـام الـتـعـلـيـق الـجـديـد مـن خـﻼل الـتـعـاون بـيـن مـرسيـدس‪-‬بـنـز‬ ‫ومرسيدس‪ .AMG-‬وتمّ تصميم المحور اﻷمامي الجديد بأسلوب قوي‬ ‫ُومحكم بحيث يتم الحفاظ على اﻷداء الفائق والقدرات المميّزة لطرازاتها‬ ‫السابقة على الطرقات الوعرة‪ ،‬بل والتفوق عليها جزئياً‪.‬‬

‫تعزيز لكل اﳌتطلبات‬

‫تعتبر وضعية ‪ G-Mode‬الجديدة واحدة من‬ ‫الــمــتــطــلــبـات اﻷساسيـة لـخصائص الـتـحـكـم‬ ‫سنة على الطرقات الوعرة‪ .‬وتتغّير الفئة‪G-‬‬ ‫المح ّ‬ ‫إلى وضعية ‪ G-Mode‬بصورة مستقّلة عن‬ ‫وضعـيـة الـقـيـادة الـمـخـتـارة حـالـمـا يـتّم تفعيل‬ ‫اﻷقـفـال الـتـفـاضلـيـة الـثـﻼثـة‪ ،‬أو عـندما يعمل‬ ‫الـنـطـاق الـمـنـخـفض لـﻼنـتـقـال بـالـتـروس إلى‬ ‫مستوى أقل على الطرقات الوعرة‪ .‬وتنطلق‬ ‫السيارة بذلك على اﻷرضيات الشديدة بسهولة‬ ‫تامة‪ ،‬ليتمكن السائق من اﻻستمتاع بكل إنش‬ ‫يجتازه حتى فوق التضاريس القاسية‪.‬‬

‫كما أن الفئة‪ G-‬يق ّ‬ ‫ل وزنها بحوالي ‪ 170‬كلغ‪ .‬إذ يتم تصنيع هيكل الجسم‬ ‫الصلب اﻵن من أنواع مختلفة من الفوﻻذ‪ ،‬في حين يتم تصنيع اﻷجنحة‬ ‫وغطاء المحرك واﻷبواب من اﻷلمنيوم‪.‬‬

‫م سيارة ‪ G 500‬الجديدة محّرك بنزين ‪ V8‬فائق اﻷداء بسعة ‪ 4.0‬ليتر‪،‬‬ ‫تض ّ‬ ‫ويوّلد محّرك التوربو المزدوج الجديد قّوة قدرها ‪ 422‬حصاناً‪ .‬ونجح فريق‬ ‫التطوير في تقليل أزمنة التبديل واﻻستجابة لناقل الحركة بـ ‪ 9‬سرعات عبر‬ ‫صص‪.‬‬ ‫تطبيق برنامج مخ ّ‬

‫”سيارة مرسيدس‬ ‫الفئة‪ G-‬اﳉديدة‬ ‫تغمر أسواق‬ ‫السيارات بفخامتها‬ ‫وﲤّيزها‪“ .‬‬

‫م تعزيز أداء‬ ‫أما على الطرقات المستوية‪ ،‬فقد ت ّ‬ ‫الفئة‪ G-‬بــفضل تصمــيــم الــمـحـور اﻷمـامي‬ ‫الجديد‪ .‬فتتمّتع هذه السيارة برشاقة كبيرة على الطريق‪ ،‬وتوفر راحة‬ ‫مطلقة‪ ،‬وتمنح السائق شعوراً أفضل للتوجيه‪ .‬وتحافظ على مسارها‬ ‫بثبات أكبر‪.‬‬

‫أمــا سيــارة ‪ AMG G63‬في جـيـلـهـا الجديد‪،‬‬ ‫فتأتي مع محرك ‪ V8‬سعة ‪ 4‬لترات مع شاحن‬ ‫توربيني مزدوج يولد قوة ‪ 585‬حصان مع علبة‬ ‫تروس أوتوماتيكية من ‪ 9‬سرعات‪ ،‬لتتسارع‬ ‫السيارة من صفر إلى ‪ 100‬كم‪/‬س في ‪4.5‬‬ ‫ثــانــيــة‪ ،‬وتــبــلــغ سرعـتـهـا الـقصوى الـمـحـّددة‬ ‫إلكترونياً ‪ 220‬كم‪/‬س‪ ،‬وفي حال طلبها مع‬ ‫حزمة ‪ AMG Driver‬ترتفع السرعة القصوى‬ ‫إلى ‪ 240‬كم‪/‬س‪.‬‬

‫تتوفر وضعـيـات ‪ DYNAMIC SELECT‬اﻵن‬ ‫حتى خمس وضعّيات للقيادة في الفئة‪G-‬‬ ‫ويتيح ذلك تعديل خصائص السيارة في ثوانٍ‬ ‫وبـلـمسة مـفـتـاح‪ ،‬حـيث يـعـمـل الـنـظـام عـلى‬ ‫تعديل خصائص المحرك‪ ،‬وآلية نقل الحركة‪،‬‬ ‫والتعليق‪ ،‬والتوجيه وأنظمة المساعدة وفق‬ ‫أوامـر السائـق‪ .‬ويـمـكـن ضبـط الـبـرامج اﻷربـعة «كمفورت»‪« ،‬سبورت»‪،‬‬ ‫«إيكو»‪« ،‬إنديفجوال»‪ ،‬بصورة مﻼئمة عبر مفتاح التبديل ‪DYNAMIC‬‬ ‫‪ .SELECT‬باﻹضافة إلى ذلك‪ ،‬هناك وضعية ‪ Desert‬الخامسة وتمّ‬ ‫تصميمها خصيصاً للسيارات في الشرق اﻷوسط لتتيح أداءً معّززاً أثناء‬ ‫القيادة على الرمال‪.‬‬

‫تقّدم الفئة‪ G-‬اﻵن ضمن تجهيزاتها اﻷساسية نظام توجيه كهروميكانيكي‬ ‫يسمــح بــتضمـيـن أنـظـمـة مساعـدة الـقـيـادة مـثـل مساعـد ركـن السيـارة‪.‬‬ ‫واعتماداً على وضعية القيادة‪ ،‬يتم تفعيل واحدة من ثﻼثة إعدادات من‬ ‫خصائص التوجيه‪ ،‬والتي تسمى «كمفورت»‪« ،‬سبورت»‪« ،‬أوف رود»‪.‬‬ ‫ويضمن ذلك شعوراً مريحاً ورياضياً للتوجيه على الطريق‪.‬‬

‫مرسيدس‪-‬بنز الفئة ‪ G‬بجيلها الجديد ما زالت معيار الفخامة والتميّز‬ ‫والقدرة الرباعيّة الفائقة‪ ،‬حافظت على هويتها المتفردة‪ ،‬وفي الوقت‬ ‫نفسه تطّورت في العمق على كل الصعد‪.‬‬ ‫‪© alamalsayarat.com‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪154 |39‬‬



‫معيار الفخامة والقدرة‬ ‫الرباعيّة الفائقة‬

‫تقﱰب ساعة وصول طراز الفئة ‪ G‬اﳉديدة من‬ ‫مرسيدس‪ -‬بنز إﱃ اﻷسواق‪ ،‬وقد سبق وأن أطلقتها‬ ‫ﰲ معرض أمريكا الشمالية الدوﱄ للسيارات‪.‬‬ ‫حافظ الجيل الجديد من أسطورة النجمة الثﻼثية على القدرات الرباعّية‬ ‫الفائقة والشخصيّة الفخمة المميّزة‪ ،‬مع تجديد في العمق وفي اﻷداء‪،‬‬ ‫سواء على الطرقات المستوية أو الوعرة‪ ،‬ومهما كانت ظروف القيادة‪.‬‬ ‫كـمـا وتـزخـر بأنـظـمـة مـتـطـّورة لـلـمساعـدة‪ ،‬نـاهـيك عـن قـدرات الـتـحكم‬ ‫اﻻستــثـنـائـيـة وجـوانب السﻼمـة الـمـتـكـامـلـة‪ .‬ونـظـام الـتـعـلـيـق الـجـديـد‬ ‫ووضعّيات القيادة ‪ ،DYNAMIC SELECT‬بما في ذلك وضعية «دزرت»‬ ‫‪ .Desert‬وتعمل جميعها على تعزيز مقّومات الراحة والرشاقة اﻻنسيابية‬ ‫لحركة السيارة على أي سطح‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪155 |38‬‬

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‫من ناحية الشكل‪ ،‬لطالما اعتبرت الفئة ‪ G -‬من مرسيدس ‪ -‬بنز السيارة‬ ‫الفاخرة على الطرقات الوعرة‪ .‬وهي المعروفة بفرادة تصميمها منذ فترة‬ ‫طويلة‪ .‬فشكلها الخارجي لم يتغّير بصورة كبيرة منذ العام ‪ 1979‬وﻻ تزال‬ ‫كل هذه الجوانب موجودة في الفئة ‪ ،G -‬مثل المقبض الجّذاب للباب‪،‬‬ ‫والصوت الـمـمـّيـز لﻺغـﻼق‪ ،‬وشريـط الـحـمـايـة الـخـارجي الـقـوي‪ ،‬والعجلة‬ ‫اﻻحتياطية على الباب الخلفي‪ ،‬وأضواء المؤشرات البارزة‪ .‬وتتناغم هذه‬

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‫ينبوع معلومات وخﱪات لدعم‬ ‫اﳌصّممﲔ اللبنانيﲔ اﳌبدعﲔ‬ ‫اﻹبداع متوافر‪ ،‬إﳕا ﻻ يؤدي دوما إﱃ إطﻼق أعمال‬ ‫ناجحة‪ ،‬خصوصﴼ ﰲ ظل غياب التوجيه الﻼزم وعدم اتضاح‬ ‫معاﱂ اﳋطة اﳌهنية التي تضمن ﲤويله وتوّسعه‪.‬‬ ‫ﲟعنى آخر‪ ،‬يحتاج اﳌصّممون‪ ،‬على تعّدد مواهبهم‬ ‫واختصاصاتهم‪ ،‬إﱃ التدريب الﻼزم من اجل اﻻستفادة‬ ‫من مهاراتهم ﰲ بناء قطاعات اقتصادية منتجة‪.‬‬

‫انطﻼقا من هذا الواقع‪ ،‬أنشأ «معهد غوته لبنان» برنامج «فنتصميم» لدعم‬ ‫المصّممين اللبنانيين في صناعة التصميم اﻹبداعي‪ ،‬وذلك لتمكين روح‬ ‫المبادرة الثقافية واﻻجتماعية والبيئية وتشجيع التعاون والتشبيك وبناء‬ ‫القدرات‪ .‬يتوزّع البرنامج‪ ،‬ومدته عام‪ ،‬بين ‪ 4‬مساقات تدريب مستقلة‪،‬‬ ‫تشمل برنامج إقامة للتصميم‪ ،‬مّدته أسبوعان‪ ،‬إلى جانب فرص التظليل‬ ‫ي والعديد من النشاطات اﻷخرى المراِفقة‪.‬‬ ‫الوظيفي والتدرج المهن ّ‬ ‫في هذا السياق‪ ،‬قال مدير «معهد غوته ‪ -‬لبنان»‪ ،‬كونراد سيلر‪« :‬يواجه‬ ‫رواد اﻷعمال الثقافية تحديات محّددة‪ ،‬وهم في حاجة إلى برامج تلبّي‬ ‫حاجاتهم الفردية‪ .‬فكان مشروع «فنتصميم» الذي يشتمل على قنوات‬ ‫متعددة لدعم المصمم اللبناني‪ ،‬من التدريب إلى التظليل الوظيفي وزيارة‬ ‫المعارض العالمية وصوﻻ إلى ِ‬ ‫مَنح لدعم الشركات الناشئة»‪.‬‬

‫ي‬ ‫ُيشار إلى انه باسم الوزارة الفدرالّية اﻷلمانّية للتعاون والتطوير اﻻقتصاد ّ‬ ‫(‪ ،)BMZ‬يدعم «معهد غوته» و«الجمعية اﻷلمانية للتعاون الدولي» (‪)GIZ‬‬ ‫الصناعات الثقافية واﻹبداعية في الشرق اﻷوسط وأفريقيا‪.‬‬

‫ﲡربة تغﲑ مسار اﳊياة‬

‫من جهتها‪ ،‬قالت المهندسة‪ ،‬مصّممة المنتجات جنى عريضي إنها كانت‬ ‫أشبه بـ«ينبوع للمعلومات واﻻلهام واﻻبداع والتشابك»‪ .‬وعن ورش العمل‬ ‫التي توزّعت بين التفكير التصميمي‪ ،‬سرد القصة والتصّور‪ ،‬استراتيجيات‬

‫صفحة ‪157 |36‬‬

‫بالعودة الى المساقات التدريبية اﻷربعة‪ ،‬فهي كاﻵتي‪ :‬اﻷول‪ ،‬مشغل‬ ‫«فنتصميم»‪ ،‬وهو يتيح للمصممين الشباب فرصة تطوير مهارات ابداعية‬ ‫وادارية‪ ،‬عبر تدريب مهني او مرافقة مصّمم محترف في عمله اليومي‪.‬‬ ‫جه مصّممان لبنانيان الى برلين لتعزيز تقنية نفخ الزجاج والتعرف‬ ‫فقد تو ّ‬ ‫الى أساليب الطباعة الرقمية على النسيج‪ ،‬على ايدي محترفين‪ .‬كذلك‪،‬‬ ‫تلقى آخران الدعم في تصميم المواقع اﻻلكترونية والتطبيقات والتقنيات‬ ‫الثﻼثية اﻻبعاد‪ ،‬وذلك عبر فرص تظليل وظيفي في لبنان‪.‬‬

‫من بﲑوت إﱃ برلﲔ‬

‫أمــا الـثـاني‪ ،FANTASMEEM Forward ،‬فـيستـهـدف مصّمـمي الرسم‬ ‫والتحريك ومصّممي الغرافيك والحروف والطباعة‪ ،‬ليصبحوا رواد اعمال‬ ‫جهين بشكل متواصل‪ ،‬وإتاحة فرصة الوصول الى‬ ‫مبدعين‪ ،‬عبر مرافقة مو ّ‬ ‫أمِكنة عمل واﻻستفادة من ورش عمل مصّممة خصيصا لتلبية حاجاتهم‪.‬‬ ‫يـــرمي الــمساق الــثــالث‪ ،‬وعــنــوانــه «دعـم فـنـتصميم»‪ ،‬إلــــى مساعـــدة‬ ‫المصّممـين في تنفيذ أفكار مشاريعهـم اﻹبداعيّة‪ ،‬من خﻼل توفير مَِنح‬ ‫سسات الناشئة واﻹرشاد الفردي‪ ،‬وأمكنة العمل‪ ،‬وجلسات‬ ‫لدعم المؤ ّ‬ ‫المشاركة‪ .‬أما المساق الرابع وهو «معارض فنتصميم»‪ ،‬فيتيح زيارة‬ ‫صصيّة‪.‬‬ ‫المعارض التجارّية العالمية وحضور المؤتمرات التخ ّ‬

‫اﻻفكار اﳌب ِ‬ ‫دعة تستحق التمويل‬

‫كذلك‪ ،‬يشمل البرنامج ثﻼثة نشاطات مكِّملة‪ ،‬وهي‪« :‬حوارات فنتصميم»‪،‬‬ ‫يــدعــو نـخـبـة مـن الـمـتـخّصصيـن في مـجـال الـتصمـيـم اﻹبـداعّي‪ ،‬لـعـرض‬ ‫مــواضيـع حـول اﻻبـتـكـار في الـتصمـيـم اﻹبـداعّي‪« .‬خـﻼصات فنتصميم»‪،‬‬ ‫يفّوض خبراء في إجراء أبحاث حول اﻷُ ُ‬ ‫طر القانونية واﻻقتصادّية لصناعة‬ ‫الـتصمـيـم الـلـبـنـانـيـة‪ ،‬بـاﻹضافـة إلـى الـبـحث في الـتـحـديـات الـتي يواجهها‬ ‫المصّممون‪ .‬أما «نتاجات فنتصميم» ‪ FANTASMEEM Finals‬فتمّكن‬ ‫صات شبكيّة‪.‬‬ ‫المشاركين من تقديم خدماتهم وعرض منتجاتهم على من ّ‬ ‫‪IG: fantasmeem.program‬‬ ‫‪goethe.de/beirut/fantasmeem‬‬

‫‪© Mirros ME‬‬

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‫إثر مشاركته في برنامج اﻹقامة الخاص بالفنانين في «بيت حمانا» حيث‬ ‫حظي إلى جانب ‪ 17‬مصّمماً بفرصة اﻹرشاد المهني على أيدي خبراء‪،‬‬ ‫حضروا من بيروت وبرشلونة وباريس وبرلين‪ ،‬قال المصّمم مارك فريحة‬ ‫إن «فنتصميم» منحه «فرصة التعّلم ﻹطﻼق عمل في مجال التصميم‬ ‫سبة‬ ‫اﻹبداعي وتمويله بطريقة حديثة»‪ ،‬ﻻفتا إلى أن «كل المعلومات المكت َ‬ ‫خﻼل التدريب‪ ،‬ليست متوافرة أساساً في أي برنامج جامعي للتصميم‪،‬‬ ‫وهي ﻻ شك ستساعدني في اﻻستفادة من مهاراتي اﻹبداعية للتوسع‬ ‫في اﻷعمال»‪ .‬أقّر فريحة أنه وقبل خوض هذه التجربة‪ ،‬كان متردداً جدا‪،‬‬ ‫«إنما سرعان ما اتضح لي العكس تماما‪ .‬اختبرت واحدة من أهم التجارب‬ ‫الحياتية على صعيد بناء الذات والتعاون مع المصممين اﻵخرين‪ .‬فصرنا‬ ‫عائلة متكاتفة‪ .‬وهذا ما يؤكد مقولة‪ :‬إذا أردت الوصول سريعاً‪ ،‬فاذهب‬ ‫وحيداً‪ .‬أما إذا أردت الذهاب أبعد‪ ،‬فانطلق مع المجموعة»‪ .‬ولفت إلى أن‬ ‫«الصناعة اﻹبداعية في لبنان والمنطقة‪ ،‬تتمتع بإمكانات هائلة للنمو شرط‬ ‫توافر التدريب المناسب»‪.‬‬

‫التسويق‪ ،‬التخطيط المالي‪ ،‬الملكية الفكرية‪ ،‬قالت إنها كانت «مليئة‬ ‫بـالـمـعـلـومـات الـمـكـثـفـة واﻻستـراتـيـجـية‪ ،‬وشّكلت مجتمعة دعائم متينة‬ ‫للمضي قدما‪ .‬أغنتني هذه التجربة»‪ .‬ولفتت الى ان هذا البرنامج «مّدني‬ ‫بالثقة وحّفزني لمباشرة تأسيس استوديو التصميم الخاص بي‪».‬‬

‫‪FAVRE-LEUBA‬‬ ‫‪Raider Bathy 120 MemoDepth‬‬

‫سجلت دار ‪ Favre-Leuba‬نقطة تحول نوعية في مسيرتها عام ‪ ،1968‬فكانت من االدور‬ ‫التي اهتمت بساعات الغطس‪ ،‬حتى أنها كان لها بصمة بارزة في هذا المجال من خﻼل إصدار‬ ‫ساعة ‪ Bathy‬اﻷصلية والتي كانت تمتلك تقنية متطورة آنذلك تمكنها من قياس المسافة‬ ‫التي بلغها الغطاس تحت سطح الماء بدقة حتى عمق ‪ 50‬متراً‪ .‬تحتفل الدار عام ‪ 2018‬بمرور‬ ‫‪ 50‬عاماً على إطﻼق الساعة اﻷصلية‪ ،‬وها هي اليوم تطلق الجيل الثاني من هذا اﻹصدار من‬ ‫خﻼل ساعة ‪ Raider Bathy 120 MemoDepth‬التي تعد نموذجاً جديداً كلياً من الناحية‬ ‫الفنية‪ ،‬القادرة على قياس المسافة تحت الماء حتى عمق ‪ 120‬متراً‪ ،‬وتتضمن نظاماً يحفظ‬ ‫النقطة اﻷعمق التي وصل إليها الغطاس خﻼل وجوده في عمق المحيط‪ ،‬وهي تقاوم‬ ‫ضغط الماء حتى عمق ‪ 200‬متر‪ ،‬وتمنع تسّربها إلى داخلها‪ .‬هذه الساعة مجهزة أيضاً بإطار‬ ‫دّوار باتجاه واحد‪ ،‬معاكس ﻻتجاه عقارب الساعة‪ ،‬وهو يقوم بتحديد وقت الغطس‪.‬‬

‫خصائص تقنية‪:‬‬

‫حركة كرونوميتر أوتوماتيكية كاليبر ‪ MT5652‬خاصة‬ ‫بالدار مصّدقة ‪ ،COSC‬تمنح وظيفة التوقيت‬ ‫العالمي‪ ،‬وتتمتع بمخزون للطاقة من ‪ 70‬ساعة‪.‬‬


‫من الفوﻻذ المصقول قطر ‪41‬ملم‪ ،‬مع إطار دوار‬ ‫ثنائي اﻹتجاه باللون العنابي واﻷزرق‪ ،‬مقاومة لضغط‬ ‫الماء حتى عمق ‪ 200‬متر‪.‬‬


‫باللون اﻷسود‪ ،‬يظهر الساعات والدقائق والثواني‬ ‫والتاريخ والتوقيت العالمي‪ ،‬بواسطة عقارب‬ ‫ومؤشرات وأرقام مطلية بمادة مضيئة بيضاء‪.‬‬


‫من الفوﻻذ أو حزام جلدي باللون البني أو القماش‬ ‫اﻷسود مع مشبك قابل للطي‪.‬‬


‫‪TUDOR‬‬ ‫‪Black Bay GMT‬‬

‫بحركة جديدة‪ ،‬وظيفة التوقيت العالمي وخصائص جمالية‬ ‫جديدة وﻻفتة‪ ،‬أطلقت دار ‪ Tudor‬ساعة ‪Black Bay‬‬ ‫‪ GMT‬الجديدة‪ .‬هذه الساعة توسع آفاق مجموعة ‪Black‬‬ ‫‪ Bay‬من خﻼل هذا اﻹصدار الﻼفت بإطاره الدوار ثنائي‬ ‫اﻻتجاه وقدرته على تحمل ضغط الماء حتى عمق ‪200‬‬ ‫متر‪ .‬أما الحركة الجديدة التي خصصت‬ ‫لــهــذه الساعــة هي كــالــيـبـر ‪MT5652‬‬ ‫خصائص تقنية‪:‬‬ ‫والتي صنعت في دار ‪ Tudor‬لتبرهن‬ ‫عـن بـراعـتـهـا الـتـقـنـية في عالم صناعة‬ ‫اﳊركة‪:‬‬ ‫حركة كرونوميتر أوتوماتيكية كاليبر ‪MT5652‬‬ ‫الساعـــات‪ .‬يـــجـــدر بـــالـــذكــر أن السوار‬ ‫خاصة بالدار مصّدقة ‪ ،COSC‬تمنح وظيفة‬ ‫المستعمل لهذه الساعة مستوحى من‬ ‫التوقيت العالمي‪ ،‬وتتمتع بمخزون للطاقة‬ ‫تـراث ‪ ،Tudor‬وتـحـديـداً من الساعات‬ ‫من ‪ 70‬ساعة‪.‬‬ ‫الــتي أصدرتــهــا خــﻼل الــخــمـيسنـيـات‬ ‫العلبة‪:‬‬ ‫والستينيات من القرن الماضي‪.‬‬

‫من الفوﻻذ المصقول قطر ‪41‬ملم‪ ،‬مع إطار‬ ‫دوار ثنائي اﻹتجاه باللون العنابي واﻷزرق‪،‬‬ ‫مقاومة لضغط الماء حتى عمق ‪ 200‬متر‪.‬‬

‫باللون اﻷسود‪ ،‬يظهر الساعات والدقائق‬ ‫والثواني والتاريخ والتوقيت العالمي‪ ،‬بواسطة‬ ‫عقارب ومؤشرات وأرقام مطلية بمادة‬ ‫مضيئة بيضاء‪.‬‬


‫من الفوﻻذ أو حزام جلدي باللون البني أو‬ ‫القماش اﻷسود مع مشبك قابل للطي‪.‬‬


‫‪© alamassaat.com‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪158 |35‬‬



‫اﻷناقة من ميزات الرياضيﲔ‬

‫إن كانت آلة وقت رياضية ”عملية“ ترافق اﻷبطال إﱃ مغامراتهم‪ ،‬أو كانت ساعة أنيقة ذات خطوط رياضية‪ ،‬أصبحت‬ ‫بي الساعات‪ ،‬كما ُتعتﱪ ﲟثابة نقطة ارتكاز ﰲ إنتاجات الدور‪ .‬لذلك‬ ‫هذه الفئة من آﻻت الوقت أساسية بالنسبة إﱃ ﳏ ّ‬ ‫كان من اﳌستغرب أن ﻻ نرى الكثﲑ من النماذج اﳌتطورة واﳉديدة من هذه الفئة بﲔ اﻹصدارات اﳉديدة‪ .‬ولكن‬ ‫ﳝكننا القول أن الدور القليلة التي كشفت عن ساعاتها الرياضية اﳉديدة قد أبدعت ﰲ هذا ا‪‬ال‪.‬‬

‫‪PATEK PHILIPPE‬‬ ‫‪Aquanaut Ref.5968‬‬

‫خصائص تقنية‪:‬‬ ‫أوتوماتيكية ‪ Caliber CH 28-520 C‬خاصة‬ ‫بالدار‪ ،‬تمنح وظيفة الكرونوغراف‪ ،‬وتتمتع‬ ‫بمخزون للطاقة من ‪ 55‬ساعة‪.‬‬


‫من الفوﻻذ بقطر ‪42,2‬ملم‪ ،‬مغلفة‬ ‫بالكريستال السافيري من الجهتين‪ ،‬مقاومة‬ ‫لضغط الماء حتى عمق ‪ 120‬متراً‪.‬‬


‫باللون اﻷسود‪ ،‬يقرأ الساعات والدقائق‬ ‫وثواني الكرونوغراف بواسطة العقارب‬ ‫المركزية‪ ،‬بينما ُوضع عداد للدقائق الثﻼثين‬ ‫للكرونوغراف عند الـ ‪. 6‬‬


‫من المطاط المعالج باللون اﻷسود أو البرتقالي‬ ‫مع مشبك قابل للطي بتصميم جديد‪.‬‬


‫صفحة ‪159 |34‬‬

‫تجسد مجموعة ‪ Aquanaut‬من دار ‪ Patek Philippe‬اﻷناقة العصرية والروح الرياضية المغامرة‪.‬‬ ‫تضيف الدار هذا العام وﻷول مرة وظيفة الكرونوغراف لهذه المجموعة من خﻼل ساعة ‪Aquanaut‬‬ ‫‪ Ref.5968.‬وترى الدار أن هذه الوظيفة تتناسب ومجموعة التصاميم الديناميكية‪ ،‬وتناسب الحياة‬ ‫النشطة لمستخدميها‪ .‬كما أن هذا اﻹصدار هو من أول ساعات الدار المزودة بمشبك الدار القابل‬ ‫للطي الجديد‪ .‬حتى أن العناصر التصميمية للساعة بألوانها البارزة تجعل اﻹصدار ينضح بروح الشباب‬ ‫الحيوية‪ ،‬وبهذا تستطيع الدار اﻻستناد على تراثها المتين والمعروف بحرفيتها وفي نفس الوقت‬ ‫تتمكن من جذب فئة المغامرين الشباب لهذا التصميم العصري الجديد‪.‬‬

‫”يؤّدي اﳌسلمون ﰲ صباح العيد بعد‬ ‫شروق الشمس بثلث ساعةًصﻼة العيد‪“.‬‬

‫ﻻ ت‪--‬خ‪--‬ت‪--‬ل‪-‬ف م‪-‬ظ‪-‬اه‪-‬ر ال‪-‬ع‪-‬ي‪-‬د في ل‪-‬ب‪-‬ن‪-‬ان ع‪-‬ن غ‪-‬ي‪-‬ره‪-‬ا م‪-‬ن ال‪-‬ب‪-‬ل‪-‬دان ال‪-‬ع‪-‬رب‪ّ-‬ي‪-‬ة‬ ‫واﻹسﻼمّية‪ ،‬فمن المعروف أنّ إعﻼن انتهاء شهر رمضان ُيحَّدد بناًء على‬ ‫صٌة‪ ،‬فتعلن أنّ هذا اليوم‬ ‫رؤية هﻼل الشهر الجديد‪ ،‬حيث تراقبه لجنٌة مخت ّ‬ ‫هو آخر أّيام شهر رمضان‪ ،‬وتبدأ اﻷسر باﻻستعداد ليوم العيد‪ .‬فربّة اﻷسرة‬ ‫تباشر بإعداد أنواٍع من الحلوّيات الشعبّية والكعك‪ ،‬أمّا اﻷطفال فيجّهزون‬ ‫مﻼبسهم الجديدة ﻻرتدائها صبيحة يوم العيد‪.‬‬

‫العادات ﰲ بعض البلدان العربية‬

‫رغم اﻷوضاع التي يعيشها لبنان إ ّ‬ ‫ن مظاهر العيد حاضرة على الدوام‪،‬‬ ‫ﻻأّ‬ ‫ت والشوارع باﻷعﻼم وأشرطة الزينة‪،‬‬ ‫فيزّين بعض الشباب واﻷسر البيو َ‬ ‫كذلك ويعبق البخور في المساجد التي تتﻸﻷ باﻹنارة الملّونة‪.‬‬

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‫وصبيحة يوم العيد يذهب الناس إلى المساجد لتأدية صﻼة العيد‪.‬‬

‫مة‬ ‫أما المملكة العربية السعودية فتعتني بتحضير وتجهيز حدائقها العا ّ‬ ‫وتزيينها وإنارتها بشكل جميل‪ .‬ويقوم الكبار بتقديم الهدايا والنقود ﻹبهاج‬ ‫اﻷط‪-‬ف‪-‬ال وإدخ‪-‬ال السرور إل‪-‬ى ق‪-‬ل‪-‬ب‪-‬ه‪-‬م‪ ،‬ك‪-‬م‪-‬ا ت‪-‬ق‪-‬وم ال‪-‬ك‪-‬ث‪-‬ي‪-‬ر م‪-‬ن ال‪-‬ع‪-‬ائﻼت‬

‫المقتدرة بشراء كميات كبيرة من المواد الغذائية وتوزيعها أبواب منازل‬ ‫العائﻼت المتعففة‪.‬‬

‫ومن أشهر أطباق الحلويات التي تقدم بالعيد في السعودية‪ ،‬هي حلوى‬ ‫العريكة بالسمن والعسل‪ .‬وتعتبر من الحلويات العريقة والقديمة‪ ،‬إلى‬ ‫جانب الحلويات السعودية اﻷخرى مثل الغرّيبة وحلوى فرفارة‪ ،‬والقصبة‪،‬‬ ‫وحلوى العريكة بالقشطة‪ ،‬كما يقدم طبق حلويات مميز عقب صﻼة العيد‬ ‫يسمى حلو الديبازة‪.‬‬

‫ويردد السعوديون العبارات اللطيفة كنوع من المعايدة والتبريك مثل‬ ‫«عساكم من عواده» و«من العايدين الفايزين»‪.‬‬

‫ل مميٍز‪ ،‬فيتجهز الكبير والصغير‬ ‫ويحتفل اﻹماراتيون بعيد الفطر بشك ٍ‬ ‫بالمﻼبس الجميلة والجديدة‪ ،‬ويلعبون لعبة تسمى «الرزقة»‪ ،‬وهي لعبة‬ ‫شعبية مشهورة في دولة اﻹمارات‪ ،‬أما نقوش الحناء على اﻷيدي فتكون‬ ‫حاضرة بقوة في زينة النساء والفتيات في العيد‪ .‬وهنالك أطباق خاصة‬ ‫تقدم في عيد الفطر في اﻹمارات مثل اللقيمات والبﻼليط والتمور‬ ‫والقهوة والشاي‪.‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪160 |33‬‬


‫عيد الفطر‬

‫صفاء روحي وعادات وبهجة‬ ‫يقع عيُد الفطر ﰲ اليوم اﻷول من شهر شوال‪ ،‬ويأتي بعد صيام شهر رمضان‪ ،‬ويكون‬ ‫أول يوم يفطر فيه اﳌسلمون بعد صيام شهر كامل‪ ،‬ولذلك سمي بعيد الفطر‪ .‬وأول‬ ‫عيد فطر احتفل به اﳌسلمون ﰲ اﻹسﻼم كان ﰲ السنة الثانية للهجرة حﲔ صام‬ ‫اﳌسلمون أول رمضان‪.‬‬

‫ويتميز عيد الفطر بأنه آخر يوم يمكن قبله‬ ‫دفع زكاة الفطر الواجبة على المسلمين‪.‬‬ ‫ويؤّدي المسلمون في صباح العيد بعد‬ ‫شروق الشمس بثلث ساعة تقريباً صﻼة‬ ‫العيد‪ ،‬ويلتقون ويتبادلون التهاني ويزورون‬ ‫اﻷهل واﻷقارب‪ ،‬ويعطفون على الفقراء‪.‬‬ ‫وق‪--‬د ج‪--‬رت ال‪--‬ع‪-‬ادة في ك‪-‬ث‪-‬ي‪-‬ر م‪-‬ن ال‪-‬ب‪-‬ل‪-‬دان‬ ‫اﻹسﻼمية بأن يأكل المسلمون في العيد‬ ‫ب‪--‬عض ال‪--‬ت‪--‬م‪--‬رات أو ك‪--‬عك ال‪-‬ع‪-‬ي‪-‬د ال‪-‬ط‪-‬يب‬ ‫ال‪--‬م‪--‬حشو ب‪--‬ال‪--‬ت‪--‬م‪--‬ر أو ال‪--‬م‪--‬حشو ب‪-‬ال‪-‬م‪-‬ل‪-‬ب‪-‬ن‬ ‫والمغطى بالسكر‪ ،‬والغريبة‪.‬‬

‫”من اﳊلويات اﳌشهورة‬ ‫بهذا العيد ﰲ السعودية‪:‬‬ ‫الغرّيبة‪ ،‬وفرفارة‪ ،‬والقصبة‪،‬‬ ‫والعريكة بالقشطة‪ ،‬كما يقدم‬ ‫طبق حلويات ﳑيز عقب صﻼة‬ ‫العيد يسمى حلو الديبازة‪“.‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪161 |32‬‬

‫وال‪----‬مسل‪----‬م‪---‬ون ي‪---‬تسام‪---‬ون بأع‪---‬ي‪---‬اده‪---‬م‬ ‫ويربطونها بأمجادهم‪ ،‬ويتحقق في العيد‬ ‫ال‪--‬ب‪--‬ع‪-‬د ال‪-‬روحي ل‪-‬ل‪-‬دي‪-‬ن اﻹسﻼمي‪ ،‬وي‪-‬ك‪-‬ون‬ ‫ل‪-‬ل‪-‬ع‪-‬ي‪-‬د م‪-‬ن ال‪-‬ع‪-‬م‪-‬وم والشم‪-‬ول م‪-‬ا ي‪-‬ج‪-‬عل‬ ‫الناس جميعاً يشاركون في تحقيق هذه‬ ‫المعاني واستشعار آثارها المباركة ومعايشة أحداث العيد‪ ،‬كلما دار الزمن‪.‬‬

‫وفي العيد تتجلى الكثير من معاني اﻹسﻼم اﻻجتماعية واﻹنسانية‪ ،‬ففي‬ ‫العيد تتقارب القلوب على الود‪ ،‬ويجتمع الناس بعد افتراق‪ ،‬ويتصافون‬ ‫بعد كدر‪ .‬وفي العيد تذكير بحق الضعفاء في المجتمع اﻹسﻼمي حتى‬ ‫تشمل الفرحة بالعيد كل بيت‪ ،‬وتعم النعمة كل أسرة‪ ،‬وهذا هو الهدف‬ ‫من تشريع «صدقة الفطر» في عيد الفطر‪ .‬أما المعنى اﻹنساني في العيد‪،‬‬ ‫فهو أن يشترك أعداٌد كبيرة من المسلمين بالفرح والسرور في وقت واحد‬ ‫فيظهر اتحادهم وُتعلم كثرتهم باجتماعهم‪ ،‬فإذا باﻷمة تلتقي على الشعور‬ ‫المشترك‪ ،‬وفي ذلك تقوية للروابط الفكرية والروحية واﻻجتماعية‪.‬‬

‫وقد رخص النبي محمد للمسلمين في هذا اليوم إظهار السرور وتأكيده‪،‬‬ ‫بالغناء والضرب بالدف واللعب واللهو المباح‪ ،‬بل إن من اﻷحاديث ما يفيد‬ ‫أن إظهار هذا السرور في اﻷعياد شعيرة من شعائر هذا الدين‪ ،‬ولهذا فقد‬ ‫ي أنه شهد عيداً باﻷنبار فقال‪ :‬ما لي أراكم ﻻ‬ ‫ُروي عن ِعياض اﻷشعر ّ‬ ‫ُتقِّلسون‪ ،‬فقد كانوا في زمان رسول ﷲ يفعلونه‪ .‬والتقليس‪ :‬هو‬ ‫الضرب بالدف والغناء‪.‬‬

‫د‪ .‬روبرت مورغان ‪ -‬ناقد فنّي‬ ‫ومؤّرخ أمﲑكي قال أيضﴼ‬


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‫«‪ ...‬منحوتة رافايل باريوس الفنان العالمي‬ ‫تشكل دعوة إلى مساحة تتقن الخدعة‬ ‫وال‪--‬وه‪--‬م‪ .‬ويست‪--‬ن‪-‬د ب‪-‬اري‪-‬وس ع‪-‬ل‪-‬ى‬ ‫سه ب‪---‬ال‪---‬م‪---‬ادة وت‪--‬وحي أشك‪--‬ال‪--‬ه‬ ‫حّ‬ ‫ال‪-‬م‪-‬ك‪ّ-‬ع‪-‬ب‪-‬ة ب‪-‬ظاهرة ‪trick the eye‬‬ ‫ال‪--‬خ‪--‬داع‪--‬ي‪--‬ة‪ .‬ف‪--‬ت‪--‬ظ‪--‬ه‪-‬ر ل‪-‬ل‪-‬ن‪-‬اظ‪-‬ر وكأن‪-‬ه‪-‬ا‬ ‫تصاعدية وتعلو في الفضاء‪ .‬سطحها أحادي‬ ‫اللون فتبدو وكأنها تندفع إلى اﻷمام أو تتراجع‬ ‫مما يستدعي إحساساً غامضا‪ .‬تبدو أحجامه‬ ‫وكأنها هبطت من الفضاء كإشارة إلى اﻻنسجام‬ ‫ال‪---‬فضائي‪ ،‬اﻷم‪---‬ر ال‪---‬ذي ي‪---‬م‪--‬ن‪--‬ح اﻻنسان شع‪--‬ورا‬ ‫بالطمأنينة‪ .‬برافو باريوس‪».‬‬

‫”تتمّيز أعمال‬ ‫رافايل باريوس‬ ‫ﲟنح اﳌراقب‬ ‫فرصة ليفصل‬ ‫روحه ورأيه عّما‬ ‫يعتقد أنه يرى‪.‬‬ ‫ث‬ ‫أي أنه يح ّ‬ ‫اﳌراقب على‬ ‫الفصل بﲔ‬ ‫قناعاته‬ ‫ومعتقداته‪“.‬‬

‫خيسوس رافايل سوتو الفنان الفنزويلي عن باريوس‬

‫فلنتذكر نهر هيراكليتوس وكهوف أفﻼطون‪ ،‬هي صور متناقضة ظاهرياً‬

‫صفحة ‪165 | 28‬‬

‫لذلك يجب أن يكون الفن أقرب إلى الحقيقة ﻷن مضمونه مبني على‬ ‫العالم اﻻفتراضي كحقيقة رائعة‪ .‬وهذه هي حال أعمال ومنحوتات رافايل‬ ‫باريوس التي تحّفز مخيلتي‪».‬‬

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‫«طالما أننا نصّر على اقتراح واقع افتراضي كمحاكاة أو كانعكاس للهوية‬ ‫العالمية‪ ،‬فنحن نرتكب الخطأ اﻷكاديمي نفسه الذي ارُتكب عند التأكيد على أن‬ ‫اللوحة مصّممة لتثبيت لحظة من الواقع‪ ،‬من دون أن ندرك أن حتى التصوير‬ ‫الفوتوغرافي‪ ،‬والذي ُيعتبر اﻻختراع الذي يسمح بالتقاط اللحظة‪ ،‬هذا التصوير‬ ‫يغفل عن القيمة الزمنية بين لحظة التقاط الصورة وبين لحظة إدراكها‪.‬‬

‫ل‪-‬ك‪-‬ن‪-‬ه‪-‬ا ت‪-‬ح‪-‬ث‪-‬ن‪-‬ا ع‪-‬ل‪-‬ى ال‪-‬ت‪-‬ف‪-‬ك‪-‬ي‪-‬ر بأن‪-‬ن‪-‬ا ﻻ ن‪-‬ت‪-‬ع‪ّ-‬رف ع‪-‬ل‪-‬ى الحقيقة إﻻ من خﻼل‬ ‫انعكاسها‪ .‬اليوم نتلقى ضوء نجوم اختفت منذ مﻼيين السنين‪ .‬أليست‬ ‫هذه الصورة جزءا من عالمنا الحقيقي؟‬

‫”رافايل باريوس‬ ‫صاحب اﳌنحوتات‬ ‫الطائرة‪...‬‬ ‫أعماله اﳌثﲑة‬ ‫لﻺعجاب موجودة‬ ‫بﲔ ﳎموعات‬ ‫دائمة ﰲ معارض‬ ‫عاﳌّية من‬ ‫معرض الفنون‪“.‬‬ ‫كاراكاس‪-‬فنزويﻼ‪ .‬كما ُتعتبر منحوتاته من بين أهم المجموعات عالميا‪.‬‬ ‫تشمل أعمال باريوس المتنّوعة منحوتات كبيرة الحجم مصّممة‬ ‫مة‪ .‬من خﻼل هذه اﻷحجام الضخمة يهدف‬ ‫للعرض في أماكن عا ّ‬ ‫باريوس إلى نقل عالم افتراضي إلى أبعاد ضخمة معاصرة في تجربة‬ ‫بصرّية مبتكرة‪ .‬إبداع باريوس هذا أّدى إلى تكليفه بعدد كبير من‬ ‫المنحوتات لتتناغم مع مراكز مهمة في مدن عديدة‪ ،‬مثل‪ :‬المركز‬ ‫العالمي لشركة كوكا كوﻻ في نيويورك‪ ،‬مبنى ‪Philippe Stark’s‬‬ ‫‪ Murano Grande‬وم‪-‬ن‪-‬تزه ‪ Sunny Isles‬في م‪-‬ي‪-‬امي وح‪-‬دي‪-‬ق‪-‬ة‬ ‫فونتانيﻼ في بويرتو دي بالوس‪ -‬إسبانيا إضافة إلى المقّر الرئيسي‬ ‫لمترو كاراكاس ومقّر شركة ‪ Procter & Gamble‬في فنزويﻼ وأربع‬ ‫م‪-‬ن‪-‬ح‪-‬وت‪-‬ات ع‪-‬م‪-‬ﻼق‪-‬ة في سان ت‪-‬روب‪-‬ي‪-‬ز‪ -‬ف‪-‬رنسا‪ ،‬وغ‪-‬ي‪-‬ره‪-‬ا ال‪-‬ع‪-‬دي‪-‬د من‬ ‫اﻷعمال المدهشة‪.‬‬ ‫حاز باريوس جوائز من مؤسسات ولجان وطنّية عالميّة‪ .‬كما توّلى على‬ ‫مدى حياته الفّنية مناصب رفيعة كمدير فّني لﻸونيسكو‪ ،‬وأستاذ‬ ‫التصميم الثﻼثي اﻷبعاد في معهد نيومن في فنزويﻼ‪ ،‬واستشاري‬ ‫فّني للمشاريع السينمائية وغيرها العديد‪.‬‬

‫تتمّيز أعمال رافايل باريوس بمنح المراقب فرصة ليفصل روحه ورأيه‬ ‫عّما يعتقد أنه يرى‪ .‬أي أنه يح ّ‬ ‫ث المراقب على الفصل بين قناعاته‬ ‫ومعتقداته‪ .‬فيخلق أرضّية حيث ﻻ وجود لقانون الجاذبية‪ .‬فتبدو‬ ‫المنحوتة وكأنها تتحّرك بحّرية وتعلو فوق اﻷرض‪ .‬وهو بذلك يعمد‬ ‫إلى تغيير معتقدات مخطئة حول ما هو ممكن وحول ارتباط اﻹنسان‬ ‫بكل ما هو دنيوي‪.‬‬ ‫‪©all rights reserved‬‬

‫‪© Kylie Jenner‬‬

‫م اﻻعتراف برافايل باريوس كواحد من أكثر‬ ‫بمسيرة فنّية إبداعية‪ ،‬ت ّ‬ ‫الفّنانين المعاصرين الثوريين في أميركا الﻼتينّية‪ .‬كما اعتُبر مبتكر الفن‬ ‫اﻻفتراضي‪ ،‬وهو نهج يصفه بنفسه على أّنه «ابتكار أحجام متشاركة‬ ‫م‬ ‫بصرّيا وابتكار انفصال أحداث عن التصّور‪ ».‬ويضيف‪« :‬الحجم يت ّ‬ ‫تعديله بواسطة الشكل‪ ،‬اعتمادا على المسافة ومكان تواجد المراقب‬ ‫وأيضا من خﻼل تبّدل الضوء على مدى ساعات اليوم‪».‬‬

‫صفحة ‪166 | 27‬‬



‫»تشي غيفارا« الفن اﻵتي‬ ‫من أمﲑكا الﻼتينية‬

‫رافايل باريوس صاحب اللمسة الثورّية على منحوتات هندسّية تتعاطى مع العﲔ‬ ‫والناظر ﰲ أبعاد غﲑ تقليدّية‪ .‬رافايل باريوس مواليد ‪ 22‬تشرين الثاﱐ ‪ 1947‬ﰲ مدينة‬ ‫باتون روج ﰲ لويزيانا من أبوين فنزويليﲔ‪ .‬عاش طفولته وتابع تعليمه اﻻبتدائي‬ ‫ﰲ فنزويﻼ حيث درس أيضﴼ منذ سنه الصغﲑ الرسم والفنون ﰲ متحف الفنون‬ ‫اﳉم‪-‬ي‪-‬لة ﰲ كاراكاس‪ .‬وع‪-‬ن ع‪-‬م‪-‬ر ‪ 16‬سن‪-‬ة ح‪-‬از جائزة وط‪-‬ن‪-‬ية ُتمنح عادة‬ ‫للمواهب الشابة ‪.Premio Nacional de Pintura Juvenil‬‬ ‫شغفه للفن إضافة إلى موهبته المتميزة أدخلتاه كّلية آشبوري في أوتاوا‪-‬‬ ‫ك‪---‬ن‪--‬دا‪ .‬ث‪ّ--‬م حصل ع‪--‬ل‪--‬ى م‪--‬ن‪--‬ح‪--‬ة دراسي‪--‬ة م‪--‬ن ‪J. Walter Thompson‬‬ ‫‪ International‬ليدرس الفنون اﻷصيلة‪ .‬كما درس التواصل والتصميم في‬ ‫كلية أونتاريو للفنون‪ .‬وتخّرج منها بمرتبة شرف‪ .‬أكمل بعدها في جامعة‬ ‫نيويورك مع شهادة في الدراسات العليا في فلسفة الفنون الجميلة‬ ‫بمنحة حكومية‪.‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪167 | 26‬‬

‫خﻼل حياته الفنية أي قرابة ‪ 40‬عاماً‪ ،‬شارك باريوس في أكثر من مئة‬ ‫ما منفرداً أو جماعياً‪ .‬وذلك في أهم المراكز الفنيّة في الوﻻيات‬ ‫معرض إ ّ‬ ‫المتحدة وأوروبا وأميركا الﻼتينية والشرق اﻷوسط‪ .‬أعماله المثيرة لﻺعجاب‬ ‫موجودة بين مجموعات دائمة في معارض عالميّة من معرض الفنون‬ ‫في أون‪--‬ت‪--‬اري‪--‬و‪-‬ك‪--‬ن‪--‬دا إل‪--‬ى م‪--‬ت‪--‬ح‪--‬ف صوف‪--‬ي‪--‬ا إم‪--‬ب‪--‬ر ل‪--‬ل‪-‬ف‪-‬ن ال‪-‬م‪-‬ع‪-‬اصر في‬

‫متناغم مع اﳌدن‬

Ali Younes: Draped corset in textured gazar lamé dress with dramatic curves on the side. VMAR: Mariana earrings – Multi-flat amethyst and emerald, set with green and purple titanium hoops and adorned with diamonds.

W: aliyounes.com IG: aliyounescouture | W: vmarjewelry.com IG: vmarjewelry

Model: Tanya-Velvet Management. Makeup: Charbel Assaf Hair: Elee Sandro. Assistant photographer: Clapham Michael Special thanks to Mariana Wehbe and MWPR team.

168 | 25 ‫صفحة‬

Ali Younes: lurex dress in metallic fuchsia. Deep v-line cleavage. Dramatic skirts with exaggerated voluminous cuts. VMAR: Q-orÊ earrings collection in white gold with diamonds. Purple titanium – Haute Joallerie necklace with. green beryl and diamonds and a white gold chain with rose-cut diamonds.

Ali Younes: Deep red silk taffeta dress with a draped corset and dramatic bow at the waistline. VMAR: orion and Auriga earrings – Haute Joaillerie in rose gold and titanium with fancy cut pink tourmalines, adorned with diamonds. Q-orÊ rings collection available online.

Ali Younes: Polka dotted tulle dress draped asymmetrically and tied at the shoulder with a bow. VMAR: susanna titanium earrings with diamonds and two briolette-cut pink tourmalines. Q-oré rings in purple titanium, yellow gold and white gold. 171 | 22 ‫صفحة‬

Ali Younes: Polka dotted tulle dress draped asymmetrically and tied at the shoulder with a bow. VMAR: susanna titanium earrings with diamonds and two briolette-cut pink tourmalines. Q-orĂŠ rings collection available online.

Ali Younes: Fully beaded dress in metal and pearls. The pattern is linear organic. VMAR: Mariana earrings, geometrical studs in purple and green titanium Pantera necklaces in blue purple and green titanium with diamonds and amethysts. orion Ring – Haute Joallerie with a uniquely cut 16.54 cts. Columbian emerald set in green titanium with diamonds. Q-oré bracelets collection, available online.

173 | 20 ‫صفحة‬

Ali Younes: Deep red silk taffeta dress with a draped corset and dramatic bow at the waistline. VMAR: orion and Auriga earrings – Haute Joaillerie in rose gold and titanium with fancy cut pink tourmalines, adorned with diamonds. Q-oré rings collection available online.

174 | 19 ‫صفحة‬

Ali Younes: Draped corset in textured gazar lamé dress with dramatic curves on the side. VMAR: Fleur de lys cuff – Haute Joaillerie in rose gold with special cut black jet, diamonds, rubellite and green tourmaline. orion Ring – Haute Joallerie with a uniquely cut 16.54 cts. Columbian emerald set in green titanium with diamonds.

Ali Younes: Asymmetrical voluminous taffeta dress in ocher yellow cinched at the waist with a belt of the same fabric. VMAR: Mariana earrings – Geometrical hoops in yellow gold and malachite. Fleur de lys cuff – Haute Joaillerie in rose gold with special cut black jet, diamonds, rubellite and green tourmaline.




‫علي يونس مصّمم اﻷنوثة‬

‫دور اﻷزياء التي تحمل توقيع المصّمم علي يونس تحمل أيضا توقيع‬ ‫الذوق واﻷناقة واﻷسلوب الراقي في تصميم اﻷزياء‪ .‬والمعروف عن‬ ‫سس هذه الدور بعصامّية بعد أن تعّلم أصول الخياطة‬ ‫علي يونس أنه أ ّ‬ ‫من والدته في بيروت‪ .‬مجموعته الجديدة بعنوان «شؤون ملكية» تتمّيز‬ ‫باﻷنوثة الواضحة في الخطوط الضيقة واﻷعناق المكشوفة من دون‬ ‫أن تفقد أّيا من حشمتها‪ .‬فساتينه تنساب بشكل مريح على مستوى‬ ‫الخصر لتضفي شكﻼ أنيقا كﻼسيكيا‪ .‬ويأتي الكشكش والتطريز في‬ ‫أقمشة مطواعة ليسحر العين بجرأة فاخرة ومبهرة‪ .‬تصاميم علي‬ ‫يونس لفساتين الهوت كوتور صور مبدعة فيها من الحرفّية واﻷناقة ما‬ ‫ي‪.‬‬ ‫يكفي للسفر في عالم مليء بالرق ّ‬

‫مارال ملحم و‪ VMAR‬قصة عميقة‬

‫مع خبرة طويلة في مجال المجوهرات‪ ،‬ومع شغفها بالحجارة الكريمة‬ ‫والمواد القّيمة‪ ،‬ابتكرت مارال ملحم رؤية خاصة لعﻼمة تجارية تفتح‬ ‫اﻵفاق والخيال أمام الزبائن‪ .‬فتحّول أحاسيسهم إلى مجوهرات حديثة‬ ‫وفريدة‪ .‬تصاميم فريدة تحكي قصص عميقة وقوّية‪ .‬فتتزاوج جوانب‬ ‫مختلفة في اعتماد أسلوب اﻷبعاد الثﻼثة والزخرفة والرسوم الهندسّية‪.‬‬ ‫حد اﻷلوان الزاهية والتصاميم الجريئة مع روح المصّممة في اهتمام‬ ‫تتو ّ‬ ‫مرهف بالتفاصيل لكل قطعة على حدا‪ .‬مارال ملحم واحدة من رّواد‬ ‫سد المجوهرات بكل أسسها‬ ‫مصّممي مجوهرات التيتانيوم‪ VMAR .‬تج ّ‬ ‫من جمالية التصميم إلى دقة تنفيذ الخطوط المعّقدة لتصبح مجموعة‬ ‫تليق بأن تكون قطعا فّنية‪.‬‬

‫‪Style Editor : Maria Matta - Photography : Luis Monteiro‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪177 | 16‬‬

‫”اﳌعاﱂ الﱰاثية‬ ‫منتشرة ﰲ أرجاء‬ ‫البلدة‪ ،‬من قﻼع وأديرة‬ ‫وفسيفساء‪ ،‬خاصة‬ ‫الرأس الصخري‬ ‫اﳌعروف بالقلعة‬ ‫البحرّية ﳌا يحتويه‬ ‫من نقوش وآثار‪“.‬‬

‫الـجـيـولـوجـية الماضـية شاطئـاً‬ ‫بـحـريـاً حـيـث وصـلت آثـار مـيـاه‬ ‫الــبـحـر الـى أسفـل الـتـلـة‪ .‬وتـزخـر‬ ‫التـلة بالمغـاور الطبيعية والمدافن‬ ‫الـمـحـفـورة في الصخـر مـن الـقـرنـيـن‬ ‫السابـع والـخـامس قـبـل الـمـيـﻼد‪ .‬ويـقـع‬ ‫على التلة دير مار أنطونيوس الكبير الذي يضم‬ ‫آثار مدافن وفسيفساء من الفترة البيزنطية والقرن السابع‪.‬‬

‫في بــلــدة أنـفـه ثـﻼث كـنـائس قـديـمـة‪ :‬كـنـيسة سيـدة الـريـح عـلـى‬ ‫الشاطـئ الشمـالي لـلـبـلـدة وبـنـيت في الـعـهـد الـبـيـزنـطي‪ .‬كـنـيسة‬ ‫القديسة كاترينا التي بناها الصليبيون في القرن الثاني عشر وتحمل‬ ‫واجهة الكنيسة الغربية أكبر نافذة مستديرة بين الكنائس الصليبية‬ ‫المعاصرة لها‪ .‬وكنيسة مار سمعان ومار مخائيل في وسط الحارة‬ ‫القديمة وتعود إلى العصر البيزنطي‪.‬‬

‫باختصار‪ ،‬تنفرد هذه البلدة بعناصر جذابة من التاريخ والتراث البحري‬ ‫واﻻثار المتنوعة وتزيد من استقطاب السياح اليها للتمتع بتلك‬ ‫المناظر الساحرة وﻻ سيما عندما يتجاور الزائر مع شاطئها ويتفاعل‬ ‫مع بحرها‪ .‬ولمن يرغب بإقامة طويلة‪ ،‬بيوت الضيافة المتميّزة‬ ‫بأجوائها الرومنسيّة‪ ،‬فتقع في محاذاة الشاطئ أو داخل الحارة‬ ‫البحرّية‪ .‬وكّلها ﻻ تبعد أكثر من دقائق معدودة سيرا على اﻷقدام‬ ‫من غالبية المرافق السياحية في المنطقة‪ .‬أما المنتجعات البحرّية‬ ‫فتستقبل ضيوفها بمناظر رائعة مطلّة على الخليج‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪179 | 14‬‬

‫الصناعة الحرفية تراجعت كثيرا لتصبح شبه منقرضة في يومنا هذا‪ .‬وقلّة‬ ‫قليلة من السكان المحليّين ما زالت تستخدم هذه البرك لﻺنتاج الشخصي‪.‬‬ ‫ويرحّب أصحابها بالزائرين فيخبرونهم عن تاريخ هذه الحرفة وأهميتها في‬ ‫صناعة تاريخ البلدة‪ .‬إذ إن أنفة ُتعتبر من أولى البلدات التي انتجت الملح وما‬ ‫تزال‪ ،‬فهي تشتهر بمﻼحاتها المنتشرة على طول شاطئها‪ ،‬وﻻستثمارها لثروتها‬ ‫البحرية‪ ،‬إن من حيث استخراج ثمار البحر أو إقامة المنتجعات السياحية الفخمة‪.‬‬ ‫كما أنها تتميز بزراعة الزيتون ومنتوجاته‪ ،‬وبسوقها التجاري الذي بات مقصدا‬ ‫لكل متسّوق من جميع أرجاء المنطقة‪ .‬وفي أنفة أيضا شركات ومعامل‬ ‫ومعاصر للزيتون ومؤسسات تربوية واجتماعية فاعلة وناشطة‪.‬‬

‫المعالم التراثية منتشرة في أرجاء البلدة‪ ،‬من قﻼع وأديرة وفسيفساء‪ ،‬خاصة‬ ‫الـرأس الصخـري الـمـعـروف بـالـقـلـعـة الـبـحـرّيـة لـمـا يـحـتويه من نقوش وآثار‪.‬‬ ‫استحوذ رأس أنفه الداخل في البحر بطول ‪400‬م وعرض ‪100‬م‪ ،‬على اهتمام‬ ‫جميع الشعوب التي مرت في البلدة‪ .‬هذا اﻻهتمام يتجلّى من خﻼل اﻵثار‬ ‫الـعـديـدة فـيـه‪ :‬أعـمـال الـفـيـنـيـقـيـيـن المحفورة في الرأس الصخري‪ ،‬ومعاصر‬ ‫الخمور القديمة التي اشتهرت أنفه بجودتها‪ ،‬عدا اﻷقنية واﻷدراج واﻵبار‬ ‫والـــمـــدافـــن الــمــحــفــورة في الصخــور‪،‬‬ ‫والقطع الفخارية من مختلف العصور‪،‬‬ ‫وقطع الفسيفساء الملونة‪...‬‬

‫الــمـتـاحـف في أنـفـه وجـوارهـا لـهـا حّصة‬ ‫أيضا‪ .‬وهي تضمّ مجموعات تراثّية قديمة‬ ‫ومـــخـــطــوطــات نــادرة وأعــمــال فــّنــيــة‬ ‫مــعــاصرة‪ .‬فــمـتـحـف الـتـراث والـتـقـالـيـد‬ ‫الشعـبـيـة في جـامـعـة الـبـلـمند – الكورة‪،‬‬ ‫يــعــرض لــوحـات تـروي قصص السكـان‬ ‫المحلّيين وتقاليدهم الثقافية في العقود‬ ‫الغابرة‪ .‬يضمّ المتحف حوالي ‪ 250‬قطعة‬ ‫هي عــبـارة عـن أدوات مـنـزلـيّـة ومـعـّدات‬ ‫كــانت تستـخـدم في الـزراعـة والصنـاعـات‬ ‫والمهن الحرفية التقليدية اللبنانية‪ .‬كما‬ ‫م مـجـمـوعـة كـبـيـرة مـن أثـاث الـمنزل‬ ‫يض ّ‬ ‫القروي والتي لم تعد تستخدم اليوم‪.‬‬

‫” ﲤكنت أنفه من استقطاب رواد‬ ‫البحر وﳏّبي اﻻستجمام فأصبحت‬ ‫مقصدا للسياح اﶈلّيﲔ‬ ‫واﻷجانب على السواء‪“.‬‬ ‫أما متحف “نابو” على ضفاف شاطئ بلدة الهري المحاذية‬ ‫ﻷنفة‪ ،‬فيقّدم مجموعة فريدة من التحف الفنية التي تعود الى‬ ‫الـعصور الـبـرونـزيـة والـحـديـديـة‪ ،‬بـاﻹضافـة إلـى تحف إثنوغرافية‬ ‫ومـخـطـوطـات نـادرة الـوجـود‪ .‬كـمـا يضم الـمـتـحـف نـمـاذج مـن‬ ‫اﻻعـمـال الـفـنـيـة الـحـديـثـة الـمـعـاصرة ﻷهـم الـفـنـانين اللبنانيين‬ ‫والعرب‪ .‬ولعل أبرز ما يميز هذا المتحف واجهته البحرية التي‬ ‫تعكس أشعة الشمس على التحف الفنية المعروضة‪ ،‬خاصة‬ ‫خﻼل وقت المغيب‪.‬‬ ‫تشرف على أنفه مجموعة من التﻼل الصخرية أهمها تلة مار‬ ‫أنطونيوس وتلة مار جرجس وتلة مار عبدا‪ ،‬وهي غنية بالمدافن‬ ‫الصخرية التي تعود الى القرون المسيحية اﻷولى‪ .‬وتعتـبر تلة مـار‬ ‫أنطونيـوس موقعـاً غنـياً باﻵثار‪ ،‬وقد ثبـت أنها كانـت في العصور‬

‫صفحة ‪181 | 12‬‬



‫سانتوريني لبنان‬ ‫بقلم ﻻرا قصيفي‬

‫أنفه بلدة ناشطة سياحيا‪ ،‬على شاطئ البحر اﳌتوسط وعلى بعد ‪ 68‬كلم عن العاصمة بﲑوت و‪15‬كلم عن‬ ‫مدينة طرابلس‪ .‬وهي تكتسب شهرتها نسبة ﳌوقعها اﳉغراﰲ كشبه جزيرة على شاطئ صخري عريق ﰲ‬ ‫التاريخ‪ ،‬شّكل عﱪ العصور ﳏطة اسﱰاتيجية ﻻستيطان الشعوب ونقطة جاذبة للغزاة والعابرين‪ .‬تبلغ‬ ‫مساحتها اﻹجماليّة نحو خمسة مﻼيﲔ مﱰ مربع ﳏاذية للبحر‪.‬‬ ‫والـيـوم يـطـلـق عـلـيـهـا زّوارهـا اسم أنـفـوريـني تـيـمنا بسانتوريني اليونانية‬ ‫لتشابه أحيائها البحرّية بطابع جزر اليونان المتمّيزة بمنازلها البيضاء‪ .‬لكن‬ ‫أسماء أنفه تبّدلت عبر التاريخ‪ .‬ففي رسائل تل العمارنة الشهيرة التي تعود‬ ‫الى القرن الرابع عشر ق‪ .‬م‪ .‬كانت بلدة أنفة تدعى أمبي ‪ Am-bi‬ثم تحولت‬ ‫إلى أمبا ‪ Ampa‬حين ذكرت في النقوش اﻷشورية في اﻷلف اﻷول قبل‬ ‫الميﻼد‪ .‬وفي العهد اليوناني الروماني ذكرت باسم ترياريس ‪ Triere‬أي‬ ‫السفينة ذات صفوف المجاذيف الثﻼثة‪ .‬وفي العهد البيزنطي ظلت‬ ‫ترياريس مذكورة على نطاق واسع فكانت مركز أسقفية‪ .‬أما في القرن‬ ‫السابع الميﻼدي فقد افتتحها العرب وعرفت في مصادرهم باسم أنفه‪.‬‬ ‫احتلها الصليبيون مع بداية القرن الثاني عشر ودعوها «نفين»‪.‬‬

‫عــرفت أنــفــة جــمـيـع الـمـراحـل الـتـاريـخـيـة الـتي تـركت آثـارهـا عـلـى الـتـﻼل‬ ‫والشواطئ والكهوف والمعابد والدهاليز والمعاصر والممرات والخنادق‬ ‫المحفورة كلها في الصخور‪ .‬كّلها زادت أنفة تمايزا إضافة الى أهمية‬ ‫موقعها الجغرافي‪ .‬الخنادق الثﻼثة في وسط الموقع استخدم الفينيقيون‬ ‫أكبرها لصناعة السفن ثم تحولت الى خطوط دفاعية فاصلة في عهد‬ ‫الصليبيين وكانت مركزا صناعيا وتجاريا مهما‪.‬‬

‫تمكنت أنفه من استقطاب رواد البحر ومحّبي اﻻستجمام فأصبحت‬ ‫مقصدا للسياح المحلّيين واﻷجانب على السواء‪ .‬فهي بمناظرها الطبيعية‬ ‫بـيـن شواطئـهـا الصخـرّيـة ولـون الـبـحـر الـفـيـروزي وزرقـة السمـاء ومـبانيها‬ ‫البيضاء وبساتين الزيتون تبدو وكأنها لوحة فّنية تنقل الزائر إلى أجواء من‬ ‫الرومنسّية واﻻسترخاء‪.‬‬

‫كما تمتّد على طول الشاطئ المقاهي والمطاعم التي تقّدم اﻷطباق‬ ‫الـلـبـنـانـيـة الشهـّيـة وبـخـاصة اﻷسمـاك الـطـازجـة الـتي يصطـادهـا السكان‬ ‫المحلّيون في اليوم نفسه‪.‬‬

‫على مدخل البلدة الشمالية تنتشر دواليب الهواء الزرقاء التي تستعمل‬ ‫لصناعة الملح وهي جزء من تاريخ بلدات الشمال اللبناني‪ .‬دواليب الهواء‬ ‫منتشرة على طول شاطئ أنفه البحري‪ ،‬وكانت تستخدم لجّر مياه البحر الى‬ ‫المﻼحات بهدف استخراج الملح المنزلي المعروف بملح الزهرة‪ .‬لكن هذه‬

‫صفحة ‪183 | 10‬‬

‫‪© Christian Ghammachi - Rise Above Lebanon‬‬

‫السّياّح يقصدون أنفه‪ ،‬ﻻسّيما ”شاطئ الريح“ فيها ﻷنه يتميّز بمياهه‬ ‫النقّية‪ .‬كما تتوّفر على طول الشاطئ الرياضات المائيّة من السباحة إلى‬ ‫ركوب اﻷمواج والتزلّج على الماء‪ .‬ويستطيع هواة الغوص اﻻستمتاع‬ ‫بشكــل كــبـيـر في أنـفـة‪ ،‬فـمـيـاهـهـا الصافـيـة تـجـذب هـواة هـذه الـريـاضة‬ ‫ﻻستكشاف العالم البحري وغناه بالثروات الحيوانية والنباتية‪.‬‬

‫‪ K o o n s‬يكسر الرقم القياسي‬ ‫لفنان ويبيع أرنباً بـ ‪ 91‬مليون دوﻻر!‬

‫يبدو أن السوق الفنّي ﻻ يعاني أية مشاكل‪ ،‬والدليل الحدث الذي حصل في المزاد العلني في معرض‬ ‫م بيع أرنب من الفوﻻذ المقاوم للصدأ للفنان ‪ Jeff Koons‬بقيمة ‪91‬‬ ‫كريستيز في نيويورك‪ ،‬حيث ت ّ‬ ‫جل سعره رقماً قياسياً لفنان على قيد الحياة‪ .‬جيفري أو جيف كونز (‪ 64‬عاماً)‬ ‫مليون دوﻻر وبالتالي س ّ‬ ‫فنان أميركي اشتهر بالعمل على مواضيع شعبية وعلى استنساخ أشياء عادّية مثل الحيوانات على شكل‬ ‫بالون‪ .‬كريستيز كانت توقعت أن تباع منحوتة اﻷرنب هذه البالغ طولها ‪ 91‬سنتيمتراً بسعر يتراوح بين ‪50‬‬ ‫و‪ 70‬مليون دوﻻر‪ ،‬ولكن بعد حوالي عشر دقائق استقّر المزاد مع فائز قّدم عرضا بقيمة ‪ 80‬مليون‪،‬‬ ‫وأضيفت إلى المبلغ رسوم المزاد فبلغ السعر النهائي ‪ 91.075.000‬دوﻻراً‪.‬‬

‫‪©all rights reserved‬‬

‫ُيعتبر «أرنب» كونز واحداً من أكثر أعماله شهرة‪ .‬وكانت منحوتاته دائما مح ّ‬ ‫ط جدل‪ ،‬وبخاصة بعد أن برز اسمه‬ ‫كفنان رائد في المجال الفّني في نيويورك في الثمانينات‪ .‬قبل افتتاح العرض كانت صالة كريستيز قد‬ ‫وصفت المنحوتة بأنها «واحدة من أكثر اﻷعمال شهرة في القرن العشرين‪ ».‬وعلّق موقع المزاد قائﻼ‪« :‬إنها‬ ‫قطعة فّنية رائعة تثير اللغة المرئية للطفولة‪ .‬صحيح أن افتقارها إلى مﻼمح الوجه يجعلها غير واضحة لكنها‬ ‫في المقابل تبعث الفرح والمرح‪ ».‬ﻻ ش ّ‬ ‫ك أن اﻷسعار القياسية لمنحوتات كونز تثير دائماً ردود فعل‬ ‫متناقضة‪ .‬فعلى رغم موقع المنحوتة وقيمتها وريادتها عند الكثيرين‪ ،‬يتساءل بعض النقاد ما إذا كان اﻷمر‬ ‫يستحق الثمن المحّقق في المزاد‪ ،‬وبعضهم يرفض أعماله ويعتبر أنها تستند إلى الترويج الساخر في‬ ‫اﻷساس‪ .‬وجاء في عنوان لجريدة نيويورك تايمز‪« :‬حتى اﻷثرياء ليسوا أثرياء كفاية بالنسبة إلى جيف كونز»‪.‬‬

‫القهوة انتشار عالمي وفوائد عديدة‬

‫ُتعتﱪ القهوة أكﱶ اﳌشروبات شعبية عند اﳌﻼيﲔ من سكان العاﱂ‪ .‬وﲢتوي فوائد عديدة ﻷنها‬ ‫ﲤنح اﳉسم النشاط واﳊيوّية بسبب مادة الكافيﲔ‪ ،‬أضافة إﱃ عدد من الفيتامينات واﻷحماض‬ ‫ل اﳌناسبات‪ .‬من‬ ‫اﳌفيدة‪ .‬حديثﴼ تطّورت طرق ﲢضﲑ القهوة وتعّددت أنواعها وباتت ُتقّدم ﰲ ك ّ‬ ‫أنواع القهوة اﳌنتشرة عاﳌًيا‪ ،‬اﻹسﱪّسو وهي قهوة إيطالية سوداء ثقيلة ﲤتاز بطعمها اﳌّر‬ ‫وُي‪-‬فّضل أن ُت‪-‬شرب ب‪-‬دون سك‪-‬ر وﳝك‪-‬ن ت‪-‬خ‪-‬ف‪-‬ي‪-‬ف‪-‬ه‪-‬ا بإضاف‪-‬ة ال‪-‬ق‪-‬ل‪-‬ي‪-‬ل م‪-‬ن اﳊليب أو الفانيﻼ‪ .‬أما‬ ‫الكابوتشينو اﳌتمّيز بطبقة الرغوة على وجهه‪ ،‬فيمكن تقدﳝه بعدة نكهات‪ ،‬مثل البندق واللوز‬ ‫والفانيﻼ‪ .‬القهوة اﻷمﲑكية وُتحّضر باستخدام ماكينة خاصة مع فلﱰ للتقطﲑ‪ .‬وتكون ﳐففة‬ ‫باﳌاء أو باﳊليب‪ .‬هناك أيضﴼ الكافيه ﻻتيه وقهوة اﳌوكا‪ .‬أما القهوة العربية فتُعتﱪ من أقدم‬ ‫م طحنها وغليها‪ .‬ﳝكن ﲢضﲑها مع‬ ‫أنواع القهوة وُتحّضر من حبوب الﱭ اﶈّمصة جدﴽ ويت ّ‬ ‫حبوب الهال أو الزعفران‪ .‬وُيفّضل أن ُتقّدم بدون سكر ﰲ فناجﲔ صغﲑة خاصة‪ .‬هناك أيضﴼ القهوة‬ ‫الﱰكّية اﳌنتشرة ﰲ اﳌقاهي الﱰكّية وﰲ الدول العربّية‪ .‬صحيح أن القهوة جزء من روتﲔ حياة‬ ‫الشعوب على اختﻼفها وصحيح أن فوائدها عديدة لكنها تصبح ضاّرة عند اﻹفراط ﰲ شربها‪ .‬فهي‬ ‫تزيد من احتمال اﻹصابة بأمراض القلب والشرايﲔ وتقلّل من مستوى امتصاص اﳊديد وﲢّد من‬ ‫ﻼ‪.‬‬ ‫الشهية وتسّبب اﻷرق لي ً‬

‫ﻷكثر من فنجان قهوة‬



‫في منطقة الزلقا‪ ،‬القريبة من بيروت‪ ،‬يقع مقهى ‪ .Agonist‬لعّله‬ ‫المقهى اﻷكثر رواجاً في بيروت ﻷنه فريد من نوعه‪ ،‬فهو أّول مقهى‬ ‫ُيفتتح في لبنان مع طاقم كامل من ذوي اﻹرادات الصلبة‪ .‬الميزة التي‬ ‫تجذب رّواد المقهى هي أجواء الترحاب والروح الحيوية والديناميكية‬ ‫والفرح‪ .‬هذه اﻷجواء التي يقّدمها الموظفون تعكس جّديتهم وتحّملهم‬ ‫ل‪--‬ل‪--‬مسؤول‪ّ--‬ي‪-‬ة‪ ،‬وق‪-‬ب‪-‬ل أي شيء اﻹي‪-‬ج‪-‬اب‪-‬ي‪-‬ة والسع‪-‬ادة ع‪-‬ن‪-‬د ل‪-‬ق‪-‬اء ال‪-‬زب‪-‬ائ‪-‬ن‬ ‫وخدمتهم‪ .‬تجربة ‪ Agonist‬مع موظفين من ذوي اﻹرادات الصلبة هي‬ ‫في اﻷساس تجربة إنسانيّة جديدة تهدف إلى اندماج هؤﻻء الشبان‬ ‫والشابات في المجتمع ليصبحوا فاعلين ومنتجين وليكونوا ﻻحقا أفراداً‬ ‫مستقّلين‪ Agonist .‬ي‪--‬ق‪ّ-‬دم ق‪-‬ائ‪-‬م‪-‬ة غ‪-‬ن‪ّ-‬ي‪-‬ة ب‪-‬م‪-‬خ‪-‬ت‪-‬ل‪-‬ف أن‪-‬واع ال‪-‬ق‪-‬ه‪-‬وة‬ ‫والمشروبات واﻷطباق الجاهزة‪.‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪184 | 9‬‬

‫‪ MOBICASE‬الكومبيوتر – الحقيبة‬

‫بيروت تحتضن‬ ‫«المعرض العربي للفن»‬

‫‪ ،MOBICASE‬أحدث اﻹصدارات من منتجات ‪ Rovingwork‬ومقّرها‬ ‫ملبورن‪ .‬أّول كمبيوتر ﳏمول مرفق ومّتصل بحقيبته‪ .‬يوّفر‬ ‫‪ MOBICASE‬ل‪-‬رج‪-‬ال اﻷع‪-‬م‪-‬ال اﳌساف‪-‬ري‪-‬ن ﳏطة عمل فّعالة‬ ‫ﳝكن ﲡهيزها ﰲ أي مكان وخﻼل ثواﱐ‪ ،‬والعملية كلها مع‬ ‫حقيبة أصغر من اﳌلّفات اﳌتوّسطة‪ .‬بعد أن جمعت أكﱶ من‬ ‫‪ 270‬أل‪-‬ف دوﻻر ﰲ ع‪-‬م‪-‬ل‪-‬ي‪-‬ات ال‪-‬ب‪-‬ي‪-‬ع عﱪ منّصات التمويل اﳉماعي‬ ‫‪ Kickstarter‬و‪ Indiegogo‬ومع بيع أكﱶ من ‪ 3000‬وحدة ﰲ أكﱶ من‬ ‫‪ 40‬دولة‪ ،‬تعمل ‪ MOBICASE‬على ﲢسﲔ كفاءة وفعالّية وبيئة‬ ‫العمل ﰲ حال التنقل والسفر ﰲ جميع أنحاء العاﱂ‪MOBICASE .‬‬ ‫الكمبيوتر اﶈمول اﳌدموج بحقيبة يصل ارتفاعه ‪ 20‬سنتم‪،‬‬ ‫ﳑا يخفف من آﻻم الظهر ويسّهل اﻷعمال‪ .‬ويوّفر أيًضا أقصى تدفق للهواء بغض النظر عما إذا كان‬ ‫الكمبيوتر اﶈمول مرفوعﴼ أو منخفضﴼ‪ ،‬لذلك ﻻ يوجد أي قلق بشأن ارتفاع درجة اﳊرارة‪.‬‬ ‫يعتﱪ ‪ MOBICASE‬مثاليﴼ للسفر ﻷنه يحتوي على غﻼف مطّاطي ‪ EVA‬مقاوم للضربات والصدمات‬ ‫وهو مقاوم للماء ﰲ الداخل‪ ،‬كما يوّفر الغﻼف الداخلي تخزين اﳌستندات‪ .‬مع كﱶة وضرورات السفر ﰲ‬ ‫أيامنا ﻻ ﳝكننا اﻻستغناء عن أجهزة الكمبيوتر اﶈمولة خاصة ﰲ اﳌقاهي واﳌكتبات ومراكز العمل‬ ‫ن بعض اﻷشخاص يشعرون باﻹحباط بسبب عجزهم عن‬ ‫اﳌشﱰكة وصاﻻت اﳌطارات‪ ،‬كما نعرف أ ّ‬ ‫العثور على منتجات مصّممة بشكل جيد ﻹدارة أعمالهم وواجباتهم الشخصيّة‪ .‬هذا هو السبب ﰲ‬ ‫ابتكار ‪ ،MOBICASE‬ﳌساعدة الناس على البقاء من ّ‬ ‫ظمﲔ وعلى اﳊفاظ على انتاجيتهم الفعالة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ MOBICASE‬متاح حالًيا بحجمﲔ عﱪ موقع ‪rovingwork.com‬‬

‫يشه‪--‬د م‪--‬وسم الصي‪--‬ف في ل‪-‬ب‪-‬ن‪-‬ان ح‪-‬رك‪-‬ة سي‪-‬اح‪-‬ي‪-‬ة ن‪-‬اشط‪-‬ة‬ ‫وخاصة خﻼل شهر تموز لذا كانت فكرة معرض فّني في ‪12‬‬ ‫و‪ 13‬و‪ 14‬تموز ‪ .2019‬وذلك في فندق مونرو‪ ،‬وسط بيروت‬ ‫من الساعة الثالثة بعد الظهر لغاية الساعة التاسعة مساًء‪.‬‬ ‫يهدف هذا المعرض إلى اﻹضاءة على النتاج الفّني‬ ‫الحديث والمعاصر من الرسم والنحت إلى التصوير وفن‬ ‫التخطيط والغرافيك وغيرها‪ .‬ويتميّز المعرض بعرض‬ ‫أع‪--‬م‪--‬ال ت‪--‬ت‪--‬راوح أسع‪--‬اره‪-‬ا ب‪-‬ي‪-‬ن مئ‪-‬ة وأرب‪-‬ع‪-‬ة آﻻف دوﻻر‬ ‫فيتوجّه بالتالي إلى كل الطبقات اﻻجتماعية‪ .‬ويتمحور‬ ‫أيضاً حول نقاشات بين خبراء وفنانين وحول ورش عمل‬ ‫ورسم مباشر مع عرض ﻷعمال من توقيع فنانين كبار‬ ‫ومتخّرجين جدد وفنانين شباب وأيضاً سيكون هناك‬ ‫مساحة للمواهب الفتّية واﻷطفال ليعّبروا عن أفكارهم‬ ‫بمساعدة رسامين ونحاتين محترفين‪.‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫ّ هنا هناك‬ ‫من‬


‫طناجر كاﲤة للصوت‬ ‫لو كانت اﳊياة عادلة لكان لكل طنجرة أو مقﻼة الغطاء اﳋاص بها‪ ،‬ولكان من السهل إيجادها من دون إحداث أي‬ ‫فوضى أو ضجة أو إحباط ﰲ عملية البحث عن الغطاء اﳌناسب للوعاء اﳌناسب‪ .‬لذا أطلقت شركة ‪OnelidKickstarter‬‬ ‫لتح ّ‬ ‫ل هذه اﳌشكلة وليصبح كل مطبخ أكﱶ أمانﴼ وأكﱶ نظافة ومرحﴼ وأقل فوضى‪.‬‬ ‫صحيح أن مصانع اﳌقاﱄ والطناجر ﰲ العاﱂ ُتَعّد باﻵﻻف لكن مشكلة الغطاء ﱂ تكن يومﴼ هدفهم اﻷول ‪ .Onelid‬غطاء‬ ‫ل‬ ‫واحد يناسب أي وعاء مهما كان مقاسه أو حجمه‪ .‬فﻼ ضرورة اليوم لتخزين عدة أغطية ﻷن تصميم ‪ Onelid‬يح ّ‬ ‫مشكلة الغليان اﳌفرط والفوران‪ .‬كما أن اﳌواد اﳌستعملة ﰲ تصنيع ‪ Onelid‬تعزل اﳊرارة عن اﳌقابض الساخنة‪.‬‬ ‫واﻷهم من هذا كلّه ‪ Onelid‬يؤمن ﲡربة من دون أصوات وإزعاج‪ .‬انطلقت فكرة ‪ Onelid‬ﰲ اﻷساس مع سيلفسﱰ‬ ‫فانتوري اﳌساهم ﰲ ابتكار ‪ .Onelid‬فقد راقب طباخﲔ يعملون على استعمال ورق اﻷلومينيوم كغطاء ﻷوانيهم‪.‬‬ ‫وتباًعا عمل على تطوير الفكرة وجعل الغطاء عازل للغليان واﻹفاضة من اﻷواﱐ‪ .‬يأمل مصنّعو ‪ Onelid‬أن يحدثوا ضجة‬ ‫ﰲ اﻷسواق العاﳌية وأن يحجبوا اﻷصوات ﰲ اﳌطابخ‪.‬‬ ‫صفحة ‪185 | 8‬‬

meet the Marwan Naaman @marwannaaman

Over the course of a 25-year career, Marwan Naaman has written for the likes of Modern Magazine, Monocle, Harvey Nichols, Bloomberg Businessweek, eHealth Insurance and Guidewire Software, in a variety of fields that range from lifestyle, travel, design, fashion and art to finance and medicine. He’s worked as a Travel Writer, Editor and Producer for various companies in San Francisco, including Fodor’s Worldview, Atevo, Preview Travel and Travelocity. Marwan also published a best-selling book about Lebanon’s retail scene,“Shop Beirut.”He won the 2016 Gold Sabre Award for best nonprofit campaign for the 10KSA breast cancer awareness event, which also broke a Guinness World Record. Marwan has lived in Paris, Brussels, Beirut, Marbella, Miami and San Francisco and is fluent in four languages. He travels as often as possible in search of new adventures.

Auteure, biographe, critique littéraire, chroniqueuse, journaliste mode, culture et art de vivre. Ses articles sont fréquemment reproduits dans la revue de presse Courrier International. A fait ses études complémentaires et universitaires à Paris où elle a vécu 13 ans et travaillé comme assistante parlementaire chargée des événements et du suivi de la communication entre la circonscription et les ministères. Sa carrière de journaliste de mode commencée par hasard en 2000 en a fait une voyageuse fréquente, l’introduisant dans l’univers fascinant des créateurs de mode, des parfumeurs et des joaillers qu’elle a le privilège de contribuer à faire connaître. Mariée avec Amine Abou Khaled, ancien directeur de L’Orient Le Jour, maman d’une jeune fille, Marie, elle adore Ehden, son village natal au Nord du Liban, Beyrouth dans sa folie, les bibliothèques, les forêts, les lieux insolites ou abandonnés, la marche à pied, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin et l’humour anglais.

Fifi Abou Dib @fifiaboudib

Editors ‫أﳎد إسكندر‬ @amjad.iskandar

‫خمس وثﻼثون سنة في خدمة صاحبة‬ ‫ هذا المسار بدأ بعد تخُّرجي من‬.‫الجﻼلة‬ ‫ة‬-‫ع‬-‫ام‬-‫ج‬-‫ق في ال‬-‫ي‬-‫وث‬-‫ت‬--‫ﻼم وال‬--‫ة اﻹع‬--‫ي‬--‫ل‬--‫ك‬ ‫رر‬-‫ح‬-‫ن م‬-‫ه م‬-‫ي‬-‫درجُت ف‬-‫ مسار ت‬.‫ة‬-‫ي‬-‫ان‬-‫ن‬-‫ب‬-‫ل‬-‫ال‬ ‫ الى‬،‫صحفي في كبريات الصحف اللبنانية‬ ‫تساب‬---‫اً في اك‬---‫ع أشواط‬---‫ط‬----‫مسؤول ق‬ ‫ات في‬-‫ي‬--‫مسؤول‬--‫ل ال‬--‫م‬--‫ح‬--‫ وت‬،‫رات‬--‫ب‬--‫خ‬--‫ال‬ ‫ لبنانيا توليت‬.‫الوسائل اﻹعﻼمية المتنوعة‬ ‫ إضافة‬،‫رئاسة وإدارة تحرير مجﻼت عدة‬ ً‫الى العمل التلفزيوني مديراً للتحرير ومعدا‬ ‫ عربياً عملت مدير اخبار في ثﻼث‬.‫للبرامج‬ ِ ‫ ورئيس تحرير لَمو‬،‫فضائيات عربية‬ ‫قعين‬ ‫ وكان لي ايضا تجربة إذاعية‬.‫الكترونيين‬ ‫ة‬-‫ى اﻹذاع‬-‫ل‬-‫اً ع‬-‫ام‬-‫اً ع‬-‫لت مشرف‬-‫م‬--‫يث ع‬--‫ح‬ ‫ هذه‬.‫الرسمية في إحدى الدول العربية‬ ‫المسيرة المهنية تضمنت ايضا اعتمادي‬ ‫ت‬ ُ ‫ حيث دَّرب‬،‫ البريطانية‬BBC ‫مدِّرباً في‬ ‫عشرات الكادرات العليا في مجالي اﻹذاعة‬ ‫العمل‬.‫ن والمغرب‬-‫م‬-‫ي‬-‫ون في ال‬-‫زي‬-‫ف‬-‫ل‬-‫ت‬-‫وال‬ ً‫ يشكل تحديا‬CEDAR WINGS ‫في مجلة‬ ‫في خوض الصحافة السياحية التي تعتبر‬ ً ‫مجا‬ ‫ رغم‬.‫ﻻ مفتوحاً على آفاق ﻻ حدود لها‬ ‫ تبقى للصحافة‬،‫تعدد تجاربي اﻻعﻼمية‬ ‫المكتوبة منزلة خاصة في نفسي ﻷنها‬ .‫البداية واﻷساس‬ 187 | 6 ‫صفحة‬






L’AUTRICHE en famille et en musique

TRAVEL Copenhagen



CONCEPT PIONNIER Les Galeries Lafayette

ARCHITECTURE Gaudí’s Barcelona



MUSÉE Leighton House

KENYA A wildlife paradise



MODE Été ailleurs


183 | ١٠



177 | ١٦


‫سانتوريني لبنان‬

161 | ٣٢



‫علي يونس ومارال ملحم‬

153 | ٤٠


‫صفاء روحي وعادات‬


‫هذه الفنادق بانتظارك‬

‫ الورق من‬.‫ل‬.‫م‬.‫لة ﰲ لبنان من قبل ﳎموعة الرعيدي للطباعة ش‬‫ﲤت طباعة وتصميم هذه ا‬ ‫ لذا نرجو‬،‫ وهو من مصادر مستدامة وصالح ﻹعادة التدوير‬Fadel group ‫ ومن توزيع‬،Terraprint ‫نوع‬ .Cedar Wings ‫ كل اﳊقوق ﳏفوظة لـ‬.‫مساعدتنا للتقليل من ﳐلفات النفايات‬ .‫لة‬‫ غﲑ مسؤولة عن اﻵراء الواردة ﰲ هذه ا‬M EA ‫إن شركة طﲑان الشرق اﻻوسط‬


‫اﳌدير العام‬ ‫دومط الرعيدي‬

‫رئيس التحرير اﳌسؤول‬ ‫أمجد اسكندر‬

‫‪w ngs‬‬

‫مدير ﲢرير القسم اﻻنكليزي‬ ‫مروان نعمان‬

‫مديرة ﲢرير القسم الفرنسي‬ ‫فيفي أبو ديب‬ ‫كاتبة رئيسية‬ ‫ماري جو الرعيدي‬ ‫مسؤولة اﳌوضة‬ ‫ماريا متى‬

‫ريما مكاوي‬ ‫ماريا عبود‬


‫‪Online Branding Agency‬‬ ‫‪Creative Lounges‬‬ ‫‪www.creativelounges.com‬‬ ‫لﻺعﻼنات‬ ‫‪Pressmedia Tamam sal‬‬ ‫‪Tel: +961 1 577 000‬‬ ‫‪info@pressmedia.com.lb‬‬ ‫‪ Cedar Wings‬مجلة تصدرها كل‬ ‫شهرين‪ ،‬مجموعة الرعيدي بتكليف‬ ‫من شركة طيران الشرق اﻻوسط‪.‬‬ ‫إن كل المواد الصحفية في هذه‬ ‫المجلة هي حق حصري للناشر‪.‬‬ ‫ويمنع على اي كان ان يستعمل‬ ‫كليا او جزئيا هذه المواد من دون‬ ‫اذن خطي من الناشر‪ .‬إن كل‬ ‫المواد متوافقة مع تاريخ اﻻصدار‪.‬‬

‫حقوق النشر‪:‬‬


‫لﻺتصال‬ ‫‪Tel: +961 5 45 66 66‬‬ ‫‪cedarwings@raidy.com‬‬

‫‪www.cedarwingsmag.com‬‬ ‫المؤسس‬

‫وفيق العجوز‬

‫‪46‬‬ ‫‪Cover photo‬‬ ‫‪Escape, Portofino‬‬

‫أجنحة اﻷرز‬

w ngs


‫عيد الفطر‬

‫صفاء روحي‬ ‫وعادات وبهجة‬


‫فنادق تنتظرك ﰲ هذا الصيف‬

The In-flight Magazine of Middle East Airlines - Air Liban


‫ الخطـوط الجوّيـة اللبنانيّـة‬- ‫مجـلة طيـران الشـرق اﻷوسـط‬

Issue 171 ‫ عدد‬June - July 2019 ‫ تموز‬- ‫حزيران‬

cover 171.qxp_Layout 1 5/28/19 3:42 PM Page 1

w ngs

Un coin d’ORIENT sur la Tamise





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